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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Established over 3 decades ago in 1969 by Mr. Mofatraj P. Munot, a first generation entrepreneur. The Group employs over 4,000 people. Kalpataru borrows its name from the ancient Indian m y t h o l o g i c a l t r e e - t h e K a l p a - V r u k s h a - b en e a t h w h i c h a l l w i s h e s a r e fulfilled.

K a l p a - V r u k s h a . T h e e m b o d i m en t o f r e a l i z a t i o n b en e a t h w h i c h o n e' s every wish would be fulfilled. The resourceful tree of k n o w l e d g e t h a t h a s a s i gn i f i c a n t p r e s e n c e i n m y t h o l o g y . I t i s t h i s t r e e that governs the functional and philosophical ideologies at Kalpataru, a synonym of the word Kalpa- Vruksha.

Founded in 1969 by Mr. Mofatraj Munot, the first generation entrepreneur, Kalpataru group has today forayed into diverse arenas, s e t t i n g u n m a t c h e d b en c h m a r k s f o r q u a l i t y a n d i n g e n u i t y i n i t s a m b i t of operation. Like the mythological tree, it has spread its roots far and wide, encompassing the areas of Real Estate and Property Development, Property Management, Power Transmission Towers, Plastic The Processing, group's hallmark and however is Office its flagship Supplies. company -

Kalpataru Properties Pvt. Ltd. It was one of the largest Civil Contracting firms in the Middle East, based in the UAE during the period 1974 1982, employing over 7,000 p eo p l e .

Today, Kalpataru has made a concrete presence in the world of l i f e s t y l e c o n s t r u c t i o n t h r o u gh i t s i n n o v a t i v e o f f e r i n g s o f h o u s i n g a n d commercial complexes.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. At Kalpataru, the focus is always on getting the basics right. That's why Kalpataru hires only the finest of professionals and sources only the most impeccable raw materials. Ensuring that its philosophy of no compromise in quality is powered beyond the standard norms. Most importantly, however, is the management's consistent effort to reengineer its systems to remain in tandem with international standards. This is quite evident in its resolution to follow ISO norms for its projects and service functions. With a battery of 800 dedicated professionals, 75 landmark constructions and turnover of over USD 200 million, Kalpataru has m a d e s i gn i f i c a n t p r o g r e s s i n t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n i n d u s t r y .

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

K a l p a t a r u P o w e r T r a n s mi s s i o n L i mi t e d i s o n e o f t h e l e a d i n g companies in the field of Turnkey projects for EHV Transmission Lines up to and including 800 KV in India and Overseas. As an EPC contractor, our scope of work includes design, testing, fabrication, galvanizing of towers and construction activities from survey, civil works/ foundation, erection to stringing and commissioning of EHV lines, besides procurement of items such as conductors, insulators, hardware accessories etc. We also participate in Substation projects on a partnership basis. We also provide EPC services for Distribution Projects of 11/33 kv and also construct cross country Pipelines, besides Telecom Towers. Located at Gandhinagar Gujarat, in Western India, Kalpataru Power Transmission is a public listed company with a turnover of USD 365 Million (Rs. 15 Billion) and annual production was of 7 8 , 4 0 4 M t s . Th e c o m p a n y h a s a n e t w o r t h o f o v e r U S D 1 5 0 M i l l i o n and an order booking of over Rs 23 Billion (USD 560 Million) . It is a part of the diversified Kalpataru Group which has a presence in Real Estate / Property Development, Civil Contracting, International Trading and Consumer Goods & Services. The Kalpataru group holds over 63% of the equity.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Kalpataru Power has two large Fabrication Plants with an annual installed capacity of 84,000 Mts one of the largest in the world and is equipped with modern machineries (including 7 CNC machines) and automated temperature controlled Galvanizing Baths, besides its own state-of-the-art Testing Station and R & D Centre. It was the first company in 1994 in the Indian transmission industry to be ISO 9001 certified.

About 500,000+ Mts of towers and substation structures have already been designed, manufactured and supplied over the last few years of which over 150,000 Mts has been exported. Over 225 Tower Tests of 132-500KV have been carried out successfully, including 100 nos. at our own Testing Station, which is one of the largest facilities Besides of its at kind the plant in & the construction world. sites, the


Company employs over 1,000 Managers and Staff. Also, a fullfledged Design / Engineering Department with over 35 qualified design engineers using PLS Tower, I-tower, STADD, PLSCADD, BOCAD, AUTOCAD faculties.

Our Construction division has completed over 8,000+ kms of turnkey projects in India for various clients such as the Power Grid Corporation of India and various State Electricity Boards (SEBs) of Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

E X E C UT I V E M A NA G EM E N T K. V. Ma n i Aj a y Mu n o t Ma n i s h Mu n o t Ma n a gi n g Di r e c t or E xe c u t i ve Di r e c t or E xe c u t i ve Di r e c t or

D.B. Patel President & CEO - Transmission Projects

B. K. Satish

P r e s i d e n t & C E O - ( Di s t r i b u t i o n P r o j e c t s )

N. Sai Mohan

President & CEO - (Overseas Projects)

M. C. Mehta







T e l e c o m T o w e r T e s t i n g / E n g g . O u t s o u r c i n g)

Kamal Jain

President & CFO

Gyan Prakash

President & CEO - (Pipeline Projects)

Anand Chopra

Vice President - (Biomass Projects)

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


Plot No. 101, Part III, GIDC Estate, Sector 28, Gandhinagar 380 028, Gujarat, India. Tel: 91-79 2321 4000 F a x : 9 1- 7 9 2 3 2 1 1 9 6 6 , 2 3 2 1 1 9 7 1 E-mail:

C O R P O RA T E O F F I C E & R E A L E S T A T E D I V I S I O N
101, Kalpataru synergy, Opp. Grand Hyatt, Santa Cruz (E), Mumbai 400 055. India. Tel: 91 - 22 - 3064 5000 Fax: 91 - 22 - 3064 3131 E-mail:

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


1. 27BB, Tehsil Padampur, Dist. Sriganganagar, Rajasthan. Tel: 91- 0154 2464725 F a x : 9 1- 0 1 5 4 2 4 6 4 7 2 4 Email:

2. 101, Kalpataru synergy, Opp. Grand Hyatt, Santa Cruz (E), Mumbai 400 055. India. Tel: 91 - 22 - 3064 5000 Fax: 91 - 22 - 3064 3131 E m a i l : g . p r a k a s h @k a l p a t a r u . c o m

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

KALPATARU is one of the World's largest fabricator of Lattice Steel Towers with a capacity of 84,000 Mts per annum, the single largest at one location in India. Our first fabrication plant at Gandhinagar has a capacity of 54,000 Mts. To cater to our growing export requirements, a 100% Export Oriented Unit (EOU) of fabrication capacity of 30,000 Mts p.a. has been commissioned in Gandhinagar in August, 2005. Our plants incorporate the latest technology for straightening, drilling, punching by CNC machines and automatic temperature controlled, hot dipped galvanizing procedure.

A well planned layout for receiving raw materials streamlines t h e p r o d u c t i o n l i n e s , f i n i s h ed y a r d a n d t h e p a c k i n g o p e r a t i o n b e i n g tower wise bundling & containerized stuffing within the factory premises.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


Man factor is the most important factor of production without efficient personal the business cant achieve it desired goals. They may be best market and best quality.

SHIFT First shift Second shift Th i r d s h i f t

TIME 7:00 to 3:00 3:00 to 11:00 11:00 to 7:00

Unskilled worker Skilled worker

: 1000 : 300 out of 900 workers.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

T h e K a l p a t a r u G r o u p ' s c r e d o o f " N o C o mp r o m i s e " e m b o d i e s strong commitment to highest standards of excellence and ethics. It encourages innovation and people development, which in turn lead to superior quality products and services and result in maximum customer satisfaction

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

The company has diversified into Power Generation using renewable/non conventional energy sources such as agricultural waste and crop residues (biomass) in the State of Rajasthan.

The Company has set up two nos. of 7 MW (Net) power plant in Padampur, Ganganagar District in September 2003 and at Uniara, Tonk district, Rajasthan in Nov, 2006 and has invested approx Rs 700 Million (USD 17 Mn ) in the state of art equipments.

The plants uses biomass (mustard crop residue / cotton sticks) and has established infrastructure / logistics enabling it to collect over 75,000 Mts last year. Based on first hand experience and holding of buffer stocks, the company foresees no biomass collection risks in Ganganagar. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and Power Wheeling

A g r e e m e n t h a v e b e e n s i gn e d w i t h R a j a s t h a n V i d y u t P r a s a r a n N i g a m (RVPN) and 3 Distribution companies of Jaipur, Jodhpur & Ajmer based on the Rajasthan State Policy of Non-Conventional energy. Third party sale to Large Industrial Customer is also permitted as per existing Policy & Regulatory guidelines. The Plant sold approx. 65 million units/kwh in 2006-07 to the Rajasthan Grid with B e s i d e s b e i n g e n v i r o n m en t f r i e n d l y , t h e P r o j e c t i s e x p e c t e d t o contribute to the prosperity and sustainable development of the region, besides generating local employment opportunities.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.









A g r e e m e n t h a v e b e e n s i gn e d w i t h R a j a s t h a n V i d y u t P r a s a r a n N i g a m (RVPN) and 3 Distribution companies of Jaipur, Jodhpur & Ajmer based on the Rajasthan State Policy of Non-Conventional energy. Third party sale to Large Industrial Customer is also permitted as per existing Policy & Regulatory guidelines. The Plant sold approx. 65 million units/kwh in 2006-07 to the Rajasthan Grid with timely p a y m en t s .

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


Kalpataru has set up its own Tower Testing Station and R & D Centre in October 1998 at Punadra close to Gandhinagar. Over 100 tower tests have already been carried out since then for various clients including Power Grid Corporation of India and ABB. In the year 2000, the company tested a 500 KV Double circuit tower with quadruple conductor for NPC, Philippines and Sumitomo, Japan w e i g h i n g 5 3 . 3 M t s w i t h h ei g h t o f 7 9 . 2 m t s , u n d o u b t e d l y o n e o f t h e tallest and heaviest towers ever tested.

This Tower Testing Centre can test up to 800 KV double circuit towers with a base width of 27 mts x 27 mts (both square or rectangle) and a maximum h ei g h t of 85 mts. Along with the s o p h i s t i c a t e d s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t e q u i p m en t , t o d a y i t r a n k s a m o n g s t o n e of the largest and best of its kind in India and across the world.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

T r a n s m i s s i o n l i n e t o w e r s a r e h i gh l y i n d e t e r m i n e n t s t r u c t u r e s and in the design of towers a number of assumptions are made. The p u r p o s e o f t e s t i s t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e a s s u m p t i o n s a r e r i gh t l y m a d e a n d the tower will meet the desired performance criteria.

For this purpose the tower is erected on the test bed and the load at various points of tower is applied by winches driven by electrically operated motors through wire ropes and pulley blocks. There are 41 Winches all of 3 Mts capacity, 28 housed in Transverse M a s t W i n c h H o u s e a n d 1 3 i n L o n g i t u d i n a l M a s t Wi n c h H o u s e . S t r a i n gauge type Load cells are mounted near the load application point of test tower so as to make them strained by loads applied.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

The operation of winches is centrally controlled from control c a b i n t h r o u gh i n v e r t e r a n d d i g i t a l i n d i c a t o r s . C o m p u t e r a i d e d r i g g i n g scheme is used to ensure accurate application of load at all stages of loading. The test is closely monitored from the control cabin, which has sophisticated electronic instruments for application, monitoring and recording of loads.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


The company has entered into Cross Country Gas & Oil Pipeline activity since 2005. With the committed progress on reforms, Oil & Gas sector has b e e n o p en e d u p . A s a r e s u l t , t h e d e m a n d o f e n e r g y p e r c a p i t a i s r i s i n g steadily. Like elsewhere in the world, natural gas has emerged as the d o m i n a n t s o u r c e o f a d d i t i o n a l e n e r g y i n I n d i a . Th e r e e x i s t s a h u g e deficit of natural gas based on current production and demand data. While additional gas quantities, almost equal to existing gas production in the country, are going to be made available through LNG and new gas finds, the infrastructure to transport this gas to demand centers is required to be built afresh. It is projected that an e s t i m a t e d 8 , 0 0 0 k m s o f b i g- i n c h g a s p i p e l i n e s w i l l b e s e t u p i n n e x t 5 years. India has less than 15,000 kms of Oil & Gas pipelines. This is despite the fact that pipelines are most cost effective way of transporting available in petroleum India products is and gas. Th e pipeline to network the today highly inadequate transport

petroleum products to demand centers in an efficient, safe and e n v i r o n m en t f r i e n d l y w a y . T o m e e t t h e g r o w i n g d e m a n d a n d i n v i e w o f t h e a w a r e n e s s o f p e o p l e t o w a r d s e n v i r o n m en t , i t i s p r o j e c t e d t h a t over 4,000 kms of product and crude oil pipelines will be built in next 5 years.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

We have set up a core team to take forward our Pipeline Division, a group of highly experienced and competent persons, who are well- known in the pipeline industry in India. More & more experienced & qualified professionals are joining the division regularly making it a formidable contender in the industry. Along with a well experience team, the company hopes to make investments in specialized pipeline equipments and seize the opportunity available in the Construction of Oil & Gas pipelines for clients such as GAIL, IOCL, HPCL, BPCL, GSPC, Reliance etc. As a strategy, we are going to set up and start running a Welders training center, where we shall bring qualified young welders and train them up for cross-country operations and down-hill w e l d i n g . T h e y w i l l f o r m a r e s e r v e p o o l f o r u s t o d r a w f r o m . Th e s e welders will be trained for zero defect welding. We have plans to mobilize other skilled personnel from other pipeline projects nearing completion.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Pipeline burgeoning Division in has now been set up to capture the on





EPC/PC/Construction basis. With a core team of highly experienced professionals, the division has acquired a large fleet of Specialized P i p e l i n e E q u i p m en t . Th e d i v i s i o n h a s a l s o e n t e r e d i n t o a l o n g - t e r m collaboration with an experienced Foreign Pipeline Contractor. We at the Pipeline Division invite dynamic professionals from all over India to be a part of this exciting future.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

T r a n s m i s s i o n l i n e t o w e r s a r e h i gh l y i n d e t e r m i n e n t s t r u c t u r e s and in the design of towers a number of assumptions are made. The p u r p o s e o f t e s t i s t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e a s s u m p t i o n s a r e r i gh t l y m a d e a n d the tower will meet the desired performance criteria.

For this purpose the tower is erected on the test bed and the load at various points of tower is applied by winches driven by electrically operated motors through wire ropes and pulley blocks. There are 41 Winches all of 3 Mts capacity, 28 housed in Transverse M a s t W i n c h H o u s e a n d 1 3 i n L o n g i t u d i n a l M a s t Wi n c h H o u s e . S t r a i n gauge type Load cells are mounted near the load application point of test tower so as to make them strained by loads applied.

The operation of winches is centrally controlled from control c a b i n t h r o u gh i n v e r t e r a n d d i g i t a l i n d i c a t o r s . C o m p u t e r a i d e d r i g g i n g scheme is used to ensure accurate application of load at all stages of loading. The test is closely monitored from the control cabin, which has sophisticated electronic instruments for application, monitoring and recording of loads. Testing can be done in three modes viz. Manual, Semi auto and Auto mode. In addition set points can be defined directly on the indicator or can be set through computer. Print out of test results and tower Test data or peak load for destructive test can be obtained.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. The System Software is window based. This consists of 41 Winches DCS, (Distributed Control System with Servo Drive Motor), R e m o t e S t a r t e r , L i n e d r i v e r s a n d S C A D A P C . Th e t o w e r t e s t e r h a v e t h e f a c i l i t y t o c o n f i gu r i n g t h e w i n c h e s l o a d , w h i c h s e l e c t i o n o p t i o n , group selection, set point entry in %, cross checking the load limits, remove starting and monitoring the load activity, etc.

Testing Capacity Tower Base Width Base Configuration Maximum Height of Test Tower Maximum Cross Arm Spread Maximum Uplift per Leg Maximum Compression per Leg Safe Over Turning Moment Height of Transverse Mast Height of Longitudinal Mast Height of Erection Mast Def ection Measurement Load Measurement Calibration of Load Cell Instrumentation Upto 800 KV Double circuit tower 27.0 mts x 27.0 mts maximum Any of square or rectangle 85 mts 40 mts 500 Mts 625 Mts 27,000 Mts - mts. 85 mts 70 mts 75 mts Optical (Theologize) Strain gauge type load cell Th r o u g h 6 0 M T U n i v e r s a l T e s t i n g Machine Sophisticated electronic application of load. and remote e q u i p m en t control for


Limiting loads that can be applied through each loading point without special arrangements.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Conductor 60 Mts 50 Mts 30 Mts Earth Wire 15 Mts 12 M t s 06 Mts Number 16 16 14

Transverse Longitudinal Vertical

Digital load cell indicators.

Testing can be done in three modes viz. Manual, Semi Auto and Auto mode.

R e s o l u t i o n o f d i g i t a l i n d i c a t o r s o r c a n b e s e t t h r o u gh t h e computer.

Print out of the Test results and Test date of peak load on Destructive Test can be obtained.

Inverters or AC variable drive has been used so that variable loading speeds can be obtained without using additional motors for winches.

Electric Winch 3 Mts capacity - 41 Nos.

Load cell - capacity 5 Mts to 40 Mts - 42 Nos.

Universal Testing Machine (UTM) capacity 60 Mts - 1 No.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Digital Indicators - 41 Nos.





Gandhinagar (Gujarat, India) 30 kms from Ahmadabad City/Airport A r e a - 4 8 , 0 0 0 s q . m t s ( 12 a c r e s ) Capacity - 54,000 Mts per annum

F A B R I C A T I O N P LA N T - 2



College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Gandhinagar (Gujarat, India) Area-24,000sq.mts (6Acres) Capacity - 30,000 Mts per annum

84,000MTs per annum :62,450MTs : 78,404 Mts

Production: 2005-06 : 2006-07


CNC punching / drilling machines (7 Nos from Ficep, Italy), Capable of handling Angle sections upto 250*250*35 mm and Plates

Automatic temperature controlled galvanizing bath Capable of coating requirement of 610 and 910 gms per sq.mts (80 to 130 micron)

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Tower Testing Station and R&D Centre for testing upto 800KV D/C towers with Tower Base width - 27M x 27M (square and rectangle), Height - 85mts and uplift capacity per leg of 500 MT is one of the largest facility of its kind in the world.

O v e r 12 n o s . o f T e n s i o n S t r i n g i n g e q u i p m e n t s u p t o 8 / 1 6 T o n n e s (capable of pulling quadruple conductors)

Independent facilities







Specialized management










Kalpataru has over 15 years of experience in OHL construction and has completed more than 8,000 Kms of EHV-OHL varying upto 500 kV. Besides the domestic market in India, we also have executed successfully 400 kV & 380 kV projects in Algeria & Turkey in the Overseas market; besides recently completing 200 Kms of 330 kV OHL in Zambia in a record time of 9 months. KALPATARU have done Major River crossing as follows

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Sr.No. 1 2 3 4


He i g h t


Towers River


(Mtrs) 400 KV D/C towers 95 for Narmada River 400 KV D/C for 80 Mahi River 220 KV D/C Narmada River 400 KV D/C Sone River and for 65 for 82

Span (Mtrs) 950 600 640 800


KALPATARU team consists of highly skilled man power right f r o m S u r v e y o r s , F i e l d E n gi n e e r s , C o n s t r u c t i o n M a n a g e r a n d P r o j e c t Manager with an able and efficient support from Head Office, both in Construction Management and Design and Engineering.

K A L P A T A R U o w n s 12 s e t s o f T e n s i o n S t r i n g i n g E q u i p m e n t a n d have additional sets at their disposal at various locations, besides plethora of Cranes & Fork lifts. The Company has strong relationships with the best-in-class Vendors for Conductors, Insulators, OPGW, Hardware, Earthwire, etc

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. -both in India and across the world, and is able to source quality material at competitive prices







Kalpataru Horizon located at Worli is a premium residential c o m p l e x c o m p r i s i n g o f 3 0 s t o r e y e d t w i n t o w e r s . Th e c o m p l e x s p r a w l s College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu 26

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. across approximately three acres of prime Mumbai real estate. The first residential floor of Kalpataru Horizon starts on the 14th level, thereby giving almost every flat an uninterrupted sea view. It comprises of 3 and 4 bedroom apartments, Duplexes and Penthouses. The recreational facilities include an astounding clubhouse spread over 24,000 sq. ft., state of the art gymnasium, a spacious party lounge, indoor games room, squash court, steam room, massage room,. Rooftop swimming pool in each tower and ample car parking. K A L P A T A R U H A R MO N Y

Premium tower of 10 stores comprising of 2 & 3 BHK Apts and 4 BHK Penthouse. Landscaped garden & childrens play area. Ample car parking space. KALPATARU ROYALE

A 14 storeyed prestigious residential tower located at Sion (E). It comprises of 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments and a 4 Bedroom Penthouse. A m en i t i e s include landscaped gardens, exclusive swimming pool on the terrace and ample Car Parking Space. SIDDHACHAL VI

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Siddhachal is located at Pokhran Road No. 2, Near Vasant V i h a r , a n d T h a n e ( W) . I t i s a 2 7 a c r e s o f d e v e l o p m e n t . P h a s e V I i s a part of the Siddhachal Complex, which is being developed phasewise. It comprises 8 towers, 2 each of Stilt + 14 storeys & Stilt + 18 storeys and 4 of stilt + 16 storeys. 2, 2-1/2, 3 BHK apartments and E3 homes. Swimming pool and Clubhouse with a fully equipped gymnasium, tennis court, indoor games and a health club are a part of the complex. Beautiful landscaped gardens and children's play area.

F I R M F O O T I N G , M EG A S T R I E D E S
The concept of homes has now moved beyond the traditional boundaries and evolved into an epitome of luxury. Today, it means much more than the four walls; having an accent on rejuvenation of the mind, body and soul. It is the dire need of this experience, which puts Kalpataru into that cherished niche - Lifestyle construction. Today, Kalpataru's portfolio includes a range of individual as well as corporate clients. It also has a strong institutional base, which is powered by banks and large establishments. Its uniqueness College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu 28

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. comes from the fact that it also customises the structures as per the u n i q u e n e e d s o f i t s I n s t i t u t i o n a l c l i e n t s . Th e e x q u i s i t e l y d e s i g n e d complex of three 7-storeyed residential quarters for State Bank of India employees at Mahim. The complex of 4 residential buildings at Boat Club Road, Pune for NABARD. And the 65,000 sq.ft. commercial complex at Vakola for Asian Paints. All are perfect example of its calibrated efforts towards tailored convenience. These apart, Kalpataru has been associated with Bank of India, SEBI, Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd., Union Bank of India, General Insurance Corporation Of India Ltd, Life Insurance Corporation of India Ltd., The New India Assurance Co. Ltd., Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, IDBI, ICICI and Maharashtra State Cotton Growers Federation (Semi-Government).

Kalpataru's residential and commitment to

unmatched commercial

expertise complexes

in is

constructing firmly backed

lifestyle by its

innovation. No wonder,


square feet of a

Kalpataru creation speaks volumes of its capabilities in detailed planning and inimitable creativity. Giving you a home that's perfectly ventilated and space saving and a lifestyle that's truly a unique experience.

K a l p a t a r u ' s h i g h l i gh t s , o v e r t h e y e a r s , i n c l u d e t h e 3 3 - s t o r e y e d 'Kshitij' at Napean Sea Road, the 39 storeyed, "Kalpataru Heights" at Mumbai Central and the sprawling 211 - acre "Srishti complex", complete with a school, college and hospital, Kalpataru Residency at Sion, Kalpataru Habitat at Parel, Kalpatar Horizon at Worli,

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. M e g a p o l i s ( M a l l ) a t Th a n e , K a l p a t a r u S y n e r g y a t S a n t a c r u z . A m o n g others, of course.

1. To supply products that consistently comply to agreed

specifications and contractual requirements and in the manner t h a t r e s u l t s i n h i gh d e g r e e o f c u s t o m e r s a t i s f a c t i o n .

2. To work towards continual improvement of Quality Management System.

3. To





t h r o u gh




College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

4. To strive to become internationally recognized Transmission Line company known for adhering to commitment and discharge of obligation towards customers. Employees and shareholders.

Training and development both programs are for any organization. But not all organizations of the need for development. This is a the fruits of training programs obtain more quickly. are show necessary awareness can be

perhaps due to the fact that more apparent and

Training is one of the important activities of the management. Training is very essential technique for improving productivity and provides desire knowledge to the labor and employee. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. doing a particular job. Training raises the skill level and increase the versatility and adaptability.

1. On the job training 2. Off the job training


On the job training means training is given the employee at t h a t t i m e w h en t h e y p e r f o r m t h e w o r k . T r a i n i n g i s m o s t c o m m o n l y done on the job. It require not only special school, the students are trained at appoint where no changeover will be require and this outputs add to total of department these are favorable point for a training plan that is simple too. Following type of methods are given under the On the job training: On specific job. On job rotation.

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. A p p r en t i c e s h i p . Simulation.












innovative brains. Not just at the top but all along the hierarchy. At Kalpataru, we strongly stand by this principle and ensure that we hire o n l y h i gh l y r e s o u r c e f u l t a l e n t s . W e a l s o e n s u r e t h a t o u r p r o f e s s i o n a l s get the best of infrastructure to prove and enhance their skills.

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


Recruitment and selection policy is to recruit officer based on his Academic qualification Experience in and outside CADILA Nature of experience Interview performance Suitability for the post and promote

most suitable person. Suitability of candidate is to be judge by senior

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Potential for future development

DEFINITION Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. Sources of Recruitment 1. 2. Internal Sources External Sources

Recruitment forms the first stage in the process, which continues with selection and ceases with the placement of the candidate. Workers are recruited in the company whenever there is vacancy in any of its

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. department. Generally in winter about 50 of more workers are recruited. Company use internal and external sources to recruit workers.

Stage If the candidates are found to be capable for doing the task, h e i s s e l e c t e d . Th e s t a g e s a r e a s u n d e r : I t i n c l u d e s s e l e c t i o n o f t h e candidates who passes through some

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Reception of Applicant Preliminary interview Application Blank

Employment Tests


Investigation of past career

Preliminary selection

Final selection


It is done on yearly bases. In March & April of every year they make performance appraisal. It is divided in two categories. 1. IV & above officers: They do their appraisal system. 37

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


IVa & below workers: They do not have self-appraisal


IV & above
In this system they have been given questionnaires, which they have to fill up, by themselves. For every question there are five options: 1. Outstanding: Extra work other than normal job done by

Employee. 2. Very Good: They do their work timely, perfectly or

before time. 3. Good: They take help of some body for initiate then do

their work. 4. Fair: They just do their own work. No extra work done

by them. 5. Poor: They do not work at all.

The system is like this First reviewing officer checks the form that is superior or boss of the employee. Second reviewing officer check the form.

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Then it comes to personnel and administration department. Final appraisal is done by head officer i.e. Delhi. IVa & below: Their superior or supervisor they have been given

questionnaires dose appraisal. For every question there are five options: 1. Outstanding: Extra work other than normal job done by

Employee. 2. Very Good: They do their work timely, perfectly or

before time. 3. Good: They take help of some body for initiate then do

their work. 4. Fair: They just do their own work. No extra work done

by them. 5. Poor: They do not work at all.

The system is like these Appraising officers firstly dose it. Then first reviewing officers do it. After the second reviewing officer do it. Finally P & A department do appraisal. On the basis of this system the head office decides that whom to promote and whom to suspend of what action have to be taken. IIFCO do not have feedback system. They never discuss about

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. performance of employees. So the employees do not come to know where they are lacking

Competence to discharge the responsibility of each job is the prime consideration for promotion to a post. The judgment of the competence of an individual to discharge his duties will be based on:

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Academic performance Experience in and outside IFFCO Nature of experience Interview performance Quality of post performance His suitability for the senior position post His potential for future development

Details of employees in the zone of consideration for promotion falling under following categories shall be specifically brought to the notice of the members of the DPCs: 1. enquiry. Employees who are under suspension, pending

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. 2. Disciplinary proceedings are pending or a decision

has been taken to initiate disciplinary proceedings. 3. Employees who are awarded punishment as a result

of enquiry. 4. Employees against whom vigilance case is pending

and or being contemplated.


CUSTOMER COUNTRY KV PROJECT NAME TONNA GE ABB, Germany Indonesia 150 Sulawesi Lines (Mts) 2,000 2004-05 Period

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. John Holland, Australia Pty Australia 275 330 Belmont Murarrie Milimerran Middle Pty Australia Vietnam Phillipines 2 2 0/ 4 0 0 / 5 00 110/220 138 Line Bass link lines Various Lines to 1,300 - 4,200 Ridge 1,800 2,800 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2005 2003-04

Australia Gridcom Ltd. Gridcom Ltd. PC1/PC3/ NPPMB NOC

Northern Negros 600 Geothermal Project Stringing

GCEP Pivot

Iraq Nigeria 132

2003-04 3,500 2003-04

E q u i p m en t s Alaoji-Umuahia for NEPA, Nigeria Tuggerah DIC TIL Blackwell Belmont & Maudsland to Molendinar, Australia Hasnabad for

Gridcom Ltd.

Pty Australia


- 400


Sterland 330 Kv Australia 275 to 4,500 2002-03

Downer, PTR

ABB, Germany


2 3 0/ 1 3 2

- 3,200


Aminbazar Tongi PGCBL, 2002-03 2001-02 2001-02 Bangladesh Pleiku Phu Lam- 8,200 Package 1 Pinjar-Eneabba Grid Interconnection at Shuweihat 43 1,800 4,500


Vietnam Australia Abu Dhabi

500 132 220

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. ( S t a g e 1) Tourgourt


Italy Australia Peru

400 225 138/220

- 4,500

2001-02 2001-02 2001-02

Biskra in Algeria Stanwell4,000 Broadsound Aguaytia-Pycalla / 550




Oraya - Viczarra San Roque Power 550 Project In 1,600 Philippines Shakisso-Negele Borene & Maika







Philippines Abu Dhabi Vietnam Thailand Philippines Philippines Philippines Syria Mexico

500 33 220 500 138 230 69 230 400

Wakana- Gobesa Isilan-Cut in 4,500 Point Western Rg. 660

2000 2000 1999-00 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-00 1998-99

Expansion Pha Lai-Socson- 2,100 Bacgiang Greater Bangkok 6,200 Area Leyte Samar CasecnanSan Manuel Negros III 2,400 800 1,600 6,200 9,000

Panay III Various Lines MexiqueVillahermosa

PLN Indonesia Australia /

150 220

Central Southern 2,500 Sumatera Liapootan Palmerston 2,000

1997-98 1997-98


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Power Link/ABB Power Link/ABB TNB/MESB TNB/MESB TNB/MESB Australia Australia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia 275 275 132 132 132 / 275 Tarong- Braener Calvale-TarongQueensland Various Lines Various Lines APMC 3,500 8,800 1,400 2,100 700 1998-99 1997-98 1995-96 1995-96 1995

In 2006 we completed our first contract for the construction of 16 dia x 386 Kms and 8 dia x 56 Kms feeder Pipeline from Laban (near Kota) to Bijwasan (Delhi) for Bharat Petroleum Corporation L t d . ( B P C L ) w o r t h R s . 8 3 0 M i l l i o n ( U S D 1 9 M n ) . Th e c o n t r a c t w a s secured by the companys International Pipeline partner, who bid for the Project with our support. We have also completed a 18" x 110 kms from Vijaipur to Kota from GAIL in Feb, 2007, followed by a prestigious Rs 1.8 Bn (USD 4 0 M n ) p r o j e c t f r o m P a n v e l t o D a b h o l ( P a r t B ) o f 3 0" x 7 4 k m s f r o m GAIL which has been successfully completed by July, 2007. The Infrastructure/ Pipeline division has secured 24, 427 Kms in Madhya Pradesh of the Vadinar-Bina Pipeline Project from Bharat Oman Refinery Ltd. having estimated contract value of Rs.1.40 Billion (USD 35 Mn) in July, 2007. T h e c o m p a n y h a s a l s o r e c e i v e d a n o r d e r o f R s . 2 4 0 Mn f r o m Reliance for its 28" Spur Lines. The company has invested in over 30 Nos. Pipe layers, multiple Boring Machine / Bending Machine, 45

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Dozers 16 Mn). Cheers to our Pipeliners for having completed over 600 kms of challenging pipeline jobs in less than 2 years of operations D7/D6. Excavators, 70 Nos. Welding Machines. Overall

i n v e s t m e n t i n P l a n t & E q u i p m en t h a s b e e n a p p r o x . R s 6 5 0 Mn ( U S D

HR initiatives Sourcing
Our HR initiatives begin with sourcing the right talents. To identify the potential of the applicants, we have a time-tested yet unique recruitment procedure in place. Aided by a scientific system, t h i s h e l p s u s t o c h o o s e t h e r i g h t i n d i v i d u a l f o r t h e r i gh t p o s i t i o n .

Even the best of talents can be wasted if not provided with the right infrastructure. Our non-formal approach to HR gives individuals a platform to interact, express and innovate. Moreover, this fosters a form of transparency that is prevalent vertically as well as horizontally.

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


Putting the best professional in a right position and providing h i m t h e f i n es t o f r e s o u r c e s f o r i n d i v i d u a l a n d c o r p o r a t e p r o g r e s s d o e s not complete the HR management process. In fact, it begins there. Our annual appraisal exercises provide each employee a platform to appraise his performance. Based on merit and performance, suitable reward mechanism is affected.

Every employee at Kalpataru is an asset. To keep them oriented to the future we have developed various career-enhancement modules. Career planning is done by understanding the person's needs & goals and by providing him the optimum environment for career and individual growth. Our principle of Shared Vision is a symbiosis of corporate goals that are aligned with individual's goals. This provides the requisite platform for individuals to grow within the organisation as per his expectation.


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Every talent needs to be honed regularly for enhancement of performance. At Kalpataru we conduct continuous training and proper interventions to ensure that the skills are constantly updated in sync with the requirements of the organization and job both technical as w e l l a s b eh a v i o r a l .


OVERSEAS UTILITIES NPC, Philippines PEEGT, Syria E G A T , Th a i l a n d Powerlink, Australia HEC, Tasmania, Australia CPPMB, Vietnam GCEP, Iraq Sonelgaz, Algeria EEPCO, Ethopia Powergrid Company of Bangladesh, Bangladesh CFE, Mexico PT.PLN, Indonesia TNB, Malaysia EVN, Vietnam TRANSCO, Philippine TEAIS, Turkey ADWEA, U.A.E ZESCO, Zambia KAHARAMAA, Qatar MANNITOBA HYDRO , Canada

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


Balfour Beatty Power Network Ltd., UK Cegelec, France Cobra, Spain Downer (PTR), Australia Enelpower S.p.a, Italy ETA-Power Projects Division, UAE Gridcomm Pty Ltd., Australia John Holland, Australia GYM, Peru Pivot, Nigeria Sumitomo Electric, Japan

SAG, Germany

College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Month of Incorporation (as HT Power Structures April 1981 Pvt. Ltd.) Month of first 220 KV contract Month of first 400 KV contract First Month of 1,000 Mts production First Month of 1,000 Mts production Month of first Physical Export contract Receipt of ISO 9001 Certificate Initial Public Offering (IPO), oversubscribed 8 times Month of first 800 KV contract Commissioning of R & D and Testing Station Tallest tower tested on our Test Bed First Over-seas Turnkey contract Award of single largest Project of 1,150 kms of 400kv line (Rihand) - 46,000 Mts for Powergrid, India Commissioning of Bio Mass Power Plant at September, 2003 April, 1984 May, 1986 March, 1991 March, 1991 April, 1994 December, 1994 December, 1994 September, 1995 October, 1998 July, 2000 June, 2001 D e c e m b e r , 2 0 02

Ganganagar, Rajasthan Completion of third overseas 132 kv project for November, 2004 Zesco, Zambia ahead of contractual schedule in a record period of 8 months Completion of over 900 kms of 400 kv D/C for January, 2005 Rihand project of Powergrid, ahead of contractual schedule Strategic diversification into 11/33 kv Distribution January, 2005 projects in India. Acquisition of equity stake in JMC Projects February, 2005

100th Tower tested at our Test Bed Commissioning of New Fabrication


May, 2005 at August, 2005

Gandhinagar with a capacity of 30,000 Tonnes p.a. First Pipeline Contract - over 400 kms of below October, 2005 16" for BPCL JMC secures its largest Madurai-Trichy Road October, 2005

Project from NHAI worth Rs. 4.2 Bn College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu 50

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Prestigious Pipeline contract - 74kms x 30" for July, 2006 GAIL (Panvel- Dabhol) Crossing of Rs. 2,000 crore (Rs. 20 Bn) Turnover March, 2007 on consolidated basis Crossing of Rs. 2,000 crore (Rs. 20 Bn) Turnover March, 2007 on consolidated basis

1. Power Grid Corp. Of India (Power Grid ) One Of The

Worlds Largest Transmission Companies And Indias Central Trnsmission Utility. 2. State Electricity Boards (Sebs) Of Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andha Pradesh, Rajasthan, Orissa


Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal & Power Links.

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


With a strong thrust on Overseas markets, the Company is/has already exported Towers or is executing/has completed Turnkey projects in SOUTH EAST ASIA Philippines Malaysia Vietnam MI D D L E EAST Syria Turkey UAE Algeria Ethopia Zambia MEXICO AFRICA AUSTRALIA

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Indonesia Thailand Bangladesh Iraq Qatar Nigeria Kenya Tanzania Mozambique



Also the Company has worked closely with reputed International EPC contractors like: 1. 3. ABB SAE (Italy) Alstom / Cegelec 2. 4. 6. Downer (Australia) Enel Power (Italy) Sumitomo Electric (Japan)

(France) 5. Cobra (Spain) 7. ETA (UAE)

8. and more.

Major part of the business is either from physical exports or deemed exports (i.e domestic projects funded by multilateral funding agencies like World Bank, Asian Development Bank, JBIC/OECF, Arab Fund etc). The company is also keen to participate in

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Infrastructure financing basis. 00In line with core competence of Kalpataru group, the Real Estate Division of the company is also developing a luxurious Residential Complex at Parel, Mumbai, comprising of two Buildings of 23 storeys covering total area of over 270,000 sq.ft, for which Occupation Certificate has already been received. projects under BOT/ BOOM or deferred credit

We at kalpataru- export oriented unit , are committed towards improving the enviroment around us and has adopted the policy to-


Comply with relevant environmental legislation and

regulations, 2. Follow scientific approach to minimize waste

generation and there by achieving cleaner production.

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. 3. Promote awareness for among shared all employees and all





e n v i r o n m en t p r o t e c t i o n , 4. Creating and maintaining towards environment

protection, 5. Display the policy statement at various places to make

employees and public aware.


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Sr.No A

Category Promoter & Promoter Group Share Holding : Indian Foreign Public Share Holding : 1. Institutional : Mutual Funds & UTI Banks, Financial Inst. Venture Capital Fund Insurance Companies FIIs 2. Non-Institutional : Private Corporate Bodies NRIs / OCBs Indian Public Clearing Members TOTAL

No. of Shares % held




16,876,266 -

63.68 -

2,601,178 21,797 1,514,000 816,836 2,343,165 674,520 112,043 1,538,741 1,454 26,500,000

9.82 0.08 5.71 3.08 8.84 2.55 0.42 5.81 0.01 100.00

DISTRIBUTION OF SHAREHOLDING AS ON 31 ST MARCH, 2007 No. of Shares of Rs.10 each Shareholders Number % 12,135 298 98 29 16 11 Total 95.55 2.35 0.77 0.23 0.13 0.08 Share in Amount of In Rs. % 8,820,860 2,269,890 1,479,090 713,880 576,150 524,710 Total 3.33 0.86 0.56 0.27 0.22 0.20


Upto - 500 501 - 1,000 1,001 - 2,000 2,001 - 3,000 3,001 - 4,000 4,001 - 5,000

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. 5,001 - 10,000 10,001 and above Total 26 87 12,700 0.20 0.69 100.00 1,873,250 0.70 248,742,170 93.86 265,000,000 100.00

Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited is a Public Listed Company with its shares listed The Mumbai Stock Exchange The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. ISIN No. (Dematerialised Shares) THE PROMOTER GROUP Kalpataru Group holds 63.68% of the equity share capital of the company with the remaining shares held by over 12,000 shareholders. Code 522287 KALPATPOWR INE220B01014

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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.


IN TIME SPECTRUM REGISTRY PVT. LTD. 211, Sudarshan Complex, Near Mithakhali Under Bridge, Navrangpura, AHMEDABAD-380009 Tel. & Fax : 91-79 -2646 5179 TIME TABLE FOR DECLARATION OF FINANCIAL RESULTS First Quarter Results Half Yearly Results Third Quarter Results Audited Financial Results for the Year Last week of July Last week of October Last week of January Last week of May


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Compound Average growth rate of Profitability for the last 5 years at over 50%


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Operating at approx. 90% capacity since last 4 years


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

MUMBAI, OCTOBER, 2007 POWER PACKED PERFORMANCE OF KALPATARU POWER College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu 61

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd., a global player providing EPC services for the Power T&D sectors, has shown a powerful performance by reporting 26% increase in the total revenue for the second quarter ended September 30, 2007 vis--vis corresponding period by achieving Rs. 3,852 Million revenue as against Rs. 3066 Million revenue in the same period of previous year. The PBT has jumped by 21% to Rs. 450 Million as against Rs.372 Million in the corresponding quarter. The PAT has also jumped by 18% to Rs.321 Million as against Rs.272 Million in the corresponding period of previous year. For the 6 months period ended Sept 07, revenues rose 25% to Rs 7645 million and Profit before tax rose by 25 % to Rs 965 Million.


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Record order booking (including L1 positions) of above Rs. 33 Billion (USD 825 Million) as of date. Single largest order, the first of its kind in Power Distribution Industry for feeder separation from Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd. worth Rs.9,970 Million (USD 250 Million). GRTE Sonelgaz, Algeria for laying 400 KV Transmission Line Project worth Rs.1,550 Million (USD 39 Million). An AfDB (African Development Bank) funded export contracts from Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation, Ethiopia and Electricity De Djibouti, Djibouti for construction of 230 KV and 63 KV Transmission Lines of Ethiopia-Djibouti Power Interconnection Projects worth Rs.1,580 Million (USD 41 Million). Secured Spur Lines from Reliance Gas Transportation Infrastructure Ltd. having contract value of Rs.240 Million.


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd., has been adjudged the Best emerging value creator (Mid-Size Companies) runner up for Outlook Money - NDTV Profit Awards 2007. JMC was ranked as the Best Wealth Creator among the Construction companies by Construction World in November, 2007 issue. The Company is favorably placed in securing a Hydro BOOT project of 150 MW in Himachal Pradesh. The tender for this project was opened in the second week of October 07 and we are the highest bidder in the projects. JMC Projects (India) Ltd, in which your company holds 52% stake has reported revenue of Rs. 1,860 Million (a rise of 61%) compared to Rs 1,160 Million and a profit before tax of Rs. 100 Million, a rise of 89%, as against Rs. 53 Million in the corresponding period of previous year. For the 6 months period ended Sept 07, revenues rose 84% to Rs 3,672 million and Profit before tax rose by 105 % to Rs 184 Million. JMC has an order book of approx Rs. 21 Billion including a mix of various factories & building, civil works for power projects, water pipelines and road projects


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd., a leader in EPC Contracting and Infrastructure services, has shown a powerful performance by reporting 80% increase in the gross turnover for the financial year 2006-07 to Rs.15,670 Million (USD 390 Million) from Rs.8,712 Million (USD 217 Million). The PBT is Rs.2,167 Million (up by 130%) for the year against Rs.944 Million in the previous year and PAT is Rs.1,580 Million (up by 138%) against Rs 665 Million for the previous year. The Board recommended an annual dividend of 75% as compared to 50% in the previous year. EPS for the year was Rs. 65.32 per share as compared to Rs. 30.63 in previous year. For the fourth quarter ending March 07, the gross turnover rose by 43% and was Rs.5,304 Million (USD 132 Million) from Rs.3717 Million (USD 92 Million). The PBT for the quarter is Rs.867 Million (up almost 100%) for the year against Rs.435 Million in the previous year and PAT is Rs.643 Million (up by 106%) against Rs 312 Million for the previous year.


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Order backlog (including L1 bids) is approx Rs.23000 Million (USD 575 Million). Exports (including overseas project) for the year has constituted over 25% of total turnover, at an all time high of Rs. 4000 Million (USD 100 Million). The company continues to expand its global footprint and currently undertaking turnkey projects in Algeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Nepal, Philippines & Qatar. During the year, the company made its first break through in rural electrification / distribution projects in Africa with its first project in Kenya. The Company has also successfully entered the North American markets with securing its first tower supplies order directly to a North American Power Utility. The Infrastructure/ Pipeline division had distinction of completing three projects successfully. After the successful completion of Mumbai Manmad Mangliya pipeline (16 & 8, 442 km for BPCL), Vijaypur Kota pipeline (18, 110 km for GAIL) and the company is on verge of completion of its prestigious Panvel Dhabol pipeline (30, 74 km for GAIL). The company has acquired 65% equity stake in Shree Shubham Logistics Ltd, engaged in Warehousing activities in the state of Rajasthan. The company has planned to invest approximately Rs 500 Million to focus on scaling up its Logistics operations in a phased manner

ABOUT JMC PROJECTS: FROM TURNAROUND PERFORMANCE TO GROWTH College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu 66

Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.

JMC Projects (India) Ltd. in which your company holds 52% stake has reported

total revenue of Rs.5,000 Million (annualized rise of 76%) and a profit before tax of Rs.252 Million as against Rs.22 Million in the reporting period (for 6 months). PAT for full year was Rs 159 million. EPS for full year was Rs.12.70 per Equity share of Rs.10/- each. JMC order backlog is above Rs. 12,000 Million (USD 300 Million) comprising

of multiple Factories & Building and Roads & Bridges projects across the country JMC has entered into new strategic areas of business- firstly Civil works for Power projects, in which company has secured multiple jobs from BHEL, L&T (at IOCL, Panipet) and civil works for Coal Handling plant at Dadri (NTPC). It has also made a break through in the Water pipeline segment with first job in Ahmadabad with further more jobs expected shortly, mostly projects funded by ADB, World Bank & / or JNURM.


College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. INTRODUCTION Ebay was founded by Pierre Omidyar in 1995 as a marketplace for the sale of goods and services for individuals. Not only was it a novel idea, but it was utilizing an innovative technology the Internet. E-commerce had not yet been established as an acceptable and understandable method of doing business at that time.










merchandise on ebay, including big-ticket items such as cars and real estate. Ebay is not so much an e-commerce site as it is a trading community, where buyers are sellers find one another and conduct transactions. Browsing and bidding is free, but ebay charges a fee for listing an item for sale as well as a fee for items that are sold. Additional fees are charged for special features in listings, such as bold listings or extra photographs (the first two are free). Ebay currently has approximately 14,000 registered users around the world.


College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. By far, ebays greatest strength is that it was first the first online auction site an entirely new concept in commerce. Omidyar j u m p e d i n w i t h b o t h f e e t o n t h e n e w t e c h n o l o g y b a n d w a g o n , o p en i n g up the world to the concept of electronic commerce. His decision to h i r e C E O a n d P r e s i d e n t M e g Wh i t m a n t u r n e d o u t t o b e a j e w e l o f a choice, as Whitman herself is another of ebays biggest strengths. Building on her experience with Hasbro and Stride Rite, as well as h e r H a r v a r d b u s i n e s s e d u c a t i o n , Wh i t m a n h a s l e d e b a y t h r o u g h a number of reinventions to the mammoth site it is today. The company earned a net income of more than $90 million in 2001, which was a 73 percent increase from the previous year. Ebay i s h o t , a n d i t s h e r e t o s t a y . Wh i t m a n s s t r a t e g y h a s b e e n r a p i d g r o w t h t h r o u gh a d d i n g n e w c a t e g o r i e s . Yet another strength is that ebay is in the business of

c o n n e c t i n g p e o p l e , n o t s e l l i n g t h i n g s . Th e r e f o r e , i t e n c o u n t e r s n o i n v e n t o r y o r d i s t r i b u t i o n c o s t s w h a t s o e v e r , w h i c h i s h i gh l y u n u s u a l for e-commerce businesses. Ebay is only a broker, never actually taking possession of any merchandise, which places the company in a much more profitable position than some of its competitors, namely and uBid...


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. 1. It Can Be Conclude That The Company Has Increases Its Sales A n d O t h e r I n c o m e . Th e A m o u n t O f F i x e d A s s e t s H a s A l s o I n c r e a s e T h e N e t P r o f i t A n d T h e I n v e s t m e n t O f Th e C o m p a n y Have Increase Considerably. Also, The Company Has Declared More Dividend As Last Year. The Company Has Also Been Able To Increases Its Reserve And Surplus Compare To Last Year. 2. Compare To Th e Other Companies Some Raw Materials

Kalpataru L.T.D. Gets In High Price And Other Company Have His Own Electricity Generation Plant. So Other Company Gets Electricity At Lower Cost As Compare To The Kalpataru Power Trnsmission.


College of Computer and Management Studies, Vadu


Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. K a l p a t r u P o w e r T r a n s s i m s i o n H a s A L a r g e S a l e A l l O v e r Th e Country. It Is One Of The Most Highly Producing Lamp -Post. Also Pipe And Biomass Power Plant Is Provide Good Products To C o n s u m e r . Th i s U n i t H a s G o o d M a n a g e m e n t . Kalpataru Power Transsimsion Ltd Is A Large Scale Industry It Is Located In At Gandhinagar. So It Supply Of A Labors On Cheaper Rate. At This A Visit We Show All Section Of This Industry A n d W e K n o w I n f o r m a t i o n A b o u t P r o c e s s H o w Th e y P r o d u c i n g Different Types Of Cloths. I A m V e r y T h a n k f u l T o Wh o G i v e M e I n f o r m a t i o n A b o u t T h o s e Industries To Top To Bottom Management, Marketing, Finance, And Other. I Hope That In Future Time Those Companies Are More And More Bright And Progress.


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Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.




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