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upportfor Herbert

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potential wind farm site at Herbert Park, north east of Armidale. Some 35 residents attended a

community forum in APril, with

another 25 attending a general

wind farm, are very Passionate


process is somettring that the New England Wind Consortium, and the landholders looking at hosting the

"Lisht aircraft need to duck and *eXn" past various other obstacles at present, such as polyerlines

Blakester said.

and mobile phone towers."

THE ARMIDALE region is one steP


communitYowned wind farm after more than three-dozen near neighbours of the proposed site exPressed their support for the Plan.

to having a

meeting at the end of last month. The level of communitY support paves the way f or the develoPment bf a landholder agreement for wind monitoring between the owners of three properties the farm is set to
be built on.

Practical concerns were raised at the meetings by some attendants, including the Potential impact of the eight to 10 wind turbines on light aircraft used for crop-dusting on nearbY Properties.

wind turbines were addressed bY

one of the lAndholders at the meet-

Concerns about the level of noise likely to be generated bY the

ing. He said noise from the rifle

range on his proPertY could not be

heard on adioining ProPerties,

"Genuine communitY support is essential for a successful commu-

Ensland Wind Consortium has liaiied with residents living within


In recent rrfonths, the


nity-owned wind farm," New England Wind project director

Adam Blakester said.

four to five kilometre radius of the

"The openness of including neighbours in our site selection

nary advice from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority indicated there were no outstanding issues related to the use of aircraft. "Preliminary feedback suggests it won't be a Problem," he said.

But Mr Blakester said Prelimi-

meaning it was unlikelY turbines would cause problems for nearbY residents. "There are no dwellings within a two kil"ometre radius of the site, and there are also nearbY woodland areas that can shield nearbY residents from noise," Mr

New England Wind has organised a study tour to CaPital Wind Farm near Canberra in SePtember for nearby residents and those interested in investing in the local wind farm. Mr Blakester said the tour would help clear up uncertainties about wind farms and their local imPact. "This will provide an oPPortunity for community members to get sbme first-hand experience of wind
farms," he said.

"We could hand out Papers showing scientific data about their impact, but it's a lot more effective to get out there and give PeoPle that f irst-hand exPerience."

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