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Le Fournil et La Grange 2012

12 Envaux 36290 Azay-le-Ferron France

Susan and Stephen Evans 0044 (0)1209 614543 Mobile: 07999 725916

The Houses Directions General Information Electricty, Gas, Water Shared Facilities Swimming Pool Local Amenities Important Contacts Local Attractions Places to Eat Finally and Departure Appendix - Maps Gallery Page Pages Pages Page Pages Page Page Page Pages Pages Page Page Page 3 4-6 7-9 10-11 12 13 14 15 16-17 18-19 20 21-22 23

The Houses
"Le Fournil"

"La Grange"

Further information can be found at: property ref: 211721 and 211722 property ref : 62652

Directions to 12 Envaux, 36290 Azay le Ferron, France.

(See the Maps in the Appendix section).

By Road:

GPS: N4650.878


Envaux is a hamlet just outside Azay le Ferron, a small town south of the Loire River. It is 55 miles from the city of Tours and 20 miles south of the medieval town of Loches. There are many beautiful chateaux in the surrounding area. It is in the country so you need a car. It is about 6 hours drive from the channel ports of Calais or Roscoff and about 3 hours from Caen.

Head in the direction of Tours then:

Get onto the A10 heading south from Tours. Take exit 25 from the A10 towards Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine. After coming through the toll booth take the first exit at the roundabout onto Route de Chinon/D760 heading to Chtellerault/Tours/Loches/Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine. At the next roundabout, take the 1st exit. Continue straight onto Rince-Bourse. At the next roundabout, take the 4th exit (straight on) Le Bois Tortu/D760 heading to Bosse/Loches/Sepmes/Ligueil. Continue to follow the D760. At the next roundabout, take the 1st exit onto the D59. In Sepmes the D59 turns slightly left and briefly becomes the Rue de la Rpublique/D91 before becoming the D59 again. Follow the D59 to Ligueil. Turn right onto the D31 then pass through Ligueil towards FerrireLaron on the D50. Continue on the D50 (Grande Rue) passing through La CelleGuenand and then through Le Petit-Pressigny (Michelin Star Restaurant).

About 8Km beyond Le Petit-Pressigny, at a crossroads with the D41, go straight on and then after about 4 Km turn left onto the D725/D925 towards Azay le Ferron.

After 7.5 Km and approx 500m before Azay le Ferron, immediately after a slight left hand bend, turn right at La Millerie (small white sign low down by the telegraph pole on the right: Envaux Millerie).

You will pass a small farm on the right that sells chickens (Vente a la Ferme), then at the T-junction turn left. The property is on the right after about 80 yards. The gates (Portails) are green with a number 12 sign in Cornish slate!

From Azay le Ferron

Take the D925 towards Preuilly-sur-Claise and Chtellerault. Approx 500m after leaving Azay-le-Ferron, turn left at the brow of the hill just by a small white sign on the left: Envaux Millerie. There is a blue sign on the right: Vente a la Ferme. Continue past the farm on the right to the T-junction, and turn left. The property is on the right after 80m. The gates (Portails) are green. There is a number 12 sign in Cornish slate!

The parking area and plot with the old bread oven opposite the entrance gates are ours so please park there. Please do not park on the gravel driveways of the main property as they are new and we want to keep them looking good. The property looks much better without cars and is safer for children.

By Air;
There are regional airports with car hire at Poitiers (55 miles), Tours (60 miles), Limoges (95 miles), and La Rochelle (140 miles). Paris CDG has the most flights especially outside summer and is about 3 hours drive (215 miles). Ryanair: Easyjet:

By Rail;
St Pierre des Corps in Tours is the nearest TGV station. Car hire is available and then the house is about 1 hours drive away. Eurostar:


Caution La Grange
If both the entrance door and the French windows (Kitchen or Lounge) are left open concurrently there is a danger of a through-draft especially if it is windy. Last year this caused the entrance door to slam shut smashing all of the glass in it! This was dangerous and inconvenient for the guests not to mention the cost of repair (several hundred euros). Please be careful, many thanks.

General Information
There are two houses at the property; Le Fournil a former bakery is about 250 years old. This is the longre on the left as you enter the main gates. It was renovated in 2003 and has been upgraded substantially since then. Across the road you can see the old bread oven on a small plot of land that is also part of the property. La Grange is the associated barn that was converted to a Gite in 2005. It is the house straight ahead as you enter the main gates. We bought the property in March 2010 as a project, investment? and a holiday home for us, our 4 children and hopefully their children one day. We live in Cornwall, UK. The garden, pool, and other equipment such as the table tennis table, swings and outdoor toys are shared between the two houses. The house that you have rented will be available to you from 4pm and will be open with the keys to the door on the table. The rest of the keys will be in the doors to which they relate or in the key box on the wall. The electricity will be on and there should be hot water, please see section on Hot Water below.

Please look after the houses, they are a long-term project for us and our children. Please lock the houses whenever you go out. Cleaning-products can be found under the sink in the Utility room. The houses are strictly no-smoking. If you smoke outside please dispose of your cigarette-ends carefully as it gets very dry in the summer with a risk of fire. This also applies to the barbeques! Please be careful. We do not allow dogs or other pets. Equipment is specific to each house. If you have rented both houses, please do not mix equipment between them. Items have been specifically purchased for each house and it is easy to forget what you have mixed and to return items to the correct house! Mixing equipment can cause problems for future guests. The same goes for the linen and towels. Many thanks.

Le Fournil:
Downstairs: 1 double bed (with ensuite bathroom and sitting room). 1 twin room. Upstairs: 2 double rooms. 1 twin room. 1 Cot. (Cot is moveable). TOTAL: 10 + 1 Baby. Downstairs: Upstairs: 1 double bed in disabled suite. 1 double room. 2 twin rooms. 1 Cot. (Cot is moveable). TOTAL : 8 + 1 Baby.

La Grange:

Bed Linen & towels

The number of beds that you have requested will be made up for you. Bathroom towels are provided but not pool towels; please take your own. Please do not use our bathroom towels around the pool area.

There are stair-gates for the TOP and the BOTTOM of the stairs, stored in the utility rooms of each house. They all have labels on indicating whether they are for the top or the bottom of the stairs. Please ensure that they are installed correctly before leaving children alone.

If you break something, please tell us. We do not charge for minor breakages (glasses, plates etc) but we need to know so that we can replace them. For more major problems, these will be noticed during the cleaning of the house and may be charged against your security deposit.

Phones and WiFi

Mobile phones generally work at the properties but reception can be patchy. Some networks work better than others, Vodafone is not great. We have recently installed WiFi. Currently it is sited in Le Fournil. Reception in La Grange is patchy because of the thickness of the walls and it is best upstairs or by the window near the TV. We are looking at methods of boosting the signal. WiFi Security Key - Cl de Scurit: 7146 97FD AAFE 3FAF 361C 1A7F A7 (enter without spaces)

Please notify the housekeeper Jeanette of any problems that may arise during your stay. Also, we would be grateful if you would email us with any Feedback as we really want to know your views so that we can continue to improve the facilities.

The houses are equipped with a septic tank sewerage system. It is therefore imperative that only toilet paper is flushed down the toilets. Please do not flush sanitary towels, condoms or tampons down the toilets as this will lead to the system becoming blocked very quickly. I am sure that we do not need to tell you how unpleasant this can be!

Both houses are equipped with dishwashers (new last year). Please rinse plates, dishes and saucepans before loading the dishwashers to avoid the filters becoming blocked. There is a limit to what the country sewage system can take!

There can be a few flies in the summer. This is rural France! Keep doors closed especially when food if being prepared. We have provided some sprays and fly papers. Please replace these if you use them.

Electricity, Gas and Water

The electricity meters are read just prior to your arrival and on your departure. There will be a form in the house to fill in and sign. You have an allocation of 50 of electricity per week which is usually more than enough but very rarely clients have exceeded this. We may deduct the excess amount from your security deposit but be assured that this is very rare and we do not charge for minor infringements! Covering the pool at night drastically reduces electricity use (see pool section below). The electricity system is modern (rewired in 2002-4) and the supply will trip if overloaded. In the event of a power-cut, there are torches in the utility rooms.

Le FOURNIL: If it is just an individual circuit that has tripped, you will just need
to return the switch on the fuse board in the cupboard opposite the kitchen to the ON position. If the whole system trips you will need to access another fuse-box which is in the dining room, in a white box on the wall to the right of the fireplace, and return the lower switch to the UP position.

La GRANGE: If it just an individual circuit that has tripped, you will just need
to return the switch on the fuse board for that particular circuit into the ON position. The fuse board is in the utility room.

Note: For some reason the plug socket on the left of the double socket behind the
TV in La Grange is operated by one of the light switches behind the sofa!

Both houses have gas hobs for cooking; the gas is supplied by gas bottles. If one runs out, there are spares but please inform Jeanette so that she can replace them. Please do not buy gas locally. Recently, a guest bought a bottle with the wrong gas and pressure with potentially dangerous consequences. Gas bottles are located in the following places:

Le Fournil: In the kitchen cupboard below and to the

right of the gas hob. If you need to change the gas bottle, there is a full one stored in the utility room.

La Grange: At the back of the house, in the wood

store, see opposite: If one runs out, you simply switch the system onto the other bottle.


Hot Water
Each house is equipped with a hot water system powered by electricity with a hot water tank(s). The system heats the water overnight and then again in the afternoon. This should provide more than enough hot water for your use. If the hot water runs out you can heat up the tank again by doing the following:

Le Fournil: push up both small switches on the

main fuse board located in the large white kitchen cupboard, see photo opposite:

La Grange: Push up the one small switch on the

main fuse board in the utility room, see photo opposite:

Hot Water Circulation Pumps

Please Read !

Both houses have hot water circulation pumps. These come on at times when the water is needed most (morning & evening) to ensure that there is hot water readily available at each tap. It is very important that this pump is left switched to the TIMER setting and NOT switched to ON position. Otherwise the hot water will be pumped around the system permanently which leads to rapid cooling. You will then have to wait for more hot water to heat up overnight unless you override the system as described above. This will incur extra electricity costs. The system is set to heat up overnight because the electricity tariff is much cheaper at night. The exact time period for this cheaper tariff is defined by the electricity suppliers and the French government in an effort to make electricity usage more environmentally friendly. We want to be Green!


Shared-holidays can be more fun, especially if children make friends and play together!

Pool and Garden

The pool, garden, sun-loungers, play-equipment, table-tennis table and grounds are for the use of both houses. This also includes the table tennis table and the outdoor toys and swings.

If you are a bit chilly, you may like to light a fire. Please be very careful if you do this. Logs are available for both houses and are stored under the log shelter at the far end of La Grange.

General Safety
Guests are responsible for their own safety. The tap-water is safe to drink. Please take care special with barbeques and the fires in the houses. The houses are strictly no-smoking. If you smoke outside please be very careful when disposing of cigarettes, it can get very dry in summer. There are fire extinguishers in each house. A chain of buckets from the swimming-pool could also be effective in a dire emergency.

Waste and Recycling

Household waste: Please take full bin bags to the bin at the T-junction (turn
left out of the gates, about 50m) as soon as they are full. This will avoid having food waste around the house in hot weather. Please do not dump them in the lean-to by the entrance gates as some have done in the past! Bin-bags, brooms and dustpans & brushes can be found in the utility room or kitchen.

Recycling: Plastic bottles, glass and cardboard must be recycled in the Loire!
Please take them to the recycling point behind the large events hall in the town centre. There are separate dustbins for glass, paper, cardboard and plastic. Plastic and cardboard, but not glass, can also be left next to the dustbin at the T-junction near our house using the clear yellow dustbin liners. These are free from the Mairie in the town centre.


Swimming Pool
The 10m x 5m swimming-pool will be cleaned before and after your stay. The keys for the pool-gate and the pool-hut are in the key-box in the kitchen of each house. The key-ring has a floating cork ball. The pool has lights in it, the switch is in the pool chalet and is marked "ECLAIRAGE". If the sun-loungers The or parasols is

aren't out, they will be in the pool chalet. filtration-system delicate so please don't throw anything into the pool that may block it! You may remove leaves etc from the water using the pole and net in the pool chalet. If there is any problem with the pool, please contact Albert or Jeanette.

Pool Heating
Last year we installed pool heating which is operated by an electric Heat Pump that maintains the water at a constant temperature (26C). It is available from May until the 1st October. Please do not touch the Heat Pump controls, at all.

Note: It is crucial that the pool is covered overnight.

Otherwise, as the outside temperature falls at night the Heat Pump will have to work very hard to maintain water temperature, using a huge amount of electricity. It uses approximately 3 times the electricity if the pool is left uncovered at night. This could exceed your electricity allowance, so please pull the cover over when you have finished using the pool for the day, it is easy to do.

Pool Safety
We have installed a safety fence around the swimming pool in accordance with French Law. France has a very high incidence of drowning in children under 5.


Adults swim alone at their own risk. Food, alcohol, sun and swimming do not mix. Swimming-pools are dangerous. Please be careful.


Local Amenities
There is a small supermarket called Petit Casino in the village but it is closed on Mondays. There are larger supermarkets Intermarch at Chtillon-sur-Indre (10 miles) and Yzeures-sur-Creuse (13 miles). The latter is very good; look out for the wine in the wooden boxes.

Boulangerie - Azay-le-Ferron
Opposite the Casino supermarket. It is closed on Mondays but there are Boulangeries in the villages of Paulnay or Martizay nearby which are open then. The cycle ride to Martizay is fantastic. 4 miles mainly through back roads and farmland. Left at the T-junction near our property onto the D925 towards Preuilly-sur-Claise. After only about 100 yds take the 1st left at the crossroads with the crucifix La Croix. Follow the track through farmland for 3 miles. Then turn right at the T-junction to join the road to Martizay.

There are markets in most towns/villages occurring at various times. Check times locally. Azay le Ferron market is on Friday afternoon from 1600.

In Azay-le-Ferron on the left, near the Post Office. M. AUFFRET; Phone: 02 54 39 20 28 Night chemist (pharmacie de garde) is indicated at the chemist.

The nearest filling-station is in Paulnay about 6Km away. From the house, go into Azay le Ferron and pass through the village to the main roundabout. Take the 2nd exit onto the D925 to Paulnay. It is not open 24 hours! There is also a petrol station at the Intermarch in Chtillon-sur-Indre which is about 20Km away. Intermarch, 12 Rue Jean Lurat, 36700 Chtillon-sur-Indre. Distances are long in rural France and opening hours can be frustrating until you get used to them. Be careful you dont run out of fuel!


Important Contacts
Housekeeper (a couple of doors up, at No 8 Envaux).
Mme Jeannette Vitre, 8, Lieu dit Envaux, 36290 Azay-le-Ferron. 02 54 39 24 87

Gardener and pool

Albert Cellerin, 1 La Couture, 36290 Azay le Ferron. 02 54 39 20 45

Day: M. FERRAGU: 0254 39 2005; or M. GAUDUCHON: 0254 39 2464 Night: call one of the above; the answer-phone message will announce the duty doctor for the region.

M. BARON: Mezires-en-Brenne; 02 54 38 08 13 (next to the Pharmacy).

Gendarmerie (general police enquiries)

Dial 02 54 38 78 90

Tourist office
Opposite the village square, just inside the main entrance to the chteau grounds. Cycle hire is available here and very good. E-mail:

Tel: +33 (2) 54 39 29 08


Local Attractions
Although the Loire valley is famous for its Chteaux there are many other things to do and see. We recommend that you take a guide book with you to get the most from your holiday. The list below is not exhaustive but rather outlines some of our favourite things:

Chateau de Azay le Ferron Tel : +33 (0)2 54 39 20 06 The Chateau, its garden and the park are well worth a visit and are walking distance from the house. The chateau is unusual in that it is fully furnished. The park can be explored on foot or by bicycles which are available to hire from the tourist office which is just inside the entrance to the chateau grounds. The Chateau and Tourist office also organise a programme of events through the year.

Parc Animalier de la Haute Touche

Rserve de la Haute Touche: Near Obterre, about 5 miles from the house. Head north from Azay on the D975. This is a fantastic place. It is huge and like a cross between a safari park and a zoo with an incredible variety of animals from all over the world. You start off with a short safari in your car before parking and walking the marked routes or hiring a bicycle. There are picnic areas and a restaurant. Animals range from flamingos to leopards.

Parc Naturelle de Brenne: Zoo-Parc de Beauval:

Favourite Towns
Loches ~ 34 Km La Roche Posay ~ 24Km Angles sur lAnglin ~ 25Km Tours ~ 92 Km Large town with Chateau Spa Town One of the most beautiful villages in France Regional city with beautiful old quarter


There are many in the Loire valley but our favourites are: Chenonceau, Chinon, Chambord, Azay-le-Rideau, Rigny-Uss, Villandry, Saumur. The gardens at Villandry are not to be missed. You can hire a bike at Brehemont and cycle there. See the La Loire vlo website at: Dont forget the chteau at Azay le Ferron.

Golf courses
There are several 18-hole golf courses in the area.

There are many places to fish in the area, being known as the region of 1000 lakes. River fishing is also available. Fishing permits are required and can be obtained from the Florist in Azay le Ferron. Tel: +33 (0)2 54 39 25 68

This is a large theme-park at Poitiers. A great day out for all ages!

Cycle Hire
Local Hire: Office du Tourisme, 36290 Azay le Ferron, Tel: 02 54 39 29 08 The Loire Valley is perfect cycling terrain. There are plenty of marked cycle routes for all levels of fitness.

There are Tennis courts behind the town hall in Azay le Ferron that can be rented from the Office du Tourisme or the Pharmacie.


Places to Eat
The French like to eat! There are many restaurants in the surrounding towns and villages. Below are a few:

Terre de Brenne (On the corner at the main roundabout in Azay).

2 Rue Boyer Nioche 36290 Azay Le Ferron 0254 39 2443

Restaurant Hotel de lImage ~ 10 Km (Our current favourite).

13 Place des Halles 37290 Preuilly sur Claise 02 47 94 50 07

La Promenade

(Michelin Star)

~ 16 Km

Le Petit Pressigny is a one horse town but the restaurant is a treat. Xavier the sommelier speaks excellent English and we normally leave the wine to him! 11 rue du Savoureux 37350 Le Petit Pressigny 0247 94 9352

4 Rue du Chteau 37600 Loches 02 47 94 05 70

Loches ~ 34Km
(on the right at the start of the walkway up to the chateau)

Au Boeuf Courronn ~ 12 Km
9 place du Gnerale-de-Gaulle 36290 Mezieres En Brenne 0254 38 0439


There is a Pizza van in Azay le Ferron every Friday evening from 6pm. It is on the main square in front of the Mairie.

La Confiance ~ 2Km
Chambre d'Hote 7 Champ dOeuf 36290 Azay Le Ferron +33 (0)2 54 28 07 96 La Confiance is a Chambre d'Hote rather than a restaurant and is less formal usually with a set menu that you can discuss before going. It is very nearby and convenient. It is crucial to phone or e-mail Chris and Sue in advance as they cannot always guarantee to fit you in at short notice. They are English and will do their best to accommodate you. Chris and Sue Mooney

Restaurants with wheelchair access:

Cygnes ~ 26 Km
8, avenue Gambetta 36300 Le Blanc Reservation: 0254 28 7163

Auberge du Capucin Gourmand ~ 20 Km

8, rue Bel Air 7bis, route du Blanc 36220 Tournon saint Martin Rservation: 0254 37 6685 There are 2 entrances: ensure you are in the right place before unloading the wheelchair.


The houses belong to Susan and Stephen Evans. This is a new project for us and represents a long-term dream to own a house in France. We use it ourselves for holidays with our 4 children and, when we retire plan to live there for some of the year. Please help us to look after the properties as they are special to us.

We would like to hear from you; in particular about any practical details that we need to attend to such as broken items, plumbing problems, anything that we need to fix. We are constantly improving the properties as a result of feedback. Please let us know how in your view the accommodation or experience could be improved either by leaving some notes with Jeanette or better still by email. Susan Evans,


Dpart by 10am Please!

The next guests have access at 4pm and Jeannette and Albert need time to prepare the house for them. Final cleaning is included in the rental price but the house must be left in a reasonable condition or you may be liable for additional cleaning costs. Please remove the linen from the beds and put it in the utility room along with the towels. Please deposit full bin bags in the bin at the T-Junction and recyclables (glass, cardboard, plastic) at the stated place in Azay le Ferron. If you have used any of the items provided (toilet paper, tea, coffee, dustbin liners, washing up liquid, dishwasher products) please make sure that you replenish them. Please fill in the meter reading sheet with Jeanette before you leave.

Merci! We hope that you had a good holiday.


Appendix - Maps
Where is Envaux in Azay le Ferron?

Tours to Envaux, Azay le Ferron.

The house is at GPS: N4650.878 E103.499


Le Petit Pressigny to Envaux, Azay le Ferron.

The house is at GPS: N4650.878 E103.499



The End


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