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KARPOORAM, (The camphor): Swami had said several times the significance of Camphor. When Camphor is lit, the flame illuminates the Garbhagraha of a temple, and allows the devotees to have nice darshan. It should be noted that Electric lamps are not provided inside the sanctum of traditional big temples. Only dim oil lamps are seen there. The camphor consumes itself while helping the devotees to have darshan of the Holy idols. According to Bhagavan Baba, the camphor is a role model of self sacrifice for a good purpose. Several times, Swami is teaching us small small things through his Divine Leelas. I wish to mention few of such Divine acts, which shows us the way. Long back, Sai Krupa the free medical seva center in Chennai was being conducted in a thatched shed in Abbotsbury, Mount Road. After giving darshan inside and outside of Abbotsbury, Bhagavan entered the thatched shed and saw for himself, the medical facilities being provided there for the poor people. At the end, a doctor prepared to take Arathi for Swami. Swami smiled and directed the doctor to come out of the shed and take Arathi from outside. Swami showed his hands to the roof of the shed, told the doctor to be always careful. The same day, after evening darshan in SUNDARAM, the then convener of TNagar Samithi, Sri. Krishnamurthi was holding the camphor plate to Swami with a match box, so that Swami could lit the camphor, for Arathi. Swami looked at the camphor, which was a big chunk. He took the camphor in His Divine hands, and broke it into two pieces; Kept one piece on the camphor plate and another piece was given to the Convener. Smilingly Swami lit the camphor and returned the match box also to the waver. The extreme devotion is not measured by the size of the camphor as offered for Arathi. Sri P.S.A.Srinivasan Chettiar was entrusted by Bhagavan Baba, with a unique and great Job of fixing gold foils in Prashanthi Nilayam. I was most fortunate to be included in the team, by Srinivasan Chettiar, along with Sri. Srinivasa Raghavan, and Sri. Sengodan. We are ever thankful to him for providing a great opportunity to join this Divine Seva. After finishing the work in Sai Kulwant Hall, we were directed to take up the job in the interior and outside veranda of Prashanthi Mandir. The area around the Altar and the ceiling nearby, seemed pretty bad, and looked oily and blackish. While the work was in progress Swami walked in and was quietly watching the workers engaged in the job. Swami looked up near the altar and showed us the black patches up on the corners of the wall and the ceiling in

right hand side of the Altar. Swami engaged us in conversation. Swami innocently asked why that particular place had become tarnished. By profession, I was technologist in industrial heating systems, and had done many researches on the movements of heat rays. I took pride to explain to swami based on my pride. I explained that the black oily patches had been formed by smoke emanating from the camphor burnt during Arathi every day. I also explained the heat rays and the smoke ultimately goes up slightly in an angle, and not vertically up. Swami was listening as if in awe and wonder. Then he asked me to give suggestion to avoid the recurrence of smoky layer! There are small windows at the highest level, but are always kept closed. I took courage to suggest, it would be better if an exhaust fan is fitted. Instantly Swami got angry with me, told me, I am trying to build up vibrations inside this prayer Hall, and you are suggesting something to destroy those vibrations. An exhaust fan in the Garbha Graha? My ego and pride were smashed in a second. I knelt down and prayed Swami for forgiveness. Swami smiled back, and called for Sri Bhat who was the priest in Mandir. Swami told Sri. Bhat, pointing His hands on me, This Bombay Srinivasan is complaining about you. He says that you are burning too much camphor for Arathi. Henceforth, you should use only a very Small quantity of camphor for Arathi Swami was insistent that we should not stop work even during Bhajan sessions. Bhajan will be going on and Swami will be sitting on the Golden Throne listening to the Bhajans and at times looking at the workers who were on the job sitting high above the scaffoldings. On this particular day, during evening Arathi, Swami went near Sri. Bhat to see for Himself how much camphor had been kept on the Arathi plate. And a slight glance towards me with a mischief smile.!!

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