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Oo*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*oO || {M2} Chocobo Breeding || Oo*=-*=-*=-*=-*Oo*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*oO*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*oO ||{M2.

1} Quick Guide to breed a Gold Chocobo || Oo*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=oO At any time after getting the Highwind, you can start breeding chocobo's. This is easiest when the Gold Saucer re-opens, so you can also race with them. Make sure you've got some money you can spend. You can sell some mastered materia (All Materia sells for 1.4 Million Gold), or use the W-Item materia trick to duplicate and sell items. You could also train on the beach of Mideel and get up to 10k gold with the Gil-plus materia. Talk to Choco Bill and rent 6 stables (just rent them all to make things easy). Also grab the Chocobo Lure Materia from the lower right near the fence. You should also have bought one on disc 1 before the Midgar Zolom though..make sure to equip it one someone. First of all, you'll need to catch a Chocobo. There are many places you can catch Chocobo's, but there are only three places of interest for us, if we want to breed to colored Chocobo's. These places are like this: Gold Saucer Area: You can catch a Good Chocobo here (Appears with 2 Spencers) Mideel Area: You can catch a Great Chocobo here (Appears with 1 or 2 Spirals) Icicle Area: You can catch a Wonderful Chocobo here (Appears with 1 or 2 Jumpings) The chance you'll get the right encounter for a Good Chocobo when you get into a Chocobo battle at the Gold Saucer area, is about 15.7%. The chance you'll get the right encounter for a Great Chocobo when you get into a Chocobo battle at the Mideel area, is about 43.9%. The chance you'll get the right encounter for a Wonderful Chocobo when you get into a Chocobo battle at the Icicle area, is about 19.5%. Press the Select button to see which enemies come along with it if you don't recognize the names of the enemies it's supposed to appear with. Also buy yourself a bunch of Reagan Greens(at the Chocobo Sage). The Chocobo Sage lives in the house surrounded by mountains east of Icicle Inn, and nearby the cave exit of the Coral Valley Cave. Reagan Greens have the special property when used in battle on a Chocobo, that the Chocobo is kept busy for several turns, and it also heavily reduces the chance that the Chocobo will run away. Of course, that still doesn't mean you can attack the Chocobo now! It means you can take out the other enemies without trouble. Now catch a great male/female, and a good male/female. Dismount and send them to your stables. You'll now need some nuts to breed the chocobo's. You need to get 3 Carob Nuts, you can steal these from Vlakorados (looks like a dinosaur) which appears on the grass area near Bone Village. It's got alot of HP (33333). You also need a Zeio Nut. This can be stolen from Goblins, on Goblin Island. This is located northeast of the eastern(midgar) continent. Goblins appear in the forests. Now buy a bunch of Sylkis Greens from the Chocobo Sage and feed your chocobo's these greens. The more the better. Now start racing with all four chocobo's, and make sure they ALL have at LEAST won 2 times in the chocobo races.

Using the Carob Nuts to breed: Breed the Good Male with the Great Female, and breed the Great Male with the Good Female. Before you do this, save your game. You should get a Green and a Blue Chocobo of opposite genders, so reset the game if it's not the opposite gender. Note: if it stays the same gender each time even after resetting, go fly around in the Highwind, enter and exit some towns, then save your game again, and try again a couple of times. After getting the Green and Blue Chocobo's, feed them a bunch of Sylkis Greens to up their stats, and race them until they have a minimum of 9 combined wins, simply said. After this, fight between 3 - 18 battles (this is so that newborn chocobo's can breed again), and save your game. Breed them with the Carob Nut and you will get a Black Chocobo. Now go catch a Wonderful Chocobo of the opposite sex of the Black, which can be caught near Icicle Inn (appears with 1 or 2 Jumpings). Now feed them some Sylkis Greens again, and race them until they have a minimum of 12 wins combined. Fight between 3 - 18 battles again so you can mate the chocobo's, and use the Zeio Nut. You will get a Gold Chocobo. Be SURE to select the Black Chocobo as the first Chocobo; Due to a bug you cannot get a Gold Chocobo if you select the Wonderful Chocobo first. Oo=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-oO || {M2.2} Chocobo Breeding Mechanics || Oo*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-=-*=-*=-*=-*=-oO Catching Chocobos: ================== When attempting to catch a Chocobo, you should know that it matters which enemies accompany the Chocobo in the battle. The Chocobo's Level means nothing to the rating. The rating is solely based on the battle, and which enemies accompany the Chocobo. You can only catch Chocobo's on the World Map at Chocobo Tracks, and you MUST have a Chocobo Lure Materia equipped. A Level 1 Chocobo Lure Materia gives a 'Lure Rating' of 8. L2 gives a rating of 12, and a L3&L4 give a rating of 16. The maximum rating you can get by stacking Chocobo Lure materia is 32. You can get this with two L3 or higher Chocobo Lure Materia. With a rating of 32, you will get 100% Chocobo encounters on Chocobo Tracks. To compare, a rating of 16 would give you 100% around the Chocobo Ranch & Junon, and only 50% everywhere else. A rating of only 8 would give you 75% around the Ranch, 50% around Junon, and only 25% everywhere else. A table can help illustrate this further: .-------------.-------.---------------.---------------.-----------------------. |Chocobo Lure |Rating:|Chance Chocobo |Chance Chocobo |Chance Chocobo | |Materia Lvl: | |battle Ranch: |battle Junon: |battle everywhere else:| |-------------|-------|---------------|---------------|-----------------------| |Level 1 | 8 | 75% | 50% | 25% | |Level 3&4 | 16 | 100% | 100% | 50% | |2x Lvl 3 or 4| 32 | 100% | 100% | 100% | '-------------'-------'---------------'---------------'-----------------------' You can use Greens to keep the Chocobo busy for several turns, and to reduce the chance that it runs away due to being scared. The default chance that a Chocobo will run away is 50%. Here's what the Greens will do: Gyshal Greens: Keeps a Chocobo occupied for 2 turns. Krakka Greens: Reduces the Chocobo's chance to run to 33.3%. Tantal Greens: Keeps a Chocobo occupied for 3 turns.

Pahsana Greens: Curiel Greens: Mimett Greens: Reagan Greens:

Reduces the Chocobo's chance to run to 20%. Keeps a Chocobo occupied for 5 turns. Keeps a Chocobo busy for 1 turn, and allows use of Chocobuckle. Keeps a Chocobo busy for 8 turns and reduces the Chocobo's chance to run to 12.5%. Sylkis Greens: Keeps a Chocobo occupied for 1 turn, and allows use of Chocobuckle. In other words, Reagan Greens are the best Greens for catching Chocobos. You might as well use Curiel Greens, which will occupy the Chocobo for 5 turns. When you've caught a Chocobo, the gender isn't directly assigned to the Chocobo. This will happen when you move the Chocobo from the outside fence to the stables inside. You can save your game before you do this and reload until you get the desired result. When you've caught and/or fed a Chocobo and you're viewing them, you can press the L1 and R1 buttons to rotate the chocobo. Just a little nifty thing. The Stats: =========== Every Chocobo has several stats, some visible to the player, most invisible. This makes it difficult to tell how high most stats are. There are, fortunately some ways to uncover how high certain stats are. Some stats are more easily maxed out than others, and when maxed you will know the stat's number. Dash: The Chocobo's current sprinting speed (when holding circle) (Max = MDash) The maximum Dash that the Chocobo will ever get (Max MDash = 6000) The Chocobo's normal running speed (Max = MRun = 6000) The maximum Run that the Chocobo will ever get (Max = 6000) (technical) Stamina. (Max = 9999) Acceleration (Max = 100) Co-operation (how well it obeys Manual Control) Intelligence (how well it races on Auto Control) races a Chocobo has won gender, either male/female Color, either Yellow/Green/Blue/Black/Gold rating, from Wonderful to Terrible

MDash: Run: MRun: ----------Stam: The Chocobo's Accel: The Chocobo's Co-Op: The Chocobo's (Max = 100) Int: The Chocobo's (Max = 100) ----------Races Won: The amount of Gender: The Chocobo's Color: The Chocobo's Rating: The Chocobo's

The Stats you can see: ----------------------Speed = [Dash/34] (Max = 6000/34 = 176) Stamina = [Stam/10] (Max = 9999/10 = 999) thus.. Dash = approx..[34*Speed] (Max = 6000)

When fresh caught, you can get one out of 8 types of Chocobo's. The stats the Chocobo will have vary greatly depending on what type you've caught. Below is a chart with the ranges in which the types vary in their stats. Only the most important stats are listed in the table: MSpeed is the range of the max speed the caught Chocobo will/can ever attain.

Speed is the range of the current speed the caught Chocobo will/can have. .-----------.--------.--------.----------.--------.-------.--------. |Rating: | MSpeed:| Speed:| Stamina: | Accel: | Int: | Co-Op: | |-----------|--------|--------|----------|--------|-------|--------| |Wonderful: | 99-121 | 50-97 | 337-463 | 60-70 | 50-60 | 0 | |Great: | 85-110 | 42-88 | 287-393 | 60-70 | 50-60 | 0 | |Good: | 79-101 | 39-81 | 247-363 | 50-60 | 30-40 | 0 | |So-so: | 67-92 | 33-74 | 247-343 | 50-60 | 30-40 | 0 | |Average: | 55-86 | 17-70 | 167-263 | 30-50 | 0-20 | 0 | |Poor: | 49-71 | 15-58 | 87-213 | 30-50 | 0-20 | 0 | |Bad: | 40-63 | 12-51 | 67-143 | 20-50 | 0-20 | 0 | |Terrible: | 34-57 | 10-46 | 37-113 | 20-50 | 0-20 | 0 | '-----------'--------'--------'----------'--------'-------'--------' Note: Accel & Int are always multiples of 10 .. (50..60..70, etc). ----For example, it's possible that your Chocobo is a Great type, and it can have a minimum of 85 MSpeed. In this case, the Chocobo will NEVER be able to get higher speed than that. It's very likely the Chocobo comes with a rather low current speed as well (with 42 being the lowest). Usually, due to the mechanics behind all this, Chocobo's will get stats around the middle of the stat ranges presented in the table. You can make fairly good Chocobo's out of caught Chocobos, but they can never reach the highest of stats because that always requires breeding. Feeding them with Greens still helps a lot. Speaking of Greens, that's the next section: Feeding Greens/Raising Stats: ============================== Each Green has unique properties to raise a Chocobo's stats. Each Green only raises a specific comnination of stats, which requires you to feed several different Greens to Chocobo's. Gysahl Greens: -------------Dash + [0-3] (Legend: Somewhere between 0 and 3, only round numbers) Run + [0-2] Stam + [0-3] Co-Op + [1] Krakka Greens: -------------Int + [1-2] Co-Op + [1] Tantal Greens: -------------Dash + [1-4] Run + [1-4] Stam + [1-2] Int + [1] Co-Op + [1] Pahsana Greens: --------------Int + [1-8] Co-Op + 25%[1], 75%[2]

(25% chance the increase is 1, 75% chance the increase is 2 points)

Curiel Greens: -------------Dash + [0-3] Run + [0-3] Stam + [3-10] Co-Op + [2] Mimett Greens: -------------Dash + [1-16] Run + [0-3] Stam + [3-10] Accel + 75%[0], 25%[1] Co-Op + [2] Reagan Greens: -------------Dash = [Speed * 34] x = [Dash/20], y = [between 0 & 10] Dash + 50%[x+y], 50%[x-y], minimum = 0 x = [Run/20], y = [between 0 & 10] Run + 50%[x+y], 50%[x-y], minimum = 0 x = [Stam/100], y = [between 0 & 10] Stam + 50%[x+y], 50%[x-y], minimum = 0 Co-Op + [3] Sylkis Greens: -------------Dash = [Speed * 34] x = [Dash/10], y = [between 0 & 10] Dash + 50%[x+y], 50%[x-y], minimum = 0 x = [Run/10], y = [between 0 & 10] Run + 50%[x+y], 50%[x-y], minimum = 0 x = [Stam/50], y = [between 0 & 10] Stam + 50%[x+y], 50%[x-y], minimum = 0 Int + [1-4] Co-Op + [4] If you look closely, you'll see that Sylkis Greens are 2 times better than Reagan Greens. Sylkis Greens are also the best Greens to raise Dash, Run, Stam, and Co-Op with. Pahsana are the best to raise Int. The only Greens that cause an increase in Accel are Mimett Greens, and there's only a 25% chance for an increase. Then again, most Chocobo's will only need about 30 points increase for Accel. Feeding the Chocobo with tons of Greens can certainly improve the Chocobo's stats, but only to the maximum of the Chocobo's potential (MRun, MDash, and 999 for Stamina, and 100 for Accel, Int, Co-Op). You can only attain higher MRun and MDash on your Chocobo's by breeding Chocobo's. Lucky you, as that's what the next section covers:

Breeding Chocobo's/The Nuts: ============================= Many of the Nuts are actually utterly useless. Pepio Nut actually makes your Chocobo worse than it's parents.. Luchile Nut cannot increase the Chocobo stats either. Saraha, Lasan, Pram, and Porov Nut can increase your Chocobo's stats, but the chances are small, and the increase is much better with some other Nuts. Plus the afore mentioned Nuts also have a chance to decrease your born Chocobo's stats to below the parent's average. In short, you're NUTS if you use any of the above Nuts. ^_^" The Carob Nut is essential to breed your first Blue and Green Chocobo's. If you are just interested in breeding the ultimate breed however, you'll just want to use Zeio Nuts, which are the best Nuts in the game when it comes to stats. Therefore, this is the only Nut I will present the stats for. Really, don't worry about the other crap. When the game says a Chocobo isn't ready to breed again, then simply waiting doesn't do the trick. You must fight some battles before they can breed again: Note: Mating Chocobo's always gives 50% chance on either gender. ----- Newborn Chocobo: Can breed after 3 to 18 battles. Parent Chocobo: Can breed again after 3 to 10 battles. Zeio Nut: --------Max Dash = 55/256 chance -> Baby's MDash set to highest of Parent's MDash, and increased by 1/10th. Max MDash is 6000. 201/256 chance -> Baby's MDash set to average of Parent's MDash. Dash = Average of Parent's Dash.

Max Run = 80/256 chance -> Baby's MRun set to highest of Parent's MRun, and increased by 1/8th. Max MRun is 6000. 15/256 chance -> Baby's MRun set to highest of Parent's MRun, and decreased by 1/20th. 161/256 chance -> Baby's MRun set to average of Paren't MDash. Run = Average of Parent's Run.

Stamina = 175/256 chance -> Baby's Stamina set to highest of Parent's Stamina, and increased by 1/20th. Max Stamina is 9999. 81/256 chance -> Baby's Stamina set to average of Parent's Stamina. Accel & Int = Average of Parent's Accel & Parent's Int. Co-Op = Always zero Co-Op when newborn. Note: If you get a Gold Chocobo out of the breeding, and it would normally be ----- below 5000 MDash, it will get a bonus to it's MDash: 7/16 chance -> MDash = 5000 | 1/16 chance -> MDash = 5300 2/16 chance -> MDash = 5100 | 1/16 chance -> MDash = 5400 2/16 chance -> MDash = 5200 | 2/16 chance -> MDash = 5500 | 1/16 chance -> MDash = 5950(!) These numbers will get increased/decreased by a number between 0 and 25.

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