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The third Language Link Art of Writing course was a lot of fun to teach. The students were all extremely creative, funny, and eager to share their ideas over the course of five weeks.

Sixteen Stories

Teaching this class was very different from teaching other classes at Language Link. I was constantly surprised at the students ability to use English imaginatively and figuratively. Throughout the course we did a lot of writing ranging from short autobiographies to haiku poems. We also explored the differences in genres, the elements of plot, the development of characters, use of description, theme, figurative language, summarizing, punctuation, poetry, and much else. At the end of the course we focused on sharing our stories with the class, which involved

written by students from SUPER SUMMER The Art of Writing class

the students providing fair and useful feedback. During this potentially hazardous process I was happy to see how considerate and kind the students were to one another. Have fun reading the following stories. They vary widely in theme, length, and just plain weirdness, so you shouldnt get bored!
Editor: Mitchell Willcox MITCHELL WILLCOX, TEACHER Have fun reading the following stories. They vary widely in theme, length, and just plain weirdness, so you shouldnt get bored!


by Bean Hoang Lan by Hoang Dieu Linh by Angela Red Bird/Tran Nhat Anh by Nguyen Do Nguyen Khoa by Nguyen Phuong Linh by Franklin/Tran Nhat Hoang by Nguyen Le Phuong Anh by Le Hoang Nguyen by Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen by Do Minh Hanh by Duong Minh Chau by Nguyen Thu Phuong by Han Le Minh by Nham Quoc Hung by Nguyen Hai Van by Tran Minh Khai

TRAN MINH KHAI - Age 14 08 14 19 24 30 33 38 40 45 48 54 60 64 66 71 74 NGUYEN THU PHUONG Age 13 Phuong would like to be a doctor in the future. According to her, the theme of her story is, Do everything which is difficult with your best friends. We need friendships for a better life. NGUYEN PHUONG LINH Age 14 During the class Phuong Linh borrowed a book titled Tuck Everlasting. However, the theme of her own story is, If you really dream of something and follow it, one day it will come true. NGUYEN THI THANH HUYEN Age 15 The protagonist in Huyens story is both mean and unrepentant at the end. According to her, the theme of her story is, Always be careful with people around, they might be good, but also they can be really evil. NGUYEN LE PHUONG ANH Age 10 Phuong Anh was always vocal in class and ready to not only tell, but illustrate her story. This made her fun to teach this summer. According to her, the theme of her story is simply, Dont let other people fool you. Khai wants to be a billionaire when he grows up and wanted to be called Bob in this book. According to him, the theme of his story is, Sometimes bad things happen to good people. FRANKLIN (TRAN NHAT HOANG) Age 9 Franklins name comes from the Franklin the Turtle books, which means he is an author named after a character. According to him, the theme of his story is, If you play casinos a lot, you will get a lot of money.

NGUYEN HAI VAN Age 14 The character in Vans story, unlike Van, is quite naughty. According to her, her story is Awesome. Anybody can read it because its easy to read and the theme basically is, Be Nice! NHAM QUOC HUNG Age 13 Hung wants to be a millionaire when he grows up. According to him, the theme of his detective story with a surprising twist is, Good people always do good things and/or talented people should do their best to help their country. ANGELA RED BIRD (TRAN NHAT ANH) Age 11 Angela Red Bird is obsessed with the game Angry Birds. Actually, its pretty surprising that there are no angry birds in her story. According to her, the theme of her story is, Listen to rules or you will have to face the consequences. HOANG LE NGUYEN Age 16 Nguyen likes the Black Library series of science fiction books and chose to write another story for their series. According to him, the theme of his story is, Never let your guard down and never underestimate anyone. BEAN HOANG LAN (DAU HOANG LAN) Age 11 Lans story is quite the cliff hanger, so she wants you to know that you can email her if you want to know what happens next. According to her, the theme of her story is, No matter what happens, dont give up (unless you wanna die). BATMAN (HOANG DIEU LINH) Age 13 Linh Batman is an accomplished illustrator and would like to be an animator for Disney when she grows up. According to her, the theme of her very serious story is, Dont think big dreams are impossible. Your patience, passions and intentions will help you to overcome the trials. Nothing is impossible.

NGUYEN DO NGUYEN KHOA Age 13 Khoa has already started writing the sequel to his Noir detective story which promises to be even more exciting than the one you can read here. Grab next years installment to see what happens! DUONG MINH CHAU Age 13 Chau wrote some beautiful poetry in class. She didnt tell me, but if I had to guess I would say the theme of her story is be careful who you marry. DO MINH HANH Age 11 Hanhs writing in class was often funny. During a dialogue exercise Barack Obama turned into a terrorist. The irony. She didnt tell us her story theme, but I would guess it is there is no place like home. HAN LE MINH Age 11 Minh is undoubtedly a fan of horrors and hangers. If I were to guess the theme of his story it would be steer clear of murderous geriatrics.

Death God is Not Like You Think!


rate that well find the samples we need, Alex. And I have feelings of something being there. Cant believe you told the principal wed go to the Death Valley just because you feel something! And you hadnt even asked me if that was ok. Now there is no way to return the ticket. Its because he wanted the answer immediately. Come on, the school will sponsor our trip and Ill make it up for you. What do you think about watching Transformers: Dark of the Moon? You already bought the tickets? I knew youd be mad at me so yeah; I already bought the tickets-VIP seats. Lucky for you to know what my favorite movie is. What time its showing?

Have you ever believed in things like goddesses, space shift?

I bet you dont. Im gonna tell you a story about all of those things. Trust it or not, its up to you, but please be patient cause this is quite a long story..
*Notice: Not suitable for people who have nightmares after watching a horrible movie..

Well be in time if we go now. Then whatre you waiting for? Lets go! That was the conversation between two best friends- Vian and Alex. Vian was only 16 years old but her cleverness helped her get into college. She owns a perfect shape: 5.6 feet high and weight 104 pounds, she has light-brown hair with a pair of blue, cold eyes. Unlike Vian, her best friend-Alex is 18 years old; he is 5.9 feet high and

Chapter 1

weighs 160 pounds; he has blond hair with brown, warm eyes. All because theyve won the New York City Science Competition, earning the 1st prize for their school, so the principal wanted to give them a motivation to keep winning in the National Science Competition. He decided to pay for the trip to the location where they could collect the most examples for their project. In this case, its The Death Valley. Today Vian and Alex started their work as soon as they arrived in the desert to avoid the high heat. But the sun burned so hot that after almost 2 hours, they were all covered in their sweat and every 5-minutes they drank water. 30 minutes more and well go back to the camp, said Alex, We found almost enough samples. OK., replied Vian.

The key
No-creature wanted to pay a visit to the Death Valley. Its an infinite place that seems to take forever to pass through with the burning sun right on your head and no water at all, a place covered by a deadly atmosphere. No one expected two students could have anything to do here-in the Death Valley. Back to yesterday. Hundreds of places are suitable for our project. Yet you choose Death Valley. Are you insane, Vian? It was named Death Valley for a reason! Do you know therere only 13 people who have crossed that stupid desert? But out of hundreds of places you said, its the area that has the highest success

After a few minutes searching, Vian found some kind of metal chain half-buried in the sand. Vian thought it was odd, because normally there wouldnt be any type of metal in the middle of the desert like this. But soon Vian decided there had to be something hidden under the sand. Vian started digging and pulling the chain at the same time and just in 10 minutes, she found an old, rusty chest.

Chapter 2:

The moment that life changed

Just the second he inserted the key into the lock, Alex snapped his hand back. Whats wrong? asked Vian. I feel like my hand is burning, all because I tried opening that damn chest, groaned

Vian shouted to Alex, Hey Alex! Look what Ive got! Alex ran to the Vian and gasped, Wow! What the hell? Where did you find this? From the sand, of course! Vian laughed. They carefully viewed the chest. It was as big as a mini fridge and really normal, made by steel, with a drawing of a hand on the top. There was a lock in the middle part. Do you think there is a chance that this chest contains some kind of treasure? asked Alex. Vian only shrugged her shoulders. I wonder what this hand-symbol does? said Alex, with his hand kept knocking on it. Vian suggested, Push it. Alex did, but nothing happened. Get out of the way, Vian demanded and came in front of the chest. You can see that I tried but its worthless, Vian Alex mocked. Vian gave a black look to her companion. Next, she put her hand on the symbolwhich fitted perfectly. Suddenly the palm of the symbol rose outside, Vian grabbed and turned it 180*, then she pulled it to her side Crack

Alex, holding his hand tight. Really? Let me try Vian said curiously. Youll know that Im right, nagged Alex Vian smiled, Ill take that as a yes. Vian touched the keyAnd switched it. See! Its OK! Vian said to Alex and opened the case at the same time. No, it isnt. Your eyes, Vian YOUR EYES!, shouted Alex Vian took out the back of her IPod touch quickly and saw the reflect of her eyes, they were abnormal. Why? Because her blue eyes had turned into deep, full-black eyes. Then Vian could saw the vein on her hand clearly and it was turning black too. As she dropped her IPod, Vian shouted, I cant control my hand No matter how hard she tried to resist, Vians hands did what they wanted. They turned to the chest, took out a round, white, flat peridot in it, the jewelry had a cross on one of its sides. Vians right hand held it so tight. The cross became as hot as flame, it traced into her hand. Vian was so frightened to see smoke came from her hand, it pain grew so painful that she had to scream. Vian could control her left hand; she tried to use it to split the peridot stone out her hand.

The sound appeared when Vian did that, both her and Alex discovered that she just pulled out a wooden pipe. A key wrapped in silk was placed in it.

But it was worthless, Vian felt even more painful, like a hundred needles in heart. She fell to the ground. All she could see was darkness start-

Alex picked up the key and said Dont need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out that THIS belongs to the lock.

ing to cover the sky. The sun burst into a thousand lights. One of the lights went straight through her right hand. Vian finally was able



to let go of the peridot stone. The pain ended, Vian sighed for relief. Suddenly the stone cracked into different pieces. They formed into a chain around her right wrist. Other lights started to fall down. Each light went into each piece of bracelet, created a beautiful galaxy of light in every quantity. Vian stared at the bracelet; she didnt understand why tears were coming out of her eyes. She looked up again, to the sky. In darkness, a black hole appeared. The second time Vian wondered why she didnt feel scared. The only thing she felt was peaceful. Then, her eyes began, slowly shutting down

No! I bet people will say that we were having a hallucination and that I did this to myself. Actually I did, but in an indirect way. They will think that I found this unique bracelet and we made the whole thing up Vian sighed, I think today is already enough, tell the tutor that were going home tomorrow. Me too. I cant stand this anymore Alex agreed. And so Vian and Alex set back to New York the next day. Everyone was quite surprised to see them coming back so soon. Despite questions about that, neither one told the true reason, they decided to lie that they were very lucky to collect enough samples in just one day. After going to school for 3 days, just before the summer vacation, Vian got sick. Her parents already bought the tickets for the family to go on holiday. They were

Chapter 3:

deciding about whether they should continue or not. They were absolutely sure that theyd stay, but when they talked to Vian about their decision, she nagged Dont let my illness stop you from having a good time! You know its hard to get a ticket to East Costa at this time of the year. How long since the last time you had a break? Come on, even though that Im sick, it doesnt mean I cant take care of my self! Consider this vacation as a second honeymoon. Think about the things you can do together: swimming, fishing, going to spaGo! Her parents look at each others. Shes right, Jane. Its been a long time we havent had a break. I agree, Nick Jane smiled, then she turned to Vian, Young lady, here is $100, promise me that you will call us if anything happen, OK? Well be back in 5 days. I PROMISE said Vian, smiling. Her parents were the most importance people to her. Their hard-working had turned a 10m2 flat into a high-class apartment on the 17th floor with a perfect viewing of the city. Somehow they managed to teach Vian never to waste anything and to be a good person; they always encourage her to never quit and to be determined in doing something. That was why she wanted her parents to have someday of rest. But Vian didnt know thered be a consequence for her decision The day Nick and Jane went on holiday was a heavily rainy day. Honey, you dont have to come down here just to say goodbye said Jane. Thats right. Youre sick and its raining. It isnt good for your health Nick continued.

The death
Vian! Vian!

Vian opened her eyes, it was Alex. Where am I?, asked Vian. The camp. You were unconscious answered Alex. Give me the mirror. said Vian. Dont worry. You have your normal eyes back replied Alex, showing a small mirror to Vian, When I saw you struggling with that stone, I just wanted to run to you and take it off. But my feet got stuck in the sand. They wouldnt move! I was so mad. Aaaggghhh!!! whined Alex. I understand. What about the black hole? Black hole? There was no black hole. All I saw were you striving against the burn retold Alex, handing over Vians IPod touch and her bag, Dont forget this. Vian didnt say anything; she just took back her stuff. The cross symbol traced to her hand and the light-bracelet around her wrist caught on her eyes. Alex could notice that, he asked We should talk to somebody to the whole strange thing in the desert



Forget about that. What kind of child that doesnt say goodbye to their parents? And are you thinking you can go away without giving me a hug? Oh, darling. Thats so sweet of yours. So right before Nick & Jane walk into the cab, they hugged Vian so tightly that she almost couldnt breath. Bye mom. Bye dad Vian said, Have fun! And Vian watched the taxi started going Suddenly, another car moving on the intersection lost its control. Even though the driver attempted to stop the car but the road was so slippery that the car kept spinning round. Before Vian could recognize, the car crashed into the taxis body of Nick and Jane. The taxi was thrown and the back of it crashed into a tree hard. Nooooo! Vian screamed, she ran as fast as she could despite of the rain and the falls, the driver of the taxi walked out of the seat, lurching. His arms were covered in blood. Vian didnt think about him much, all she cared was her parents. She pulled them out of the cab and put them on the sidewalk. Within a second, she took out her phone and dial 911, I need an ambulance, RIGHT NOW!!! then she turned to Nick and Jane, entreat persistently, Stay with me! STAY WITH ME! she did everything she was taught to save someone in a case likes this. She ripped a piece of her clothes to bandage their wounds. They were apoplexy. Sharp glasses were pinned all over their body. Blood kept flowing. Vian tried so hard but nothing worked. Dont, Vian, dont Nick coughed out blood; I guess its time for me and your mom to go. gasped Nick. He faced to Jane, smiled and held her hand tightly. This is my fault, if I hadnt if I hadnt then you would be OK right now. Vian regretted. Dont blame yourself like that, we cant run away from fate. Jane whisper, she took out a key covered in her blood and clasped it in Vians hand, There will be time you need this. Then Nick gave his hand to Vian, she grasp it sturdily.

Please dont go dont go. Vian cried. Goodbye my sweet daughter Jane said her last word. Goodbye my little angel Nick said his last word. Goodbye mom. Goodbye dad Vian replied in a strangled voice. Vians tears combined with the rain drops. And the hands Vian was holding, bit by bit, drop off

Chapter 4:

The mentor
Every relative and friend of the family was at the funeral. Alex attended too; he knew he should be there for his best friend. Although he get that Vian was really strong, he didnt expect to see her so calm. She just felt the key that her mom gave her. Something told her to keep it the way it was - full of blood and rain smell. Vian decided to bury her parents next to each other. As the long day passed, Vian returned home. When she opened the door, a man wearing a black suit was in the house, looking outside the window. He heard the sound and turned to Vian, saying: Hello Vian. My name is Ian and Im your mentor.

Chapter 5:

1st mission
Vian stared at the stranger with a curious look. She took out her phone and dial 311. But just when she was going to press the call button, her right hand felt really hurtful. The phone was dropped down. The cross on her hand became dazzlingly bright. Vian clenched her teeth, What? Ian smiled, Thats justa kind of ritual when you meetME then he threw a piece of crystal to Vian, Put it on the mark. Vian caught the crystal; she put it on her hand. Vian frowned in surprise as the



crystal started to melt down in her arm. The pain ended and the cross stopped to bright up. Now, I know that youre tired and upset because your parents death. But you have something to do. I dont even understand what youre talking. Of course you dont. Ian said, he took out a pearl and blew it into dust. Just in a second, they were transferred to the end of a water fall with Japanese cherry trees blossoming all around it. There was green grass on both sides and a bridge over the river. Where is this place? asked Vian, feeling dizzy. This is my home answered Ian. Then Ian walked on the bridge, he turned to the water fall and pressed his palms together. The water fall was like a curtain being raised as Ian slowly opened his hands. Vian saw a big wooden door. How do we get there? You have to learn how to be patient, dont you? Let me show you. Ian commented, he nipped off a cherry blossom and jumped down the river. The water flew around him, yet it didnt touch him. He shouted to Vian See? Do it! Vian did the same thing. But instead of flowing around her, the water in the river stopped flowing, it flow backward and so is the water of the water fall. Soon there was not even a drop in the river. Odd Ian reacted, Oh well, never mind. Lets go. He pushed the giant door and introduced, Welcome to my house! Vian was quite surprised, the house was huge, everything in here were expensive and luxury stuffs: Ipad, Iphone, MacBook, 62 3D TV, Outside was so simple and natural, inside WOW! Why do you a MacBook when you already had an Ipad? Consider I like to collect Apples. Ian answered, pulling out a wooden box under his bed; he took out a black notebook and spoke:

-This notebook is where I will take note about the power youll achieve, the mission youll accomplish. And most importance, it contains your contract to become the 13th death god. -What? Death god? -Yes. -I dont understand. -The death god keeps the balance of birth and death. A death god can decide who shall live and who shall die. And in the list, you are the 13th generation of the death god. The cross and the peridot bracelet are the proves. You just need to sign to complete the metastasis. -How are you expecting me to believe the whole thing you just said? -Havent you ever felt strange about what happened?!! -I know that a normal person cant do a space shift like you, or there is none of THIS in the solar system, at least not on Earth. Vian nagged, shaking the bracelet, But somehow, Ive never felt weird, like it was stored in my head since I was born. -Exactly! Thats because you were born to be a death god, if you can believe the strange thing that happened to you then why cant you accept who you are? -Because I CANT! Who am I? Im nobody! Just another pathetic person in this world. Because of me, my parents died. Then what kind of capacity I have to judge people? Huh?!! -I guess you dont know anything at all, do you? -What do you mean? -Your parents would die anyway, maybe at home, at work,anywhere. Its just an incident. You was born a god and always be. Thats why your parents had to die, to make sure the pain would help you think clearly. If you CAN NOT take it, your parents lifes completely wasted. Do you want that? -Of course not. What make you think Ill believe you? -Nothing. Its your decision. You have to decide by yourself.



Vian closed her eyes for a moment, took a deep breath and said, Where do I sign? Ian put the 1st page of the notebook in front of Vians hand; her right hand pressed itself at the pages ad left a mark right under the Sign word. Vian thought that was done. But later, she changed her mind immediately. Where are we going? she asked Ian Your 1st mission! But we havent trained anything yet. Dont need to. Ian answered, dashing through the space gate. Just in 5 seconds, they arrived in L.A. Ian gave Vian a compass, telling her that itd show her to do her mission. She followed the compass. Finally, it led her to a small alley. She looked inside, there was only a man. As she walked in, the man turned back and said to Vian, Ive been expected you. He took put a samurai sword and attacked Vian. Luckily, she avoided the blade. She shouted, What did I do to you? The man laughed, You think I dont know who you are. Youre the one who is here to take my life. He continued to swing the sword toward Vian. What do I suppose to do? Help me! Vian asked. I am not able to help you. Im just a mentor. My job is to instruct you to do your job. Now, use your mind to create your own weapon. I cant. Vian screamed. Then you die. Ian replied. Vian turn back and looked at Ian in an enigmatic way. Suddenly, the man brandished his sword into Vian. It was so unpredictable that she just had enough time to put up her hand. In a tic toc, near the line between life and death, Vian imagined something to pull her back, the weapon her mind can create. And just before the sharply blade hit her, a skilful metal cane appeared in her hand, hamper the sword. She pushed the sword out and hit the man in the arm. He stepped

back, lost hiss balance and fell down. His sword was pitched in the ground. Vian order Switch and the cane changed to a big hammer. Take advantage of that chance, she used the hammer to hit the sword as hard as she could. As a result, the blade broke in half. The man stood up quickly, he looked at the broken sword. Then he drew out a knife from his belt and run into Vian, attempting to stab at her. But Vian was faster, she kicked at his leg and he fell down, she grabbed the mans wrist and punched at elbow hard. She changed the hammer into a long silk and tied both of his hand. Seem like you have a lot of dangerous weapon, dont you? Thisll help you decrease your work. said Vian, smiling. She asked Ian Is that done yet? Ian disappointed her by answering no. Vian was frustrated; she asked why and received an explanation: The compass is a tool to help you find people like that. Ian pointed at the man, They break the balance by living longer than they should be. Normally, no person cant escape from death. All human beings in this world have their date of death-the dates that cant be changed. But for some reason, some-one created a spell. A spell so strong that it can keep a person alive for a week despite their death-date. But it has a bad side too. Each day that person is alive, they need a very huge energy; which costs the problem is he/she takes 1 week from everyone elses life-span on the planet per day. Is a part of your job to take them to heaven or bring them down to HELL. Vian, after hearing Ian, she walked toward the man and asked what his name is. He didnt say anything. Vian thought for a minute, she realized that the list of skill she can do right now was already in her head. She touched the man fore-head by the index finger. Just in a moment, Vian could see through the mans heart and his memories. She spoke to the man, So thats why youre doing this. Your name is John and you have a daughter. She got cancer. Do you know that I can cure her? I think its better not to kill anyone and still be able to save your child. John looked at Vian surprisingly. He asked, You can save my little Janewithout asking me to do anything?



Vian nodded. She ordered Ian to transfer them to the Louisiana Hospital. It was 10 oclock, the child was sleeping. Her face was really beautiful but she had no hair at all. Vian could understand that under the peacefully sleeping face, the girl had suffered a lot from her sickness. She told John that he had a lovely child and he started to cry. Vian comforted him, Dont worry. Shell make it through, I promise, she took out a knife and departed a little wound on her finger. She let a drop of blood on the palm of her hand. The blood hardened and became a gem. Vian gave it to John. Suddenly, the gem broke in half. A light came out of it and went around Jane. Finally, the light disappeared as it went into her chest. Janes hair started growing back again. Just in a moment, she had had her perfect hair back. It was long and light red. Her skin didnt looked pale anymore. Jane was a lot better. Noooo!

Chapter 6:

The 2nd personality

Vian was terrified. But then she realized that it was just nightmare, the same nightmare she had everyday after the accident. She had helped 9 people since the 1st mission-3 month ago. She loved her job but she couldnt deal with her parents death. Every time she tried walk into their room, her hand became shaking, her two legs flagging, she could hardly walk. Their room door was never opened since that day School had started already. The next morning, when Vian was opening the locker,

John couldnt believe his eyes, he felt so happy that he almost collapsed. Jane woke up, she saw her father and she was quite surprise and happy.

Alex came. He talked to Vian: Hi V.

Daddy? she smiled, hugging John, Its late, and how did you get here?, but then she was even more surprise to see her hair, she asked Daddy, my hair! Do you know what happened? Whore these people? Oh Jane. Youre such a curious person! Someday youll find out. Now listen carefully, therell be a day Im not here for you anymore. But never give up, ok? Promise me. John replied, showing his pinkie. Jane hand parenthesized with him, And youre right, it is late. Go to sleep. Ok! Jane followed. John looked at Vian in grateful, he said, Thank you so much! The thing I did is wrong. I know my time has come so goodbye all of you and goodbye Jane. And then, Johns body became gold dust. The dust flew away and disappears in the sky. Ian wrote every major thing happened; he reported, 1st mission accomplished. But who cussed a spell on him? Vian sighed and said, A stranger. He dressed so discreet that neither John nor I could see his face. John was supposed to die yesterday after falling down from a construction, but the stranger helped him alive. He told John to kill me. In return, hed save John. Well, now, TAKE ME BACK HOME! Hi Alex. So how was your summer? Normal. Did you go anywhere? Nope Ok. Souh, tonight me, Sarah and Carl is going to the movie. We want to ask if you wanted to go. Sorry Alex, but today I prefer staying home. Look. You havent contacted me or anyone in school this summer. Ive known you upset with the accident but Shut up! You dont know anything and you dont understand what Ive been through so dont you DARE to mention about MY PARENTS. Vian interrupted. Vian angrily went to class, leaving a lonesome Alex behind. When math class started, while Vian was taking out her books, everything around her just turned dark. Vian felt like she was lost in a completely dark place. She could



neither see nor hear anything. A minute later, Vian found herself sitting on a bench in the school garden. She looked at the clock. It was 4 p.m. Weird. she thought, Math class started at 2:15, now its already 4, and Im sitting here. Something must have happened. Then Vian saw Alex, he was in her class too, so she catch up with him. Alex. Did I do anything in the Math class? Alex turned back; he shouted, Are you kidding me? Oh! Now youre acting nave! Ok, Ill tell you: Professor Alfred was asking you the answer of the homework; you started raving some kind of language and cant believe you HIT him with an ENGLISH DICTIONARY. And when I was trying to stop you when you ran off the class, what I got is this! You kicked me-your best friend! Alex enraged, showing a big bruise on his arm. Sorry Alex. But its truth: I dont remember anything I did! Youve got to believe me! Alex stared at Vian and slightly said, Youve changed so much. You even lie. Then he coldly walked away. When Vian got home, she immediately called for psychotherapist. She arrived at his office the next morning. After a long talk, the therapist brought up a conclusion What do you mean? I got MPD (multi personality disorder)! Unfortunately yes, it came from youre the haunted past-in this case: your parents death. To help you explain with your friends and teachers about your behaviors, Ill write it down in a form, Ok? Uhm yes. Vian worried. That evening, at school, Vian went explain to Professor Alfred. He accepted her explanation with understanding. When Alex discovered about it, he went sorry to Vian, Im so sorry for yesterday. Please accept my apologies. Ill consider. Youre my best friend, you were supposed to be there and trust me instead of mocking me. Vian replied.

Please, I was so angry when you got mad with and Best friend dont act like that, they forgive each other, not revenge like that. But I said Id consider. Goodbye. Vian said definitively.

Chapter 7:

The other gods

That night, Vian was called to Ian house. What is the next target? she asked Today is not for that. Ian answered, Youre not the only god. Today is the day you meet the others. He led Vian into the dining room. There were 3 people there: 1 girl and 2 boys. The 1st boy introduced, Hi! Im Lucas-the god of Air and Earth, 18 years old. The 2nd boy continued, Hello. My name is Nathan-the god of Fire and Water, 18 years old. We are twins! they unanimously said. A girl sitting in the corner playing Guitar Hero on her Iphone, She said really briefly, Emily-God of justice, 17. Vian replied to all of them, Im Vian-16 years old. Death god. Now you all know the whole group. Meet the 2nd mentor, the boys already knew her cause shes their mentor. So girls, meet Sophia. Sophia came in, they said hello. Now everybody, lets go straight to the main part. One gods missing, the strongest one-Light and Darkness god. The ability to control light and darkness already made that person really strong, BUT the strongest ability is Time Control. That capability is impossible to beat. In the Faith Book, that person appeared yesterday.



However, we couldnt find out who or where he/she is. Sophia explained. Your first Team Mission will come. You will know when. The Faith Book also said that one of you are related to the God of Light and Shadow, so all of you, your mission now is to find that person, but dont work together, work separately. Now, our job today is finish here. The meeting ended, everyone came home, not before they trade their phone number.

Guess what? Youre right. The therapist said that a normal person cant contact to the 2nd personality. Then why are you here? Youre not a normal person, remember? You are a demigod. I know everything you know. I shrouded in you the day you were born. Then you must know that I shouldnt hit Pro. Alfred and kick Alex, but you did it so why? If I hadnt done that, youd think its another effect by you being the death god. I did it

Chapter 8:

to make you noticed that I exist. By time youll find out more about me and who I am. My time here is over. Goodbye. Wait! Therere still many question I wanna ask you!

Information explore
Vian kept being waked up because of the terrible nightmare. She was perspiring and breathless. She was tortured every night by her memories. Plus, knowing she got MPD, Vian was kind of falling into decay. Sometimes, when Vian looked at the familys photo, she just wished shed be able to go back to her normal life. The phone rang. Hello. Vian picked up the phone. Ian. Come to my house tomorrow night. That is? You call at 3 a.m. just to say that? I have to. Repair your mental. The next ILP is tough. Whats ILP? In-appropriate Living Person. I shorten it. If thats all then Bye! she hung up. Next morning, while Vian was cramping cause of How I met you mother TV-series, she could hear a voice calling for her. Suddenly, she fell asleep. In her dream, she saw her self in front of her. Whore you? she asked. I am you. How can that happen? Wait, does that mean youre the 2nd personality.

And then she woke up. That night, Ian told Vian about her next target. He is a dangerous psycho serial killer named Jack Owen. He killed 14 children and was sentenced to death but escaped from prison right that day. Luckily, he was already in N.Y city so Ian didnt have to spend his energy doing space shift. This time, the compass led Vian to the Greenwich Village. She found Jack in the intersection of West 4th and West 12th Streets. At midnight, when everybody was sleeping, he standing there, holding a knife. But, contrary to what Vian thought, when he saw her, his react was nothing different from a coward. He dropped the knife and kneed down, stammered, Please.please dont .dont hurt me. Ive never wanted to kill those kids. Itsits him, Gerald Owen-my my 2nd personality. What? Does that mean your mental problem is MPD? She asked, walking toward Jack. Yy yes. And please dont dont come near me. I cant control him. He canHe can come out anytime and attack you. Dont worry. Let me help you. Vian replied, she felt sorry for this man, properly because he had the same disorder like her. But just when she about search his memory, he snapped the knife near him, stabbed at her in the stomach and ran away. Everything happened so suddenly, Vian fell down to the ground. She started



gasping. Her hand was full of blood after she tried to stop the wound from bleeding. But her attempt didnt work, she fainted away. Vian opened her eyes; she saw Sophia and Ian sitting next to her bed. She was so surprise when she saw her wound had already healed. She asked them, How did this happen? Sophia answered, Well, a gods body heals 18 times faster than a normal person. And I gave you a high dose of Health Liquid, which hastens the recovering process to 20 times. So, you recovered 18x20=360 times faster than a normal person. Ian said, Get a rest because tonight, youre back to work. Fine, I should have listened to Jack, he warned me not stay close to him. I didnt expect that Gerald would come out like that. I think that he was lying. Ian said. I dont think so. Vian respond, then she stared at both of the mentors, Im OK. You can leave now. Ian: Oh Sophia: Yeah And they disappeared in a second. Privacy finally. She sighed. She wanted to speak to the 2nd personality so bad. She tried to fall asleep. But when she was asleep, she could felt nothing happened so she woke up eventually. That night, through the compass, Vian found Jack again, ion a street in the Bronx. Chase him to that small lane. Even though its midnight but this is the Bronx so somebody can see us. Ian told her. And she did exactly what he said. She lured him into that alley. There a homeless person in there, she gave him $20 and told him to get out. Vian and Gerald, face to face. Gerald started to attack first; he used the knife very skillful and polished. She had to be really careful. He guillotine Vian but she dodged it quickly. Suddenly, he rotated and sliced into her left palm, taking the chance, he continued and hack her on the shoulder. Vian stepped back, she recited incantations. Blood from the

deep, long cut on her palm gathered into a slide moving extremely fast around Gerald. What kind of magic is this? Gerald shouted, lacking vigilance. Distraction magic. She answered, and before Gerald could notice, he received a hard hit on his head by Vians cane. He staggered behind; giving her a chance. A dark giant hand controlled by Vian rose from the ground and grasped him tightly. He tried to escape but it was impossible. Vian came near him and said, I know you can do it Jack, defeat Gerald, you CAN do it. In a moment, he replied by confusing words, No way can he AAGGHHH! What are you doing Jack? You wanna die? I haveI have to fight you; Im tired ofof being a murderer, Gerald. And finally he said, Its me, Jack. The 1st time of my life, I could fight back Gerald. Thank you, giving her his hand. When Vian just shook her hand with Jack, he grabbed it tightly and brandished his knife, attempting to cut her off. Luckily, Vians cane was in her other hand, so she used it stop the knife. She pulled her hand back, asking, Why did you do that? He laughed cruelly, Cant believe a god could be credulous. You actually still believe that Im that good. Wow! Harry Potter and the Sorcerers stone is cool. Thank God, by acting like the character Quirrell, I deceive you that Im innocent and escaped from you! You meanYou tricked me! Of course, nobody, even youd expect that the shsh-shy Jack Owen was just a cover I made up to cheat you-a person who have MPD. Oh No! Ive been Jack Owen all the time, Gerald he is me. I enjoy killing. Its so fun and excited; Ive never regretted killing those children. I live to kill. HAHAHA! How dare you? YouYou Im what? After all, were all murderer. You are, right? You killed your parents. A god like you didnt even have the gut to face the truth. Hearing that, Vian realized that the nightmare, the past that haunted her were just because she hadnt had the courage to confront it.



She replied, Youre right. Even a god like me couldnt do that. But it doesnt change the truth that you killed the 14 brightly light on this world. A despicable, psycho man like you doesnt deserve to live. You supposed to die on the executed day. A man helped you escape, who is he? Why should I tell you? He trusted me more than anyone before me because I dont have the mercy or any weakness. I dont have anyone special. If I tell you, you will have to let me go. He trusted you more, right? Then youll have more information about him. I cant let a psycho like you harm people. Let do it by my way. Vian search Jacks memory, she could see the mans face and more details of the clothes. But she could neither know his name nor his identity. She stopped searching right away when she saw Jack killing the 1st victim. Im done. Now its time for me to finish you. Vian said, turning the cane into a fatal shear. Whatre you gonna do? Kill me? Nope, Im going to drag you to hell. And then she created a dark wing, flied to 5 meters high, pointed the shear to the moon. A black string rolled over it. Vian swing down the fatal shear near Jack. A dark, deep hole formed and kept growing bigger until it covered Jack, 14 pairs of arms rose out, grabbed his legs and pulled down to hold. Jack became panic, he started screaming but nothing work. Vian watched as he and the hole, slowly disappeared and said, Congratulation Jack, youre the 1st person I led to hell.

building. Vian held his hand tightly so he wouldnt fall down and die. Cmon. I need you alive. He looked down, took out a gem from his pocket and threw it down. A space gate opened. He slipped his hand. The gate closed right after he fell into it. Damn it! I almost got him! Vian angrily shouted, At least I got his coat. She went back to Ian, he was waiting. He told her that everyone was at his house and they need to go back. Emily, Nathan and Lucas were there. So guys, whats going on? asked Vian Vian, do you feel like the team missions coming because we all felt the same asked back Lucas. Yes she answered. Thats why were here. Somebody is making a giant damage to the environment. Our job is to protect it started Nathan. And hes starting a war. Why do you think its the same person? asked Vian. Because they all described him like this, although it wasnt really clear answered Lucas, showing an entirely drawing of a man, but it didnt show his face. I know his face! I just got some stuff from a person who related to him. Vian reacted. Great! Emily said, Is there anyway you can show us?

Chapter 9:

Yes! she replied, touching on each forehead. Wow! So clearly, lets check the stuff you got. Nathan became excited. Vian took out the coat. They started searching it. There was a letter inside its pocket:

The 1st team mission

Vian was about to land down when she saw a shadow dashing through the tops of the buildings. She immediately chased after him. He tried to run away. Vian managed to nab his coat and take it. He stopped; it was a man wearing a mask. He attempted to get the coat back. She avoided and kicked him, making him fell down from the



I know this man. He was one charge criminal for selling illegal weapon spoke Emily, I even know where his company is We make one hell of a good team smiled Lucas. After discussing, they unified to meet at Vento Vinces company at 4p.m. Next morning, while Vian was repairing everything for the mission, she remembered about yesterday. She went in front of her Nick and Jane room. After taking a deep breath, she opened the door. The room was full of memory. Then Vian saw the table near the window, she noticed a drawer with a lock on it. The key! She thought. She took out the key her mom gave her and inserted it into the lock.
at well meet Tomorrow et e we 1st m the plac hat uw Ill tell yo . ur work is yo not to Remember t what you ne. You ge tell anyo I want. I get what want and Sign Vento Vince

Look like hes going to afield? Nathan quite surprised to see his plan. Who care? Lets go! said Emily. They arrived at the field. Nothing was there. Dead end. We cant find anything here sighed Nathan. Yes we can. I detected unusual water under there replied Lucas, pointing under some rock, We should check it. And they found a hatch behind the rock and opened it. A really, really long stair led them underground. There was a huge cave And an army of thousands warrior DARKNESS WARRIORS! Look! Its Louis Vince. Emily directed everyones attention at the room near the top of the cage. There Vince is, standing in a balcony make of stone, with the man wearing mask. How do we get to the anther stair without having to cross that army? Lucas questioned. Theres must be some way I have a plan; its not very good at all, spoke Vian. Tell us. Emily responded. Ok. I can fly over to Louis Vince place, he must have something to

And she opened it. There was a letter:After reading the letter, Vian felt really peaceful, this letter-her parents final words to her gave her the courage to let go and move on. Vian looked out the window, the sun was shining warmly. And tears were rolling on her cheeks. 4 p.m., everyone arrived; they broke in his lab and stole his data before anyone could caught them.

control this army. When I get it, Ill destroy them and give you the signal. Be fast, once you all get there, well capture Louis. Well, thats the only suggestion so we count on you, Vian! Nathan accepted. Vian smiled, she re-created Dark Wing and flew to Vinces room, I know that youre trying to begin a war. Theres no way its gonna happen, said Vian.



You cant stop me. You see, this is my army of darkness. My father spent all his life building this with a dream that one day he could erase this world and create a new one. Each warrior is a soul from hell thirst for revenge to this world. Unfortunately, he died, leaving me the key to control them replied Vince, taking out a ring, The only obstacles are you and your gang because the Light and Dark god can control my army effortlessly. But lucky for me, your team cant find that person, so, GIVE UP while you can. No way! Vian shouted, she rushed to him, but the man in the mask stopped her. They started a fight. Cant believe you can work for a person like that, do you have a conscience? HUH? she was so mad that she used the spell she was gonna use to defeat Vince, Speed of Deaththe one-use spell. Her speed became super sonic. She dashed right behind and kicked him right in the back. She punched him in the face, making his mask fell off. Alex? Why? Vian felt totally shock. Im sorry. He told me that this is the only way for me to be your friend again Foolish! We fought so many times and reconciled so many times, why did you think this time it wouldnt be the same? Because you are a god. Louise told me that a human cant be friend of the gods No! Dummy! God can make friend to anyone! Its dangerous now, go! Leave everything for me and my team. NO! Ill help you. Vian sighed, Fine. Then show me where he is. Follow me Alex started running into a secret pass. It led them to another room which could also see the army. You betrayed me, Alex! Louise Vince shouted You lied to me! Seem like the reason you worked for me is only because of the Death God. Ill kill her first, then you! Vince created a giant lightning ball and shot it into Vian.

Alex pushed her out and took the blow. AAGHH! he gasped. Alex!!! Dont worry about me. Im so sorry. Defeat him. Promise? I promised. Vian said, then she turned to Louise, Youll have to pay for what you did. Im a lot stronger than you thought Vian kept striking all her power to him but nothing worked. Louise laughed. Then he touched the ground. A huge energy of lightning ran straight from his hands to Vian. The high energy beat her up to the ceiling. Her head hit a rock. He continued shooting lightning at her. Vian couldnt take it all. She fell down to the ground. Watch your friends die. They are having a fight with my army. Soon theyll be like younothing but a useless body. Vian watched her friend fought for their lives. She let them down. She felt so hopeless for not able to do anything. NO, she wont let them scarified like her parents. She WONT. Then Vian could felt a voice calling for her. It asked for switching. She know that it was her only chance and let it do anything it wanted. Vians body stood up. Louis was so surprise, How can you do that, after all of that? Ill explain to you: Im not Vian. Im Genesis-The god of light and dark. Im her 2nd personality He couldnt believe his eyes, No way, its never happened before!, panic, he kept shooting lightning to her. A part of her is still human. Do you know that lightning is a kind of light? Genesis said and adsorbed all his energy. She looked down his army, I heard that you told them I can control them she flipped and the warrior started to fight against each other.



Noooo! Louise Vince mumbled scarily, he squeeze the ring really hard. They stopped and turned back to the gods. Seem like the only way is to eat them she said with her hand directing to the army. A tornado appeared from her hand, kept growing until it sucked each and every dark warrior, no matter how they tried to lay hold of the ground. Louise almost tumbled, mumbled, Mymy whole life Oh! Therere still you, I almost forgot she smiled. I wont let you do anything to me anymore. Final ultimate weapon: Spinning light! Electric currents came out of his body; they rolled up together, made up a ball of electric cage spinning around him at high speed.

go back to the day at the Death Valley and avoid everything, even her parents death. Her life with be normal again and nothingd happen. Finally, she made her decision, -I I choose to The End

You know what? Im not gonna tell you what

Hum. I cant touch you without getting electric shock. Aha! Genesis smiled again, she created a golden handheld clock and held it in front of her right eye and shouted Time Control: Fast forward! A big symbol of the clock appeared under Louis. As it went really fast, he turned older and older, until he was nothing but a parched skeleton. Genesis could hear noise like earthquake. She used Vians power to create Dark wing and carried Alex to her team. Lets go, she demanded Who is this and what happened to Vince? Emily asked Hes dead What? Wow! How did you do that? He was so strong and youre acting weird, Vian! Im not Vian. Im Genesis- the final god. Theres no time to explain. The dark army is gone and this places going with it. We have to get out of here. Well ok They got out of the cave right before they heard the sound of everything collapsing. Genesis became Vian again and she explained to everyone. But then, she thought about her ability to control time, the unbeatable ability. She can happened next. Guess!



Jeremys Dream
By Hoang Dieu Linh

I didnt talk to you, Jacky. Who are you in the class? Ok! Stop talking! Jacky, this is class, not a market!, Jeremy said. Children, ok, ok. Dreams are only dreams. Your missions are to change the dreams into reality. After class, Jenny, Frank, Timmy, Jeremy and Jacky went home. Jennifer, are you ok? Jeremy asked. Yes, Im all right. Ali made you so said, didnt she? asked Jacky. Jennifer and Iare fine, Frank said. Though Ali is a monier, she cant do that! Ali is so! Jenny, Frank, you guys dont bother about that! Ali just wanted to make you give up, Jeremy said. Oh stop Jeremy. Alimaybe she was right. My grammar is so horrible. I should find another job. Yes, maybe. My cookingHoo..At home I cant help my momits the opposite. No! You guys dont..please dont abandon your dreams. Ali just wanted to laugh! That craziness made you guys want to abandon your drems? You have to believe you cant. Maybe youre normal, but you dont like that? Do you? Jeremy! Jenny, Frank, if you have a real intention, then that craziness cant make you abandon it. Thanks JeremyI finally understandyou are right, said Frank. And what about you, Jeremy. What do you wanna be when you grow up? asked Jacky. Uhhh..aastar! Of Hollywood! What? A star! What?

Jeremy Mitchael and Jackson Mitchael are twins.

Jeremy is the older brother, Jacky is the younger. They are eleven years old and are studying at a primary school in a small town in California. Jeremy and Jacky have a lot of friends, but their close friends are Jennifer a very kind a beautiful girl Franklin, and Timmy. Although they are in the same age, Jeremys character seems older than his friends, even his brother. Jeremy is strong, kind, brave, courageous, unruffled, and intelligent. Ha has said, Nothing is impossible, Ill never give up, facing the truth is real bravery. In the opposite of his elder brother, Jacky is a funny, naughty, and hard-headed boy. At school, Jeremy is always one of the best students in class 6H, but he isnt a monitor. The monitors name is Aligena. She always makes people feel bad with her character. Shes very haughty, she always praises herself, disregards friends, and of course she is intelligent. Ali always disregards Jeremy the most, in that maybe she is jealous. Then one day, in class 6H, Miss Sophie taught about physiology. She asked the children, Boys and girls, what do you wanna be when you grow up? Dear Miss Sophie, I wanna be a translator! I can speak Chinese and Spanish well! Jennifer said. I wanna be a reporter! I wanna go to the moon! Ali said, You guys are so imaginative! Ok, Jenny, you wanna be a translator, but dont you know how terrible is your grammar? Franklin, you wanna be a chef, but even cooking you cant. John, you wanna be a reporter, but your voice! Oh! Aligena! Stop laughing! Who are you in the whole world? You are haughty and arrogant, Jacky is angry.



Guys, are you pretending to be Aligena? Jeremy, your dreams are more difficult than our dreams. And, brother, do you know how horrible is your singing? said Jacky. Well, it is just my dream of my life. Since 7, Ive wanted to be a star. Though my singing is not good, but I believe I can practice and my singing is not good, but I believe can practice and my singing will be better. I have a full belief. I wont ever lose it. Imaginative! Jeremy, I know nothing is impossible, but I think you wont be able to do that. Thats a big dream, Timmy said. Its ok! Ill see! Jeremy is angry. Jeremy, you can be a star of The Most Horrible Songs Ever! Well be proud of you. He he! Jacky said. Jacky! Stop laughing! You are making me crazy! Are you abandoning your dreams? asked Jacky. No, never ever. Though it is big or small, giant or tiny, difficult or easy, whatever, Ill overcome it. Ill never give up. Failure is successs mother. Then one day the American Top Teen Stars contest is announced. It will start in several months. The contestants have to perform. They must sing a song a perform one talent like drawing or dancing. This is a very good chance for teenagers. They can show their talent and have a good chance to be a star, a singer. Jeremy really wants to join in. Jeremy, are you gonna join in that contest? asks Jacky. Yes, I want to. You wont win. I dont need to win. I just want to try. Youll be the fun for people! Whatever! Jeremy arranges to practice. His singing is much better than when he was young. It I

is not too horrible, but not good. Jeremy practices singing after class near the stream. Some days he even has a sorethroat. In addition, he joins in a class called We Love Music, We Love Singing by Bob, the teacher. Bob can teach opera, notes of music, vocal music, how to use the piano, guitar, and violin. And Jeremy studies in the vocal music and how to use the piano. In the first classes, every student has to sing a song which they want. All the students can sing well, except Jeremy. Mr. Bob said to him, Jeremy, your singing is very bad. Your voice is not high enough, your intonation is not right. You may not sing. After studying three times, Mr. Bob doesnt accept Jeremy in his class and calls Jeremys parents and tells them Jeremy cant sing. Jeremy is a bit sad, but he certainly wont give. Of course his mum says, Jeremy, we dont want you to be a singer and you dont have to be a singer. We want you to be a diplomat. But Mum, I dont wanna be a diplomat! I hate it. I dont have the talent and it doesnt interest me. But you cant sing! I can sing, Ill practice. Besides, Im good at drawing and acting. I dont need to be famous. I just wanna work in Walt Disney. I wanna act, animatenothing is impossible. Your destiny, we are going to arrange. We want you to be a diplomat, so you have to be a diplomat. Everyday he practices near the stream. His voice becomes better and he sings very well and skillfully. It is so surprising! Somehow, he even gets a sore throat. Though his voice is better, he is worried because he thinks his singing is still bad. I have to work harder! Keep working Jeremy! he thinks. He also practices drawing pictures with watercolors. Five months later, the contest officially starts. Jeremy sings Last Christmas and he draws pictures with water colors. Of course he thinks he will be eliminated. But he is very happy because he joined the contest. He is happy because he didnt throw away his chance and tried it. He was eliminated, but he is still happy. His brother, Jacky is happy too. The champion of that contest was Pam Brown. He owns a heaven voice. Jeremy is



younger than him and he admires Pan a lot. The organizers all felt surprised at Jeremys talent at drawing. They call Jeremys house and tell him to arrange a time to meet them. Jeremy is very unknown, but he is going to meet them in Thursday (thirteen days later.) Hello organizers. It is me, Jeremy Mitchael. Oh, come in Jeremy, a young new talent! Mr. David said. Jeremy, we cant believe you can draw beautifully like this. Can you draw again, young artist? We want to see you draw. Then, Jeremy draws. The organizers are watching and they feel more interested. A real phenomenon! they think. Jeremy, were very proud of you, youre a real phenomenon. You have potential to be an artist. I am David, an animator at Walt Disney, this is Jennifer Dloize, the voice of some characters and a yong singer. And this is Dan a musical director, and this is Really! asks Jeremy. Yes, Jeremy, if you hadnt joined in this contest we wouldnt have seen your talent. Good chance! Well make a good condition for you. I can improve my talent, cant I? Yes, of course. Tellus what you want to be. An actor, animatorI wanna work with art. But I know I have no talent at singing. But, butI promise to practice it! Excellent! Good boy! If Jeremy hadnt joined in the American Top Teen Idol Star, would the organizers have known him, his talent? Would Jeremy have another chance like this? But his parents dont want him to be a star. They think Jeremy cant do it, but when the artists explain they actually understand their thinking is wrong. Parents should not compel them to study something or do jobs they have no talents for. They should make good condition for their son/daughter and the most important is: believe they can do it. After that Jeremy is taught by some famous animators. Hes still practice singing and of course his singing is becoming better and better.

Jacky uses all his money to buy some CDs from famous singers, 10 CDs called How to Sing Like Singers, and some music books. They are really useful for Jeremy. Jeremy thanks his younger brother and tries harder. Jeremy sometimes is ill, his throat is very serious and he has to stay in the hospital for 10 days. But his studying is still excellent. At the hospital, he always feels tired and he has a fever too. His throat is painful and he cant talk. His temperature is 39.7 degrees. His friends: Jennifer, Timmy, and Franklin, go to meet him. Jeremy, Jacky told me you worked very hard so you are serious. Your throat is serious, why did you have to do that? Now you are tormenting your family! Frank says. Jeremy, I think Frank is right. You Should give up. Please dont torment yourself anymore! You wont be a star! Says Jenny. Hey stupid Jennifer! You guys are making Jeremy more painful shouts Jacky. Stop it, everyone! Jeremy finally says. Jeremy feels touched when his friend goes and comes to see him. Actually, Jeremy is serious. He is very very very very very very tired and his throat is very very very very very very very painful. He doesnt want to think anymore of course! But his intention, character, strength, are stillin. One month later he finally recovers from his illness. He is still practicing his singing and drawing. Brother, I was very worried about you. If you gave up. Jacky, dont say those words. I dont wanna hear. Ok! Whatever! Jeremys voice becomes much better. Now, he even can sing a little opera. He has a heavens voice. He can join in some music class, even Mr. bob is happy. He agrees to teach Jeremy. And of course now Jeremys voice becomes better and better. The times gone, Jeremy is 15. He is working at Walt Disneys studio and dubs a film. He is an animator too. He is still learning singing and he helps his brother to be a writer. At that time, Jeremy wants to be a singer too. But the director doesnt support him at this job. Jeremy knows his singing is not good enough, he practices and practices. At age 19



he has another serious sore throat. At age 20 he has to have surgery because his hand is broken. At age 21 he has a serious cough, At age 22 he cant participate in a music show. At age 23, surprisingly, after hearing Jeremys singing a music director agrees Jeremy can make a CD of his songs. Now all the Americans know him. He becomes a famous singer. And when he is 27 he becomes very very famous and he sings at the Sydney Opera House in Australia! And he has a lot of fans. A new young singer, a young talent of the world, that is Jeremy Mitchael.

The Adventures of Daisy and Miy

By Angela Red Bird/Tran Nhat Anh





! ORDER 61. AT 4527894525779842846546757


Your writer, Angela Red Bird

my P.S: The price of my book is N/A. Please ask manager Mitchell Willcox for the price. last name, yes I am married P.P.S: As you notice my to an Angry Bird, the Red one

The Doorknob
Chapter 1:

Part 11

That was Unexpected

Daisy and Miffy wanted to "use" the bathroom just to find out about what's behind the bathroom's closet. They wanted to leave the classroom because of the smell, a very perspiring thing, more than a rat, more than you can ever imagine.



"Let's look in the closet," Daisy said, hoping the teacher would say "YES". "As long as you don't go in the closet," their teacher said. "We promise," the girls said and ran to the bathroom. "Wow," Miffy said. "A stupid doorknob." I know. Although it is golden, it will still not have a value." "Let's take it. Ok, Daisy and Miffy touched the doorknob. A big vortex appeared and it made a horrible screeching sound. The girls blinked and everything was normal again. A door appeared. Daisy and Miffy opened it and the found a city full of flowers as big as they were.

That giant will become a lump of fox dung with his hair standing on end, but that will not happen unless you have a very strong power. the flower said. Get a laser that is in Dreaming Hill. Thats where dreams are. Go to the sign that says GOOD DREAMS and ask for a laser that is shaped like a flower. Thank you. Daisy said. Were heading for Dreaming Hill! Were heading for Dreaming Hill, Here we go! the girls sang.

Chapter 3:

Love Valley
The girls suddenly found themselves in a pink place that smells like roses and is unclear, like a leopard in a background full of orange and brown with spots. Because everything was unclear, they ran to a lot of places to find what is near them. A smooching pair appeared. They were humans, not like the flowers they met.

Chapter 2:

Flower City
Flower City was just full of flowers, like a garden. Well, except for the largeness and scent, the scent was really heavy, the taste was really good, like you are eating boxes of cookies.

EW!!! Daisy said. Where is this place? Love Valley, the pair said. How long have you been kissing and making out?" Miffy asked.

"Cool! Visitors they are coming to help us!" a daisy said. For a very long time, the pair said. A bunny forced us to. Only a pink arrow with LOVE "Oh no! Visitors! They are going to kill us!" a rose said. "Uh hi!" Daisy said. My name is Daisy! Hey! Me too! the other Daisy said Ok., ok, Miffy said. Enough about names. Are you jealous?" Daisy asked. No, I just want to get out of the doorknob. Miffy said. Theres a scary giant thats trying to shred us to death! A tulip said. What the heck? Theres a giant in here?" Daisy asked A mean one, The tulip said. written on it will kill him if you aim it correctly. We are only giving you the one and only strongest arrow. What?! But where? the girls said. Dreaming Hill, the couple said. UGH! Again?" Miffy asked Yes, the couple said. This place is disturbing, you are disturbing, and this quest is disturbing!!! Daisy yelled. The girls ran and ran. They were so thirsty that their voices were rasping. All of a sudden, they heard sipping noises. That really caught their attention.



Chapter 4:

Dreaming Hill, of course we can write ON the hill, Ok, Daisy said. But where did you get that many pencils and erasers? Stole them from Goodwill. They were for free anyway. Oh. Ok. Im coming with you. Ms. Candy Corn interrupted. Just to get out of the doorknob? Miffy asked. Yes, you know I got in by being a creature who never knows how to be 'fish' (selfish)


The girls looked behind a bush and saw a person sipping in a big a lake with their mouth as if that person was a dog. The girls tried not to get caught by the person so they hid behind the bush and stuck out their tongues. They snuck up behind the person. Dont hurt me! the woman said. We wont, Miffy said. Were students from I LOVE FOOD School. Every teacher has a food as a name. I taught there before. I was so selfish to go in here because I thought I am going to my imagination world that is only made out of kittens' fur. the teacher said. And by the way, Im Ms. Candy Corn. You may call me Ms. K.K. Miffy, Daisy said pointing to Miffy. Daisy, Miffy said sticking her tongue at Daisy. Hey can we drink some of the lake?" Daisy asked It looks clean to me. No. If you drink the water, youll be stuck here forever, Ms. Candy Corn said. She was pretending so the children can thirst to death. "Are you trying to be selfish here?" Miffy asked. "No, I am serious. I am coming with you to get out of here, yet, I still know what is going to happen, I am not saying stupid stuff anymore" Well, can you at least help us kill the monsters in Dreaming Hill? Miffy asked. They are dead, Ms. Candy Corn said. How do you know? Huh? Daisy asked as she was about to tackle Ms. Candy Corn. I was in this adventure before." Ms. Candy Corn said "I killed them with a Flower Laser and a LOVE arrow.

Chapter 5:

Ms. Candy Corn's Story

"Here is my story how I got in the doorknob" Ms. Candy Corn said. "At first, I said I was so selfish, but there are many ways I got in here. In the fourth grade summer, I was disguising myself as a student who goes to summer school. Being in that costume was easy, I said I was a tall student, who drank milk made out of apples and shampoo. I knew there was something creepy that was hidden and the school never takes it out to show our students. I always hide, but it never worked as a teacher, I thought disguising myself would work. I watched the teachers and always act like I need to use the bathroom so I can see what's behind that pink curtain. I ran like I needed to go so badly, then the teachers would look away. Instead of going to a stall, I went behind the curtain. At first you said you were stuck in a doorknob. Well I was stuck in a golden toilet. Well, after flushing I got sucked in here, I was screaming eww, yet, I fell to a beautiful land of flowers, then, I went to angry town, which was completely black, I couldnt see anything!!! Now, I am on my way to go to Dreaming Hill, with you guys. Can I come? Please?" "Oh fine" Daisy said. "Thanks!"

Ok. Enough. Lets continue going to Dreaming Hill, Miffy said and held out a bag. The three people climbed up the hill. The hill wasn't very steep, is doesn't fit the name Whats in that bag? Daisy asked. Pencils and erasers. Miffy said. Just in case we have to remind ourselves and write in Dreaming Hill. Instead, the hill was a large mint chocolate ice cream. It was easy to find a shortcut because Daisy has...waited for the future



Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

Yay! No Teachers Allowed!

While Daisy, Miffy, and Ms. Candy Corn started climbing on Dreaming Hill, Daisy found an elevator and whispered to Miffy, "Look, there is an elevator that looked like a spider web because it is a spider web and I never saw an elevator like this so this is my first time and I don't know why I am talking like this. It wasn't really blendy." "Are you going to watch 'somebody'?" Daisy said. "I AM watching Ms. K.K." "What are you guys talking about?" Ms. Candy Corn asked. "How to get rid of mphhhhh!" Daisy said, Miffy covered her mouth. "How to?" "Get rid of long ways and take the short way!" Miffy said. "Good! I'm glad you took that suggestion!" "Bye bye hill, hello elevator!" Daisy told Miffy. When they spotted the elevator, there was a pair of underwear with PULL ME!" written on them hanging on the elevator door. The underwear looked rough like sand, nasty like a beast drooling on your favorite pie, malodorous like the classroom that smelled like poop, ghost howling like this was in the year of 1000! Where? Hanging on the elevator door. "I feel like I am negative 100,000,000 years old, argh!" Daisy said. "I know! Just pull the underwear!" Ok. Fine." The underwear seemed to be the elevator buttons. "Hey! I saw that elevator opening! I am so coming and you are so in detention!" Ms. Kandy Korn said. "Sorry! I can't wait for you!" Daisy said and stepped on her hand. "No! I can't stay in this horrible place! Get me in there!" "No can do." Miffy said. Now, Daisy and Miffy can go up the old elevator peacefully.

The Crazy Climb

The elevator was so clean. It was the opposite of the outside. The outside looks scary, like ghost eating you up even though they are not even living. "This elevator turns out to be the whole opposite of it" Miffy said. "Yeah... Hey, where is Ms. K.K?" Daisy asked. "Is she going to give up, or is she going to wait for the elevator?" "Probably give up. After the step on her hand, I don't think she can climb any longer." After the girls were done going up the elevator, they had to continue climbing. The climbing was getting more slippery; Daisy and Miffy were so frustrated they wanted to do something about it. And they did. "Hey, let's eat all of this ice-cream if we can't climb up." Daisy said. "No thank you! That nasty elevator has its dirt in this ice-cream!" Miffy said. "We are going to continue this climb?" "Yes. Even though it's going to be slippery. I am the A+ student in the class. I must know what to do!" "What do we need to do?" "Do you remember the chocolate in the ice-cream? We are going to find the chunks in that and make a way up. Then, we will eat it, like your favorite way to get rid of this hill." "Yay!" When the girls got up the hill, it was no longer chocolate mint. It was solid ground. Purple and hard like a rubber basketball. "Well Daisy, you brought the pencils and erasers for a good reason. We are going to write what we are good at so I can plan out what to do." "Why can't I plan?" "In third grade, you got ten F- on the STAR test." "Oh yeah" Daisy said. "But I don't remember how I pass the third grade."


"I told you to choose A for the answer because it worked in the second grade!" Miffy said, For the bubbling test in every grade in out school, A is always the answer. They made a grid. Their grid wasn't that long.

"Yeah, we are going into the good dreams first." Miffy said. "Maybe ask them for a gun, a bag, and weapons." "No! Ask for weapons in the bad dreams tunnel." "Guess we should go to the bad tunnels first.... Never mind. We are going to the good

MIFFY -Getting A+s -Acting -P.E. -Fooling People -Math

DAISY -Getting Fs -Lying -Kung-Fu, Fighting -Acting -Hiding

dreams tunnel and ask for evil clothes" "Smart girl." "I found those weapons that the flowers and the couples told us about. It was right behind you. Thanks for the compliment!" "Darn it! I was about to get it but you got it first! Oh well, I am not that smart" First the girls went to the GOOD DREAMS tunnel. An annoying melody was being sung. "We are the cute little pinkies bears! Where you meet your good dreams! We are the best! We are the cutest. There is nothing for you to worry about! We have everything for you, hey!"

"Nice, you finally understand someone!" Miffy said. "Well, you are the only person I don't lie to." "What? You got an F- on purpose?" "Yes. You were absent that day so I can't concentrate without you!" "That is just disturbing..." "I hate this CRAZY CLIMB!" "So do I. Come on, we still have to continue. I think we will make it. We will be known as the first people who can make it through a tough doorknob!" "Yes, we can!"

The girls were surprised when they heard the last sentence of the song. They asked for everything they wanted. "Well, that was easy enough..." Miffy said. The girls asked for a bag, sticks, and pizza, just in case they are hungry. When they asked for a gun... "WE DON'T HAVE IT, ASK THE BAD DREAMS HAHAHAHAHAHA!" "I thought you had everything!" Miffy remarked as she ran to the bad dreams and asked for a gun to kill the good guys. "Sure, here you go. Make sure those adorable, cute dummies die!" they screamed. The girls ran as fast as they could out of the "BAD TUNNEL" tunnel because being in there

Chapter 8

just felt like you are being copied by a hobo. When they got out, they heard stomping. They looked around. But nobody was there. Just a huge, obese teacher. "Miss Candy Corn?" Miffy asked. What? You left me, it's my turn to get revenge!!!" Miss K.K said. "You have got to be kidding me, like seriously; you need to be back to normal because you look like a mountain being painted by a cartoon!" Daisy said.

When Daisy and Miffy walked around, Daisy found two tunnels which said 'GOOD DREAMS' and 'BAD DREAMS.' "Look" Daisy said. I found two tunnels. Maybe we should go in there."



"I have no idea what you are even talking about, are you insane?" Miss K.K asked as she looked down her juicy body. "You are still a monster and we are going to eat you!" Miffy said. "Not a chance!" She moved slowly and oil gushed out. It was really tasty. But they could help it and they tried not to be obsessed with the taste

Miffy took the humongous weapon she had just combined and shot the monster. She fell down. Ms. Candy Corn was flat on the hill. Miffy tied her up. Go, Daisy, get out of here before they will hurt you! I cant hold her any longer! Just go! Forget about me, I will come back later! Miffy said. This isnt goodbye! Of course it will not be goodbye! Ms. Candy Corn said. What?! The girls said

Chapter 9

Dead Meat
Daisy shot Ms. Candy Corn right in her heart. But her candy corn skin healed her. "MUAHAHAHA! You will never kill me! Not even one chance! And did you know that I am the combination of the evil bunny and that giant! I am unstoppable!" Ms. Candy Corn said. Do you feel something? Miffy asked What thing? Daisy asked. Never mind. Try to distract them while I try to find the two weapons that the flowers and the couple told us about! No problemo, amigo! Daisy pretended to faint. I cant fight you anymore! You are too strong and I am too sick! Go ahead, just get the button! Daisy said. What button? Miss Candy Corn said. The button to get out of here. You will get out and leave us trapped in here, Dreaming Hill. I finally found out that Dreaming Hill is full of depression, not happiness, just go! Ms. Candy Corn was running for the button hidden under Daisy and Miffys grid. Oh, no. Miffy, I think the ugly Candy Corn just saw our grid and it might think I am acting Do you think I am an idiot to fall for your act? This button will transport me to the real world! I will rule Earth in no time! Ms. Candy Corn said. Run for it Daisy whispered.

Chapter 10

Out of the Fire and Into the Frying Pan

On a count to three we will run for it, ok? Miffy asked. One, two, three! The girls ran to the button and pressed it. Miffy was back in class. But Daisy was still trapped in there with Ms. Candy Corn. Miffy, Miffy, where are you? Daisy was scared. But she was not sad. She was happy for Miffy that she made it out. She found the weapon that Miffy invented then shot the monster. She died. Daisy still couldnt find her way out. Then she realized that she hadnt killed the little people in the GOOD DREAMS tunnel. She ran back there as fast as she could. Can you help me find a way to get out of this doorknob? The golden apple! The pink bear said. Take a bite and make a wish. It will not come true! What?! Daisy said Why did you explain to me about a golden apple even though if you take a bite and make a wish it will not work? We forgot, you have to eat it until you see the core. Take a seed then step on it. That will make your wish come true. So where is this apple? Flower City You have got to be kidding me.



Nope, we arent. You can take the shortcut. Use the elevator! First, try to find the apple tree. Tell him, you saved his life then show him the invention Miffy made. He will drop down a golden apple. Wish wisely, or you might fall into a different trap this time! Ok, whatever, thanks! Daisy took the invention to flower city then did exactly what the teddy bears told her. What are you doing? The apple tree said. Following the bears direction. Daisy said. Huh? You just take a bite then make a wish. You dont have to eat the apple! It might make you fat! These apples have lots of sugar in them. Luckily, that was your second bite. If I didnt warn you, you would be a bear right now! Ok! I wish I Just solve a mystery to make it faster! The tree said. What has a leg, but doesnt walk, has a mouth, but cannot talk? Um A river?" Daisy asked She was back in the restroom but she didnt remember what it looked like. Where are you tree? Daisy asked.

I think they know our doorknob story, we are famous, yo! The girls happily answered the questions and went back to class. The whole class was clapping and cheering for them. They smiled but they still feel scared. They were so dead. You went into the doorknob and broke a promise. The teacher said We know and we are sorry the girls replied. Its ok. As long as you are the only students who dared go in there and survived. Yay! The girls jumped up and down and fainted.

Dear Reader, Miffy and Daisy have traveled on a tough adventure. Afterdfgsdfgs56diktat6g!! HELP!!! Hey! No writing any stories about us or you are going down! Miffy said. Get ready to die, Angela! Daisy said. No! Dont kill me! I said. I died.

Chapter 11

Teacher/Managers Note
Dear Reader, Did you make it this far? Well, this was only part one of a longer story that involved sucking adults into the doorknob, attacking security guards, and a lot more. But, it was too long. Guess we will have to wait until next year for the restOh yeah, Daisy and Miffy did not kill Angela. -Mitchell

Happy Endings
Tree? Is that my new nickname? Miffy asked. Miffy! Daisy ran and punched her as hard as she could. Ouch that hurts, but I dont care! I thought you were dead! Miffy said. Ok, weird! Lets go back to class! The girl just got out of the restroom. Suddenly helicopters and people with cameras surround them and start asking questions. Um, who are these people?" Daisy asked.



The Mystery at Miami Tower

By Nguyen Do Nguyen Khoa

Jake looked at Arastas dead body, he was very thin and his skeleton seemed to be easily seen. Jake, our test confirms that Arasta committed suicide at 23:15 just yesterday, said Ben This guy, Arasta, I bet he was using drugs, said Jake. How How did you know that? asked Ben. Only a guy who uses drugs a lot has this very thin body. Hes very rich, so he always has

SUNDAY, MIAMI, FLORIDA, ABOUT 2.00 IN THE MORNING: Detective Jake is resting at home. Yay! My only day off! How relaxing! He yawned in his study. Suddenly, the phone rang! He picked it up. It was from Ben, the captain of Miami Special Weapons and Tactics. Jake, come here, I need you, its very important case, theres a suicide at Miami Tower, but it is strange and difficult, many strange facts to explain. Please come! Jake put the phone down hard; he put on his black coat and his brown hat. He has to work every day, from Monday to Saturday but rarely on Sunday and he wanted to rest on Sunday. He drove his old rusty Mercedes car to Miami Tower. All the way to the Miami Tower he thought, A suicide for such an experienced SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) captain. Whats so hard and difficult about it? His team can easily take care of it. Later then, he met Ben near the front gate of Miami Tower, he talked to him. Jake, Ben began Arasta Buckers, the owner of this tower committed suicide in his office Oh dear, it just a normal suicide my friend. You and your team can easily take care of it, Jake replied. No, no it is really hard and difficult, please come to the scene with me. Jake and Ben came to Arastas office, Arasta is dead, and he killed himself with a Desert Eagle (a handgun), his safe is opened and it is empty, his office is just like a big mess. Maybe its really strange, the safe is opened, and how can such a rich man who owns this big Tower have no money in his safe? Thats strange thing number one said Jake Maybe after he committed suicide, someone stole his money and left it open, replied Ben.

good food, so there is no way he thin because of the food. Jake opened Arastas desk and got some files and documents about Arastas recent business and read it with Ben. MAY 15th 2004 I went to Japan. I met a drug dealer named Yoko Shahayuki. I bought his best quality drugs for about 10,000 USD and I lied to pay it later. Just after 1 month I went back to the USA. Yoko called about his money. I refused and called the police and they caught Yoko, of course. Yoko came out of prison yesterday at Saturday at 10.30 in the morning and he called again for his money and threatened me. Ben, your idea that after Arasta committed suicide someone stole his money is not really possible. It is possible that someone stole his money before he committed suicide, then he came into his room to check if he can pay Yoko but he found none and committed suicide because of that. The thief must have been in a rush because he thought Arasta is coming to the room. The evidence is that the safe is open, and the window is open. He must in a rush and hurry to escape fast through the window, said Jake. Yeah, youre right Jake, replied Ben. Now I must check out behind the office if I can find some ladder marks or something like that near the window. He went out Arastas office; he met a SWAT officer and talked to him. Detective, you cannot believe this. Many people heard Arasta shout at the time of the suicide. A man who committed suicide with a gun should already be prepared for his death, said the SWAT officer. This suicide is getting weirder and weirder. Who heard the shout? asked Jake.



A clerk in this towers supermarket named Kevin Greffor. An old French man named Fleurette stayed in this towers hotel at room 323. A Vietnam War veteran named Joe Parker with his companion Jackson stayed in room 354 in this Towers hotel and Geogre Deffor, who called, is the hotel servant and assistant. This tower has a hotel? Which floor does it on? Detective, from floor 2 to floor 5. Jake came to the Towers megaphone. The SWAT officer confused, followed him. Jake spoke on the megaphone. Mr. Kevin Greffor, Mr. Fleurette, Mr. Joe Parker and Jackson please come to the towers conference room and wait for me, Detective Jake. Why would you want to ask those people again? Jake didnt answer but winked to the officer and left. He went behind Arastas office. He did notice that there were some ladders marks on the ground and on the Towers wall that leads to Arastas office. Surprised, he thought that someone had gone into Arastas office to steal money was very possible because of the ladders marks. He called out 2 other SWAT officers to help him. Just as they tried to examine the ladders marks, someone shouted. Oh my god, I can see the cops, lets flee now! Then the bushes near Jake started to shake and Jake could see two men running away, Jake quickly ordered his men to catch the two run-away men. Just after a while, 2 SWAT officers came back with the 2 men. Who are you? Why are you afraid of us? asked one of the officers Well Well My hesitated one of the men Speak quickly! I dont have time for your stupid hesitation! My named is Yoko Shahayuki and thats my sidekick Odom Komino. Were Japanese tourists, sorry for yelling. Yoko Shahayuki? Bring them to me! ordered Jake. The two SWAT officers brought the two run-away men to Jake. Yoko Shahayuki, drug dealer! OK, now tell me the true story, Yoko, what are those

ladder marks about and you relationship with Arasta? How How did you know that? asked Yoko. Im asking, not you said Jake Well Well Last night, just after I came out of prison, I decided to infiltrate Arastas office here and get back my money. I and my sidekick Odom crawled up to Arastas office when no one noticed and through the window. Then we broke Arastas safe and stole all his money and some papers. I read the papers from Arastas diary quickly and theyre about a kind of betting with someone. Then we heard noises, Arasta and a man coming into the office, just then we went down very fast said Yoko. Where are those papers now? Here, Mr. Detective Yoko said in a dry and raspy voice He gave the papers to Jake. Jake read them, and they were about some kind of football bet with a man named Mario Pierre. Wait a minute, is this guy Fleurettes son as both of them are French? Jake thought in his head. Can you describe the man coming with Arasta? asked Jake. No, I cant. It was just a silhouette and I cannot see him clearly, and the time is just about 23:05, answered Yoko. Jake said nothing, thinking very seriously about the time which Yoko said. Detective, should we bring these two men to the police station? asked the SWAT officer. Jake knocked his head and made a faint smile, and then he ran back to Arastas office very fast. He looked at the hole that the bullet made on Arastas body, it had something very strange, the size of the bullet Jake quickly said to Ben Ben, this is very important, whats the size of the bullet inside Arasta? I really need that information as it is very important and useful. Ben also said to Jake Jake, we found this 9mm USP handgun behind Arastas office! And the name J. Parkers on it and then Ben gave the gun to Jake. He thought again, The gun maybe is Joe Parkers and if the bullet fits it, this will no longer a suicide.



He looked at his watch, Oh dear, now I have to meet the people at the conference room! He went into the conference room; the people he asked to meet him there already arrived. OK, people. I need to ask you some question. Mr. Geogre, youre the first man saw Arastas dead body and called the police, is that right? asked Jake. George stood up, said in terrible fear, Yes, it is. Im the hotel servant. Well, before that. I went to check Mr. Joes room. Then at 23:15, I heard Arasta shouted. I went to Arastas room to check whats going on and found Arasta killed himself. I called the police immediately And Mr. Joe and Mr. Jackson, I need to check your baggage Joe gave Jake his suitcase, Jake opened it, and he only found some combat suits and a compass and some other clothes. Mr. Joe. Is this your gun? It has a name J. Parker on it, said Jake. Joe looked very surprised and said very quickly: Yes, it is. Thats my priceless artifact from the war. Thanks for finding it, I lost it Jake stared at Joe, Oh, really? I thought this hotel dont allow guests to bring weapons in. How could you bring it? Joes face went white and very scared Well Well I just want to keep it, honestly Suddenly, Ben entered the conference room and said to Jake, Jake, the bullet inside Arasta is a 9mm Parebellum and it is not fit for a Desert Eagle, now we can suggest this isnt a suicide anymore. Indeed, Jake replied and said to everyone, OK, everyone, this isnt a suicide, now we can suggest its a murder. And now Mr. Joe, the bullet inside Arasta is a 9mm and it actually fits your gun, please tell me your true story, did you kill Arasta? Everyone stared at Joe No, no, no. I have no vengeance on Arasta, I dont know him or anything about him! Please trust me! I lost my gun at 19.30. I went out with Jackson to a shop called Comma at 16.00, then came back to our room at 19.30 and lost my gun. I asked this man, hes the clerk and he saw me there, said Joe

Joe pointed at Kevin Greffor. Jake asked him,Kevin, did you see Joe and Jackson came to your shop? They did, I checked their bills at 18.45, said Kevin. Then Joe turned to George, George, one more thing, did you see anyone come to Joes room? No, I dont see anyone. But I think Fleurette did as he came out of his room and walked silently towards Joes room. So I think the old man did. It was about 18:55, said George. Now, everyone stared at Fleurette. Detective he began But Jake interrupted him, Thats it, you killed Arasta, is that right?. You bought a Desert Eagle, unfortunately, its bullets are so expensive that you cannot afford them. So you entered Joes room and stole his gun from the suitcase, killed Arasta, and made a scene that looks like he committed suicide Fleurette said I didnt do that! I didnt go into Joes room. But George saw you do that, and Mario is your son! Is that right, Fleurette Pierre? Your son lost the bet with Arasta and lost all his money so you blamed and killed him! Heard the name Mario, Fleurette cried and fell down on the table Yes, it is. Mario is my son and I killed Arasta! Then he ran away but Ben was outside and ran forward and held both his arms behind his back and cuffed him. Jake went back to the Florida Police Department, everyone congratulated him. Jake finished his work. No criminals are safe when this great detective is at work.



By Nguyen Phuong Linh


Perhaps somebody was weeping? That is what it was! It was somebodys choked-with-sobs voice. In front of Elysee, on the bench, there sat a weeping girl. It was a princess with heavenly beauty, long burnished hair. She was in a skillfully-sewn dress. Hmmm, this girl has everything that I wish for, why is she sitting there crying harrowingly like that? Elysee came closer to her, taken over by such great curiosity. What happened to you? The girl raised her full-of-tears eyes and answered in such a soft voice that Elysee felt was like a blowing wind.

Once upon a time there lived an old wizard whose name was Elysee. All day and
night she flew everywhere on her familiar broom. She had turned a lot of young man into ugly frogs. There was no magic that she hadnt known. But it didnt bring her happiness. At night, as usual, Elysee flew in the sky, hoping to come across some children to threaten or an ogre to combat or even anybody to give venomous curses. One morning, she was chosen to be the most talented as well as the creepiest wizard ever. But even after that, she didnt feel happy. Looking at herself in the cracked mirror, she thought how ugly her crooked nose was, her toothless mouth, her yellowish hair, just like the color of the fallen leaves at the end of autumn. Elysee closed her eyes and sadly thought, I have had this ugly appearance of the wizards for thousands of years. There hasnt been anything changed. The loose black dress, the small shoes with lots of buckles that made her feet hurt a lot and the hereditary nose, everything was unbearable for Elysee. Every night, Elysee was led astray in beautiful dreams full of colors and sounds. She dreamt of being more beautiful with an attractive smile, soft and twinkle hair, and wearing lovely dresses. She was thirsty for love like any other girl. In her dreams, one day, a handsome and romantic prince would come, put her on a noble horse and propose to her. On thinking elsewhere, suddenly, Elysee heard a soft sound in the quiet dark.

My father, the king, wants me to marry Prince Henry but I dont want to. I dont love him. And I dont want to be confined in the four cramped walls of the castle, looking at myself in luxurious dresses in the mirror waiting for the days to go by uselessly. I want to go everywhere, meet everyone. I want to breathe a different atmosphere, not as confined as this one. Look, am I similar to a prisoner being put under house arrest? Elysee came a little closer and asked the princess, How is he, the Prince Henry? Alice, the princess looked up. He is said to be very handsome, but I dont care about it. Tomorrow, he is coming here. I just want to die tonight so as not to obey my fathers words. What do you think if I offer you a bond? A bond? May it be a magic? So please turn me into a bird so that I can fly away from here. In return, I will give you everything you want Listen! Im fed up with being a wizard that everyone is frightened of. I want to relax, to be loved by a handsome, kind and dedicate prince. I wish to have your heavenly beauty, your burnished hair and your slender build being brought out by wonderful dresses. Would you mind changing your place for me? And instead of you, I will marry the prince. Alice, surprised, widened her eyes. She evidently was terrified of wizards, but Elysees offer was so fascinating. Wont I have to do bad things? she asked.



Of course not, if you dont want to. But on going everywhere, you may be driven away. Nobody loves wizards, you know. It isnt pleasant at all. But perhaps you can change this and be loved Alice looked at the magic broom which could bring her anywhere in the world for a long time. After that, she replied: Ok, I agree with your bond. That night, it was the first time she didnt have to live such a cramped life in luxury, behind the imposing stone walls. That night, she freely went to everywhere she wanted. Her life has been just flying, flying and flying here, there and everywhere since then That night, Elysee slept on the princesss special bed for the first time and dreamt of the next morning. There would be a handsome prince coming to her, giving her a sweet kiss

The Adventures of Zitty Pimples

By Franklin/Tran Nhat Hoang

Chapter 1:

Meeting Zitty Pimples.

Zitty Pimples is a witch who is very cruel, smart, and ugly. She has a long nose and Zits, moles, and pimples all over her body, face, arms and legs. She has a hat. She is smart because her brain inside her head is huge. She is 48 pounds because on her planet witches only eat 1 bowl of noodles every day, but now she is in Colorado. She is only 4 feet tall and 587 years old, because she made a potion that made her become as old as she wants, but if someone kills her she dies. Her skin is green and her friend is exactly the same, but fatter than her at 120 pounds, because her friend is not used to eating little food. Her friends name is Bitzy Crunk.

Chapter 2:

Going Outside the Streets.

On a very beautiful Friday morning, Zitty Pimples heard a scream from Bitzy. She screamed, Hurry up Zitty! We are going to miss our cab! Zitty screamed back, Cant I get some sleep! Its 4 oclock in the morning, whats wrong with you? Bitzy screamed again from the 1st floor to the 15th floor, There will be 2 handsome wizards in the cab! Just when Zitty Pimples heard Bitzy she rushed downstairs, but before she got down she knocked on another persons door then ran away.



Inside the cab Zitty was wearing a very shiny dress for the first time, wore make-up all over her face. The cab driver and the wizards were staring at her for a very long time and thinking shes so pretty. The driver was very mad inside because Bitzy was so fat but she was Zittys friend. For the whole ride everyone was talking about Zitty and Zitty forgot how ugly she was. The driver was so mad he turned the meter to over 1 million dollars. They were too busy talking, they only thought of how pretty Zitty is now. When they got off and got to the place they wanted, it was L.A. They were so happy until they saw the timer, it was 10 million dollars. They wizard and Bitzy were arguing to change the price. Zitty pretended to be nice and said in a very sweet voice, Please lower the price or make it free. The driver replied,Ok! Anything for you? Then they didnt have to pay anything. They are now so happy to be in L.A.

Chapter 4:

Living in room 1602.

When Zitty got in her room it was filled with golden and silver things. There was a golden bath tub, a silver water fountain, and a golden waterslide. Everyone was so surprised they even jumped on the tables and chairs for 10 hours, but when it came to taking a bath, everybody was pushing each other to take a bath. Zitty screamed, I will take a bath first Bitzy said, No way you guys are talking a bath before me, Zitty! The wizards said, Well take a bath before both of you. At that time nobody cared how beautiful Zitty was. Then they continued fighting, and then Bitzy was so angry. She trapped Zitty and the wizards in cages by waving her hand and saying, Caga Cadabra She didnt want them to get out so she took their wands and went into the bathroom, turned the water on, got her new witch clothes, put them on the

Chapter 3:

sink, took off her old witch clothes and jumped in the bath tub. She was so tired she even slept in the tub. One hour past and Bitzy woke up and saw the tub flooding everywhere. Zitty and the Wizards didnt care, they just sat inside their cages and played games on their phone and pretend they didnt know anything about Bitzy flooding the tub. Bitzy screamed, Help! Guys, Help! She even forgot to turn the water off. Then Mike and Tim opened Zittys door and sprayed even more water using their room. Then after 30 minutes the water was already touching the witches and Wizards neck. Mike and Tim were so scared. They would be caught by the hotel manager so they ran back into their room and went to bed but the water was still on. Zittys phone was broken because the water touched it. Zitty was so angry she got her broom out and turned into a giant fish, so the fish could drink all the water. Everyone thought it was impossible that a fish drank all the water. Everybody was soaked wet and finally Bitzy turned off the water and turned off the hose. The manager assistant walked in the wet room to clean it and saw so many wet things and screamed, Guys, youre moving to the room 1603! That was Mike and Tims room. Zitty was so happy that she got out of a wet place. Then she screamed: Yes! Im out of this dumpster. I will not stay in this room for 1 year! She still didnt know she will be in a room with Mike and Tim. She was so happy she even broke through the door, went in Tim and Mikes room and starting jumping on them.

Living in L.A.
The first thing Zitty wanted to do is destroy a building. So automatically she made a dozen of rocks into a laser canon and destroyed 5 buildings. But when someone was looking she turn the canon invisible by shooting the laser canon with her invisible gun. She wanted to do it again, but over 5 cops were looking to find out who destroyed the 5 buildings. The witches and wizards were pretending they dont know anything and ran as fast as they could. They were running over 10 miles and ended in a 5 star hotel with 20 floors. When they got in every man in the hotel were starring at Zitty and thinking she is the prettiest women living. The hotel owner said, Please! I beg you to get a room for free! You and your friends please get a room for free! Ok! Fine! Zitty screamed. Their room was number 1602 and next to a very naughty boy named Mike Spikes. He was the naughtiest kid in the whole building. Every man and woman hated him, thats why he lives with his older brother Tim Spikes, the one who was as naughty as Mike. Their room was the dirtiest room. There was very beautiful stuff but they used everything as a toy. They used a Diamond Statue as a clothes hanger. They used a golden bowl as a pillow for their feet. Everyone calls Tim old, but clueless.



Mike Spike sleep talked and said, We didnt do anything. Were innocent, dont hurt us! Zitty heard that and replied: This is our room, get out kids! The assistant came to Zittys new room and said, Sorry you have to live with kids. Zitty saw the room and said: This room doesnt look so bad. Until Tim woke up and turned the room into its real dirty form. Zitty this time was actually standing on Tims dirty sock pile. Then she screamed: Ew!!!!!!! Then she jumped up through the ceiling and into room 1703 then ran back out the door. Then she screamed again, Bitzy! Give me back my wand. Bitzy gave the wand to Zitty and said nothing else. Zitty waved her hand and said: Cleana Cladabra. That made their room clean right away. Zitty was so happy now and pushed Tim and Mike out to get their bed and she wanted to sleep in their bed. It was now 6:00pm and everybody was sleeping on a sofa and the floor but only Zitty got to sleep on the bed. Meanwhile, Tim and Spike were making dinner for themselves and dinner for Zitty, but Zittys dinner was a trap. If you touch Zittys dinner plate, the food on the plate will splash all over your face In the morning, Zitty woke up, but didnt even touch the plate. She ordered room service instead. Bitzy woke up and saw the plate and rushed right next to the plate. She touched the plate and it hit her face! Just after that happened Bitzy got her wand and turned Zitty into a smiling donkey. Then Bitzy was laughing while saying: Ha ha! Thats what you get for using food to splash it all over my face! Zitty was so angry, she opened the refrigerator and got pie out to throw it at Bitzy. The pie splashed all over her face. The Wizards woke up hearing Bitzy scream, Food fight! Then they started to throw food at each other and Zitty and Bitzy. They all opened the fridge and threw pie and tomatoes at each other. Spike and Tim who were hiding behind the couch joined too. They fought and fought with food until Bitzy gave up. Soon Zitty gave up and now there were only the Wizards and Mike and Tim. The Wizards put the tomatoes in the pie to make the pie taste disgusting for Mike and Tim to eat when the pie splashed on their face. Tim poured pie cream on

the tomatoes to make it much nastier for the Wizards to look at. The Wizards pretended the tomatoes were invisible and just kept on throwing there pies with tomatoes. Spike and Tim were so tired but didnt give up. Suddenly, Tim got an idea and told Mike, Mike, go in our room and go get my hooking stick. Ive got a plan! Spike sneaked in his and Tims room, he got the stick and passed it gently to Tim. Tim quietly hooked Zittys wand and pulled the stick to get Zittys wand. Zitty who was putting make up on her face this whole time didnt even notice anything. The two brothers turned themselves invisible and threw as much pies and tomatoes as they could. Finally the wizards lost. Then the Spikes went behind their pillow which everybody had in the beginning. After that they quietly put Zittys wand on the table and started jumping on the table while saying, Ha ha! We win! In your face losers! Then the wizards cried and Bitzy and Zitty were angry as usual. After one hour of watching TV, Zitty and Bitzy went to shop for clothes. The Wizards played fighting games on Tims computer. Mike and Tim were putting pies everywhere on the floor. When they were done, they jumped as far as they could from their door entrance to Mikes bed. Then they played on Mikes laptop. Zitty got home and stepped on pie! All her new clothes and shoes got splashed all over by the pie. She was so angry and screamed, Who put pie all over the floor? Mike ignored Zitty and Tim did the same to not get in trouble. The wizards didnt even hear anything because they were listening to the music while playing. She couldnt clean the room because her wand was on the table and her broom couldnt transform into a wand either. So she had to wait outside the door until they noticed that she was there. Bitzy was still at the food court in the mall that Zitty and she were at. After Zitty slept for 45 minutes, Bitzy finally got upstairs looking much fatter than before. After Bitzy got upstairs she screamed, This day rocks! Her screaming was so loud it even woke Zitty up and only a whole drum band could wake Zitty up. Zitty asked Bitzy looking tired, If you are still hungry, then welcome to pie world, Mrs. Crunk! Bitzy just opened the door and started to gobble all the pie. Then she threw all the pie plates out the window and then all of them hit a mans head. Thanks to Bitzy, Zitty can finally get inside the house. Spike and Tim were now so furious that their plan didnt work. That night at 11oclock Mike decided to make their traps with water because he knew Zitty, Bitzy, and the Wizards hated water.



He had a plane that flies automatically and drops water balloons at the same time. He also stole Zittys magic geyser holes and put them all on the floor. He stole the geyser remote of Zittys too so he could turn them on when everyone steps on them, but when Tim stands on it Mike will not turn on the geysers. Thats why he put hidden cameras all over the room. He bought a huge frog and taught hit how to trap people with its tongue and how to spit very far. It only listens to him and Tim. Tim who was sleeping woke up and told Mike: What are you doing? Go to sleep! Mike replied: Fine, I will. After that Mike had to go to sleep but not before he turned on the cameras and turned on his alarm which will ring at 5 oclock. At 1 am Zitty told Bitzy: Hey, are you still awake Bitzy?! Bitzy was still awake and replied, Of course I am but do you think Im fat? Zitty replied again, Yes, why are you asking me that? Bitzy said again, Ok, well. Tomorrow I am going to do exercise. Lets go to sleep now. Then the two witches slept. Mike put a fake doll of him on the bed and ran downstairs to the kids casino and won 1,000,000 dollars. It was now 4 oclock and Mike was not sleep at all. He woke up and told Tim, Wake up! You would not believe how much I earned - 1,000,000 dollars. How awesome am I?

wasted her time getting downstairs she stayed to do exercises. It was now Zittys turn to get splashed and she did. This time she knew Mike and Tim splashed her. Mike and Tim splashed her because Bitzy said she was going to exercise and the wizards thought Zitty is still pretty. The water destroyed Zittys make up, so she was so angry. She went to the Spikes room and tied them with ropes to the ceiling to hit them with sticks. But before Zitty started to wack them Mike told her, If you let us go, well tell you something really cool! Zitty told them, This better be worth not waking you guys! Tim replied, We bought this hotel! Zitty told the two brothers with a grinning face, You guys rock! Thanks! When Zitty went jumping up and down to the adult casino, Tim told the frog to get him a pair of scissors to cut the two ropes. After that the two brothers rushed downstairs to the casino. Zitty text to all of her friends, Come to the hotel casino room. Bitzy and the wizards were her only friends but they still came. Bitzy looking much skinnier came. The wizards looking very sleepy came, but when Zitty told them she owns the hotel, they were not sleepy at all. Soon the whole group including Mike and Tim had enough money to buy the whole Los Angeles. They turned Los Angeles into something new. Then the group of 6 people live happily ever after with human slaves.

Chapter 5:

Tim said: Lets buy this hotel, Mike, wouldnt that be much more awesome! Then we can earn even more money by playing in the kid casino for free! What are we waiting for? Lets buy it! Then they bought the hotel and kicked everybody out except Zitty and everyone else in their room because the brothers still wanted to prank the witches and wizards. It was 5 oclock, Bitzy woke up to exercise. Just when she stood on the floor Mike ran into his room and turned every single thing that has water on. The frog spitted as much as he could at Bitzy. She went to the 1st floor planning to tell the manager, but when she got downstairs, the manager was gone. Bitzy was so angry, but since she



All Because of Love

By Nguyen Le Phuong Anh

And as soon as she went to sleep, Phu came back with the flower. Obb took the flower and made Tina smell it. After that he sang. Tina heard that and woke up. Now the first person she sees is Obb. Tina said, Hi Handsome! What would you like! Ill change anything that belongs to me become yours so I can hear you sing. You gonna have a reason for that. But if you love my singing, I want a building which has my name on top. Tina called all her fairies and said, Build a building which have lovely rooms. And the rooms will have pink things Obb: Blue! Tina: Blue things. And on the top of the building we will have a name!

Part 11
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen. The king, whose name is Obb is the king of the Amazons. And the queen, whose name is Tima, is the queen of all the fairies and elves. These magic little people looked after flowers, trees and all the animals. If they were happy, everything in the world was all right, but for some months they had been unhappy. So, the rain came down, the earthquakes started, the volcanoes erupted, wind storms blew The king and queen were angry with each other. King Obb and Queen Tina were always quarreling about a little boy. His mother had died and Queen Tina had been looking after him. She had made him her servant boy. Obb did not like this. He wanted the boy to be his servant, but Tina would not give the boy to him. The king has one servant, whose name is Phu. The king called Phu and said: Phu! Come here! Yes my heist. Halfway around the world , in India, there is a flower, the name is lost in my memoryjust remember thats the flower that the god Desu dropped. If anyone smells that flower when they sleep, when that person wakes up, that person will love the first person they see. I want you to get that flower for me. So Phu did.

Part 3
Tina! I want some fried chicken, some soup, some rice, some meat, some fish, a bottle of beer and a bottle of orange juice. Fast! Here! Im coming! Just what you need. Hey! Can you take my shoes off? Ok! Tina said. Im hot. Fan me so I can get cooler. Moth! Fan him! Tina commanded. I need some new clothes. Web, Meb! Make some new clothes for him.

Part 2
One night, when Tina had finished giving the fairies their food, she said to Obb, Lets go to sleep. Obb said, Im taking care of my plants. You first, I later!

And they lived happily ever after



Callion , Last Defense

By Le Hoang Nguyen

And they began digging. The giant drill theyd brought made things a lot easier. Meanwhile, inside the Darius Stronghold, its inhabitant were having a huge party at the Main Square to celebrate their victory. Space Marines, Planetary Defense Forces, even civilians were there. The air was filled with excitement and alcohol. Quite hard to believe that it was just yesterday the place was in complete panic and disorder. But everything was all fine now, or so as they thought. Captain, Space Marine Lieutenant Ragna called out to his superior. Captain Harkmen, sir. The captain turned at him. Yeees, he replied. His breath smelled of alcohol. Sir, may I ask why are we celebrating? Battles over, son, Harkmen dreamy replied. Grab something to drink, man. Since when did I become his son? Please, I dont drink, said Ragna. what make you so sure theyre not going to bump into us in the next twenty seconds? Well, you can see that our scouts reported they saw the Orks warship leaving the planet this morning. With the entire army in it? Come on, you surely know that the Orks wont stop until either us or them are dead. Harkmen grew a little angry. Oh, come on, he said. Why are you always being such a sad little puppy like that? Why cant you have some fun? Ragna sighed and then turned around. I dont like noisy places. As the lieutenant departed from Main Square, he found himself entering the quiet, cold, dark and lifeless street. A shadow caught up with him. Ragna immediately recognize the person. It was Sergeant Markus, his oldest friend. Where are you going? asked Markus. To the bar. answered Ragna. Alright, then thats where Im heading, too. Markus was a heavy drinker, a ripped-off, got disciplined twice in one years and much more. Ragna knew he would never refuse anything like this. He sighed.

Out on the hive world of Callion, the Space Marine Chapter Dark Angel was repelling
an endless onslaught from the green-skinned aliens, the Orks. Most of the small villages had already been raided so the marines pulled back all forces to make their last stand at the great fort. After two days of struggling, they finally managed to drive back the enemy. Hundreds upon hundreds of Orks had fallen under the indestructible massive wall of the Darius Stronghold. However, it wasnt over, not just yet. That night, Warboss Lotzo summoned the remnants of his clan right outside the fortress, preparing for the final strike. Alright, boyz, he said. I have had just about enough of thiz. Too many of us have died under that stinken wall, but no more. Tonight well dig a tunnel beneath it and strike those Space Boyz from the under. But sir, what if we got busted? one of his lackeys asked. Havent you heard anything, idiot? Lotzo replied, uncomforted. They think wez all dead. Theres a freaking party going on there . They wont mind a fing. All the Orks felt silent, except one. If theyz off guard why shouldnt we just go for the gate? he asked. Immediately, Lotzo stabbed him through the chest with his giant claws and threw the lifeless body away like a piece of garbage. Coz Im da Warboss, thats why. Any other questions ? Nobody said a thing. They all knew what would happen when someone displease their Warboss. Lotzo grinned. Then lets begin, boyz, he said with a thunder struck voice Tonight well drink their blood and feast on their corpses. WAAAAAAAAGH!!!



Serve yourself. Head or tail? What ? Head or tail? Loser will pay. Markus chuckled. Head. Ragana flipped his coin and when it fell down, he couldnt catch it. The coin dropped right into the sewer. Is that head or is that tail? asked Markus. Oh no. Thats my lucky coin for Thones sake, said Ragna frustratedly. Let it go brother. I cant. You just go to the bar, OK. Ill catch up later. Markus sighed. Alright, but dont be too long, he said and began making his way to the bar where they he and his battle brother used to drink. Ragan got down to the sewer. It was smelly, dirty, disgusting, and a whole lots more reasons for you not to be there. However, it didnt stop him. After 20 minutes of searching and nose covering, Ragna finally found it. Suddenly, he heard strange noises. At first he though it was just rats but then he could here voices talking. To his horror, group of not-so-well-armed Orks were already in the sewer. This is bad. What should I do now ? Ragna decided that it was best to stay there for a little while to gather more information so he hid and listened. Most of what the Orks said he didnt understand and wasnt willing to learn either. Fortunately, he managed to hear that there was going to be attack at 9 oclock. Ragna raised his watch. It was seven thirty. Ive got 90 minutes to save the day. Gotta tell command about this. Without getting spotted, he left the sewer and made it for Main Square to warn his brothers. Captain Harkmen, seeing the coming of Ragna, called out two his men. Dont let him get here, he ordered. The two Dark Angels quickly intercepted Ragna as he arrived. Please, I need to speak to Captain Harkmen, said Ragna, still trying to catch his breath. This is an emergency.

Yeah, right, replied one of the men. Why dont you do that tomorrow, heh? This is important. The Orks are here. Theyre in the sewer We are tired of hearing that, said the other man. Just ask that guy over there. He pointed at an old, scruffy looking man on the street holding the sign There are Orks in my house! Ragan felt his stomach churned when he saw the mans smile which revealed his half-missing teeth set. I dont have time for this. Ohhhh, that!!! Without another word, Ragna hurriedly to the bar where Markusd gone earlier. As he barged into it, a unpleasant smell filled the room. Luckily, no one was there except the sergeant and the owner who quickly took out a perfume bottle and started spraying. Markus clapped his hand in an annoying sort of way. Geez, brother, he said. You smell like a weasel. Come here and Ill pay. Ragna immediately grabbed his shoulder, which caught him off guard. Please, listen to me, said the lieutenant. Youre my last hope. Markus hesitated. What are you talking about? he asked. The Orks are in the sewer. They re going to attack Are you sure? Is this some sort of a joke? Of course, replied Ragna angrily. Have I ever lied before? Markus had it thought for about a second. Hed known Ragna for 50 years and recognized him as a straight and honest man. Although he wasnt sure if Ragnad cheated or not at the cardgame. With a sigh, Markus said, Alright, I believe in you, brother. But if what you said was true than were going to need help. Right, Ragna nodded. We should gather up anyone we can find and meet up here at eight fifteen. The attack I heard will begin at nine so wed better hurry. Lets go, then The two friend went on separate ways. Ragna headed for the barrack, only to find it completely deserted. NO! Next was the Main Square but Harkmens henchmen chased him away. NO!



Finally he went up the guard tower where the Dark Angelsd located their heavy weapons. It was empty. NOOOOOOO!!! And for the first time, Im glad the Orks didnt go full force on the gate again. Theres no one here. I cant believe it. Filled with disappointment, Ragna went back to the bar, hoping his brother had better luck. At exactly eight twenty five, Markus came into the bar, leading a group of seven people. Much to Ragnas horror, they werent what hed expected. One was an 80 years old man who looked as if he could kick the bucket any moment. One was a man whod lost his left ear, left eye(covered with eye patch) , left hand(hook) and left foot(wooden pole). One was so fat Ragna swore he could put an Ork into his tummy. One was a man whose face had been completely covered in pimples. One was a hip-hop dancer who spoke completely nonsense. One was a little girl on the verge of tears. The last man was more decent-looking. He was undoubtedly a PDF (Planetary Defense Force.) Ragna relieved a little when he saw him. So, whens the shooting? asked the PDF-er. Ragna was even happier when hearing that. Dont worry, man. He said. Youll be shooting real soon. The PDF-er looked confused. I thought that was your job. Ragna lowered his eye brow. What the heck do you mean by that? I thought we were here to do a movie. Hes the director, youre the camera man and were the actors. Am I right ? NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Ragna cried out in anguish as his final hope crumbled. He dropped his knees and fell on the ground. Why ? Why has the Emperor forsaken us like this ? On the contrary, Markus was looking awfully amused. He let out a youve got anyone better expression. Well, what did you expect? Adeptus Astartes? They might not be as you wanted but thats all we have so wed better spend the most of it. Ragna sighed deeply. During the next fifteen minutes, the lieutenant briefly explain the situation which they were running for. Finally, everybody came to a understanding. Ive got it, more or less, said the old man. Nah, as long as you can kill some Orks decently, thatll be fine, replied Ragna.

If the Orks are here, then why shouldnt we alert the authorities, I mean your brothers? said the pimple-faced man. Because my company is lead by a pig-headeddude, thats why. Bikashi oyi jaisara halohula, said the hip-hop man. Yeah yeah yeah, I TOTALLY understand that. So were fighting against the Orks and not the Eldar ? asked the fat man. YEEEEEEEEES!!! Do we still get paid for this ? asked the PDF-er. NOOOOOOOO!!! Is it true theres a part in the Orks head that will explode when you shoot it ? asked the man with one ear. Well, you might wanna find it out on yourself. Sir, Im scared, said the little girl timidly. Well, why dont you go home with your mommy and daddy ? Ragna replied at a mocking tone, which immediately made him regret. The girl broke to tears and everyone else stared at him in disappointment. Markus shook his head lightly. Ragna confused. What? What did I say? Theyve all passed away, said the old man. Her village was attack by the Orks last week. Shes the only survivor. The Dark Angel felt his stomach churned with guilt. IIm sorry, he said. Im a terrible man, please forgive me. Markus gave him a punch in the shoulder. Man, they are no Space Marines so mine yourself, OK? He gave the little girl a candy in his pocket and she finally stopped crying. Guys, look, said the PDF. Its eight forty, The attack will begin soon so we may as well get moving quickly. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Alright, well need to arm ourself first, said Ragna. The two Space Marines brought out a huge weapon crate. Ragna, despite being



a tactical marine which favoured range combat, grabbed a chainsword. Meanwhile, Markus was a devastator marine so his specialty was, without questions, heavy weapons. He took a heavy bolter machine gun on his hands and another flamethrower on his back. Ragna told him they might slow him down but he didnt listen. The militias each took a pistol bolt since that was the only weapon they could carry since all Space Marines weapons were very big. Other items which were brought included grenades, plashlights, medic kids, fake teeth and adult diapers, just in case. After having well-armed, the eight men and one little girl made for the sewer. The Orks were still there, waiting. Oh, Holy Throne. There really are Orks in the sewer, said the fat man. I told you, replied Ragna, almost happily. So, whats the plan, brother? asked Markus. Ragna was dumbfounded. Well, I was going to invite Lieutenant Galon to come with us, but uhm I couldnt find him anywhere so. So well going blind, heh ? said Markus angrily. Hate to say this but if you dont come up with anything any time soon, were going to get massacred out there. The lieutenant felt silent, but someone else didnt. Hey, I think Ive got something here, the old man suddenly raised his voice. Alright, shoot. Im all ears, replied Markus. OK. Look at those pipes, they contain gas. If we blast them open, itll create a concealing smoke for us. Good idea, said Ragna. Couldnt think of anything better myself. Thats because youre an idiot, thats why, muttered Markus. Lets get to it, men, said the one eyed man. On my count to three, said Ragna steadily. One. Everybody locked and loaded, preparing for what comes next. Two. The tension filled the air they could even smell it. Lets hope this work.

THREE! FOR THE EMPEROR! Immediately, Markus opened fire at the pipes the old man d spoke of. He was right, smoke quickly began to fill the sewer. The Orks, being caught off guard, almost froze themselves to the ground. What da heck was that ? Da Space Boyz are here already? What do we do now? Without warning, Ragna leaped out from the smoke and engaged in melee combat while Markus was off-loading his heavy weapon on the green-skinned aliens. The others also started firing. The group of Orks soon scattered, but not all of them. Five bodies were left behind. Two was cut down by Ragna while Markus took out another two. The last death was cause by a pistol bolt, unmistakably. One of the militias had done it. We must not let them regroup, said Ragna determinedly and then without thinking, he sprinted deeper into the sewer. Markus tried to follow him but he soon realized the heavy weapons which hed decided to carry were holding him back. Suddenly, an Ork came out of nowhere and knocked down Markus. Before the devastator could even react, the Ork had him pinned down and pointed a pistol at him. Fortunately, someone else had beaten him to the point of pulling the trigger. The greenskinned laid down, dead. Markus got up, seeing that someone was none other than the PDF. Uhm Thanks, he mumbled. Your welcome. Two more Orks appeared, imbued with fury. A figure of the wooden-left-foot militia leaped forward. He killed one of the aliens with his hook and with the other hand, he pointed the pistol at his opponent, aiming for a head shot. BANG! To Markuss horror, it detonated, for real, leaving a headless body collapsed onto the ground. Disgusting. But what Markus actually felt was a mixture of both joy and entertained. It was rather an interesting experience for him.



More Orks coming, yelled the pimple faced man, pointing at the direction of which, a horde of Orks holding war axe was charging forward. Markus immediately grabbed his flamethrower while the fat man took his heavy bolter machine gun on the ground. WOW! To his surprise, the fat man was holding the 500 pounds weapon with ease, as if it was no heavier than a basket ball. Markus didnt expect any non-bio-engineered normal human being could ever have done that, but he was sure glad to have him on his side. The two men with heavy weapons began firing at the horde, taking down Orks after Orks. A green-skinned, hit twice, smashed back into the wall and slid down, dead. WAAAAAGH!. A dozen more aliens attacked from the different direction. What do we do now? yelled the old man, panickly. Westokis adlaiw inapois doamau, said the hip hop guy. Markus lowered his brow. Are you sure? Thats dangerous. Jingo hykaso oskanu fugeth. And without another word, he sprinted into the Ork pack. Markus mouth dropped open as he couldnt believe in his eyes what he was seeing. The man was dancing through the enemy, skillfully avoiding everything they threw at. Being to occupied trying to kill the dancer, the Orks didnt realize they were cutting down themselves. Markus smirked. He knew it was going to be alright. He knew that they could win. REPENT ! FOR TOMORROW YOU WILL DIE! Meanwhile, Ragna was having a wonderful time he ran across the sewer, slicing any Ork he found with his chainsword. It was easy, until. He confronted the he-who-lead-the-Orks. Agh! You rotten ooman are so persistent, said the Warboss. Rotten ? Ragna taunted. Oh yeah! And you Orks smell like stinky cheese put between a giants toes for a month mixed with Nurgles drop. But a thousand times worse. Without warning, the Ork charged forward, swinging his massive claws at Ragna. He leaped back and dodged it, barely. Judging from the three nasty scratches on his thick armor, Ragna knew a moment too late from that could have end him up in pieces. He sighed deeply. Urgh. This is going to be tougher than I thought. Hope the othersll be here soon.

Back to Markus and the militias. The battle was over. The area in front of them was littered with aliens dead. The Orks horde had been left to nothing while the pack had only one left. He looked confused and Markus took him down with one shot from a pistol bolt hed borrowed. Victory had come at last. Wewe did it! said the old man, still couldnt believe. Yeaah! We sure show them, said the fat man happily. Huray, no more green skinned, said the young girl, jumping up and down. Urghargh, the one eyed man fell to the ground, unconscious. Blood leaked out from his chest. Evidently, he was shot during the fight. Hey! yelled Markus. Is there anybody who knows medic? I do, said the pimple man. Really? Of course, Im a doctor. Why didnt you say anything like that before? You never asked. Suddenly, from the far side of the sewer came a familiar voice yelling the unmistakable FOR THE EMPEROR! warcry. Markus knew the battle wasnt over, not just yet. Alright, stay here. Im going after my brother, he said. Stay safe, OK? said the PDF. Please be careful, mister, said the little girl. The Emperor protects, said the old man. You too, replied Markus although he knew the full version of that blessing was The Emperor protects the virtuous which a disgrace soldier like him didnt deserve. The sergeant let out a grin on his face and without another word, he departed. Meanwhile, DIE! DIE! DIE!



The Warboss yelled while swinging his claws repeatedly at Ragna who was narrowly parrying them. At the seventeenth blow or so, his cainsword smashed into pieces, making him totally vulnerable. Hah, you end is now, ooman, said the Warboss. He used his jet pack to leaped backward, preparing for the final charge. Markus arrived just in timeto get crushed, literally. Lotzo fell right on him, accidentally. Ragna clapped his forehead in disappointment. Man, you are such a noob. With Ragna in his right hand and Markus in the left, Lotzo smashed both of them brutally into the wall, knocking them half-unconscious. Any last word? Ooman? he asked. Yeah, Ragna barked. Go and die. To my father, Markus began, youre always the in my eyes, although you cant move and have to pee through a series of pipe, I still love you. I just want you to know thatthat IT WAS REALLY ME WHO DRANK ALL OF YOUR BEER IN THE FRIDGE, and it tasted good. Both Ragna and Lotzo looked confused. Frankly, Im glad dont know anything about your father. Aright, said the Warboss. Its time for you to meet your doom. Wait, squealed Markus. To my son. From this moment I wont be with you anymore. Hope youll make it to the lines of the Space Marine just like me. And oh yeah, cut off the candy, its not good for you. Huh? said Lotzo out of amazement. One more, please. To my xeno pet, food is on the third shelf to the right in the kitchen. By the way, since Im gone now, stop biting peoples shoes, OK? PLEASE! yelled Ragna. In the name of the Emperor and whatever you Orks are worshipping, just KILL us already! What this fool is telling makes me wanna join the Forces of Chaos. Lotzo raised his claws, preparing for the final blow. The two Dark Angels all closed their eyes, hoping for a swift and painless death. It never came.

BANG! Came the unmistakable sound of a pistol bolt fire. The Ork turned around, facing the shooter in amazement. It was none other than the little girl. Run! Save yourself! Warn the others! yelled Ragna but then he noticed something was odd. Despite being in a sewer, that smell is highly uncommon. It was petro. Lotzos jet-pack was leaking petro. Oh damm, said the Warboss. KABOOOOM!! The petro ignited, sending Lotzo into the ceiling before detonated. Blood splattered all over the two Space Marine. They looked at each other, half amused, half amazed. Ragna couldnt help laughing, then Markus did the same. The remnants of the Orks, upon the death of their waboss, lost all strength and will to fight. They raced back to the hole and escaped through it. Good work there, kid, said Ragna. You see, you can do anything you put yourself into it. And what about Captain Hook. Its he alright? asked Markus. Doctor said hell live to fight another day, replied the little girl. Is that good? Yeah, very. Captain Harkmen and his company finally arrived, only to find out that the battle was over. The scene were covered in green corspes and red blood. Victory had been won, thanks to the ever-vigilant Lieutenant Ragna, the adept weaponer Sergeant and what seemed to be good for nothing militias. Everyone had played their part in the process to archieved ultimate success for the Imperium. They will never be forgotten by the people of Callion, nor the Dark Angel Space Marine Chapter. It was a glorious day for the Emperor.



Unexpectedly, a crowded group of students came closer to Sam. Scared, she stepped back, and then ran. But her small legs could not help her to stay away from those students.

Evil Sam

Caught yaaaa!! - a fat short boy gripped Sam in his hand and said. Let me see!...Awww!! Its so ugly.. terrible dirty.!! another boy complained. Heyyy, kiddie go home and put me down right now, or I will bite you. Get it, huh? Sam yelled angrily. Ahhhhh! This dog can talk! Oh my god....ddd! It talked.
By Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen

I cant believe it! So horrible and freaky! The children shouted with fright. The boy was scared, so he put the little dog down and all the students ran away immediately. She kept on going. Whenever she met humans she would talk to make them afraid like what she did with the children. It was quite late now. So tired! So hungry! So thirsty! Im exhausted! Sam said. Then she looked at the traffic sign. Weeeeee! This is it! Ive made it! Its Wizards Street there! Aahhhh! she screamed happily. Sam ran quickly straight to the street. There were two roads with different signs: For bad people only and For good people only. Sam went to the road with the second sign and immediately, she was kicked out by a wizard guard. The wizard could easily realize that the dog in front of him was really a human in the shape of a dog and also know Sam was guilty. You are a bad person, so go that way , this is not for you he said strictly. No , I am not. Im a good person. I never do anything wrong, so shut up! I need to go there right now Sam replied. Im the guard, so I will decide WHO can enter this way, NOT YOUUU! Ok, ok, fine, fine, dont be angry! It wont be good for your health! Sam said with fake smile. Then she went the way for bad people and whispered Blah blah blahwhatever, idiot! DONT YOU KNOW ITS RUDE TO WHISPER? The guard was becoming mad. Its ok guard guy! Calm down! Ill handle this! Go back, eat something you like relax! OK! a wizard appeared and said. There was a card on her coat.

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining bright. It was 9 oclock . As a habit, Sam
woke up. After having fun with some friends last night, she came home and took a nap right away. She drank a lot so she felt a little bit dizzy . Suddenly, she realized a horrible, unbelievable thing that would change her life. Why is everything so giant today? Then she looked at her body. Oh my god ! What is this? I have been turned into a dog and actually, I can talk like a human! ........ Aaahhhhhhh! Sam screamed loudly. She wanted the whole world to hear that, to know this scary reality. Quickly, she ran towards the mirror. Aawww !Whyy.y.y? Look at this, Im so smalland ugly and dirty toooooo! She really did not know why this thing happened to her. Im a good person, I never do anything wrong. Little Sam was so sad and confused, but then she remembered the advertisement When you need help, just come here, the Wizards Street, we have great wizards, and we will do our best to help you if we can. And please, dont forget to bring us money. Remember 1000 dollars per wish. Muahahahahaha! Right after that, Sam decided to go to the Wizards Street even though she didnt have any money. She thought maybe the wizards would understand and help her cause she was a good person. Sam was on her way to there. People were walking, cars, bikes, motorbikeseverything was just like a traffic jam. So noisy! She walked carefully to stay away from these dangerous huge things.



Mitchi! So thats your name, huh? You look beautiful! Hahaaa Sam laughed out loud. Be careful with your mouth! Seems like you didnt feel sorry and regret for what you have done. Turning you into a dog was not enough for you! the wizard responded. DDDarn! So you were the one who turned me into this! You are guilty and a lunatic! I didnt do anything wrong, Im innocent! Dont you understand? Oh! Why dont you try to remember about last night? And then lets see who was guilty? After that request, Sam tried to remember about last night. It was Sally- Sams best friends birthday. Thenshe joined in the Who can drink more? competition. Everyone who took part in this game had to drink 100 cups or quit. And who was the winner?...Ummmm... Oh right! Me! I drank 98 cups! Amazing! Ive made a new record! The party ended at 11 oclock! Sam was quite confused and said, That was all! I didnt do any thing wrong! Noooo! There were more! Continue! It hasnt been finished yet! Go on! FineYoure so crazyUmm .. After that, Sally took me home in her car Then...then I met a was ugly, terrible ..and I said to it, Youre so dirty, dreadfulSuch a rubbish dog!.. next I kicked itAhhhhhhhI look exactly like it! Oh damn! I forgot about it! said Sam angrily. I was so evil ! She whispered, Yeah! Awesome! See, I told you.You were guilty. Turning you into a dog was the punishment for ya. That dog might look awful but its still a creature. You shouldnt have done that. After being kicked, it died because you were too strong and it was too small and weak. Oh my god! It died! AwwwI was so evil! But I was drunk, I cant control my act! I really feel regret now! Please, turn me back, I cant live in this shape. I have learnt a big lesson. Please..e..e..e ! Sam begged in tears. OK! Abracadabra! Suddenly, a light covered Sam. After a few seconds the little dog had been turned into a girl. Sam came back home. The wizard disappeared. Sam left that town and laughed happily, WeeeeeSo stupid! Hahaha! I just pretended! Muahahahahahaha! Im a genius! Awesome!

My Adventure to the Lost Island

By Do Minh Hanh




Byeee ! " - I said goodbye to my friend and went back home after a long and tired

-" Why are you calling this place is Lost Island ? For what reason? Cause I don't see anything that looks like this place is missing? It's new - I feel weird. -" I don't know, but anyone who came here they can't go out" - She giggled. I started to worried. But I kind of liked Annie- my new friend. Cause she is cute and friendly too. After that, Annie took me to her house, I push the ring and a giant lady opened the door -" Hi mom !" - Hi my lovely daughter - said Giant and she hugged Annie with a big smile. And she turn to me: -"And who is this girl!" - She was angry. She began to lift me up, but Annie yelled: -" No mom, that's my friend! -" I HAVE TO TOLD YOU HOW MANY TIME. DON'T BRING YOUR FRIEND TO OUR HOUSEEEE ... ! - Now she is very angry, her face is totally red! -"But mom, she just came here !"- Annie begged -" Just come ? Wow, so welcome you !" - She smiled like nothing was happening. Think again, Annie's mom might be friendly too. But something is very strange about her. Annie and I went to her room, and Annie jumped on her bed -"Wow, is so cool !!!" - Annie yelped -"What's happening ?" - I asked -"This is the first time my mom agreed when I brought my friend to my house " - said Annie. -"I think is weird too. Especially when you said I just came here. -"You don't have to worry about anything, my mom look very big and bad, but actually she is very kind." -" Really ? That's good. But I am tired, let's go to sleep" - I yawn I turn off the lights. In the next morning, Annie woke up first and woke me up. We went down stair and

day at school. Today is a weird day, I think so. Cause it's a very hot day, and now, a big wind is blowing in my hair. I started to be afraid something will happen, and my feeling is always right! Suddenly, a huge hurricane blew me up. I tried to get out of that but ... I can't. I think the last word I can say is: Help meeeeee ! ... I tried to say loudly but, but nothing. I feel afraid. This hurricane will take me to where? "Where am I ? " - I woke up and saw me in a dark and cold place. I feel scared. And hungry too. I tried to find the way out, I just go and go. But it's just empty, it's so deserted, no one is in here, except me! I sat down and cried. I miss my family so much, I wished they are here. I think I would never see them again. Suddenly, I saw a tiny light over the tree, I stand up and went to the tree, I tried to go faster and faster but I never could find the way out of this forest. I feel very lonely, and I began to cry again. Wait a minute, and I stop crying, cause I heard a strange noise, like a music. But I thought, how could this dark jungle have that. And I " turn my head up ", holy smoke, it's not that jungle any more, it's an amusement park with a lot of fun games. I went inside and saw many people in there. They are playing many different games, I went to the stadium in front of me. And I saw they're playing football. But in here they call this game is "Hand Ball " , but the rules still like that. And I think that is ridiculous. I keep going and suddenly everything stop, the clown didn't make fun, the fat boy didn't eat, I look at my watch, and the time stop too. I tried to touch the girl next to me, and instantly, the time was back to normal. But you know, when the time back to normal, it goes very fast, I can't follow it. And now I just alone at this poor amusement park. The next morning, I went outside of the park. -" Hello" - One voice appeared after me -" Who's talking ? " - I turn back and saw a girl, the girl last night. -" I'm Annie. Nice to meet you! " - The girl said and shake my hand. -" Nice to meet you too - I replied - "Why did you come here ? " - She asked me. -" I don't know, where is this place? - I asked. -" This is the Lost Island, welcome to you" - She smiled.



Annie's mom yelling: -" Both of you, come here. Or I will kick two of you out -" She scream like a 6 month baby. -"Eat the breakfast!" - Giant said -" Okey Dokey !" - I chuckle -" Don't you say funny words ! - " She warning and drop in my face. -" Yes madam ! " - I stammered -" And don't call me madam ! " She poke the spoon at me as near as possible. -" Yes ! " - I stammered again The breakfast is DISGUSTING, I don't know what it have but, the meat is red, the vegetable is brown, and it also have hair in it. I just pretend that I ate the vegetable, cause if I didn't eat anything, Annie's mom is look at me all the time, if she know, she will kick me out, really, I am not kidding! I went outside and saw Annie caught some butterfly, and I enjoy it too. I asked Annie: -" What's your mother's name ?" -" I don't know " - She replied like a naive child. -" So, you just call her mommy?" - I asked again, still that stupid question. -" Yes, of course, what is the other name I can call her?" -" So can I call her Giant?" - I said -" Maybe, but I think she will angry 'bout that!" - She chuckle and told me how she angry when the first time she call her Giant Baby ( Baby mean Lady ) But in that time, Annie had wrong pronunciation. Suddenly, I feel something was wrong inside, and I pretend that I thirsty and I went inside and... Oh My God, I saw the strangest scene that I ever see. Annie's mom was talking with someone in a freaky ball. -"I find a girl, a new girl!" - Said Giant. -"Who is she?" - the ball asked.

-" Her name is S, she is playing outside with Annie."- the Giant laughed. -"Annie ? You mean the girl thought you is her mother ?" - the ball asked again. -"Of course! I locked her real mom in that snow ball -" She said and pointing to the snow ball in the table. -" So what we will do with that new girl?" - The ball laughed sinisterly. -" We will take her power and energy and drink it" - The Giant looked outside with a evil smile. I don't know why in that time, that dangerous time, and I dropped the cup down: Bang! -"Who is that?-" The Giant turn around and looked at me but I sneak out as fast as I can. I was so scared, especially they said they will drink my power. And that Giant is not Annie's real mom. I want to tell Annie, but I worry she doesn't believe it. The first thing I must do is rescue Annie's real mom. But how? I need to distract Giant to take that snow ball. That morning, I woke up earlier than usual and didn't call Annie. Because if she know my plan, she will think I'm mad and doesn't want to see me again. I went downstairs I saw Giant, I said: -"Good... good morning !" -" Huh! Where is Annie ?" - She yawn. -" She, she... still sleep!" - I replied. -" EAT THE BREAKFAST!!!!"- She yelling at me and spat at the floor. -"Eo! Disgusting!" - I thought -" Oh, and I saw a bird outside and it's ate the mushroom" - I said. -" What??? My MUSHROOM? Oh God!- She so surprised and ran outside Take that chance, I took the snow ball and went up stair. This time I think I will tell Annie anything about Giant and what they will do with me and Annie too, cause I had the evidence. I ran fast as I can to the upstairs but don't know why it's so long? I look down, and saw the Giant, she was charming me. -" Abracadabra.... Hold the stair and keep the bear, looked fast and ... hahahahaha! - She said, maybe it is some kind of charm.



But I thought it didn't make sense. Why I am the bear and what is the evil laugh at the end mean? Oh, I don't care. I ran up stair and found Annie's room, but looked, Annie was cried. I sat next to her and asked: -" What happen ? " -" My mom, she ... she was yell... lling at me... me !" - She sobbed. -" Listen, Giant is not your real mom, she is a witch, she just take advantage of you. -" What are you talking about? She is my mom. Who else can be? " - Annie said and screamed. -" Your mom is in the snow ball. Here, let me show you." And I threw the snow ball down, immediately a young woman appeared. She beautiful like a sunny rose! Maybe stayed in there she not older than outside, but she is freezing. -" Who is that ? " - Annie asked. -" That's your mom!" - I replied. -" Hi! I'm Rosalinda." - she said. -" Look! Your mom! " - I said and flapped Annie's elbows. She turned around and maybe so surprised, she ran to Rosalinda. -" Where... where did you get that necklace ? " -" That my mementos of my daughter and I ! But now I had lost her, I wish I can find her!" -" MOMMY ! I miss you so much !" - Annie hugged her real mom -"Daughter ? ANNIE ? " And both of they are tears brimming. -" Well well! Such a beautiful scene!" -" Giant? " -" Yes, that's me !-" She laughed. -" Annie, go to the basement and find the ring, it will attack the Giant" - Rosa whisper to Annie. -" OK mom! " - And then Annie rushing to the basemen

-" Mrs. Rosa, what about us ? " -" You! Support to me ! " - She said -" Oh right!" - I replied -" Abracadabra! Please make the Giant weak, and then we will take it sick !" - She charming something. -" You is a witch to? " -" I was" - She smiled. -" But I thought it really wrong! -" Pikachu!" - The Giant charm. -" Oh you .." - Mrs.Rosalinda said. -" Mom, here is the ring. " - Finally Annie came. -" Weakness !" - Mrs. Rosalinda screamed. Instantly, the Giant fall down. -" Yeah! We won! " -" But how can I come back to my planet ? " -" This ring will make you come back to home, just say: I want to go back home! And it will implementation for you." - Mrs. Rosalinda said -" I want to back home!" - I said Suddenly, I don't know why, I fall down. I stand up and, finally I back home. -" Why are you so late, did you know that we ate dinner? " - Mom yelling at me -" MOM ! " - I hugged her -" What's happen? Are you sick ? Come on, I will take you to bed." - My mom soothe -" No! I'm fine." - I smiled And finally, I know, home is best.




Oh, hi Charles. How are you?! Fine, you?! Normal..still single! Michael answered and laughed at the same time. Oh come on! You are 25, man! Yeah, well. May I introduce you with one person.
By Duong Minh Chau

Who? Michael asked, Charles pointed at a girl in the info table. Oh, no, no way! Theres no way Im gonna come there and asked her for a date or something like that! No way... Shes my sister. WWhat?! Shes my sister, Ill help you. Fine! How much? 20 bucks! Charles whistled. I will kill you if she dont like me! Mike took 20 dollars from his wallet and gave it to Charles. Ok, follow me! To Mike, Nicole was a very special girl. She had a long, beautiful brown hair and big blue eyes. Mike fell in love with her right from the first sight. Hey! Buddy! Wake up! Oh, yeah, right.Hi Nicole! Hi Michael! How are you?! Ah...uhm...Im fine, thanks! You, why are you here? Me? I work here!Nicole smiled a smile that can bright the whole room. Michaels heart beat faster than normal, he was blushing. Okay, so, Ill leave you two here together, I have to go home, bye! Charles turned

Every month when the moon is full

The werewolves will come And nobody can stop them. -Charlie DemoteMississippi, the U.S.A 1985 Mom, are werewolves real?! 3 year old Nicole asked. Duh! Of course they are! Today is the full moon, they will hide under your bed and wait until midnight, they will come and eat you! Her older brother Charles answered. Oh zip your mouth Charles! Maybe yes, maybe no! No oned ever had a correct answer, their mother said. But now, its time to go to bed! Okay mom! Good night! Nicole blew a kiss from her hand to her mother. Good night mom! Little Charles did the same thing. Good night my angels! Then she walked over and kiss them on their foreheads. She turned off the light, walked out and the dark. 10 years later, Washington D.C, World Science Fair Mike! Hey, Mike! Long time no see!



around, heading to the exit way. Wait! Hey, Charles, tell mom that Ill be home late tonight! Youll have to come home before 11 pm or mom is gonna kill me! Fine! 10:30 pm. Ok! Bye! Bye! Phew! Finally hes gone, said Mike to himself Huh? What did you say? Nothing, do you want to go out for some ice-cream? Sure! Why not?! Wait for me a minute CITY CENTRAL PARK, A FEW MINUTES LATER You know what, Im felling kinda strange, said Nicole Huh? What? Why? My brothers long time no see friend suddenly came back from France. And hes here, with me, having ice-cream during the coldest winter ever Well, you can have something else if you dont want to have a sore throat or something like that. Ha ha They both laughed. That was a great night for both of them. Who can know what will happen, right WASHINGTON D.C. 2005 One new sms from Michael: Honey, meet me at Wangdu restaurant, I have a big surprise for you. Nicole read the message and smiled happily. She had been waited for this surprise for over 3 years. 7p.m Wangdu Restaurant

May I have your attention, please, ladies and gentlemen? said Michael. Im here today to give my girlfriend a big surprise, a surprise that Ive had prepared for a long time. Michael knelt in front of her Nicole. Nicole Anderson, Im been waiting for this for a very long time. Will you marry me? Nicole said nothing, she just sat there and smiled. People around started whispering, some of them looked at Nicole with very jealous eyes. Yes yes yes! A thousand, a million times yes! They hugged each other. Nicole smiled, a smiled that can bright the whole room. Somewhere, a demon was tried to get out of its covering. Today, is the full moon. 5 MONTHS LATER, ST.PETER CHURCH, 6P.M Nicole, seriously, youre gonna be late for your own wedding if u dont get here fast! I know it dad! Charles, can you help me for a little bit? Huh? What? Can you go and check if Michael has been ready yet?! Sure, of course. But you have to be fast! Ive got it! Nicole yelled. Suddenly, she felt cold right under her feet. Is there something wrong? Her father, Mr. Anderson, asked Nothing father! Nicole answered with a smile on her face. Half an hour later, the wedding song turned up, the bride walked in with her father. The Vicar declared them husband and wife. Everyone thought that the couple will live happily ever after. Suddenly, Michael fell on the ground, his heart stopped beating. Michael! Michael! Can you hear me?! Please, somebody, call the ambulance! Everybody became panic. Outside, the sky was getting more and more



dark. The wind blew heavily, the churchs door was opening, suddenly closed, and created a big noise. Children yelled, old men yelled, Nicole didnt know what to do. She just couldnt stand there and watch everybody panic. She ran over and hid under the table, with Michaels dead body right next to her. Please, God! What did I do?! Nicole cried. A tear dropped on Michaels eye. He opened his eyes slowly. He saw Nicole crying. Why is my wife crying? he asked Nicole quietly. My husband was death and my wedding ruined.What can I do now?! Turn around maybe! She turned around, Michael was there, fine and sitting right next to her. II thought you were dead! I came back to you! Mike hugged her tight in his arms. Im here, Im fine, and Ill protect you! I promise! Outside, it was raining heavily. As usual, there wont be any moon on the sky, but today, is a different day. The moon was bigger and rounder than ever. Mike looked at the moon without blinking his eyes. Nicole felt something really strange was going on. Sometimes, running away isnt the best idea. Mike was getting bigger, his nails were longer and his body was covered with grey hair. He looked not different from a Beast. Nicole felt shock. In front of her was no longer her beloved husband. That was a big and evil, inhumane monster. She stayed back, he yelled loudly. Everybody looked at them with many frightened eyes. She ran away, he followed her. She tried to hide, he started attacking people. He killed everyone, tore their clothes, ate them from head to told. He totally lost his mind. Nicole couldnt do anything, if she ran in to stopped him, he will kill her immediately. The church was destroy by a monster. Nicole left the desk where she was trying to hide. Her white, beautiful wedding dress was full of blood and dirts on it. Her hair was like a disaster, her pearl necklace was completely destroyed. All because of a mean werewolf.

Nicole cried, she couldnt believe in front of her was Mike, her husband, the one that she knew and loved. Michael walked closer and closer to her. Nicole quickly ran and hid behind the table. Come here! I know youre there! He started whistle.Nicole recognized that songthat was their song! Nicole walked out from the table, with the big gun she always kept in her purse in her hand. Oh come on! Youre gonna kill your own newly married husband?! I know that you wont do that. Nicole kept the gun tight in her hand. Stay back or Ill kill you! I know that you wont! I said stay back! Nicole said nothing. She was going to die. No one trusted her now, in their eyes she was just like an evil murderer that should be dead. 5 years ago, that wedding night when Michael was dead the Police came in. She was holding a knife full of blood. Right at that moment, she understood why did Mike said that shell have to regret. With the power given, I declare Mrs. Nicole Russo for the death penalty! the Judge sentenced. 2 policemen came in and cuffed her hands. Suddenly, a strange but also familiar man walked in. Nicole couldnt believe in her eyes anymore. Standing right there was Michael! MMichael?! Who are you? the Judge asked him. Im her lawyerand Im also the murderer in St. Peter church 5 years ago! Heres the recorded tape in the church! You didnt find it cause I took it before I left! Now, Im here, with my partnerYou can look at it if you want to. The Judge looked at the tape for a while Take them both away!



That was 9 am in the morning. The moon rised up oddly, it was bigger and rounder than ever! Everybody in the courtroom was frightened. Michael looked into the moon without blinking his eyes. Nicole knew that something was going to happen! Something really really bad.. Mom! Believe me! I saw a werewolf by my own eyes! Little Nicole yelled at her mother. Me too mom! I saw it! It was big with full of hairs and its nails was long! Charles said. Ok, maybe I shouldnt have read that poem for you both last night. Now listen, its all just a dream. Now, it was 6p.m! Lets go home for dinner their mom said, both of them listened to her. Suddenly, She stopped. The 2 kids didnt know, they were too far away. She stood right there, looked into the moon without blinking her eyes. An evil laugh showed up.. Sometimes, a dream can come true. Even a bad one!


Secret Treasure

At midnight on Christmas Mr. Frence went alone in the heavy downpour. Suddenly, a
shadow ran like the wind across the street. Accidentally, the shadow dropped something. Frence picked it up. It was a piece of leather, no, it was an old map. Frence thought it was only a joke to swindle somebody who bought this map. Hence, he brought it to his home and gave it to his son Frank as a Christmas present. Frence was very busy and he couldnt buy anything for his son on Christmas. Frank was very adventurous. Surely he would love this gift. The sun was shining brightly. Karl and his friends gathered together in his house. Karl said, I feel so bored. We have nothing to do on our summer holiday. Why dont we go to the forest and look for the secret treasure of the chief of thieves? Frank Suggested. I have the map which my father gave me on Christmas. Hurrah! It sounds very interesting! I am ready for a new adventure! Peter said elatedly. And then, they went back to their house to prepare what they needed for the adventure. The three bous left in the early morning. They took some necessary things with them like matches, a lighter, flashlight, canned food, a compass, water and clothes. Karl brought a sharp dagger and Frank kept the map. They walked and talked. Karl warned: "This will be a dangerours but interesting adventure. Is any one afraid of ghosts?" "NEVER! Who do you think I am?" - Peter Pouted - "I'm the ruler of the underground." Frank needled: "Wake up and don't dream anymore." After walking all day they were extremely tired. Frank chose a wide space to set up camp. Karl and Peter made camp, as for Frank, he gathered kindling. They lit the kindling to make a fire. They were totally exhausted so right after eating, they went to sleep. They split shifts to watch for predators. Peter said: "We will make fire all night so there will be no predators. Anyway, we have to beware." At midnight on Karl's shift, a wolf appeared. At first he was very afraid and he screamed loudly: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" But later, he calmed down. He used the fire to keep the wolf away. A few

By Nguyen Thu Phuong

minutes later, Frank and Peter woke up. They asked nervously: "What? What happened?"



Karl explained: "There was a wold but I sent it away." Frank breathed a sight of releif. The next day, they continued their expedition early in the morning. Frank warned: 'Going ahead about 100m, we will have to cross a very deep and wide river. We should build a raft." Then they built a soled raft. That river ran very fast and the water flowed strongly. Suddenly the wind blew strongly. The raft turned over. The 3 boys were swept away by the water. Luckily, each of them was able to cling on a section of a tree trunk and drifted on shore. Peter shouted: Where are we? We got lost! What will we do now?" "Please calm down" - Karl entreated - "Fortunately the map isn't wet." "Yes, go on. Perhaps, we can find the way to get out of this forest." The weather was very hot. The sun was burning hot. The boys' shirt were damp with sweat. Frank was worn out. He suddenly staggered and felt dizzy. His head was spinning. He saw everything turned around and had a really terrible headache. He slowed down and was panting. Frank wanted to call Peter and Karl but he couldn't. They had gone in front of him hi order to find the way. All of a sudden, Frank fainted. Peter and and Karl didn't know anything. They continued going. "I didn't feel well" - Peter suggested - "What about taking a rest and waiting for Frank?" "Yes, sit by this tree. It's so hot!" - Karl agreed. After waiting 10 minutes, Karl started to worry. "Did anything happen with Frank? I feel nervous." "Oh don't worry!" - Peter replied - "Maybe he is sleeping. Big brother, why don't we take a nap and in 10 minutes if Frank doesn't come we will go back to find him." "Ok! We haven't slept for 2 days." Suddenly, the sky became darker and darker. It started raining heavily. It was pouring cats and dogs. The trees fell down. Peter asked: "Can we go back to find Frank? IS he safe?" Karl sighed: "We can;t go now and go to this cave fast if you don;t want to get sick." Frank had woken up. He crawled very very slowly to a house he had just seen. He couldn't understand why in this forest there was a house? Did anyone live here? He didn't know that this house belonged to a den of thieves - who also wanted to find the secret treasure. But on Christmas night they had lost the map. About twenty minutes later, Frank was in front of the house. He knocked on the door. In the house a huge man asked angrily: "What is he doing in this forest? Master, shall we open the door?" " the door. We will interrogate him later. He can't make fuss with us." Frank stepped into the house. THe house was new but very untidy. In the house, there were five men. Three of them looked quiet qwesome. They wore caps askew (why they wore caps in the house? Maybe only for looking like playboys?), noserings, black shirts, and hobnailed boots. Frank thought that they were debauchees. Two men remain, one was very huge and audacious. He had a big tattoo of skull and crossbones on

his biceps and held a gun. He glowered at Frank. He was the assistant of Mr. Wicked - the maser and a gangster. Wicked crossed his legs in a chair and smoke cigar. He had a gold tooth. It dawned on Frank that he was in the den of thieves. Wicked shouted: "Who are you? Why are you in this forest?" Frank lied: "I went camping with my class. Unluckily, I got lost. I've tried to get out but I couldn't. I saw this house and went here to ask for help." "Really?" the master asked dubiously. "Yes sir. But if I am bothering you, I'm sorry and I will leave here, Frank answered and tried to escape. "No, no, no problem with us. We willingly help you. You look tired. Please go to this room and have a rest. Till you're fine, we will lead you out of this forest. Make yourself comfortable," Mr. Wicked smiled 'cordially.' "Thank you." Although Frank had a premonition of disaster, he pretended to be pleased and went to sleep. At midnight Frank heard a voice. He woke up. Downstairs the thieves gathered and were deliberating. Mr. wicked issued an order: "Follow me quietly!" Frank softly went after them. They went far a way and stopped in front of a large rock. Wicked said: "Opened, evil" "Yes sir!" -the assistant - evil obeyed. And then he turned the rock around. Immediately a tunnel appeared. Frank chased them. The tunnel was a zigzag. Frank hid behind a rock and listened furtively. At first, Evil question: "Why did you agree the 'monkey' sleep in our house?" Wicked replied: "This forest is haunted. No one is stupid to go camping in this forest. I'm very suspicious of this guy. I'm sure he lied." "But why did he lie to us?" "God knows! But I think he wants the treasure too." "He's too young!" "No. Nowadays young people're venturous. They can do many things beyond our imagination. And one important thing, my staff has watched to the person who had taken the map and my staff knew that his is Mr. Frence. This guy, who I allowed to live in our den, looks really like Mr. Frence. Maybe he is Mr. Frence's son and he is keeping the map. Later, we will search him and if we find the map Mr. Evil will kill him. "Yes sir. But if we don't find the map on his body what will we do with him?" "Kill too. I want to prevent him from realizing that we are thieves." "Ok! No problem!" - Evil laugh sinisterly. Frank was very scared. When he was thinking how can he escape he suddenly dropped a rock. Evil run his eye around the cave. Suddenly, a small man shouted, "Look! There's Frank!" Frank scampered. Mr. Wicked commanded them to chase up Frank. Frank turned left, turned right, turn left, turned right...This cave had many lane and was sinuous. So the thieves couldn't find him, but he also got lost. The thieves went back and said: "He will probably die in this cave!" Peter and Karl sheltered in the cave. A very big rock fell and blocked the cave's



entrance. So they couldn't go out. But optimistic Peter calmed Karl's nervousness: "I see some lights there. Let's go!" "But what about Frank?" Karl asked. "First we have to get out of this cave. We will find him later." After thirty minutes they were out. Peter looked around and cheered up. "There... there is a cemetery on the map. We can find the treasure." "No, we have to find Frank. We are friends!" Karl asserted. "Yes, but where is he?" Karl replied, "I don't know , but we will go back through this cave. We will break the rock which block the cave's door and find him... " They came back and tried to brake the rock. Friendship made them become more determined. Finally, the rock was broken by Karl's Kung Fu. They found Mr. Wicked and his accomplices' house. They heard the thieves talking about Frank, so they knew most the story. Quick witted Peter planned secretly, "We take a rest here. At midnight we will go out and" At midnight the sky was very dark. THere were no stars in the sky. One of the thieves - Cruel - went out to guard. Peter threw a stone to trick cruel into going to where he heard the noise. Cruel walked with short steps. He flashed the flashlight. Karl had hidden in front of a big tree. When cruel arrived, suddenly Karl jumped behind Cruel, covered his mouth, and put a knife to his neck. Karl commanded, "Keep silent! And follow me!" Karl lead Cruel to a tomb. Peter was there. He interrogated Cruel and bullied him into leading Peter to the cave which Frank was in. When they were in front of the cave Karl hit Cruel on the dangerous spots so Cruel fainted. "How will we find Frank now?" Karl asked. Peter thought fora moment and cheered, "I know how. Frank usually wears expensive shoes. These kinds of shoes have a special footprint. We will follow these footprints." "Ok. So clever you are!" Karl praised. At last, they found Frank. Frank had fainted on a rock because of hunger and thirst. Karl made for Frank a glass of sugarwater. Frank gradually regained his consciousness. Because Karl had marked the way, they could come back. When they were on their way Peter saw very small letters. TOURNEZ'A GAUCHE - Arsen Lupin Because Frank had learned French he translated: "Turn left -Arsen Lupin." Karl was suprised, "How do you know?" Frank smiled, "Please pay attention in French lessons. "Try turning left, but had Lupin really written those letters?" Peter asked. "Yes. they are handwriting of Lupin. And he is French," Frank answered. They turned left and then Peter found a new secret letter. 1-8-5-4/12-5-6-20/12-5-6-20/18-9-7-8-20/108-5-1-4/12-5-6-20

Peter said, "Maybe it is the numerical order of letter in alphabet." "Yes. It's ahead/left/left/right/ahead/left," Karl answered. "It's the way to go out and find treasure." After that, they went ahead, turned left twice, turned right, went ahead and turned left. Finally, there was a letter. Go ahead 100m, you will be instructed to find treasure and how to go out. If you want to quit turn left. I advise you to turn left. If you want, go ahead, please wait until the moon appear. "Do we go on?" Frank asked. "Yes, of course!" Karl answered loudly. "Now, take a rest and wait till the moon appear." At night the three boys went ahead. The were in a wide room with furniture. Suddenly, the door closed. they were locked in. Karl said, "I'm sure there is a way to go out. Look around the room. It must have a press to open the door." "Why don't you break the door?" Frank asked. "These stones are very hard. I can't break it." "Look! This leg of the table is unsteady. Lift it!" Peter shouted. Karl lifted it. Under this leg there is a stone. He shook it. A door opened. They went out. Another letter on the door said that the treasure is under the 3rd grave. They saw a cemetery in front of them. On the third gravestone it said: Name: Casuist, Lived to be twenty-five "But do we really have to dig his grave?" Peter asked. "No. Look at this headstone. It's begger than any headstone here." Karl raised it up. Suddenly the wend whistled strongly. Leaves fell down. Somewhere someone said catastrophically, "I was punished wrongfully. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't have to be hanged." Frank advised, "We should burn incense for him." They then opened the case inside. There was a ruby sword. Thunderstruck Frank said, "This is the sword of Alfred the Great. He had fought against the Vikings. This sword has been lost since 1900. We should give it back to the English national Museum." They gave the sword back. The museum repaid them a lot of things and money. Further, they had a vacation to the Caribbean. And the three boys have been ready for a new adventure.



After many few days, the polices came and arrested Unknown. Before going into the polices car, Unknown looked at me and said: Youre a traitor. I will kill you as soon as I can. I felt afraid. The next day, I set many security alerts around my house. My parents were very surprise, because they thought that I was a careless person. Many many weeks later, there was nothing happen to my town, so I didnt feel scared anymore.
By Han Le Minh

Until one day, I read a magazine. The headline of the magazine was: A MYSTERY PRISONER ESCAPED OUT OF PRISON. I looked at the face of the prisoner. It was Unknown! Since that day, every day was a nightmare with me. I set many more traps in my house. It sounded that I was ready to fight with that old man. But I was wrong. The next night I fell asleep easily. But I heard someone was knocking my doors house. I wanted to open, but I was afraid that was Unknown. Suddenly all of the glass in my house were broken. The security alerts warned, and after 15 mins they were all broken too. Then someone came in my house. HE took a gun to shoot me, but he also fell in my trap, and fell into the pool. I went out there, but he took my hand, and pulled me to the pool. I tried to swim up, but unknown pulled me down. I pushed him again and again. Then I ran to my house. But Unknown was right on my face! He tried to kill me, but I had a plan. I ran to my bedroom, and told Unknown to come here. The I locked the door, and tried to push him on the fire. But he was so heavy that I couldnt push him there. So I pressed a button, and many knives came down. Before dying, he said: I will push you into the fire, or kill you with the knives like the thing youve done with me. Remember that!

Unknown was my neighbor. He

was an old man who was 100 years old. He was a person who never talk to anyone. His hair was black and his eyes were white. His nails were very long and sharp. His skin was red like blood. His parents died when he was a baby. Because he was an orphan kid, so he hated everything in this world. He hated family, friends. Thats why he lived lonely now. There was something mysterious in him, but I didnt know what it was. Until one day, there were some people from another place come to my town. They wanted to open a restaurant, but they always threw trash and played music too loud. Unknowns house was next to the restaurant, so he heard all of that sounds all the time. He got crazy about this. One night, when the people in the restaurant were gambling, a man came into the restaurant. He took a gun and started to shoot every person in the restaurant. Then he took lipstick in from one girls pocket and wrote a message on the wall: All of you must die! Mwah ah ah ah ah! Many days later, the police came in. They were trying to solve the case, but they couldnt find out who was the killer. I definitely knew who it was, but I didnt want to say. If I said it, Unknown might killed me. The next day, I came to Unknowns house. He confessed to me that he had killed all of the people in the restaurant. He also begged me that dont tell the police about that secret. If I tell it, he will kill me. But I didnt care. Again and again, I thought that I need to tell the police. So I contacted to them.



So, those burglars may know Flori very well if they could make a perfect house-

Extraordinary Case

breaking. That is quite enough, I will quickly find out the solution, Peter concluded. Then he went back to school where his friend Willi was waiting for him. Hi, Peter. I was so worried about you. Are you well again now? Willi asked. Fine, Thanks. This afternoon, I will go to Floris villa. Shall you come with me? Peter smiled. Sure. My dad has told me about him. This will be our first action. Huh?

By Nham Quoc Hung

When it was 2p.m, two boys were standing in front of the beautiful house. They rang the doorbell. Five minutes later, a slim, tall man with an unreliable face answered, he stared at them, thought for a while. You must be the little hero who attacked the burglars unsuccessfully that night. Ah, why do you come here? he said in an ironical voice. Im Peter Carsten and this is my friend Willi. I want to meet Mr.Flori. Peter introduced himself. Huh, lucky you, he is inside, come with me. They went to the living room to see Mr.Flori. He seemed to be leisured and arrogant at first sight. The tall man talked to him in whispers, and then Flori said, So, you come here to? Just ask you some easy questions, Peter quickly interrupted him. After a few seconds, Flori nodded. First, where were you when this house was entered? I was on the way to my company with my steward, is that Ok? No problem, sir, can you suspect anyone who would want to appropriate that tea-set in bad faith? No. Flori suddenly said falteringly. Stop now, it is quite enough, go away. You neednt shout at me like this, Ill leave this inhospitable house now, ah, who is this man? Hum, he is Steward Kart

It was a humdrum night! Peter Carsten was trying to start his car. Suddenly, he
saw two men breaking into a big, luxurious villa. With his great skill at Judo, Peter bravely followed close behind them without hesitating. Little did he know this would be his first dangerous mission. Two shadows disappeared through the window frame. Peter went to it, jumped in and strained his eyes observing in the dark. There was no light, he just saw dimly two men carrying something heavy. He dashed to them, wrestled one down, the other man was so surprised that he stood immovably. All of a sudden, a hard object was brutally smashed against Peters head. He fell down unconscious. Then, the guys swiftly escaped. The next morning, Peter was brought to Shalke hospital by some warm-hearted neighbors who live next to the villa. Then the police came to ask him questions about that night, some of them praised him as a brave boy, but the others called Peter Idiot. There, he met Inspector Glockner, the enemy of all criminals in France for preventing more than 100 major cases. He is Peters best friend Willis father. Mr. Glockner promised that he would help Peter whenever he wanted. Everything is getting easier for me, he thought and smiled happily. After a long moment of thinking carefully, Peter was sure there must have been 3 guys, they were all burglars, and one had already been in the villa before. While being interrogated about the case, he knew that the burglars had stolen a valuable old tea-set, which has a date of 1000 years ago. He also thought about Mr. Flori, a successful businessman whose fortune amounts to billions of Francs. He was the owner of the house.



After Peter and Willi had gone out, Flori flopped down his sofa and sighed with fatigue, Why can this silly boy exploit so much information from me? Did he notice of my confusion? Dont worry, everything will be in order. Steward Kart dragged a half-smile out of his lips. Next Monday, at lunchtime, when Peter was having a meal, Willi hurriedly ran to him and said, Peter, just look at what Im holding. It was two pieces of news about Flori: THURSDAY 29TH MAY The France National Museum doubts that their valuable old tea-set, which was stolen 2 years ago, is in Mr. Floris house. He has denied all of their charges phlegmatically, although he is famous for great collections of antique. The National Museum will ask the most professional detectives to bring it back The other piece was: MONDAY 12TH JUNE There was a housebreaking at Mr.Floris villa, the police has had an interrogation with a witness who followed the burglars to prevent them. Inspector Glockner suspects that the stolen thing is our unique old tea-set. Unexpectedly, he had a cutthroat objection from Mr.Flori, who asserted that he just lost some money and antiques. We are waiting for the police to... Great job Willi, Ive nearly found the clue, Peter burst out. Actually, there were lots of complexes that he couldnt understand. He wondered why those burglars didnt carry more valuable things, why Flori looked puzzled when he was asked. Peter knew everything that I. Glockner told to him were just surmises. Finally, he decided to keep a close watch on the billionaire, he would go to the villa this afternoon. It was 2 pm when our detective was riding his bike thoughtlessly to the billionaires villa, he suddenly noticed an old, colorful Volkswagen Kombi car parked inside. How can Flori be on terms with this cars owner? Peter thought. After 10 minutes waiting, he saw two jailbirds who were laughing, Hahaha They

quickly came to the car where Steward Kart was standing grudgingly. The rakes then got in and started the engine. Peter pedaled as fast as possible to follow hard on their heels. One has long green hair, the other guy wears big earrings, so I call them Long Hair and Big Ear. He mumbled. The car went slowly, so Peter could still see it in the distance. Suddenly, it turned so Peter almost lost sight of his pursuing target. However, fortune seemed to smile upon him all the time. He heard the car's noisy engine sound in a blind alley. There, the burglars stopped in front of a grubby house. They got out of their Kombi car, walked inside the house at a leisurely pace. Peter jumped into an untilled garden overgrown with weeds, crept lightly as a snake over the thorny bushes. He sat by a bonsai and had a peep through the window. Long Hair and Big Ear were having a discussion. Great job Nerly. Everything is now in our arrangement. Let's drink to greet the bright future, Long Hair said highly enthusiastic. Yeah, I will ask Flori to pay us much money than promised. If he disagrees, I will hide the tea-set away, Muhahahaha Big Ear laughed gladly. Ok, I dont care. We have a robbery at the Number 2 on Thursday, remember? Sure. Now I must leave to get everything ready. Bye! Peter started, luckily, he hid himself behind the large bonsai. Big Ear, or Nerly left the house and drove away. After that, Peter sneaked out quickly, he had already heard all he needed from the caddish rascals. That was good for his investigation. Then, Peter rode his bike across the empty avenue. Peter was walking in the romantic sunset with a joyful mood. The sky was turning red, the cold wind was blowing on the fresh-tinted flowers. However, his detective blood didnt allow him to relax himself any further. He knew he just had two days to discover where Number 2 was. Because of eavesdropping, Peter knew Flori was the instigator who controlled his inferiors to execute his scheme, but he might not be part of this forthcoming robbery. A dead yellow leaf fell in his presence, caressed the grass cover. Peter unexpectedly shouted for joy, Yeah! How can I forget Inspector Glockner? He has promised a thorough investigation into this affair, now is the Police's task." He didn't waste a second, he went to the police station andasked the



security guard to meet Mr. Glockner. He was in his office, under heavy pressure of documents relating to all kind of criminal cases. He stared at Peter for seconds, then seemed to have realized something important on Peter's face. I. Glockner raised his voice first, "Hello Peter, can I help you?" "A lot sir. I come here to offer help to bring the tea-pot back, I've got the clues!" Peter related the all information he knew so completely to I.Glockner that he almost felt embarrassed. "Now I just need to find out where Number2 is." The extraordinary Boy concluded. "OK, we will make an ambush over their house, and arrest all of them." "Thank you, sir." On Thursday morning, when the burglars was preparing their Kombi car and tool set, the police had already lay in wait out of the house. After that, they saw the two rascals went out and drove unhurriedly to their target. Mr.Glockner, with his years' experience in fighting against crime, decided to follow close behind them to have their criminal proof After ten minutes driving, Long Hair and Big Ear stopped their car in front of the Rose Store. "It must be Number2." Peter shouted firmly I. Glockner and him quickly left their hiding place and run towards the car. "Here comes the police, stop your car and don't try to resist." Long Hair and Big Ear was so scared. However, with ten-years in theft, Long Hair calmed himself down then scolded his inferior to speed up their car. "Are you crazy?? We'll crash the boy." "Don't worry, just do what I say." The car dashed to Peter, luckily, he avoided the awful knock. When everyone came to their sense, he had already taken a bike nearby and pedaled after the Kombie. Fortunately, it turned into a narrow where cars couldn't go fast. However, the way out was coming closer, so Peter wondered if he could catch it up. Suddenly, he saw a man painting a high, long fence. A reckless idea occurred in his mind. He accelerated

his bike, reached the big set of white oil-paint. Peter unexpectedly turned his handle-bar then threw the coat of paint to the car front glass door. The burglars just saw the dazzlingly white so they crashed into a huge dunghill. "The silly boy! Huh, we must catch him," Long Hair growled. Then they got out of their Kombie and aggressively ran towards Peter. But Long Hair, who called Pete r"Silly boy", was knocked out by a beautiful, un-defendable punch. His friend Big Ear, was also felled to the ground so hard that he fainted. Then I. Glockner caught up with them, he saw the two criminals laying immovably on the ground and burst out laughing, "These guys seem to be so silly that they get accident in such an emergency case." "They aren't silly, just because I make them blind, look at the car, sir." I. Glockner understood, he lauded Peter as an awesome, brave and clever boy. The police then just needed to interrogate Long Hair and Big Ear to make them plead their guilty and declare the instigator. The matter was clear. After reading the first piece of news Flori was so scared that he had to make a wilful housebreaking to avoid the professional detectives and to hide the old tea-set away two weeks later. These two burglars was paid high-priced to help him with his bad plan. Unexpectedly, his plot was shortly stopped by Peter Carsten. Our little boy also found out that the man who attacked him that night was Sterward Kart. Then the police discovered the place where the old tea-set was being hid. After that, the four stupid men were sentenced to two years imprisonment. Peter Carsten became famous and popular for his success. However, he knew there were serious missions waiting for him in the future.



Andy Blue in the School

By Nguyen Hai Van

took his bag, books, and pen quickly. He ran out of the class as fast as a rocket. Miss Lisa did not understand anything. Miss Lisa said to the class, Hey, please stay here for a minute! And as fast as she could she ran out of the class. She ran behind Andy. She screamed to Andy, What are you doing? You want me to go home, Miss Lisa! Stop! Please stop! But! You want me to go home! I cant! Im sorry, but I have to watch the movie Paul at home. Would you like to come? No thanks. But right now I want you to stop running! Andy felt badly, but he pushed the fire button. And the water came out. The students in other classes ran out and started to scream. The principle ran out of the office too. The whole school and students got wet so the teachers decided to let the students go home! What a mess!

Andy Blue is a student in Bing Pink Rabbit School. Andy is seven years old. He is a
good kid, a very nice kid. He lives in London, England. Last night, Andy watched the football match late with his dad. Mr. Blue said, Its such a beautiful match! Andy agreed, Right dad! This match is awesome! They watched the match until 2 am in the morning. Andy went to his tiredly.

Ring Ding Dong!

The clock rang. Andy asked tiredly, Whatwhat time is it? Mr. Blue said, Get up! Its time for school young boy! At 8 am it was literature class. It was so boring and Andy fell asleep. The teacher shouted, Andy! Answer this question please! Suddenly, the bell rang. Its over! The class is over! Andy though. The teacher went out of the class angrily. Andy said, Phewww, how lucky I am! BUT: Andy! Come here! No, hurry up! Miss Lisa said. It is just a dream! Oh my god!: Andy hoped. Miss Lisa said slowly, Can you write for me a sentence? Ok Miss Lisa. Andy tiredly wrote on the big black board, Can I go home now? Miss Lisa saw the class was noisy. She shouted at the class, Okplease Andy was very happy because he thought that Miss Lisa told him to go home! He

That evening the principle called Andys parents. Andy thought, Oh. Im in big trouble! Mrs. Blue did not look happy. She decided to send Andy to Mrs. Pickys school. Mrs. Picky Rutt is Andys nightmare. In this town Mrs. Picky is the most evil teacher: all the kids were scared of her. Andy was too! He heard his friend say, Her footstep is like thunder! Her voice is like a big man! Her hands are big and ugly like an old tree! Her liegs are huge and strange! Mrs. Picky is very strong! She can take the big desk by one hand! Andys face turned to blue. He was frightened. Poor little Andy! Mr. and Mrs. Blue decided to send little Andy to Mrs. Pickys school. Andy was terrified and screamed, OhNo! This is the end of my life! ArhArh. Andy ran out of his house. Mrs. Blue shouted, Come back young boy! And she caught Andy. She pulled Andy to their home. Mrs. And Mr. Blue said to Andy, Tomorrow you are going to go to Mrs. Pickys school. Mrs. Picky will teach you honey! Are you happy? Do you like it? Andys face was green and white as the sheet. Andy stood stiff like death. He couldnt say anything! His parents said, That means you agree! Thats my good boy! Remember, tomorrow



it is your big day in school! That night, Andy couldnt sleep. He thought, Tomorrow is gonna be the scariest day in the world!

Becky now is a beautiful girl. Andy is the manager of the big company. They are dating. But her mother Mrs. Picky didnt like Andy. He has to do something for Mrs. Picky. Andy thought so hard. OMG! I know! Andy shouted. A Man! Andy made a date for Mrs. Picky and Mr. Pocket (a man). They are in love. They have married. Andy married Becky too. Everybody lived happily ever after.

Ring Ding Dong!

The clock rang. Today isnt like everyday, today is different, today is a stupid day, today Im going to Mrs. Pickys school, Andy knew it. His parents drove the car, Andy sat in the back. Here is your school Andy! his Mom said. His parents went out the car. But Andy didnt come out. He quickly locked all the car doors. Mr. Blue tried to open the door but he couldnt. He said, Andy! What are you doing in there! Come out. Andy didnt say any words. BUT, the scariest teacher in the world appeared. Her footstep was like thunder. Andy gould feel it. The voice was like a man. Mrs. Picky said, Andy, come out of the car please! Andy listened to every sing word she said. Andy came out of the car and went to the class. Andy didnt know what he was doing! He was, like, crazy! He lost his mind. He was hypnotized. He stepped into the class. Oh my God! The was a new teacher. Her name was Lisa too! Shee looked very crazy. She made Andy do a lot of homework and yelled at Andy so many times. Andy just wanted to escape. He didnt want to go to school anymore. BUT, he was suddenly very happy because he met some girl. She was HOT. Andy thought she was a little Megan Fox. He walked to her and asked, Whats you name? My name is Becky. What a nice name! Thank you! Im Mrs. Pickys daughter. Andy was so shocked. He didnt understand why Mrs. Picky had such a beautiful daughter like that. Andy fell in love with her. They talked together everyday. 30 Years Later



tree. Many apples fell on his head. Everyone saw him and had a big laugh. His nose was bleeding. But Tom wasnt finished. He put Jack on the head of a wildcat statue mascot of Eastern School. So now he looked so terrible. Everybody went and saw him and laughed. Oh, it is little Jackie. The fun just finished when Mitchell Jack Longs teacher saw him and brought him down. Mitchell said, Every student go back to your class, quietly! When he went home he was crying. He wasnt crying because of Tom, he cried because
By Tran Minh Khai

Sarah the most beautiful girl in his school is the girl of Jacks quiet love. He guessed when Sarah saw him she will never love him (oh). When he arrived hom Jack tried to envelope his bruises to hide them from his parents. But he was not successful. Linda, his mother, detected them and went off. Oh dear! Jack, were you fighting at school again? Jack tried to lie. No Mum! I was only just hitting the light pole. But Jack could not look his mother through the eyes. She said, Tell mama what happened Looking at his mother, Jack could feel his warrior blood starting

There was a little boy named Jack Long who was born in New York, USA. His dad was
an American and his mum was Vietnamese. So, his family was Asian-European. Jank Long had a bloodstream of warrior. His forebearers in Vietnam were heroes. They had a mission to kill Wa Zing The King of Terrors. But Wa Zing was deathless, if he died, one hundred and one years later Wa Zing came back again. So Jack Longs forbearers were strong and healthy. But, Jack Long was 13 and he just had one meter and 56 centimeters high. He was too short, weak and always had been treated bad by another children. One beautiful morning Jank went to school like any other day, sad and boring. When he stood in the schoolyard he accidentally crashed into Tom the hooligan of Easter School. Tom raged, Hey kid, where is your eyes? Jank stood up, flicked his clothes and said, Excuse me, are you insane, its not my fault, it is your fault. You fouled me first jack said. Everybody around agreed. Tom screamed, ArrrGrrr! You will die Jack! he said to Jack like a gargoyle. Jack was too weak, also he is a descendent of the famous warriors, so he fell down to the schoolyard. After that, he stood up and sailed into Tom. But Tom was too big and he had already learned Kung Fu. With a simple, but dangerous kick, he threw Jack into an apple



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Artwork by students from Super Summer Art Attack class




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