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Bethany Corpuz BT601A 1) Give the significance of the film Title relation to entire movie The title of the

e movie which is Shutter Island is relational to its contents because the important scene happened with in the island. Significance of the opening credits The significance of the first scene is to show what Shutter Island looks like and to show why the two man Teddy and Chuck are in that island. What are the repeated elements The repeated elements are the scene of his family died and frozen in World War II. I think it hunts his past. 3 importance sequence will define the movie When the two investigators forbid checking whats inside the lighthouse. When Ashecliffe does not allow them to view the hospitals personnel files. And the Ward C where Teddy is not also permitted to investigate.

The events stated above only means that Ashecliffe is hiding something that they are very careful not to be spilled out in the outside world. Relating to the director, give comment Martin Scorsese, the director of the movie deserves applause for this movie. The film was directed very well with a question mark on Edward Daniels identity-Ideal for a psychological thriller film. Give your comment on the actors performances they are believable to you Leonardo DiCaprio as the main character is suitable for him. There is no doubt in his acting. In fact most of the scene is believable to me. What are the relation of the character to each other -Chuck Aule/Dr. Sheehan: Teddys investigative partner who happened to be his Psychiatrist -Dr. John Cawley: head psychiatrist and responsible for the mental control experiment thing. -Dolores Chanal: wife of Teddy who died from a war and said to be killed personally by Teddy -Rachel Solando: a patient in the Ashecliffe who turned out to be a nurse. She pretends as the real Solando -Dr. Solando: the woman in the cave who Teddy met and she revealed to him the secrets of Ashecliffe -George Noyce: a former resident who claimed that Ashecliffe experimented on patients. -Rachel Laeddis: Teddys daughter who died and she appear in Teddys dream. 2) Brief Summary Edward Teddy Daniels, a U.S Marshall and Chuck Aule go to Ashecliffe, a hospital for mentally ill persons, located in Shutter Island. They go there for an investigation

Rachel Solandos disappearance. Rachel is said to be a patient who had escaped and was imprisoned for drowning her children. As the search goes on, there are incidents that seem to be questionable like Teddy and Chuck are forbidden to go to the lighthouse because it said that it was already searched. Another thing is they are not allowed to see the hospitals personnel files. During the searched, Teddy has recurrent strange dreams-her wife. Dr. Cawley, the head psychiatrist said that Rachel has been found and presents her to Teddy without any explanation then hallucinated Rachel mistakes Daniel as her husband. Teddy develops a severe migraine and weird dreams that leads him to go to the lighthouse. But instead he found his self in a cave. There he met a woman who claims to be the real Rachel Solando. She tells Teddy that she is a psychiatrist in Ashecliffe who tried to escape after she found out the experiment and was forced to keep her silence. This experiment is an attempt to develop mind control technique. And that lobotomy happens inside the lighthouse. There Teddy figured out that he probably drugged since the arrival-the cigarette, the pills, and the tea. When Teddy returns in Ashecliffe to look for Chuck, Dr. Cawley said that he has no partner, that he came to island alone. Frustrated of what he found out, he forced himself to enter the lighthouse but found nothing. At the top of the lighthouse, there he meets Dr. Cawley and explains to him everything. That he is not Edward Daniels but Andrew Laeddis and he is a patient in Ashcliffe for two years since he killed her wife-Dolores Chanal. Dr. Cawley explains that Rachel Solando never existed. Afterwards, Chuck appeared in the scene telling that he is not his partner, but Dr. Sheehan-his psychiatrist. They also tell him that "Edward Daniels" and "Rachel Solando" are anagrams of "Andrew Laeddis" and "Dolores Chanal" respectively and he (Andrew) created his own story to disassociate himself from what he have done. Sheehan and Cawley clarify that they did that in order for him to come back in reality. After hearing all this, he collapses. When Andrew woke up, he said to them that he murdered her wife after he found out his drowned children. Later, Andrew sits outside with Sheehan telling him that he want to get back in the main land and mentions exposing the islands doings. Sheehan shakes his head at Dr. Cawley who was watching them from afar, signals that they must take Andrew for lobotomy. Andrew said to Sheehan that he is thinking whether it is better to live as a monster or die as a good man. Sheehan calls again Andrew as Teddy, but he never look back. He walks away peacefully with the orderlies.

3) What you like in the story movie. Settings Sinister. The location of the movie is relational to its theme-an isolated island, perfect for performing illegal actions. In addition, visual extravaganza of occasional special effects and dark gritty sets makes you feel doom. I can't describe it but while it is so dark and dreadful it is also beautiful and poetic. Sound Effects or Music Plot The flow of the story is very puzzling that helps the viewers to be hooked on the

The music is just chilling and the use of creepy sound effects makes my heart beats faster! Visual Effects Shutter Islands visual effects are very effective in showing the flashback and hallucinations of Teddy are just breath taking! scene -Dialogs: I cant quite understand the lines of the characters maybe because they sounds like they whisper with each other and the accent or how they pronounce the words. Conflict of the story The conflicting part of the story is the contradicting lines of the woman in the cave and Dr. Cawley. It makes you think who is telling the truth and who is not. And it is for the viewer on how the story ends based on the lines given by the characters. Climax and Conclusion The highlight of the story for me is when he found out that he was not Teddy, but Andrew. There you have to analyze the information youve gathered as you watched the movie. You need to weigh things for you to found out which real and which is not. Indeed this movie is complex and confusing. I conclude, based on my own understanding that Teddy was set upped from the very beginning. The thoughts of his family died in World War II is the real one and not that her wife drowned their children and he killed her. What made me conclude this is the conversation between Teddy and the woman in the cave. In that scene she said that the pills, cigarettes, and teas taken by Teddy where agents to slowly remove your memory and they will put their invented story on your mind (mind control) and youll live like a ghost. Another thing is in the last scene when Teddy is ready to go with the orderlies, Chuck/Dr. Sheehan call him again as Teddy. 4) What are the things that you didnt like in the story? And offer improvement The flow of story, it is quite confusing for me because some lines of the characters cant be understood as well as the real identity of Edward Daniels. And to watch this film is to become physically exhausted and cognitively frustrated. But everything makes a perfect sense once we realize that we enter to the mind of a delusional patient with unblinking vividness. 5) Recommendation/Moral Values You cannot trust every body for youll never know when will they become dishonest with you. 6) Give one line from the story and give your thoughts. ..the brain controls everything. Rachel Solando Scientifically speaking, yes it is. It is our mind that controls the way we move, why we feel hunger, our emotions, and even love (Remember the line I love you from the bottom of my hypothalamus?) that makes this as a vital organ of our body. Once it becomes disoriented, it will greatly affect the way we live-physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Therefore, we should take our selves as well as the mentally ill persons. Supporting Details -Camera: The angle of the camera is just enough to emphasize the importance of every

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