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Complete Cloud Computing Training company Catalyzing Cloud Computing RevolutionComplete Cloud Computing Training company Flab Cloud

Computing Syllabus Phase 1 Core JAVA & J2EE phase2 HTML5, JQUERY & CROSS MOBILITY Phase3 STRUTS FRAMEWORK Phase 4 HIBERNATE FRAMEWORK Phase 5 SPRING FRAMEWORK Phase 6 HADOOP,HIVE,PIG , HBASE & SCHEMAPhase 1 Core Java and J2EE Complete Cloud Computing Training company Catalyzing Cloud Computing RevolutionModule 1 Core JAVA and Basic J2EE Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Introduction

- Class introduction - Revision of basic Java - IDE (Eclipse), Packages, and Jar Basics 1. Understand course structure and objectives 2. Get a broad understanding of Java technologies and its applications 3. Prepare for the advanced Java topics covered in this course Topic 2 : Streams and File I/O - Streams - Various Stream classes - Using Streams - Object Streams - File Management 1. Learn about the Streams framework of Java 2. Learn how to read from and write to files in Java 3. Walk through an example of doing File I/O

Topic 3: Multithreading - What are Threads - Thread Properties - Thread States: Life Cycle of a Thread - Interrupting Threads - Thread Priorities - Thread Groups - Synchronization - Animation - Timers - Runnable Interface 1. Learn about threads in Java 2. Write a Java Applet that uses threads to perform animation Topic 4: Collections - Arrays - Collection Interfaces - Concrete Collections - The Collections Framework - Algorithms - Legacy Collections 1. Learn how to use Arrays in Java 2. Learn about Collection classes available in Java

3. Applications of Collections in programming 4. Use a collection in an example Topic 5: Hands On Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module. Continue same Project Module 2 J2EE Development Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Java Network Programming - Connecting to a server - Implementing Servers in Java - URL Connections - Reading and Posting data - Security and the Network - Java Beans 1. Learn how to program client/server applications in Java 2. Understand the TCP/IP sockets framework in Java 3. Use Java to retrieve a web page

4. Understand the security model for Java Applets as it relates to Network programming. 5. Learn how to create Java Beans components Topic 2 : Java Database Connectivity and Database Design - Database Systems an Introduction - Structured Query Language - Installing and setting up JDBC - Basic JDBC Programming concepts - Populating a database - Executing Queries - Scrollable and Updateable Result Sets 1. Understand the concepts of Database Systems 2. Learn basic SQL commands 3. Learn how to set up and install JDBC 4. Learn the JDBC classes and their use 5. Use JDBC in a sample program Topic 3: Java Servlets, Java Beans, and Java Server Pages -Overview

-Basic Servlet Structure -Accessing Form Data, HTTP Headers, and CGI Variables in Servlets -Generating Server Response -Handling Cookies and Session Tracking -JSP Scripting elements -Including Files and Applets in JSP documents -Using Java Beans with JSP -Integrating Servlets and JSP -Struts 1. Learn about the J2EE model 2. Learn how to write web applications using Servlets/JSP 3. Use servlets and JSP in an example application Topic 4: RMI - Remote Method Invocation - Setting up Remote Method Invocation - Parameter Passing in Remote Methods - Using RMI with Applets - Java IDL and CORBA 1. Learn the distributed

computing model of Java 2. Learn how and where to use Remote Method Invocation 3. Compare RMI with CORBA 4. Compare RMI with RPC Topic 5: Hands On Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module. Continue same Project Module 3 J2EE Development Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Java Message Service (JMS) - Key Messaging Concepts - JMS architecture - Classes and Interfaces in the JMS API - JMS Providers - JMS Clients - Message Driven Beans 1. Learn about the JMS model of distributed computing

2. Learn the various types of JMS Providers and Application Servers 3. Learn about the different models of JMS (publish-subscribe vs point topoint) 4. Learn how to write JMS Clients 5. Learn how to handle transactions in JMS Topic 2 : Java and XML - Overview of XML and XSL - Creating XML Document - Parsing XML - Validating XML 1. Understand XML and its usefulness in programming 2. Understand XSL Transformations and how Java can help 3. Create a sample XML document 4. Learn how to parse, validate and transform XML using Java 5. Learn about Web Publishing Frameworks - Cocoon Topic 3: Web Services - Overview of Web Services protocols

- Build a simple Web Service 1. Learn how to write Web Services in Java Topic 4: Apache Axis - Writing Web services using Apache Axis 1. Write web services using Apache Axis Topic 5: Hands On Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module. Continue same Project Complete Cloud Computing Training company Phase - 2 HTML5 , CSS3 & Cross Mobility Development Catalyzing Cloud Computing RevolutionModule 1 HTML5 Development Total Hours = 40 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Day 1 : Introduction

HTML5 Tag Structure ML5

Introduction - The Evolution of the Web, The Rocky Road from HTML4 to HTML5, Web 2.0 Applications and Solutions, Core page structure, Visual presentation, Graphical tools, Rich media support, Enhancements to JavaScript Blocking of content on the page - SSECTION Element, ARTICLE Element, HEADER and FOOTER Elements, ASIDE Element, DIALOG Element, FIGURE Element, the NAV Element, Text-Level Semantic Additions and Changes, the MARK Element, TIME Element for Measurement, the METER Element, the PROGRESS Element Writing HTML5 Basic code with new elements of HTML5. Day2 : HTML 5 Development HTML5 Forms

HTML5 FORMS - What Has Changed in HTML Forms 2.0, Inserting the Cursor Automatically into a Specified Field Making an INPUT Field Required, Adding the Placeholder Text, Controlling Data with HTML5, Extending the Functionality of HTML5, Displaying Data in HTML5, Storing Data Locally Using Web Storage, New HTML5 Attributes Clean HTML5 Development - Applying HTML5 to Make HTML Code Easier to Read, What Is Not Being Supported in HTML5 Project : Building a Web Site

Using HTML5 Blocking Elements and Forms 2.0 . Day3: HTML5 Rich Media Foundation Working with VIDEO and AUDIO Tags, Using HTML5 Rich Media Tags, Controlling Video with VIDEO Tags , Controlling Audio with AUDIO Tags, Encoding Video and Audio for Delivery over the Web, Creating Video in Ogg Theora Format, Creating Video in H.264 Format, Creating Audio That Plays Back through Your Web Browser, Serving Video from Your Servers Project : Building video publishing website using HTML5 Rich Media Foundation Day4: HTML5 CANVAS Drawing tools - Rectangles, Arcs, Paths and line drawing, Bezier and quadratic curves Effects - Fills and strokes, Shadows, Linear and radial gradients, Alpha transparency, Compositing Transformations - Scaling, Rotation, Translation, Transformation matrix Getting data in and out - Loading external images by URL, other canvases or data URI, Retrieving a PNG representation of the current canvas as a data URI Project : Creating SVG Logos and CANVAS Charts Project : Developing Dice Game Using HTML5 Canvas Day5: HTML5 JavaScript

Model HTML5 JavaScript Model - Understanding JavaScript, JavaScript as Programming Language, Specific Objects You Can Use in JavaScript Developing JavaScript for HTML5 - Using Web Workers, Storing Data with LocalStorage, Controlling Geolocation Devices with JavaScript, Integrating JavaScript with HTML5, Taking JavaScript to the Next Level with Ajax Popular Ajax Libraries - Adobes Spry Framework, YUI: Yahoo Interface Library, Controlling Forms with wForms, Animation Control with $fx(), Project : Working with JavaScript Developing a Lightbox Image Management ToolDays/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Day 1 : Introduction understanding CSS3

What Is a Style?, What Are Cascading Style Sheets?, How does CSS work?, The Evolution of CSS, CSS Level 1 (CSS1), CSS Level 2 (CSS2), CSS Level 3 (CSS3), CSS and HTML, Types of CSS Rules, The Parts of a CSS Rule Browser CSS extensions, New in CSS3 The Basic CSS Selectors , Inline: Adding Styles to an HTML Tag, Embedded: Adding Styles to a Web Page, External: Adding Styles to a Web Site, Creating

an external style sheet, Linking to a style sheet, Importing a style sheet, (Re)Defining HTML Tags, Defining Reusable Classes, Defining Unique IDs, Defining Universal Styles, Grouping: Defining Elements Using the Same Styles, Adding Comments to CSS Writing simple CSS3 for projects done in HTML5. Day2 : CSS3 Development ive styling

selective styling - The Element Family Tree, Defining Styles Based on Context, Styling descendants, Styling only the children, Styling siblings, Working with Pseudo-classes, Styling links, Styling for interaction, NEW IN CSS3: Styling specific children with, pseudo-classes , Styling for a particular language, NEW IN CSS3: Not styling an element , Working with Pseudo-elements, Working with first letters and lines, Setting content before and after an element, Defining Styles Based on Tag Attributes, NEW IN CSS3: Querying the Media , Media queries, Using the @media rule, Inheriting Properties from a Parent, Managing existing or inherited property values, Making a Declaration !important, Determining the Cascade Order font Properties - Understanding Typography on the Web, Specifying the character set, Generic font families, Dingbats, HTML character entities, Setting a Font-Stack, Finding Fonts, Web-safe fonts, Downloadable Webfonts, Setting a better font stack, Setting the Font Size, NEW IN CSS3: Adjusting Font Size for Understudy Fonts , Making Text Italic, Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest, Creating Small Caps, Setting Multiple Font Values

Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic. Day3: CSS3 Development

Text Properties - Adjusting Text Spacing, Adjusting the space between letters (tracking), Adjusting space between words, Adjusting space between lines of text (leading), Setting Text Case, NEW IN CSS3: Adding a Text Drop Shadow , Aligning Text Horizontally, Aligning Text Vertically, Indenting Paragraphs, Controlling White Space, Decorating Text Color and Background Properties - Choosing Color Values, Color keywords, RGB hex values, RGB decimal values, Percentage values, New in CSS3: HSL values , New in CSS3: Color alpha values , New in CSS3: Color Gradients in Backgrounds , Internet Explorer gradients, Mozilla gradients, Webkit gradients, Choosing Your Color Palette, Color wheel basics, Online color scheme tools, Setting Text Color, Setting a Background Color, Setting a Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic. Module 2 CSS3 Development Total Hours = 40 HoursDays/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session

Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Day 1 : Introduction to jQuery Basic JavaScript jQuery and JavaScript jQuery and AJAX Flavours of jQuery Obtaining / Accessing the jQuery library Writing simple CSS3 for projects done in HTML5. Day2 : The jQuery Event Model Binding event handlers Removing event handlers User Interface / Mouse events Event Manipulation Methods Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic. Day3: jQuery Selectors Identifying DOM elements Constructing jQuery Selectors Basic CSS selectors Positional selectors Custom jQuery selectors Chaining jQuery operations

Escaping meta-characters The ready() handler Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic. Day4: Tweaking DOM objects with jQuery Getting objects by ID, Class, Tag Modifying object and attributes on-the-fly Changing an objects Inner Text Styles and CSS Classes Handling Events with jQuery jQuery and AJAX calls Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic. Day5: Using the ajax() API Loading data with GET & POST Working with JSON data Serialising your form handling with serialize() Handling a completed AJAX request Security considerations Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic.

Module 3 Java Script and JQuery Total Hours = 40 HoursDays/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Day 1 : Making it all look good with jQuery Simple jQuery animations * Sliding * Easing * Fading * Toggling Dealing with Durations Creating custom jQuery animations Binding animations to Events & Callbacks Writing simple CSS3 for projects done in HTML5. Day2 : jQuery Mobile Overview of beta version Touch-optimized layouts & UI widgets Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic.

Day3: writing iphone and Android Apps with Jquery - Iphone app development - Android App development Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic. Day4: Advanced Library Implementation 1. ExtJS 2. GWT Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic. Day5: Hands on Developing Mobile application development using cross Mobility Framework Writing detailed CSS file for HTML5 projects with covered topic. Module 4 Java Script and JQuery Total Hours = 40 HoursPhase - 3 Complete Cloud Computing Training company Catalyzing Cloud Computing

RevolutionModule 1 STRUTS Part 1 Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Introduction o MVC and Front Controller Example Using MVC and Front Controller Struts First Example Topic 2 : Struts MVC o Comparing Struts and MVC with FC o Struts Request Processing Flow 1. Writing program based on MVC and Struts Request Processing Topic 3: Struts Layers o Presentation Layer o Controller Layer o Model Layer 1. Writing Program to Implement Presentation Layer, Controller Layer and Model Layer . Topic 4: Handling Exceptions and

Validation o Basic Validations o Handling Exception o Validation Framework Validations o Writing Custom Validations 1. Writing program to handle Exception and Validation in struts Topic 5: Hands On o Demo project based on topics learnt during this Module Continue same Project Module 2 STRUTS PART 2 Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Form Beans o ActionForm o DynaActionForm o ValidatorForm o DynaValidatorForm o ValidatorActionForm o DynaValidatorActionFor

1. Writing Program to create form using Struts Topic 2 : Struts Tag Library o Struts Tag Library o Bean Tag Library o Logic Tag Library o HTML Tag Library Writing Program to implement struts Tag Library Topic 3: Struts Actions o Action o DispatchAction o MappingDispatchAction o LookupDispatchAction o IncludeAction o ForwardAction o LocaleAction o SwitchAction o DownloadAction Writing Program to Implement Actions in Struts . Topic 4: Advanced Struts o Uploading Files To Server o Struts integration with Tiles Framework o Struts,DAO,JDBC Example Writing File upload program .

Topic 5: Hands On Demo project based on topics learnt during this Module Continue same Project Complete Cloud Computing Training company Catalyzing Cloud Computing Revolution Phase - 4Module 1 Spring Part 1 Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Introduction o Hibernate Features o Hibernate Architecture Hibernate First Example Topic 2 : Hibernate Mapping Types o Basic Mapping o Collection Mapping o Inheritance Mapping o Table Per Sub Class Mapping o Table Per Class Mapping o Table per Concrete Class Mapping

o Association Mapping o One to One Association Mapping o One to Many Association Mapping o Many to Many Association Mapping Writing program to implement Mapping in Hibernate. Topic 3 : Hibernate Document o Hibernate Configuration Document o Hibernate Mapping document Writing program to implement Hibernate Document Topic 4: Query Languages o HQL o QBC Writing Program to implement HQL and QBC . Topic 5: Hands On o Demo project based on topics learnt during this Module Continue same Project Module 2 Spring Part 2 Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session

Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Transaction Management o JDBC Txs o JTA Txs Writing Program to Implement Transaction Management by Hibernate Topic 2 : Hibernate Caching strategies o First-level cache, Second-level cache. o Cache Implementations. EHCache., OSCache., SwarmCache., JBoss TreeCache. o Caching Stringategies. Read-only., Read-Write., Nonstriict read-write., Transactional. o Configuration. <cache> element., Caching the queries., Custom Cache. Writing Program to Implement Custom cache using struts. Topic 3: Struts and Hibernate o Using Hibernate with struts Writing simple program to implement struts with Hibernate Topic 4: Hands On

o Demo project based on topics learnt during this Module Continue same Project Topic 5: Demo Project based on Struts and Hibernate o Demo Project using Struts and Hibernate Continue same Project Complete Cloud Computing Training company Catalyzing Cloud Computing Revolution Phase 5 Module 1 Spring Part 1 Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : The Spring Framework: Foundations o Spring Hello World o POJO development o Runtime environment o Dependency injection o Inversion of control Writing Hello World program with SPRING

Framework Topic 2 : The Spring Framework: Core Capabilities Part 1 o Spring IoC container o Interface-oriented development o Spring framework composition o Spring container instantiation o Spring bean definitions Writing Interface Oriented program with SPRING Framework Topic 3: The Spring Framework: Core Capabilities Part 2 o Bean naming o Bean scoping o Dependency injection Writing Program with concept of Bean naming and Bean Scoping. Topic 4: The Spring Framework: Core Capabilities Part 3 o Referencing other beans o Plain values o Properties integration o Resource integration o Collection mapping Writing Advanced Program using Spring

Framework Topic 5: Spring JDBC o Demo project based on topics learnt during this Module Continue same Project Module 2 Spring part 2 Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) with Spring, Part 1 o Aspect-oriented programming concepts o Introduction o Integration with Spring IoC o Program integration using pointcuts Writing simple program based on AOP with SPRING Topic 2 : Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) with Spring, Part 2 o Implementing aspect behavior

o AspectJ APIs and annotations o Spring AOP application Writing Advanced Program based on AOP with Spring Topic 3: Spring Integration Part 1 o Maven 2 build system overview o General build procedure o Multi-module project build process o Spring IoC integration o Testing with Maven 2 and Spring Working with Maven 2 and Spring Topic 4: Spring Integration Part 2 o Managing transactions with Spring o Creating a transactional test environment o Spring and JPA integration o Spring, JPA, and JSF integration Writing Program using Spring, JPA and JSF integration. PHASE 6 :HADOOP, Hive, Pig, Hbase and Schema Complete Cloud Computing Training company Catalyzing Cloud Computing RevolutionModule 1 Introduction to cloud computing and Virtualization Total Hours = 20 Hours

Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Introduction to cloud computing o Problems with traditional large-scale systems o Requirements for a new approach Experimenting with Cloud Server Topic 2 : Introduction to data centers: servers, data storage, networking and virtualization o Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure development o What is Openstack o Amazon EC2 o Porting Application on Amazon EC2 Experimenting with Amazon EC2 and other Public Cloud Providers. Topic 3: Data center networking: Ethernet, network topologies, routing, addressing, transport layer protocols, etc

o Networking of Cloud Data Centre o Xen Hypervisor o Parallel Computing Experimenting with Hypervisor like xen Server Topic 4: Introduction to server virtualization software: Vmware, Virtual Box and VSphere o Introduction to Virtualization o Distributed File system o Distributed database o Running Multiple Virtual machines over Hypervisor Experimenting with Different Virtualization Software Topic 5: Virtual machine management: configuration, placement and resource allocation. o Creating Your own Private Cloud o Creating Your own Private Cloud Module 2 Hadoop Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours

Mode : Code Topic 1 : Introduction of Hadoop o Problems with traditional large-scale systems o Requirements for a new approach Hello world Hadoop Topic 2 : Hadoop : Basic Concepts o An Overview of Hadoop o The Hadoop Distributed File System o Hands-On Exercise o How MapReduce Works o Hands-On Exercise o Anatomy of a Hadoop Cluster o Other Hadoop Ecosystem Components Experimenting with Hadoop Library Topic 3: Writing a MapReduce Program o The MapReduce Flow o Examining a Sample MapReduce Program o Basic MapReduce API Concepts o The Driver Code o The Mapper o The Reducer o Hadoop's Streaming API o Using Eclipse for Rapid Development

o Hands-On Exercise Writing Simple MapReduce Program Topic 4: Integrating Hadoop Into The Workflow o Relational Database Management Systems o Storage Systems o Importing Data from RDBMSs With Sqoop o Hands-On Exercise o Importing Real-Time Data with Flume o Accessing HDFS Using FuseDFS and Hoop Implementing HDFS and Integrating Hadoop with RDBMS Topic 5: Delving Deeper Into The Hadoop API o Using Combiners o Using LocalJobRunner Mode for Faster Development o Reducing Intermediate Data with Combiners o The configure and close methods for MapReduce Setup and Teardown o Writing Partitioners for Better Load Balancing o Directly Accessing HDFS o Using The Distributed Cache o Hands-On Exercise Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module. Module 3 Hadoop, Hive and PIG

Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Common MapReduce Algorithms o Sorting and Searching o Indexing o Machine Learning with Mahout o Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency o Word Co-Occurrence o Hands-On Exercise Writing program to implement MapReduce Algorithm Topic 2 : Using Hive and Pig o Hive Basics o Pig Basics o Hands-On Exercise Topic 3: Practical Development Tips and Techniques o Testing with MRUnit

o Debugging MapReduce Code o Using LocalJobRunner Mode for Easier Debugging o Retrieving Job Information with Counters o Logging o Splittable File Formats o Determining the Optimal Number of Reducers o Map-Only MapReduce Jobs o Implementing Multiple Mappers using ChainMapper o Hands-On Exercise Topic 4: More Advanced MapReduce Programming o Custom Writables and WritableComparables o Saving Binary Data using SequenceFiles and Avro Files o Creating InputFormats and OutputFormats o Hands-On Exercise Topic 5: Joining Data Sets in MapReduce Jobs o Map-Side Joins o The Secondary Sort o Reduce-Side Joins o Hands-On ExerciseModule 4 Hadoop, Hbase and Schema Total Hours = 20 Hours Days/Topics Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code Topic 1 : Graph Manipulation in Hadoop o Introduction to graph techniques o Representing Graphs in Hadoop o Implementing a sample algorithm: Single Source Shortest Path Topic 2 : Creating Workflows with Oozie o The Motivation for Oozie o Oozie's Workflow Definition Format o Hands-On Exercise Topic 3: Introduction to Hbase and Schema Modeling o Understanding tables, row keys and column families o Choosing column attributes o Designing for locality and access patterns o An example Topic 4: The HBase Shell and The HBase architecture o Custom Writables and WritableComparables o Saving Binary Data using SequenceFiles and Avro Files

o Creating InputFormats and OutputFormats o Hands-On Exercise Topic 5: HBase Java APIs o Basic Data Access APIs o MapReduce Integration o Hands-on exercise: Accessing HBase from your Application

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