São Francisco de Assis - ST Francis of Assisi

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As a young man, Francis of Assisi loved material things, especially beautiful clothes from the shop of his wealthy

merchant father. One biographer describes the handsome, young, fun-loving Francis as the very king of frolic. That changed at the age of about 20, after he went to fight in a skirmish with a rival city. He was taken prisoner, held for over a year, and came home very weak from a serious illness.

Quando jovem, Francisco de Assis amava as coisas materiais, especialmente as belas roupas da loja de seu abastado pai mercador. Um bigrafo o descreve o jovem bon vivant como o prprio rei da folia. Mas isso mudou quando Francisco tinha por volta de 20 anos. Durante um conflito armado contra uma cidade rival, foi capturado e mantido prisioneiro por mais de um ano, at voltar para casa, debilitado, por causa de uma grave doena.

At some point during his ordeal, Francis realized that there must be more to life than shallow pleasures, and he came to the conclusion that real satisfaction was to be found in loving God and others. He was disowned by his father for giving away family wealth, surrendered whatever other worldly goods and privileges he had, and wandered the countryside, improvising hymns of praise as he went. Others, drawn by his sincerity, zeal, and joy, joined Francis in his vow of povertythe beginnings of the Franciscan Order.

Em algum momento dessa aflio, Francisco percebeu que deveria haver mais na vida que apenas prazeres superficiais e chegou concluso de que a verdadeira satisfao se encontra em amar a Deus e os outros. Foi deserdado por ter distribudo a riqueza da famlia, abriu mo de todos os outros bens materiais e privilgios que possua e vagou pelo campo, improvisando hinos de louvor pelo caminho. Outros, atrados pela sua sinceridade, zelo e alegria, juntaram-se a Francisco em seu voto de pobreza e assim teve incio a Ordem dos Franciscanos.

Francis loved people, from the rich and powerful in their palaces to the beggars in the streets. He also loved animals and is said to have been able to communicate with them. He is said to have tamed a fierce wolf that terrified the villagers of Gubbio, Italy, and he petitioned the emperor to pass a law that all birds and beasts, as well as the poor, be given extra food at Christmas, so that all might have occasion to rejoice in the Lord.

Ele amava as pessoas, das ricas e poderosas em seus palcios aos mendigos nas ruas. Tambm tinha grande afeto pelos animais e dizem que podia se comunicar com eles. Conta-se que ele domou um lobo feroz que aterrorizava o vilarejo de Gubbio, na Itlia, e solicitou ao imperador que assinasse uma lei determinando que todos os pssaros e animais, assim como os pobres, recebessem mais comida no Natal, para que todos possam se regozijar no Senhor.

Francis was always looking for new ways to make Gods truths easily understandable to others. At Christmastime 1223, while visiting the town of Grecio, Italy, he had the idea of showing people what Jesus birthplace must have been like. He found a mountain cave near the village and fashioned it into a rough stable. Then he preached to the people around the Nativity of the poor King.
Francisco estava sempre buscando novas maneiras para tornar as verdades de Deus facilmente compreensveis aos demais. No Natal de 1223, durante uma visita cidade italiana de Grecio, teve a idia de mostrar s pessoas como provavelmente havia sido o lugar onde Jesus nascera. Encontrou uma grota em uma montanha perto da vila, a qual decorou como um estbulo rstico. Ento pregou para o povo sobre o nascimento do Rei pobre.

So Francisco tambm considerado o pai dos coros de Natal, por ter sido o primeiro a incluir canes natalinas nos cultos de adorao. Na infncia, provavelmente aprendeu mais na escola de trovadores que dos padres da Igreja de So Jorge, em Assis, para onde seu pai o enviara para estudar. No surpreende, portanto, que So Francisco preferisse a msica alegre em suas adoraes. Uma alegria que era e ainda contagiante.

Saint Francis is also considered the father of the Christmas carol for having been the first to include carols in Christmas worship services. As a boy, Francis had perhaps learned more in the school of the troubadours itinerant composers and performers of songsthan from the priests of St. Georges at Assisi, where his father had sent him for an education. Its not surprising, then, that joyous music became one of Franciss favorite forms of worship. That joy was contagious, and still is.

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Text from Activated! Magazine. Used with permission. Art The Family International & various clipart sources.

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