WestRiver Newsletter July 2012

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Volume 2, edition 7

West River Neighborhood Services Corporation, Inc.

West River News

Special points of in- Congratulations to our ence, his men, and how
terest: district manager Lt. he made himself avail-
Ray Hassett upon his able to all. Let us hope
West River Water Festival to
be held Saturday, July 14,
retirement from the his replacement is just
2012, from 1:00-4:00 at the New Haven Police De- as qualified and pro-
West River Memorial Park partment. We wish fessional as he was.
located at Derby Avenue and him and his family We wish you the best
Ella T. Grasso Boulevard.
well, and will miss his
There will be free family fun,
of luck.
canoe rides, birding, mer- dedicated service to
maids and pirates. Contact the Dwight and West We also extend the
Kathy Fay at (203) 865-5615 River communities best of luck to Daryl
for details. where he served for McMillan, the property
many years. It can manager of Berger
Weekly West River clean-up truly be said that he Brothers Apartments
Derby Avenue and Norton made a difference in as he moves on to an-
Street 8:00 a.m. and garden
our lives in his pres- other position.
party at 32 Mead Street from
9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
Good News
Board Officers
The WRNSC Little Red get donated vegetable make this community
Stacy Spell, President
Hen Community Gar- plants into the raised garden a success need
John Fitzpatrick, Vice- den is finally about to beds. The first two beds not apply. There is a
President start after having had went to those that vision to have a chicken
Aaron Darden, Treasurer to cap the contami- worked in the commu- coop for eggs, and a bee-
Secretary, OPEN
nated soil with land- nity garden to bring it hive for honey. This a
scape fabric, clean fill to this point, the re- chance for us grow our
Board Members
and mulch. The first maining bed will be a own food, exercise in a
Ann Greene three raised beds were community bed to feed healthy way and find a
Cindy von Beren constructed last week with fresh vegetables. new found joy in meet-
and will be filled with There are more beds ing neighbors that we
Frank Panzarella
compost soon. The available to those that might not normally
Paula Panzarella lease with the city is to are willing to sign a con- come in contact with.
Joyce Poole be signed, an all the tract and labor in the Let’s teach and illus-
related documents community garden. trate to our children
Virginia Spell
have been put together, Those not willing to put what sustainable living
Patti Walker and the next step is to in the sweat equity to is all about.

President’s Report

Peace and Blessings. this to set the example that all

of us have to call the police
The hot days of summer are when we see or hear unwar-
upon us and as a community we UPCOMING
ranted behavior. I called them
have been thriving, and not had and will continue to call (203) MEETING DATES:
any major incidents of violent 946-6316 daily, and multiple
crime. It doesn’t mean that times if I have to, so that West
we’re without problems, such as General Body
River can be that peaceful vi-
prostitution and young men brant community. I can’t state July 24
selling drugs throughout small enough that we have to be vigi-
pockets of West River, but I’m August 28
lant and not wait until some-
serving notice to them that one’s child or family member September 25
their illegal activity will not be falls prey to violence. You have October 23
tolerated and that the police more power from behind your
will be called every time I and November 27
living room curtains to stop
those that think like me see crime in our community by just December 18
them engaging in their crimes. simply notifying the police at
In these months where are chil- observing or hearing any sus-
dren are out of school, we have picious activity. Board
to safeguard them from activity
July 11
that is detrimental to their be- We want to continue to engage
ing and protect them from our neighbors and look out for August 8
harm. Stray bullets and gunfire one another. It’s my desire that September 12
don’t have anyone’s name on we pay close attention to the
October 10
them when they are let loose. children of our community, be-
ing mindful that they are every November 14
I’m amazed how a small per- where playing and that upon
centage of people engaged in December 12
every ball rolling or an ice
criminal activity can make life cream truck in the street a
hard for the multitude of those child is likely to be chasing af-
that live, work, and call West ter it. As we travel the streets
River home. On a recent Satur- of our community be aware of
day morning while conducting your vehicle’s speed.
the weekly cleaning up in the
area of Derby Avenue and Nor- The West River Neighborhood
ton Street there was number of Services Corporation welcomes
addicts and prostitutes loitering you to attend our meeting on
in the area of the closed bar and July 24th at 6:00 p.m. at the
the string of loud disgusting ob- Barnard Environmental Stud-
scenities, and disorderly behav- ies Magnet School Cafetorium
ior coming from them, no located at 170 Derby Avenue.
woman, or child should have to Come out and have a slice of
hear. After enduring all I could pizza, Bring us your thoughts
I called the police to have them and ideas, and help shape
removed from the area. I say where we live.

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