Preferences PLPG

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Activity 1

Learn the examples of expressions used for showing preferences! - I prefer coffee to soft drink at this time of the day. - I would rather stay home in weekends than to go to the movie. - I like badminton better than volleyball. - I would prefer Coca Cola, please. - I would rather choose the black shoes. - Which one do you prefer? - Which one do you like best? Asking about preference: - Which one do you prefer? - Would you prefer or ? - Would you prefer ? - Do you like better than ? - Which one would you like or ? - We can or . What do you say? - What is your favorite? - Which one do you like best or ? - Would you rather than ? Expressing preference: - I like/enjoy better than - Lets do first. - I find is more interesting. - My preference would always . - Id rather . - I prefer this to that . - Yes. I like this better than that . - My favorite is . - I like this best of all.

Activity 2

Learn the following explanation! PREFER: + Noun +TO + Noun : I prefer coffee to tea + -ING Form + TO + ING Form : I prefer skiing to swimming. = to talk about general preferences + TO Infinitive + RATHER THAN + Bare Infinitive : I prefer to eat fish rather than (eat) meat to talk about general preferences

WOULD PREFER + TO Infinitive : Would you like to have a cup of coffee? Id prefer to have some water. = To talk about specific preference Another clause can be introduced by rather than + bare infinitive : Hed prefer to stay at home rather than drive to the restaurant Prefer takes an object when we want to introduce a new subject: I would prefer her to stay at home

WOULD RATHER/SOONER SAME SUBJECT : followed by the bare infinitive: I'd rather play football than golf but I prefer football to golf Or the Perfect Infinitive: I'd rather have stayed at home
Expressing Preferences-1 | P a g e

DIFFERENT SUBJECT: Use a Past Tense with present or future meaning: Shall I open the window? I'd rather you didn't .... Use a Past Perfect with past meaning: I'd rather you hadn't called him old HAD BETTER + Bare Infinitive (= should/ought) You had/'d better book your flight early I'd better not take out a loan; I won't be able to pay it back This structure is used to give advice or to say what the best thing to do in a particular situation is. Had better is more emphatic than Should or Ought to but it is not as emphatic as Must You must see a lawyer. (strong advice) You had better see a lawyer (less emphatic than "Must") You should/ought to see a lawyer (even less emphatic)

Fill the blanks with the appropriate prepositions! 1. I prefer singing _______________ dancing. 2. She would rather read novel _______________ short stories. 3. The man like Michael Jackson _______________ Phil Collins. 4. Mr. Javelins prefers to play football _______________ volleyball. 5. My father likes wearing jackets _______________ suits. 6. I would prefer to watch TV _______________ play video game. 7. She would rather live in cities _______________ in country side. 8. The child likes toys _______________ video games. 9. They prefer cycling _______________ running. 10. He likes opening his e-mail _______________ browsing on the internet.

Activity 3

With your partner, complete these dialogues using the expressions you have learned and practice speaking then out! 1. Moses : Do you want to go to Justin Bieber concert tonight? Luke : Not really. Id rather ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Josy : Would you like to go out with me? Jaclyn : Thanks, but I would prefer _____________________________________________________________________ Josy : Thats alright, perhaps another day. 3. Father : What would you rather do today, ______________________________ or __________________________? Son : Neither. I prefer _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Matthew : Do you like ___________________________________ better than ____________________________________? Mark : No. I like ____________________________________ better than _______________________________________ 5. Derry : Would you prefer ___________________________________ or _______________________________________? Tim : I prefer _________________________________________________________________ because its more fun.

Activity 4

With your partner, practice the following dialogues then make your own dialogues based on the situations! Example 1: tea-coffee You : Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? Your friend : I prefer tea. Coffee keeps me awake.
Expressing Preferences-2 | P a g e

Activity 5

You : Thats true. And it is not good for your heath. Example 2: music program-quiz You : I like music program better this quiz. Please switch the channel. Your brother : All right. Which would you prefer, SCTY or RCTI? You : Lets see SCTV. Situations: 1. English-Mathematic 6. Reading-writing 2. Blue T-shirt-Red T-shirt 7. Meatball-pizza 3. Go shopping in the morning-go shopping in the 8. Football-volleyball afternoon 9. Horror movies-action 4. Live in a village-live in a big city movies 5. Travel by train-travel by bus 10. Rock-pop

Expressing Preferences-3 | P a g e

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