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The Problem of the Hexateuch and other essays Oliver and Boyd, 1966 (hb) Wisdom in Israel SCM,

1972 (pb) Wenham, J.W. Our Lords View of the Old Testament (Tyndale Monographs) Tyndale Press, 1961 (booklet) Westermann, Claus What Does the Old Testament Say About God? SPCK, 1979 (new pb) Wilson, Robert Dick A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament Marshall Brothers, 1926 (poor hb) Wiseman, D.J. (ed) Peoples of Old Testament Times Oxford University Press, 1973 (hb) Wright, Christopher J.H. Living as the People of God: The Relevance of Old Testament Ethics IVP, 1983 (pb) Wright, G. Ernest The Old Testament Against Its Environment (Studies in Biblical Theology 2) SCM, 1950 (pb) Wrthwein, Ernst The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to Kittel-Kahles Biblia Hebraica Basil Blackwell, 1957 (ex-lib hb, with annotations) Yancey, Philip The Bible Jesus Read Zondervan, 1999 (hb) Zondervan, 1999 (pb) Zimmerli, Walther Old Testament Theology in Outline T+T Clark, 1978 (hb)

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Schmidt, Werner H. The Faith of the Old Testament: A History Basil Blackwell, 1983 (hb) Schultz, Samuel J. The Old Testament Speaks (3rd ed) Harper and Row, 1980 (hb) Scroggie, W. Graham The Unfolding Drama of Redemption: Volume I: The Old Testament Pickering and Inglis, 1953 (hb, poor dj) Shanks, Hershel (ed.) Ancient Israel: A Short History from Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple SPCK, 1989 (pb) Simpson, William Kelly (ed) The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, and Poetry Yale University Press, 1973 (pb) Smith, William Robertson Lectures on the Religion of the Semites: The Fundamental Institutions (3rd ed) A+C Black, 1927 (hb; no dj) A+C Black, 1927 (hb; no dj, minor inscriptions)



25 20

Lectures on the Religion of the Semites: Second and Third Series (JSOTSS 183) (ed John Day) Sheffield Academic Press, 1995 (hb) 10 Soggin, J. Alberto Introduction to the Old Testament SCM, 1976 (ex-lib hb) Introduction to the Old Testament (3rd ed.) SCM, 1989 (pb; minor pencil marking)

5 5

Thiele, Edwin R. The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings: A Reconstruction of the Chronology of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (2nd ed) Paternoster Press, 1965 (ex-lib hb) 10 Thomas, D. Winton Archaeology and Old Testament Study Oxford University Press, 1967 (hb)

Vallet, Ronald E. The Steward Living in Covenant: A New Perspective on Old Testament Stories (Faiths Horizons) Eerdmans, 2001 (pb) 5 Von Rad, Gerhard Old Testament Theology (2 vol set) Oliver and Boyd, 1962/5 (hb, no dj) Old Testament Theology: Volume Two SCM, 1975 (pb)

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Otwell, John H. And Sarah Laughed: The Status of Woman in the Old Testament Westminster Press, 1977 (ex-lib pb) Parrot, Andr Nineveh and Babylon (The Arts of Mankind) Thames and Hudson, 1961 (ex-lib hb) Patrick, Dale Old Testament Law SCM, 1985 (pb) Payne, David F.; Kidner, Derek; Ellison, H.L.; Marshall, I. Howard; Wright, J. Stafford The Daily Commentary: Genesis - Job Scripture Union, 1974 (hb) Peake, Arthur S. Brotherhood in the Old Testament Hodder and Stoughton, 1923 (hb, no dj) Pritchard, James B. (ed) The Ancient Near East: Volume II: A New Anthology of Texts and Pictures Princeton University Press, 1975 (pb) Richardson, Alan How to Read the Bible with special reference to the Old Testament Church Information Board, 1954 reprint (booklet) Rogerson, J.W. Anthropology and the Old Testament (Growing Points in Theology) Basil Blackwell, 1978 (hb) Old Testament Criticism in the Nineteenth Century : England AND Germany SPCK, 1984 (hb) Rogerson, John (ed.) Beginning Old Testament Study SPCK, 1983 (pb) Beginning Old Testament Study (rev ed.) SPCK, 1998 (new pb)



5 15

2 5

Roth, Martha T. Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor (2nd ed) (SBL Writings from the Ancient World series) Scholars Press, 1997 (pb) 7 Sawyer, John F.A. and Clines, David J.A. (ed) Midian, Moab and Edom: The History and Archaeology of Late Bronze and Iron Age Jordan and North-West Arabia (JSOTSS 24) JSOT Press, 1983 (pb) 20

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Layard, Austen Henry Nineveh and its Remains: A Narrative of an Expedition to Assyria During the Years 1845, 1846 & 1847: abridged by the author from his larger work (new edition) John Murray, 1876 (hb) 15 Lichtheim, Miriam Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book of Readings: Volume 3: The Late Period University of California Press, 2006 (pb) Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn Old Testament Evangelistic Sermons Banner of Truth, 1995 (hb) Martens, E.A. Plot and Purpose in the Old Testament IVP, 1981 (pb) Martin-Achard, Robert An Approach to the Old Testament Oliver and Boyd, 1965 (hb) McKenzie, John L. A Theology of the Old Testament Geoffrey Chapman, 1974 (hb) Miles, Jack God: A Biography Vintage Books, 1996 (pb) Motyer, Alec Discovering the Old Testament Crossway Books, 2006 (pb) Newman, Murray Lee The People of the Covenant: A Study of Israel from Moses to the Monarchy Carey Kingsgate Press, 1965 (hb) Newsome, James D. By the Waters of Babylon: An Introduction to the History and Theology of the Exile John Knox Press, 1979 (pb) Nicholson, Ernest W. God and His People: Covenant and Theology in the Old Testament Oxford University Press, 1988 (pb) Niditch, Susan Oral World and Written Word: Orality and Literacy in Ancient Israel SPCK, 1997 (pb) Noth, Martin The Laws in the Pentateuch and Other Essays Oliver and Boyd, 1966 (hb)





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Hengstenberg, E.W. Christology of the Old Testament (Kregel Reprint Library) Kregel Publications, 1970 (hb) Herbert, A.S. Worship in Ancient Israel (Ecumenical Studies in Worship 5) Lutterworth Press, 1959 (pb) Hercus, John Pages from Gods Case-Book (Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Saul, Joseph) Solway, 1996 (pb) Hindson, Edward E. The Philistines and the Old Testament (Baker Studies in Biblical Archaeology) Baker Book House, 1971 (pb) Jones, Edgar Discoveries and Documents: An Introduction to the Archaeology of the Old Testament Epworth Press, 1974 (hb) Kantiotes, Augoustinos N. A Panoramic View of Holy Scripture: Orthodox Homilies Introducing All the Books of the Old Testament: Volume One Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2001 (pb) Kidner, F.D. Sacrifice in the Old Testament (Tyndale Monograph) Tyndale Press, 1952 (booklet) Knight, Douglas A. (ed) Tradition and Theology in the Old Testament SPCK, 1977 (hb) Khler, Ludwig Hebrew Man; with an appendix on Justice in the Gate SCM, 1956 (pb) Old Testament Theology (Lutterworth Library 49) Lutterworth Press, 1957 (hb) Kuhl, Curt The Old Testament: Its Origins and Composition Oliver and Boyd, 1961 (hb; torn dj)




5 7

Laffey, Alice. L. Wives, Harlots and Concubines: The Old Testament in Feminist Perspective SPCK, 1988 (ex-lib pb) Lang, Bernhard (ed) Anthropological Approaches to the Old Testament (Issues in Religion and Theology 8) SPCK, 1985 (pb)

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Fishbane, Michael Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel Clarendon Press, 1988 (pb) Frazer, James George Folk-lore in the Old Testament: Studies in Comparative Religion, Legend and Law (3 vols) Macmillan, 1919 (ex-lib hbs) Gammie, John G. Holiness in Israel (Overtures to Biblical Theology) Fortress Press, 1989 (pb) Goldingay, John Theological Diversity and the Authority of the Old Testament Eerdmans, 1987 (pb) Gottwald, Norman K. The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the Religion of Liberated Israel 1250-1050 BCE SCM, 1980 (pb) Graffy, Adrian Alive and Active: The Old Testament Beyond 2000 Columba Press, 1999 (pb) Gray, John The Canaanites (Ancient Peoples and Places 38) Thames and Hudson, 1964 (hb) Gunneweg, A.H.J. Understanding the Old Testament Westminster Press, 1978 (hb; some biro marginal lines) Handcock, Percy Babylonian Penitential Psalms (Texts for Students 25) SPCK, 1921 (booklet) Hanson, Paul D. Visionaries and Their Apocalypses (Issues in Religion and Theology 2) SPCK, 1983 (pb) Harrison, R.K. Introduction to the Old Testament IVP, 1970 (hb) IVP, 1970 (ex-lib hb) Heaton, E.W. Everyday Life in Old Testament Times Batsford, 1956 (hb) Heidel, Alexander The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels University of Chicago Press, 1963 (1999 reprint) (pb)






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Childs, Brevard S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture SCM, 1979 (hb) Old Testament Theology in a Canonical Context SCM, 1985 (pb) Davidson, Robert The Courage to Doubt: Exploring an Old Testament Theme Xpress Reprints, 1997 (pb) De Vaux, Roland Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions DLT, 1961 (hb; no dj) Studies in Old Testament Sacrifice University of Wales Press, 1964 (ex-lib hb) Dennis, Trevor Face to Face with God: Moses, Eluma and Job SPCK, 1999 (pb) Lo and Behold! The power of Old Testament storytelling SPCK, 1991 (pb, pencil annotations) Drane, John Introducing the Old Testament Lion, 1987 (pb) The Old Testament Story: An Illustrated Documentary Lion, 1983 (ex-lib pb) Dumbrell, William J. The Faith of Israel: Its Expression in the Books of the Old Testament Apollos, 1989 (pb) Edersheim, Alfred Bible History Old Testament (Updated ed) Hendrickson Publishers, 1995 (hb, no dj) Eichrodt, Walther Theology of the Old Testament (Volume Two) (Old Testament Library) SCM, 1967 (hb) Engnell, Ivan Critical essays on the Old Testament SPCK, 1970 (hb) Exum, J. Cheryl (ed.) The Historical Books: A Sheffield Reader (Biblical Seminar 40) Sheffield Academic Press, 1997 (pb)

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Ap-Thomas, D.R. A Primer of Old Testament Text Criticism (2nd ed) Basil Blackwell, 1965 (ex-lib pb) Barnett, R.D. Illustrations of Old Testament History British Museum, 1968 (hb) Bentzen, Aage (ed G.W. Anderson) King and Messiah Basil Blackwell, 1970 (ex-lib hb) Beyerlin, Walter (ed) Near Eastern Religious Texts relating to the Old Testament (Old Testament Library) SCM, 1978 (hb) Bigger, Stephen Creating the Old Testament: The Emergence of the Hebrew Bible Basil Blackwell, 1989 (hb) Birch, Bruce C.; Brueggemann, Walter; Fretheim, Terence E. and Petersen, David L. A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament (2nd ed) Abingdon Press, 2005 (pb) Bise, Gabriel The Illuminated Naples Bible (Old Testament): 14th Century Manuscript Miller Graphics, 1979 (ex-lib hb)




Bowman, John (ed) Samaritan Documents: Relating to the History, Religion and Life (Pittsburgh Original Texts and Translations Series 2) Pickwick Press, 1977 (pb) 30 Bright, John The Authority of the Old Testament SCM, 1967 (hb) Covenant and Promise: The Future in the Preaching of the Pre-Exilic Prophets SCM, 1977 (hb) Brueggemann, Walter Theology of the Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy Fortress Press, 1997 (hb)

5 5


Bullinger, E.W. The Names and Order of the Books of the Old Testament according to the Hebrew Canon (3rd ed) Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1929 (ex-lib pb) 12 Charpentier, Etienne How to Read the Old Testament SCM, 1981 (pb)

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Richard Johnson / Qoheleth Resources / Hirilond / 185 Longford Lane / Longlevens / Gloucester / GL2 9HD email: website: mobile: 07754 384833

Except where otherwise noted, all books are second-hand, with no underlining, highlighting or other marks in the main body of the book. They may, however, have the name or short inscription by a previous owner at the front. Ex-library books will have the usual library markings (stamps, bar-codes, date for return sheets, etc), or evidence of their removal. If you have any questions about the condition of a book, please contact me for details. The date is either the date that the book was first published by that publisher, or, where appropriate, the reprint date of the particular copy of the book for sale. Postage will be added at the actual cost of sending the books by Royal Mail, usually by first-class post; no charge will be made for packaging. Please pay by cheque or by bank transfer when you receive the books. N.B. Books in boxes have either been added or reduced in price since the last time this list was sent out.

SPECIAL OFFER orders of 20 or more: 10% discount orders of 50 or more: 20% discount 3 2 books for 5

2012 list 3: Old Testament Introduction

Good News Bible Old Testament: Todays English Version: Large Print edition American Bible Society, 1982 (pb, 2362p; erased inscription inside front cover) Ackroyd, Peter R. Studies in the Religious Tradition of the Old Testament SCM, 1987 (pb) Alt, Albrecht Essays on Old Testament History and Religion (Biblical Seminar) JSOT Press, 1989 (pb) Anderson, Bernard W. From Creation to New Creation: Old Testament Perspectives (Overtures to Biblical Theology) Fortress Press, 1994 (pb; some pencil annotations and pages falling out) The Living World of the Old Testament (4th ed) (The Silver Library) Longman, 1988 (pb) Anderson, G.W. The History and Religion of Israel (New Clarendon Bible) Oxford University Press, 1966 (hb) Oxford University Press, 1966 (pb) Anderson, G.W. (ed.) Tradition and Interpretation: Essays by Members of the Society for Old Testament Study Clarendon Press, 1979 (ex-lib hb) 10


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