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AAN_ObamacareD_NY-24_AnnMarieBuerkle_AAN_ObamacareD_NY-24_AnnMarieBuerkle 6/30/12 10:54 AM Page 1

Obamacare Upheld by Supreme Court?

Act Now to Repeal Obamacare.


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Obamacare Upheld by Supreme Court?

Act Now to Repeal Obamacare.

AAN_ObamacareD_NY-24_AnnMarieBuerkle_AAN_ObamacareD_NY-24_AnnMarieBuerkle 6/30/12 10:55 AM Page 2

The Obama Healthcare Agenda:

Hundreds of Billions in Cuts to Medicare Hundreds of Billions in New Taxes

Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle is Leading the Fight to Repeal Obamacare.

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Americas seniors deserve patient-centered healthcare that keeps the focus between you and your doctor without interference from government bureaucrats or cuts in funding or services. The Supreme Court has upheld Obamacare. Congress has only one option: Repeal the Presidents government takeover of your healthcare. In addition to billions in new taxes, Obamacare also includes over $500 billion in cuts to Medicare. If the Obama government takeover of healthcare is not repealed, seniors across America will suffer.

Would you like to receive email updates from or volunteer for American Action Network? Email:____________________________________________ Do you support Obamacare? Yes No Please check what concerns you most about Obamacare: Government controlled healthcare Higher costs Cuts in benets Government interference between you and your doctor Limited access to treatments

Record of Protecting Seniors:

Voted to repeal Obamacares panel of unelected bureaucrats Voted to repeal the tax on pacemakers and articial hips Voted to restore $500 billion that Obamacare cut from Medicare House Roll Call Vote 14, 1/19/11
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Do you oppose the Presidents $500 billion cut to Medicare? Yes No Do you believe we should preserve Medicare as it is for those who are currently 55 and older? Yes No Are you concerned about protecting your Medicare Prescription Drug coverage? Yes No

Congress is About to Vote to Repeal Obamacare. Call Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle at 1-866-955-7773. Urge Her to Vote to Save Medicare by Repealing Obamacare.

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