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Lltlgatlon Group
Truarury Sollcltor,rDcprtnent OneKemble Slr6t, Loddon, WC2B 4T$ DX1?324?, Ktngsway B Swltchboard: 210g00O 0207 Dlrsct Une; 7?10 0ZO elgB Dlrect 0p07210 Fax: 9001 Philippu.Hervcy@TSOL.GST,G0V,UK

Tp: GIDI Your Raft

Stone Klng $olleltors t l


Philippa Harvey

OurRef: Z120g74gtpHD/Bs

Fsx No: 01223451 100



SITBJECT: Beccle$ Freo $chool: $inJohnLeman Hlghschoorv secretary statefor of Eclucation Pne ActionProtocol Letter
Toltal number pagee of Includlng coverpag6:L_5J thle

PreAction Reeponee

Phlllppa Hrruey FortheTruaeury Soticttor

bv trrcphonr widrn ilni;il;;nc ibitniratum o-ocumants rJinat niah" oitrc ro uN, $jrf*:'jfilfliini.iT'fl":illyrdrftrv tfvou ndrreccrvcrhrrfrrcomprctcrv, thrrbovr*,no.rffi do prarrararaphone -,rrffi JJ_*

Thla tlsnsmlttlon Inbndcd forthcuacofthcrmlplcnt l1*x h only qbovc. contalna norncd lt confldentlal Inlormrilon ielegrlly thrt qrr thc prlvllrgcd'vou not Intcndad ll you rcclplant, aruharcby noitttea ttniiiu liyi-rdceveu dililffii'in ffir snd Nny itiil rhit copying, dlsctorurs, dictdbution ororhnusa thr informatton of csnhr;m ilrritax[ ,jrlrtry rn p*r,rUn iiiiii f,iiri'rucatwd A. thte

2 0 1 2 - J u n -1 5 : 5 4 S 0 L0 2 0 7 2 . 1 0 3 0 0 1 26 T


Lltigation Group
TreoaurySollcltor'l Dcprrtilf nt Onc l(gmbleSlrEl, London, WC2B4TS DX123242Kingrwryts Switchboqrd: 210A000 0207 Direct Linc:0?07Zt0elg9 Dlrlct FEx 0207210g00i phlllppe,han ay@tsol.gEi. PlrtlE Quotc:Z1A0gZ4g/pHD/86 YourRcbnnco; Rt/KN/t 04090/000rt

fitoneKlngSollcltore Welllngton Houee Eiest Roed Clambrldge C!81 lBH Fax& Posttot 012234i1 r00

ZrF Junee01Z

Dear $lre ll!flh schoot) Escntary sfrf6 for Educetion v | (sfr John Leman of Prc.Actlon Frotocol .luUicief tor Revlew Rrolporltg HLHthrBefore to Qlalm drted12/06/12 (,'LBC") 1. To:proporcd clslmrnt

$ir J.ohn Lrfllf, Htghschool("c") c/o stoneKingLLp,weilirrgton HouEF, Rosd, Eaet Cumbrldga, 1BH, CB1 2, propoled From: dfendant

The.secretary state. of ("D') $ollcno/e Department, one Jgl^Edylltion do the Treaeury Komble Street, London, WC2B 4TS, 9.

Refersnce detallo

Stone,R|/KN/10439g/0004, King


TSol no,ZlZt}eT ref. 4glpHD/85, The following abbreviations ueed f,rE hereln: uMu theAcademlee 2000; Ac,t "the agreement" the Funding Agreement betwsen andsF under E.{ in D AA. respect BFS of eealed 14l0El1Z; "BF$' Becclee $chool; FFee "SCC" $uffolk County Councll; and "*t" the seckfordFoundatlon the seckfordFounctaflon / Free
Lsc John.Charlaa Hcadol Dlvfnlon N00ruGqilor Dcputy Dlnc{or,Term LtFdgr

Lltlrntlon B5

ffiffi JJ

'6 2 0 1 2 - J u n - 21 5 4 T S 0 L 0 2 0 7 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 5


Schoole / the$eckfprd Truet Foundatlon Beccles Schoots Free Truet, 4. DeHttr themntter of belng challenged

D'edecieion dated 2El0S to enter theagrcement I1l lnto underwhlchSF wiltestabilsh and rnaintaln ('thedeclelon"). BFS Ci. Rerponrc thoproporcd to clrln

!ntroduction Fteeding, ss a -whole, LEC therewouldappesr be two lgguss to eboutwhichC hae "subgtantial conGms": Consultation whether lawfully sF consldersd consultetion rgeponsss AA,e,10, under (2) lmosct aeeeesmont whether conducted End D a fair lawful impact asseeement M, e.g. under Dtwltl contegt cteims the rnade under heade. both l,Splrgultation l5cue Vl/lthout crltlclgm the corrsuttEtion ol exrciee iteetf, appearc C ryt@lnp anyepeclflc to complain D felled that to.ens.ure therequhement* that ofAA,'e,t0 vnere bygF (LBC, m6t p.Z, eoc'4) aeke (a)detalle howandbywhom sxeroicE undirtardn (U) for of thic wac an'O tl"re underlylng (LBC, sec,6a). documents p.2, SFundertook coneultatlon lte exerclse JanuaryFebruary onthebssis theFree In / 2012 of school Model Fundlng Agreement wasin prace thst etni[ti'militrie veraion iincJu"en 1'',, updated ooours Ee fromtlme to tlme ln accordance departmentaf wlth piaciioey" anA ,,prop'oeid submlttcddetsiled a consultation to D in March report 2012, The'report Blccbe Frce,,Scho.ol" Appendlces avallable plue are online nttpvnnrrw.b'eccleefr#tifroor,org,uk et and[t wlllbe seen thefollowlng consulted a varlety mcans: that were hy of scC itfreuoar authorlty)' head local teachere, locsl (Feter the MP Aldduu) ticstreeidente, aleo ana lt wiif be seen SFcomrniseioned thst s specialiet praject managambnt company, lttatOonlfO Mott f-tO (u'a Cambrldge Educatlon), to carry theixrrciroari'd out compile riportonjtsbohalf. ttie D hsdn0concarns th over adequacy thiaconsultatlon of exerclee hehaenoreacon and t0 thlnk thecontents thereport that ,,r,ere garofully of not conUOercOSF(LBC, f rcrorri. p, Uy Irn oqct lp1+uq.jL assessment ntthatD dldnotmeet requlrements the ofAA, rat it wpgnotconeulted allthemateriel abqut rvidenc thecurriculurn about options will that re curiculum BFS imptemantEd; (b) ere Ht Hnd numbere reduce C andcauee reducflon at a ln (LBC, p,1). tions C _also requeete copy f, e,9lmpact asseeement, detalle the crlteila of applled, the evidence coneidered .otJlf against those criteria theoonciusions and roached an,iipi"nluqn and "2(1)

2 0 1 2 - J u n -1 5 : 5 4 S O L 2 0 7 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 26 T 0

0f howthe fEctors epecified Helen In Bennett's to stoneKingdated lettor 21111/11 were oonsidefed p,2, (LBC, BFc,6b), terEon 25105t12 the lightof advlce In and a8sossmsnt AA,g.q and(b)anEquallty und6r tdi .on behrtfof D, I crn conitrm tiG mattere r a$peft0fthcdcision proces8, making

y pessimistic, ultlmately concluded thesstabllshmsnt that of

oontributiqnthieprocEe he consldeft to and comlng andecision theoveralt to on merits.


2 0 1 2 - J u n - 2 6 : 5 4 S O L0 2 0 7 2 1 0 3 0 0 1 15 T


[]ieoloeure In the event, materiele the availeble online reletion sF'e e.10coneultailon in to (Bee exerclee Hbove) should maetc'e requegt dleclosurq connecilon Ieeuer. for ln #n dlnclosure eought In connection iseue C'a with 2, requeet diecloeure oteprdporilonate e*p"oLti*r",, for lei flehlng C]'sletterdeted30/05/12 by for it^belngproceesed D ae a requeet lnformaflon underthe qf Eleyond thl*, thcre lr no juetlficdtion lhe wholee.ale for pre-ecfion

FireedomInf'rmailon andi ieeponee 1000 willui p[ud;d';ilerstgy, B. Detnlla anyotherInterretrdprrtleo of

slFlgnamed enintere{.!, Ee InLBC, eec,8 lt leassumed c wiilhEvE and that provided Itwlth copy LFCdrrect, Ptttlt a of Thbrdeponseueingoojr"J GE ls t" ;;cordrngry, 7, Addruro further for correopondence ruvlcc ol sourtdocumentr rnd See ebove, Youre fsithfully

Plhlllppe Harvoy For the TremurySollcltqr


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