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SANTILLAN, POLL ANTHONY R. (jinette_26@yahoo.




We breathe within a wonderful world that is full up of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. It was a 4-hour well-ventilated car ride that began at my grannys house in Manila. I chose the seat behind our hired driver, adjacent a windowpane with the aim that I could have full view of the thoroughfare. Off to Baguio, we passed EDSA, ensuing to North Luzon Expressway, departing Tarlac, receding to the road passing Pangasinan, making no turns until La Union. I felt we were on the horizon, when we passed besides the littoral and started to ascend from the foot of the mountains. I had to be quick with my camera since I would like to capture as many pictures as possible. Roads got conjoined from one mountain to another with metal, sturdy passages. We went through Kennon, a road carved out corkscrewing the gradients of the mountains. I could perceive how the chauffeur proficiently accelerated the bus for a 30-minute precipitous and winding climb that unearthed a flamboyant panorama of the mountains, verdure, towering pine trees, cascades pouring down from the watercourse to the rock-strewn ravine.

We passed in the gargantuan LIONS HEAD, a carven statue, and the inviting WELCOME TO BAGUIO pit stop, these have been the Baguios specialties (aside of course from the parks and the perpetual flowers) from way back then. As I glimpsed the 240-km pointer and temperature began to be chillier around 15 oC, I knew I was already in Baguio. We indeed lodged in a hostel with my whole family. We leased three bedchambers, and there, we had a rest in order that tomorrow, we will commence



sightseeing Baguio. ZzzZzzzzz...Ooh, the cuckoo clock began to sound. We requested for a breakfast to the management by telephoning them. We took our bath. Oops, the bath water was enormously arctic. No problem, there was a heater in each shower room. After everybody got clothed, we proceeded exploring.

First location... we did the marketing at SM BAGUIO, everybody procured goods. I purchased a twosome of RBK shoes and
havaianas slipper, as well. Then, we had our lunch in one of those restaurants inside the shopping mall.

Second location... We decided to amble around

BURNHAM PARK with its synthetic lake sited in the epicentre of the city. We rowed a boat, we went pedalling and then we took a leisurely walk.

Third location... As we arrived from Burnham Park

going to Mines View, we stopped at BOTANICAL GARDEN. We took countless snapshots with the Igorots through reimbursing them 10 pesos each shot. (One by one,



Fourth location... We mounted and mounted while

our cars were conveying us. Then we went at MINES VIEW PARK that is located at the pinnacle of one mountain. We parked our cars and started promenading down a zigzagging and meandering staircase made of adobe stones to reach the scrutiny deck. Then there, we watched the pirouetting trees and plants as well. Using a telescope, we had seen winging and coasting different multicoloured birds in the cyan-hued sky. Business-minded locals set up small stores of intrinsic handicrafts, delicacies and besoms here. We bought t-shirts, cardigans, strawberries, ube jams and so much more. Then we went in a bistro for merienda because we were all famished in travelling around that time.

Last location... We alighted from our cars. (Count 1,

2, 3). There were myriad horses and ponies at WRIGHT PARK. Each one of us should gallop on a horses back. In just 100 pesos, you can already ride. I cantered and took the weight off my feet atop a tinted pony while a chap was handling it along the mud-spattered and unpaved road. Abruptly, I was manoeuvring the horse by myself. That was the first and only time that I was able to ride a horse. We took photos to be developed. We bought pasalubong for our family friends in business. And our excursion was done all right. We went back to the hostel and then took our bath again, took our dinner and then went home with a smile on our face. I felt mixed reactionselation to go home and sadness to depart Baguio. With just a short moment in time, I was contented with our trip. I was filled of nothing but glee, pleasure, and ecstasy.


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