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How to Slide In Softball A Beginners Guide

Sliding is a very easy move to learn that can be practiced at home with a large cardboard box, or what I like to use, as Slip n Slide. Every child has been on a Slip n Slide, so they understand the need to pick up speed before they jump to slide and the same concept applies if you use a cardboard box. This document will teach your softball player how to slide, and practice their slide at home, and on the softball field. NEVER practice sliding on hard or coarse dirt, or any rough surface that could cause an injury. Always wear protective gear (sliding pants, under armor, sliding shorts) before practicing your sliding. Always supervise your player at all times and go over the three rules of sliding each time before they practice or play. 1. First, the player must learn the

three rules for sliding. One, hands must be up at all times, never down. Two, you must run at full speed to slide, and three, slide using the number four position with your foot pointed up at the sky. 2. Before you ever slide it is important to warm up. Your legs must be fully stretched and warmed up before you ever attempt to practice sliding. The leg stretches we do in practice are a perfect stretch warm up. Make sure to feel the muscles for each stretch in order to assure the player is stretching appropriately. 3. Next, we want to warm up the muscles in your leg. Warm up by mowing down the 1st base, or do line races where you start at one line, run to the line across the way, then back to the starting line and then back two more times. 4. IMPORTANT!! If you do NOT stretch and warm up your legs BEFORE you slide you are at RISK for an injury or severe muscle cramping, strain, or shin splints. It only takes less than 10 minutes to stretch and warm up the legs before you begin to practice sliding. 5. If you are using a cardboard box the box will slide with your child. If you are using a
How To Slide In Softball by Crystal Adle Diamond Divas 05/20/12

Slip n Slide please make sure to anchor it down like you normally would. You can always set stuff up while your player is stretching. 6. Regardless of which method you choose the player MUST be in their sliding pants, or have proper sliding protection on at ALL TIMES! It is also recommended to wear a helmet when you are first learning to slide to protect the head from improper technique that results in a hit to the head. 7. You can push off from the base as the pitcher releases the ball. Run as fast as you can from first base to second base. 8. Measure a distance of at least 30ft for a player to start and till the edge of the box or slide. The player will jump in to their slide position about 1 foot in front of the box or slide to start their slide. 9. Make sure the player has a FLAT surface to slide and run on, and if using a box have the player wear their cleats, but on the Slip n Slide have the player wear their socks to avoid damage to the slide. 10.If you are using the Slip n Slide you do NOT have to use water, but the girls will have more fun and they still need to be in their uniform, but not wearing their cleats. 11.If you do not have bases you can use a towel or the front door mat as a starting and stopping point. Make sure the player leads off the base like they would in a game and then you can direct them to go. 12.It does not matter which leg is first, but we do recommend the player use their dominant leg as their lead leg. These instructions are designed for someone using their right leg, so please go the opposite way if you are leading with your left. 13.When you reach about half way between first and second base, or what ever you used as a base; begin turning the body slightly to the left. If the player is unsure where the way mark is make an indentation on the grass, or you can spray paint a line that will go away the next time you mow. 14.As you begin approaching second base, about six feet from the base, tuck the subdominant leg underneath the dominant leg. The legs will form an overlapping triangle shape. Make sure the inside of the foot is tucked behind the backside of the
How To Slide In Softball by Crystal Adle Diamond Divas 05/20/12

knee. 15.As you are sliding, make sure the outside part of the foot on the dominant leg is lined up with the base. When you approach the base, the dominant foot is turned to the side. As you hit the base with their dominant foot, push the body upward. This will allow your momentum to carry you forward. It will also propel you upward and you will then land on the dominant leg. 16.You should land on the side of your thigh. Your other leg must be bent into your sliding leg imitating the figure 4. Be careful when you go to slide that the other leg that would be crossed under does NOT get bent behind. This can lead to an injury with your ankle. 17.You may not perfect the four right away. Try tucking your non-dominant leg at an angle to get started and eventually move it into the four-shape position. It is also recommended to wear a helmet until you have perfected the slide to prevent injuries to the head in case you should land on your back and hit your head.

Now that you have learned how girls slide in softball, you too can practice this slide at home. The more your player slides, the faster she will learn to perfect it. There is another slide method called the headfirst slide that I do not recommend practicing at this time. I have written and published another document on why I do not recommend this type of sliding at this time for players of any age I recommend reading. When your player starts learning how to slide, it is important that you rest the legs. A warm (not hot) bath is a perfect way to relax the legs and even putting them up on a pillow for 30 minutes will help.
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At first, there may be slight soreness on the sub-dominant leg because it is used to support the players weight when sliding. Once the slide has been mastered, the soreness should subside. It is your decision on the player wearing their helmet when they slide, but I will always advise wearing the helmet as the player will always have their helmet on when they are sliding in a game. They do not need to have the facemask guard on just the helmet. It is important to make sure the player is wearing protective clothing designed for sliding. If money is an issue, I have recommended sweatpants over a pair of shorts or another pair of cotton pants to provide them padding. I have had some players pull their socks all the way up over their knees leaving only a of skin visible that has been acceptable, not ideal, but it does offer some protection. If you are a coach, always recommend to your player to get their parents approval prior to sliding to absolve you of any liabilities from potential injuries that may occur. Always go over the rules before practicing and watch the player stretch and warm up, never go on their word that this has been done. I also recommend inspecting the grass before placing anything on top of it, or running on top of it to prevent any injuries from unseen objects. As the player perfects the slide, you can start to test them by holding a glove with a ball and trying to tag them as they slide in. This will give the player something to shoot for as they try to avoid the tag when they slide in. Never allow another child to practice with your player when they are learning how to slide, and always keep other players away from the target area to avoid accidental injuries from players practicing. Finally, learn to move out of the way once the player starts to slide in to the base to avoid injuries to you. For more information, I have found a great video you and your player can watch to see a figure four slide in action. Please visit: Happy Sliding Softball Players! -Coach Crystal Adle MAA Diamond Divas Softball Copyright Notice Copyright 2011-2012 Diamond Divas All Rights Reserved

Document Warranties, Revisions, and Liabilities

How To Slide In Softball by Crystal Adle Diamond Divas 05/20/12

The information contained in this document is for informative & educational purposes only and was written for the softball players and families of team Diamond Divas. This document shall not be distributed, traded, copied, or sold to anyone outside of this team without express written permission or prior authorization from the head coach of team Diamond Divas. This document is meant to inform and educate and does not promise, offer, promote, or guarantee anything at any time; nor does the information written within this document replace the instructions or advice of your doctor, or any qualified healthcare or sporting professional. Team Diamond Divas does its best to provide the most current and accurate information it discovers through research and experience, however we cannot be held liable for any actions taken from the information within this document that results in a negative consequence. The information printed within this document is only valid for the season it was written for. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and is revised on a season-byseason basis. Please check with the Diamond Divas head coach for the most current edition of this manual.

How To Slide In Softball by Crystal Adle Diamond Divas 05/20/12

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