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Objetivos: - Identificar informacin general y especfica del texto. - Reconocer y utilizar vocabulario especfico del texto para la construccin de oraciones simples.

1. Read the text.

The Benefits of Healthy Eating We all know the benefits of healthy eating. It is a fact that children who eat a regular, healthy breakfast perform better at school. But they dont like being told when or what to eat. Similarly, they will say they are hungry between meals when they are tired, unhappy or just bored; this being the start of an unhealthy routine and getting fat. If you have a healthy and balanced diet you will have a better life. It is not only important being fit, but also being healthy. Experts explain how to get better eating habits and family harmony. They suggest parents to make their children participate in planning and preparing meals. The television should be turned off to encourage conversation, which should focus on discussion rather than criticism. Between meals, children should identify exactly how they feel; if they are not interested in fruit or vegetables, they are not really hungry at all. Also, parents should explain them that the more junk food they eat, the worse they will feel.

2. True or False. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Write T for true sentences and F for false ones. Rewrite the false ones. A) It is a fact that children who eat a regular, healthy breakfast perform better at school.____

B) The television should be turned on to encourage conversation. ____

C) They will say they are hungry before meals when they are tired, unhappy or just bored.____

D) Before meals, children should identify exactly how they feel. ____

E) If you have a healthy and balanced diet you will have a better life. ____

F) The more junk food you eat, the worse you will feel. _____

3. Answer the following questions according to the text. Choose the correct alternative.
I. When do children often say that they are hungry?

a) When they are tired. b) When they are unhappy. c) When they are bored. d) All of the above. II. What else is important besides being fit?

a) Being pretty. b) Being healthy. c) Being nice. d) Being respectful. III. How can children identify how they feel?

a) Asking their parents. b) Going to the doctor. c) Checking if they are interested in fruits and vegetables. d) Checking if they are interested in candy.


What happens to children who dont eat a healthy breakfast?

a) They will perform better at school. b) They will be bored. c) They will perform worse at school. d) They will get hungry.

4. Write an antonym for each of the following words.

Fit Healthy Unhappy Junk food Better ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

5. Write meaningful sentences with the following words.

Routine _______________________________________________________ Diet Meal ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Hungry ______________________________________________________ Breakfast _____________________________________________________ Fruits ________________________________________________________

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