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ABOUT RESUME Definition of resume A rsum is a document that contains a summary of relevant job experience and educat ion.

. The rsum is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters reg arding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment. The rsum is comparable to a curriculum vitae in many countries, although in United States and Canada it is substantiall y different. In many contexts, a rsum is short (usually one page), and therefore contains only experience directly relevant to a particular position. Many rsums contain precise keywords that potential employers are looking for, make heavy use of active verb s, and display content in a flattering manner. The complexity and simplicity of various rsum formats tend to produce results vary ing from person to person, for the occupation, and to the industry. It is import ant to note that rsums used by medical professionals, professors, artists and peop le in many other specialized fields may be comparatively longer. For example, an artist's rsum, typically excluding any non-art-related employment, may include ex tensive lists of solo and group exhibitions. How to write a resume? Resume writing is a critical task. People are always confused about resuming wri ting. They don't know what to write in a resume. Writing a great resume does not necessarily mean you should follow the rules you hear from others. It does not have to be just one page in length or follow a specific resume format. Every res ume is a one-of-a-kind marketing Communication. It should be appropriate to your situation and do exactly what yo u want it to do.

Resume Checklist Use this checklist to ensure that your resume is complete: One page only, unless you have significant previous experience Word processor generated, with full spell check (automated and manual) and proof ing Times Roman or other Serif font, 10 point to 12 point size (12 point is best) No more than two fonts or two sizes Margins no less than 1" and no more than 1.5" Quality bond paper, 8 " x 11" Contact information clearly stated; campus and permanent addresses both listed i f appropriate Clear, focused objective Summary of your top three or four accomplishments, skills or competencies listed as bullet points Degree listed first, college/university second GPA listed if over 3.0 Major GPA listed if over 3.0 and your overall GPA is under 3.0 Graduation date listed, even if you have not yet graduated Experience section listing notable accomplishments Descriptive (not actual) job titles Industry buzzwords and keywords included Activities section listing your most notable extracurricular activities No personal data or potentially discriminatory data Spell-check and grammar-check your resume twice; then have at least two other pe ople do it for you again

Resume Tips Need help creating or updating your resume? It certainly can be complicated beca use your resume is going to be reviewed by software as well as by hiring manager s. Review these top resume tips for choosing a resume format, selecting a resume font, customizing your resume, using resume keywords, explaining employment gap s, and more tips for writing interview winning resumes. 1. Start with a Resume Template Use a resume template as a starting point for creating your own resume. Add your information to the resume template, then tweak and edit it to personalize your resume, so it highlights your skills and abilities. 2. Choose a Basic Font When writing a resume it's important to use a basic font that is easy to read, b oth for hiring managers and for applicant management systems. 3. Include All Your Contact Information It's important to include all your contact information on your resume so employe rs can easily get in touch with you. Include your full name, street address, cit y, state, and zip, home phone number, cell phone number, and email address. 4. Include Resume Keywords Your resume should include the same keywords that appear in job descriptions. Th at way, you will increase your chances of your resume matching available positio ns - and of you being selected for an interview. 5. Choose the Right Resume Format There are several basic types of resumes used to apply for job openings. Dependi ng on your personal circumstances, choose a chronological, a functional, combina tion, or a targeted resume. Take the time to customize your resume - it's well w orth the effort. 6. Prioritize Your Resume Content It's important to prioritize the content of your resume so that youre most import ant and relevant experience is listed first, with key accomplishments listed at the top of each position. 7. Write a Custom Resume It definitely takes more time to write a custom resume, but, it's worth the effo rt, especially when applying for jobs that are a perfect match for your qualific ations and experience. 8. Tailor Your Resume Objective If you include an objective on your resume, it's important to tailor your resume objective to match the job you are applying for. The more specific you are, the better chance you have of being considered for the job you are interested in. 9. Tweak for Technology In this competitive job-seeking environment, job seekers need to make sure that their resume stands out from the pack, is selected by talent management systems, and shows, in a professional, no-nonsense way, that the applicant has taken the time and interest to pursue a specific job opening. 10. Look at Resume Examples Before you start work on writing or updating resume, review resume examples tha t fit a variety of employment situations. Then select a style and format that be st highlights your strengths and achievements. Engineering Resume Tips An engineering resume should clearly show a candidate's technical skills. To ach ieve this, add the Technical Summary or Technical Expertise section to yourresum e. Further break this section into subcategories for a quick scan of your knowle dge of programs and applications. Fortunately, engineering resumes have a very s imple format. The key to writing an effective resume is to keep in mind the pros pective hiring manager or human resources recruiter. A standard resume should include: 1. Name: Name should have pride of place in a resume . we should not make a mistake of ti tling the resume using Bio-data or Resume which is a sheer waste of not just space b ut priceless opportunity .The name should be in big, bold letters at the top of

resume ,in font size it should be atleast 2-4 points bigger than the rest of the text with correct spelling and block letters. 1. Address and contact information: The address where we expect to receive the response of the resume should be high lighted. A phone number or mobile number is very essential for them to communica te with us instantly. These days an email id is also mandatory. The email id sho uld not be long, complicated or inappropr

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