Fast and Furious and All The Kings Men

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Fast And Furious and All the Kings Men

Lets get real about all the nonsense concerning non secured weapons loose to Mexican Drug Cartel Members in some sort fantastic adventure novel/movie script. It is painfully obvious that the status quo has no intention of holding anyone responsible. The entire concept of unsecured weapons being let loose was predicated on some far off notion that they could be tracked. Unless you had mutant psychic powers, that would defy most bureaucrats, the entire idea is preposterous on its face. To add insult to the injury done, the AFT, Holder and the Legions of Keystone Cops propose to answer a Congressional Investigation that it has authority to be recklessly stupid, endanger peoples lives and property and to vindicate a gun registry scam that these agencies have fueled. Never mind that the targeting of Mexican Drug Cartels is as much racial profiling as looking for Mexican illegal aliens in the United States because of their racial distinction or National Origins. (I suppose that is why we are not looking for Canadian Drug Cartel Members along the Mexican Border. That would explain cause and effect, Mexican/Hispanic Southern Border-Mexican/Hispanic perpetrators and not correlation that the Department of Justice uses to harass the states from protecting themselves from invasion. But doesnt every police department in the country and the ATF, FBI and all the alphabet agencies log statistics by race as well as other factors as an investigative tool???) But I digress. Nope we are talking about a government agency whose scheme involved, according to current testimony, an element of official intent to slant the information to vie for more gun control. And let us be clear about their activities. They were not just using the weapons as a lead or causal link to track with, they actually furnished the Cartel members with guns directly. As Michael Walsh of the New York Post wrote, the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives apparently ordered one of its own agents to purchase firearms with taxpayer money, and sell them directly to a Mexican drug cartel. Let that sink in: After months of pretending that Fast and Furious was a botched surveillance operation of illegal gun-running spearheaded by the ATF and the US Attorneys office in Phoenix, it turns out that the government itself was selling guns to the bad guys. This was no mistake, this was intentional, it was done with thought and careful deliberation and it was and is against the law and against the peace and dignity of the American people with intent to cause the peace to be broken in order to sway public sentiment. The administration has offered the time worn proposition that this was initially a Bush Era system that they merely adopted. From the onset the Obama Administration has used every deceptive trick in the book. The outright denial, and the old blame game referencing Bushs past plan, the lies and the subterfuge and the absolute refusal of responsibility on any level has been nothing but an insult to the American People. Fortunately not all of the people are fooled all of the time. We have real public servants at work for us who wise to this administrations abusive use of power such as Darryl Issa. Here is what Issa uncovered:

As our investigation into Operation Fast and Furious has progressed, we have learned that senior officals at the Department of Justice, including Senate-confirmed political appointees, were unquestionably aware of the implementation of this reckless program. Therefore, it is necessary to review commncations between and among these senior officials. As such, please provide all records relating to communications between and among the following individuals regarding Operation Fast and Furious: 1) David Ogden, Former Deputy Attorney General 2) Gary Grindler, Office of the Attorney General and Former Acting Deputy Attorney General 3) James Cole, Deputy Attorney General (editors note: Cole issued the new reporting rules for border state gun shops Monday) 4) Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney General 5) Kenneth Blanco, Deputy Assistant Attorney General 6) Jason Weinstein, Deputy Assistant Attorney General 7) John Keeney, Deputy Assistant Attorney General 8) Matt Axelrod, Associate Deputy Attorney General 9) Ed Siskel, Former Associate Deputy Attorney General 10) Brad Smith, Office of the Deputy Attorney General 11) Kevin Carwile, Section Chief, Capital Case Unit 12) Joseph Cooley, Criminal Fraud Section

These people have yet to be fully debriefed by the Issa Committee and it gets worse. Did you know that the State Department has approved commercial sales of firearms to Mexico? Yep all the guns from commercial sources are not from lowly FFL dealers who run the local gun store but right out of the manufacturers to the Mexican Government with blessings from such people as Hillary Clinton and crew. Please see; The article goes on to say about the State Department: And it did approve 2,476 guns to be sold to Mexico in 2006. In 2009, that number was up nearly 10 times, to 18,709. The State Department has since stopped disclosing numbers of guns it approves, and wouldn't give CBS News figures for 2010 or 2011. So it would appear that the UN Arms Treaty pursued by this administration, and specifically Hillary Clinton, is all smoke and mirrors/sleight of hand and yet another ploy to disarm the American People. So all the time that the news agencies were reporting the

violence from cross border attacks, the slaughter in Mexico and the number of US firearms crossing the border, that in part was being supported by the State Department, no mention is made to the truth. In fact the State Department knew of the firearms being sold to Mexico and knew of the Mexican Governments loss of these firearms into the criminal elements. Yet the Department of State, the ATF and the other agencies reporting to the news media and to the American People chose not to reveal this information. Not only does this skew the data and the claim of the administration that the percentage of American guns involved in the violence, it is direct evidence of the concealment and misrepresentation of a material fact, two elements of fraud. So in effect we can safely say that the administration and its agencies were engaged in an act to defraud the American People. Well guess what, the bad old AR 15 was the most sold by the State Department. Yep, all the BS heard about the need to crack down on guns is to stem the violence of guns crossing the border and into the hands of the cartels. The cause of all this need is to reduce the violence and the threat of violence. If true it would be commendable. But this is a small part of a bigger puzzle. However, to present a more correct proposition that the threat of violence, the violence, the actors and their acts and the concealment of the truth in order to further a policy or agenda is by definition terrorism. By definition from the federal Governments TRADOC Manual on Terrorism and Counter Terrorism: Terrorism is the use of Violence or the threat of violence to effect a political change. See page 1-2 of the manual.
The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. Joint Pub 1-02

The manual goes on to say that terrorism is not necessarily intended to be a massively destructive engine of change but is also used to induce a psychological effect. Terrorism is a special type of violence. While terrorist actions may have political or other motives, terrorism is a criminal act. Although terrorism has not yet caused the physical devastation and number of casualties normally associated with conventional warfare, terrorism often produces significant adverse psychological impacts.13 Examples of this impact on the United States are the 9/11 attacks and the anthrax incidents of 2001. Lets dissect this for a moment to analyze what we have learned so far so we can apply the information in an informed concept in order to correctly discern the facts, I fear this is what our servants dont want us to do or else they would be open, transparent and forthcoming to the People whom they have sworn to serve by swearing to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Terrorism is,

Using, violence or the threat of violence to inculcate fear: intended to coerce or to intimidate. societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, or ideological. that produces significant adverse psychological impacts. So in summation, it could be said that the events that have been broadcast throughout the news in piecemeal fashion, so as not to paint a more complete and accurate picture over the past 2 years, by our government, whose agents and servants have attempted to disavow, and have actually been stated to be a use to invoke more gun control in this country, and in fact was used to invoke an administrative registry along the southern border states-which is not authorized by law-were used to produce a significant adverse psychological impact that utilized violence or the threat of violence to coerce or intimidate the society in the pursuit of a political or ideological agenda has been perpetrated upon the American People. People this is terrorism. And make sure that either actual acts or material support of terrorism is equally terrorism. Now we have already seen that the Federal Government, by its agents in the ATF and the State Department have given material aid to the Drug Cartels in the form of firearms. So is it too much of a stretch to say that these folks have been scheming to invoke more gun control laws and getting the Drug Cartels to do their dirty work by inflicting violence and the threat of violence to push for more gun control??? These are acts or actions by the state, or government. The acts and actions have been calculated to cultivate public opinion and sentiment to induce the society to acquiesce to more control. The various whining postures about Gun Show Loop Holes, private selling of firearms and the plethora of plausible pretexts that persuade the public to surrender more of their rights is nothing more than psychological manipulation. Well of course there is more. It seems that there is a special type of terrorism that is called State Sponsored Terrorism. This is found in the Contents page of the TRADOC Manual with specific mention on page, 1-9: Section IV: State Sponsored Terror Some nations and states often resort to violence to influence segments of their population, or rely on coercive aspects of state institutions. National governments can become involved in terrorism or utilize terror to accomplish the objectives of governments or individual rulers. Most often, terrorism is equated with non-state actors or groups that are not responsible to a sovereign government. However, internal security forces can use terror to aid in repressing dissent, and intelligence

or military organizations can perform acts of terror designed to further a states policy or diplomatic efforts abroad. State Terror. This form of terror is sometimes referred to as terror from above where a government terrorizes its own population to control and repress them. These actions are acknowledged policy of the government and apply official institutions such as the judiciary, police, military, and other government agencies. Changes to legal codes can permit or encourage torture, killing, or property destruction in pursuit of government policy. States may employ terrorist networks with no formal recognition. Terror activities may be directed against the governmental interests of other nations or private groups or individuals viewed as dangerous to the state. Id. The actions that have represented here are not individual thoughts as much as they are the thoughts and ideas of an entire military community with the input from a myriad of federal agencies, our government. This is input from state and local law enforcement, professors and academic scholars from prestigious schools and irrefutable evidence and statements from the very people we entrust our lives to everyday. The actions and the acts of these Fast and Furious perpetrators and the escapades and sleight of hand of the State Department along with the-hand in glove-activities with the Department of Justice are appalling. But this is no new or recent development. This activity is consistent with a government who has become the master and believes the people are not fit, are incapable and untrustworthy enough to direct their own lives. The very fact that the actions stated herein are meant to be a plausible pretext for those who are disposed to usurp the rightful power of the people to determine their own destiny is obvious. (See Federalist Paper 84, Hamiltons response to the demand of a bill of rights.) These actions are morally bereft, ethically reproachable and are at once and obviously criminal. The death, loss of property and the emotional devastation of those who have become victims cannot be repaid. Of course while the people who suffer, the families such as the Terrys, are left without justice and their loved ones. How many more in Mexico have paid the price of a group of governmental actors gone renegade. The premise can be recognized as the age old proposition that the end justifies the means. The type of activity here is not new either. The acts premeditated to create division, domestic disturbance and supporting extra-constitutional powers are as old as tyranny itself. Here are a few of the historical references to the type of activity represented by the facts. He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence Of course the Administration is not without its benefactors. There are those who come to the aid of their besieged heroes. These folks have an agenda too and it is quite obvious. They muddy the water with meaningless propositions that have no logical connection to the conclusion that their Hero should not be questioned. They parade the logical fallacy of popular sentiment and are not so ashamed as to introduce a Red Herring in hopes of distracting the actual subject of the lawful inquiry of Congress. They offer appeals to emotion and to irrelevant conclusions devoid of premises to support them. But what they do show is the threat to use their political weight to deter a lawful and meaningful inquiry into unabashed abuse of authority. Here is the shameless call to order from these associated groups: Reprinted Letter to John Boehner

The Honorable John Boehner Speaker of the House U. S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Boehner: On behalf of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and the undersigned organizations, we write in response to a May 21, 2012 report in Politico that the House of Representatives will vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress if he fails to provide additional information related to the Fast and Furious program. We are deeply troubled by the prospect that the Attorney General will be cited for contempt by the House, and believe that such action is unwarranted. We urge you to reconsider that decision. While we believe that a review of the Fast and Furious program is a legitimate exercise of congressional authority, we are concerned that the tenor and approach you are reportedly taking does a disservice to Congress, the Attorney Generals office, and the public, and may also be a partisan attempt to discredit the Attorney General.

The Attorney General has acknowledged problems and flaws in the Fast and Furious program. According to reports, the Attorney General and the Department of Justice have submitted more than 7000 pages of document to Congress, and the Attorney General has appeared before Congress on this issue a reported seven times. The Department has also reportedly made several senior officials available for testimony, interviews, and briefings. In addition, the Attorney General has ordered the Inspector General to investigate and has provided him with tens of thousands of additional documentsdocuments that would be inappropriate to turn over to Congress, because they reportedly include law enforcement information, grand jury transcripts, and other information that would compromise ongoing investigations and prosecutions. To put it simply, the attempt to cite General Holder for contempt seems to be a rush to judgment intended to create a stain on the office of the Attorney General. It is contributing to an environment of accusatory vitriol and malignant suspicion that is both unwarranted and a significant distraction at a time when the Attorney General needs to focus on the nations core problems. The harshness of the attacks themselves is misplaced, and to the extent these attacks are intended to divert the Attorney General from the vigorous enforcement of the nation's lawsincluding those protecting civil rights, voting rights, disability rights, and other core concernswe are deeply troubled. We are concerned that the contempt threat is intended to create a hostile environment aimed at pressuring the Attorney General to resign. This development is particularly disturbing because of the exemplary job the Attorney General has done in enforcing the nations civil rights laws. The constituencies that we represent are eager to see our leaders focus on job creation, the continued reinvigoration of our economy, and the rooting out of waste, fraud and abuse. We urge you to reconsider this course of action. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, African American Ministers in Action The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee AFSCME Asian American Justice Center, member of Asian American Center for Advancing Justice The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights NAACP National Association of Human Rights Workers

National Association of Social Workers National Center for Transgender Equality National Partnership for Women and Families National Fair Housing Alliance National Urban League People For the American Way Women in Federal Law Enforcement Foundation

Cc: The Honorable Eric Cantor The Honorable Darrell Issa The Honorable Elijah Cummings

It is mind boggling to see in the body of this letter that puts forth the proposition that congress is thought to be creating a stain on the office of Attorney General. It is quite obvious that the stain created is from the office holder. In addition this not a rebuttal of premises in an argument for the purpose of persuasion, it is an attack upon the Committee members for the audacity of questioning and attempting to hold accountable head of the operation shown, by evidence, to have been directly involved or at the very least to have had direct knowledge of the operation and its activities. This is to say nothing to the obstruction of inquiry by a lawfully constituted quorum with oversight authority to do exactly what they are doing. Any group who openly advocates the dismissal of the investigations concerning this debacle, who demands that the responsible people, agency or political appointees be white washed and held unaccountable are themselves supporters of this horrendous miscarriage of justice and become supporters of the fraud and terrorism that have been perpetrated upon the victims of these senseless acts of violence. These acts have been nothing but a ruse to deprive the People of their Rights, their security and their dignity. By demanding a whitewash the petitioners are as guilty as the actors. They are as reprehensible as those they protect with their demand of ceasing and desisting a lawful investigation, within the proper powers of government, that are duly and justly delegated to the elected officials by the entire body of the people-not a select group- for the oversight of an agency and a segment of government that has gone rouge. Their pitiful admonitions have the stench of the death of the victims of this ruinous adventure about them. They cry of civil and human rights but forget the Fundamental Rights of the victims of this rouge operation. They should be ashamed, their very existence and political standing that once represented a proper and just cause is diminished by their very participation in the farce they have presented to the legislature.

The People will not be put off by the Official attempt at cover up, nor the pitiful remonstrations of the few whom cater to the enablers of their specific causes. To speak of the spirit of the People and their resolve to persevere in the face of such despicable actions of the people who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution and the very Trust Document that they have given their oath to uphold we need to look no further than the words that described the events of 9/11 and the response stated in the TRADOC Manual. As the Manual states in regard to the cowardly attack upon the people at the World Trade Center: However for many U.S. citizens, these terrorist acts fortified their will and resolve to respond and defeat this enemy. A national determination emerged from these catastrophic incidents to reassert commitment to a democratic way of life and to combat terrorism in the U.S. Homeland and on a global scale. We are all in this whether we are led to believe it or not. Those who would cause division also flatter to do the same. But in truth we are all the People and so deception that hurts on hurts another. I think the Proverbs of Solomon are fitting and are as true today as when they were first spoken: Like a coating of silver dross on earthenware are fervent lips with an evil heart. Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly. Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them. A lying tongue hates those it hurts, and a flattering mouth works ruin. Proverbs 26: 23-28 Publius

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