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Storm of Destruction

Surveyor Adept Wityk scanned the horizon trying to figure out what his betters were looking for. As far as he could see, the planet offered minimal resource material for the forges back on Corinthe, yet here he was overseeing a new dig site. The biggest problem Wityk had is where the site was located. Apparently at some point in the history of the planet, some one else had dug here before. The previous diggers set up all kinds of false paths and poorly managed support systems causing a tremendous amount of delays to his progress. Add into the delays the occasional artifact unearthed the stirred up the Borgs to come visit his crew, to many headaches for his liking For example, the delay his crew was experiencing now after they entered a new chamber today. Main Borg Martek, was investigating a new artifact just uncovered and practically went into what can only be described as a seizure. Wityk didnt get it himself. It was just a small tablet covered in weird binary coding. Couldnt be more than 15 cm by 15 cm in size, it was of an obvious non-human origin as the metal was black as night and the coding in some weird red color that seemed to glow. But, the Borgs get what the Borgs want and the sooner he was gone the sooner he could get back to work.

Senoris Martek couldnt believe what that idiot Wityk had just unearthed on this forsaken lump of a planet. This tablet, that Wityk was so ready to dispose of, contained many different formulas describing how to unlock a tremendous power source. Martek needed to get it back to Corinthe immediately to properly de-code it and plot the many vectors leading to the power source itself; however, the first sequence was simple to breakdown and implement on the tablet itself.

Eldrad came out of trance to meet the face of the fleet captain who was waiting for orders. The Mon-keigh started the process on the Tomb of Agrona early. He had planned to arrive at least 5 years before they managed to unearth the Necrontyrs seal. It never ceased to amaze him how ignorant theyre race was or the damage they could do at the same time. This development will require the Eldar to split the attacking force into to 2 parts instead of the single spear he had Forseen attacking Corinthe. It will also require his personal attention at the Tomb to ensure that the Enemy will be resealed. Barely acknowledging that the fleet captain had left to redirect the armada, Eldrad resumed drifting on the tides of chance, looking for the best path for his race to survive on.

Storm of Destruction
It had been a little while since the Company had been sent out on a Hunt and if the Rune Priests were right, it would be a great hunt. Upon entering the region, Logan had been immediately hailed and aid was requested by the Forgeworld Corinthe. Apparently the Mechanicus were receiving random distress beacons coming then vanishing from the dead world Fromund. They also said that every recovery team they had sent was lost. However Logan knew a lie when it was told to him, he hadnt been the Great Wolf this long without being able to discern the truth. His Iron Priests whispered rumors of the Mechanicus discovering a key to a new power source that would of great use to the Imperium, so he decided to humor them. And based on what the Rune Priest had just reported, it was the right idea as the shadows affecting the warp were originating from the planet Fromund.

-It was like the steel hive had erupted and spewed its insectoid occupants everywhere the eye could see. The problem was the metal insects were attacking the hive which was populated by humans of the Imperium. The screams from the hive was the only thing that could be heard on the winds. The insects made no noise, but hate and sheer desire to eradicate all life seemed to ooze from their glowing red eyes. Those eyes must be closed before they can succeedThe vision is real, Marshall. The Champion is free from taint. He insists we must turn from the Mordant Zone and head to Corinthe. He says that is where he must be. So be it Chaplain. Helm alter course, head us into the coming storm.

Commander, the Fio report we have resurfaced successfully, however sensors report we are in a different system than targeted. An unknown anomaly occurred taking us deeper than planned for. It appears we are on the backside of the Guela sector controlled by the Ultramarines. The latest returns suggest we are close to a factory world of the Guela Empire itself. OShaserra considered the report carefully before addressing her cadre. This could work out better than originally planned for as now the Guela forces would have to pull forces from the front line of the Empires expansion to deal with an unforeseen threat on its rear flank. We will begin operation on the planet adjacent to the Guela factory world. Send a Kauyon Team to lay down Guela distress beacons on the planet. We need to draw as many of the enemy in as we can. Once the Guela forces arrive we will pin them in place and teach them that the way of our Empire is the only way to survive.

Storm of Destruction
It was a trap. Mephiston knew it to be so. The chances of survival for Captain Leonatas to have survived this long were insignificant at best. But the signals were from one of the Exiles savior pods, that much was true. As the ships moved in system, he was assailed by something that desired the death of every living thing, not just on the planet or system, but throughout the galaxy. It seemed to be coming from the same planet as the recovery beacons from the Exile. That is why he new it was a trap. Whoever was behind it should have known that someone of his power would be sent by Dante to recover the Blade Encarmine. If the whole chapter couldve been mobilized to recover it, Dante would have ordered it, but the chapter was dealing with the Orks from Vacuna who had increased their raids on Dolumar. Yet another reason to believe it was a trap. The timing was too coincidental. Either way, Mephiston was sent and the Blade needed to be recovered.

With a soft hiss, his chamber door slid open. It had been a long sleep, much longer than planned for. The last true memory he had before the sleep started was of the enemy standing in the doorway holding a staff of bone. That image tormented him throughout his slumber. Slowly his body was restored to him, granting him the ability to move and see for him self what had broken cryo-locks. Animals had invaded his world. Not the same as the enemy, but something new he didnt remember from before. As he watched them crawl through his home, the desire to destroy them overtook him. After generations of being tormented by that image, all he could think about was taking revenge on the enemy. Khai the Nihilist was awake and soon the animal filth on his home would be removed. Then the rest of the galaxy would pay for his imprisonment.

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