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COMPANY PROFILE:Bangladesh has come a long way since its independence.

It has improved key social indicators and the well-being of its people. The Beximco Group of Companies has been an integral part of this progress. Beximco's philosophy is simple: In identifying opportunities, it has targeted those industries, which the country needs most in order to progress and to improve living standards. Beximco is also focused on those industries, which make the most of Bangladesh's competitive advantages in the international market. Because of this philosophy, the Beximco Group is today

Bangladesh's largest private sector industrial conglomerate. In the course of its growth, it has created industrial and management capabilities that will serve the country for generations to come. Beximcos industrial businesses include jute, textiles, basic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and marine foods. Beximcos nonindustrial undertakings are focused on real estate and construction, engineering, media, information technology, trading and financial services. It is the creation and expansion of businesses critical to Bangladesh's development, businesses, which are developed and run by Bangladeshis, businesses that develop technologies and practices specific to the needs of the country, which is the defining characteristic of the Beximco story. Beximco Concerns Various Departments: -

Textiles Division Chemical Division Real Estate and Construction Division Jute Division Marine Foods Division Trading Division Information Technology Division ENTRY IN THE WORLD MARKET:In the early years, BPL's sales doubled every third year. BPL was growing at a 30% rate when the overall growth of the Bangladesh Pharmaceutical industry was a little over 4%. Very soon, it became quite evident to the company that to maintain this high growth pattern, it would have to venture into the World market. With this in mind, BPL started its international business with the export of bulk Ampicillin and Amoxicillin to Hong Kong. Soon the company was exporting its raw materials to Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Iran, Vietnam and Taiwan. Soon after the fall of communism in Russia, Beximco registered its finished formulations in the CIS at a time when Multinational Companies were cautious in entering this market. For BPL, this proved an important lesson and the learning curve was quite steep. BPL people are quite used to doing business in adverse situations but Post-Communism Russia proved a major challenge. With the experience, BPL gained in Russia it soon set out to explore the Vietnamese Market. In Vietnam, Competition from MNCs was stiff. Amid this competition, Beximco successfully exported its Life saving I.V. fluids. After Vietnam, the company realized that for long-term success, it would have to abandon its earlier export based approach and adopt a more aggressive marketing approach. It would have to recruit its own sales force

and penetrate distribution channels. With this mind set, BPL marketing people concentrated their efforts on Pakistan, Myanmar and Kenya. This strategy proved very fruitful in all three of these markets. In Pakistan, BPL launched its products with Multimedia CD-ROM's replacing the age-old printed promotional materials. This innovative approach immediately gained tremendous positive response from the medical community in Pakistan. BPL's Pakistan office received 250 letters from doctors appreciating the use of this novel technology only after two weeks of launching its products. BPL is also marketing its products to Singapore and various other countries. Once the new FDA standard plant is completed, BPL will be ready to take on other promising world markets. The following TABLE shows the countrywide product registration of BPL's products.
Country Registered Under Process Russia 26 Product s Myanmar 16 Products 11 Products Pakistan 25 Products 13 Products Vietnam Products Singapore 15 Products -Products Kenya 10 Product s 2 Product s Georgia 4 Product s SriLanka Product s Yemen 4 Products 7 Products

QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT FUNCTION:Marketing: There are several marketing department. This is the strongest function in the company. The CEO and Directors are involved in marketing. Pricing, placement and promotion of product usually revolves the marketing people. Here direct use personal contacts for identifying prospectus. Other activities of marketing such as market research, product development and analysis of buyer behavior are not present.

Design: none Product Management: Production planning is weak in some of the areas. But the priority of these jobs keeps on changing throughout the month in order to maximize sales & in consideration/favor of the prime customer. These frequently changes often result in production loss, more fighting an more work in the process inventory. ISO 9002 implementation has helped in improving the production planning in pharmaceutical, textile & information technology department. After certification the process control has improved due to documentation and standard operation procedures. Planning is normally better. QUALITY ASSURANCE:Beximco maintain a quality assurance department. The executive level manager and the quality officer assurance quality. Since the organization recently certified to ISO 9002 out on time. However, corrective actions are not properly followed up.

Quality Management Systems: RPR Concept Productivity Audit and Improvement Techniques ISO-9002 Quality Management Systems Total Quality Management ISO-9002 Internal Audit Industrial Safety and Health and their impact on Productivity: Role of Management & Labour Laws: Departmental Enquiry


Developing and implementing SOP's relevant to Quality Control Make available specifications and methods of analysis in light of CGMP for raw materials, packaging components and formulated products Validation of methods analysis Implementation of the storage satiability program

QUALITY POLICY: Management does take concrete measures to accomplish the requirements of its quality policy. Quality objectives and their monitoring are satisfactory. However, they are comprehensive and try to cover each function. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Identify root causes and their elimination is weak. INTERNAL QUALITY AUDITS: Not regular. Often audits are not carried out on time and corrective actions are not positive. STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL (SPC): SPC is satisfactory ratings, graphical trends of different quantitative attributes are regularly compiled, and tools are not used. Level of TQM Awareness & Implementation:
no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

TQM Tools
ISO 9002 Quality Circles Kaizen 5S Policy Development Benchmarking Reengineering Seven basic QC tools Seven new tools JIT Quality Award Customer Surveys

Yes Yes None None Satisfactory Good Good Satisfactory None Poor Good Good

None None None None Better Good Poor Poor None None Good Good

TQM IMPLEMENTATION: The company considers ISO 9002 as the only main quality management tool. It has plan to implement TQM

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