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Hide and seek evasion game

The Gossic are an extraterrestrial people. They travel the known universe with their entire colony in their mother ship landing on planets in secret. They study the planets inhabitants, recording the information about the unknown world and leaving as secretly as they came. They are an exploratory people, peaceful, constantly seeking knowledge. Yaris is a young Gossic. He is 15 earth years old. His peoples most recent venture was planet Earth. During exploration of this new world with a small group, one of Yariss people was mistakenly discovered. As quickly as people began to scream about their presence, his fellow brothers was captured by men in suits. In a panic to escape these strange angry beings Yaris used the ability that has kept the Gossic in secret for years, he laid his hand on organism native to Earth, a spider and hid in plain sight. Without a sound the others were taken away. Suddenly he was alone. He began trying to find the other groups of his people but he could not find them. They must have experienced the same encounter with the men in black suits and scattered, transforming into beings on earth and going into hiding. He must find his people, rescue his captured brothers and leave this hostile world alive.

The Gossic land their ship in the forest outside the city, a quiet, not heavily populated place. Upon The Gossic mother ship is the home base of the game. If a threatening being came within 100 feet of the ship, it becomes invisible and inaccessible. Upon being discovered by the hostile human race, the Gossic scatter all over the city, so the majority of our game happens in a city. The city resembles a big city like New York, Los Angeles, or Philadelphia. Lots of people, moving quickly through the streets, cars up and down the streets, tall buildings, crime, subways, helicopters, planes flying overhead, etc.

The Gossic Short green organisms, their form mirrors humans, 2 arms, legs, eyes and ears, a peaceful people, their colony does not have an army and have never fought a war, they only seek knowledge, their mother ship is self-fueling, selfsustaining. They have no need to invade or conquer any planet. Yaris A young Gossic, 15 earth years old, at the height of adolescents, on the verge of becoming a man. He is very curious about new worlds seeks knowledge and adventure. His dream is to see the entire universe.

Sector 12 agents Your typical government agent, black suite, dark shades, strapped with all kinds of technology no one knows about, spouting alien conspiracy, way too high strung. They strongly resemble men in black but excessive over the top hatred for extraterrestrials. They will stop at nothing to capture foreign life forms in the interest of national security. Their headquarters are hidden deep underground. It houses specimen, live and dead, of the universes most exotic and some very dangerous extraterrestrials. Agent Roger Gordon Sector 12 Agent Gordon has worked with sector 12 for 35 years. Hes an experienced hard ass, whos put way too much time into the job. He has been divorced twice do to his obsession with the unknown. He doesnt sleep a lot for fear he will miss the opportunity to catch the enemy, and the enemy is anything foreign to him. He is constantly cleaning his gun, talking about the enemy. He is a calm but disturbed individual. He is the head of his team at Sector 12

The game is a single player 3 person adventure game. All game play is done on one local screen, PC or console.

You must find you fellow Gossic who have scattered into the city and forest and taken the form of other animals or humans, and warn them of capture by the humans. Main goal find and save the captured Gossic and maybe more in need of saving Sub goal - learning about Sector 12 Sub goal grow from a young Gossic into an adult as you develop your abilities

Gossic Abilities
Bio-Phase The ability to transform into any multicellular being, without cell walls and without photosynthetic pigments (basically any animal, human, or alien. No trees, plant life, or nonliving objects). The transformation is from a touch. The ability to bio-phase has stipulations. The organism being phased must be calm. That mean you can catch them off guard, you can put them to sleep, you can You may only transform into three organisms at a time, and not at the same time. The animals you can phase into are displayed in the UI screen. One of your organisms is always your original Gossic form. You can only phase in your Gossic form Bio-phasing is the only way to combat agents. Your Gossic form has no combat controls. Only the animals or alien forms you capture are capable of battle.

BioPhasing has no limit to transformation time. You can remain a dog as long as you want, though the game will require you to change to progress. Time between transformations is very short. You can use that to your advantage. String together transformations to distract, attack, and escape.

Emotional recognition It is a natural Gossic ability to understand other beings emotional state. They naturally feel what others feel. Its based on heart rate, blood pressure, heaviness of breathing, etc. The UI has an option that when pressed displays a color signature for all living creatures. Blue is calm. As a being becomes more aggressive their signature becomes more purple. As they become more angry or frightened their signature becomes red. A creature must be calm/blue, or close to it, to use the bio-phase ability on them.

Sector 12 agent abilities

Sector 12s MO is to capture specimen alive for research purposes. The agencies belief is, if you study them, you know how to kill them. Some agents follow that rule, some dont. Cellular recognition device a device capable of reading a beings cellular make up. It helps agents see if a being is common extraterrestrial. Stun gun helps to capture specimen alive. A gun that shoots a jolt of electricity that stuns you. Its a long range weapon that causes you to transform into your original form for a second. It a weapon that help validate if an agents suspicion of a transformation as well as subdue their enemy.

Stun stick - helps to capture specimen alive. A baton that is surrounded in electricity. Its a close rage weapon that stuns you and causes you to transform into your original form for a flash. A capture rod a hook like rod that closes around the neck, made to restrict movement. If captured, you must transform to escape or combat your capture.

Life bar This displays your consciousness, losing consciousness means you are capture and are now sector 12s specimen. You consciousness builds back up over time. It is the large circular bar at the bottom left corner of the screen Transform slots space on the screen that lists the things you can transform into. You current transform is inside the consciousness circle. You options are in circles above the consciousness circle. Animal abilities each transformations respective abilities are displayed in the UI in smaller circle around the battle skill Battle skill displayed at the bottom right of the screen in a large circle is the battle skill you can use for that transformation. If they have no battle skill it will have a red circle with a line through it indicating battle is not possible. Tap the battle skill button to preform short range skills. While running tap press the battle skill button for you running attack, namely charges and grab attacks. Walk Run Sprint the length of time a direction is held you run faster, that changes your attack

The Environment
Hiding behind things, going into the forest where there is plenty of cover, or transforming into creatures in a specific part of the environment can help you escape capture or sneak by section 12 agents. Sector 12 agents hid in the shadows of back alleys, on top of buildings, etc.

Transformation Forms
Dog sense of smell helps you trail specific creatures and types of people by color trails. Barking scares people away, causes a distraction for others to escape Battle: maul the dog attack type, a grab move type attack that latches on to a given target and renders them unconscious. It can only be performed while sprinting Biting a short snap attack, enough times can render an enemy helpless Bear size and strength nothing beats the size and strength of a large bear. Loud scream/growl scares people away, some might faint, or go fetal (help escape without battle) Battle: maul a grab move type attack that latches on to a given target and renders them unconscious. It can only be performed while sprinting Paw swing - a strong attack knocking an enemy around Pigeon flight Pigeon: Info recon pigeons are so inconspicuous, no one would worry about talking around a dumb bird

Pigeon Battle: No battle skill Hawk/Eagle flight speed fly faster than smaller birds Hawk/Eagle Battle: wing attack knocks an enemy down, enough times knocks enemy unconscious. only performed when flying fast Hawk/Eagle Battle: furry peck scratch and peck an enemy into submission Trout swim can swim in the water Aquatic Rally Call other aquatic animals to aid in a distraction Battle: no battle skill Dolphin swim speed impressive ability to move quickly through the water Aquatic Rally Call other aquatic animals to aid in a distraction Battle: Swim charge swim at incredible speed and knock around enemies Head butt a short jab with the head, it can knock out an enemy

Spider info recon Easily slip into rooms, locked doors, holes in the wall, etc. Battle: No battle skill Bat night vision able to see all creatures at night and be able to distinguish them through color recognition Sonar locate specific people and things through sound recognition. On screen, white lines of vibration will indicate specific people and things, as you move towards that thing the vibrations will get larger Battle: No battle skill Rhino - size and strength size and strength of a large rhino is hard to contest Intimidate scares people away, some might faint, or go fetal (help escape without battle) Battle: Ram type attack that knocks an enemy harshly to the backward and renders them unconscious. Horn jab - It can only be performed while sprinting, a strong attack knocking an enemy around Gorilla size and strength gorillas are one of the strongest animals in the world Loud scream/growl scares people away, some might faint, or go fetal (help escape without battle) Battle: maul a grab move type attack that latches on to a given target and renders them unconscious. It can only be performed while sprinting, Punch - a strong attack knocking an enemy around.

Rat info recon Easily slip into rooms, locked doors, holes in the walls, etc. Battle: No battle skill

Balance Issues
Once this game is built, the features that can be tweaked to help balance the Gossics abilities with Sector 12s gadgets to give balanced gameplay. We walk a fine line bay giving a hero potentially multiple powers and multiple forms. We can make small changes to even out the abilities and opposition.

The Future
While this game could stand on its own, the platform could be expanded to include a more hide and seek Assassins Creed online component. The design can be scaled, and could include many more features I didnt mention.

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