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Panchayat Enterprise Suite

Key features
Local Government Profile
The profile include brief description about the local government office, connectivity to the local government, neighbouring local bodies, places of tourist interest, boarding and lodge details etc. Facilitates Village panchayat to maintain the family register village wise. Any birth/death in the family is managed through addition/updation of family member. It also facilitates maintenance of migration details of the family and family member with in village, across village and also across local government.

Family Register-

Election and Elected Representatives Details- facilitates local

governments to maintain the post election and elected representatives details

Local Govt. Employees Details- Facilitates local governments to maintain

their Employee details.

Standing Committee & its Member Details- facilitates smooth

synchronization of various committees functional at local government and its committee member details.

BSLVD Data Set- Facilitates to maintain

data sets proposed by (MoSPI) for capturing the information related to Basic Statistics for Village Level Development. This data set is maintained on a yearly basis.

Each Local body would define its profile Local body Profile include
Brief Description about local body. Whether Internet Connectivity is available at the local body. Contact Details (Address / Phone No. / Email etc). Connectivity Details By Bus/Train/Air (Nearest Bus Stop, Distance of the
Nearest Bus stop from office, Nearest Railway Station, Distance of the Nearest Railway Station from office , Nearest Airport, Distance of the Nearest Airport from office).

Places of tourist interest (Name, Description, Connectivity, Pictures, Climate,

Tourist Season etc.)

Lodging and Boarding facilities (Name, Contact Address, Type, Nearest tourist
places etc.)

Various skills available in the local body.

Add Profile Details

Add Tourist Place Details

Family Register
Maintained at the Gram Panchayat Level Statutory Requirement Maintain village wise details about each family residing in the Gram Panchayat. Family details includes House hold No., Complete Address as per Metadata Standards Family Status( APL/BPL, if BPL then BPL Census No.) Caste/Tribe(Group and Name) details as per the Metadata Standards , Religion Head of the Family Member Details Personal Details of each family member

Any birth/death in the family is managed through addition/updation of family member (Status Dead/Alive)

In case of Status Change (Alive-Dead)

The member record would be deactivated/Archived The dead member wont be displayed as family member list in public domain (reports). The dead member details would not be available for modification. Some additional Information would also be required like Date of Death Reason of Death Place of Death

New Requirement Each state should be given a facility to add five fields as per their requirements

Add Family Details

Add Family Member Details

Family/Family Member Immigration

Family Administrator can Migrate a Family/Individual Family Member from the Family Register The Immigration process Includes Migrate family Select the family (Name of Head of the Family Member Individual family member Select the Family (Name of Head of the Family Member). Select Family Member from the list which need to be immigrated. Select Destination place With In GP With In BP Within ZP With State Outside State Out Side India Specify the Immigration Date Submit the Immigration request and send to the concerned Administrator

Family/Family Member Immigration

Family/Family Member Emigration

The destination village panchayat where the family is migrated receives the request and the family administrator could either accept or reject the request Once the Family Request is accepted by the Destination panchayat the migrated family could become part of an existing family of the panchayat or can be added in as a new family in the destination panchayat. The Family/ family member records is deactivated/archived in the Originating Panchayat

Election Details
State defines the Election Term and propose the date of first meeting. Each Local Government defines the actual date of 1st meeting, Election Coverage Area(wards), Chairperson seat reservation criteria Each Local Government defines ward type (single/multiple), total number of seats in each ward, ward wise reservation criteria Each Local Government defines list of elected members from each ward and elected member personal details (Name, Age, Sex, Marital Status, Photo etc.) Updation of Elected member status (Resigned / Expired / Absconding) would result in By Election By Election Process is again initiated by State and Election Process follows.

Election Process

General Election Details

Add Ward Details

Elected Member Details

Elected Member Details(cont)

Employee Details
Each local body defines the Employees working in its local dody. Employees could be regular employees of the Panchayat who are appointed by panchayat and salary also drawn from panchayat or could be employees of State Govt. but posted in panchayat Employees could be Contract Manpower or Part time workers Employees details include (Name, Photo, Age/DOB, Gender, Marital Status, Appointing authority, Salary drawn by, Designation, Department, Reporting Officers etc). The employees could be assigned additional responsibilities of its child panchayats or its sibling panchayats.

Employee Details

from LGD. Reporting Authority- The Reporting officers Name and his designation is displayed as per the Hierarchy Level Use cases in the LGD Application. Employee id- Once the employee details is saved in the system then a unique Employee Id would be generated. Employee Code- Employee Code is an unique code which are provided to the Panchayat Officials by its appointing authority (State/ Panchayat/Agency) Deletion of Officials- Employees records can not be deleted if it has been associated with other PRI Application or a Member of a Standing Committee.

& Designation of the employee is drawn

Add Employee Details

Employee Details Screen(Cont)

Employee Status

Status - Employee Status (By Default Current) is updated if the employee left his post in the local body due to any of the following reason.
Resigned Expired Disqualified Suspended Absconding Transferred


officials record would be active until status changes from Current to any other status. Once the status changes from current to any other status, the officials record would be and archived.

Standing Committee / Member Details

State would defining Standing Committees for RLBs and ULBs separately. Standing Committee details include
Name of the Committee Subject Areas (Agenda)of the committee Minimum number of meetings (in an year) Meeting Periodicity (of the meetings) etc.

Each local body enters the Standing Committee member details for the meeting applicable at their respective local body. Committee member details include Chairperson Details, Member Secretary and Committee member Details Committee Member could be either
Elected Representative Panchayat Officials Ex-officio Nominated

Points to remember- Standing Committee.


Chairman would be an elected member of the respective local body. Member secretary would be from Officials of the respective local body. If an Elected member/ official would left his post(Status Changes) then he would no longer be member of the local body and his records is archived and the respective post of the Committee should flagged as vacant. The meeting details of the Standing Committee would be maintained by the Social audit (One of the PES Application.).

Standing Committee

Add Standing Committee

Add Standing Committee Member Details

MoSPI Performa for Basic Statistics for Local Village Development

Maintained at the Gram Panchayat Level For Each Village Data useful for planning, monitoring and evaluation of social and economic development programmes Schedules consists of those variables on which data are to be collected once in a year (may be in the month of April)

MoSPI Performa for Basic Statistics for Local Level Development

Village Level Schedule include information on

Availability of basic facilities in the village. Information on Assets available in the village viz. number of factories, business establishments, bridges, declared forest area, orchards, roads etc. Distance of the village from nearest facilities Demographic status of villagers, including population, births, deaths, morbidity, migration, marriages etc

Educational status of the villagers

Land utilisation statistics Data on livestock and poultry Number of market outlets Employment status of the villagers

Available Basic Facilities Details

Village Infrastructure Details

Distance from the Nearest Facility

Demographic Details

Morbidity and

Add Health Manpower

Education Details

Land utilization Details

Add Live Stock and Poultry Details

Number of the storage and marketing outlets

Employment Status

Migration Details

Social Indicators Details

Industry and Business Details

Information on Fatality Due to Disasters

Source of Data
Panchayat Anganwari worker Health worker (ANM/ FHW/ MHW/ etc.) Patwari (Land Records) Village Headman Local School Local Doctor PHC/ Sub-Centre/ Hospital Knowledgeable Person / Others

Thank You
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