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BUSINESS LAW SYLLABUS (Fall semester Sept. - Dec 2011)

Associate Professor Tran Van Nam, LL.M; MBA; Ph.D - Faculty of Law, National Economics University, Suit 410, NEU Campus, 207 Giai Phong Road, Hanoi, Vietnam - Email: phone: 0904 245 260

Course Content:
The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business highlights the legal and regulatory environment in which people and companies conduct business activities. It appreciates the complexities, ambiguities and many areas of the law in undertaking business.

Course Descriptions:
- Prerequisite: Phap luat Dai cuong - Number of credits: 4 Credit hours: 60 - Course descriptions: Introduction of aspects of the US and Vietnamese business law with particular references to law for business organizations and contract laws.

Textbooks and References:

1. The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, 14th Edition, Reed, Shedd, Morehead, Pagnattaro; Mc Graw-Hill Irwin Company, 2008. 2. Luat Kinh te, (Nguyen Hop Toan chu bien); NXB Dai hoc KTQD 2011, Recommended Reading Material Vietnam Civil Code (2005); Vietnam Commercial Law (2005); Vietnam Law on Enterprises (2005) and more at Vienna Convention on International sale of goods (1980) at www.cisg Principles of International Commercial Contract (PICC) at Other sub-laws and cases

___________________________________________________________ ITEM WEIGHT DATE DUE ___________________________________________________________ Attendance & participation 20% Each lecture Group Assignments & Discussion 30 % Each lecture Examination 50 % Examination Class ___________________________________________________________ 100%

Lecture calendar:
The Course will be held in 15 classes s as follows:

Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Hours 4 4

Lecture topics Introduction of the Course Law as the Foundation of the Course Dispute Resolution The Court System Dispute Resolution Litigation

Reading/ Assignment The Legal Environment Chapter 1 The Legal Environment Chapter 3 The Legal Environment Chapter 4 The Legal Environment Chapter 5 and Regulatory of Business,


and Regulatory Group of Business, assignmen and Regulatory Group of Business, assignment and Regulatory Group of Business, assignment and Regulatory Group of Business, assignment and Regulatory Group of Business, assignment and Regulatory Group of Business, assignment and Regulatory Group of Business, assignment and Regulatory Group

4 Week 4 4

4 Week 5 4 Week 6 4 Week 7 4 Week 8 Week 9 4

Dispute Resolution Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems Business and the The Legal Constitution Environment Chapter 6 Principles of Contract The Legal Law Basic Concepts Environment Chapter 7 Principles of Contract The Legal Law Contract Environment Formation and Other Chapter 7 Contract Issues Tort in the Business The Legal Environment Environment Chapter 8 Intellectual Property in The Legal 2

the Property System Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 4 4 4 4 4 4

Environment Chapter 10 Agency Law and Business The Legal Organizations Environment Chapter 10 Agency Law and Business The Legal Organizations (cont) Environment Chapter 10 Employment and Labor The Legal Laws Environment Chapter 15 International Law The Legal Environment Chapter 18 International Law (cont) The Legal Environment Chapter 18 Course revision


Business, assignment

and Regulatory Group of Business, assignment and Regulatory Group of Business, assignment and Regulatory Group of Business, assignment and Regulatory of Business, and Regulatory of Business,

Note: This enable students to always see what is coming up or what they will miss if absent, and evidences good planning and organization. Lecturers should make each class detail as follow: contents, reading materials (books, pages), requirements before class to students, assignments, group discussions, presentation, quizzes or tests (if any)

Final Exam:
The exam, at the end of the course, will consist of a combination of true/false and multiple-choice questions and certain cases. There will be an open book exam. Laptop and cell phone are not allowed. The length of final exam is 120.

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