How To Create DFF Context Based On Organization

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These 5 Fields are defined under context Global Data Elements, We want them in every org without any context selection.

These are all the context some relates to one org and others to others org. User says I got confuse by these too many context I only want to see context related to my org. So question was HOW WE CAN MAKE DFF CONTEXT BASED ON/SENSITIVE TO ORGANIZATION?

Usman Mustafa

Page 1

This is the Current screen shot of Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.

Now what we will do is this, we will sacrifice the description field and will store organization_id in this field for which we have created the context. Next we will create a Value Set on these contexts and will enter this value set name in Value Set field

Usman Mustafa

Page 2

Find below the restriction you should follow so that Value set is available in LOVs on "Descriptive Flexfield Segments" window: Value sets used for context fields must obey certain restrictions or they will not be available to use in the Value Set field in the Context Field region of the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window: Format Type must be Character (Char) Numbers Only must not be checked (alphabetic characters are allowed) Uppercase Only must not be checked (mixed case is allowed) Right-justify and Zero-fill Numbers must not be checked Validation Type must be Independent or Table If the validation type is Independent: the value set maximum size must be less than or equal to 30 If the validation type is Table: the ID Column must be defined, it must be Char or Varchar2 type, and its size must be less than or equal to 30. The ID column corresponds to the context field value code (the internal, non-translated context field value). the Value Column must be defined, it must be Char or Varchar2 type, and its size must be less than or equal to 80. The Value column corresponds to the context field value name (the displayed context field value). the value set maximum size must be less than or equal to 80 All context field values (the code values) you intend to use must exist in the value set. If you define context field values in the Context Field Values block of the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window that do not exist in the context field value set, they will be ignored, even if you have defined context-sensitive segments for them.

Usman Mustafa

Page 3

Table: Value & ID :



Usman Mustafa

Page 4

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