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Coordinated Control of Offshore Wind Farms and VSC-HVDC Links for Effective Power Oscillation Damping

Yousef Pipelzadeh, Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri, Balarko Chaudhuri, Tim Green Power Networks Research Academy


- A perspective on the GB Transmission System

Current Offshore Wind Farms in the UK

The EU Renewable Energy Directive includes UK target of 15% of energy from renewable sources by 2020
1.More than 30% electricity from renewable sources 2. 66% of renewable gen. from on- and off-shore wind

UK Opportunities in Offshore Wind Power 972MW installed capacity, further 3.5GW being implemented in 2010/11 All AC Radial connections to shore Wind turbine rating of between 23.6 MW (except Beatrice 5 MW) Nine offshore wind farm zones licences which could generate up to 25.5 GW was recently announced. Some of them are situated as far as 195 km (Transmission possibilities? HVDC technology) How to coordinated multiple actuators to avoid operational challenges?


Grid connected Offshore Wind Farm Through VSC HVDC

Conceptual View

Control Coordination of Wind Farms and VSC HVDC link

Offshore wind-farm connected to the onshore grid through a point to point VSC HVDC link The offshore VSC HVDC substation (rectifier), connected to the wind-farm through a short AC submarine cable, works in Vac control mode to buffer the real power Pr into the DC cable network. The onshore VSC HVDC (inverter) works in a VdcQ control mode. Conceptual idea of controlling only the wind-farm vs. coordinated control of both offshore wind-farm and onshore VSC HVDC converter.

Operational Constraints

converter capacity constraints were considered for both HVDC and Wind Farms

Design of Coordinated Damping Control - Methodologies and Design Stages

Coordinated Damping Control Design Stages

1. MIMO Linear Model Estimation and Validation

DIgSILENT does modal analysis but linearised state-space (A,B,C,D) model cannot be obtained

Modal analysis may not be accurate when detailed power electronics devices are considered Therefore, an Identification (N4SID) routine is used to provide accurate state-space models
a) System Identification Typical probing signal injected into the network to excite power system dynamics b) Validation Validation with a pulse excitation on the linear model and actual non-linear system

low-level Fourier-based signal can not identify MIMO models due to its correlated spectrum. PRBS and white noise are good possibilities. PRBS probing through Wind Farm Rotor current, id and inverter side reactive power, Qi of the VSC HVDC link (used to estimate state space matrices (A,B,C,D) using N4SID Identified models validated by comparing the estimated (red) and actual (blue) responses in DIgSILENT

2. Feedback Signal Selection

1. All nodes being considered as potential sites for PMU feedback 2. Residues provide a combined measure of controllability and Observability of the modes of interest of a linearized system model G(s)

Residue Formulation: Example:Byconsideringall11busbarsaspossible feedbacksignals;residueanalysisrevealsbuses#1 and#5asbestpotentialsitesforPMUfeedback

Indicatestheextentwithwhichmodeicanbe observedandcontrolledthroughinputkand outputj


3. Controller Structure
The POD has a low-order controllers fixed structure consisting of 2 x SISO decentralized, yet coordinated

ForaMIMOsystemwithminputs andmoutputs,adiagonalminput, moutputcontrollerGD(s)isrealised withthefollowingstructure:


4. Control Synthesis
The Control Methodology deforms a centralised structure into a decentralised (diagonal) structure. The formulation ensures all modes are placed within the conic sector


Case Study in DIgSILENT PowerFactory

- Australian Equivalent Power System


SE Australian Power System (Modelling in DIgSILENT)

System Characteristics IEEE benchmark system Small signal dynamic models (14 AVRs, 8/14 PSSs, 5 SVCs) 59 Transmission buses 5 Areas (1&2 closely coupled electrically) Constant Impedance Load

Reinforcements (shown in blue) Offshore Wind Farm connected Radially to the transmission grid via a Bipolar VSC HVDC link Wind Park consist of 225 units rated at 2 MW, 0.69 kV. Doubly Fed Induction Generator considered as Wind generator technology Bipolar VSC HVDC link rated at +/- 150kV, 450 MW.


Linear Analysis
Frequencyresponseoftheclosed loopsystemwithcentralizedand decentralizedcontrol

Linearanalysiscomparing theopenloopsystemwith theclosedloopsystem


Dynamic Simulation In DIgSILENT


The need for Control Coordination amongst several actuators

The Grid of Today The Future smart grid?

Source: Alstom grid

Connection of remote offshore wind farms in the GB network will bring many operational challenges. Operational constraints of an offshore wind-farm connected to the onshore grid through VSC HVDC transmission system are considered while damping inter-area oscillations. Coordination amongst wind farm and HVDC controls is imperative to ensure stable and secure system operation. 17

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