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APRI L 15, 2012




The Son Is Willing to Reveal the Father

PAGE 3 SONGS: 106, 112

JUNE 4 -10

BetrayalAn Ominous Sign of the Times!

PAGE 9 SONGS: 63, 32

JUNE 11-17

Maintain a Complete Heart Toward Jehovah

PAGE 15 SONGS: 52, 57

JUNE 18-24

Jehovah Knows How to Deliver His People

PAGE 21 SONGS: 133, 131


Jehovah Safeguards Us for Salvation

PAGE 27 SONGS: 110, 60

APRIL 15, 2012
Vol. 133, No. 8 Semimonthly ENGLISH


THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAGAZINE, The Watchtower, is to honor Jehovah God, the Supreme Ruler of the universe. Just as watchtowers in ancient times enabled a person to observe developments from afar, so this magazine shows us the signicance of world events in the light of Bible prophecies. It comforts people with the good news that Gods Kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of Gods Kingdom. This magazine has been published by Jehovahs Witnesses continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. It adheres to the Bible as its authority.

STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 3-8 In what two ways did Jesus reveal the Father to his disciples and to others? How can we imitate Jesus and reveal his Father to others? This article will help us to answer these questions.

STUDY ARTICLE 2 PAGES 9-14 Disloyalty is common in the world today, but it must not be allowed to aect the peace and unity of Christian families and the congregation. In this article, we will learn that we can remain loyal to God and to one another.

STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 15-20 How do we show that we are serving Jehovah with a complete heart? What danger do we need to protect our heart against? And what will help us to continue serving Jehovah with a complete heart? You will nd the answers in this article.

COVER: A sister using a brochure in the Inuktitut language near Frobisher Bay in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada

This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modernlanguage New World Translation of the Holy ScripturesWith References.

Some Expressions Explained are contextual explanations of words used within an article.

The Watchtower (ISSN 0043-1087) is published semimonthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.; L. Weaver, Jr., President; G. F. Simonis, Secretary-Treasurer; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, and by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada, PO Box 4100, Georgetown, ON L7G 4Y4. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing oces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. 5 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada.

STUDY ARTICLES 4, 5 PAGES 21-32 During the great tribulation, there will be a nal attack on Gods people. (Matthew 24:21) Why can we trust that Jehovah will save us? How does he help us to remain faithful to the end? In these articles we will learn the answers to these questions, and they will strengthen our faith.




The Canada branch oversees the translation of literature into 12 languages

The Son Is Willing to Reveal the Father

Who the Father is, no one knows but the Son, and he to whom the Son is willing to reveal him.
LUKE 10:22.


Why could Jesus reveal his Father in a special way?

How did Jesus reveal his Father to others?

In what ways can you imitate Jesus and reveal the Father to others?

HO is God? This is a question that is very dicult for many people to answer. For example, most who say that they are Christians believe that God is a Trinity, but they say that this teaching is impossible to understand. One author and clergyman wrote that the teaching of the Trinity cannot be explained because there are some things that man is unable to understand. Others believe in evolution. They say that there is no God and that all the wonderful things we see in creation happened by accident. Charles Darwin did not deny that God exists. He said that humans do not have the ability to understand completely the subject of God. 2 Whatever they believe, most people have questions about God. But many stop searching for God because the answers they nd do not satisfy them. Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers. (2 Corinthians 4:4) So it is not surprising that most people are confused and do not know the truth about God, the Father and the Creator of the universe!Isaiah 45:18. 3 It is very important that people learn the truth about God. Why? Because only those who call on the name of Jehovah will be saved. (Romans 10:13) For us to call on Gods name means that we have to know who God is and what kind

1, 2. What question is dicult for many to answer? Why? 3. (a) Who has revealed the Father to us? (b) What questions

will we answer?


Reveal the Father: To show Gods qualities through teaching and conduct

Compassion: To feel pity, sympathy, and understanding for others when they suer

of Person he is. Jesus Christ taught these important truths to his disciples. He revealed the Father to them. (Read Luke 10:22.) This article will give us the answers to the following questions: Why was Jesus able to reveal the Father in a way that no one else could? How did Jesus do so? And how can we imitate Jesus by revealing, or telling others about, the Father?

Jesus was the best person to help others get to know his Father. Why? Because before all other life was created, Jesus was a spirit creature who lived in heaven. He was the onlybegotten Son of God. (John 1:14; 3: 18) Only Jesus was there with his Father before all other creation began, and his Father was able to give him His complete attention. As they communicated with each other over thousands and thousands of years, Jesus learned about his Father and his qualities. As their relationship became stronger, their love and aection for each other grew deeper. (John 5:20; 14:31) Imagine how much Jesus learned about his Fathers personality!Read Colossians 1:15-17.
4, 5. Why could Jesus reveal his Father in a special way?

The Father chose the Son to be his representative, to speak for him as The Word of God. (Revelation 19:13) So only Jesus was given a special assignment to reveal the Father to others. For this reason, John wrote that Jesus, the Word, is in the bosom position with the Father. (John 1: 1, 18) John may have been thinking of a custom that was common at mealtimes. One guest would be placed close to another guest so that they could easily have a conversation. In a similar way, the Son was in the bosom position with his Father and was able to have deep conversations with him. 6 The Son came to be the one [God] was specially fond of day by day. (Read Proverbs 8:22, 23, 30, 31.) The relationship between Father and Son continued to grow stronger. They worked together, and Jesus learned to imitate his Fathers qualities. As other intelligent creatures were created, the Son saw how Jehovah treated each one of them, and his love and respect for his Father grew deeper. 7 Even when Satan rebelled against Jehovahs right to rule, the Son was able to learn how Jehovah would show love, justice, wisdom, and power in a complicated situation. This helped Je6, 7. How did the relationship between Jehovah and Jesus grow stronger? SIMPLIFIED ENGLISH EDITION

love. (1 John 4:8, 16) Love was not the only quality that Jesus revealed to his disciples. He revealed Gods other qualities to them while he was on earth.

sus to be prepared for the diculties he would experience in his ministry on earth.John 5:19. 8 Because of his close relationship with Jehovah, Jesus was able to reveal the Father in more detail than anyone else ever could. The best way for us to learn about the Father is to learn about what his only-begotten Son taught and did. For example, would we completely understand what the word love means if we only read an explanation in a dictionary? It would be dicult. But when we think about the stories in the Bible that describe Jesus ministry, we see the way he cared for others and we can understand what it means that God is
8. Why do the powerful stories about Jesus

How did Jesus reveal the Father to his disciples and to those who later became his disciples? He did this in two ways: through his teachings and through his conduct. First we will learn about Jesus teachings. What Jesus taught his followers teaches us about his Fathers ways, thinking, and feelings. For example, Jesus compared his Father to a man who owns a ock of sheep. One of them goes missing. Because he cares for each one, he leaves the ock to go and nd the one lost sheep. Jesus said that when the man nds the lost sheep, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed. Why did Jesus use this illustration? He explained: It

Your heavenly Father is interested in you and cares for you

is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish. (Matthew 18:1214) What can you learn about Jehovah from this illustration? Sometimes you may feel that you are worthless
9. (a) In what two ways did Jesus reveal his Fa-

help us to learn about the Fathers qualities?

APRIL 15, 2012

ther to his disciples? (b) Give an example that Jesus used to reveal his Father.

and are forgotten. But remember, your heavenly Father is interested in you and cares for you. He thinks of you as one of these little ones. 10 The second way in which Jesus revealed the Father to his disciples was by his conduct. So when the apostle Philip asked Jesus: Show us the Father, Jesus could say: He that has seen me has seen the Father also. (John 14:8, 9) Here are some examples of how Jesus showed his Fathers qualities. When a leper begged Jesus to cure him, Jesus touched the man who was full of leprosy and told him: I want to. Be made clean. After he was cured, the leper knew that it was Jehovah who gave Jesus the power to cure him. (Luke 5:12, 13)

Jesus revealed the Father through his teachings and through his conduct
Also, when Lazarus died, the disciples must have felt the Fathers compassion when Jesus groaned in the spirit and became troubled and gave way to tears. Although Jesus knew that he was going to resurrect Lazarus, he felt the same emotional pain that Lazarus family and friends felt. (John 11:32-35, 40-43) You may have your own favorite Bible stories about Jesus that help you to see the mercy the Father shows.
10. How did Jesus reveal his Father through his

When you read the story of how Jesus cleansed the temple, what do you learn? Imagine what happened: Jesus makes a whip of ropes and forces the people who are selling cattle and sheep out of the temple. Then he goes to the people who are changing money, scatters the coins, and turns their tables over. (John 2:13-17) That strong action made the disciples remember the prophecy that King David wrote: Sheer zeal for your house has eaten me up. (Psalm 69:9) What Jesus did showed that he really wanted to defend true worship. Do you see Jehovahs personality in Jesus when you read this story? It reminds us that not only does God have all the power needed to remove wickedness from the earth but he really wants to remove it. Imagine how Jehovah must feel as he sees the wickedness all over the earth! The way that Jehovah and Jesus feel about the situation gives us great comfort when we suer injustice. 12 Another example of how Jesus revealed his Father is the way he treated his disciples. They kept arguing about who was the greatest. (Mark 9: 33-35; 10:43; Luke 9:46) Because Jesus had spent so much time with his Father, he knew how Jehovah feels about pride. (2 Samuel 22:28; Psalm 138:6) Jesus had also seen Satan the Devils proud attitude. Satan is a selfish creature who cares only about his own importance. So Jesus must have
11. (a) When Jesus cleansed the temple, what did he reveal about his Father? (b) Why does this comfort us? 12, 13. What can you learn about Jehovah from the way Jesus treated his disciples? SIMPLIFIED ENGLISH EDITION


own conduct?

been very sad to see the disciples he had taught continue to show a proud attitude. They were interested in their own importance! He could even see this attitude among the ones he had chosen as apostles! They showed this proud attitude until the very last day of Jesus life on earth. (Luke 22:24-27) But Jesus continued to correct them with kindness. He never lost hope that one day they would learn to imitate the same humble attitude he had. Philippians 2:5-8. 13 Can you see Jehovahs personality from the way Jesus imitated his Father and patiently corrected the wrong attitude of his disciples? Do you learn about the Father from what Jesus said and did? His Father does not abandon His people even though they often make mistakes. The knowledge of Gods qualities encourages us to repent and pray for Jehovahs forgiveness when we make mistakes.

Father. He did not hide his Father in the teaching of the Trinity, a strange teaching that no one could understand. 15 Did Jesus reveal everything that he knew about his Father? No, he

Jesus did not hide his Father in a strange teaching that no one could understand
showed wisdom when he did not tell his disciples everything. (Read John 16:12.) Why? Because his disciples were not able to bear all the knowledge at that time. But Jesus explained that much more knowledge would be revealed to them when the helper arrived. This helper was the holy spirit, which would guide them into all the truth. (John 16:7, 13) Wise parents may not tell their children everything until the children are old enough to understand. So like a wise parent, Jesus waited until his disciples were ready to understand more about the Father. Jesus was kind, and he remembered that his disciples had limited abilities.

Many rulers try to keep people under their control by keeping them in ignorance, not giving them the knowledge they need. Jesus was not like that. Jesus wanted to help others to learn about his Father, so he revealed everything they needed to know about Jehovah. (Read Matthew 11:27.) Jesus also gave his disciples intellectual capacity that [they might] gain the knowledge of the true one, Jehovah God. (1 John 5:20) What does that mean? Jesus helped his followers to understand what he taught about the
14. How did Jesus show that he wanted to re-


When you get to know someone well and nd that he has a loving personality, would you not want to
15. Why did Jesus not tell his disciples every-


thing that he knew about his Father?

16, 17. Why are you able to reveal the Father to

veal his Father to others?

APRIL 15, 2012


tell others about him? When he was on earth, Jesus talked about his Father. (John 17:25, 26) Is it possible for us to do the same and reveal Jehovah to others? 17 As we have learned, Jesus had much greater knowledge about his Father than anyone else had. But he wanted to teach some of the things he knew, and he even gave his followers the ability to understand deeper things about his Fathers qualities.
How can you imitate Jesus and reveal the Father to others?

Jesus has helped us to know our Father in a way that most people today do not. We are so grateful that Jesus wanted to reveal his Father to us through his teachings and conduct! We feel honored to know Jehovah. (Jeremiah 9:24; 1 Corinthians 1:31) We have worked hard to have a close relationship with Jehovah, and he is now closer to us. (James 4:8) So we are able to teach others what we know about Jehovah. How can we do that? 18 When we imitate Jesus by what we say and do, we reveal the Father to others. Remember that many we meet in our ministry do not know who God is. They may have wrong ideas about God because they have been taught false teachings. We can teach them from the Bible what Gods name is, what his purpose for humans is, and what his personality is like. Also, some Bible stories help us to see Gods qualities in a new way that we did not understand before. We can talk to others in the congregation about what we have learned, so that they too can be encouraged. 19 We should imitate Jesus and reveal the Father through our conduct. When people see the love of Christ in the way we act, they may also want to have a relationship with Jesus and his Father. (Ephesians 5:1, 2) The apostle Paul told us: Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1) We feel honored that by our conduct we can help people to see what Jehovah is like! Let us all continue to imitate Jesus by revealing the Father to others.
18, 19. In what ways can you reveal the Father to others? Explain.


Betrayal An Ominous Sign of the Times!

How loyal and righteous and unblamable we proved to be.


What lessons can we learn from how Delilah, Absalom, and Judas Iscariot betrayed others?

How can we imitate the loyalty that Jonathan and Peter showed?

How can we stay loyal to our marriage mate and to Jehovah?

HAT do Delilah, Absalom, and Judas Iscariot have in common? They were all disloyal. Delilah was disloyal to the man who loved her, Judge Samson. Absalom was disloyal to his father, King David. And Judas was disloyal to his Master, Christ Jesus. The horrible actions of each of these people caused much harm and distress to others! Why should this interest us? 2 One writer lists betrayal as one of todays most common human weaknesses. That should not surprise us. When Jesus prophesied about the sign of the conclusion of the system of things, he said: Many . . . will betray one another. (Matthew 24:3, 10) To betray means to give someone into the hands of an enemy by being disloyal. The disloyalty we see today shows that we are living in the last days, just as Paul prophesied. He said that people would be disloyal, . . . betrayers. (2 Timothy 3:1, 2, 4) Writers of books and lms often make disloyal acts appear exciting or romantic. But the books and lms do not tell us the truth. In real life, disloyalty and betrayal cause pain and suering. Such acts are a sign that we are now living in the last days! 3 What lessons can we learn from the Bible about those who were disloyal in the past? What examples of people who proved their loyalty to

1-3. (a) What is a sign that we are living in the last days? What does it include? (b) What three questions will we answer?


Betrayal: To be disloyal and unfaithful to someone who loves and trusts you Adultery: A married person has sex with someone he or she is not married to Disfellowshipped: To be removed from the congregation and no longer be one of Jehovahs Witnesses

others can we imitate? To whom must we be determined to remain loyal? Let us nd the answers.

The rst example is deceitful Delilah, with whom Judge Samson had fallen in love. Samson wanted to lead the ght against the Philistines for Gods people. The ve Philistine lords may have known that Delilah had no loyal love for Samson. They oered her

In real life, disloyalty and betrayal cause pain and suering

a lot of money to nd out the secret of his unusual strength so that they could kill him. Greedy Delilah accepted their oer. But her eorts to nd out Samsons secret failed three times. She kept on trying with her words all the time and kept urging him. Finally, his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying. So he told her that
4. How did Delilah betray Samson? Why was

his hair had never been cut and that if it was cut, he would lose his power.1 (See footnote.) Now that she knew his secret, Delilah had someone shave Samsons hair o while he was sleeping on her lap. Then she gave him to his enemies and let them do whatever they wanted with him. (Judges 16:4, 5, 15-21) What she did was evil! Because she was greedy, Delilah betrayed someone who loved her. 5 The next example is disloyal Absalom. He had a re in his heart, a burning desire for power and authority. Absalom wanted to take the throne from his father, David, and be king himself. The rst thing Absalom did was to keep stealing the hearts of the men of Israel. He pretended to love the people, and he made them false promises. He showed aection for them by hugging and kissing them, pretending to be interested in them and their needs. (2 Samuel 15:2-6) Absalom was even able to get Davids trusted friend Ahithophel to betray
1 Samsons strength came from his special relationship with Jehovah as a Nazirite; it was not from his hair. His hair was a symbol of this relationship. 5. (a) How was Absalom disloyal to David?

that so evil?

What did this show about Absalom? (b) How did David feel about Ahithophels betrayal?


David and join the rebellion. (2 Samuel 15:31) In Psalms 3 and 55, David wrote about how such disloyalty hurt him. (Psalm 3:1-8; read Psalm 55:12-14.) Absaloms evil plan was against Jehovahs appointed king. This betrayal showed that he ignored Gods right to choose who would be king. (1 Chronicles 28:5) Absaloms rebellion failed, and David continued to rule as Jehovahs anointed king. 6 Now think about what the traitor Judas Iscariot did to the Christ. At the last Passover that Jesus celebrated with his 12 apostles, he told them: Truly I say to you, One of you will betray me. (Matthew 26:21) Later that night, Jesus announced to Peter, James, and John in the garden of Gethsemane: Look! My betrayer has drawn near. At that very moment, Judas came to the garden with a crowd, and going straight up to Jesus he said: Good day, Rabbi! and kissed him very tenderly. (Matthew 26:4650; Luke 22:47, 52) Judas betrayed righteous blood when he gave Jesus into the hands of those who wanted to kill him. And for how much money did greedy Judas betray Jesus? For only 30 pieces of silver! (Matthew 27: 3-5) Ever since then, people use the name Judas to describe someone as a traitor, especially someone who betrays his friend.1See footnote. 7 What have we learned from these
1 The words Judas kiss mean an act of betrayal. 6. How did Judas betray Jesus? How is the

warning examples? Absalom and Judas both died in shame because they became traitors against the anointed of Jehovah. (2 Samuel 18:9, 14-17; Acts 1:18-20) Whenever people hear Delilahs name, they think of how she was disloyal and pretended to love someone. (Psalm 119:158) It is important that we reject greed or any wrong desire toward seeking authority, which would cause us to lose Jehovahs friendship! These are powerful lessons to help us reject anything that could make us disloyal.

name Judas used today?

7. What lessons have we learned from the lives

The Bible also has many examples of people who were loyal. We will discuss what we can learn from two of them. We will start with a man who showed his loyalty to David. Jonathan, King Sauls eldest son, would probably have been the next king of Israel. But Jehovah chose David instead. Jonathan respected Gods decision and was not jealous of David. Jonathans soul became bound up with the soul of David, and Jonathan promised to be loyal to him. He even showed David royal honor when he gave him his clothes, sword, bow, and belt. (1 Samuel 18:1-4) Jonathan did all he could to support David. He even put his own life in danger when he protected David from Saul. Jonathan was loyal and told David: You yourself will be king over Israel, and I myself shall become second to you. (1 Samuel 20:30-34; 23:16, 17) It is not surprising that after
8, 9. (a) Why did Jonathan promise to be loyal to David? (b) How can we imitate Jonathan?

of (a) Absalom and Judas and (b) Delilah?

APRIL 15, 2012


Even though others rejected Jesus, Peter was loyal to Jesus as Gods anointed Son

Jonathans death, David expressed his sadness and his love for him in a song. 2 Samuel 1:17, 26. 9 Jonathan knew whom he should be loyal to. He was completely loyal to the Sovereign, Jehovah, and he supported David as the anointed of God. It is similar for us today. Even if we have not been given a special responsibility in the congregation, we should be willing to support the brothers who have been appointed to take the lead among us.1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13; Hebrews 13:17, 24. 10 The other good example we can learn from is the apostle Peter, who promised to be loyal to Jesus. Christ used an illustration to help his disciples understand how important it would be for them to have faith in his body and blood that would soon be
10, 11. (a) Why did Peter stay with Jesus and remain loyal? (b) How can we imitate Peter? What should that encourage us to do?

sacriced. The illustration was not literal, but many of his disciples found it shocking, and they left him. (John 6:53-60, 66) So Jesus asked his 12 apostles: You do not want to go also, do you? It was Peter who answered: Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life; and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy One of God. (John 6:67-69) Did this mean that Peter completely understood everything Jesus had just said about the sacrice that Jesus himself would make? Probably not. But Peter made a decision to be loyal to Gods anointed Son, Jesus. 11 Peter did not think that Jesus must have had the wrong idea and that Jesus would later realize this and change what He had said. Peter was humble, and he knew that Jesus had sayings of everlasting life. It is similar for us today. How do we react when we read something in our Christian publications from the faithful steward that is hard to understand or that is dierent from the way we think personally? We should try hard to understand it. We should not just wait and expect a change that agrees with our personal thinking.Read Luke 12:42.

To betray someone in any way is a wicked act. Betrayal must not be allowed to aect the peace and
12, 13. Why might a person betray his marriage mate? Why is a persons age not an excuse for that to happen? SIMPLIFIED ENGLISH EDITION



unity of Christian families and the congregation. Let us learn how we can strengthen our loyalty to our marriage mate and to our God. 13 Adultery is one of the most hurtful kinds of betrayal. A person who has been unfaithful to his marriage mate has broken his loyalty and has given his attention and aection to another person. The mate who has been betrayed is suddenly alone. His or her life has completely changed, as if it has been turned upside down. How does that happen to two people who once loved each other? Often it begins when marriage mates lose interest in each others feelings. Professor of Sociology Gabriella Turnaturi explains that a betrayal could happen because a couple stop doing everything they can to strengthen their relationship. This can even happen to older couples who have been married for a long time. For example, a 50-yearold man who had been married for
APRIL 15, 2012

25 years divorced his faithful wife so that he could be with another woman to whom he was attracted. Some say that this is normal conduct for someone his age. But age does not excuse this kind of conduct. To be unfaithful to a mate is not normal. It is betrayal.1 See footnote. 14 How does Jehovah feel about those who leave their mates without a Scriptural reason? Our God hates divorce, and he has used strong words against those who treat their marriage mates badly and abandon them. (Read Malachi 2:13-16.) Jesus feels the same way as his Father about disloyalty in a marriage. He taught that a person cannot reject or abandon his mate and act as if nothing has happened.Read Matthew 19: 3-6, 9. 15 How can those who are married strengthen their loyalty to their marriage mates? Gods Word says: Rejoice with the wife [or husband] of your youth and, See life with the wife [or husband] whom you love. (Proverbs 5:18; Ecclesiastes 9:9) As both mates grow older, they must do everything they can to keep their relationship strong, both physically and emotionally. What does this mean? A couple need to stay close to each other
1 For more information about when a marriage mate is disloyal, see the article Coping With a Spouses Betrayal, in the June 15, 2010, issue of The Watchtower, pages 29-32. 14. (a) How does Jehovah feel about those who are disloyal to their marriage mates? (b) What did Jesus say about disloyalty in a marriage? 15. How can those who are married strengthen their loyalty to their mates?


by being kind, taking care of each others needs, and spending time with each other. They have to work hard to protect their marriage and their relationship with Jehovah. To do this, couples need to study the Bible together, regularly work in the ministry together, and pray together for Jehovahs blessing.

There are those in the congregation who committed serious sins and were disciplined with severity, that they may be healthy in the faith. (Titus 1:13) Because of their conduct, some had to be disfellowshipped. For those who have been trained by it, the discipline has helped them to repair their relationship with God.


In the congregation, there are many examples of people who are loyal
(Hebrews 12:11) What if we have a relative or a close friend who is disfellowshipped? What we do in this situation is a test of whether we are loyal to that person or to God. Our loyalty should be to Jehovah. He is watching us to see whether we follow his command not to have association
16, 17. (a) How might our loyalty to God be

tested in the family and in the congregation? (b) What example shows that good results can come when we obey Gods command not to associate with disfellowshipped relatives?

with anyone who is disfellowshipped. Read 1 Corinthians 5:11-13. 17 One example shows us the good results that can come when a family remains loyal to Jehovah by following his command not to associate with disfellowshipped relatives. A young man had been disfellowshipped for over ten years. During that time, his father, mother, and four brothers quit mixing in company with him. Sometimes he would try to spend time with them, but each member of the family stayed loyal. They did not have any contact with him. After he was reinstated, or accepted back into the congregation, he said that he always missed being with his family, especially at night when he was alone. He said that if his family had spent even a little time with him, it would have satised his need to be with them. But they did not communicate with him in any way. So the strong desire to be with them was one reason why he wanted to repair his relationship with Jehovah. Remember this example if ever you are tempted to break Gods command not to associate with your disfellowshipped relatives. 18 We live in a world where people are disloyal and betray one another. But in the congregation, we have many examples of people who are loyal and whom we can imitate. The way they live shows how loyal and righteous and unblamable they are. (1 Thessalonians 2:10) Let us do everything we can to stay loyal to God and to one another.
18. Now that we have learned about the examples of loyalty and disloyalty, what will you do? SIMPLIFIED ENGLISH EDITION


Maintain a Complete Heart Toward Jehovah

My son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart.


What is the gurative heart?

What is one way we can examine our heart?

HE Bible often mentions parts of the body in a gurative way, that is, to describe something else. For example, Job stated: There is no violence upon my palms. King Solomon said: A report that is good makes the bones fat. Jehovah told Ezekiel: Harder than int, I have made your forehead. And some told Paul: You are introducing some things that are strange to our ears.Job 16:17; Proverbs 15:30; Ezekiel 3:9; Acts 17:20. 2 One part of the body is mentioned guratively in the Bible more than any other. It is the heart. Faithful Hannah mentioned it in a prayer. She said: My heart does exult in Jehovah. (1 Samuel 2:1) Bible writers mention the heart almost a thousand times, mostly in a gurative way. It is very important that we understand the meaning of the gurative heart because the Bible tells us that we need to protect it.Read Proverbs 4:23.


How can we serve Jehovah with a complete heart?

Even though the Bible does not give us a definition of the gurative heart, we are still able to know what it is. How? As an example, think of a very beautiful picture that is made of a thousand
1, 2. (a) What part of the body is mentioned guratively in the Bible more than any other? (b) Why is it important that we understand the meaning of the gurative heart? 3. How are we able to know the meaning of the gurative heart in the Bible? Give an example.



Figurative heart: It usually refers to the entire person we are inside. It includes our desires, thoughts, personality, attitudes, abilities, motivations, and goals To serve Jehovah with a complete heart: To serve Jehovah with the entire person we are inside. This means that we show love and zeal in our service to Jehovah and that we do not allow anything to distract us from serving him To pray earnestly: To pray intensely from the heart, supplicating, or begging, Jehovah for help

small stones closely set together. To see what pattern is formed by all the stones, we have to step back and look at the whole picture. In the same way, we need to look at the many places where the word heart is used in the Bible so that we can understand what it means. So, what is the gurative heart? 4 Bible writers use the word heart to describe the entire person we are inside. It includes our desires, thoughts, personality, attitudes, abilities, motivations, and goals. (Read Deuteronomy 15:7; Proverbs 16:9; Acts 2:26.) But there are times when the word heart does not mean all these things. For example, Jesus said: You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. (Matthew 22:37) Here, the word heart refers to a persons true emotions, desires, and feelings. Jesus mentioned heart, soul, and mind sep4. (a) What does the word heart mean in the

arately because he wanted to emphasize that we must show our love for God in our feelings as well as by the way we live our life and use our mind. (John 17:3; Ephesians 6:6) But when the word heart is mentioned by itself, it means the entire person we are inside.

King David reminded Solomon: My son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. (1 Chronicles 28:9) Jehovah examines all hearts, including ours. (Proverbs 17:3; 21:2) We can be friends with Jehovah and have a happy future only if Jehovah likes what he nds in our heart. So we want to follow Davids advice by doing our best to serve Jehovah with a complete heart, that is, with all our heart.
5. Why do we want to do our best to serve Je-

Bible? (b) What is the meaning of Matthew 22:37?

hovah with a complete heart?



We are already showing by the zealous work we do as Jehovahs Witnesses that we want to serve God with a complete heart. But we realize that Satans wicked world and our sinful tendencies can have a powerful inuence on us and can weaken our determination to serve Jehovah with all our heart. (Jeremiah 17:9; Ephesians 2:2) To make sure that this does not happen, we must regularly examine our heart. How can we do that? 7 No human can see what we are inside, just as no one can see the center, or heart, of a tree. Still, as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, just as the fruit of a tree shows whether the tree is healthy inside or not, so our actions show what our heart is really like. (Matthew 7:17-20) Let us consider one of these actions.

Let us consider a situation that happened soon after Jesus told his followers to keep seeking rst the Kingdom. This situation shows that it is possible to know what a person feels in his heart by what he puts rst in his life. Luke tells us that Jesus rmly decided to go to Jerusalem even though he knew what he would suer there later. While he and his apostles were on the road to Jerusalem, Jesus met some men and invited them to be his followers. Those men were willing to accept his invitation, but they wanted to do some other things rst. One man replied: Permit me rst to leave and bury my father. Another said: I will follow you, Lord; but rst permit me to say good-bye to those in my household. (Luke 9:51, 57-61) We can certainly see a great dierence between Jesus rm decision to do Gods will and the weak reaction of those men

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus also told his listeners what they should do to show their desire to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. He said: Keep on, then, seeking rst the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33) We show what we are desiring, thinking, and planning in our heart by what we put rst in our life. So one way to know if we are serving God with a complete heart is to think carefully about what is most important in our life.
6. What should we realize about our determi-

What we put rst in our life shows if we are serving God with a complete heart
to Jesus invitation. They put their own desires rst, and this showed that they were not willing to serve God with a complete heart. 10 Our reaction was dierent from
9. What did Jesus invite some men to do? What did their reaction show? 10. (a) How have we reacted to Jesus invitation to be his followers? (b) What illustration did Jesus give?

nation to serve Jehovah? 7. What shows what our heart is really like? 8. According to Matthew 6:33, how do we show what is in our heart?
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We can do things to keep our gurative heart healthy just as we can do things to keep our physical heart healthy. Let us consider three important things that aect our heart:

Food: We need to eat healthy food regularly to keep our physical heart healthy. In the same way, to keep our gurative heart healthy, we need to get spiritual food regularly through personal study, meditation, and meetings.Psalm 1:1, 2; Proverbs 15:28; Hebrews 10: 24, 25.

Exercise: To be healthy, our physical heart at times needs exercise that makes it beat faster. In the same way, we need to exercise our gurative heart by participating zealously in the ministry and by doing more in the ministry if we can.Luke 13:24; Philippians 3:12.

Environment: The world that we live and work in can be stressful for our physical heart and our gurative heart. But we have relief from stress when we are with our brothers and sisters, who really care about us and who serve Jehovah with a complete heart.Psalm 119:63; Proverbs 13:20.

that of those men. We have accepted Jesus invitation to be his followers and are now serving Jehovah every day. In this way, we show how we feel in our heart about Jehovah. But even though we are busy serving Jehovah, we need to remember that our heart could still be in danger. What is it in danger of? We learn the answer from what Jesus said to those he had invited to be his disciples. He warned them: No man that has put his hand to a plow and looks at the things behind is well tted for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:62) What is the lesson in this illustration?

Let us add more details to Jesus illustration so that we can better understand the lesson in it. A worker is busy plowing a eld. But while he is plowing, he cannot stop thinking
11. In Jesus illustration, what happened to the work of the man plowing a eld? Why did this happen?


about his home. Back home he could be with his family and friends and enjoy food, music, laughter, and shade. He wants these things very much. After plowing for quite a while, the workers desire for those pleasant things in life becomes so strong that he turns around to look at the things behind. Even though there is still much work to do before the eld is planted, the worker is distracted and does not do his work well. Of course, the master is disappointed because his worker did not endure. 12 Now consider how a similar situation could happen today. The worker could be any Christian who seems to be doing well but whose heart is in danger. For example, let us imagine a brother who attends meetings and participates in the ministry. But at the same time, he cannot stop thinking about some things of this world that
12. How could a Christian today be in the same situation as the worker in Jesus illustration? SIMPLIFIED ENGLISH EDITION


he likes. In his heart, he wants them very much. After the brother serves God for several years, his desire for some of the things in this world becomes so strong that he turns back and looks at the things behind. Even though there is still much work to do in the ministry, he becomes distracted and does not serve God as well as he did before. (Philippians 2:16) Jehovah, the Master of the harvest, is sad when one of his workers stops enduring.Luke 10:2. 13 The lesson for us is very clear. To serve Jehovah with a complete heart means more than being regular at our congregation meetings and in the ministry. (2 Chronicles 25:1, 2, 27) If in his heart a Christian continues to love the things behind, that is, things that are part of this worlds way of life, his friendship with Jehovah would be in danger. (Luke 17:32) So to serve God with a complete heart, we must abhor what is wicked and cling to what is good. (Romans 12:9; Luke 9:62) Even if some things in Satans world seem useful or pleasant, we must make sure that nothing stops us from serving God with our whole heart.2 Corinthians 11:14; read Philippians 3:13, 14.

long time that we are determined to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. But Satan is still trying to inuence us. Our heart is still his target. (Ephesians 6:12) Of course, he knows that we will not stop worshipping Jehovah all of a sudden. So Satan tries to deceive us by using this system of things to weaken our zeal little by little. (Read Mark 4:18, 19.) Why does this trick work so well? 15 An illustration can help us answer this question. Imagine that you are reading a book by a very bright lamp, but then the light bulb burns out. You immediately know what happened because the room is now completely dark. You replace the old bulb

If we are not alert, Satan may cause our zeal to weaken little by little
with a new one, and the room is bright again. The next evening, you are reading by the same lamp. But what you do not know is that someone replaced the new bulb with one that is just a little weaker. You probably would not notice the dierence. And if the next day someone put another bulb in the lamp and this bulb was just a little weaker than the one before, you probably would still not notice it. Why not? Because the lamps light is getting weaker so gradually that you do not realize it. In the same way, the

Our love for Jehovah motivated us to dedicate our life to him. Since then, many of us have proved for a
13. What does it mean to serve Jehovah with a complete heart? 14, 15. (a) How is Satan trying to weaken our zeal for Jehovahs service? (b) Illustrate how Satan tries to deceive us. APRIL 15, 2012



inuences of Satans world may cause our zeal for Jehovahs service to become weaker little by little. If a Christian is not alert, he will not even notice the gradual change, and Satan will have succeeded.Matthew 24:42; 1 Peter 5:8.

How can we protect ourselves against Satan and continue to serve Jehovah with a complete heart? (2 Corinthians 2:11) We must pray. After Paul encouraged Christians to stand rm against the machinations of the Devil, he told them to pray on every occasion and with every form of prayer and supplication.Ephesians 6:11, 18; 1 Peter 4:7. 17 To stay faithful, we need to imitate Jesus and his desire to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. Luke wrote about the way Jesus prayed on the night before his death: Getting into an agony he continued praying more earnestly. (Luke 22:44) Jesus prayed earnestly, or intensely. This was not the rst time that Jesus prayed earnestly, but this time he was about to endure the most dicult test of his life on earth. For this reason, he prayed even more earnestly, and his prayer was answered. Jesus example shows that some prayers can be more intense than others. So the more dicult our trials are and the stronger Satans inuence becomes, the more earnestly we should pray for Jehovahs protection.
16. How can we protect ourselves against Sa-


What will be the results of our earnest prayers? Paul said: In everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts. (Philippians 4:6, 7) If we want to serve Jehovah with a complete heart, we must pray intensely and frequently. (Luke 6:12) So ask yourself: How intense are my prayers? How often do I pray? (Matthew 7:7; Romans 12:12) Your answers


The stronger Satans inuence becomes, the more earnestly we should pray for Jehovahs protection
show a lot about how strong your desire to serve God is. 1 9 As we have considered, the things we put rst in life can tell us much about our heart. We want to make sure that neither the things we left behind nor the tricks of Satan weaken our rm decision to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. (Read Luke 21:19, 34-36.) Like David, we keep on supplicating Jehovah: Unify my heart.Psalm 86:11.
18. (a) What should we ask ourselves about our prayers? Why? (b) What are some of the things that aect our heart? In what ways? (See box on page 18.) 19. What will you do to continue to serve Jehovah with a complete heart? SIMPLIFIED ENGLISH EDITION

17. What lesson do we learn from Jesus



Jehovah Knows How to Deliver His People

Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial.
2 PETER 2:9.


controls when things will happen so that his purpose comes true?

will be ready to use his power to save his people?

knows exactly how things will happen during the great tribulation?

HE destruction of Satans world will begin very suddenly, when people do not expect it. (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3) During the great day of Jehovah, the world will be full of confusion. (Zephaniah 1:14-17) There will be so much suering and distress that the Bible describes this period as a time of great tribulation such as has not occurred since the worlds beginning until now.Read Matthew 24:21, 22. 2 Ezekiel prophesied about a nal attack on Gods people near the end of the great tribulation. It is an attack by Gog of the land of Magog. A numerous military force will come against Gods people like clouds to cover the land. (Ezekiel 38:2, 14-16) No human organization will help Jehovahs people. They will need to trust in God for salvation. How will Jehovahs people react when their enemies come to exterminate them? 3 If you are a servant of Jehovah, do you have faith that Jehovah can and will save his people during the great tribulation? The apostle Peter wrote: Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people for the day of judgment to be cut o. (2 Peter 2:9) Our condence in Jehovahs ability to save his people will become stronger if

1. What will the world be like during the great tribulation? 2, 3. (a) What will Satan try to do to Gods people during the great tribulation? (b) What can strengthen our condence in Jehovahs ability to save his people?



Gog of the land of Magog: An expression used in the prophecy we nd in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 to refer to Satan the Devil from the time he was cast out of heaven

The great tribulation: The period of time that starts with the destruction of false religion and is followed by the attack on Gods people and the destruction of the rest of this wicked system

we meditate on examples of how Jehovah saved his servants in the past. So let us consider three of these examples.

First, consider the account of the Flood in Noahs time. Certain things had to be done before the Flood could come. A huge ark had to be built, and the animals had to be safely brought inside it. The Genesis account does not say that Jehovah waited until the ark was built before deciding when the Flood would come. Jehovah did not have to worry that the ark might not be ready in time. In fact, God decided when the Flood would start a long time before he told Noah to build the ark. How do we know that? 5 The Bible tells us that Jehovah made a decision and announced it in heaven. According to Genesis 6:3, he said: My spirit shall not act toward man indenitely in that he is
4. What had to be done before the Flood could

also esh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years. Jehovah was not talking about how long people live in general. Jehovah was announcing when he would end all wickedness on the earth.1 (See footnote.) The Flood began in the year 2370 before Christ. So God must have made this announcement in the year 2490 before Christ. At that time, Noah was 480 years old. (Genesis 7:6) About 20 years after God made that announcement, in the year 2470 before Christ, the rst of Noahs three sons was born. (Genesis 5:32) After Noahs sons were born, there were about 100 years left before the Flood would come. But Jehovah had still not told Noah about the special work He had for him to do and how it would help to save mankind. How long would God wait before he told Noah? 6 It seems that Jehovah waited many years after Noahs sons were born before telling Noah what He was going to do. Why do we think so? The
1 See The Watchtower, December 15, 2010, pages 30-31. 6. When apparently did Jehovah command Noah to build the ark? SIMPLIFIED ENGLISH EDITION

come? 5. What did Jehovah announce, as written at Genesis 6:3? When did he make this announcement?


Bible says that Noahs sons were already grown and married when God commanded Noah to build the ark. Jehovah told him: I do establish my covenant with you; and you must go into the ark, you and your sons and your wife and your sons wives with you. (Genesis 6:9-18) So it is possible that Noah was told to build the ark only 40 or 50 years before the Flood. 7 While Noah and his family built the ark, they must have wondered about how God would bring the Flood and when the Flood would begin. But even though they did not know any of these details, they showed their faith by continuing to build the ark. The Bible says: Noah proceeded to do according to all that God had commanded him. He did just so. (Genesis 6: 22) Finally, Jehovah told Noah that the

The account of the Flood proves that Jehovah always knows the best time and the best way to save his people. As we get closer to the end of this system of things, we can be sure that all of Jehovahs purposes will come true at the exact day and hour that he has decided.Matthew 24:36; read Habakkuk 2:3.

Jehovah always knows the best time and the best way to save his people
Flood would begin in seven days. This gave Noah and his family just enough time to gather the animals into the ark. So when it began to rain in the six hundredth year of Noahs life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, everything was ready.Genesis 7:1-5, 11.
7. (a) How did Noah and his family show their

We have learned from the account of the Flood that Jehovah controls when things will happen so that his purpose comes true. The second example that we will consider shows that we can trust Jehovah to use his unlimited power to save his people and to make sure his will is done. Of course, Jehovah is always able to save his people. But sometimes he allows them to be in a dangerous situation in order to trap his enemies. This is what happened when Jehovah freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. 10 About three million Israelites left Egypt. Jehovah had Moses lead them in a way that made Pharaoh think that they were lost and confused. (Read Exodus 14:1-4.) So Pharaoh went after them with his army and trapped them at the Red Sea. There seemed to be no escape for the Israelites. (Exodus 14:510) But the Israelites were not in any real danger. Why not? Because Jehovah was ready to save them.
8. How does the account of the Flood help us

faith? (b) When did God nally tell Noah exactly when the Flood would begin?
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to be sure that Jehovah will know when to save his people at the end of this system? 9, 10. How did Jehovah use his people to lead the Egyptian army into a trap?


The pillar of cloud that led the Israelites moved to the back of them and blocked the Egyptians. The pillar caused darkness for the Egyptians, but it gave light to the Israelites even at


Jehovah has the power to save his people from any situation
night. (Read Exodus 14:19, 20.) Jehovah then divided the sea with a strong east wind, and the bottom of the sea became dry ground. We know that this must have taken a long time because the account says: At length the sons of Israel went through the midst
11, 12. (a) How did Jehovah help the Israel-

ites? (b) What was the result of what Jehovah did? What does this teach us about Jehovah?

of the sea on dry land. The Israelites moved much slower than the war chariots of the Egyptian army. But it was still impossible for the Egyptians to reach the Israelites because Jehovah was ghting for his people. He went throwing the camp of the Egyptians into confusion. And he kept taking wheels o their chariots so that they were driving them with diculty. Exodus 14:21-25. 12 When all the Israelites were safely on the other side, Jehovah told Moses: Stretch your hand out over the sea, that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, their war chariots and their cavalrymen. When the soldiers tried to escape the waters coming toward them, Jehovah shook the Egyptians o into the midst of the sea. It was impossible for them to escape. Not so much as one among them was let remain. (Exodus 14:26-

Why were the Israelites not really in danger from Pharaohs army?



28) Jehovah showed that he has the power to save his people from any situation.

The third example we will consider is what happened when Jerusalem was attacked by the Roman army in the rst century. This example emphasizes that Jehovah knows exactly how things will happen to fulll his purpose. Jehovah used Jesus to give instructions to the Christians living in Jerusalem and Judea before the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 after Christ. Jesus said that when they saw the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing in a holy place, they should begin eeing to the mountains. (Matthew 24:15, 16) But how would Jesus followers know when this prophecy was being fullled? 14 The meaning of Jesus words became clear many years after he had spoken them. In the year 66 after Christ, Roman armies led by Cestius Gallus came to Jerusalem to stop a Jewish rebellion. When the Jewish rebels, known as the Zealots, hid inside the temple, Roman soldiers began to destroy the temple wall. Those Christians who remembered Jesus instructions knew what all of that meant. They understood that the pagan Roman army carrying its idolatrous ags outside the temple wall was the disgusting thing standing
13. What instructions did Jesus give? What might his followers have wondered? 14. What things happened that made the meaning of Jesus instructions clear? APRIL 15, 2012


How would the Christians escape Jerusalem?

in a holy place. It was time for Jesus followers to begin eeing to the mountains. But how would they get out of a city that was surrounded by enemies? Something unexpected was about to happen. 15 Surprisingly, Cestius Gallus and his soldiers left Jerusalem and started to return home. The Zealots chased after them. Now that the Romans and the Jewish rebels had left the city, Jesus followers had an opportunity to escape. Jesus had clearly told them to leave the city right away and not to take their things with them. (Read Matthew 24:17, 18.) It was very important for them to obey Jesus and leave right away. Why? Because within a few days, the Zealots returned and
15, 16. (a) What clear instruction did Jesus

give? Why was it very important for his followers to obey it? (b) What will we need to do to be saved?


began forcing the people of Jerusalem and Judea to join their rebellion. Several Jewish groups fought for control, and the situation in the city quickly got worse. It became harder and harder to leave Jerusalem. When the Romans returned in the year 70 after Christ, it became impossible to leave Jerusalem. (Luke 19:43) Anyone who stayed in the city was trapped! But the Christians who obeyed Jesus instructions and ed to the mountains were saved. They saw for themselves that Jehovah knows how to save his people. What lesson can we learn from this account? 16 During the great tribulation, Christians will need to obey instructions from Gods Word and organization. For example, Jesus instructed

people now? Do I obey right away, or am I slow to obey?James 3:17.


We will be saved only if we obey instructions from Gods Word and organization
his followers to begin eeing to the mountains. We too will receive instructions to begin eeing during the great tribulation. How will we ee? We do not exactly know yet.1 (See footnote.) But we can be sure that Jehovah will clearly tell us the meaning of that instruction at the right time. We will be saved only if we obey the instructions we receive at that time. So we should ask ourselves: Do I obey instructions that Jehovah gives to his
1 See The Watchtower, May 1, 1999, page 19.

Let us now talk more about the attack by Gog that we mentioned at the beginning. Like Ezekiel, the prophet Habakkuk spoke about this time. He said: I heard, and my belly began to be agitated; at the sound my lips quivered; rottenness began to enter into my bones; and in my situation I was agitated, that I should quietly wait for the day of distress, for his coming up to the people, that he may raid them. (Habakkuk 3:16) When Habakkuk heard about enemies coming to attack Gods people, he felt sick to his stomach, his lips trembled, and his body got weak. But he was willing to quietly wait for Jehovahs great day. When Gog and his followers come to attack us, we too may become afraid. But we can have the same condence as Habakkuk did and trust that Jehovah will save his people.Habakkuk 3:18, 19. 18 The three examples that we have considered prove without question that Jehovah knows how to save his people. His purpose will surely come true, and he will defeat his enemies. If we want to be there to celebrate Jehovahs great victory, we must remain faithful to the end. How does Jehovah help us to keep our integrity now? We will consider this in the next article.
17. What do we learn from Habakkuks proph-


ecy about Gogs attack on Gods people?

18. (a) Why should we not be afraid when our

enemies come to attack us? (b) What will we consider in the next article?


Jehovah Safeguards Us for Salvation

You . . . are being safeguarded by Gods power through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last period of time.
1 PETER 1:4, 5.


How did Jehovah draw us to true worship?

How can we allow Jehovah to guide us with his counsel?

How does Jehovah give us encouragement?

E THAT has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. (Matthew 24:13) Those words of Jesus make it clear that for us to survive the destruction of Satans world, we must be faithful to Jehovah to the end. But this does not mean that Jehovah expects us to endure by trusting in our own wisdom or strength. The Bible promises: God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13) What can we learn from those words? 2 Jehovah makes sure that we are not tempted beyond what we can bear. Jehovah can do this because he knows everything about us, including the problems we have, what kind of person we are, and just how much we can endure. Does God really know us that well? Yes. The Scriptures tell us that Jehovah knows everything about each one of us. He knows our daily routine and habits. He even knows what is in our mind and heart.Read Psalm 139:1-6. 3 Does Almighty God really have this kind of interest in mere humans? The psalmist David

1, 2. (a) Why can we be sure that God will help us to be faithful to the end? (b) How well does Jehovah know each of us? 3, 4. (a) How does the interest that Jehovah showed in David prove that Jehovah pays attention to each one of us? (b) How is Jehovah showing interest in us today?



Safeguard: Protect. Jehovah safeguards us for salvation by protecting us so that we can endure to the end and not become unfaithful

Draw: Gently attract. Jehovah draws sincere people to true worship by means of the preaching work and his holy spirit

thought about this. He said to Jehovah: When I see your heavens, the works of your ngers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind? (Psalm 8:3, 4) David may have asked this question because of the interest that Jehovah had shown in him. When David, the youngest son of Jesse, was still only a shepherd boy, Jehovah considered him a man agreeable to his heart and chose him to become

who are desirable to him to become his worshippers. (Haggai 2:7) He is also helping those who are serving him to stay faithful. How does Jehovah do this? Before we consider the answer to that question, let us talk about how Jehovah draws people to true worship in the rst place.

Jehovah helped you when you rst started to serve him, and he has helped you ever since
a leader of Israel. (1 Samuel 13:14; 2 Samuel 7:8) The Creator of the universe knew Davids private thoughts and feelings even though David was just a shepherd boy. Imagine how David must have felt when he realized that! 4 The interest that Jehovah is showing in us today is also amazing. He is gathering people of all the nations

Jesus said: No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. (John 6:44) Those words show that to become a disciple of Christ, we must have Gods help. We need God to draw us to his Son. How does he do that? He uses the preaching work and his holy spirit. For example, when Paul and his missionary companions were in Philippi, they met a woman named Lydia. The Bible tells us that when they began to preach the good news to her, Jehovah opened her heart wide to pay attention to the things being spoken by Paul. God used his spirit to help her understand and accept the message. As a result, Lydia and her family got baptized.Acts 16:13-15.
5. How does Jehovah draw people to his Son?

Give an example.


Did this happen only to Lydia? Absolutely not. If you are a dedicated Christian, you were also drawn by God to true worship. Just as our heavenly Father saw something valuable in the heart of Lydia, he saw something good in you. When you began listening to the good news, Jehovah used his holy spirit to help you understand and accept the message. (1 Corinthians 2:11, 12) When you tried to use in your life what you learned from the Bible, he blessed your eorts. When you dedicated yourself to him, his heart was happy. The truth is that Jehovah helped you when you rst started to serve him, and he has continued to help you ever since. 7 Jehovah helped us to start serving him, so we can be sure that he will continue to help us to stay faithful. He knows that just as we did not come into the truth on our own, we will not stay in the truth on our own. The apostle Peter wrote to anointed Christians that they are being safeguard6. How were all of us drawn by God to true

ed by Gods power, or protected by Gods power, so that they can continue to be faithful to him. (1 Peter 1:4, 5) What Peter said can apply to all Christians. How does Jehovah safeguard us today? We should want to know the answer to this question because we all need Gods help to stay faithful to him.

7. How do we know that God will help us to

stay faithful?

You too were drawn by God to true worship

The problems of life and our own imperfections could prevent us from seeing things the way Jehovah sees them. We would then be in danger of making a serious mistake without even realizing it. (Read Galatians 6:1.) This is what once happened to David. 9 David showed great self-control while he was being hunted by King Saul. Even when David had an opportunity, he did not try to take revenge against Saul. (1 Samuel 24:2-7) But soon after that, David lost his selfcontrol. He needed food and water for him and his men, so he respectfully asked for the help of another Israelite, named Nabal. Nabal insulted David and refused to help him. This made David so angry that he decided to take revenge on Nabal and all the men in Nabals house. David did not stop to think that Jehovah would have judged him guilty of killing innocent people. But Abigail, Nabals wife, stopped David from making this terrible mistake. David realized that Jehovah had used
8. Why could we be in danger of making a se-

rious mistake?
9, 10. How did Jehovah prevent David from

making a serious mistake? What does Jehovah do for us today?


Abigail to protect him, so he said to her: Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me! And blessed be your sensibleness, and blessed be you who have restrained me this day from entering into bloodguilt and having my own hand come to my salvation.1 Samuel 25:9-13, 21, 22, 32, 33. 10 What lesson can we learn from this account? Jehovah can prevent us from making a serious mistake. Of course, we should not expect that every time we are about to make a serious mistake, Jehovah will send someone to stop us. We also never know exactly how God will act in certain situations or what he will allow to happen to fulll his purpose. (Ecclesiastes 11:5) But we can be sure that Jehovah always knows our situation and will help us to continue to be faithful to him. He promises us: I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. I will give advice with my eye upon you. (Psalm 32:8) How does Jehovah give us advice? How can we benet from it? And why can we be sure
We are protected if we allow Gods counsel to guide us

that Jehovah is leading his people today? Note how those questions are answered in the book of Revelation.

In the vision recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, the King Jesus Christ sees what is happening in the seven congregations of Asia Minor. Christ sees more than just the general situation in these congregations. In this vision, he mentions specic things that were happening and even mentions specic people. He also gives the congregations the commendation or counsel that each of them needs. What does this vision mean for us? The seven congregations represent the anointed Christians after 1914. And even though the counsel that Christ gave was mainly to the anointed, all the congregations of Gods people on earth today can benet from it. So we can say that Jehovah is using his Son to guide His people today. How do we allow Jehovah to guide us? 12 One way we allow Jehovah to guide us is by doing personal study. Jehovah gives us an abundance of counsel through the publications of the faithful and discreet slave. (Matthew 24:45) But if we want to benet from this counsel, we must take time to study it and then use what we learn in our life. When we do personal study, we allow Jehovah to protect us from doing something wrong. (Jude 24) Have you ever studied something in our publications and thought,
11. How well does Jehovah know what is happening in the congregations of his people? 12. How can we allow Jehovah to guide us?


This was written just for me? You should accept this as correction from Jehovah. Just as a friend might tap us on the shoulder to get our attention, Jehovah can use his spirit to help us realize that there is something in our conduct or personality that we need to improve. When we accept the direction of the holy spirit, we allow Jehovah to guide us. (Read Psalm 139: 23, 24.) Let us talk more about how much time and eort we put into our study. 13 If we spend too much time on entertainment, we will not have enough time for personal study. One brother said that it is very easy to let this happen. Why? He explained: Entertainment is more available now than ever before, and it is less expensive than ever before. It is available on TV, on the computer, and on the phone. We are surrounded by it. If we are not careful, we could start using more and more of our time on entertainment until there is no time left for deep personal study. (Ephesians 5:1517) Each of us should ask: How often do I spend time studying the deeper things of Gods Word? Is it only when I have a talk or a meeting part to prepare? Perhaps we could better use our personal study time as well as our Family Worship evening to do deeper study and search the Bible for the wisdom of Jehovah, just as we would search for treasure. This wisdom can protect us and help us to stay faithful to the end.Proverbs 2:1-5.
13. Why would it be wise for us to think about how much time and eort we put into our study? APRIL 15, 2012


David suered many sad and stressful situations in his life. (1 Samuel 30:3-6) The Bible shows that Jehovah knew Davids feelings. (Read Psalm 34:18; 56:8.) God also knows our feelings. It comforts us to remember that God knows when we are broken at heart or crushed in spirit. This fact comforted David, who sang: I will be joyful and rejoice in your loving-kindness, in that you have seen my aiction; you have known about the distresses of my soul. (Psalm 31:7) But Jehovah does more than just notice our distress. He helps us to endure by giving us comfort and encouragement. One way he does this is by means of Christian meetings. 15 Asaphs experience helps us to understand why it is good for us to be at the meetings. Asaph kept thinking about how the righteous suered, while the wicked seemed to be successful, and that discouraged him. He began to think that there was no value in serving Jehovah. He described his feelings this way: My heart was soured and in my kidneys I was sharply pained.As a result, he almost stopped serving Jehovah. What helped Asaph to correct his thinking? He said: I proceeded to come into the grand sanctuary of God. He was able to correct his attitude by associating with others who worshipped Jehovah. Asaph realized that the success of the
14. How do the Scriptures show that Jehovah


pays attention to our feelings?

15. What lesson can we learn from Asaphs ex-



wicked was only temporary and that Jehovah would make sure that justice was done. (Psalm 73:2, 13-22) We may sometimes feel like Asaph. The injustices that we see in Satans world can make us feel stressed and discouraged. But when we meet together with our brothers and sisters, we get the strength and help we need to keep serving Jehovah with joy. 16 But what if a situation in the congregation makes it dicult for you to attend meetings? Perhaps you have had to give up a responsibility in the congregation and feel embarrassed. Or perhaps you have had a disagreement with a brother or a sister. If you are in one of these situations, the example of Hannah may help you. (Read 1 Samuel 1:4-8.) Her husbands other wife, Peninnah, would often make Hannah extremely upset. This situa16. How can the example of Hannah help us?

Encouragement helps us to endure

tion became especially hard for Hannah each year when the family went to oer sacrices to Jehovah at Shiloh. She was so distressed that she would weep and not eat. But Hannah did not stop going to the place where she could worship Jehovah God. Jehovah valued her faithfulness and blessed her.1 Samuel 1:11, 20. 17 Christians today should imitate Hannahs example by regularly being at the meetings. Our meetings give us the encouragement we need. We all have been encouraged by them. (Hebrews 10:24, 25) At the meetings, we feel the love of the brothers and sisters, and that comforts us. For example, something we hear in a talk or comment may touch our heart. A brother or a sister may kindly listen to us or say something that makes us feel better. (Proverbs 15:23; 17:17) And when we join in singing songs to Jehovah, we feel encouraged and cheerful again. We especially need the encouragement that we receive at the meetings when we have thoughts that trouble us. It is at the meetings that Jehovahs own consolations help us to endure and continue to be faithful. Psalm 94:18, 19. 18 Gods loving care makes us feel as secure as the psalmist Asaph felt when he sang to Jehovah: You have taken hold of my right hand. With your counsel you will lead me. (Psalm 73:23, 24) We are so grateful to Jehovah for the protection and help he gives us to endure to the end!
17, 18. (a) In what ways do we receive encouragement at the meetings? (b) How do you feel about the loving care that Jehovah gives you?

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