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Integer Lesson Plan RUNNING HEAD: Integer Lesson Plan

Daniel Bell Integer Lesson Plan 6/21/08 MAED 525: Algebra for Teachers, K-6 Dr. Foroozan

Integer Lesson Plan LESSON OVERVIEW Subject Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 2nd-4th Grade Lesson Topic: Adding and Subtracting Integers Lesson Purpose: To ensure that the students gain a solid understanding of integers and their function so that they may move forward towards more complex units that require a working knowledge of integers. Lesson Objectives: The student will be able to Demonstrate the knowledge of positive and negative values by acting out a number line. Successfully add and subtract integers by acting out a number line and completing integer football handouts. Give examples of adding the opposite rule when subtracting negative integers. Summarize the rules of adding and subtracting integers. Duration: 1-2 class periods. Materials Required: Whiteboard/Chalkboard, numbered paper, Integer Football handouts (attached), paperclips, paper money. ANTICIPATORY SET Lesson Purpose/Objective: The student will be able to successfully add and subtract integers. Scaffolding: This lesson is the next step from learning about the different properties and functions of prime and composite numbers. Now the students must learn what is beyond positive numbers.

Why Worthwhile: I will remind the students how we previously learned about money; how we added and subtracted it, multiplied and divided it. Now were going to learn how it works, for instance, when you owe someone money, or they owe it to you. INSTRUCTIONS 1. I will begin by starting the class with a warm up on the board of simple examples of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This is a reminder of our previous lessons.

Integer Lesson Plan

2. Then I will add a negative value to a number on the board and ask the class: Now what do we do?! That will be my lead in to negative numbers. I will explain that numbers can be less than zero, just like they can be more than zero (I will draw a number line to initially demonstrate this). 3. I will draw a thermometer on the board and demonstrate the idea of negative numbers this way. 4. Then I will use the analogy of money (using the number line on the board and I will use student volunteers to act this scenario out): When you have 1 dollar, its in your hand, wallet, piggy bank, etc. But lets say you ask a friend to buy you a candy bar thats $2 and you give him your dollar to help pay. So now not only do you not have your $1, you owe your friend $1. 5. I will use this to lead into the addition of integers (still using the number line and my student actors): Now lets say your mom gave you a dollar to pay your friend back. Now you have no money youre back at zero! 6. Then I will explain how we can also add and subtract negative numbers, again using the number line. I will also explain the rule of adding the opposite: A number plus a negative number is really just a subtraction problem 7. Lastly, I will write a few simple problems on the board for the class to try: 1+-1, 2+3, -4+-5. I will monitor the classs progress as they attempt these problems. GUIDED PRACTICE 1. To further demonstrate, I will put a printed number 0 in the middle of the room and then split the class up into 1s and -1s, giving the students a printed number, thus making a human number line. As a class, we will use the human number line to physically work out integer addition and subtraction problems that I write on the board (2-3, -4+5, -3+-2). INDEPENDENT PRACTICE 1. I will then pair the students up and explain the Integer Football activity where they must spin the wheel to get their integers/yards and move their paper football to reflect their integer addition and subtraction. ASSESSMENT 1. Once the students have played the game for 15-20 minutes, I will pass out the Virginia Athletes handout, where the class will have to complete the word problems (they will do 1-4, which are single integer problems. They may try 7 & 8 if they have enough time. CLOSURE

Integer Lesson Plan

1. I will wrap up the lesson by doing a quick Q&A asking the students to explain adding and subtracting integer rules. 2. Lastly I will explain that the next lesson will consist of adding and subtracting more than one pair of integers, and then its onto multiplying and dividing! ACCOMMODATION 1. I will provide the standard accommodations including: Preferential seating Enough space for physically handicapped students to maneuver Visual, oral, and written directions Assistive technology like Kurzweil and WordQ for literacy deficient students HOMEWORK 1. The students will have to complete the thermometer sheet (attached). Due next class period.

Integer Lesson Plan

Integer Lesson Plan

Integer Lesson Plan HOMEWORK DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions below about the temperature. Use the thermometer to help you!

1. We woke up to a chilly -8 today, but by noon, the temperature shot up to a warm 1. What was the difference that the degrees went up?

2. Its predicted that the temperature will fall 7 degrees from 4 tonight. What temperature will it be when it falls?

3. Yesterday the temperature rose 5 degrees from -2. What temperature did it rise to?

Integer Lesson Plan

Integer Lesson Plan

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