MEF Modeling Guidelines

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Modeling guidelines

1 Modeling Guidelines 1.1 Modeling specification for Body Structure FE models 1.2 Zone definitions 1.2.1 Zone definitions for Frontal Crash-Model BIW 1.2.2 Zone definitions for Rear-Side Crash-Model BIW 1.3 General element quality requirements 1.3.1 Aspect Ratio 1.3.2 2D Warpage and 3D Warpage 1.3.3 Skew 1.3.4 Taper 1.3.5 2D Jacobian Ratio and 3D Jacobian Ratio 1.3.6 Interior angles 1.3.7 Other modeling checks Nodes Elements Element outlines free angels and faces 2D element normals 1.4 General modeling rules 1.4.1 Coordinate system 1.4.2 Transition between zones 1.4.3 Element sides 1.4.4 Physical properties 1.4.5 Shell element normals 1.4.6 Global coordinate system 1.4.7 SI Units 1.4.8 Panels 1.4.9 Holes 1.4.10 Element edge orientation 1.4.11 Flange 1.4.12 Swages 1.4.13 Element direction 1.4.14 Special items for structure model 1.4.15 Special items for crash model 1.5 Modeling of flanges and welded joints 1.5.1 Structure model 1.5.2 Crash model Element rows Angle between surface noramal and line between coupled nodes. Spot welds Arch welded joint and clinched join Coupling nodes in spot and arch welded joints Zone 3 1.6 Modeling of bolted joints 1.6.1 Bolt holes 1.6.2 Modeling of bolted joints 1.6.3 Angle between different panels 1.6.4 Zone 3 1.7 Modeling of glued joints 1.7.1 Modeling of glued joints by volume elements 1.7.2 Modeling of glued joints by springs 1.8 Modeling of welded hinges 1.9 Name and numbering, definition of ID's 1.9.1 Structure model Grid numbering Part /Element numbering Plot element numbering Physical properties Model maintenance list 1.10 Modeling of flanges and welded joints 1.10.1 Half model 1.10.2 Full model 1.10.3 Sub model Pillar stiffness analysis Local analysis rear end Local analysis front end Roof analysis Steering analysis 1.11 Material properties 1.12 Evaluation methods 1.12.1 Graphical representation 1.12.2 Plot elements 1.12.3 Diagonals

1 Modeling Guidelines
1.1 Modeling specification for body structure FE models 1.2 Zone definitions
In the crash-model are some requirements zone dependent, i.e. dependent on the location of the panel (elements) in the model. The three zones are defined as follow. The structure model (stiffness, durability, dynamic, acoustic analysis) has to be generated with a homogeneous mesh. The requirements of element quality on size applies to the complete model. The requirements apply to the BIW as well as the hang-on parts.

1.2.1 Zone definitions for frontal crash-model BIW

Figure Zone definitions

Figure Zone definitions

Zone 1 Mid rails, Upper rails, Wheel house Cradle, Bumper, Tie bar Dash, Floor, Rocker Apillar, Roof to Bpillar

Zone 2 Bpillar Roof (behind Bpillar) Rear floor (in front of 5bar)

Zone 3 Cpillar Rear end

1.2.2 Zone definitions for rear-side crash-model BIW

Figure Zone definitions

Figure Zone definitions

Zone 1 Bpillar, Rocker (impact side) Floor (impact half side) Apillar (impact side) Cpillar (impact side) Roof (impact half side) Rear floor (in front of 5bar) 4.5bar(impact half side) Dash (to tunnel)

Zone 2 Floor (residual) Roof (residual) Rear floor (residual) Dash (residual)

Zone 3 Front structure (in front of Apillar) Rear end structure (luggage compartment)

1.3 General element quality requirements

Element quality requirements apply to the entire model, but if the special requirements for flanges, joints and attachment points, specified in chapter 1.5, are applicable and can not be combined with these demands, the special specification for flanges, joints and attachment points take precedence.

Element quality requirements for each panel is listed below. In combination with the requirements for each panel following requirements for the entire model must be fullfilled: Crash Parameter Value 0.7<J<1.0 J<0.7 5<W<10 Warping 10<W<15 W>15 55<A<90 Minimum interior angle 4-node() 45<A<55 35<A<45 A<35 90<A<125 Maximum interior angle 4-node() Minimum interior angle 3-node() Aspect Ratio 125<A<135 <3% 135<A<145 0% A>145 30<A<60 20<A<30 A<20 5>R>1 5>R>3 R>5 <15% <15% <20% 0% <4% 0% <8% 0% 0% <10% No of 3-node elements <10% ( no 3-node elements
in areas of high stresses)

Static/ Zone Zone Zone Dynamic 1 2 3 0% <3% 1% 0% <3% 0% 0% 0% <15% 8% 0% <10% <3% 0% <10% 0% 0% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0%


0% 0%

<5% 0% 0%


<10% <15% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Table 1.3.1: Element quality requirements for each panel The above criteria should be controlled during preprocessing.

1.3.1 Aspect ratio

Aspect Ratio between 1 and 5. Aspect Ratio is the ratio of element length to element width (b/a) as shown below, where we define length > width for an element.

Figure Aspect Ratio

1.3.2 2D Warpage and 3D warpage

2D Warpage of 5 degree or less, 3D Warpage of 45 degrees or less. A 2D quadrilateral element is said to be warped when the 4 corner nodes do not lie in a plane. Warpage is measured by an angle( ) which characterizes the deviation from a plane figure, as shown. A similar test is done for the faces of a 3D element.

1.3.3 Skew
Skew between 60 and 90 degrees. Skew is measure of the angular deviation of a quadrilateral from a rectangular shape. It is defined as the angle ( ) between the lines connecting the midpoints of opposite sides of the quadrilateral.

Figure Skew

1.3.4 Taper
Taper between 0.5 and 1.0. Taper is a measure of the geometric or dimensional deviation of a quadrilateral from a rectangle. If we divide a quadrilateral into 4 triangles which have a common vertex at the element centroid, then taper is 4 times the area of the smallest triangle (a) divided by the total area.

Figure Taper The following example elements have taper values in the acceptable range:

Figure Taper=0.5

Figure Taper=0.8

1.3.5 2D Jacobian Ratio and 3D Jacobian Ratio

2D Jacobian Ratio between 1 and 2.5, 3D Jacobian Ratio between 1 and 10.0, and Jacobian Zero greater then 0.2. Jacobian Ratio and Jacobian Zero are difficult to show graphically. The Jacobian is a measure of the deviation of a given element from an ideally shaped element. The Jacobian is calculated at each vertex of the quadrilateral , and ranges from -1 to +1. The Jacobian Ratio is the largest Jacobian of the element divided by smallest Jacobian. The Jacobian Zero is the smallest Jacobian of the element. Extreme examples of the kinds of errors detected by these tests are shown below.

Figure Jacobian Ratio - kinds of errors

1.3.6 Interior Angles

Interior Angles between 45 and 135 for a quadrilateral element and between 20 and 120 for triangular element. These criteria will also detect poorly meshed , as show

Figure maximum interior angle < 135

Figure minimum interior angle > 20

Figure maximum interior angle > 45

Figure minimum interior angle < 120

1.3.7 Other modeling checks Nodes

The model has to be checked for coincident nodes by using a specific tolerance. Keep in mind that the tolerance used to detect coincident nodes must be chosen carefally. Also, there are some instances when merging duplicate nodes is not desirable - for example if a scalar spring is part of the model. Elements
Find and merge (delete) any duplicate elements. Element outlines - free edges and faces

For 2D elements this is a free edge check. Each element that has an edge which is not connected to a neighboring element will have that edge highlighted. For example, the mesh on a square plate should have free edges at its perimeter but none in the interior. A free edge where the material should be continuous is a `crack' in the part and must be repaired. For 3D elements the approach is similar using faces of elements. 2D element normals

Shell element surfaces have a perpendicular or `normal' vector associated with them. Each elements normal can point out for or into the body. All of the element normals of a part must point in a consistent direction. This is critical when applying a pressure load on a part.

1.4 General modeling rules

These rules apply to the entire model, but if the special rules for flanges, joints and attachment points are applicable and can not be combined with these rules, the special rules for flanges, joints and attachment points take precedence.

1.4.1 Coordinate system

The vehicle coordinate system as given below should be used as the global coordinate system for the structure model, for the definition of loads and boundary conditions and also for results presentation +x +y +z horizontal, towards rear of vehicle horizontal, from centerline to passenger side (LDD) vertical towards roof

1.4.2 Transition between zones

Each panel shall be modeled with shell elements that fulfill the demands specified in Table and with an element size according to the appropriate zone, see Table The transition between these zones has to be smooth.

Parameter Element size (mm)

Crash Zone 1 10 12 Zone 2 18 25 Zone 3 40 70

Static/ Dynamic 20

Table Element size according to zone

1.4.3 Element sides

No elements shall have element sides shorter than 5 times of material thickness, anyway the initial time step must not be shorter than 1 microsecond.

1.4.4 Physical properties

The elements shall be associated with a material with correct E-module, Poisson's number or Gmodule and density. Elements associated to metallic materials shall also be separated according to the yield strength of the material for nonlinear analysis. The elements shall be associated with a physical property describing the properties of the panel. For structure models the minimum panel thicknesses for crash models the nominal thicknesses have to be used. Each panel shall have at least one separate physical property id.

Figure part definition

1.4.5 Shell element normals

The shell element normals shall be consistently defined in the separate panels.

1.4.6 Global coordinate system

The model shall be defined in the global coordinate system of the car.

1.4.7 SI-units
SI-units shall be used consistently in the model, length in mm.

1.4.8 Panels
The panels shall be modeled on the mid surface. If the mid surface is not obtainable from the delivered geometry, it is allowed to model on either side of the panel (preferably the tooling side).(Crash: anyway the gap between parts in flange areas has to be 0,9mm +/- 0,1mm)

1.4.9 Holes
Holes shall be modeled if the diameter are greater than defined in table Parameter Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 D (mm) 10 20 50

Table Requirements for modeling holes

1.4.10 Element edge orientation

The element edge orientation follows the CAD net lines which are spaced at 100 mm intervals.

1.4.11 Flange
The flange on flanged holes and edges shall be modeled if it is wider than 5 mm.

Figure Modeling of flanged holes with flange smaller than 5mm

1.4.12 Swages
Swages shall be modeled according to Figure Figure,depending on their depth, width and zone relation. If none of the figures are applicable the swage should be excluded.

Figure Modeling of swages with width > 10 mm and depth > 5 mm in zone 1

Figure Modeling of swages with width < 5 mm and depth > 5 mm in zone 1

Figure Modeling of swages with width > 10 mm and depth < 5 mm in zone 1-

Figure Modeling of swages with width > 10 mm and depth > 5 mm in zone 2

Figure Modeling of swages with width < 10 mm and depth > 5 mm in zone 2

1.4.13 Element direction

The elements in panels that act as part of a section shall to the largest possible extent be directed so that the element sides are parallel or perpendicular to the section, see Fig Examples of such panels are rocker, A-pillar and mid rail panels.

Figure The mesh of panels building up sections shall to the largest possible extent be directed so that it is parallel or perpendicular to the beam section. This means that mesh 1 preferred to mesh 2.

The elements in panels that do not act as part of sections shall to the largest possible extent be directed so that the element sides follow the global coordinate system vectors. Examples of such panels are dash, floor and roof.

1.4.14 Special items for structure model

The screen adhesive, hinges and screws/bolts are idealized with CHEXA and CPENTA solid elements. Rigid node connections are realized using RBEs. Plot elements (PLOTEL) serve as an aid to the visualisation of results in form of displacement curves and deformed/undeformed contour comparisons. If panels are not modeled on the mid surface according to point 1.4.8 , then the shell element normals shall be directed to point from the modeled side to outside of the body. During a project this orientation has to be constant. If major, structurally important differences between parts along center line exists, these parts have to be middeled to center line (spare wheel well). Generally the left hand side of the body has to be modeled and the simulation of full body structure achieved through the use of symmetric or anti-symmetric boundary conditions on the axis of symmetry. For special applications and prototype standards the right hand side has to be modeled too. These element numbers have an offset of 500 000 to those of the driver side equivalents.

No elements are allowed to cross the "symmetry" line y=0 (that is nodes shall be positioned on y=0).

1.4.15 Special items for crash model

The model shall not have any initial penetrations of sheet metals or other parts. Parallel sheet metals (flanges) or other parts facing each other shall have a gap of 0,9 mm ( 0,1 mm).

1.5 Modeling of flanges and welded joints 1.5.1 Structure model

The flanges shall be modeled with one element row. and all grids of the inner shape have to be connected by coincident grids. For specific spot weld analysis special modeling rules will be delivered.

1.5.2 Crash model

The quality of the mesh in the flanges and weld/clinch joints determines the quality of the results and the ease with which modifications to the mesh can be made. Therefore, it is extremely important that the flanges and joints are modeled with care. The following points must be fulfilled Element rows

The flanges shall be modeled with two element rows, see Fig

Figure The flanges shall be modeled with two element rows Angle between surface normal and line between coupled nodes
The angle between the flange surface normal and the line between two coupled nodes shall be approximately 0. It shall not exceed 10, see Fig If this demand is not possible to achieve with the given geometry, deviation from the geometry or from the location of the welding point is allowed whatever reflects better the geometry.

Figure . The angle between the surface normal and the line between coupled nodes shall be approximately 0, and shall in no case exceed 10 Spot welds

If spot welds are included in the geometry, the coupled nodes shall be located at the positions of the spot welds. If spot welds are not included in the geometry, a distance between the spot welds of approximately 40 mm should be assumed, see Fig

Figure Spot welded flange - a coupled node every 40 mm, unless specific spot weld locations were given in the geometry. The distance from the inner edge of the flange to the coupled node row shall be greater than 7 mm. The picture relates to zone 2.

The distance from the inner edge of the flange to the middle node row shall not be less than 7 mm. If this is in conflict with given spot weld geometry, deviation from the spot weld geometry is allowed. Arch welded joint and clinched joint

Spot clinched joints shall be modeled in the same way as spot welded joints. In arch welded joints, every node in the joint shall be coupled, see Fig

Figure Arch welded joint and clinched joint - every node in the joint coupled.

Clinched joints shall be modeled as arch welded joints. Coupling of nodes in spot- and arch welded joints

Beam type springs (RADIOSS type 13) shall be used to achieve the coupling of the nodes in spot- and arch welded joints. In general no failure behavior of welding spots is modeled. Zone 3
In zone 3 the modeling of flanges is not necessary the parts shall be connected like arch welded.

1.6 Modeling of bolted joints

Where structural components are attached to each other using a bolted joint, they shall be modeled according to the requirements in point 1.6.1 1.6.3 Examples of bolted structural joints are the crash box mid rail interface and the rear bumper rear longitudinal interface sub frame attachments. Example of a bolted joint that is not considered to be structural, and therefore does not have to comply to points 1.6.1 1.6.3 is the fender upper rail interface.

1.6.1 Bolt holes

Bolt holes shall be modeled using 6 quad elements to describe the perimeters of the bolt hole and washer, see Fig The elements shall be evenly distributed around the hole. If this mesh is not possible to achieve with maintained global element length, the elements are allowed to be smaller in the vicinity of the bolt hole. No element sides are, however, allowed to be smaller than 5mm. If this is not possible to achieve with the given geometry, deviation from the geometry is allowed (larger diameter of the hole and/or washer). (Crash: only the perimeter of the washer shall be modeled) A rigid element shall connect the nodes on the bolt hole perimeter with a node in the middle of the hole, see Fig The number of elements used to describe the bolt hole and washer shall be the same on all panels in the bolt joint.

Figure Modeling of bolt holes at attachment points and at bolt joints between structural members in the BiW. The quad elements are evenly distributed around the hole. A rigid element connects a node in the middle of the hole with the nodes on the perimeter of the hole. The diameter of the outer circle that the quad elements describe is equal to the diameter of the washer in the bolted joint.

1.6.2 Modeling of bolted joints

Rigid elements shall be used to connect the centre nodes of bolt holes of the different panels in a bolt joint with each other, see figure (Crash: in general no failure behaviour of bolted joints is modeled.

Figure Modeling of bolted joints. A rigid connection (Beam Type Spring) is introduced between the centre nodes of the two sides of the joint.

1.6.3 Angle between different panels

The projected angle between the elements in different panels in a bolt joint shall not exceed 5, see figure (Not for Crash)

Figure The projected angle between different panels in the bolt joint shall not exceed 5.

1.6.4 Zone 3
In zone 3, none of the requirements 1.6.1 1.6.3 have to be fulfilled. Instead, a node located at the centre of the bolt hole shall be connected using RBE2 elements( Rigid Bodies) to surrounding nodes in the panel, and to the other bolt hole centre nodes in the bolt joint.

1.7 Modeling of glued joints 1.7.1 Modeling of glued joints by volume elements
Glue shall, where it exists, be modeled as linear solids. The solid elements shall be of hexa (8 node) or penta (6node) type. The glue shall have a unique material and physical property id. The mesh of the glue shall follow the geometry of the actual glue. The boundary nodes of the solid mesh shall be merged with the nodes of the shell meshes, between which the glue is situated, see figure

Figure Glue modeling

1.7.2 Modeling of glued joints by springs

All elements of the glued flanges shall have the same size. The elementation of the flanges facing each other shall be identical. Two rows of nodes following the geometry of the glueing seam shall be connected with Radioss type 13 springs each representing the same volume of glue. The springs shall have a function reflecting the force-deflection behavior of the represented volume of glue.

1.8 Modeling of welded hinges

Hinges are modeled with CHEXA and CPENTA solid element types. The connecting area is modeled about 1/3 finer than the general standard of 25 mm to meet the details and the contact definition of the weld seam. Hinge and structure elements are connected by CPENTA solids which simulate the weld seam.

1.9 Names and Numbering, Definition of IDs

1.9.1 Structure model Grid numbering
Grid Numbering 1998 1999 2999 3999 4999
Table Grid Numbering

Grid Name Force Rear Bending Support Front Support Rear Reference Point rocker 1. lateral bending Reference Point rocker 2. lateral bending Part/Element numbering

Part/Element Numbering 1000 400000 401000 450000 451000 500000 501000 900000
Table Part/Element Numbering

Part/Element Name parts driver side Plot elements RBE Elements parts codriver side Plot element numbering

Plot element Numbering 1000 400000 401000 450000 451000 500000 501000 900000
Table Plot element Numbering

Plot element name parts driver side Plot elements RBE Elements parts codriver side Physical Properties

If a panel is made of tailored blanks, the panel shall be divided in different physical properties according to the different thicknesses and material qualities of the panel. Model maintenance list

A list describing the relationship between original CAD data file, physical property names and numbers, material names and numbers, and beam section names and numbers shall be developed and maintained. The list shall be delivered together with the calculation model both in digital form and on paper copies.

1.10 FE-model types

1.10.1 Half model
Structural half model of driver side with generally 20 mm element size. Element amount between 35 000 and 50 000 dependent on body dimension. Asymmetric parts along center line (tunnel, spare wheel well, ) have to be moved from local symmetric plane to global symmetric plane.

Figure Half Model

1.10.2 Full model

Structural model with asymmetric content. Model size between 70 000 and 100 000 elements dependent on body dimensions.

1.10.3 Sub model Pillar stiffness analysis

Half model of driver side including door hinges. Local refinement in area of hinges and door lock bracket with about 1/3 of general element size to meet a good grid by grid connection of the contact parts for simulating details and the weld seams. Local Analysis rear end

Full structure model with asymmetric content. Rear end with boundary conditions in front of the B pillar. Local analysis front end

Full structure model with asymmetric content. Front end with boundary conditions behind of the B pillar. Roof analysis

Half model of driver side. Upper structure with boundary conditions on beltline Steering analysis

Full model with asymmetric content. Front end with boundary conditions in front of the B pillar.

1.11 Material properties

As Poisson s Ratio defines the relationship between lateral and longitudinal strain only two of the values should be input, normally Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio, thethird being derived by the program internally. The values for adhesive are extremely variable and the properties of the specific material used should be employed. Thus the examples listed below apply to one, particular project. In general the model has to be checked for the correct properties of specific materials. In case of have standard materials, the specific material data has to be used.

Young's modulus Shear modulus Density Poisson's ratio E = 204000 G = 78458 = 7.85 x 106 = 0.3 N / mm2 N / mm2 kg / mm3

Young's modulus Shear modulus Density Poisson's ratio E = 70000 G = 26000 = 2.7 x 106 = 0.3 N / mm2 N / mm2 kg / mm3

Young's modulus Shear modulus Density Poisson's ratio E = 70000 G = 26922 = 2.50 x 106 = 0.3 N / mm2 N / mm2 kg / mm3

Screen adhesive (Instant Fix)

Young's modulus Shear modulus Density E = 5 to 20 G = 2 to 3 = 1.20 x 106 N / mm2 N / mm2 kg / mm3

To take into consideration nonlinear material characteristics for QS steel an approximation with two straight lines is proposed: tension [N/mm2] plastic strain x 10-5 174.00 0.00 180.00 200.00
Table 1.11.1: Material charakteristics for QS steel

For bake-hardening steel another strain tension curve can be used:

tension [N/mm2] plastic strain x 10-5 250.00 0.00 256.25 12.00 262.50 19.00 268.75 36.00 275.00 47.00 281.25 59.00 287.50 91.00 293.75 118.00 297.50 141.00 300.00 180.00 305.00 202.50 Table 1.11.2 Material characteristic for bake-hardening steel The following table gives more detailed information for several heat processed steels. No. Material Rp0.2 1,pl [%] [N/mm2] 174 2,75 209 2,70 293 223 3,40 258 1,05
1 2,pl 2

[N/mm2] 250 271 293 295 258 340 345 428

[%] 4,9 5,1 4,9 4,3 5,3 5,4 5,0

[N/mm2] 280 300 293 313 323 335 370 345 438

1 QS1010 2 ZSTE-180 3 ZSTE-180 BH 4 ZSTE-220 5 ZSTE-220 BH 5a 6 ZSTE-260 287 3,10 7 ZSTE-300 345 8 ZSTE-340 356 3,80 Table 1.11.3 Material parameters for head processed steel

1.12 Evaluation methods

1.12.1 Graphical representation

Stress plot:
The stress results derived from Von Mises Theory are represented in a colored graphic. The colors are assigned in a way, that blue shows low, and red high stress. If shell elements are used, the most unfavorable case of either element top or bottom side should be depicted.

Deformation plot:
The deformation plot based on the exploded representation of the structure. The deformations are shown by gradual color change from blue to red.

Animation of the deformed shape allows the assessment of the displayed components. During the animation the strain energy distribution or deformation can be colored simultaneously.

1.12.2 Plot elements

Plot elements are used to evaluate results automatically at points of interest. These points are, for example: 1. 2. 3. 4. Front longitudinal (rail) Rocker panel Rear longitudinal (rail) 1st cross member (bar) (seat cross member) 5. 2nd cross member (bar) (cross member kick-up) 6. A-pillar and are depicted in the sketch below. 7. B-pillar 8. C-pillar 9. Tunnel 10. Rear wheelhouse 11. Roof panel

Figure Plot elements

1.12.3 Diagonals
The deformation of the body opening diagonals is a measure of body stiffness. The main diagonal positions are shown as follows:

Figure Diagonals

-Front end 1 Engine hood 2 Dash panel lower 3 A-Pillar 4 Front screen opening - Front door opening 5 Diagonal A 6 Diagonal B 7 Diagonal C 8 Diagonal D - B-Pillar 9 Diagonal 21 Seperation Table Named diagonals

- Rear door opening 10 Diagonal A 11 Diagonal B 19 Diagonal C 20 Diagonal D - Rear end 12 Wheelhouse/ side panel-belt 13 Wheelhouse/ C-column up. 14 Rear screen opening (nb) 15 Decklid diagonal (nb) 18 Tail gate opening (hb) 16 Side screen rear 22 Side panel deformation (nb)

The diagonal deformation is very sensitive to its position. To ensure a good correlation between simulation and test result, the exact position of the diagonal has to be checked properly.

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