Causes of Industrial Disputes 1) Conflict of Interest

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According to Industrial Disputes Act, 1949, the term Industrial Dispute means any disputes or difference between employers & employees or between employers & workmen or between workmen &workmen which is connected with the employment or non employment or the terms of employment or with the condition of labor of the person. The words dispute & conflict are used more or less as synonyms . However there is difference between unrest & dispute. Unrest is psychological in nature & Disputes are concrete evidence of unrest. Dispute constitutes open manifestation of the feeling of dissatisfaction. Disputes are the overt expression( thus Dr. Nagaraja observes, industrial unrest refers to the discontent or dissatisfaction lurking in the disturbed minds of laborers about certain lapses at the workplace or about their wages or security of employment eliminated by their collective strength. Hence, they form their own organization & to certain measures with which they try togain their ends. Since industrial unrest involves questions of right & wrong &also affects every section of society. It thrust itself upon the attention of the community & becomes a social problem that is the reason why in all industrial conflicts, the public is viewed as an important factor. CAUSES OF INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES 1) Conflict of interest: The interest of one affecting those of the other. 3 areas are There is a conflict of interest over the division of the total product of the industry (eg) the labors demand for higher bonus on the ground that the enterprise has been making substantial profits.

Labors want to have a healthy & pleasant working environment, including good behavior of the supervisor. But if the employer in his eagerness to maximize profits. As Butler observes, there is continuing conflict between the efficiency aspiration of the management & security aspiration of the workers. 2) Economic Causes: Wages: In about one third of the total no. of disputes, the common reasons for a demand for higher wage s& allowances are: Workers may feel that wages do not correspond to their output. Not able to meet the standard of living Not able to meet the cost of living Difference in industrial workers & property owning class Than other comparable enterprise or industries Feeling that the capacity to pay higher wages. Bonus Bonus is the cause of nearly 7% of the total no. of industrial disputes in India in 1901, over 14% in 1971, 8.4% in 1981 & 4.7% in 1981. Economic Security It is the feeling of insecurity that leads labor into a strike against retrenchment& dismissals & for a permanent status for temporary workers. CAUSES OF DISPUTES Lack of effective leadership Varying disciplinary measures Defective supervision Lack of well defined code of conduct

Divide & Rule policy: Henry Foyal has rightly pointed out the dividing enemy forces to weaken them is clever but dividing ones own team is grave sin against the business. Deferring the settlement of employee grievances Misjudgment in promotion & placements Inadequate attention to personal problems Victimization & excessive pressures Other causes

Measures to check Agreement as to disciplinary rules Discipline committee Investigation by personal department

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