Amman Imman / Wells of Love Presentation To Teachers

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Bringing stability, life and hope to the worlds most underserved and vulnerable populations

Building Oases of Life for the worlds most vulnerable, beginning with the Azawak of Niger.

80,000 sq. miles (about the size of Florida), 500,000 of the world's most vulnerable people

The People

The Tuareg and Fulani ethnic groups Pastoralists that live off herding animals Most live in small camps Some live in small villages and survive off of sustenance farming

The most underserved population in one o the Poorest Countries in the World
No infrastructure No roads (paths) Little health care Few Schools (illiteracy rate: 99%) Intense hunger Almost no humanitarian assistance

No permanent or sustainable  water sources

Live or die based on the rainy season

Once these dry out after a few months, water sources are up to 50 km away

One out of two children die before age ve     Survive on less than 1.5 gallons  of water a day Covered in hives and eas 99% have never heard of HIV/AIDS Gravely suffering from the ongoing food crisis in Niger

The Continental Intercalaire

200-900 meters deep Naturally recharged and across the Azawak Aquifer Capacity : between 35-40 m3/hour Borehole exploitation : between 12-15m3/hour

Amman Imman's Boreholes

Drilling a borehole

Water for all

Water is Life:

Food/Agriculture Education Health  Economic Development  Womens Empowerment

Amman Immans Goal

Build sustainable water sources in new communities throughout the Azawak

What is your vision of service?

Wells of Love
Engaging students as Heroes of Compassion

In the tradition of Montessori

Empowering students to examine and tackle crucial global issues Students develop their voice as leaders Providing an opportunity for students to help bring stability, life and hope to some of the worlds most vulnerable, starting with the people of the Azawak of West Africa

Wells of Love global stewards Nurturing compassionate leaders, philanthropists,

Why should we teach philanthropy to our students?

Aria and Siena coordinated a lemonade stand for several weekends. A year later at her new school, Siena made a presentation about the Azawak to her 2nd grade class.

Ben jumped 600 pogo hops,  raising over $100 during his schools  Amman-a-thon.

A Walk for Water

Run for Water


Fitness, Philanthropy and Fun!

Integration with the curriculum: 

Science Geography Cultural studies Fundamental Needs 

Values lessons Compassion Leadership Social Action 

Service Learning Friendship Exchange Cross-cultural connection

Tangible result that saves lives

Wells of Love
Join our Heroes of Compassion Raise awareness by organizing a presentation Join A Walk For Water Hold an Amman-a-thon Run/Bike/Swim for Water Engage in a Hand in Hand project Conduct your own fun and educational activity

YOU can help!

Ariane Kirtley, Founder and Executive Director Debra Kahn, Wells of Love Program Director 0684468198/240-418-1143

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