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12 WORDS FROM THE STORY: Civilizations Galaxy Nuclear Bomb Announcement Response United Nations Hover Resources Light Years Useless Invasion Curious






Q1: If Aliens came to Earth what would they look like? What would they act like? Are aliens dangerous? Q2: Who would win in a war between the people of Earth and aliens? Why? Q3: Do you believe there are aliens? Why or why not? Q4: What are the most important resources we have on Earth? Why? Q5: How can we help to save our Earths resources? Q6: Tell the class what you know about nuclear bombs. Q7: What would you say to aliens if they wanted to take our Earths resources? Q8: What would you say to the people of Earth if you wanted to take some of their planets resources?

Scientists on planet Earth have been looking for alien life for a very long time. We have traveled into space, we have sent satellites and huge telescopes up into space also.searching and hoping that we are not the only ones in the universe. Earth scientists have been using radio signals since the 1960s to shoot messages out into space in hopes of contacting alien civilizations. In the summer of 2012 after a long period of silencefinally the Earth received an answer! The response came from a far away Galaxy called XYZ123 it is located on the other side of the universe about 10,000 light years away from our galaxy (the Milky Way). Everyone was very excited and it was on every news channel around the world all day long. The aliens said their planet was called Voltron. The aliens who live there are called Voltrons. But soon problems began to happen that changed the big news from good news to bad news. The Voltrons started to ask many questions about our planet. They asked about our planets exact location, they asked how much water we have, they asked how many trees we have, how much oil we have, also they asked how many people we have and other things like that. At first we thought they were just curious.but suddenly we found out why they were asking all those questions. Last weekend the Voltrons announced that they were coming to our planet, but it isnt going to be a friendly visit ! The Voltrons have demanded our water, trees and our oil!!! They said that they need them for their own planet because they had a drought and all of theirs dried up. If we refused, they promised they would invade us, and that we should know they never lie about anything so we should believe that it is true. What a shock this news was!!! What VERY BAD news! Our United Nations sent them a message begging them to change their mind. But the Voltrons answered the message by saying that their attack and transport ship had already left. They warned us to be ready to give them the materials

when they arrived. The Voltrons told us by radio communication that they were leaving and the trip from their planet to our planet would take about a week. They also mentioned that there ship was about twice the size of our planet, their technology was much better than ours, so it would be useless to try and fight against them. People on Earth heard about this and were very scared and worried. Government leaders from all countries met in the United Nations assembly to discuss what to do. The leaders had less than a week to solve the problem. Some people thought we should give up everything as the aliens demanded. But it wasnt a good idea because it is certain that people on Earth would die if we gave up all of our resources. Some people thought that we dont need all of the water, trees and oil that we have, and that it would be nice of us to share with the aliens even though they were being mean with us. Many leaders thought we should try to negotiate with the aliens. Maybe they wouldnt take all of our trees and all of our water if we negotiated well. But what could we use to negotiate with? What could we use to stop them from just taking everything? There was much talking about this between people and world leaders. Everyone did agree that the only thing we could do was negotiate with the aliens. Finally the leader of the country Iran had a good idea.

The leader of Iran a country that had been secretly making nuclear weapons suggested that we use our Earths most powerful weapon to scare the aliens. The nuclear bomb! President Obama thought this was a wonderful idea, and very soon all the leaders in the world agreed, even though they knew using these horrible weapons would cause a lot of damage to the Earth also. But there was NO other choice!

Soon after the aliens arrived. Their ship hovered over the Earth and giant speakers came out and the following announcement was made. The Voltrons said People of Earth. You have 45 minutes to agree to give us 100% of your wood, 100% of your oil and 100% of your water. If you do not do this, we will begin an invasion of your planet, and certainly all of you will die. Then the President of Iran and his new friend President Obama made their own announcement on giant speakers from Earth. They said. People of Voltron, we cannot give you all that you want. If we do we will die. We do have some extra and we can share some with you. But you must promise never to come back to this planet again, because you have been very rude demanding things from us, and we really dont like you! Also you should know that we have nuclear bombs aimed at your ship, and we are ready to go to war if we must. This is a very stressful situation! You have only a short time to make an agreement. If you take too long things will get out of control and there will surely be a war. Good luck.

Team 1 and Team 3 Your team represents the Voltrons from Planet Voltron. Your job is a difficult one but here are your demands in order of importance 1. You cannot let the people of Earth use the nuclear bombs, you are NOT scared of them hurting you, but you are sure they will damage the planets resources and make them unusable. 2. You MUST get as many resources as you can from the planet Earth. Really you want 100% of all of the resources. You think the people of Earth will probably destroy or waste them all anyway because they are so stupid. They dont deserve to have such wonderful resources. 3. You never tell a lie, because Voltrons are honest aliens always. If you make a promise you must keep it.forever. But it is biologically impossible for you to make a promise lasting more than 1,000 years. The Earth people have said they might give you some resources if you promise NEVER to come back. But for how long do you have to stay away? You might need more resources again soon there are many Voltrons on Voltron they really need a lot of resources and you havent been able to find any other planets in the universe that have resources you can use. Try not to promise to stay away for a very long time. 4. You will attack the planet Earth in 45 minutes if you do not get a deal that you think is fair. These Earth people are very weak and simple creatures. They should be more respectful towards the mighty Voltrons!

Team 2 and Team 4

Your team represents the leaders and people of the planet Earth. Your job is a difficult one but here are your demands in order of importance 1) You dont want the aliens to attack Earth because you know you cannot win a war because of their advanced technology. You will use nuclear weapons only if the aliens do decide to attack you. 2) You dont want to give up any resources to the aliens, but it is the only way to get them to go away and leave us alone. You have decided to give the aliens a very small % of your resources. However you must keep as many resources for the planet Earth as possible. 3) You will only give resources to the aliens if they promise to stay away from the planet Earth forever, or for a VERY long time. If they keep coming back every few years with the same demands very soon Earth wont have enough resources for Earth people.

DEBATE WRITING PRACTICE: (Practice Writing Sentences about your ideas)....




1) 2) 3)

1) 2) 3)

1) 2) 3) 4)
Please Stay Away from Earth Because... Please Let Us Return Soon Because...

1) 2) 3)
We might use a nuclear bomb because... You shouldnt use a nuclear bomb because...

1) 2) 3)



Earth Leaders write a speech to the Aliens from Voltron:

Include these ideas....

1) How do you feel about the Voltrons comming to Earth? 2) Why cant you give them much? 3) Why do you want them to stay away from Earth?

Is there anything else you want to say?



Aliens from Voltron write a speech to the Earth leaders:

Include these ideas....

1) How do you feel about the Earth People? 2) Why do you need resources? 3) Why should Earth give you resources? 4) Why should they let you return to Earth soon?

Is there anything else you want to say?



1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round

4th Round



1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round

4th Round



12 WORDS FROM THE STORY: Kingdom Prince Announcement Taxes Peasants Peace Unreasonable Sacrifice Reign Illness Archers Gossip







Q1: Tell the class about some rules you think are unfair or unreasonable. Q2: What are some reasons countries go to war? Are there any bad reasons and good reasons? Q3: What would you give up to help your country? What wouldnt you give up? Q4: Should women and young boys join the army? Why or why not? Q5: What are some more reasonable things the King could ask for instead? Q6: What are some of the big differences between the King and the peasants? Q7: Why dont the peasants agree with the King? Q8: The peasants dont want to help the king very much, how could the King get the peasants to help him more?


The Kingdom of Hurr is located in a far away land by the beautiful Sea of Avar. It is a small kingdom with about a thousand peasants populating its green hills and magical forests. It used to be a wonderful place to live. All the peasants although not rich, had enough food to fill their bellies , enough wine to drink and plenty of songs to sing. People were happy. Their King was an old man named Newar, he had been the king for over fifty years and led his people to many great victories in war against the kingdoms greatest enemy the Kingdom of Dread. During his reign he treated the people well and was loved by everyone. King Newar developed a lot of new technology (like the printing press) which gave his people joy in life they had never experienced before (like reading). King Newar also developed his own language for the people of Hurr and a national anthem and other songs for them to sing, these things made the people very proud, loyal and happy. Everything in the Kingdom of Hurr was joyous.

The King had two sons, both princes Grace and Greed. They were very different boys. The older son Grace was a very happy fellow with a good heart, loved and known well by the people, and he loved them very much in return. He was most like his father. However, the Kings other son Greed was very different. He wasnt well known by the people and he wasnt trusted. Greed also wanted to continue


to fight against the Kingdom of Dread, even though they had been at peace now for almost 20 years. The people of Hurr did not like this idea.

Prince Grace

Prince Greed

One day the King became very ill with a fever. His oldest son Grace whom King Newar and the people loved stood by his bedside day and night to watch over the old King. Grace tried his best to nurse his father back to health. His younger son Greed didnt visit his sick father at all. Instead he met with the Kings army to plan a new war against the Kingdom of Dread, even though the old king wanted peace. Unfortunately Prince Grace spent so much time by his fathers sick bed that he too caught the illness that affected his father and he too became very ill. One day in the early morning hours, at about the same time, both King Newar and Prince Grace died of their illnesses. The castle flags were lowered and the castle bells rang the bad news for all the people of the land to hear. It was the saddest day in the history of the kingdom of Hurr. While the peasants and people of the land came to the castles courtyard for the funeral of the father and son Prince Greed made his return to the castle to replace his father as King and make an announcement to the people. Everyone wondered what he would have to say. Once the crown was placed on his head the new King Greed told the people that they must prepare for war with the Kingdom of Dread. Then, the new King Greed ordered all of the people out of the castle telling them they must go back to their homes and wait for an important message about an emergency. Before the people left he reminded them that all the lands of the Kingdom and everything on those lands belonged to him so he could do what he wished. He told them that he would post notices around the kingdom tomorrow at noon informing them of new rules and laws that would be used to prepare for war. The people left. Many of the people were sad, but most of the people were very angry!


The next day the King sent his messengers around the kingdom posting the following notices for everyone to see.

People of Hurr This is your King, and I Must tell you that We have no choice but to prepare for War with the evil Kingdom Dread! To prepare for war the new rules are effective immediately! 1. Taxes must be raised to 80% of income to pay for the expenses of war. 2. All men aged 10 to 70 must join the army and fight. All women aged 20-40 must also. 3. All houses must be taken apart we need the wood to make weapons, people will have to sleep in fields or caves. 4. All farm animals must be given to the king ,we need their skins to make clothes for the army.
5. All singing and reading must stop , as people must train to fight al;l day long for the coming battles. Your King KING GREED


When reading the public notices the peasants could NOT believe their eyes! The peasants already paid taxes, and they werent rich. If they had to increase their taxes to 80% many of them would probably not have any food to eat. Also there was a long standing tradition in the Kingdom for a new King to lower taxes for the first year of his reign to show respect for the people, NOT to raise taxes! How horrible it would be to sleep in the fields or in caves and not in their cozy homes! The King got to sleep in his beautiful warm castle, why should they have to be homeless? If they gave up all of their animals they wouldnt have any meat to eat. They would only have to survive on rice alone. Finally, the peasants also did not want to have a war with the Kingdom of Dread, they had been at peace for so long! Even when they had been war against Dread before the old King never asked young boys, old men, or woman to do any of the fighting. This situation was so unfair!!! The new King Greed was unreasonable!

Most of the peasants did not like the new King to begin with. He was never popular with the people like his older brother Prince Grace was. The people also gossiped about the fact that King Greed had not spent time with his sick father , and that Prince Grace had sacrificed his own life to try and help their old loved King. Many of the peasants began to organize meetings, and very soon they started to speak of a revolution against the King. They decided if they would not listen to their demands that they would have to attack the castle, even though it would mean many of them would die in the battle against the king and his archers who guarded the castle walls. They decided to write a letter to the King to make their feelings known..


Team 1 and Team 3 Your team represents the peasants and people of the land of the Kingdom Hurr. Your job is a difficult one but here are your demands in order of importance.

Dear King Greed WE THE PEOPLE of the Kingdom Hurr hereby declare that we CANNOT and DO NOT accept the demands you have made upon us! We have made a list of our demands, you have 50 minutes to consider them if you do not become more reasonable we will attack the castle and pull you off your thrown, even though many of us will die in the battle. 1. No people should be conscripted to the army! 2. No houses should be disassembled! People must remain in their homes. 3. Taxes should be lowered and NOT raised! 4. People MUST be able to keep any animal that belongs to them, the king must not interfere with the private property of the people. 5. The King MUST not interfere with the peasants free time to read and sing.


Team 3 and Team 4 Your team represents King Greed and his royal court. Your job is a difficult one but here are your demands in order of importance. 1. You must avoid a revolution that will result in your loss of the throne. 2. You must assemble an army to attack the Kingdom of Dread as quickly as possible. The army must be as large as possible. 3. You must gather supplies as quickly as possible to make weapons and clothes for your army. 4. You must gain as much money as possible by raising taxes as much as possible so that you can pay for your army, the war and feed the army. You feel as if the people do not understand that you are acting to help them. Your father the old King Newar trusted you very deeply and sent you as a young boy you were sent as a spy to live in the Kingdom of Dread, this is why the people of Hurr did not know you well. You followed your mission and learned the language and customs of the people Dread, you also learned a dark secret. You have learned the rumor that the King of Dread has been learning a powerful black magic spell that will destroy your kingdom. You told your father before he died but he didnt believe it possible, but you believe it to be true. You must hurry in your plans to attack Dread and kill the King before it is too late. You will need a big army because his castle is surrounded by his large army. For that army you will need to make weapons. You are not able to cut down the trees in your forest because they are the thickest trees in the land and it will take too long to do this. The wood from these homes could be used to make arrows or strong wooden swords. Furthermore, you have no choice but to use animal skins as clothes because there are no other resources and the Kingdom of Dread is


very cold! You will also need horses to speed up the army attack so you can get to the Kingdom of Dread quickly! You need a lot of money to fight the war. The army has to be paid, the army requires training by your army captains, and food and drink have to be bought for the long journey to Dread. You will also have to pay your royal scientists to research new war technology that can be used against the Dread armies, and hire wizards who will help you fight. Finally you know the people of Hurr love to sing the national anthem and songs created by your father and love to read books printed on your kingdoms printing presses. The problem is that they love these things so much that they DONT do anything else most of the time. Most people have become very fat and lazy from lack of exercise and too much time spent lying in bed reading and singing at night in the villages singing rooms. You need to control this situation because your people have to be in the best possible condition and become very well trained if they are to defeat the strong armies of Dread. You feel you have no choice but to demand what you have. But the people dont respect your wishes when you are only trying to help them. Now they speak of revolution! How can you solve this problem before the situation gets out of control?


0-9 50

10-19 100

POPULATION: 20-40 41-65 150 150

65-70 100







Houses (wood)


Current Rate 8%

250 wood houses

Sheep 2 per house

Horse 1 per house


DEBATE WRITING PRACTICE: (Practice Writing Sentences about your ideas)....




1) 2) 3)

1) 2) 3)

1) 2) 3)

1) 2) 3)

1) 2) 3)

1) 2) 3)



Peasants of Hurr write a speech to King Greed:

Include these ideas....

1) How do you feel about the new King Greed? 2) Why cant you give him what he wants? 3) Why is the war a bad idea?

Is there anything else you want to say?



King Greeds Court write a speech to the peasants of Hurr:

Include these ideas....

1) Why do you need what you asked for? 2) How do you feel the peasants of Hurr? 3) Why must there be a war with the Kingdom of Dread?

Is there anything else you want to say?



1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round

4th Round



1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round

4th Round



12 WORDS FROM THE STORY: Rides Replace Repair Good Deal Business Exotic Metal Representatives Next Door Circus Afford Theme Park


Theme Park

Exotic Animals




Q1: Tell the class about a time you know something was stolen. Q2: Why do you think that some people steal or do bad things? Q3: What is the most amount of money that you have ever had? Where did you get it from? Q4: What would you do if you were taken hostage? Q5: Who would win in a fight the police or the robbers? Why? Q6: What hostages would you let go? Which hostages would you not let go? Q7: What would be your demands if you were the police? Q8: ? What would be your demands if you were the robbers and had hostages?


You are the managers of a small theme park called FUN WORLD. FUN WORLD is located along the coast between two large cities. Long ago many people used to come to the park to ride on your rides, swim in your swimming pool, play your carnival games and buy snacks to eat. Those were great days!! Resort World used to make a lot of money! The company was VERY successful. Hundreds of people used to come through your theme park gates every single day. But times have changed! After about a year of doing very well something horrible happened! A very big company also liked our idea. The big company decided to open a theme park right beside yours! This was very bad news. You were very angry about this! The big company had so much money that they could afford to make the new theme park very exciting. They spent a lot of money building brand new rides, exhibits and special attractions. They called the new theme park VERY FUN World. And they posted a big sign in front of it saying their new theme park was VERY much more than yours. When the new theme park opened right next door to yours and customers had to choose almost all customers chose the new theme park. This has almost completely destroyed your business. Now on most days you only get a few customers, sometimes zero. Because of this situation you are NOT making any money. Most of your rides are getting older and need to be replaced or fixed, but how can you do this without any money? Besides if you fix the rides or replace the rides people might not come anyway because they prefer the big rides at the new theme park. You are feeling very stressed and just dont know what to do. However you may have found a way to solve your problem! One of your employees recently took a vacation and traveled to China. When he was in China he was fascinated by two things 1) The price of everything was very 33

cheap 2) China has many exotic animals. When traveling through China your employee met a man by the name of Mr. Seagull who owns a circus in China and company that sells exotic animals to who ever wants to buy them. Your employee told you about his trip to China and about meeting Mr. Seagull. Suddenly you had a FANTASTIC idea!!! The New VERY FUN World is a big park and has a lot of rides, but they have used up every inch of their land with those large rides. You cant afford to buy new rides (they are very expensive) and even if you did you couldnt compete with New Resort world because it is simply MUCH bigger. But there is one thing that NEW Resort world DOESNT havea ZOO. People LOVE zoos that is a certain fact. WOW What a great idea. And New Resort World wont be able to copy this one. Terrific! But how can you afford to buy animals from Mr. Seagull? Well since most of your rides were old and in need of repair no one wanted to buy them so you have decided to sell them for scrap metal. Even when metal is old it is still valuable. It can be recycled and used to make new things. Also getting rid of the rides will give you lots of space to put the new animals you will buy. However, after all of the rides were sold to the metal shop you were only able to make about 10,000 $, that wasnt as much money as you expected to make. Lucky things in China are cheap, so you hope you can get a good deal buying animals from Mr. Seagull. You have 10,000$ to spend, but you would like to save as much money as possible (Dont spend it all) because you still need to paint the Zoo and make a new sign and advertising for your GRAND OPENING next month. Mr. Seagull and his representatives arrive today but they have many meetings with other customers so they can only give you about 45 minutes of their time. Use this time wisely and negotiate the best prices you can for the best entertainment value so that your zoo can be a great success!


Team 1 and Team 3 Your team represents the management of FUN WORLD. Your job is a difficult one but here are your demands in order of importance.
1) You need to buy animals from Mr. Seagull and you MUST complete the deal in 45 minutes or you wont have another chance to make your theme park successful. 2) You have room for 5 different displays of animals, you would like to fill all the displays if possible so that you dont have empty spots in your park. 3) See the map below for more details. Spot 1 is a small place close to the entrance it is probably best to fill this with something simple, you want to save the big attractions for further inside the park (save the best for last). Spot 1 has a small pond and grass so you could use either a land or water animal here. Spot 2 is one of the largest places in the middle of the park it is maybe the best spot for a big attraction. There is no water here though. Spot 3 is your old swimming pool it must be used for a water animal only. Spot 4 is also a large land area that could also be used for a big attraction. Spot 5 is a smaller land area also very near the exit. There is no water here. Try and get the best deal you can, and remember to save a little bit of money for painting and advertising your new zoo!


Team 2 and Team 4 Your team represents the sales team of Mr. Seagull. Your job is a difficult one but here are your demands in order of importance.

1) You want to make as much money as possible from FUN WORLD, because next year you plan to retire and move to the Philippines, because they have nice beaches and nice people there, and you are very tired of living in China. 2) You are on a sales tour and there are many big zoos you are going to visit in larger cities. You think these zoos will pay a lot more than FUN WORLD for your BIG ATTRACTION animals (so you will only sell these for a high price). 3) You think the management team doesnt know a lot about animals because this is the first time they are opening a zoo, so it might be a good chance to sell small attraction animals (the ones with low stars) for a high price. 4) Try and sell as many animals as you can , because it is very expensive to transport them around the country and often the animals end up getting sick or even dying when you keep them in their small travel cages for a long period of time. If that happens the animals will be worth nothing!


Panda (4.5 stars)

Camel 3.5 Stars

Monkey 3 stars

Mr. Seagull (not for sale)

Goldfish (10)

Alligator 4 Stars

Bear 4 Stars

Mule 2 Stars

.5 Stars

Polar Bear (5 Stars)

Cat (1 Star)

Frog (1 Star)

Parrot (3.5 Stars)

Ants (50) .5 Stars

Giraffe (4 Stars)

Tiger (4 Stars)

Tasmanian Devil (5 Stars)


DEBATE WRITING PRACTICE: (Practice Writing Sentences about your ideas)....

Fun World Managment


Mr. Seagull

1) 2) 3)



1) 2) 3)



1) 2) 3)



1) 2) 3)



1) 2) 3)




Include these ideas....

1) What animals do you want in each spot? Why? 2) Why do you think Mr. Seagulls prices should be low?

Is there anything else you want to say?



Mr Seagulls sales team write a speech to Fun World managment:

Include these ideas....

1) Why you cant sell the animals VERY cheap? 2) What is special about your animals?

Is there anything else you want to say?



1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round

4th Round



1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round

4th Round



12 WORDS FROM THE STORY: Local Employee Hostage Gang King Pin Tunnel SWAT Team Surrounded Strategy Criminal Determined Demands







Q1: Tell the class about a time you know something was stolen. Q2: Why do you think that some people steal or do bad things? Q3: What is the most amount of money that you have ever had? Where did you get it from? Q4: What would you do if you were taken hostage? Q5: Who would win in a fight the police or the robbers? Why? Q6: What hostages would you let go? Which hostages would you not let go? Q7: What would be your demands if you were the police? Q8: ? What would be your demands if you were the robbers and had hostages?


It has been a very stressful day in Yourtown. A bank robbery has happened and most of the people in Yourtown are watching their TVs very closely to see what happens next. For the past few months the Bloodhound Gang a group of local mafia have been planning a bank robbery and Yourtown Bank. The group was led by mafia kingpin Big Bugs who has robbed many banks over a very long period of time. Big Bugs always uses a rabbit costume to hide his/her face. Police have never been able to catch the mafia Kingpin because Big Bugs has always managed to escape. Big Bugs has always used the same successful strategy to avoid getting caught. Big Bugs takes the employees and customers hostage at the bank and then negotiates freeing some of them in return for a way for his crew to escape. Big Bugs negotiation skills have been so excellent escape with the banks money has always been possible.

The Bloodhound gang entered the bank by drilling a tunnel under the bank from a nearby hotel room where the criminal gang had been staying. They were going to use this tunnel to sneak into the bank in the middle of the night, empty the banks safe and then make their escape. However, the


gang lost track of time while they were tunneling and when they entered the bank through the connecting tunnel the bank had already opened and was full of customers. Before the 6 customers, the bank manager and the two employees were captured (9 hostages total), one of the employees was able to sound the alarm which alerted police the bank was being robbed. Yourtown police showed up, including the SWAT team and have surrounded the bank and have the tunnel guarded. There seems to be no escape for the bank robbers. But again Big Bugs is determined to escape with the banks money and has NOT given up hope. Big Bugs still has the hostages to use as negotiating tools. Big Bugs knows all of his gang probably will not escape, but he will try and get most of his men out of the bank. This time however the Yourtown Police Department is determined to make an arrest. The bank robberies and the terror cannot be allowed to continue! The National Police (the FBI) have but Big Bugs on their Most Wanted list. They want Big Bugs dead or alive because they DO NOT want to let these crimes continue! Yourtown SWAT team does have snipers in position, and would like to shoot BIG BUGS if possible. However all of the banks curtains have been pulled down by the robbers, because they do not want the police to see what is going on inside. The police also do not want to risk the safety of the hostages some of whom are old, and children. In the Bloodhound gangs last robbery one older man was shot by accident when the police and the gang were shooting at each other. This caused a lot of problems for the police after. The people in Yourtown were very disappointed on how the police handled the situation because of the death of the man. To respond to the emergency situation Yourtown have called their best negotiation team so that there is a much better hope of Stopping Bugs, saving the hostages and also saving the Banks money. Right now Yourtown citizens are watching their TVs closely. We dont know exactly what is happening inside the bank because there is no way of seeing inside, but we do know that the bank is totally surrounded by police and the tunnel is being guarded at the escape end. Suddenly we learn from the TV reporters on the ground that Bugs and his gang have demanded to speak with the police on the phone. It seems the negotiations are about to begin.


Team 1And Team 3

Your team is representing the YOURTOWN Police Department, your job is a difficult one but here are the objectives in order of importance. 1) Secure the safety of the hostages. 2) Secure the banks money 3) Allow police to fulfill their objectives in securing the capture or death of the Most Wanted criminals Big Bugs and the Blood Hound gang. The team that achieves these objectives most fully (as determined by the judges) will be the winning team. Other Facts: 1) Two of the hostages are old people (a man and a woman), the woman requires heart medicine. Hostages that are weak and cannot protect themselves are your main concern. 2) The tunnel the robbers entered from has been sealed and is being well guarded by armed police. There is a sniper team (SWAT) on the roof of the post office , which is across from the bank. Also the front and back doors are well guarded by police. 3) It is getting dark, and you are worried that the robbers might try and escape during the night . 4) One of the hostages who works at the bank (Mr. Green) is an undercover security guard and you are hoping that he can help you catch Bugs. 5) If any of the hostages are killed during negotiation you MUST send the SWAT team in the bank. 6) You must not allow all the bank robbers to escape.


Team 2 And Team 4 Your team represents Big Bugs and the Blood Hound gang. Your job is a difficult one but here are the objectives in order of importance. 1) Stay Alive and avoid going to jail. 2) Escape with all or some of the banks money. Facts: 1) You know the Yourtown police will try and kill you if they get a chance. And you know that the Yourtown police will probably attack the bank if any hostages are killed. You also are worried about the sniper SWAT teams you see on the roofs across the street. You cannot leave the bank the way you entered because it has been sealed by police. 2) You know that the Your town Police are concerned most of all about the safety of the hostages, and will do almost anything to get them all released. 3) You know if you release all of the hostages before you escape that the police will probably try and raid the bank (which will result in a deadly gun battle, and probably your arrest or death). 4) If you release any hostages you would rather release strong hostages, because weak hostages are easier to control, and you are worried that the stronger ones might try and attack you or escape. 5) You need to bring some money with you , because you will need it when you are hiding from the police. 6) It is getting dark soon and you have a better chance of escaping in the night, but you need to negotiate for tools or assistance for a secure way of escaping.








1.Grandma Moses 92 years old , often in need of health care. 2. Sarah Johnson (8 years old) daughter of Mrs. and Mr Johnson 3. Grandpa Henry (87 years old) walking disabled. 4. Mr Johnson (45 years old)(father of the kids). 5. Manager Wilson (the bank Manager) 6. Ms. Calvin (39 years old) (bank employee) 7. Mrs. Johnson (42 years old) (mother of the kids/wife on Mr Johnson) 8.Mikey Johnson (12 years old) (son of the Johnsons) 9. Mr. Green (42 years old) (security staff/bank employee) 10. Wilt Chamberlain (NBA Legend- the only man to score 100 points in a single game and Bank customer) BANK ASSETS

100 bags of money x 10,000$ each

20 kg gold bars X 20 (20,000$ each)


DEBATE WRITING PRACTICE: (Practice Writing Sentences about your ideas)....

The Police

The Bloodhound Gang

Why you should let these people go.. go 1) 2) 3) Why you should let these people go 1) 2) 3)
Why you should let these people go

Why you shouldnt let these people

Why you shouldnt let these people go

Why you shouldnt let these people go

1) 2) 3) Why you should let these people go 1) 2) 3)

Why shouldnt you be allowed to keep a lot.

Why you shouldnt let these people go

Why should you be allowed to keep a lot

1) 2) 3)



The Police write a speech to The Bloodhound Gang:

Include these ideas....

1) Why what you are doing is wrong? 2) Why must you release the hostages? 3)What will happen if you give up? What will happen if you dont give up?

Is there anything else you want to say?



The Bloodhound Gang write a speech to police:

Include these ideas....

1) Why are you robbing the bank? 2) What are your demands? 3) What will you do if the police try and capture you?

Is there anything else you want to say?



1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round

4th Round



1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round

4th Round





























Fun World Managment

Mr Seagulls Sales Team




2 4







The Police

The Bloodhound Gang

2 0 100




Debate and Negotiation in the Classroom: These days debate has become very popular amongst ESL learners and practitioners. The holistic learning approach involved in debating has become well recognized. In addition, the competitive element makes the learning process enjoyable for students. Due to the formal nature of structured debate, students and teachers often struggle to make formal presentations that exceed the learners genuine comprehension of the issues they are themselves presenting. The final result often appears on its face to be a good presentation , but in actuality the students acquired understanding and abilities are often unsubstantiated or unrealized. Also the pressure to conform topics to current events or controversial social issues often forces teachers to choose topics that are beyond the scope of student appreciation or interest. This especially affects young learners. After teaching debate for many years, and having built a fundamental understanding of both the problems and benefits of using debate in the classroom I decided it would be better to get back to basics. I am also keenly interested in teaching business related skills to students. Negotiation incorporates aspects of both traditional debate and business related communication in a teambuilding, competitive environment. Debate focuses on learning to develop arguments related to social issues. Those arguments are then expected to withstand criticism from an opposing team. The purpose is to criticize ideas and gain advantage by doing so. Negotiation focuses on communicating your goals and reacting to the goals of an opposing team. The purpose is to make strategic compromises and gain advantage by doing so. After a review of the goals, negotiation may have a genuine advantage over debate for young learners. In practice most debates are pre-prepared arguments scored by a third party (a judge), exchanges of arguments through rebuttal phases are required, but do not need be effective well communicated or correspondent for a winner to be decided. I have judged too many debates where speakers simply stood up and delivered pre-prepared speeches, the concept of true debate (the exchange and consideration of ideas mutually) was completely lost. Negotiation however does require teams to work and communicate effectively together. It is this communication that decides the outcome, NOT a judges decision.


Negotiation Activity The basic idea of a negotiation type exercise is that teams of negotiators are given a scenario a short time before the negotiation begins (this could be anywhere from a week to an hour depending on their ability level). Teams present opposing goals to each other, and then within a fixed time limit they are forced to come to a compromise position. How to Use Negotiation in Class: Negotiations can be used in a multi group method (where four or more teams compete) Final outcomes are compared against themselves to determine a winner at the end of the negotiation period. In this sense the activity is both a co-operative speaking and listening exercise, to be facilitated within the context of a competitive tournament. Negotiations can also be used in a split group method where only the two teams compete. Final outcomes reviewed by the teacher at the end of the negotiation period. In this sense the activity is more of a co-operative speaking and listening exercise. Multi Group Method Each negotiation outlined in this book is prepared for two teams each have opposing objectives).It is recommended that teams consist of four students (as there are four speaking roles). The numbers could fluctuate to as few as two per team, however this would give more work to each student. This is a concern for junior level students, but their ability level would determine the appropriateness of assigning additional speaking roles. Speaker Roles: 1st Speaker Purpose: States teams overall position (starting point of expectations marked), and explains why these demands are reasonable etc Speaking Order: Speakers alternate, a coin toss could be used to determine speaking order. Time: (3-4 mins) 2nd Speaker Purpose: Negotiates half of the elements on the agenda. Speaking Order: Both second speakers speak at the same time, moderators have two options ... Solo speaking and response in timed intervals 15/20/25/30seconds.) OR Concurrent speaking (both students speak at the same time, if they can respectfully do so).


Time: (6-8 mins) 3rd Speaker Purpose: Negotiates the other half of the elements on the agenda (both second speakers speak at the same time , perhaps in intervals of 30 seconds.) (4-5 mins) Speaking Order: Both second speakers speak at the same time, moderators have two options ... Solo speaking and response in timed intervals 15/20/25/30seconds.) OR Concurrent speaking (both students speak at the same time, if they can respectfully do so). Time: (6-8 mins) 4th Speaker Purpose: Concludes negotiation of elements that were not finalized by either speaker 2 or speaker 3. (If necessary). Summarizes and argues to the judge why they did well at achieving their objectives Speaking Order: If further negotiations are required both second speakers speak at the same time, moderators have two options ... Solo speaking and response in timed intervals 15/20/25/30seconds.) OR Concurrent speaking (both students speak at the same time, if they can respectfully do so). If only summation is required speakers alternate in the same order as was followed in speaking role 1., Time: If negotiations are required (6-8 mins) If only summation is required (3-4 mins). Rules: All negotiations must be conducted in English only. If students have trouble expressing their thoughts clearly or do not speak using logical sentences penalties are awarded to final totals (it is recommended to reduce/increase final outcomes by 1% per error). The extent of penalties extending to incorrect grammar, low speaking voice, poor pronunciation etc extend to the discretion of the teacher. Students must speak in phrases that have a logical connection to their motive. Simply shouting out numbers, or yes and no should be penalized equally to language communicative problems.


A deal hasnt been finalized on any element until a handshake has been formally accepted by both parties. When a speaker is speaking she/he cannot be assisted by teammates orally. A written note is acceptable. The negotiation isnt completed until deals on ALL elements are struck. If time expires before deals are struck on ALL elements both teams are eliminated and the negotiation fails. In the split group method threat of a points/grade penalty may suffice to force a deal. SCORING: Scores should remain unannounced until all contests are completed. Otherwise reporting scores could affect the results of other negotiations ongoing. *See attached score card Competition: Class 1A Purpose 1: 2-4 students (team1) Purpose2: 2-4 students (team2) Class 1B Purpose 1: 2-4 students (team3) Purpose 2: 2-4 students (team 4)

Teams 1 and 2 negotiate against each other, as do teams 3 and 4 for the purposes of the scenario (see below). But the results of teams 1 and teams 3 represent the competitive element , as are the results between team 2 and 4. This is to say that based on the results of the negotiation either team 1 or 3 will win, and also either team 2 or 4 will win. Because of the competitive element and requirement to judge a winner based on achieved results it is best to have these separate negotiations happen at the same time. Managing cell phone communication is also an issue to consider.


SCENARIO OVERVIEWS Negotiation 1: Attack From the Planet Voltron (Earth Leaders): Try and keep as many of Earths natural resources as possible. Also keep the Voltrons away from our planet as long as possible. (Voltrons): Try and force Earth leaders to give up as many resources as possible. Also keep a return to Earth date a near possibility. ELEMENTS: 1. %Earths Water 2. %Earths Trees 3.%EarthsOil 4. Return Date Based on the simplicity of the four elements this is the easiest negotiation to conduct with beginner level students.

Negotiation 2: King Greed ( King Greeds Court): Raise the biggest army possible for an attack against the kingdom of Dread. Also gather supplies for the war. (The Peasants of Hurr): Minimize the Kings interference on the private property and the lives of the people of Hurr. ELEMENTS:1. Persons for conscription 2. Rate of taxes 3. Number of homes to be Destroyed 4. Number of sheep to be slaughtered 5. Number of horses to be taken There number of people involves men and women and could be considered as two separate elements. This would bring the total to six.

Negotiation 3: The Fun World Zoo (Fun World Management): Buy animals to make your zoo as exciting as possible for the cheapest possible price. (Mr. Seagulls Sales Team): Selling animals and earning the most amount of money. ELEMENTS: There are 5 places that require animals and 15 animals to choose from. The money limit is 10,000 dollars. Beginner level students often have difficulty expressing monetary amounts.

Negotiation 4: Hostage Negotiation Yourtown Police: Free the greatest number of hostages, and limiting the escape opportunity of the hostage takers. Big Bugs and the Blood Hound Gang: Improve your ability to escape through the release of hostages. Take as much money as you can from the bank. ELEMENTS:1. Release of ten hostages 2. Cash 3. Gold 4. Escape Each hostage will likely constitute a separate element making this negotiation the most complex in the book.


OVERVIEW OF UNITS PRE READING EXCERCISES Vocabulary The first of these exercises is Vocabulary which lists the more difficult words in the story. It is likely that the students are unfamiliar with these vocabulary words. Teachers have various options to reinforce these words. It is recommended that students learn these words before they begin the reading. 5 Words About the Themes The second exercise is 5 Words About the Themes. This exercise encourages students to brainstorm words that they already know which are connected to the main themes of the scenario. This is designed to stimulate students knowledge of foundational language expressions connected to their communication ability about the themes.

Opinion and Class Talk The third exercise are general opinion questions about the scenario. Depending on student ability levels these questions could be introduced in class or alternatively as a homework assignment. Because young learners are often shy to speak in front of the group, several students could work as a group to express their opinion about one question as a group presentation. The idea behind this exercise is to allow public speaking practice, as well as getting the students to start expressing their opinions on the topic naturally. This will help with theme vocabulary, public speaking confidence and listening ability. After a student (or group) presents their answer to the question, other students should be encouraged to agree or disagree and also freely express their opinions. Teachers should use this time to assist with vocabulary , pronunciation, and to a lesser degree logical problems with student answers.


Time requirements should be put on the required answer. Anywhere from a one minute speech to three minutes is recommended to see improvements in oral presentation skills and speaking confidence. READING EXCERCISES Scenario The Scenario is the main reading task. It presents students with the background information required to participate in the negotiation exercise. It is recommended that the students go over the reading in class with The teachers assistance. Again the approach the teacher takes conducting the reading depends greatly on the ability level of the students. The teacher at minimum should verify students comprehension of the reading is complete because the details of the reading are very important to success in the negotiation process itself. The readings are between 3-5 pages in length.

General Purpose Each team has a General Purpose directive paper. It describes what the team should focus on during the negotiation. It also gives further information and rules that teams MUST Follow. Judges need to be familiar also with these directives. The General Purpose directives also describes background issues that students might also want to debate the other team about during the negotiation exercise, or use as support for their arguments towards one of the main elements to be negotiated. .It is at the discretion of the teacher if the general purpose directive of the opposing teams should be shared with one another. Doing so makes the negotiation process easier. For advanced students it is recommended that teams NOT be given access to each others General Purpose directives.


POST READING EXCERCISES Debate Writing Practice This writing exercise can be done in class or assigned for Homework depending on student ability. Team assignments should be made before this worksheet is completed. This gives students an opportunity to write the arguments from their teams point of view. The two arrows indicate the two opposing argument positions. More advanced students may wish to complete both sets of arguments (their teams arguments, and anticipate the other teams likely arguments) so that they could be well prepared to respond to those arguments during the negotiation itself. Students should write simple sentences individually and then confer with their group to build a more extensive list of arguments they could use during the negotiation to support their demands. Speakers may choose to use this paper as support while speaking during the negotiation itself. This paper includes all main elements of the debate and also other issues which might come up during the negotiation.

Opening Speech Template This writing exercise outlines the main ideas the first Speaker should include in their opening speech. There is A separate opening speech template for each team , each with a unique focus. Each template includes a short series of questions the opening speaker should try and address using their own words. There is a section near the bottom that also encourages to add their own unique content to the speech. A formal introduction should proceed the speech.


NEGOTIATION ACTIVITY SUPPORT Team Planner Each team is given a Team Planner prior to the negotiation. This allows the team to plan their speaker objectives (which speaker wants to negotiate which element). For beginner students the teacher could assign particular elements to a specific speaker role. The team planner also allows students to chart plans for demands and maximum and minimum expectations. It contains images of the main elements of the negotiation so Students may also use it to make notes of progress during the negotiation itself. Pre-negotiation, students will find this to be a handy tool for organization. During the negotiation students can use it easily keep track of their progress, realize what has been accomplished and what still needs to be accomplished. Scorecard The scorecard contains everything you need to properly compare The negotiation results of opposing teams. It is at the teachers discretion if they want to give a copy of the scorecard to students prior to the negotiation or not. For more advanced students it is recommended that students rely on the other preparation materials alone and NOT be given a copy of the scorecards until after the scores from the negotiation are concluded. Teachers have a great deal of discretion as to how much weight they should place on each element. Closing speakers should make arguments about this which should (if reasonable) be considered by the teacher when scoring. If using the multi group method (tournament) it is important that judges discuss this matter before hand to avoid subjective contamination of results.


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