Pioneer Review, July 12, 2012

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Pioneer review

Includes Tax
A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc., Philip, South Dakota 57567. The Official Newspaper of Haakon County, South Dakota. Copyright 1981.
Number 46
Volume 106
July 12, 2012
Fourth of
July fun 2
Market Report
Winter Wheat, 12 Pro ...........................$7.44
Winter Wheat, Any Pro..........................$6.64
Spring Wheat, 14 Pro ...........................$8.47
Millet ...................................................$18.75
The Philip Volunteer Fire Department presented its annual fireworks display at dusk, Tuesday, July 3, over Lake Waggoner.
Patriotic music was played over 96.7 radio during the fireworks display. Assistant Fire Chief Marty Hansen said that the
crowd seemed to be extra large, possibly due to Philip being one of the few public fireworks displays in western South
Dakota this year due to the extreme fire restrictions. The free will donations helped support the $4,000 cost for the fireworks
and will help to make next years display even larger. Photos by Del Bartels
Fourth of July fireworks by PVFD
by Nancy Haigh
Issues of a possible burn ban and
increasing the city of Philips rent
for offices in the courthouse high-
lighted the Haakon County Board
of Commissioners July 3 meeting.
Haakon County Emergency
Manager Lola Roseth asked the
board if they would like to establish
a burn ban in Haakon County.
With the drought and dry grasses,
fires, in numbers and size, could be
bad this year, she said. Also dis-
cussed was a ban on fireworks.
The board opted to not issue a
ban on either matter. By state
statute, the sale of fireworks was
for just two more days, so the board
decided to not act on the matter.
In regards to a burn ban, the
commissioners noted that most
people in the county know of the
high fire danger already. They de-
cided against issuing a resolution
implementing a burn ban. They did
strongly recommend that people
not burn anything and they be ex-
tremely cautious so as to not acci-
dently start fires too.
In the past year the commission-
ers have spoken about increasing
the rent charged to the city of
Philip for office space. The city uses
the south half of the fourth floor,
which includes three office spaces,
one of which is used as storage, and
a restroom. They also occupy one
and one-half rooms on the third
floor for the police department.
The county has charged the city
$60 in rent for all those rooms. Pi-
oneer Review archives reflect that
the city started paying rent in No-
vember of 1975. The November
1975 city minutes reflect a pay-
ment of $90. Between December
1975 and April 1976 the payment
ranged from $88.58 to $102.01,
which also included teletype serv-
ices. From May 1960 on it has
been $60.
In June, during a budget meet-
ing, the commissioners began
adding up what they pay to the city
for water and sewer costs. It was
then that the decision was made to
charge the city $500 for rent.
Added to those figures, at the July
meeting, were, the cost of janitorial
services provided to them, the use
of bathroom paper products, the
fact the city does not have to pay
for snow removal, and other main-
tenance costs.
Philip Mayor Mike Vetter met
with the board to discuss the in-
crease. He stated he thought the
733 percent was excessive. He
asked if the increase could be done
in steps. He stated he didnt dis-
pute the fact that the citys rent
has to go up. He said that the $500
figure was borderline cost of a new
Commissioner Steve Clements
said he still thought that $500 was
a bargain, to which Commissioner
Rita OConnell agreed.
Commission Chairman Ed
Briggs stated he believed it was a
plus for the county and the city
being in one building. Commis-
sioner Nick Konst noted that it
would be good if the county and city
met more often to discuss issues
that affect both entities.
OConnell updated the board on
the meeting she attended in
Kakoka regarding drivers licens-
ing. The Jackson County Board of
Commissioners held the meeting to
discuss the cost and feasibility of
them continuing the service.
Haakon County Sheriff Fred
Koester informed the board that he
is certified to give the actual driv-
ing portion of the test. The commis-
sion asked him to check with the
state and see if he could do the
drivers licensing in Haakon
Auditor Pat Freeman informed
the board that she had spoken with
Deene Dayton, director of local gov-
ernment at the South Dakota De-
partment of Legislative Audit.
Freeman reported that Dayton had
told her that after reviewing state
statutes, he did not find anything
that said the county could purchase
a home in which a county employee
could live.
The commission will explore the
issue further as they would really
like to have a highway department
employee stationed at the countys
shop at Robbs Flat. With the Deep
Creek School reopening they be-
lieve it is imperative that an em-
ployee be there.
Roseth updated the board on ac-
tivities in emergency management.
She said they are now being re-
quired to submit a list of people
who can help organize efforts in a
disaster. Freeman noted that the
emergency generator had been re-
paired and serviced.
Toni Rhodes, director of equal-
ization, noted that a company had
approached her in regards to them
purchasing information compiled
by her office. She noted the county
could make $14,000 to $15,000 in
funds if the information was sold.
She said it was all public informa-
tion. Clements noted that this had
been discussed earlier and the tax-
payers do not want the information
Val Williams, administrative as-
sistant for the highway depart-
ment, spoke for the department
since Kenny Neville had recently
had surgery and was unable to at-
tend the meeting. She notified the
board of an issue with a cattle
guard that went missing. A
landowner had removed the cattle
guard after a cow had become
trapped. The pit was cleaned out
and the cattle guard was re-in-
stalled by the landowner.
Sheryl Hansen reported on
events in the 4-H office. She noted
the issues that have developed
with the four county system. She
said that Jones and Mellette coun-
ties were taking the majority of
Carrie Wellers time and leaving
Haakon County out of the loop. As
of now, she did not know if all the
counties would want to renew the
contract for next year. The commis-
sion asked her to set up a meeting
between the four counties to dis-
cuss the future of the cluster.
Reports were reviewed from the
sheriff, veterans service officer and
weed supervisor. The board re-
viewed the contract with Kone, Inc.
for the elevator servicing.
The board approved the supple-
mental hearing for adding monies
to the jail and mentally ill funds.
They also approved transfering
$4,125 from a weed and pest grant
into the weed budget.
The board approved meeting
minutes from May 5, with correc-
tions, June 7 and June 19. War-
rants were approved.
The board will meet in special
session to work on the budget
Tuesday, July 17. Their next regu-
lar meeting is Tuesday, August 7.
Commissioners discuss
burn ban, citys office rent
by Del Bartels
The Philip City Council meeting,
Monday, July 2, included an emer-
gency executive session to begin
replacing Rose Bennett as the
swimming pool manager.
Bennett turned in her resigna-
tion, having taken a full time posi-
tion elsewhere. Though Bennett
was not present, Mayor Mike Vet-
ter thanked her for five years of
service, and said, Shes done a
good job out there. The Health
and Recreation Committee has
been authorized to hire a new pool
manager without consulting the
full city council. Finance Officer
Monna Van Lint said that in the
mean time, Any concerns received
usually end up at the finance office
any way.
The city has been informed that
its office rent in the Haakon
County Courthouse of $60 per
month has been raised to $500 per
month. Van Lint agreed that the
city has been getting by pretty
cheap for quite a few years, but the
percentage of increase is quite a
jump. Vetter was to visit with the
county commissioners to ask to
have the increase spread out over
several years.
The citys gross salaries for June
totaled $30,323.61. The citys per-
centages of insurance, retirement
and withholding added another
$8,946.94. The total for all other
bills came to $45,962.24, which in-
cludes over $4,098 for residential
garbage collection.
The council approved the first
reading of Ordinance #2012-09,
which establishes a tax formula to
promote the construction and im-
provement of structures within the
city of Philip. In brief, any new
commercial construction of over
$30,000 and any new residential
construction of over $5,000 will be
assessed the first year at only 20
percent. The second year will be at
40 percent, and so forth. The fifth
year after construction, the tax as-
sessment will be at 100 percent.
This new ordinance affects build-
ing and improvements reflected in
the taxing period beginning No-
vember 1, 2011.
The Haakon County Young
Women will apply for Game, Fish
and Parks land and water conser-
vation grant to improve the Philip
tennis court. If the grant is re-
ceived, the HCYW must have the
city administer the grant. Im-
provements would include a ten-
nis/volleyball net, basketball hoops
and an all-weather rubber flooring.
Also, the HCYW have received
council permission for use of the
swimming pools restrooms by Kid-
die Park patrons from 7:00 a.m. to
7:00 p.m. Mondays through Fri-
days. Thursdays will be extended
to 9:00 p.m. for the month of July
during Hot Summer Nights.
Weekend hours will be 11:00 a.m.
to 7:00 p.m. This permission is sea-
sonal, since the Philip school sys-
tem leases the concession stand
and restrooms during football sea-
son. HCYW will negotiate with the
school board for use during the fall
months. Mayor Mike Vetter said,
We have a great park down there.
It would be a shame to lessen it be-
cause of no bathrooms available.
Improvement work will cause
the Philip airport to be shut down
for five to six weeks, probably be-
ginning in September. The federal
government will pay 90 percent
and the state will pay eight per-
cent on the projects. Philips two
percent bill will be approximately
Harlan Quenzer, with
Schmucker, Paul, Nohr and Asso-
ciates, reviewed Philips proposed
Wood and Walden Avenues and
Pine Street and Wray Avenue proj-
ects. If the first project could not
include the entire cul-de-sac where
there presently are no buildings on
Walden Avenue, and if the asphalt
depth could be reduced from six
inches to four inches, then it is es-
timated that $91,000 could be
saved. We are sitting here with a
loan available in front of us, said
Vetter. He noted that the council
was trying to save costs and reduce
the Walden project so the city
could start the Pine Street and
Wray Avenue project sooner.
A temporary fix to the Pine
Street and Wray Avenue surfaces
would cost approximately
$140,000 for four inches of asphalt
overlay. To do it right, you have to
first seal all the cracks and fix the
soft spots, said Quenzer, or the
10 years life expectancy will drop
to around five years. He noted,
Its going south in a hurry. It was
bad, but its getting worse. Quen-
zer stressed, It would be a sacrifi-
cial fix, knowing that when we
come in to do the project we would
have to tear it up. The eventual
Pine Street and Wray Avenue proj-
ect calls for a concrete base.
Council member Greg Arthur
said that he wished the statement
would have been clearly made be-
fore the bond election that an as-
sessment for curb and gutter
would be applied to taxes on bor-
dering properties. On a roll call
vote, the council tied on placing a
special assessment on the street
project properties. Vetter broke the
vote in favor of the special assess-
Though precedent has been set
for landowners paying for curb and
gutter, they have paid only 40 per-
cent when the project was covered
by a grant. In a 6-2 vote, the coun-
cil agreed that the city will give the
landowners a 60 percent discount
on the curb and gutter costs.
The council approved the sale of
a general obligation bond to fi-
nance improvements to the storm
drainage system. Payments will go
through the First National Bank
in Sioux Falls. Along with these
improvements, cleaning and tele-
vising the pipe system will be done
for the maintenance of existing
pipes. The service includes DVDs
of the viewed pipes, with connec-
tions and potential weak spots
being marked. The council ac-
cepted a bid quote from A-Tech,
Watertown, of under $9,400.
Youre not going to get it any
cheaper. A-Tech is one of the best
in the state, said Quenzer.
Sales taxes for Philip from Jan-
uary through June for 2012 were
over $221,096. For the same time
period in 2011, sales taxes for
Philip were over $180,828. Thank
everyone for shopping locally, as
John Hart (previous mayor) would
say. Thank the businesses for
being available, said Vetter.
Budget meetings are set for July
Building permits were approved
for Twila Hook to replace a well
pit, for Kay Williams to repair a
foundation and to replace a con-
crete pad and deck, and for Karen
Kroetch to remove a fence, flower
beds, pond, ramps and cement
slabs and to replace a privacy
fence. Approval was given for Dale
and Tami Morrison to demolish a
structure, with the city hauling the
rubble away at 75 cents per square
foot. The councils approval for the
Morrisons to build a new structure
is contingent upon them also get-
ting South Dakota Department of
Transportation approval for street
access improvement.
The storm-ravaged tree at the
east end of Fire Hall Park will be
brought the rest of the way down.
Arthur said, Its a good shade
tree, but dangerous now.
The swimming pool attendance
is currently more than it was for
all of the year 2009. E r i n
Fitzgerald was approved as a vol-
unteer water safety instructor.
Following a reported fall by a pa-
tron, a railing has been installed
along the handicap ramp and the
curb around the sidewalk will be
The South Dakota Municipal
League elected officials workshop
will be July 24 in Pierre.
The next regular city council
meeting will be Monday, August 6,
at 7:00 p.m. in the Haakon County
Courthouse community room.
City loses pool manager, hit
with office space rent increase
Philips Hot Summer Nights started July 5, which are every Thursday in the
Haakon County Young Womens Kiddie Park. Local farmers market booths are
set up starting at 6:00 p.m. Then at 7:00 p.m., there is live music and karaoke.
Mike Seager is providing the sound system. The first night featured the singing
of Cord Terkildsen and Marcus Martinez. Volunteer performers should call Brit-
tney Drury at 859-2516. Shown above are some of the youth dancing the
macarena. Below are some joining in on a group karaoke. Photos by Del Bartels
Hot Summer Nights
Pioneer review
Philip, SD U.S.P.S. 433-780
Subscription Rates: For Haakon, Jackson,
and Jones counties, Creighton, Wall, Quinn,
Marcus, Howes, Plainview, and Hayes ad-
dresses: $36.00 per year (+ Tax); Elsewhere:
$42.00 per year.
South Dakota residents are required to pay
sales tax.
Periodicals postage paid at Philip, SD.
Postmaster, send change of address notice
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Website Subscription Rate: $36.
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Established in 1906.
The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper of
Haakon County, the towns of Philip and Mid-
land, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-
lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Pioneer Review office is located at 221 E. Oak
Street in Philip, South Dakota.
Phone: (605) 859-2516;
FAX: (605) 859-2410;
Copyrighted 1981: Ravellette Publications,
Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be
reprinted, photocopied, or in any way repro-
duced from this publication, in whole or in part,
without the written consent of the publisher.
DEADLINES: Display & Classified
Advertising: Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. (MT)
Legals: Fridays at 5:00 p.m. (MT)
Publisher: Don Ravellette
Gen. Mgr. of Operations/
Ad Design: Kelly Penticoff
Editor/News Reporter: Del Bartels
Reporter/Ad Design: Nancy Haigh
Ad Sales: Beau Ravellette
Thursday, July 12, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 2
Friday the 13th ... by Del Bartels
In the musical Fiddler on the Roof, the main character laments
about the loss of tradition ... in 1905. Today, tradition is a wispy rem-
nant of old times. In many instances, it has become folklore and fable.
Friday the 13th is a hang-on, one of many that are downgraded to just
another day with a slight quirk. Hopefully things like May baskets,
four leaf clovers, something blue, something borrowed, and others
will not be completely forgotten. Maybe, just maybe, some of those tra-
ditions will see a comeback.
It used to be that three generations would help run the family farm.
Now farms are being sold and the proceeds divided because offspring
dont want to work the land. Brides still wear white dresses, even if
their children are the flower girl and the ring bearer. A ma and pa
business often had the living quarters on the second floor. It was
cheaper, and thieves werent as much of a problem. Sunday and go-
to-meeting clothes no longer have any special significance. We have
gone from a child should be seen and not heard and dont contradict
your elders to delinquents who dont respect even themselves.
As one splinter after another of any tradition is whittled away or for-
gotten, then we lose something of what our ancestors once held close.
Think it through; if parental blessings, great-grandmothers ring, a
white dress, rice thrown after the shared vows, are ignored, then how
much longer until marriage itself is ignored? If traditional recipes from
the homeland are not handed down or remembered, how much longer
until they are replaced by the microwave and fast foods? How many
generations will it take for the Westward Ho independence to become
the welfare state? Lincolns time of reading by candlelight and life-long
friendships is becoming the modern time of X-boxes and 1,573 friends
on Facebook. A penny saved is a penny earned is now massive credit
card debt. An old fashioned house raising is now having neighbors who
dont even know each others names. A solemn love of country has be-
come people thinking the last line of the national anthem is play ball
or start your engines!
The Pilgrims may be thought of as set in their ways and minimalis-
tic, but they truly knew each other. A one-horse open sleigh may be
just a quaint line in a song, but it once was romantic as well as practi-
cal. Oral histories through storytellers were once held in high regard.
In order to have a family Bible, you have to have a core family ... and
a Bible. Does anybody actually keep a diary anymore?
The poem Ask not for whom the bell tolls comes to mind. Friday
the 13th, Sadie Hawkins Day, May Day, April Fools, all have their his-
tory and traditions. If they go, then like slow motion dominoes so will
go Thanksgiving and Christmas. Friday the 13th might be an appro-
priate day to remember traditions, or at least recognize the unlucky
passing away of them.
This 1954 Chevy 6500 flatbed truck is owned by Stan and Dixie Thorson, Hayes.
Having it retored was number one on my bucket list, said S. Thorson. The actual
work was shared by Tom Konst doing the mechanic work, Dwilyn (Pee Wee) and
Toby Hook doing the paint work, and John Heltzel doing the woodwork for the
flatbed. S. Thorson had the work done in Philip because, Philip is kind of a going
little town. Philip is a good little town. He saw the truck in a junkyard a couple of
years ago. Restoration began last November and was completed July 3, in time
for Thorson and his good buddy, Johnny Bothwell, to drive the truck in Fort Pierres
Fourth of July parade. The trucks In My Time theme includes a bar scene on
the flatbed, complete with chairs purchased from Philips old Pizza Etc.
Restoration done locally
Fourth of July fun in Milesville
The community of Milesville held its annual get-together for Fourth of July celebrations, Wednesday evening, July 4. The
traditional roast beef was provided, with a fundraiser for the hall held with an auction of the remaining roasts. All auction
and free will proceeds went to helping with the maintenance of the Mileville Hall. Treats included homemade ice cream
and birthday cake. Games were held in the Milesville Park
for kids of all ages, with the big draw being a mutton bust-
ing exhibition by the braver youth. At dusk, a fireworks dis-
play was provided by the Milesville Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment. Photos by Bartels
by Del Bartels
A large teepee has been set up by
Darrel Terkildsen on his property
west of Lake Waggoner.
The grand kids were home, they
wanted to camp in it, said Terkild-
sen. He also wanted to get the
kinks out of it.
Wanting to entertain his grand-
children he has eight of them
may be a good reason for setting up
the teepee and leaving it set up for
maybe another week. But how he
got the tent is a story in itself. It
was given to him by a family
friend, Enos Poor Bear, Sr.
He was the chief of all chiefs, at
one time, said Terkildsen. He was
president of the Pine Ridge Indian
Reservation. He was pretty impor-
tant at one time. They always
make the chiefs teepee big. The
Terkildsens had once leased Poor
Bears place. Dad did when I was
a kid, said Terkildsen. Poor Bear
had given the Terkildsens the
teepee as a gift from a family
friend. Later, said Terkildsen, the
gift was temporarily loaned back,
to be used for Poor Bears wake.
Born sometime in 1922, he passed
away in 1991 at the age of 69.
The teepee is large. Terkildsen
said that it can comfortably sleep
15 people. Weve had 35 in it at
one time, but not sleeping, he said.
It is make of canvas. According to
Terkildsen, such material was ac-
quired in some manner from cov-
ered wagons, because that canvas
was lighter than whatever else
could have had been used back
then. Currently, the floor of the
teepee is a somewhat matching
tarp. Above and to the left of the
teepees entrance are the words,
Welcome. The robe is spread and
the pipe is lit.
Teepee a gift from Enos Poor Bear, Sr.
Darrel Terkildsen has erected a teepee on the hill above his house on the west
side of Lake Waggoner. It came from Enos Poor Bear, Sr. Photo by Del Bartels
The Forty and Eight presented this years donation of $50 to the Haakon/Jackson
4-H Shooting Sports, during the Milesville Fourth of July celebration. Its a big
help, said shooting instructor Jim Harty. Its the little things it helps pick up.
With approximately 17 shooting club members, its growing bigger every year,
said Harty. Shown, from left: Les Pearson, Bailey Anders, Harty, Philip Pearson
and Riggin Anders. Photo by Del Bartels
Forty & Eight donation
McLaughlin celebrates
25 years with Scotchman
Larry McLaughlin, Midland, was honored Monday, July 9, at Scotchman Indus-
tries, Inc., for 25 years of employment there. Beginning employment with Scotch-
mans on July 6, 1987, through the years McLaughlin has run numerous machines
in the factory. Currently he programs and operates the computer numerical con-
trolled lathes. Shown is McLaughlin, left, shaking hands with and receiving a
recognition from Jerry Kroetch, president of Scotchman Industries.
Courtesy photo
The Pierre Elks Lodge #1953
will sponsor South Dakota Kite
Day, July 18, at Hilgers Gulch in
Pierre from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
This free event is possible from a
grant from the National Elks
Foundation and the Pierre Elks
Lodge #1953.
It is open to all children up to 14
years of age. The first 400 children
will receive a free kite and a lesson
on how to fly the kite properly.
Pierre Elks Lodge members will
be on hand to assist with handing
out the kites, offering assistance in
putting them together and getting
them into flight. Parents are en-
couraged to get involved as well.
For more information, call
Steven Wegman, chairman Elks
Kite Day, at 295 1221.
Free kite day, Pierre, July 18
I dont know if I should even at-
tempt to write the news this week.
It has been one of those weeks,
when some days I should have
stayed in the house.
First, I dont see well in the sun-
light after putting drops in my
eyes, but it would be okay to go out-
doors and do something in the
yard, as I know my yard pretty well
dont I? Wrong.
I loaded up a big paper box that
the hot water heater came in and
then went over to the trash tank to
unload some old exhaust pipe off
the old heater. Then I came back to
the shop to get a wrench that I
needed. I should have went around,
but decided to back up.
Looking out my side-view mirror,
I thought I was doing good. Now,
my endgate was down and the big
box was blocking my view, I backed
up missing the corner post, but
backed over the water meter.
It was a complete and total
wreck. Oh my gosh, what now? I
had better go to the house and call
the rural water office and tell them
what I had done. Was I ever em-
barrassed. I apologized, but still
felt terrible as they had to come all
the way out and put in a new
The administrator of Philip
Health Services always asks me
when he sees me if I am staying out
of trouble. Well not this week,
Kent. I was in trouble all week.
There is only today left this week
and I am staying the house!
Sympathy goes out to the family
of Dennis Kennedy. His funeral
was last Tuesday and there was a
large attendance. He had been ac-
tive in many areas and he made
many friends wherever he went.
He was a good businessman and
our family bought many vehicles
from him. He always did his best to
satisfy his customers. I attended
the service and got to visit with
John and Doris Billington who
have been longtime christian
It was Alice Eide, Kenneths sis-
ter, who helped them get a job over-
seas where they spent many years
teaching in Germany. I first met
Doris when she was teaching home
economics in Sturgis. Our class
from Sundance went over to a spe-
cial lesson she was teaching.
John and Doris were going to
leave early as they were to attend
a special reunion honoring the
teachers of Sturgis that evening.
So many of the older generations
of Kennedys who were Kenneths
age have passed away, but they
were a family who grew up in the
Grindstone area and took part in
all the community gatherings in
the neighborhood at the Grind-
stone Hall. Some of them went to
high school at Cottonwood.
Mark Ford, former minister of
the United Church, was back for
Dennys funeral and I got to visit
briefly with him. He was trying to
see as many old friends as he could
in the short time he was here.
Mavin Eide came home from
Dennys funeral and got his fire
truck out and went to a fire at Jack
Griesels. But he met many people
coming back and they told him that
it was out. It was a tree that light-
ning had struck a couple of nights
prior and smoldered and finally
burst into flames. No damage was
done and it was contained in the
All of Rich and Gladys Smiths
kids were home last weekend and
they all enjoyed being together
again. Gladys got to go out home
and enjoy them all. Steve and
Roxie and their daughter, Dawn,
were staying at Kieth Smiths while
they were here and the rest stayed
either at Rich and Gladys or with
other family.
I visited with Colleens husband
and he was anxious to go home as
he was afraid of the fire situation
in Montana as it is dry there too.
I have been back to the early
days, as my hot water heater went
bad and could not replace it till
after the holiday. I was heating
water in the teakettle to do dishes
and by shutting my bathroom door
on the hot days, a cool shower felt
good. My nephew, Mel Smith, came
to my rescue and had me up and
running on the fifth, so was not too
Kiley Sieler spent a few days
with her cousins, the Fitch boys, at
Milesville while she was here visit-
ing her grandparents, Vickie and
Marvin Eide. Her mom, Carla, and
Taegan came and got her over the
Fourth of July holiday. As always,
it was a goodbye and we will be
back the first chance we get. Of
course, I get to see them also when
they are here. Kiley helps me a lot
when she comes. She gets lots done
for an 11-year-old girl. She also
spent some time at her great-
grandparents, Cliff and Rita Ram-
I visited with my niece, Vina
Morris, who lives in Newcastle,
Wyo., and she said that they were
getting smoke from both the Sun-
dance and the Newcastle fires. She
said that it was hard to breath with
all the smoke so she had just been
staying indoors. Where they live,
they were out of danger.
She said the people there said
that the flames of the fire were
high in the air, but stated that she
hadnt seen them. They retire early
as Ben has to leave for work at five
in the morning. Later, after talking
to her, the radio said that they had
contained both fires. I understood
that rain helped them with this.
Yes, we still need to pray for rain
because it is very dry and the fire
danger is not over yet.
I understand that Lee Schoniger
had a birthday celebration in Rapid
City. I couldnt get him for informa-
tion, but understand the dance
club, Mel and Beth Smith, grand-
daughter, America, and Lees
daughter, Marylyn, and husband of
Newcastle also attended. The older
generation of gentlemen asked
America to dance and she accepted
and had the time of her life danc-
I went into town for the shower
for Rachelle Hauk. There was a
nice crowd ther and she recieved an
array of gift. Later, Norma Olden-
berg and I enjoyed lunch downtown
and returned to her house and she
called Marlin Evans to come up tne
try out some new tea flavors she
had purchased.
We enjoyed a tea tasting party
and my favorite was the cinnamon
tea, it was very good. Marlin had to
leave early as she was expecting
her son, Jack, who was going to
drop in for a visit on his way home
to Rapid City. He has been fencing
for Dalys east of Philip.
(continued next week)
Grindstone News
by Mary Eide 859-2188
Rural Living
Thursday, July 12, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 3
Saddlery, Bottle & Vet
Locally owned & operated
859-2482 Philip
Dust Bags
Pour ons
Golden Malrin Fly Bait
Glyphosate Resistant Kochia
Glyphosate resistant kochia was
first confirmed in South Dakota in
the Gettysburg area in 2009. A few
additional cases were confirmed in
2010 and 2011. In 2012, resistant
populations seemed to expand
greatly and it appears to exist in
Tripp County. Seed from suspected
plants are planned to be submitted
to SDSU for testing later this sum-
mer. One agronomist stated that
he will likely treat all soybean
fields as if the kochia is glyphosate
resistant next year. This change in
kochia may justify more aggres-
sive management in soybeans and
rotational crops.
Kochia has two weaknesses
which must be exploited. One is
that kochia seed has very little
dormancy as seed may only sur-
vive in the soil for a couple years.
The second weakness is that
kochia emerges very early in the
spring, so populations could be
greatly depleted in no-till fields
using an effective burndown herbi-
Mike Moechnig, SDSU Exten-
sion Weed Specialist, suggests
management strategies for
glyphosate resistant kochia. A
good burndown herbicide program
that includes foliar and soil resid-
ual activity may greatly minimize
plants emerging later in the sea-
son. A soil residual herbicide will
be necessary to control glyphosate
resistant kochia in soybeans. Since
the seed does not survive long in
the soil, it will be important to ag-
gressively control kochia in rota-
tional crops such as corn or wheat.
Kochia will not likely be eradi-
cated from a field, but greatly de-
pleting the seed bank may allow
adequate control in Roundup
Ready soybeans with a soil resid-
ual herbicide followed by a post-
emergence tank mix partner if nec-
essary. Also, consider alternatives
such as Liberty Link soybeans.
For more detailed information
on controlling glyphosate resistant
kochia and other troublesome
weeds, visit South Dakota Weeds
Canada Thistle in S.D.
Canada thistle is the most trou-
blesome noxious weed in South
Dakota. That is certainly true in
south-central South Dakota as I
see numerous patches in my trav-
els between home and my office in
Winner. Populations increased ex-
ponentially from the 1950's to
2000. Since then, populations have
remained somewhat steady at
about 1.5 - 1.8 million acres.
Populations have likely been
kept steady due to declining acres
of pasture and grasslands (result-
ing from increased crop produc-
tion) and the introduction of new,
more effective, herbicides. There
are few sustainable methods to
control Canada thistle. Biocontrol
options are limited due to Canada
thistle's close relationship to na-
tive thistles. Thick grass can com-
pete well with Canada thistle, but
disturbances due to grazing or
haying can enable patches to
spread. To really deplete Canada
thistle, all land owners need to ag-
gressively control patches.
An effective control program
consists of proper choice of herbi-
cides, proper timing of applica-
tions, and persistence. For detailed
information on herbicides and ap-
plication timing, visit South
Dakota Weeds at: www.mikes
Contact the Winner Regional
Extension Center at 842-1267.
8/16/2012 Winter Wheat Meet-
ing, 6:30 pm, Auditorium, Draper
Extension News
by Bob Fanning
Field Specialist, Winner
Regional Extension Center
First National
Bank in Philip
859-2525 Philip, SD
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hrs ............................................ S# 8184 (P) $78,000
1998 John Deere 9200 Cab, Synchro, Duals, 3 Pt
Hitch, PTO, 9,000 hrs .............. S# 9606 (W) $87,500
2004 John Deere 9520 Cab, Powershift, Duals, 6,296
hrs ....................................... S# 9873 (PR) $109,000
1997 New Holland 9682 Cab, Collarshift, Duals, 3pt,
6,530 hrs ................................S# 10152 (P) $75,000
2006 New Holland TV145 Cab, Singles, 3 Pt Hitch,
PTO,2,288 hrs ........................... S#9966 (P) $84,500
Twine & Net
Wrap Models
as low as
11 JD 567
(2) JD 566 ........................... AS LOW AS $10,000
(11) JD 568 ......................... AS LOW AS $17,500
Cab, MFWD,
Powershift, 9,000
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1994 John
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Tractors: Row Crop
Windrowers - MoCos
21 ft, Shiftable
Draper head & 16ft
Auger head, 972 hrs
S# 8695 (W)
2006 MacDon
1999 MacDon 9300 16 ft. sickle Auger header,
1640 hrs ............................ S# 9323 (P) $39,500
2005 John Deere 4995 Tri-Lobe Condition,
16 Rotary, 1400 hrs #10397 .......... (W) $69,500
1981 John Deere 2420 18 #10051 (W) $6,000
John Deere 2320, 18 ........ #10408 (W) $5,500
Cab, Powershift,
Duals, 359 hrs, S#
10113 (W)
........... $245,000
2011 John
Deere 9430
Tractors: Articulated 4WD
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(3) JD 4930s 90 Booms, hours as low as 896 .............. low as $195,000
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Flexi-Coil 67XL 90 Booms, 1500 gal ...S#9753 (P) $13,000
John Deere 4030 Cab, 2WD, Collarshift, Loader
557 hrs .....................................S# 9713 (P) $24,000
1982 John Deere 4840 2wd, P-Shift, 3 SCVs, 1000
PTO, 8822 hrs ......................... S#38060 (W) $25,000
(3) John Deere 7730s MFWD 2 w/loaders $92,000
(2) 1997 John Deere 7810 .......................... $75,000
(2) John Deere 7800 MFWD, as low as ....... $47,500
2004 JD 7820 MFWD, 4136 Hrs, JD 746 Loader ............
S#10350 (W) .............................................. $129,500
2000 John Deere 8110 .S#10028 as low as $69,000
(2) John Deere 8100 ...................... (1) 2WD $48,500
......................................................(1) MFWD $75,000
2005 CIH MX 285 ......................... S#9938 $115,000
1997 John Deere 8300 MFWD, 16 spd P-shift, 9844 hrs
9839 (P) ........................................................ $67,750
JD 9770 &
9770 STS
(2) 2010 JD 9670 Corn/Bean 2WD Hydrostatic ...........
.................................................AS LOW AS $270,000
1995 JD 9600 Corn/bean, Hydrostatic, 4000 hrs ..........
................................................. S#9875 (PR) $40,000
(5) John Deere 9760 ..............AS LOW AS $130,000
1500 gal. sprayer
with 90ft booms, 3
way nozzles, clean
rinse tank with
sprayer wand, clean
ll system, remote
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2004 Summers 1500 Sprayer
Asking $26,500
28ft Twin Rake,
SN# 7584,
Cash Price,
2006 New Holland
6244 hours, 4 remotes,
bareback, 20.8R42
duals. Unit runs well
and looks good.
1998 JD 9200 4WD
(4) John Deere 9660
Corn/Bean, 2WD,
Hydrostatic, AS LOW AS
Prices Reduced On Select Models!
See details on web site.
JD 843 loader, tires 90%,
hours 557, excellent
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SN# 8280 Cash Price,
JD 8225R Tractor
Haakon County Conservation District and
Jackson County Conservation District
would like to say THANK YOU to the following
businesses for sponsoring our South Dakota
Rangeland and Soil Days event!
First National Bank in
McQuirk Ditching
Ingram Hardware
Kennedy Implement
Bad River Ranches
HCS-Hometown Computer
Peoples Market
Pizza Etc.
Philip Custom Meats
Golden West
Teton River Trenching
Rush Funeral Home
Ernies Building Center
Rock and Roll Lanes
Golden Willow Seeds
West River/Lyman Jones
Pioneer Review
Cattle Business Weekly
Dr. Ron Mann, DDS
Piroutek Auction Service
West River Excavation
Golden Vet Services
Scotchman Industries
Hildebrand Steel and
Kujawa Enterprises
Grossenburg Implement
Discount Fuel
Crew Agency Ltd.
Kadoka Oil, LLC
Brants Electric
Americas Best Value Inn
West Central Electric
Fitzgerald Oil
Petersens Variety
Tollefson Law Office
Farm Bureau Financial
G&G Excavation
Moses Building Center
Jiggers Restaurant
Dakota Inn Motel
Coyles Super Valu
OConnell Construction Inc.
Kennedy Manure Spreading
Dakota Mill and Grain
Pennys Riverside Catering
Smith Hay Grinding
Philip Chamber of
Philip Ambulance
SDSU Cottonwood
Research Station
Bart and Marcy Ramsey
Cliff and Mary Poss
The Board of Directors of South
Dakota Agriculture and Rural
Leadership (SDARL) has an-
nounced the selection of 30 mem-
bers for Class VII.
These 30 individuals will begin
their leadership experience in No-
vember 2012. This unique program
is designed to provide leadership
training to rural residents from
farming, ranching, agri-industry
and agricultural organizations.
The goal is for participants in gain-
ing the vision, knowledge, confi-
dence and commitment necessary
to assume leadership roles in
South Dakotas rural communities
and agricultural industry.
Lori Cope, executive director
said. it is a very comprehensive
agenda combining leadership de-
velopment with hands-on field ex-
perience that teaches individuals
every aspect of agriculture that
South Dakota has to offer.
Participants gain firsthand
knowledge of agricultural trends,
key issues and the availability for
ag development in South Dakota.
They come away from a SDARL ex-
perience better equipped to serve
on boards, volunteer within their
communities, and increased ana-
lytical and strategic planning skills
for assessing an ever-changing en-
Throughout the 18-month pro-
gram experience, participants will
participate in 10 in-state seminars,
one national study seminar to
Washington, D.C. and a two-week
international study seminar. These
are all centered on local, regional,
national and international agricul-
ture. The SDARL program is a pri-
vate/public partnership funded
through tuition and sponsorships.
The participants selected for
Class VII SDARL experience in-
clude Ryan Kjerstad, Wall.
SDARLs class VI, 2010, included
Codi Mills, Sturgis, editor of the
Cattle Business Weekly.
Codi Mills, Sturgis, editor of the Cattle
Business Weekly and a member of the
completed SDARL Class VI.
The recent high temperatures,
wind and lack of significant precip-
itation have led to an expansion of
drought across South Dakota.
In this weeks U.S. Drought
Monitor, over 47 percent of the
state is now considered to be in
moderate drought and just over
three percent is in severe drought,
according to Laura Edwards, South
Dakota State University Extension
climate field specialist. Nearly the
entire states area, almost 96 per-
cent, is in some state of drought or
dry condition.
The recent month has intensified
drought development as dry, warm
and windy conditions have affected
nearly every corner of the state.
Two notable exceptions are the Wa-
tertown area and far northern Cor-
son county, which have experi-
enced close to average rainfall this
season. Impacts abound in the
agricultural, livestock and natural
resources sectors.
Corn and soybean growth has
begun to slow down, as reports of
leaf curling and other water stress
in row crops have come in from
many areas of eastern South
Dakota. Water stress can be yield-
reducing at this time of year, as
corn approaches the tasseling
stage. Stock dams and water re-
sources for livestock are lower than
normal for this time of year. Grass
and alfalfa cutting for hay has
yielded less than normal amounts
this year as well, at least in part
due to drought.
Wildland fire activity in western
South Dakota has also been above
normal for this time of year.
Grasses and other fuels have expe-
rienced significant growth over the
last couple of years, with the last
several months providing optimum
conditions for curing those fuels
and creating extreme fire danger in
many areas.
June 2012 climate records verify
the dry and warm conditions that
were experienced across much of
the state. Vermillion and Canton
had their driest June on record.
Menno, Sioux Falls and Yankton
recorded their second driest June
on record. None of these cities had
more than an inch of rain in June.
Climate reporting locations in the
northwest, northeast, and south-
east were the driest. Aberdeen,
Belle Fourche and several other lo-
cations reported more than 2.25
inches below average rain for the
Several locations tied or set new
June all-time high daily tempera-
ture records, including Martin,
Edgemont, Rapid City, Lead and
Hill City. Nearly every climate re-
porting site reported above average
temperature for the month, as
much as eight degrees above aver-
age in the western part of the state.
Most locations were two to six de-
grees above average for the month.
Report impacts due to drought in
your area at the National Drought
Mitigation Center's Drought Im-
pact Reporter website. For more in-
formation, isit http://droughtreport
The U.S. Drought Monitor is on-
line at http://droughtmonitor.unl
.edu, and updated each Thursday.
Drought intensifying
across South Dakota
The World Trade Organization
has issued their final ruling on the
case brought by Canada and Mex-
ico against the United States
mandatory Country of Origin La-
beling law (COOL) for beef and
pork and appealed by the United
Like the original decision, the
appellate ruling upholds the right
of the United States to require
COOL and reversed the original
ruling which stated that U.S.
COOL laws were too restrictive
and caused barriers to trade. The
appellate panel did not rule,
thereby upholding, the lower pan-
els finding that specific rules for
implementing COOL and labeling
beef and pork did cause restrictive
barriers and imposed burdens on
Canadian cattle.
There is a lot to be positive
about in this ruling, said Shane
Kolb, Meadow, president of South
Dakota Stockgrowers. We now
know we have COOL and the ap-
pellate panel did uphold our right
to provide labeling information to
our customers. Stockgrowers has
fought long and hard to see COOL
implemented in the United States
and I think this ruling confirms the
principle and the right to label our
products and let our customers de-
cide the origin of the food that is on
their dinner plate.
Kolb continued, Of course Stock-
growers is frustrated with the deci-
sion by the WTO panels to strike
down certain rules within the
COOL law, and we definitely dont
like to see an international court
override rules made by the United
States for our citizens. However,
now that we have a final ruling, we
can get to work fixing the concerns
in our COOL rules and working to
strengthen COOL for our cus-
Canada and Mexico successfully
argued that the rule for segregat-
ing livestock at slaughter created
additional costs to the imported
livestock and thereby created an
unfair bias against those food
items. The ruling also impacts the
process for labeling meat of mixed
At this point, we know that we
have COOL and we know that we
have the right to continue that law.
Thats all good news, said Kolb.
The details of how we create the
label are obviously going to need
some adjustment. Stockgrowers
are committed to making sure that
COOL works for both our cus-
tomers and our producers and
were going to do all we can to
make sure that happens.=
WTO upholds Country Of Origin Labeling
Hit & Miss
Thursday, July 12, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 4
by Vivian Hansen
Yard of the Week
Elderly Meals
Thursday, July 12: Ham or Beef
Salad Sandwiches, Potato Salad,
Corn Salad, Lemon Cake.
Friday, July 13: Lemon Pepper
Tilapia, Twice Baked Mashed Po-
tatoes, Key Biscayne Veggies, Roll,
Diced Peaches.
Monday, July 16: Beef
Rouladen, Red Mashed Potatoes,
Cabbage Supreme, Roll, Kirsch
Tuesday, July 17: Chicken Pi-
quant, Baby Bakers, Malibu Veg-
gies, Roll, Praline Crunch Bar.
Wednesday, July 18: Cookout
Day with Hot Dogs and Burgers.
Thursday, June 28, activity after
morning exercises was Wii bowl-
ing. Thank you to Susan who gave
me the scores: Addie 115 and 116,
Eileen 96, Anne 169 and 179, Jean-
nie 153, Fred 108 and Jim 100.
Thursday afternoon at Somerset
Court there was bingo with Shawn
calling numbers. (Sandy is on vaca-
tion.) Winners were Maxine
Kilmer, Marilyn Oyler twice, Mar-
ilyn Butts three times, Myron
White, Agnes Tastad, Annetta
Hansen, and Mildred Young. There
was a good attendance. Myron
White had visitors, his grand-
daughter and her daughter.
We are glad to see Fred Ross
back at Somerset Court.
Friday, June 29, Eileen Tenold
went with her sister and brother-
in-law, Norma and Bob Tenold,
Reva, to a tractor tire store in
Rapid City where they picked up
two huge tires. She was able to
climb up into their big pickup.
Shawn brought the new Somer-
set Court schedule. We have been
anticipating the arrival of the
schedule. We are happy to see
quilting on July 14 and bingo with
the boys from the Boys Club July
17. New Horizon Band will be in
the courtyard July 24. And there
are many other attractive activi-
Thank you to Sharon Coyle for
the beautiful birthday card. Thank
also to Sheridan Hansen for the
pretty thank you card.
Thank you to our Palmer rela-
tives back in North Stonington,
Conn., for your letter. Anne Coit is
103 years old and still gets around
with her walker. She has a live-in
helper. She wrote a good letter.
Wanda, Leonard and Jean Meyer
and I visited her in the 1990s.
Friday, June 29, Shawn and Inez
and I tackled a new game of quid-
dler. It is a word game with some
cards having single letters and
some having letter combinations
such as er, ed cl. Players try to form
a word or two or more and have one
card left to discard. In that case he
can go out. Cards have various val-
ues. The player who wins adds up
his points and they are recorded.
Other players have one more
chance to make what they can, and
that counts for them. And they sub-
tract what is left in their hands.
There are rules about dealing the
shuffled cards. They are dealt one
card at a time. Three cards the first
hand, four the second and so on up
to 10. Then you start over with
three. Other points are given for
the longest word and for the most
words. You have to play it, to learn
Friday, June 29, Doris Wellman,
Somerset Court resident, had com-
pany at lunch, three Rapid City
ladies, Judy Fauss, Janelle Carl-
son, and Norma Nielson. They play
bridge in the afternoon in the sec-
ond floor tea room.
The family of my niece, Effie
Hulett Johnson, had a get together
in Sioux Falls, July 1, 2012. This
made it much closer for their aunt,
Alma Hulett Schilling, and their
cousin, Wanda Meyer Artz. The re-
union is usually held in Lincoln,
Neb., or even farther east.
M.R. Hansen came for scrabble
and we had a very satisfactory
game. Thank you for coming over,
Sunday, July 1, we had cards in
the morning and church services in
the afternoon with Terry Pulse fol-
lowed by cards and dominoes.
June 30, at Somerset Court we
had morning exercises. For lunch
we had barbecued chicken, baked
beans and fries. For dessert we had
ice cream sandwiches. After lunch,
Somerset Court residents were fa-
vored with piano music by Kilmer.
Thank you, Mike. He has great
power and style. Some of his songs
were That Big Rock Candy Moun-
tain, In the Garden, Roll Out
the Barrel, I Cant Stop Loving
You, Its A Small World, and
Amazing Grace.
Lois Pierce (You know her, she
lives over at Box Elder and she
plays the piano.) was here and she
introduced her friend, Lila Benton,
who plans to move to Somerset
Court next month.
The Rapid City homebound li-
brary program brought a new ship-
ment of books including The
Defining Moment, by Jonathon
Alter, Rorys Story, by Konnie
Hoffman Ellis, The Witness, by
Nora Roberts, and The Pope Who
Quit, by Jon Sweeney. Im reading
the Runaway Jury by John Gr-
isham. We are pretty busy here.
We have to make time to read. And
of course, theres two hours a week
shot with Monk Reruns.
My daughter, Carol Vogan, who
lives about 10 miles east of Col-
orado Springs, emails about the
drastic fire in Manitou Springs.
The smoke is strong, even at their
place. In their neighborhood, peo-
ple are making relief packages for
survivors whose houses have
burned. My son, Hans P. Hansen,
who lives at Spruce House in Col-
orado Springs, is even closer to the
fires. The residents there are re-
stricted from taking walks. Our
United States president was in Col-
orado Springs to observe.
My nephew, Leonard Meyer,
Greenfield, Ind., sent a fascinating
email about the Fibonacci numbers
(1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 and so on.)
Each new number being the sum of
the last two. The rhythm is fol-
lowed by pine cones, pineapple,
sunflower seeds, nautilus shell,
and even galaxies.
Saturday, June 30, we had Wii
bowling at Somerset Court.
Sunday, July 1. 2012, at Somer-
set Court we had a great turkey
dinner with mashed potatoes and
gravy, cranberries and carrots and
blueberry cheesecake.
We had church with Steve and
Terry. Jack played the piano and
we sang hymns and patriotic songs.
Thank you all. The message was
pray for those in administration.
The July 1, 2012, Rapid City
Journal had the obituary of Dennis
Kennedy, Philip. My sympathy to
family and friends. My mother,
Effie Palmer, used to babysit Den-
nis and his brother, Kent.
Kenneth Monette entertained
some of his family at noontime in
the Somerset Court guest dining
room Sunday, July 1.
I emailed my granddaughter,
Gwen, and husband Gary Morgan,
Woodbridge, Va. There had been a
big storm there and parts of the
town were without electricity.
Gwens daughter, Melissa, hus-
band Breck and daughter Teagan
Snively, Gillette, Wyo., are visiting
at Gwens.
I wrote to my daughter Vinnie,
and sent some photos of the rock
work of my father, Rolla Palmer, at
the Palmer homestead in the
Grindstone country, 25 miles
northwest of Philip. Some of the
huge rocks he hauled, together
with two horses and a stoneboat,
are still in place. There is the
blacksmith shop and smokehouse
attached, the granary floor, and
parts of the north wall of the barn
that was built in the teens and
1920s against the hillside.
Monday at Somerset Court, we
had morning exercises, then crafts
with Amy. The project was scratch-
offs of patriotic symbols such as
flags and a lady bug dressed in red,
white and blue. Thank you to Amy,
who volunteers her time. Amy
checks our word search puzzles and
delivers Somerset bucks and puts
out a new set of puzzles.
Wayne Hansen came over and
stayed for lunch. He brought two of
my favorite little perch, all caught
and cleaned and fried and ready to
eat. Thank you, Wayne. I ate one a
half before supper.
Sarah Keens ball team will have
printed tee shirts for their all star
Thank you to my daughter,
Carol, and husband Al Vogan, Col-
orado Springs, for the photos you
sent to me of our trip to Philip over
Philip Festival Days. I especially
liked the one of me on my old front
doorstep. They are all so dear pho-
tos of my old home for over 50
We sang happy birthday to resi-
dent, Dutch Stevens, July 2. Dutch
was formerly from Kadoka. My
husband, Virgil, painted signs for
Dutchs brother, Lyle, who ran the
Conoco station in Kadoka for years.
Short words using the letter j:
jeu a game with plural jeux, jouk to
dodge, jota a Spanish dance, jin or
jinn a supernatural being, joky or
jokey amusing, jaio same as chaio,
jink to move quickly out of the way.
July 3, Somerset Court had resi-
dent council. There was a good turn
out. The purpose of the council is to
promote smooth operation of Som-
erset Court. Shawn presided,
Susan was in charge of hospitality,
and Ryan, Jason, John and Jeri
and Marvia attending for the staff.
Residents who attended were Betty
Downen, Irene Cox, Viola Walker,
Don Stensgaard, Jim Holmes,
Dwight Mann, Mildred Young and
her caregiver, Kay, Anne Brink,
Lewis Tracy, Marilyn Butts,
Flossie Olson, Connie Stevens,
Addie Rorvig, Bernie James, Fred
Smith, Inez Perli, Edna Wulff,
Charlie Hathaway, Betty McClel-
lan, Jeannie Aralson, and Blanch
There were some good compli-
ments about the food and the pleas-
ant wait staff. The medic staff were
commended for prompt and courte-
ous administration of meds.
July 3, Somerset Court resi-
dents, Mildred and Ray Kraemer,
had company, their daughter and
husband, Wrenae and Frank
Shakel, Rolla, Mo.
Dylan and Erika Schreider,
grandson and family of Marcella
Kraft came to visit at Somerset
Court, July 3, 2012.
July 3, Somerset Court had
bingo with Shawn calling numbers
and Susan providing hospitality.
Winners were Irene Arbach, Agnes
Tastad, Dwight Mann twice, Fred,
Charlie Hathaway, Sherman, Mar-
ilyn Butts, Doris Wellman, and
Inez Perli. For snack and chat,
beautiful strawberry cupcakes
were served.
The Monday movie, Andre was
quite appealing. A family adopted
a baby sea lion and became very at-
tached to it. Andre was a clever
actor and loved them back. There
was some rule that a family could
not keep a wild animal, and Andre
was taken away, but kept coming
July 4 at Somerset Court, we had
a picnic lunch served outdoors. We
had a good crowd. There were more
people here as guests, than went
out. Some of us ate in the activity
garden. We had giant hot dogs and
hamburgers, potato salad, baked
beans, watermelon, apple pie, and
all the fixin's such as chopped
onions, ketchup, mustard and rel-
Kenneth Monette had several
family members as guests.Twin
boys, younger than two, were very
friendly and came and sat at our
Gloria Crumet was a guest of
Irene McKnight July 4th at Somer-
set Court.
Guests of Vivian Hansen at Som-
erset Court for the Fourth of July
picnic lunch were Wayne and
Gwynn Hansen, Sheridan Hansen
and children and a family friend,
Audrey Danagan. Audrey lives in
Rapid City. Sheridan taught her
grandchildren when she taught at
Dakota Middle School.
Later in the afternoon, Floy and
Annetta, Susan and Vivian played
bananagrams for a while.
There is a robin nest in the Som-
erset Court courtyard.
If you find yourself in a waiting
situation, with no crossword puz-
zles, try making alphabet sen-
tences. For example, always be
careful during electric failure, gen-
erally having inventories, just
Kool-Aid, lollipops, mangos,
nougats, oranges, prunes, quinces,
realizing some times unusual vari-
eties will x-ceed your zeal.
Vinnie Hansens sixth Carol Sa-
bala murder mystery, Art, Wine,
and Bullets is ready for the
Interior Community Picnic
Interior Park 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 14th
Contact Tucker or Corinn Amiotte
for details, 685-5026 or 433-5440.
HCYW is hosting
Hot Summer Nights
Thursdays in July at
the Kiddie Park, Philip, SD
Farmers Market - 6-8 p.m.
Live Music - 7-9 p.m.
Accepting entries for a BBQ cook-off - Scheduled for
July 26th. Call 441-4909 for more info & to sign up!
Live music session performers wanted. Give us a call!
Glam Camp
in Philip
Tuesday, July 17th
Space is limited! Call or stop by
The Galleria to pick up a registration form.
Cost is $25
Call Tricia Burns at 859-2292
for more information.
Come to
The Gallerias
Ages 4-7: 8:30 a.m. - Noon
Ages 8-12: 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
July 13-14-15-16:
Brave (PG)
Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.
Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.
Gem Theatre
859-2000 Philip
July 20-23: Magic Mike (R)
July 27-30:
Amazing Spiderman (PG13)
August 3-6:
Ice Age 4 -Continental Drift (PG)
August 10-13:
The Dark Knight Rises (PG13)
Doug and Fay Hauks Park Avenue yard
is adorned with the rustic elements
along with some very pretty colored
roses and other assorted flowers.
Photo by Nancy Haigh
Church & Community Thursday, July 12, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 5
for obituaries,
wedding or
Send to:
Philip 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturdays: Confession from 3 to 4 p.m.
Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (August)
Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Thurs. Mass:
10:30 a.m. at Philip Nursing Home
* * * * * *
Midland 859-2664 or 843-2544
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m.
(Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.)
Sun day Mass: 11:00 a.m.
(Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.)
Confession: Before Mass
* * * * * *
Milesville 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)
Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.
Confession: Before Mass
Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.
* * * * * *
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
859-2336 Philip
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.
1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship
First Lutheran Ladies Bible study.
There are two Bible study groups: each meeting
monthly. One meets on the second Tuesday at
12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the
other meets on the second Wednesday at
1:00 p.m. at the Senechal Apts. lobby.
No Bible studies during June, July, & August.
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Midland 843-2538
Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.
Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.
Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov. thru
Feb.); 6:30 p.m. (Mar. - Oct.)
* * * * * *
Moenville 843-2538
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
1:30 p.m. (CT)
ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
* * * * * *
Long Valley
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
* * * * * *
Every Sunday in July
Services at 10:00 a.m.
followed by potluck dinner
Pastor Art Weitschat
Kadoka 837-2390
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m.
* * * * * *
(605) 669-2406 Murdo
Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship Services: 1:00 p.m.
* * * * * *
Pastor Andy Blye
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
Womens Ministries: 2nd Thurs., 1:30
10 miles SE of Midland
Pastor Glenn Denke 462-6169
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. CT
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip 859-2841
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Services 10:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of the month
potluck dinner following church services
Last Monday of the month
Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome!!
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip
Worship Service: 8:00 a.m. Children's Church:
8:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.
* * * * * *
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
Home: 859-2192 E-mail:
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
UCW meets 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m.
* * * * * *
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m.
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka
Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush
859-2542 Philip, SD
Ronald G. Mann, DDS
Philip, SD
nc|en| v|sdom |ot modetn |||e
lt's hard to imaginc a pIacc of purc joy, whcrc
thcrc is no suffcring or Ioss. But that is cxactIy
what God promiscs to thosc who bcIicvc in
Him. Profcss your bcIicf in Him today and
sccurc your pIacc in thc kingdom of Hcavcn.
And God shaII wipc away
aII tcars from thcir cycs,
and thcrc shaII bc no
morc dcath, ncithcr
sorrow, nor crying,
ncithcr shaII thcrc bc any
morc pain: for thc formcr
things arc passcd away.
RcvcIations 21:4 (k]V)
This space for rent!
Call 859-2516 to
have your message
placed here!
Jim & Linda Peterson & Family
invite you to share with them
in a time of celebration for their
45th Wedding Anniversary
Friday, July 13 ~ 1 - 7 p.m.
Union Center Community Center
Everyone Welcome!
Food & Drinks will be served.
You may bring a salad or a side dish if desired.
Arnold Matt___________________________________
Arnold Matt, age 86, passed away
peacefully at his home in New Un-
derwood with family at his side on
Wednesday, July 4, 2012. He lived,
loved and laughed well.
Arnold Arthur Matt was born
September 22, 1925, in a farm
house to Joseph and Selma Martin-
son Matt in the Elk Vale commu-
nity north of Rapid City. In 1928,
he moved with his parents and sib-
lings, Gladys and Julius to his
mothers homestead in the Boneita
Springs area close to the Belle
Fourche River. His brother, Henry,
was born in 1933.
Arnold received his elementary
education at four different schools
where he had to board with other
families that lived closer to the
schools. His boyhood was spent
helping with chores, swimming in
the river, hunting and trapping as
well as inventing things to make
work and fun easier.
When Arnold was 17, he bought
land from Ole Olson and dug a well
on it by hand. He worked on
ranches and farms. Soon after he
leased the Ole Olson home place
and moved in there.
In 1948, on February 14, Arnold
married Elsie Boydston Arneson at
the home of her sister and brother-
in-law, Ardis and Justin Speer.
They made their home on the
Olson place until 1949, when they
moved a house onto their land on a
basement that Arnold dug with the
help of others. Additional buildings
were added for poultry, hogs,
sheep, cattle, etc.
Arnold worked not only on farms
and ranches, but also on the mis-
sile sites. His life revolved around
the Boneita Springs community
where he was president of the
school board in District #7 for 11
years. He helped with the upkeep
of the Boneita Springs School and
the Boneita Springs Church and
Cemetery. Arnold received an ap-
preciation trophy for his work in
the community. He attended his
childrens activities at school and 4-
H. He irrigated land that he leveled
himself on the river bottom. Arnold
farmed and ranched as well, with
the help of his family. He helped
his neighbors with branding, car-
pentry, harvesting or whatever
they needed help with, including
witching for water with a just right
willow branch.
Arnold chauffeured his children
many times after they went to New
Underwood to high school. He was
a great and creative do-it-your-
selfer. He loved finding all the
things to collect for his museum.
After his breathing limited his
outdoor work, he leased the ranch
to sons, Stanley and Kenny Matt,
and started doing woodworking. He
and Elsie sold his creations at craft
shows and out of their home.
In 2000, they began spending
winters in their present home in
New Underwood. In 2004, they
moved in permanently and have
enjoyed visiting and having friends
and families stop in. As his health
deteriorated, he became house-
bound, but still enjoyed company.
Arnold was tall in stature and
large in the hands, his laugh was
loud and infectious, and would
make people laugh who may not
have even heard the joke! He was
always quick to joke and tease.
Preceding him in death were his
parents; his sister, Gladys, and her
husband, Charles Brassfield; his
brother, Julius; a daughter-in-law,
Vicki Matt; a son-in-law, Wayne
Bloom; two grandsons, Justin Matt
and Trent Matt; a great-grand-
daughter, Maci Oyler; two
nephews, Dennis Matt and Allen
Matt; a niece, Diana Matt-Gehrels;
and in-laws, Cecil and Alice Boyd-
ston, Ardis Speer and Ruth Boyd-
He leaves behind his wife of 64
years, Elsie, and nine children,
Marion (Darlene) Matt, Cliff (Judy)
Matt, Dixie (Dave) Oyler, Ron
(Tonya) Matt, Stanley (Glenda)
Matt, Kenny (Cindy) Matt, Mar-
lene (Paul) Montoya, Beverly
(Wade) Wootton, Bonnie (Steve)
Yearous, 24 grandchildren and 30
great-grandchildren. He also
leaves his brother, Henry (Annette)
Matt, in-laws, Charles (Margaret)
Boydston, Justin Speer and Alys
Services were held Saturday,
July 7, at the Central Meade
County Community Center at
Union Center with Pastor Harold
Delbridge officiating.
Burial was in the Boneita
Springs Cemetery.
A memorial has been estab-
lished to the Central Meade
County Community Center for air
Friends may sign Arnolds on-
line guestbook at www.kirkfuner-
Jewel J. Coverdale________________
Jewel J. Coverdale, age 100, of
Midland, died Wednesday, July 4,
2012, at the Hans P. Peterson Me-
morial Hospital in Philip.
Jewel J. Belkstrom was born
January 30, 1912, in western Stan-
ley County, the daughter of
Charles and Amanda (Fetter) Belk-
strom. She grew up in the Stanley
County area and attended rural
schools through the 10th grade,
then attended Pierre High School.
After graduation, she went to col-
lege in Aberdeen where she at-
tained her teachers certificate.
She, along with her sister, taught
school in several rural schools in
the area.
Jewel was united in marriage to
Art Coverdale, and to this union
were born three sons, Joe, Robert,
and Wayne. After their marriage,
they made their home on a farm-
ranch north of Midland. Later they
moved three miles down the road
where they made their home all
their married life. Her husband,
Art, preceded her in death in 1988.
Jewel continued to make her home
on the farm-ranch 17 miles north of
Midland, until moving into an as-
sisted living center in Pierre in
2002. In June 2008, she moved to
the Silverleaf Assisted Living in
Philip, and later moved to the
Philip Nursing Home, where she
has since resided.
Jewel was a member of the Trin-
ity Lutheran Church, the Victory
Extension Club and Elizabeths
Circle, all of Midland. She loved to
garden and sew, and especially en-
joyed traveling. Her travels in-
cluded trips to East Germany, Eu-
rope, Alaska, and the Worlds Fair.
Survivors include two sons, Bob
Coverdale and his wife, Kathy, of
Midland, and Wayne Coverdale of
Rapid City; six grandchildren; 11
great-grandchildren; one great-
great-granddaughter; and a host of
other relatives and friends.
In addition to her husband, Art,
Jewel was preceded in death by a
son, Joe Coverdale in 2006; a great-
grandson, Nickolas Verhey; two
sisters, Fern Scotter and Venus
Luukinen; and one brother, Harold
Funeral services were held Mon-
day, July 9, at the Trinity
Lutheran Church in Midland, with
Pastor Frezil Westerlund officiat-
Music was provided by Scotti
Block, pianist, Joni Willoughby, vo-
calist, and congregational hymns.
Ushers were Tyler Coverdale
and Tony Willoughby. Pallbearers
were Rob Coverdale, Bill
Coverdale, Nick Verhey, Corey
Sawatzy, Dennis Groff and Jeff
Interment was at the Midland
A memorial has been estab-
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at
Catechism ~ Recess ~ Worship ~
Group Activities ~ Water Fights
Grade School - Junior High (Grades 1-8):
Monday, July 30 - Thurs., Aug. 2: 9 am to 2:30 pm
*Participants in these grades need to bring a sack lunch
each day; a drink will be provided! A morning snack will also be provided.
High School - (Grades 9-12):
Sunday, July 29 - Thurs., Aug. 2: 7:30 to 9:30 pm
Parish Potluck Dinner: Wed., August 1st
6:00 p.m. at Fire Hall Park in Philip
**Registration is available in each of the three parishes
(St. Marys, Milesville; St. William, Midland;
& Sacred Heart, Philip) or call the parish office at 859-2664
Join in the fun!
Duc in Altum
is returning to
Sacred Heart Catholic
Church in Philip
Jesus Loves Me Preschool
is now accepting students
for the 2012-2013 school year
3-day week schedule Great Rates
A place where students learn, share, laugh, grow
Call to enroll your child today!
April Schofield, Teacher (K-8 Certified)
Call to enroll your child today! 859-3296 or 685-3410
Jack Brunsch____________________
Jack Brunsch, age 60, of Norris,
S.D., died suddenly on Monday,
July 9, 2012, at his ranch.
Survivors include a son, Alan
Brunsch of Norris; a daughter,
Misty Brunsch of Norris; his
mother, Lucille Brunsch of Norris;
two brothers, Beryl Brunsch of
Martin, and Jim Brunsch and his
wife, Jill, of Buckeye, Ariz.; four
sisters, Nancy Kehn of Norris,
Carol Anderson and her husband,
Stanton, of Belvidere, Jane Ruther-
ford and her husband, Mike, of
Rapid City, and Cindy Coon and
her husband, Rodney, of Martin;
and a host of other relatives and
Jack was preceded in death by
his father, Paul, and two nieces,
Angie Amiotte and Michelle Brun-
Visitation will be held from 4:00
to 7:00 p.m. Thursday, July 12, at
Rush Funeral Chapel in Kadoka,
and one hour preceding the serv-
ices at the Activities Center in
Martin on Saturday.
Funeral services will be held at
1:00 p.m. Saturday, July 14, at the
Martin Activities Center at Martin
Grade School, (located on the north
side of Hwy 18, on the west side of
Martin) with Father Craig West of-
Interment will be at the Martin
A memorial has been estab-
Arrangements are with the
Rush Funeral Chapel of Kadoka.
His online guestbook is available
A full obituary will appear in
next weeks paper.
Give a howdy to
Hugh & Joann Hart
on their 45th Wedding
July 15, 2012!
Cards may be sent to:
2341 P 23756 Arena Dr.
Rapid City, SD 57702
Please join us in
celebrating the marriage of
Katie Nelson & Merritt Carpenter
at their wedding dance!
Saturday, July 21st 9:00 p.m.
American Legion Hall
Philip, SD
Live music with South Pines
Thursday, July 12, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 6
Contact Sonia Nemec 843-2564
Midland News
Hope everyone had a safe and
enjoyable Fourth of July. Fire-
works were always a part of the
Fourth of July, but due to it being
so extremely dry this year, people
were advised not to set off those
fireworks. The Midland Commer-
cial Club used to put on a fireworks
display each year for a number of
years. Mom, Phil and I would come
to the home of Lyle and Ida Hunt
to watch those fireworks with their
family and other relatives. And, if
I remember correctly, there were a
good many others on that hill as
well. As most of you know, Lyle and
Ida lived on a hill on the northwest
side of Midland, so a person had a
great view of those fireworks. Good
And speaking of Lyle and Ida,
our son, Les, and his wife, Jolene,
had come from Monroe, N.C., for a
family visit. Les, Jolene and I went
to Philip on business one day and
stopped in at the nursing home.
We had a good visit and some good
laughs as the bathing suit beauties
at the water hole, which included
Ida and some of her sisters, was
brought up. Les asked Ida where
she met Lyle. At the water hole,
she said. And when he saw me, he
never looked any further, he said I
was the one he was going to
marry. We had to give her some
good natured ribbing over that and
we all had a good laugh. It was an
enjoyable visit. We also stopped in
to see Roy Roseth. Duane Roseth
was there visiting his dad so made
it nice to also visit with him. He
couldnt remember the last time he
had seen Les, and vice versa. We
have some good memories of the
Roseth family and ours. It was an
enjoyable visit all the way around.
Winter wheat harvest is slowing
down, but some still have wheat to
cut. It has been a strange year. You
would think with the heat we have
been having, all wheat would be
ready to cut but some fields are
still too green. Millet and corn
crops are in need of a hearty drink.
Those hot windy days with little to
no rain are taking a toll on those
crops as well as pastures. The pas-
tures with their short grasses are
turning brown in this area and hay
bales are in short supply. Some
folks baled up their wheat fields
which had been damaged by hail
making combining it not an option.
The Arizona winter we had this
past year was nice at the time, but
we are paying for it now. And with
such a short supply of rains this
spring and summer, the country is
not looking a bit good. Remember
last spring with all those rains
making the country lush and
green? And we also had snow the
previous winter. If youve been a
farmer or rancher for a number of
years, youve come to realize that is
a way of life. You have those lush
years and those lean years. Hope-
fully we get that much needed rain
very soon, as soon it will be too late.
Midland Markets pre-Fourth of
July was a most enjoyable evening
at Midlands City Park on July 1.
Temperatures being hot through-
out the day, it was surprising how
nice it was that evening. Pastor
Andy and Morris Daly entertained
people throughout the evening,
playing their guitars and singing
some patriotic songs as well as
other songs. A little bird told them
it was Karel Reimans birthday. I
believe that little bird was Sophie
Foley. And so they invited everyone
to sing the birthday song to Karel.
What a nice thing to do. That was
another nice thing that happened
at Midland Market. Singing with
them at times was Marinda, the
daughter of Mary Jo Jones and
Claude Flom. She does have a
beautiful singing voice. There were
around 50 plus people there that
evening enjoying themselves so
much they stayed beyond closing
time for Midland Market. I had a
nice visit with Kathleen Hand,
Kennewick, Wash. She had come
with her brothers, Dave and Laura
Hand and Tom and Lani Hand.
Midland Market is going the extra
mile this year working to make it
an enjoyable time for everyone.
Hoping to bring people back each
Friday evening, they have other
plans for entertainment at differ-
ent times. Watch for information in
their ads and come and show your
support. Each week they have a va-
riety of items to offer from baked
goods to canned goods to garden
produce to homemade jams to
homemade aprons to jewelry, to
name a few.
Many folks from near and far
have heard of the Stroppel Hotel of
Midland with its hot mineral
baths. Parts of the following are
about the hotel found in the Mid-
land history book. Dan Bastion had
built a road house in 1905 near the
west side of Mitchell Creek, south-
east of the present town of Mid-
land. That site was called East
Midland. The Bastion House had
33 rooms and Mrs. Bastion did the
work. In 1907, the building was
moved to the Midland townsite and
an addition built onto the back of
the building. Mrs. Bastion hired
cooks and waitresses. Different
folks leased that building in later
years and in 1931 it was bought by
J.W. DuBois. In 1937, the hotel
was closed. John Stroppel bought
the hotel in 1939, and with commu-
nity financial assistance, put down
an artisan well for hot baths. It
now became known as the Stroppel
Hotel and Hot Mineral Baths. John
and his wife, Violet, operated that
hotel for a number of years giving
hot baths, sweats and massages. In
1949, their son, Jack, who had at-
tended chiropractic school, took
over the business, assisting his
parents until 1966. He eventually
moved to Rapid City and his
brother, George Stroppel, helped
their mother run the hotel. John
passed away in 1959. George and
his wife, Alice, bought the business
in 1973 and continued to operate
the hotel giving hot baths and
treatments. Eventually, George
and Alices daughter, Patricia, and
husband Rueben ran the hotel
until the first of June of this year.
George and Alice moved into the
home of his parents, which is just
east of the hotel.
And so, for the first time since
1939 there are no Stroppels operat-
ing that hotel. Kathy Jensen, a son-
in-law and a third partner will now
be operating the hotel. Del Bartels
had an article in last weeks Pio-
neer Review about Kathy and her
familys adventure and business, so
I will not go into much of that. The
hot mineral baths was a real draw-
ing card for Kathy and her family.
They are interested in doing much
with those healing waters as well
as giving massages etc. We want to
welcome Kathy and her partners to
Midland and we wish them much
success as they are stepping out
into another adventure.
Jonas Frokjor-Jensen and his
wife, Ibn, and their three sons from
Denmark stopped at the Shorty
and Mickey Woitte home Friday for
a short visit. They stayed until
Sunday and then went on to Utah
to visit his brother who is living
there. Jonas was an exchange stu-
dent at the Woitte home for the
school year 1990-1991. They have
continued to keep in touch ever
Randy and Holly Nemec at-
tended a get-together at the home
of Don and Erin Bourk in Blunt a
while back to meet Holly's nephew,
Jorgen Vosberg's, new wife, Mo-
riah. Jorgen and Moriah were mar-
ried in October just before Jorgen
was deployed to Afghanistan. He is
stationed on the island of Oahu in
Hawaii and they are in South
Dakota to visit friends and family
for awhile before they return to the
base in Hawaii. Joining the group
were Chelsee, Addison and Joey
Rankin, Kelly Vosberg and Dena
Harmon, McKenzie Vosberg and
daughter Payton, Ryker Vosberg
and Mike and Sandy Doyle.
Sophie Foley and her son, Jim
Larson, attended the wedding of
Sophies niece, Leah Larson, at
Galena, Ill. Ann Cvach rode along
and cared for her grandchildren,
the kids of daughter Kathy (Lar-
son) LaDue, Anamosa, Iowa. As
Kathy had also come for the wed-
ding of her cousin. Leah is the
daughter of Larry Larson and Jean
Larson. Sophie reports it was a
1,400 mile round trip and that it
was very dry as they crossed the
state of Iowa. The corn is tall, but
it is stressed. Many states are dry
this year and in much need of mois-
Come to the Open Bible Church
in Midland July 14 from 2:00-4:00
to wish Cal and Pat Saucerman a
happy 50th wedding anniversary. I
can remember Jerry and I going to
their wedding at Hayes those 50
years ago. It had rained pretty well
and not being paved it made for
muddy conditions, so Cal carried
Pat to the car and they were off on
their honeymoon.Congratulations,
Cal and Pat. Those years do fly by
when you are having fun, right?
Jerry and I attended the funeral
service for 100-year-old Jewel
(Bjelkstrom) Coverdale at Trinity
Lutheran Church in Midland this
Monday morning. In a previous
Midland News column, I had writ-
ten some of the history of the Bjelk-
stroms and the Coverdales. I got
out the Prairie Progress of West
Central South Dakota history
book once again, reading over some
of their family history. I never
cease to be amazed by those hearty
pioneers with all the hardships
they endured. Im thinking we pale
in comparison. We sometimes
think we have it tough, but we hon-
estly have no idea what real tough
is. Jewels mom, Amanda Bjelk-
strom, wrote about a horse Jewels
dad, C.O. Bjelkstrom had. In
telling of that horse and what C.O.
had to say, Amanda wrote, Horses
were indispensible. Many of us
could say with pride we owned one,
that no critter could get away
from. In the history story C.O.
proved it when he and his horse
went after a gray wolf the wolf
did not come out winner. Our sym-
pathies to the Coverdale families.
Allen and Traci Evans, Tiahnna
and Taylor Evans, Sioux Falls, ar-
rived at the parental Bob Evans
home Wednesday night. They left
Thursday for the Black Hills to at-
tend a Jensen family reunion.
Thursday, Bob and Verona Evans,
Stan and Cathy Evans, Janet
Evans, Allen and Traci Evans and
girls, and Matt and Trisha Walters,
Alexa and Myah, were guests of
Ross and Melanie Jones, Cassie
and Kalli, for supper in Rapid City.
This was an early birthday supper
for Verona.
Morris and Barbara Jones were
happy to have their daughters and
families come home to visit last
weekend. Jill and Todd Sheldon,
Mallory, Mya and Doug, came Fri-
day night from Bismarck, N.D.,
and Carrie and Wes Mentele, Cole,
Logan and Ava, came early Satur-
day morning from Howard. They
visited at the home of brother, Jeff,
Jen, Stetson, and Maysa Jones and
the afternoon at the home of
brother, Jon, Jennifer, Jada, Jewel,
Jet, Jess and Josie Jones. All gath-
ered back at mom and dads for a
potluck supper. The young cousins
enjoyed renewing friendships and
playing together. All returned
home Sunday.
I received the following from Jen
Jones: As many of you know Stet-
son was diagnosed with unilateral
retinoblastoma in October 2010.
We were sent to Cincinnati for
inter-arterial chemotherapy treat-
ments every three weeks for four
months.Stetson went 14 months
with no signs of cancerous tumor
growths in his left eye and we were
taking him to check-up visits in
Rapid City. In April 2012 at Stet-
sons check-up, two cancerous tu-
mors were found. We were sent to
Cincinnati again to start IV
chemotherapy and cryotherapy.
The cryotherapy caused a little
hole in the lining of Stetson's eye
and therefore caused his retina to
detach because of a pressure
change due to fluids leaking out.
With no hope for Stetson's retina to
reattach on its own and therefore
no vision in his left eye and a
cloudy substances of probable can-
cer cells resistant to chemo and ra-
diation just waiting to settle down
and start growing again, Jeff and I
decided to have Stetson's eye re-
moved. His eye will be sent to
pathology to see if there are outly-
ing tumors. If so, Stetson will have
to continue with chemotherapy.
Stetson will continue to have
checkups on his right eye for two
more years to make sure he doesn't
develop retinoblastoma in his good
eye. On August 6, Stetson has an
appointment with an ocularist in
Denver to have his prosthetic eye
made. God has blessed us with
such a great attitude from Stetson.
He does not seem to be bothered by
the fact of loosing an eye. We are so
thankful for all the support and
prayers we have received from fam-
ily and friends for the past two
years. We know we would not have
been able to make our decisions
without all the prayers from every-
one. Thanks again to everyone who
supported our fundraiser at the T-
ball and C-ball game and to Mod-
ern Woodmen in Philip for match-
ing funds. You all are truly a bless-
ing to have in our lives. I wish to
thank Jen for writing about Stet-
son. I asked her if she could do this
as I knew people would be inter-
ested and I wanted the information
to be correct. I am amazed by Jen,
Jeff and Stetson on how they have
handled this whole process. God is
truly working in their lives. Their
faith is strong. Our prayers con-
tinue to be with Jeff, Jen and Stet-
An update from Alice (Donovan)
Venners daughter Micaela. Mom
continues to amaze us with her im-
proved well-being, joyful outlook
and determination to enjoy the
family and special treats each day
brings to her. The Venner house-
hold again enjoyed lots of family
and friends. Kathy's husband,
Dave, and their daughter, Kyndi,
New York, spent several days vis-
iting and pitching in. Also stopping
by was son Pat, Yvonne, Karleen,
Gary, Roger, Tracey, Tyson, Natile
and Alices newest great great-
granddaughter, Tynlee. Many
other well wishers also stopped by
to chat. Each moment spent with
loved ones is such a gift for mom
and Larry. Kathy has returned to
Memphis and mom will enjoy
daughter, Karas, caregiving this
week and daughter, Marys, next
weekend.We are requesting that
between the hours of 12:00 to 3:00
p.m. there are no phone calls or vis-
itors. Mom and Larry need this
"nap time" to keep up their
strength and restore their energies.
Thanks to all for the beautiful mes-
sages, well wishes and words of en-
couragement. Your prayers are cer-
tainly being heard as we witness
moms growing physical, spiritual
and emotional strength. We are
blessed. The Donovan/ Venner
family is also strong in their faith.
Our prayers continue to be with
their families.
Cody and Danelle Olson and
boys, Landon and Tucker, Canby,
Minn., arrived at the home of Cam
and Michelle Meinzer Wednesday,
July 4. Canelle is Cams niece. Fri-
day, Cam, Michelle and the Olsons
toured the Badlands, Mt. Rush-
more and other attractions. The
Olsons left for home Sunday.
Fourth of July dinner and supper
guests at the Meinzer home were
Tom and Mary Parquet, Roy and
Carol Hunt, Ted and Dena Hunt,
who stopped at the Philip Nursing
Home on the way bringing Ida
Hunt with them, Keith Hunt,
Christine Niedan, Teresa Palmer,
Jessica Tolton and the Olsons.
(continued next week)
Come join us at an Open House
Calvin & Patricia
celebrate 50 years of marriage
(They were married July 14, 1962)
Saturday, July 14 2-4 p.m.
Open Bible Church, Midland
Be sure to stop by and wish them another 50!
HOURS: M-F: 7 A.M. TO 5 P.M. SAT: 8 A.M. TO NOON
S. HWY 73 859-2100 PHILIP
Wood Pellets
DeWALt tools
Storage Sheds
Gates & Fencing
Skid Loader Rental
Pole Barn Packages
House Packages
Calf Shelters
We offer
& new Colormatch System for
all your painting needs!
Call today for your
free estimate!!
Book for Sale
and Love
a true story
John Nemec,
written by
if picked up or
$17.00 if mailed
If interested contact
John Nemec
Phone: (605) 843-2191
or email:
Cell: 605-441-2859 Res: 605-859-2875 Fax: 605-859-3278
520 E. Hwy. 14 PO Box 38
Philip, SD 57567
I can find
looking for!
David Burnett,
2003 Buick LeSabre
3.8L V6, Auto, Power Everything
Nice Dependable Car
The Midland T-Ball and C-Ball baseball teams hosted a benefit bake sale for Stetson Jones on June 13th during baseball
games vs. Philip. Through the bake sale and baseball concession stand, $1,500 was raised. Modern Woodman of America
will match those funds, thus presenting Jeff and Jen Jones with $3,000. The kids pictured from left to right are: Back row:
Eagan Fitzgerald, Ashley Hand, Abby Finn, Cass Finn, Logan Sammons, and Colby Fosheim. Front row: Aaron Blye, Sarah Hus-
ton, Tukker Boe, Fayth Martin, Cole Finn, Morgan Sammons, Ridge Furnival, Dacoda Harry, and Kalli Fosheim. Not pictured
are Kash Block, Don Schofield, Josie Jones, Jess Jones, & Kaitlyn Schofield. Coaches were Katie Sammons and Jenna Finn.
Courtesy Photo
Midland T-Ball team holds benefit for Stetson
Thursday, July 12, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 7
Cindy Collette
Tues. July 24, 2012 * 5 pm MT
Sale held onsite at 301 Philip Ave. in Philip, SD
Cindy is moving.time to sell! Her house
is really clean, cheery, & well kept!
Real Estate: Enclosed Porches Front & Back,
old-style Woodwork, Leaded Windows,
built-in features----is home is a charmer!
3 Bedrooms ~ 1 Bath (clawfoot tub) ~ Double Living Rooms
~ Hardwood Floors ~ Dining Room has built-in Hutch &
nice Chandelier ~ High Ceilings ~ Main Floor Laundry ~
Sun porch ~ Sunny entry w/bookshelves & cupboards ~ An-
tique front door & beautiful wood work
Lot size: 100' X 115'~ CORNER LOT ~ Taxes: $758.50
NEW Sewer Lines clear to the street ~ NEW Cove Heating ~
NEW Hot Water Heater ~ NEWER Roof & capped Rain Gutters ~ Cement Basement
Large Back Yard, nicely fenced with Trees, Lilacs, Perennials, Peonies, Lilies
is house will absolutely sell to the highest bidder on Auction Day!
Showings: Tuesdays, July 10 & 17 from 5-6 p.m.
2001 Ranger XLT, 5 spd, extended cab,127K ~~ 8x12 Storage Shed ~~ LG Washer & Dryer set, front loading steam ~~
Chest Freezer ~~ Smooth Top Stove ~~ Refrigerator ~~ Piano ~~ Many more items ~~ Watch for complete Flyer!
See & for photos & more info.
WEST RIVER REAL ESTATE Cliord Poss, Broker, 605-859-2483
Dan Piroutek R.E. Auctioneer #282 Lonnie Arneson R. E. Auctioneer #11296
605-544-3316 605-798-2525
Welding & Repair
DOT Inspection
Complete Trailer Repair
Full Line of Bearings & Seals
Tractor Front End & Spindles
Selling New Steel
Recycling Outlet
Refrigration & A/C on Commercial,
Residential & Vehicles
George: 441-3607 Lee: 441-3606
859-2970 Philip
Walker Automotive
Now open Mon. thru Fri.
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tune-ups ~ Brakes ~
859-2901 Philip
Philip NAPA Auto Parts
NAPA U-joints for most tractor applications!
We make hydraulic hose assemblies
"Proudly serving the Philip,
Midland & Kadoka areas!
Mon-Fri: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon
Engagement Announcement
Leroy and Jodi Blom of
Corsica are pleased to an-
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Stephanie
Blom to Zane Fees, son of
Donald and Carmen Fees of
Stephanie will receive an
AAS degree in cardiac ultra-
sound from Southeast Tech-
nical Institute in July. She is
currently in Mason City,
Iowa, finishing her clinical
Zane graduated from
Mitchell Technical Institute
in 2010 with an AAS degree
in electrical construction and
maintenance and in 2011
with an AAS degree in au-
tomation controls/ SCADA,
and is currently employed at
ORMAT. The couple plans to
reside in Aberdeen.
Stephanie is the grand-
daughter of Richard and
Judy Brink, Cornie and Jean Blom of Corsica and Rebecca Gruenewald
and the late Ronald Gruenewald of Rapid City.
Zane is the grandson of George and Marge Martin of Rapid City and
Clifford and Ann Fees of Philip.
An August 18, 2012, wedding is being planned.
First Lutheran Church, Philip,
will be hosting Bible School
July 23 - July 26 * 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Potty trained 3 year olds through sixth graders are
welcome to attend free of charge.
Offering will be taken daily to benefit the local
Backpack Program.
Bring sack lunches - drinks provided.
Potluck & Program Thursday, 6:00 p.m. at the church.
Early registration by July 15th is encouraged, but not required.
To sign-up call:
Karen Pinney - 859-2790 or Audrey Neiffer - 859-2046
Crafts ~ Music ~ Bible Stories ~ Games
See You There!
Philip Motor, Inc.
Philip, SD
(800) 859-5557
2008 Chevy Tahoe
5.3L Vortec, Local Trade, Clean
Give Tyler a call today!
The celebration at the Milesville
Hall on July Fourth drew a good
crowd, approximately 150 people.
As always, the food was plentiful,
the roast beef was delicious, and
everyone had a good time of visit-
ing, enjoying the air conditoning in-
side. Out in the yard, there were
some organized games for the kids,
including a boot scramble and mut-
ton busting. John Piroutek rode his
sheep and was declared the win-
ner. Phil Carley and Les Pearson
were the judges. The chute crew in-
cluded Jade Berry, Keith Smith,
Daniel Packard and Misti Berry.
Dusti Berry was the stock contrac-
Some of the news this week will
not be too recent because of the
early deadline last week.
Peggy Parsons attended the
state high school rodeo in Belle
Fourche a couple of weeks ago. Her
grandaughter, Bailey Lytle, was
June 27 and 28, Peggy Parsons
was in Piedmont babysitting her
grandaughter, EmmyLee Parsons,
daughter of Brennen and Joni.
The weekend of June 30 and July
1, guests at Byron and Peggy Par-
sons were grandkids, Bodhi and
Bailey Lytle, and Bodhi's friend,
Chelsea Shearer. They were com-
peting in a rodeo in Ft. Pierre.
Mark, Judith and Bailey Radway
were in Philip Saturday, June 30,
for a 50th birthday party for Mike
Brooks. Later, they attended the
reception and dance for Steven and
Beth Stewart. Tanner was at a
team roping event at the Robert
Tolton's that day and on Sunday
another big team roping in Rapid
Bailey Radway recently spent
time at South Dakota State Uni-
versity in Brookings for a basket-
ball camp. Her dad, Mark, took her
there and she rode home with the
Joe Carley family.
The weekend of June 30 and July
1, Bill and Connie Parsons and
some of their family got together at
a campground near Hill City.
Among them were Kyle and Marla
Petersen and family of Dazey,
N.D., Grant and Sandra Parsons
and Cole, Milesville, Glenn and
Dianne Parsons and Morgan and
Maddy Parsons and family, Philip,
and Shayla and Jeremy Delaney
and boys, Rapid City.
SaraLi Petersen, daughter of
Kyle and Marla (Parsons) Pe-
tersen, spent the first week of June
doing mission work in the country
of Nicaragua. Her cousin, Preston,
son of Brad and Wendy Parsons,
Visalia, Calif., is in Costa Rica at
this time on a two week missions
trip. Their grandparents are Bill
and Connie Parsons.
Jacob Hogue was without day-
care last week so Grandpa Dan and
Grandma Gayla Piroutek headed
to Muskegon, Mich., to visit their
daughter, Amy, and her family.
They took care of Jacob, but also
visited the Grand Rapids zoo, the
beach on Lake Michigan, and
played mini-golf. They took a few
pieces of furniture and fixed up a
new room for Jacob, as he will have
a baby brother in September. It is
a 1,060 mile drive through Chicago
(plus $14 in toll road fees) to get to
Muskegon. On the return trip, they
took the ferry across Lake Michi-
gan from Muskegon to Milwaukee.
It is 150 miles across the Lake, and
the ferry traveled 36 mph. It took
just short of three hours to cross
the lake, but it saved 260 miles of
driving (including through
Chicago), and all of the toll fees.
The ferry ride was not cheap. It
cost $80 per person, plus $87 for
the car, for a total of $247. It was a
relaxing ride, and the harbor views
on each side of the lake were very
interesting. It is 970 miles to drive
to St. Louis to visit their other
daughter, Erin.
The Staben families held a re-
union at the Milesville Hall June
30 with 40 people enjoying the day
eating and visiting. Former
Milesville residents coming from a
distance were Elaine Staben, Boze-
man, Mont., and her daughters,
Carol Burroughs, also of Bozeman
and Rhonda Harshbarger of the
Denver, Colo., area. There were rel-
atives from South Dakota as well
as Minnesota, Coloardo and Mon-
Carol Burroughs stayed with
Bryan and Sharon Olivier from
Sunday through Wednesday while
in South Dakota. Tuesday, the
ladies were in Pierre where they
drove out to the dam and visited
the memorials around the capitol.
That night, they met Bryan and
Jerry and Karen Kroetch for sup-
per and the fireworks in Philip.
Also on the 30th of June, there
were two bridal showers in Philip
that many folks attended.
Rachelle Hauk, fiance of Casey
Elshere, was honored with a
shower at the Senechal lobby.
That afternoon, there was a cou-
ples shower for Katie Nelson and
her fiance, Merrit Carpenter, at
the Bad River Senior Citizens Cen-
ter. Hostesses for this shower were
Linda Smith and Kathy Nelson.
Glen and Jackie Radway spent
the Fourth in the Black Hills camp-
ing on their land. They attended
the rodeo and fireworks in Belle
Fourche and visited the new Days
of '76 Museum in Deadwood.
(Jackie says this is a 'must see'.)
Their grandson, Deacon Ries, is
spending a few days this week with
Papa and Granny Radway.
Zane Pekron was home over the
weekend and to take advantage of
that. He and his parents, Steve and
Nina, and sisters, Allison and
Grace, went to Sturgis to climb
Bear Butte Friday. They enjoyed
the beautiful view from up there.
Congratulations to former area
resident, Steven Stewart, and Beth
Davis, who were recently married.
Several from our community at-
tended their reception and dance at
the Legion Hall in Philip.
While Allen, Miles and Erin Hov-
land were at the Stewart/Davis
wedding their kids, Connor and
Mackenzie stayed with Grandma
Deanna Fees, who later attended
the reception. The kids spent the
night with Grandma Debbie
Prouty. They arrived home Sunday
afternoon after the movie in Philip.
Last Tuesday, Leo and Joan Pat-
ton joined others at the home of
Mike Gebes near Lake Waggoner
for supper and the fireworks.
Linda Stangle brought Irene Pat-
ton back to Pierre Friday. Irene
had spent several days with Leo
and Joan Patton.
John and Colleen Knoll, Col-
orado, arrived in the area Friday
on business. Colleen is the daugh-
ter of the late Rita Merrill. They all
went to Piedmont Saturday
evening to help Bob Knight cele-
brate his 50th birthday.
Lee and Debbie Neville helped
their son, Luke, celebrate his birth-
day also Saturday evening in Rapid
Peggy Parsons and daughter,
Molly Lytle, drove to Gillette, Wyo.,
Saturday. They joined in on the
surprise 65th birthday celebration
of Peggy's brother-in-law, Tony
Shea Olivier also celebrated his
birthday on July 4. His parents,
Bryan and Sharon, were in Rapid
City for the day and supper to-
Vince and Mary Schofield were
visitors at the Donnie Schofield
home on the Fourth of July before
they all attended the celebration
that evening at the Milesville Hall.
Visiting at the Schofields Sunday
were Brennen and Vicki Daly.
Those helping to wrap the beef
roasts July 3 at Virgil and Carla
Smith's were Tim and Josh Quinn,
Dave and Tonya Berry and family,
Keith and Lindsay Smith and boys,
Bailey Anders, Donna and Tina
Staben and Donnie and Bobette
Schofield. They all enjoyed supper
together after the work was done.
Debra Grabill, fiance of Cory
Smith, was honored at a bridal
shower at the home of Donnie and
Bobette Schofield Saturday. Many
friends and relatives were in atten-
Friday, Tim and Judy Elshere
and Doug Hauk were in De Smet to
help move their kids, Casey and
Rachelle, to their home in Her-
mosa. Also helping in the move on
Saturday were Fay Hauk, Peggy
Hauk, and Shawn and Thamy
Elshere. Casey works in Rapid City
and Rachelle will be working in
Hot Springs. Tim and Judy spent
Friday night in Rapid City with
Shawn and Thamy.
Jodi Parsons accompanied her
mother, Betty McDonnell, and sis-
ter-in-law, Heather, both of High-
more, and sister, Sherri, Stickney,
for a girls day out in Sioux Falls
Phil and Karen Carley attended
the funeral of Arnold Matt Satur-
day in Union Center. Sunday, Phil
and Karen, Abby and Wace, An-
drea and Millie, and the Joe Carley
family all drove to New Underwood
to the home of Frank and Mildred
OGrady, Karen's parents. Karen's
sister, Patty Moreno, was visiting
from Idaho.
A week ago from Friday through
Monday, Marcy Parsons, Autumn,
Kamri and Keenan, enjoyed some
time in Rapid City at the home of
her sister, Ashley, and Brock Heid.
They took in some of the activities
around the area.
Kayla and Eric Bastian and Kai-
dyn hosted a Fourth of July barbe-
cue at their home in Pierre. Guests
were Boyd and Kara Parsons,
Wade and Marcy Parsons and fam-
ily, Joanne Parsons, Rapid City,
and Dustin and Andi Rische,
Brooklyn and Hudson, Redfield.
Having lunch out together on
Tuesday in Philip were Elaine
Staben, Bozeman, Mont., Joy
Neville, Marcia Eymer and Vonnie
O'Dea. Joining them later for visit-
ing at Vonnie's town house (the for-
mer Pete and Vivian Buchert
home) was Karyl Sandal.
Saturday night, Tonya (Ravel-
lette) and Joe Krueger were mar-
ried at the United Church in
Philip. The reception was held at
the Donnie and Tami Ravellette
home near Lake Waggoner. Tonya
is the grandaughter of Bill and
Karyl Sandal.
The Sandals and Ravellettes
were busy last week preparing for
the wedding and having family
here. Coming from a distance were
Tricia (Sandal) and Bart Naasz,
Trent, Trey and Trevor, and Trey's
friend, Hannah, all of Sioux Falls,
Todd and Jennifer Sandal and her
sister, Gabrielle Meyer, Monte
Sandal and kids Kanitia, Brock
and Matrix, and Shari Ness.
Karyl's family included brothers,
Albert and Gail Kittleson, Gil and
Joann Kittleson and daughter,
Sue, and her daughters, Jenny and
Emily, all of Henry, and sister,
Ruth and Don of Hazel. The wed-
ding went well despite the fact that
the bride, Tonya, had gall bladder
surgery two weeks ago and Joe's
dad broke his hip the Monday be-
fore the wedding, but was able to
attend with his wheelchair and
Rachel Parsons and Jane Poss
from the Philip High School Ger-
man Club served spaghetti ice
Tuesday in Philip to the truckers
on combine crews who unloaded
wheat at the local elevator. For
those of you who don't know what
this is, spaghetti ice is vanilla ice
cream pressed through a potato
ricer creating noodles. Strawberry
sauce looks like tomato sauce. Co-
conut or white chocolate shavings
create the parmesan cheese. Sell-
ing this German treat was a
fundraiser for the German Club.
Earl and Jodi Parsons and girls
spent the weekend in Rapid City
and the Black Hills enjoying some
time away after combining.
Guests for a few days last week
at Zane and Beth Jeffries' were
Beth's sister, Ruth and Jerry But-
ters, Eagle, Colo. Saturday, they
went to the Black Hills for a picnic
with other family members, includ-
ing Barb and Monte Hackens, Dave
and Linda LaFee, Brad and Amber
Beer and boys and Murdock
Gene and Theresa Deuchar
joined the Megan and Zeb Hoffman
and Jenna and Shad Finn families
for the Interior Ranch Rodeo Fri-
day, July 6. Zeb Hoffman, Shad
Finn, Spencer Cordes and Levi
Hapney entered the ranch rodeo as
a team and were sponsored by the
73 Bar. The team placed third in
the event.
Dick and Gene Hudson visited
with us Sunday evening. They had
been out on a drive through the
July weather information: Total
moisture was 3.31 for the month
and for the year it is 7.60.
Average high was 83. The
hottest July day was 105 on the
25th. It reached in to the 90s for 10
days and in the 70s for four days.
Average low was 54. The low for
the month was 43 on the 12th.
There were 16 days that the low
got in to the 50s. July had one day
of fog on the 8th.
The weather station received
.40 Thursday night which is a
help, but much rain is needed.
Most local farmers are through
combining their winter wheat and
the corn crop and pastures are
needing rain very badly.
Lana Elshere went to Belle
Fourche Friday to meet her
grandaughter, Grace Anderson,
who came home with her. Also
coming on Friday was grandaugh-
ter, Jenna Elshere. Monday, Lana
went to Wall to bring Carter,
Camri, Rylan and Trey to spend a
few days. Sounds like she will be
busy this week!
Milesville News
by Janice Parsons 544-3315
oontinued on page 9
Legal Notlces
1hursday, 1uly 12, 2012 1he Pioneer Review Page 8
(Second Notice)

A public hearing will be held at the Murdo
Project Office, 307 Main St., Murdo, SD,
on July 19, 2012, at 10:45 AM (CDT) to
consider the proposed Water Develop-
ment District budget for Fiscal Year (FY)
2013, beginning January 1, 2013.
The purpose of holding this hearing is to
provide the public an opportunity to con-
tribute to and comment on the Water De-
velopment District proposed operating
budget for Fiscal Year 2013.

Persons interested in presenting data,
opinions, and arguments for and against
the proposed budget may appear, either
in person or by representative, at the
hearing and be heard and given an op-
portunity for a full and complete discus-
sion of all items in the budget.
[Published July 12, 2012, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $12.27]
Proceedings of Haakon
County Commissioners
JULY 3, 2012
The Haakon County Board of Commis-
sioners met at 1:20 PM on Tuesday, July
3, 2012. A quorum was established with
Chairman Edward Briggs, Vice Chairman
Stephen Clements, Members Rita O'Con-
nell and Nicholas Konst in attendance.
Absent: Gary Snook. Auditor Pat Free-
man, Deputy Auditor Carla Smith, High-
way Administrative Secretary Val
Williams, Sheriff Fred Koester, Director of
Equalization Toni Rhodes, Extension
Secretary Sheryl Hansen, Emergency
Manager Lola Roseth, SD Enhancement
Director Marlene Knutson and Pioneer
Review Representative Nancy Haigh
were also present.
The Supplemental Hearing on (101-212)
Jail $4,000.00 and (101-441) Mentally ll
$6,000.00 was held. There were no ob-
jections made. A motion was made by
Nicholas Konst, seconded with all in
agreement to approve the supplements to
Jail and Mentally ll.
Philip Mayor Mike Vetter met with the
commission on the suggested raising of
the city of Philip's rent from $60 a month
to $500 a month for 2013. This includes
the space on third floor for the City Police
Department and three rooms on fourth
floor. Two are office space and one is for
storage. There is also a bathroom on
fourth floor. The rent has been $60 a
month for many, many years. Discussion
on what the county provided them for the
$60 a month included such things as cus-
todial services, purchases of all bathroom
supplies, heating, air conditioning, elec-
tricity and water are all paid by the county,
any repairs or maintenance, snow re-
moval and yard maintenance is also the
county's responsibility. The commission is
aware that it is a substantial increase but
feel that the $500 a month was more in
line with "breaking even due to the rev-
enue situation for the county. Mayor Vet-
ter requested the commission consider
charging $400 a month. That request will
be considered.
Auditor Freeman found that the May 1,
2012, Regular Minutes under Salaries
should be amended to read "April in-
stead of May 2012. The motion was
made by Nicholas Konst and seconded
with all in agreement to amend the min-
utes. The June 7, 2012, Regular Minutes
and the Canvass Minutes were reviewed.
A motion made by Rita O'Connell to ap-
prove as written. The motion was sec-
onded with all in agreement. The June 19,
2012, Special Minutes involved working
on projected 2013 Revenues for 2013
budget. A motion was made by Stephen
Clements, seconded with all in agree-
ment to approve the minutes.
Commissioner Rita O'Connell gave her
report on the meeting on Friday, June 29,
2012, which she attended in Kadoka, SD,
concerning the driver's license testing.
She thought that it was very much under-
stood that the surrounding area wanted to
definitely keep the testing in Kadoka, SD.
f that were lost, it would mean that Rapid
City, SD, or Pierre, SD, would be the next
closest testing area. t also was a benefit
for the community as it drew people to
town to do other business. The concern
was the cost of the testing did not cover
the revenue spent in providing the serv-
The Gen Pro generator has had a flash-
ing light for a while, which means some-
thing needs attention. Auditor Freeman
called Roy Miller, who was going to serv-
ice the generator. She asked him to bring
in the maintenance book. He stated that
it was difficult to get filters, etc. for the ma-
chine. Auditor Freeman called Tim Hei-
land, a generator technician from DM
Diesel Machinery, nc. in Rapid City, SD,
who had previously worked for Gen Pro.
He stated he was able to come within the
week to service the generator. He found
several things wrong. The switch which
controlled the flashing red light was bro-
ken. Two leaks were found and the hoses
were replaced. He replaced all filters and
checked the battery. t received a thor-
ough servicing and is back to good work-
ing order. DM has a yearly maintenance
agreement for $482.26. Sheriff Fred
Koester and Deputy Sheriff Mike Koffler
agreed to be the caretakers of the gener-
ator. All the information is copied and kept
in the Sheriff's office as well as the Audi-
tor's office. A copy will also be sent to
Emergency Manager Lola Roseth.
Emergency Manager Lola Roseth gave
her quarterly report to the commission.
She was informed that Commissioners
Nicholas Konst and Stephen Clements
had gone to the EM101 For Commission-
ers Course up in Rapid City, SD, on the
evening of June 27, 2012, and stated it
had been very informative. Marlene Knut-
son, Director of the S.D. Enhancement
District reported that Haakon County's
Pre-Mitigation Plan had been completed
and the bill sent to the county in the
amount of $14,895.00. Emergency Man-
ager Roseth is also applying for reim-
bursement by completing a report. A
motion was made to approve payment to
the S.D. Enhancement for their technical
assistance and development of Haakon
County's Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan.
Motion carried.
A copy of the Kone, nc. Service agree-
ment dating back to October of 2002, was
shown to the commissioners. t has a
contract period of (5) years. Either party
may terminate this agreement at the end
of any (5) year period by giving the other
party ninety (90) day notice prior to the
anniversary date of the Agreement. t is
an ongoing contract unless we give ninety
days written notice. What is done during
these monthly checks is also listed in the
contract. The commission felt that it was
being serviced every month at approxi-
mately $280 a month. We could wait until
the budget was completed before any de-
cision on the larger modules would be
At the June 7th, 2012, Regular Meeting
the following Disaster Declaration was
WHEREAS, Haakon County,
South Dakota has experienced
severe damage from lack of
moisture in the winter and
spring of 2011-2012, resulting
in property loss, economic
hardship, and threats to public
health and safety;
WHEREAS, Haakon County
has committed all available re-
sources and taken all possible
actions within the jurisdictional
boundaries to combat and to
alleviate the disaster, local re-
sources are not adequate to
cope with the situation.
SOLVED by the Chairman and
the Haakon County Commis-
sion at a regular meeting held
on June 7, 2012, it is hereby
requested that the Governor
declare a disaster to exist in
the County of Haakon.
PASSED by the Haakon
County Commissioners this 7th
day of June, 2012.
Haakon County Commission
Edward Briggs, Chairman
Patricia G. Freeman, Auditor
A burn ban was discussed. t was decided
not to implement one at this time. t would
be discussed again at the next meeting
on July 17, 2012.
Commissioner Rita O'Connell had to
leave the meeting at 3:00 PM.
Director of Equalization Toni Rhodes re-
ported that she would not be a certified
assessor until late September of this year.
She also stated that she had talked to the
Department of Revenue and it was sug-
gested that she could travel to other
counties and get experience by working
with them. She had also received a call
and they wanted to purchase Haakon
County information on parcels. There are
different ways to charge them, for exam-
ple, so much per parcel or so much per
page. t was estimated that between
$14,000 to $15,000 could be charged for
doing this. No decision was made at this
Sheriff Fred Koester gave his monthly re-
port to the commission. He reported that
an on-dash camera could be gotten by a
Homeland Security Grant for $3,200. The
county would pay for it but would be re-
imbursed by the grant. Everything was re-
ported to be going pretty good in the
Veteran's Officer Terry Deuter's monthly
report was reviewed.
Sheryl Hansen, Administrative Secretary
for the Extension Office, gave her quar-
terly report. She reported that the Memo-
randum of Understanding goes to
December 31, 2012. t was thought that
all four counties should get together and
see how this has all worked out for them.
Having only one advisor for all four coun-
ties (Haakon, Jackson, Jones and Mel-
lette) has meant a lot of time spent
traveling. Most activities were being done
in the other three counties. Carrie Weller
has signed her contract for another year.
The commission feels that this should be
revisited before paying the State
$4,187.50 for the next year as very little
time was spent in Haakon County.
Weed Supervisor Virgil Smith would like
to have his Weed Grant of $4,125.00 put
into his budget for the 2012 year. A written
report has been turned into the commis-
sion on what has been going on in the
month of June. A motion was made, sec-
onded with all in agreement to transfer
the grant money into the weed budget.
The following June 2012 fuel bids were
Courthouse: None
Highway Dept:
06-06-12 Fitzgerald Oil ........$3.19 No. 2
06-06-12 Cenex...................$3.15 No. 2
06-13-12 Fitzgerald Oil ........$3.19 No. 2
06-13-12 Cenex...................$3.25 No. 2
06-21-12 Fitzgerald Oil ........$3.17 No. 2
06-21-12 Cenex...................$3.16 No. 2
06-28-12 Fitzgerald Oil .......$3. 20 No. 2
06-28-12 Cenex...................$3.17 No. 2
06-28-12 Cenex.....................$3.25 Gas
06-28-12 Fitzgerald Oil ..........$3.42 Gas
Highway Administrative Secretary Val
Williams gave the monthly report to the
The monthly fuel bills were reviewed. For-
man Hugh Harty has been put in charge
by Superintendent Kenny Neville, who
will be gone for approximately one month.
Things have been going quite smoothly
with the county. At this time, the Depart-
ment of Transportation was having public
meetings throughout July to get public
input on the program called "Tentative
2013-2017 Five Year Statewide Trans-
portation mprovement Program (STP).
The dates are as follows:
Tues., July 17, 2012, Ramada Conven-
tion Center, Aberdeen, SD 7:00 PM
Wed., July 18, 2012, Ramkota Hotel
Sioux Falls, SD, 7:00 PM
Thurs., July 19, 2012, Mitchell Tech
1800 E. Spruce, Aberdeen, SD, 7:00 PM
Tues., July 24, 2012, Ramkota Hotel,
Pierre, SD, 7:00 PM
Wed., July 25, 2012, Ramada Hotel,
Rapid City, SD, 7:00 PM
Marlene Knutson, Director of SD En-
hancement District stated that at 10:00
AM on July 12, 2012, at the monthly SD
Enhancement meeting, which will be held
at the Becker Hansen Building in the DOT
Board Meeting Room, the STP Program
will also be discussed. Chairman Edward
Briggs is on the board of the SD En-
hancement District and would be in atten-
Commissioner Rita O'Connell called with
approval of the commission by phone, on
a raffle for Softball Association on a rifle.
The Auditor's Account with the County
Treasurer for June will be at the next reg-
ular board meeting.
The revenues that were projected for
2013 have been loaded and presented to
the commission. Due to the time restric-
tions at the regular meetings, it is very dif-
ficult to do much on budget work. The
date of Tuesday, July 17, 2012, was set
for the next Special Budget Meeting at
1:00 PM in the courthouse.
The Gross Courthouse Salary & Pay-
roll Warrants for the month of June
Commissioners Wages ............2,820.00
Auditor's Office.........................4,595.33
Treasurer's Office.....................4,130.15
State'sAttorney's Office............3,468.34
Director of Equalization............2,586.53
Register of Deeds ....................2,999.81
Janitor ......................................1,816.08
Veteran's Office.......................... 810.00
Sheriff's Office..........................5,230.87
Highway Department..............22,094.45
WC and Health Nurse Sec......1,006.08
Librarians .................................1,755.58
Extension Secretary.................1,008.28
Emergency Management ............945.88
Weed Supervisor.........................521.01
Wellmark Blue Cross
Blue Shield.........................12,305.44
Special nsurance Services......1,410.65
AFLAC, premium.........................577.92
SD Retirement System.............5,637.66
Delta Dental ................................745.90
Vision Service Plan .....................155.65
First National Bank
SS & WH............................10,241.55
The Vendor Warrants were presented
for June Expenses paid in July 2012:
Coyle's SuperValu, Supplies ...........7.61
EMC nsurance Companies, Liability/
Workman's Comp ns .............201.00
Farm & Ranch News,
Publishing ...............................175.00
McLeod's Printing & Supply,
Supplies ....................................88.79
Pioneer Review nc, Publishing...388.27
Annabel Moses, Salaries ............119.00
Arlyce Griesel, Salaries ..............152.50
Arlyce Griesel, Travel ...................62.16
Audrey Jones, Salaries ..............112.63
Bad River Senior Citizen's Ctr, Misc Exp
Century Business Leasing, nc., Misc
Exp ..........................................164.21
Deanna Finn, Salaries ................112.63
Deanna Finn, Travel .......................1.48
Deep Creek Church, Misc Exp .....35.00
E Joann Pearson, Salaries .........119.00
Elaine Thennis, Salaries ............135.50
Election Systems/Software nc,
Supplies ...............................1,631.36
Etta M Erdmann, Salaries ..........114.75
Fay Hauk, Salaries .......................19.13
Gayle Rush, Salaries .................127.50
Gene Hudson, Salaries ..............161.00
Gene Hudson, Travel ...................96.20
Joan K Bessette, Salaries ..........488.75
Joy Jones, Salaries ....................137.63
Joy Jones, Travel .........................45.88
Julie Seager, Salaries ................144.00
Kay Ainslie, Salaries ...................106.25
Hallie Konst, Salaries ...................19.13
Lenore Brucklacher, Salaries .....119.00
Mary Nelson, Salaries ................108.38
Mary Nelson, Travel .....................12.58
McLeod's Printing & Supply,
Supplies ....................................88.79
Midland Fire Hall, Misc Exp ..........35.00
Milesville Hall, Misc Exp ...............35.00
Patricia Hanrahan, Salaries .......108.38
Patricia Hanrahan, Travel .............11.10
Pauline Bruce, Salaries ..............110.50
Pauline Bruce, Travel .....................6.66
Peggy Parsons, Salaries ............133.38
Peggy Parsons, Travel .................56.24
Phyllis Thorson, Salaries ............119.00
Lola Roseth, Salaries .................110.50
Lola Roseth, Travel ........................6.29
Scotti Block, Salaries ..................112.63
Scotti Block, Travel .........................6.66
Shirley N Chin, Salaries .............152.50
Century Business Leasing, nc. Maint -
Copier .....................................144.78
Golden West Tele Co
Telephone ...............................188.44
ngram Hardware, Supplies ..........21.98
McLeod's Printing & Supply,
Supplies ..................................123.51
Petersen's Variety, Supplies .........13.98
Ron Larson, Dues & Computer
Support .....................................60.00
Haakon County Treasurer, Other Ex-
pense-Postage .........................40.60
Patricia Freeman, Travel ..............64.38
Golden West Tele Co,
Telephone .................................69.60
Quill Corporation, Supplies ..........25.99
Ron Larson, Professional Fees ....60.00
Sew Mine Upholstery, Repairs &
Maint .......................................150.00
Haakon County Treasurer,
Postage ..................................281.50
Tollefson Law Office, Office
Rent ........................................150.00
Tollefson Law Office, Travel .........30.71
Tollefson Law Office, Telephone ...75.00
Wendell Law Office PC, Court
Appointed Attorney .................450.45
Baye & Sons Service Repairs &
Maint .........................................84.94
City Of Philip, Utilities .................265.00
Coyle's SuperValu, Supplies ......126.96
Heartland Paper Co, Supplies ....794.17
ngram Hardware, Supplies........ 466.07
Kone nc Professional, Fees ......230.03
MG Oil Company, Supplies ..........31.22
Moses Building Center nc,
Supplies ....................................21.79
Petersen's Variety, Supplies .........18.83
Servall Uniform, Supplies ...........147.53
Walker Refuse nc, Utilities ..........70.00
West Central Electric, Utilities ..1,381.93
Best Western Ramkota nn,
Travel ......................................116.43
Connecting Point, Travel ..............25.00
Coyle's Standard, Repairs &
Maint .........................................76.90
Coyle's Standard, Fuel .................58.00
EMC nsurance Companies, Liability/
Workman's Comp ns .............221.00
Golden West Tele Co,
Telephone ...............................160.00
Petersen's Variety, Supplies ...........2.97
Postmaster, Other Exp .................39.99
Toni Rhodes, Supplies ...................9.97
Ron Larson, Professional Fees ....60.00
Haakon County Treasurer, Other
Exp ............................................45.00
Golden West Tele Co,
Telephone ...............................100.22
McLeod's Printing & Supply,
Supplies ....................................67.83
Milcrofilm maging Systems nc,
Professional Fees ...................225.05
Haakon County Treasurer, Other Ex-
pense ........................................45.00
Dataspec nc, Computer
Equipment ..............................534.00
Golden West Tele Co, Tele............38.84
AT&T Mobility, Utilities ................133.99
Black Hills Ammunition,
Supplies.................................. 589.00
Cenex Harvest States, Fuel .......247.88
Philip Clinic, Other Expense .......100.00
Coyle's Standard, Repairs &
Maint .........................................56.95
Galls An Aramark Co, Supplies...170.14
Golden West Tele Co, Utilities.....133.55
MG Oil Company, Fuel ...............676.13
Petersen's Variety, Supplies .........80.00
T-34 Truck Stop, Fuel ...................50.01
Carol Butzman, Consulting LLC Prof
Services ..................................228.81
Slowey Court Reporting, Prof
Services ....................................27.50
SSML&B, PC, Prof Services ........77.50
DEMCO, Supplies ......................158.37
Midamerica Books, Supplies ......262.13
SD Library Network, Annual Dues &
Membership Fees ...................675.00
Haakon County Fairboard, County
Fair .......................................1,000.00
Carrie Weller, Travel ...................117.27
Golden West Tele Co, Tele..........113.70
Sheryl Hansen, Travel ..................16.28
Virgil Smith, Travel .......................99.90
Haakon County Treasurer, Other
Exp ..............................................5.30
Van Diest Supply Company,
Supplies ..................................150.45
AT&T Mobility, Utilities ..................47.18
Butler Machinery Co nc,
Supplies ...............................2,644.38
Cenex Harvest States, Fuel ....9,695.67
Dale's Tire & Retreading nc,
Supplies ..................................121.77
EMC nsurance Companies, Liability/
Workman's Comp ns. ..............30.00
Ernie's Building Center,
Supplies ....................................38.27
Fitzgerald Oil Co, Supplies .........413.65
Fitzgerald Oil Co, Fuel ............3,477.10
Golden West Tele Co, Utilities ....232.41
ngram Hardware, Supplies ..........41.82
Kennedy mplement & Auto Co, Repairs
& Maint ....................................166.52
Konst Machine, Repairs &
Maint .......................................184.95
Town of Midland, Utilities ..............19.00
NAPA, Repairs & Maint ..............122.03
NAPA, Supplies ............................36.91
Philip Motor, nc, Repairs &
Maint .......................................255.97
Quill Corporation, Supplies ........137.36
SD DOT Finance Office, Road/Bridge
Projects ..............................21,883.91
Virgil Smith, Travel .......................31.45
Twilight First Aid Supply,
Supplies ....................................56.20
Walker Refuse nc, Utilities ..........70.00
West Central Electric, Utilities ....192.05
Centurylink, 911 .........................144.76
Golden West Tele Co, 911 ..........495.77
Diesel Machinery nc, Repairs &
Maint .......................................556.71
Golden West Tele Co, Utilities ....101.14
Lola Roseth, Travel ......................88.80
Lola Roseth, Other Expenses ........1.10
Haakon County Treasurer, Other Ex-
penses ......................................45.00
Coyle's Standard, Bldg. Fund ......15.00
ngram Hardware, Bldg. Fund ......24.99
Thomson West Law Library, Amt
Held .........................................119.78
Total Checks...........................60,411.05
A motion was made to approve the war-
rants, seconded with all in agreement.
The next Special Meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday, July 17, 2012, at 1:00 PM in the
Commissioner's Room at the courthouse
for working on the 2013 budget. The next
Regular Meeting will be on Tuesday Au-
gust 7, 2012, at 1:00 PM in the Commis-
sioner's Room at the courthouse. The
meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.
ward Briggs, Chairman
Patricia G. Freeman, Auditor
[Published July 12, 2012, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $242.05]
Proceedings of the
City of PhiIip
JULY 2, 2012
A regular meeting of the Philip City Coun-
cil was held on Monday, July 2, 2012, at
7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the
Haakon Co. Courthouse. Present were
Mayor Michael Vetter, Finance Officer
Monna Van Lint, Council Members Greg
Arthur, Marty Gartner, Jason Harry, Jen-
nifer Henrie, Trisha Larson, and Marion
Matt. Also present were Deputy Finance
Officer Brittany Smith, Public Works Di-
rector Matt Reckling, Police Chief Kit Gra-
ham, Harlan Quenzer with SPN & Assoc.,
Rod Senn with Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson,
Jenny Terkildsen, Brittney Drury, Del Bar-
tels with the Pioneer Review; and later,
City Attorney Gay Tollefson, Terry Hol-
man, Doreen Vetter, Amber Rush, Carol
Schofield, and Erin, Gracie, Mia, and
Carter Fitzgerald.
Absent: None
Motion was made by Harry, seconded by
Matt to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Harry, seconded by
Gartner to approve the minutes of the last
meeting as published in the Pioneer Re-
view. Motion carried.
Mayor Vetter questioned Chief Graham
about the 2011 Tahoe having its oil
changed at Beck Motors in Pierre? Gra-
ham noted that the Tahoe was in for war-
ranty work, checking the battery, and was
due for an oil change.
With no further discussion, motion as
made by Harry, seconded by Arthur to ap-
prove the payment of the bills from the
appropriated funds. Motion carried.
Gross SaIaries - June 29, 2012: Adm. -
$4,920.92; Mayor & Council - $2,870.00;
Police - $6,043.92; Public Works -
$3,064.53; Street - $4,799.59; Swimming
Pool - $6,360.92; Water - $2,263.73
AFLAC, Employee Supplemental ns.-
EFTPSS.S., Medicare, Withholding-
SDRS, Employee Retirement- 06/12
Add'I BiIIs - June 2012:
1st Nat'l Bank - Philip, Stamp
This Month's BiIIs:
Alden Pool & Municipal Supply, Pool
AT&T, Cell Phone 05-06/12...........80.78
Beck Motor Co., '11 Tahoe Oil Chg
Communications Center, nc., '11 Tahoe
Equip. Repairs 05/12...............90.00
Coyle's Super Valu, Pool/Lake Wag.
Supplies 05/12.......................378.68
CRA Payment Center, UPS Postage
Dakotacare Health ns., Employee
Health Premium 07/12......10,598.24
Delta Dental ns., Employee Dental Pre-
mium 07/12............................660.10
1st Nat'l Bank - Philip, Utility Postage
1st Nat'l Bank S.F., SRF Loan #02
Pay #164 07/12 ..................2,163.90
SRF Loan #03 Pay #67
07/12 .....................................2,223.41
Fitzgerald Oil Co., Fuel/LP
05-06/12 ................................1,586.95
Freeman, Patsy, Pool Pass Refund
Golden West, Telephone/nternet
05-06/12 ...................................616.01
Grossenburg mplement, nc., Supplies
Haakon Co. Treasurer, Office Rent
Hawkins, nc., Pool Chemical
Heartland Waste Mgmt, nc., 376 Resi-
dential Collection 06/12 ......4,098.40
HR Direct, Supplies 06/12..........72.75
Jackson, Samantha, Cust. Deposit Re-
fund 07/12..............................100.00
McLeod's Printing & Office Supply,
PD Tickets 06/12 .....................47.04
Morrison, Tami, Pool Credit from
Morrison's Pit Stop, Fuel/Battery/
Supplies 06/12.......................280.19
Motel West, WS/Lifeguard nstructor
Rooms ......................................150.00
Occupational Health Network, Pre-Em-
ployment Test 05/12 ................40.00
Philip Standard, Fire Fuel/Oil Chg
Pioneer Review, Publishing
Publishing 2012 Match Bronc
Appr. ......................................1,500.00
Quill , Supplies 06/1 ...................74.93
SD DENR, Drinking Water Fee
SD Dept. of Revenue, Sales Tax
Payable 06/12.....................1,093.66
Water Coliform/Pool Testing
SD Federal Surplus Property, Amb.
Supplies (Reimb) 05/12...........30.00
SD Municipal League, Elected Officials
Reg. 07/12...............................80.00
Sew Mine Upholstery, Pool Backboard
Repairs 06/12 ............................5.00
Smith, Brittany, HR/FO School Mileage
Reimb 06/12 ..........................150.52
TLC Electric, Airport Wiring Repairs
Tollefson, Gay, Attorney Retainer
The Lifeguard Store, Guard Attire/Sup-
plies 05-06/12.............................80.53
USDA, RD Loan Pay #90
US Postal Service, Stamps
Vernon Manufacturing, Bulk Water
Salesman Repairs 06/12 .......170.00
VSA UMB Bank, Travel Exp.
West Central Electric, Electric Services
05-06/12 ................................3,357.82
WR/LJ Rural Water, 4,530,000 gals.
Contract Min. 06/12 ............2,500.00
Airport Water 06/12..................40.00
South Shop Water 06/12 .........22.50
Zeeb Pharmacy, Pool Supplies
Total Expenditures
07/02/12 ...............................$45,962.24
OId Business:
FO Van Lint requested the Council table
action on the new utility billing software.
She noted that due to her other obliga-
tions, additional information has not been
By general consensus, the new utility
billing software was tabled until more in-
formation is available.
New Business:
Council reviewed the proposed Ordi-
nance #2012-09, Establishing a Discre-
tionary Tax Formula to Promote the
Construction and mprovement of ndus-
trial, Commercial, Commercial Residen-
tial and Residential Structures within the
Corporate Limits of the City of Philip,
South Dakota.
FO Van Lint noted that the ordinance pro-
vides tax incentives to qualifying property
improvements as outlined in the ordi-
nance and is effective with the property
taxes payable in 2013 forward. Those
taxes payable in 2013 include the prop-
erty assessments from Nov. 01, 2011, to
Oct. 31, 2012.
Following discussion, motion was made
by Matt, seconded by Arthur to approve
the first reading of Ordinance #2012-09,
as presented. Motion carried with all
members voting aye.
ORDINANCE #2012-09
WHEREAS, it has come to the
attention of the City Council of
the City of Philip, South Dakota
that it would in the best interest
of the City to adopt an ordi-
nance allowing a Discretionary
Taxation Formula to promote
property improvements and
new construction within the
Corporate Limits of the City of
Philip, South Dakota; and,
WHEREAS, this Chapter is
being adopted pursuant to the
authority granted to the City of
Philip, South Dakota, by SDCL
10-6-35.4; and,
WHEREAS, with the imple-
mentation of this Discretionary
Taxation Ordinance, the City
will incorporate said ordinance
into Chapter 6 of the Revised
Ordinances of the City of
Philip, South Dakota, currently
entitled Chapter 6 - Sales and
Gross Receipts Taxes; and,
WHEREAS, in order to better
locate and define said Discre-
tionary Taxation Ordinance,
that the current Chapter 6 -
Sales and Gross Tax Receipts
chapter be amended and
hereby renamed as Chapter 6
- Taxation, and, that Section 6-
100 be renamed as Sales and
Gross Receipts Tax;
THAT, Chapter 6 of the Re-
vised Ordinances of the City of
Philip be amended and re-
named as stated above and
the following Discretionary Tax-
ation Formula be and hereby is
adopted under the amended
Chapter 6.
6-201 IndustriaI Structures.
Any new industrial structure or
addition to an existing struc-
ture, including a power gener-
ation facility, which new
structure or addition has a true
and full value of thirty thousand
dollars ($30,000) or more,
added to real property located
within the Corporate limits of
the City of Philip, South
Dakota, shall qualify to be a s -
sessed pursuant to the discre-
tionary formula described in
Section 6-207. (Pursuant to
SDCL 10-6-35.1)
6-202 CommerciaI
Any new commercial structure,
except a commercial residen-
tial structure, or addition to an
existing structure, which new
structure or addition has a true
and full value of thirty thousand
dollars ($30,000) or more,
added to real property located
within the Corporate limits of
the City of Philip, South
Dakota, shall be a s s e s s e d
pursuant to the discretionary
formula described in Section 6-
207. (Pursuant to SDCL 10-6-
6-203 CommerciaI
ResidentiaI Structures.
Any new commercial residen-
tial structure, or addition to an
existing structure, which new
structure or addition has a true
and full value of thirty thousand
dollars ($30,000) or more,
Ocu Ncusuc o tIc Ct o PI,
HuuIon Count, HuuIon ScIoo Dstct 2?-l
tIc Toun o Mdund
Legal Notlces
1hursday, 1uly 12, 2012 1he Pioneer Review Page 9
added to real property located
within the Corporate limits of
the City of Philip, South
Dakota, shall qualify to be as-
sessed pursuant to the discre-
tionary formula described in
Section 6-207. For purposes of
this section, a commercial res-
idential structure shall contain
four or more units. (Pursuant to
..........................SDCL 10-6-
6-204 ResidentiaI
Any new residential structure,
or any addition to or renovation
of an existing structure, lo-
cated within a redevelopment
neighborhood, which new
structure, addition, or renova-
tion has a true and full value of
five thousand dollars ($5,000)
or more, added to real property
shall qualify to be assessed
pursuant to the discretionary
formula described in Section 6-
n order to improve the quality
of housing, all real property lo-
cated within the Corporate lim-
its of the City of Philip, South
Dakota shall qualify as prop-
erty located in a redevelop-
ment neighborhood. The
redevelopment neighborhood
is being established because
the area includes buildings or
improvements which, by r e a -
son of age, deterioration, obso-
lescence, and dilapidation
injuriously affect the area to
the detriment of public health,
safety, morals or welfare; and,
because the redevelopment of
housing is being prevented by
the predominance of defective
or inadequate street layout,
faulty lot layout in relation to
size, adequacy, accessibility,
or usefulness; the deterioration
of site improvements, and ob-
solete platting. (Pursuant to
SDCL 10-6-54, 10-6-55 & 10-
6-205 SpeciaI
All industrial, commercial, com-
mercial residential real prop-
erty which increases more than
ten thousand dollars ($10,000)
in true and full value as a result
of reconstruction or renovation
of structures is specially classi-
fied for purposes of t axat i on.
All real property qualifying
under this section completed
on November 01, 2011, and
thereafter, as determined by
the Director of Equalization, is
classified in the manner pre-
scribed in this section. The in-
crease in true and full v a l u e
resulting from the reconstruc-
tion or renovation of qualifying
property shall be given tax
treatment in the manner pro-
vided in SDCL 10-6-35.2 and
SDCL 10-6-35.19 and shall
qualify to be assessed pur-
suant to the discretionary for-
mula ...described in Section
6-206 VaIuation.
Such new structures or new
additions to existing structures
as hereinbefore defined, shall,
following new construction or
new additions to existing prop-
erty, valued for tax-
ation purposes in the usual
manner. (See Dept. of Rev-
enue Land Manual)
Reconstruction and renovation
as used in this chapter means
only improvements that in-
crease the true and full value of
the structure and shall not in-
clude normal maintenance and
repair. The assessed value
during any of the five (05)
years may not be less than the
assessed value of the property
in the year proceeding the first
year of the tax years following
6-207 Discretionary
Any real property improve-
ments qualifying for the discre-
tionary formula pursuant to this
chapter shall be assessed as
First Year ........................20%
Second Year .................. 40%
Third Year ...................... 60%
Fourth Year.................... 80%
Fifth Year ..................... 100%
that the following Discretionary
Taxing Formula Ordinance be
approved and adopted to be
effective with the taxing period
from November 01, 2011,
through October 31, 2012, and
be reflected with the taxes
payable effective January 01,
2013, and each successive
taxation year thereafter unless
repealed by the City Council of
the City of Philip, South
Dated this _________day of
Michael Vetter, Mayor
Monna Van Lint,
Finance Officer
Passed First Reading:
July 02, 2012
Passed Second Reading:
Yeas: 06 Nays: 00
(Published: July 12, 2012)
Jenny Terkildsen with the Haakon County
Young Women (HCYW) addressed the
Council with a request to improve the ten-
nis court area. This also includes request-
ing the City administer a Game, Fish and
Parks Land and Water Conservation
funds (LWCF) grant for these improve-
ments on their behalf.
t was noted that the tennis courts were
initially installed with LWCF with the un-
derstanding that they would be utilized for
recreational purposes in perpetuity.
She reviewed their plans which include
two separate play areas; one will be a full-
size basketball court and the other one
will have an interchangeable net for vol-
leyball and tennis. A picture of their pro-
posed plans was provided to the Council
and is on file in the City Finance Office.
She then went on to review their flooring
plans for the court. She presented a sam-
ple of the material which is a rubberized
tile that has a fifteen (15) year warranty
and life expectancy of twenty-five to thirty
(25-30) years.
Council Member Larson elaborated about
the flooring, noting that in order for the tile
to be utilized, the existing concrete will
need to be leveled and the joints repaired.
They are still waiting on a contractor to
determine this expense.
Council Member Matt questioned if the
improvements will only be done if the
LWCF grant is received? Ms. Terkildsen
stated that they are also pursuing other
funding sources such as the Ted Turner
Foundation grant in addition to the LWCF.
She stated that if the grants are not avail-
able as a funding source, it will take them
longer to make the improvements which
may also include the project being done
in stages.
She then apprised the Council of their
fund raising plans since the majority of
grants require matching funds. These in-
clude three-on-three basketball tourna-
ments as well as hosting "Hot Summer
Nights on Thursday nights throughout
the month of July. The "Hot Summer
Nights plan consists of a farmers market
and music. She stressed that if they do
not raise sufficient money for the im-
provements nor are awarded any grant
dollars, their events are community fo-
Following discussion, motion was made
by Matt, seconded by Arthur to authorize
the HCYW to improve the tennis courts
as proposed. Motion carried.
Mayor Vetter then requested FO Van
Lint's position as to the City administering
the LWCF for HCYW.
FO Van Lint stated that the City had ad-
ministered the same grant for the
HCYW's Kiddie Park playground equip-
ment and has no reservations about help-
ing them again. She reminded everyone
that the grant is a 50/50 matching grant
and the deadline is Aug. 10, 2012. At the
time of application, solid estimates for
their planned improvements need to be
provided and they are not allowed to
make any purchases with regard to the
improvements until the grant awards are
made. She noted that any work com-
pleted prior to a grant offer being made
will disqualify that portion of the improve-
ment from any grant reimbursement.
Following discussion, motion was made
by Arthur, seconded by Gartner to author-
ize the City to administer the Game, Fish
and Parks, LWCF grant application on be-
half of HCYW's proposed tennis court im-
provements as presented. Motion carried
with all members voting aye.
Ms. Terkildsen then went on to request
use of the swimming pool bathrooms for
park patrons. She noted that they have
looked into building bathrooms at the Kid-
die Park as a means to alleviate interrup-
tions for those playing at the park that
have to leave when they need to use a
restroom. After further discussion with
their organization members, they thought
it would be more cost effective and se-
cure to use the pool bathrooms since they
are in close proximity.
Brittney Drury, also representing HCYW,
spoke on behalf of the bathroom request.
She noted that they are only looking for
access to the first two bathroom stalls and
sink in each bathroom.
Mr. Terkildsen then reviewed the option
for a gate to be installed in each bath-
room, blocking access to the shower area
and pool. She reviewed the cost esti-
mates that were obtained by the Finance
Office which range from $186.95 to
$355.00 each. She noted that the HCYW
currently has $552.85 in available funds
set aside that they would be willing to
contribute towards the gates.
t was noted that the City has not bud-
geted for the bathroom gate expense.
Doreen Vetter, also speaking on behalf of
HCYW, questioned if it would be possible
to only install a gate in one of the bath-
rooms, making it a unisex bathroom for
one year to see if the bathrooms are
going to work. She mentioned that if it
doesn't work, a large investment would
be saved.
The hours of the bathrooms being open
for the park patrons were also discussed.
t was mentioned 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
to mirror that of the City employee start
time and the pool's closing time. A con-
cern for the weekends was mentioned as
the City employees do not work and the
pool does not open until 1:00 p.m.
DFO Smith was questioned as to what
time the pool personnel arrive in the
mornings. She stated that it is usually
around 11:00 a.m. to get the cleaning
done prior to opening for the day.
Ms. Terkildsen questioned if it would be
possible to leave the bathrooms open all
weekend and if that would be a problem?
She suggested that other community's
have public restrooms and questioned
how they managed them.
Council Member Henrie stated that leav-
ing the bathrooms open all weekend
could open the City to vandalism similar
to what occurs at the Lake Waggoner
Brittney Drury also noted her concern for
vandalism as HCYW could be responsi-
Larson mentioned that she would be will-
ing to open and close the bathrooms if no
one else is available.
FO Van Lint expressed concern for giving
out a key to the bathrooms. She gave the
example of when the named individual re-
sponsible for opening and locking the
bathrooms is not available and then the
key is given to someone else or another
key is made. She stressed that the City
would no longer be able to control access
to the bathrooms. She noted that this
same situation occurred at the rubble site
years ago.
Council Member Gartner suggested key
code locks for the bathroom doors like
those on the Fire Hall building. t is run off
batteries and no electrical installation is
required. He noted that they seem to
work well as access is controlled by a
code and can be changed as needed
without having to change the door locks.
The concern is that they cost approxi-
mately $300 to $400 each and the City
has not budgeted for this expense.
The HCYW members were then ques-
tioned what times of the year would they
want access to the bathrooms? They
were also advised that after the pool
closes in August, the school leases the
pool concession area and bathroom facil-
ities. PWD Reckling also noted that the
water meter is removed and the water
lines are winterized following the football
playoffs in October.
By general consensus of the HCYW
members present, they would like to have
access to the bathrooms seasonally. This
would be from the pool season through
the football season.
Following a lengthy discussion, motion
was made by Gartner, seconded by Hen-
rie to allow use of the pool bathrooms to
the park patrons during pool hours until a
schedule can be established. This along
with the purchase and installation of
gates will be coordinated between the
Health/Rec. Committee and HCYW. Mo-
tion carried.
Ms. Terkildsen stated that their first "Hot
Summer Nights event will be held this
Thursday and inquired if it would be pos-
sible to use the bathrooms during that
t was noted that the gates will not be in-
stalled by that time. The pool closes at
7:00 p.m. and the event is scheduled to
go until 9:00 p.m.
Larson asked PWD Reckling if a lock
could be installed on the outside of the
access doors to the pool by this Thurs-
day. PWD confirmed that they would see
to getting the access to the pool locked
and that he would be willing to go lock the
bathroom doors at 9:00 p.m. that evening.
Terry Holman, also representing HCYW,
questioned if the pool could stay open till
9:00 p.m. during "Hot Summer Nights"? t
was noted that that request was not on
the agenda and recommended they visit
with the Health/Rec. Committee.
Rod Senn, Airport Engineer with Kadr-
mas, Lee and Jackson (KLJ), reviewed
the bids for the Medium ntensity Runway
Lighting (MRL) Design project. He noted
that the following bid was received.
Muth Electric, nc. $300,319.52 in-
cluding the Base Bid (runway lighting)
Alternate A (beacon replacement)
He noted that the bid came in at 4%
higher than the engineer's estimate of
$287,243.00. Since the bid is within 10%
of the engineer's estimate, he does not
foresee that the Federal Aviation Admin-
istration (FAA) will have any concerns
with approving the bid amount.
He then stated that the bid did contain
two irregularities; the required statement
of Evidence of Competency and Evi-
dence of Financial Responsibility. These
were not submitted, but in Mr. Senn's
opinion, it was only a mere oversight of
Muth Electric and that they can be ob-
The total estimated cost of the project, in-
cluding engineering fees is estimated at
$340,000. Mr. Senn noted that the federal
share would entail approximately
$306,000 (90%), state $27,200 (8%), and
City $6,800 (2%).
Mayor Vetter noted that since the City did
not proceed with this project in 2011, we
lost $92,000 in federal funding. This year,
the City could lose an additional $150,000
should we not proceed.
Following review, motion was made by
Gartner, seconded by Matt to tentatively
award the bid for the MRL project to Muth
Electric, nc. in the amount of
$300,319.52 contingent upon all qualifi-
cations being met and authorize the
Mayor's signature on the FAA grant appli-
cations. Motion carried with all members
voting aye.
Mr. Senn reported that he anticipates no-
tification of the FAA's approval by the Au-
gust Council meeting. f all goes as
planned, the project should commence
soon following their notification and the
airport is expected to be closed for ap-
proximately five to six weeks in order to
complete the project.
Council then reviewed project status up-
dates for the Land Acquisition and Envi-
ronmental Assessment (LA/EA) and the
Medium ntensity Runway Lighting
(MRL) Design projects.
Street mprovement Projects:
Mayor Vetter advised the Council of a
spreadsheet that Council Member Matt
had compiled. Matt was determining
when the City could financially pursue the
Pine St. Phase /Wray Ave. project if the
Wood/Walden Ave. project is pursued as
planned. He noted that two of three Street
Cmt. members and one of the
Water/Sewer Cmt. members met and re-
viewed Matt's information. n turn, they
have requested additional information
from the City's engineer, Harlan Quenzer
with SPN & Assoc., on ways to reduce the
Wood/Walden Ave. project costs?
Harlan Quenzer with SPN & Assoc. then
addressed the Council with the requested
information. He provided the following
project cost reduction options for the
Wood/Walden Ave. project.
1) Scale the project back to stop the im-
provements on Wood Ave. at the High St.
intersection. This would reduce the proj-
ect costs by approximately $809,000
which includes $336,000 for sanitary
sewer; $410,000 for storm sewer; and,
$63,000 in local costs such as the drain
tile. t was noted that the street surfacing
is included in the sanitary sewer and
storm sewer portions.
2) Reduce the improvements on Walden
Ave. to end at the driveway of 303
Walden Ave., making a cul-de-sac. This
would reduce the project costs by approx-
imately $31,000 which includes $14,000
in street rehabilitation; $11,000 in sanitary
sewer; and, $6,000 in water improve-
ments. t was noted that the storm sewer
would remain as planned as that is vital
for the drainage.
3) Reduce the width of Wood Ave. from
High St. south to Pine St. This would pro-
vide a uniform street width of thirty-seven
feet (37') on Wood Ave. from Pine St.
north to SD Hwy 14. This would save ap-
proximately $21,000, but the concern is
about the reduction in parking along
Wood Ave.
4) Reduce the asphalt mat from six
inches (6) to four inches (4). t was
noted that the concern for this reduction
is that of truck traffic, more specifically
garbage trucks. According to Mr. Quen-
zer, he does not foresee the reduction in
asphalt making a major impact on the life
expectancy of the street. He did recom-
mend that if this option is approved, the
felt blanket that is in the current specifica-
tions for the asphalt underlay be replaced
with a woven nylon blanket. The woven
nylon is more durable and will provide ad-
ditional strength. The cost difference for
this is approximately $0.40 to $0.50 per
square foot. The savings after consider-
ing the upgraded blanket would be ap-
proximately $60,000.
5) Require the property owners to pay for
their own concrete curb, gutter, and drive-
way approaches. This would be done
through a special assessment and would
save approximately $156,000. (For the
record, the project does not include side-
walk improvements so those are not in-
cluded nor discussed.)
Mayor Vetter elaborated on the special
assessment option, noting that during
past street improvement projects, prop-
erty owners were responsible for pay-
ment of curb, gutter, sidewalk, and
driveway approaches for their respective
properties. He stated that in his opinion,
it would only be fair to continue with what
has been done in the past.
FO Van Lint advised the Council of the
City's policy for special assessments.
This states that the City will make the in-
frastructure and street improvements if
the property owners pay for the curb, gut-
ter, sidewalk, and driveway approaches
on their respective properties. She noted
that in instances where the City has re-
ceived grant dollars for improvement proj-
ects, the savings has been passed onto
the property owners. For instance, Com-
munity Development Block Grant funds
provide 60% of the project costs and in
turn, the property owners were only re-
sponsible for the remaining 40% of the
curb, gutter, sidewalk, and driveway ap-
proach expenses.
She also noted that Cities have the option
to special assess properties for other im-
provements. For example, storm sewer,
street surfacing, water lines, sewer lines,
maintenance, etc. She stressed that the
City of Philip has only ever special as-
sessed for those improvements that add
value to a property curb, gutter, side-
walks, and driveway approaches. n ad-
dition, those properties on a corner lot are
not responsible for the corner radius; this
is the City's responsibility.
Council Member Arthur stressed that the
Wood/Walden Ave. property owners were
previously advised that the City would not
be special assessing their properties for
curb, gutter, and driveway approaches.
Furthermore, the voters should have
been apprised of this prior to the bond
election as this, in his opinion, will be
viewed as a tax by those property own-
ers. He noted that the City told the people
that their taxes would not increase.
Council Member Matt questioned about
the precedence that would be set if we
don't special assess the Wood/Walden
Ave. properties. Would we be able to spe-
cial assess in the future?
t was noted that the property owners do
have the option to voice their concerns re-
garding the special assessments and this
is done through a public hearing on a res-
olution of necessity.
Mayor Vetter stressed that the City needs
to move forward as the project is de-
signed and the funding is available.
Arthur then stated that he would prefer
that the entire Wood/Walden Ave. project
be completed with implementing options
#2 and #4 as stated above. This would
save a total of approximately $91,000.
Council Member Henrie questioned the
reasoning behind reducing the
Wood/Walden Ave. project costs? Mayor
Vetter advised that it would assist with
pursuing the Pine St. Phase /Wray Ave.
project sooner than later.
Matt then mentioned the Pine St. Phase
/Wray Ave. project, suggesting a two
inch (2) overlay be installed as a tempo-
rary fix until the City is able to move for-
ward with a complete rehabilitation of that
Mr. Quenzer advised that the estimated
cost for the 2 overlay is $140,000. He
noted that this does not include repairing
the soft spots or crack sealing of the as-
phalt. n addition, he would recommend
that the intersection of Wray Ave. and
Hone St. be concreted as the overlay will
not hold up to the truck traffic. The con-
crete portion is estimated at $25,000 to
$40,000. He then stressed that if the City
does not pursue these repairs, the life ex-
pectancy will drop in half to five years.
With the repairs and if chip sealing is
done on annual basis, the street could
last over ten years.
Council Member Larson questioned the
initial start date for the Pine St. Phase
/Wray Ave. project? t was noted that
the City has not made any promises to
the exact start date. The anticipated date
was five to seven years, following the
pay-off of the second SRF loan.
Council Member Gartner noted that grant
funds may be available for the Pine St.
Phase /Wray Ave. project. This would
allow the City to start sooner, but as with
all funding packages, nothing is guaran-
Matt then recommended the Council pro-
ceed with completing the Wood/Walden
Ave. project considering the options #2
and #4 above with the anticipation to
overlay Pine St. Phase and Wray Ave.
Following a rather lengthy discussion,
motion was made by Gartner, seconded
by Larson to proceed with the Wood/
Walden Ave. project with implementing
option #2 and #4 as outlined above. Mo-
tion carried with all members voting aye.
Special assessing the curb, gutter, and
driveway approaches in the project area
was further discussed.
FO Van Lint advised that the costs are as-
sessed per a lineal foot. The property
owners are given a two-percent (2%) dis-
count if paid prior to the costs being as-
sessed to the property tax bill. f the costs
are assessed to the property taxes, they
are assessed for a period of ten (10)
years at the interest rate of prime plus
two-percent (2%).
She then stressed that if the Council pur-
sues special assessments, the City will
still be responsible for paying all of the
costs up front at the time of construction.
Motion was then made by Gartner, sec-
onded by Matt to special assess the con-
crete curb, gutter, and driveway approach
improvements to the Wood/Walden Ave.
properties. Motion carried 4 to 3 with
Mayor Vetter breaking the tie vote. Voting
aye: Larson, Matt, Gartner, and Vetter.
Voting nay: Harry, Arthur, Henrie.
Council then discussed how much they
would require the property owner's be re-
sponsible for in regard to the curb, gutter,
and driveway approach expenses. t was
noted that the only recent improvement
project where the property owners paid
100% of the costs was the Ash St. proj-
ect. This was due to the fact that the prop-
erty owner's petitioned the City of Philip
to have their street paved and in turn,
agreed to pay for the curb, gutter, and
driveway approaches.
Mayor Vetter recommended the Council
be fair in the sense that the majority of
property owners have only been liable for
40% of the costs.
FO Van Lint also recommended that the
policy set today also apply to the Pine St.
Phase /Wray Ave. property owners.
Following discussion, motion was made
by Larson, seconded by Henrie to special
assess 40% of the curb, gutter, and drive-
way approach costs back to the property
owners. This was stressed as providing
consistency and fairness amongst prop-
erty owners that receive street improve-
ments. Motion carried 4 to 2. Voting aye:
Larson, Henrie, Gartner, Matt. Voting nay:
Arthur and Harry.
Motion was then made by Harry, sec-
onded by Arthur to approve the following
Resolution #2012-10. Motion carried with
all members voting aye.
WHEREAS, the City electors
approved the issuance of gen-
eral obligation bonds, in one or
more series, in a principal
amount not to exceed
$3,100,000; and
WHEREAS, the City is issuing
a series of $1,073,300 of gen-
eral obligation bonds for the
Storm Drainage System m-
provements; and
WHEREAS, a municipality is
authorized to issue general ob-
ligation bonds to fund improve-
ments, extensions and
additions to its clean water sys-
tem by SDCL 9-26-1 and is
required to levy a tax sufficient
to pay the principal and interest
on such bonds when due; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Philip
(the "City") currently operates a
storm drainage system for the
control of floods and other
storm water drainage and has
determined that improvements
to the storm drainage system
are necessary for the conduct
of its governmental programs
and qualify as an improvement,
extension or addition to its
storm drainage system; and,
WHEREAS, the voters of the
City have authorized the City to
issue its General Obligation
Bonds to finance the improve-
ments to its storm drainage
system for the purpose of
storm water management (the
"System) and has applied to
the South Dakota Conservancy
District (the "District) for a
Clean Water State Revolving
Fund Loan to finance the im-
SOLVED by the City as fol-
1. Declaration of Necessity
and Determination of Facili-
ties Financed. The City de-
sires and hereby
determines it is necessary
to construct improvements
to its clean water facilities
within its System, as de-
scribed in Exhibit A hereto
(the "Project"). The City
hereby expressly finds that
if the Project is not under-
taken, the System will pose
a health hazard to the City
and its inhabitants, and will
make the City unable to
comply with state and fed-
eral law
2. Approval of Loan. The City
hereby determines to fi-
nance up to $1,073,300 of
the costs of the Project
through the issuance of
General Obligation Bonds
(collectively the "General
Obligation Bond") and other
funds secured by the City.
The City authorizes the is-
suance of a bond in an
amount not to exceed
3. Approval of Loan Agree-
ment. The execution and
delivery of the General Ob-
ligation Loan Agreements
(the "Loan Agreement"), the
form of which is attached
hereto, between the City as
Borrower and the District, is
hereby in all respects au-
thorized, approved and con-
firmed, and the Mayor and
Finance Officer are hereby
authorized and directed to
execute and deliver the
Loan Agreement in the form
and content attached
hereto, with such changes
as the Attorney for the City
deems appropriate and ap-
proves, for and on behalf of
the City. The Mayor and Fi-
nance Officer are hereby
further authorized and di-
rected to implement and
perform the covenants and
obligations of the City set
forth in or required by the
Loan Agreement. The Loan
Agreement herein referred
to and made a part of this
Resolution is on file in the
office of the Finance Officer
and is available for inspec-
tion by any interested party.
4. Approval of General Obliga-
tion Bond. The issuance of
a General Obligation Bond
in a principal amount not to
exceed $1,073,300, as de-
termined according to the
Loan Agreement in the form
and content set forth in Ap-
pendix B attached to the
form of Loan Agreement
shall be and the same is, in
all respects, hereby author-
ized, approved, and con-
firmed and the Mayor,
Finance Officer, and other
appropriate officials shall be
and are hereby authorized
and directed to execute and
seal the General Obligation
Bond and deliver the Gen-
eral Obligation Bond to the
District, for and on behalf of
the City, upon receipt of the
purchase price, and to use
the proceeds thereof in the
manner set forth in the Loan
Agreement. The Mayor and
Finance Officer are hereby
authorized to approve the
final terms of the General
Obligation Bond and their
execution and delivery
thereof shall evidence that
approval. The General Obli-
gation Bond shall be issued
under the authority of SDCL
Chapter 9-26 and SDCL
Chapter 6-8B, and the pro-
visions of the Act are hereby
expressly incorporated
5. Paying Agent/Registrar. The
General Obligation Bond
shall be payable at the of-
fice of The First National
Bank in Sioux Falls, Sioux
Falls, South Dakota, hereby
designated as paying agent
and registrar.
6. Bond Counsel. Meierhenry
Sargent LLP is hereby re-
tained as Bond Counsel
with respect to the General
Obligation Bond.
7. Debt Service Fund. The City
does hereby create a debt
service fund, a segregated
asset account, into which all
taxes levied for the payment
of principal, interest and Ad-
ministrative Surcharge on
the Bonds shall be de-
posited and used solely for
the purpose of paying the
same when due. No mon-
eys in the debt service fund
may be transferred to any
other fund until the Bonds
are either paid in full or
legally defeased in accor-
dance with law.
8. Pledge of Full Faith and
Taxing Powers. The City
covenants and agrees with
the holders of said General
Obligation Bond that in each
fiscal year in which any of
the General Obligation
Bond shall be outstanding
there shall be levied, spread
and collected at the same
time, and in the same man-
ner as other ad valorem
City Prooeedings from 8
oontinued on page 10
Legal Notlces
1hursday, 1uly 12, 2012 1he Pioneer Review Page 10
taxes in said City are levied
and collected, ad valorem
taxes upon all taxable prop-
erty within the City sufficient
to pay interest on and the
principal of said General
Obligation Bond as they re-
spectively become due and
mature, and also an amount
sufficient to pay the interest
on Administrative Sur-
charges and the principal of
all other General Obligation
Bonds of the City heretofore
or hereafter issued as the
same shall become due and
mature. The City does
hereby levy, collectable in
the ensuing years, assum-
ing a 10% delinquency rate
on collection of taxes levied
to pay amounts due hereun-
der, to pay (unless and to
the extent the City furnishes
funds from any other
source), when due, princi-
pal, interest, and adminis-
trative surcharge due on the
General Obligation Bond.
The proceeds of said levies
are hereby appropriated to
and shall be held in the debt
service fund and used for no
purpose other than for pay-
ment of principal of and in-
terest on said General
Obligation Bond; provided
that, if any payment of inter-
est or principal falls due
when moneys in said sink-
ing fund are insufficient, the
City shall request and the
auditor shall spread addi-
tional levies sufficient for
payment of principal and in-
terest when due or the
same shall be advanced
from any funds of the City to
said sinking fund as pro-
vided by South Dakota Law.
9. Additional Bonds. The City
shall have the right to issue
additional bonds secured by
taxes subject to the limita-
tions of law and the consti-
10. Tax Matters.
a. General Covenant. The City
covenants and agrees with
the registered owners from
time to time of the General
Obligation Bond that it will
not take or permit to be
taken by any of its officers,
employees or agents any
action which would cause
the interest on the General
Obligation Bond to become
includable in gross income
for federal income tax pur-
poses under the Code and
applicable Treasury Regula-
tions (the "Regulations"),
and covenants to take any
and all actions within its
powers to ensure that the
basic interest on the Gen-
eral Obligation Bond will not
become includable in gross
income for federal income
tax purposes under the
Code and the Regulations.
b. Certification. The Mayor and
the Finance Officer, being
the officers of the City
charged with the responsi-
bility for issuing the General
Obligation Bond pursuant to
this Resolution, are hereby
authorized and directed to
execute and deliver to the
District a certificate in accor-
dance with the provisions of
Section 148 of the Code,
and Section 1.148-2(b) of
the Regulations, stating that
on the basis of facts, esti-
mates and circumstances in
existence on the date of
issue and delivery of the
General Obligation Bond, it
is reasonably expected that
the proceeds of the General
Obligation Bond will be
used in a manner that would
not cause the General Obli-
gation Bond to be "arbitrage
bonds" within the meaning
of Section 148 of the Code
and the Regulations.
c. nformation Reporting. The
City shall file with the Secre-
tary of the Treasury a state-
ment concerning the
General Obligation Bond
containing the information
required by Section 149(e)
of the Code.
d. Qualified Tax-Exempt Obli-
gations. Pursuant to Section
265(b)(3)(B)(ii) of the Code,
the City hereby designates
the General Obligation
Bond as "qualified tax-ex-
empt obligations" for pur-
poses of Section 265(b)(3)
of the Code. The City
hereby represents that it
does not anticipate that ob-
ligations bearing interest not
includable in gross income
for purposes of federal in-
come taxation under Sec-
tion 103 of the Code
(including refunding obliga-
tions as provided in Section
265 (b) (3) of the Code and
including "qualified 501 (c)
(3) bonds" but excluding
other "private activity
bonds," as defined in Sec-
tions 141(a) and 145(a) of
the Code) will be issued by
or on behalf of the City and
all "subordinate entities" of
the City in 2012 in an
amount greater than
11. General Covenants.
a. The City hereby covenants
and agrees with the District
and other owners of the
General Obligation Bond
that it will punctually perform
all duties with reference to
the Project, the System and
the General Obligation
Bond required by the consti-
tution and laws of the State
of South Dakota and by this
b. The City agrees and
covenants that it will
promptly construct the im-
provements included in the
c. The City covenants and
agrees with the District and
other owners of the General
Obligation Bond that it will
maintain the System in
good condition and operate
the same in an efficient
manner and at a reasonable
cost, so long as any portion
of the General Obligation
Bond remains outstanding;
that it will maintain insur-
ance on the System for the
benefit of the holders of the
General Obligation Bond in
an amount which usually
would be carried by private
companies in a similar type
of business; that it will pre-
pare, keep and file records,
statements and accounts as
provided for in this Resolu-
tion and the Loan Agree-
d. The Finance Officer shall
cause all moneys pertaining
to the Funds and Accounts
to be deposited as received
with one or more banks
which are duly qualified
public depositories under
the provisions of SDCL Ch.
4-6A, in a deposit account
or accounts, which shall be
maintained separate and
apart from all other ac-
counts of the City, so long
as any of the Bonds and the
interest thereon shall re-
main unpaid. Any of such
moneys not necessary for
immediate use may be de-
posited with such deposi-
tory banks in savings or
time deposits. No money
shall at any time be with-
drawn from such deposit ac-
counts except for the
purposes of the Funds and
Accounts as authorized in
this Resolution; except that
moneys from time to time
on hand in the Funds and
Accounts may at any time,
in the discretion of the City's
governing body, be invested
in securities permitted by
the provisions of SDCL 4-5-
6; provided, however, that
the Depreciation Fund may
be invested in such securi-
ties maturing not later than
ten years from the date of
the investment. ncome re-
ceived from the deposit or
investment of moneys shall
be credited to the Fund or
Account from whose mon-
eys the deposit was made
or the investment was pur-
chased, and handled and
accounted for in the same
manner as other moneys
13. Severability. f any section,
paragraph, clause or provi-
sion of this Resolution, the
Loan Agreement, the Gen-
eral Obligation Bond, or any
other Loan Document shall
be held invalid, the invalidity
of such section, paragraph,
clause or provision shall not
affect any of the other provi-
sions of this Resolution or
said Loan Agreement, Gen-
eral Obligation Bond, or any
other Loan Document.
14. Authorization of City Offi-
cials. The Mayor, Finance
Officer, City Attorney and
City officials shall be and
they are hereby authorized
to execute and deliver for
and on behalf of the City
any and all other certifi-
cates, documents or other
papers and to perform such
other acts as they may
deem necessary or appro-
priate in order to implement
and carry out the actions
authorized herein.
15. Definitions. All terms used in
this Resolution which are
not defined herein shall
have the meanings as-
signed to them in the Loan
Agreement unless the con-
text clearly otherwise re-
Adopted at Philip, South
Dakota, this 2nd day of July
/s/ Michael Vetter, Mayor
/s/ Monna Van Lint,
City Finance Officer
City of Philip Storm Drainage
(Published: July 12, 2012)
Mr. Quenzer then went on to review a
proposal for cleaning and televising the
clay sewer mains within the City, refer-
encing the City's facility plan. He stressed
that the City does not need to do all of the
sewer mains at one time and therefore
recommends that at a minimum those
mains that will be affected by the
Wood/Walden Ave. project and Pine St.
Phase /Wray Ave. project be cleaned
and televised.
He then went on to review a quote from
A-Tech Sewer Cleaning in the amount of
$9,338.75. This includes cleaning and tel-
evising the following: 3,750 feet of 8
sewer main; 635 feet of 10 sewer main;
220' of 15 sewer main, and mobilization
He then recommended the Council ap-
prove this quote as the estimate was
t was noted that the City had appropri-
ated $9,500 for contract services in 2012
which will cover this expense. n addition,
this service is exempt from bidding since
it is below the bid limit.
Following review, motion was made by
Arthur, seconded by Matt to accept A-
Tech Sewer Cleaning's quote as pre-
sented. Motion carried.
Mr. Quenzer then recommended a copy
of the video and report be forwarded to
his office.
Motion was made by Harry, seconded by
Gartner to approve the Joint Cooperative
Agreement with Central SD Enhance-
ment (CSDED) for fiscal year 2013. Mo-
tion carried.
Council then went on to review the follow-
ing building permits as presented: Twila
Hook replace well pit; Karen Kroetch
remove fence, flower beds, pond, &
ramps; replace privacy fence; Karen
Kroetch remove cement slabs; Dale &
Tami Morrison demolish structure; Dale
& Tami Morrison- new structure, water &
sewer line upgrades, move shed from
409 N. Larimer to 408 N. Larimer Ave.;
and, Kay Williams repair foundation, re-
place concrete pad & deck.
Discussion regarding Morrison's permits
for demolition and new construction en-
sued. t was noted that the demolition per-
mit indicates that the City will be hauling
the debris to the City's Restricted Site in
which Mr. Morrison advised the Finance
Office that he was quoted a price of $0.75
per square foot. This quote, we were ad-
vised, was received from Council Mem-
ber Gartner.
Council Member Gartner noted that he
had quoted the price to Mr. Morrison and
also visited with PWD Reckling regarding
the hauling of the debris. He noted that
the quoted price is what was charged to
the other structures hauled and deposited
at the site this past spring by the City.
t was noted that the policy for hauling
and accepting demolition debris was es-
tablished for condemned structures. Un-
fortunately, one of three properties that
were cleared this year was not a con-
demned structure and they were only
charged the $0.75/square foot.
Mayor Vetter questioned if PWD Reckling
was contacted by Mr. Morrison with this
request for the City to haul and dispose
of the debris at the site? PWD confirmed
that he has not been contacted. Mayor
Vetter stressed that all of those requests
should go directly through Mr. Reckling.
t was then noted that Mr. Morrison's new
construction plans are being planned
based on installing an approach on the
north-side of his property, allowing traffic
to exit out onto SD Hwy 14. Accordingly,
he has filed a permit with the SD Dept. of
Transportation for the approach and
should it not be approved, there is a po-
tential for traffic issues. This is due to how
and where the proposed new structure on
the property will be located.
Following review, motion was made by
Matt, seconded by Henrie to approve the
above building permits as presented with
the exception of Dale and Tami Morri-
son's new constructions permit. Motion
Motion was then made by Matt, seconded
by Arthur, to approve Dale and Tami Mor-
rison's new construction permit contin-
gent upon the SD DOT's approval of the
approach on the north-side of their prop-
erty. Motion carried.
PWD Reckling addressed the Council re-
garding the tree located on the east end
of Fire Hall Park that has lost two of its
large tree limbs in the wind. He would like
to remove it before more damage occurs,
but would like the Council's approval.
West Central Electric is willing to take it
Council Member Matt expressed concern
at NOT removing the tree, stressing that
it is very dangerous and needs to be re-
Motion was then made by Gartner, sec-
onded by Arthur to approve the removal
of the tree on the east-end of Fire Hall
Park due to its dangerous condition. Mo-
tion carried.
Council was advised of the County Com-
missioner's plan to increase the City's
rent at the Courthouse from $60 per
month to $500 per month, effective Jan.
1, 2013. t was noted that the current rent
of $60 per month for the City office and
Police Dept. office has been the same for
many years.
Mayor Vetter questioned if we have a
lease agreement with the County? FO
Van Lint advised that she is not aware of
a lease agreement.
The concern is that this is a 733% in-
crease. Mayor Vetter will meet with the
County Commission tomorrow to deter-
mine if they would consider a step in-
crease instead of the large increase they
are proposing.
Motion was then made by Matt, seconded
by Gartner to table any action on the rent
increase until Mayor Vetter reports on the
discussion with the County Commission.
Motion carried.
Departmental Reports:
The quarterly Administrative report was
Council reviewed the year-to-date budg-
ets through June 2012, the City's nvest-
ment report which includes the City's
Certificates of Deposit as well as the
year-to-date sales tax revenues reported
at $221,096.33. The sales tax revenues
have increased over 22% from June
Mayor Vetter extended his thanks to the
community for shopping locally and the
businesses for being available.
The 2013 budget meetings are scheduled
for July 25th-27th, 2012.
The quarterly Airport report was re-
viewed, which included the YTD fuel rev-
enues of $4,863.36.
Council reviewed a request from John
Hughes to purchase the City's old M1000
fueling card system reader. t was noted
that this system is no longer in service as
the fueling system was upgraded in 2010.
This equipment was included in the initial
fuel system that was installed in 2000.
According to Rob with Petro-Tech, the
City's fuel system manager, this piece of
equipment is valued at $300 which is
below the bid limit.
Following review, motion was made by
Arthur, seconded by Gartner to approve
surplusing and selling the M1000 fueling
card system at the appraised value of
$300. Motion carried with all members
voting aye.
The monthly Police Dept. report was pre-
sented and reviewed with Chief Graham.
The monthly Street Dept. report was re-
The monthly Water Dept. report was re-
The Swimming Pool report was reviewed.
The month of June had 2,993 pool atten-
dees compared to 2,114 in June 2011. t
was also noted that June 2012 had more
attendance than 2009's entire pool sea-
Council was informed that Erin Fitzgerald,
Water Safety nstructor (WS), has ex-
pressed interest in teaching swimming
lessons during the second session, July
9th-13th, 2012. This would allow her to
maintain her certification and in turn,
would be volunteering her time in ex-
change for reimbursement of her remain-
ing half of certification costs in the amount
of $80.00.
t was noted that the City has established
a policy to reimburse WS certification
costs over a two-year period, half the first
year and the remaining half the second
year, should they teach swimming les-
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by
Gartner to approve Erin Fitzgerald as a
volunteer WS for the second session of
swimming lessons and reimburse her for
the remaining half of her WS certification
costs of $80.00 following her volun-
teerism. Motion carried.
Mayor Vetter reminded the Council that
during the previous meeting, two railing
quotes for the handicap ramp and side-
walk at the pool were reviewed. Due to
this expenditure not being appropriated in
2012, the Council declined pursuing it this
year. Since the last meeting, a fall over
the sidewalk curb at the swimming pool
occurred. A railing for the handicap ramp
was donated by Curt Arthur and installed
by Street/Sewer personnel, Jason Pe-
PWD Reckling reported that Mr. Hauk
has confirmed that his FFA class will build
the railing for the west side of the side-
walk, abutting the track. He also noted
that the sidewalk curb will be painted yel-
low to alert people of the curb drop off.
Following review, Mayor and Council
thanked Greg Arthur for locating the rail-
ing, Curt Arthur for donating the railing,
and Jason Petersen for painting and in-
stalling the railing.
Council then read two thank you letters
that were received regarding the swim-
ming pool and staff. One was from the
Rural Experience for Health Professional
Students and the other one from Lori
Council reviewed the following L/P
Propane bids received this month:
June 6, 2012
Fitzgerald Oil Company .........$1.25/gal.
Midwest Cooperatives ............$1.35/gal.
June 13, 2012
Fitzgerald Oil Company..........$1.25/gal.
Midwest Cooperatives ............$1.35/gal.
At 8:50 p.m., motion was made by Arthur,
seconded by Harry to enter into executive
session per SDCL 1-25-2(1), personnel.
At 9:02 p.m. Council came out of execu-
tive session with the following action.
Motion was made by Matt, seconded by
Henrie to accept with regret, Rose Ben-
nett's resignation as Pool Manager effec-
tive July 15, 2012. Motion carried.
Mayor, Council, and those in attendance
thanked Mrs. Bennett for her commitment
to the swimming pool and its patrons over
the last five years.
Motion was then made by Henrie, sec-
onded by Gartner to advertise for a swim-
ming pool manager for the remainder of
the 2012 pool season. Motion carried.
Motion was then made by Arthur, sec-
onded by Gartner to authorize the
Health/Rec. Committee to hire a new
manager and establish the wage. Motion
Motion was then made by Gartner to ap-
point DFO Smith as the supervisor to the
Pool Manager and lifeguards. He noted
his concern that the Health/Rec. Commit-
tee may not be readily available if some-
thing should arise with the pool.
t was noted that the City Office is already
the first point of contact for the pool staff
as well as patrons. The additional duties
are split in the office between FO Van Lint
and DFO Smith with the mechanical du-
ties being that of the water and street de-
Following discussion, Gartner withdrew
his motion to appoint Smith as the super-
visor for the Pool Manager and lifeguards.
PubIic Comments:
In Other Business:
Council Members Matt, Larson, Henrie,
and Gartner will be attending the SDML
Elected Officials workshop on July 24th in
Pierre. The public was informed that this
is a training where quorum will be pres-
ent, but not an official meeting.
The next Regular Council Meeting will be
held on Monday, Aug. 6th, 2012, at 7:00
p.m. in the Community Rm.
With no further business to come before
the Council, Mayor Vetter declared the
meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
/s/ Michael Vetter, Mayor
/s/ Brittany Smith,
Deputy Finance Officer
[Published July 12, 2012, at the total ap-
proximate cost of $936.04]
City Prooeedings from 9
CroofIngs from sunny, bono dry,
roInfIvoIy cooI, norfhonsf Hnnkon
Counfy. If Is n gorgoous mornIng
horo on !obbs IInf, so I Infond fo
onjoy If! Tho fomornfuro Is goIng
fo cIImb Info fho 90s ngnIn fodny,
wIfh no rnIn In sIghf. Tho noIgh-
bors nro fInIshIng u whonf hnrvosf
In fho nron. Our whonf wns mosfIy
hnrvosfod by Mofhor nfuro's hnII-
sform nbouf n monfh ngo. Tho corn
fhnf wns sovoroIy bnfforod by fho
hnII hns boon fryIng vnIInnfIy fo ro-
covor, buf nf fhIs oInf If Iooks IIko
fho dry condIfIons mny nIso ruIn
fhnf cro. !nnchors In fho nron
hnvo boon cuffIng whnfovor hny Is
nvnIInbIo, whIch Isn'f much. ThIs
hnsn'f boon fho mosf fun yonr of
fnrmIng nnd rnnchIng, fhnf's for
ows from fho gnrdon Is n IIffIo
boffor. Tho fomnfo Innfs fhnf sur-
vIvod fho hnII nro now sfnrfIng fo
bIossom, nnd fho cucumbors fhnf
woro roInnfod foIIowIng fho hnII-
sform nro nbouf rondy fo sfnrf vIn-
Ing. Tho zucchInI Innfs nro
bIoomIng, nnd fhoro nro smnII
fruIfs soffIng on. My husbnnd, fho
zucchInI hnfor, Isn'f nonrIy ns ox-
cIfod nbouf fhnf ns I nm! I'vo boon
hnrvosfIng snn ons, nnd fho sur-
vIvIng bonn Innfs nro jusf rondy fo
bIoom. !nsf yonr, I wns scrnmbIIng
fo hnrvosf onough dIII fo koo u
wIfh cucumbor roducfIon fhIs
yonr, I hnvo Iofs of dIII nnd no cu-
cumbors! Murhy's !nw ovIdonfIy
nIIos fo gnrdonIng, nIso! So, on
fho ndvIco of my noIghbor, Cono
Hudson, I'vo boon hnrvosfIng dIII
nnd uffIng If In fho froozor fo bo
usod whon cucumbor roducfIon
kIcks Info hIgh gonr. IroozIng dIII
Is n fIrsf for mo hoo If works!
III IckIos nro n fnvorIfo nround
Somo of you mny hnvo nofIcod
fhnf fhoro wns no MoonvIIIo ows
In Insf wook's IIonoor !ovIow. Io-
cnuso of fho JuIy 4fh hoIIdny, fho
dondIIno for submIffIng fho nows
wns movod u sovornI dnys. So I
gnvo mysoIf fho wook off, nnd now
I'm bnck nf If!
oIs nnd orofhy InuIson woro
In IIorro JuIy 3 for suIIos. Thoy
rofurnod fo IIorro on JuIy 4 fo fnko
In fho nrndo nnd onjoy suor
wIfh frIonds. SInco oIs Is mosfIy
dono wIfh hnyIng for fhIs yonr, ho
hns boon busy roIncIng n dock on
fhoIr homo. orofhy nffondod
church Sundny, nnd Cnrmon AIIo-
mnn gnvo n wondorfuI Iosson on
fIngs bofh fho !nIfod Sfnfos fIng
nnd fho church fIng. Tho Iosson wns
gonrod fownrd young ooIo, buf
orofhy snId If wns good Informn-
fIon for ovoryono.
!oIn !osofh hnd n vIsIf from hor
frIond, IrnnnIo MorrIs, from
WyomIng. !oIn nnd IrnnnIo woro
frIonds In coIIogo, nnd bofh IndIos
fnughf schooI In WyomIng for n
fImo. IrnnnIo hnd suor nf !nrry
nnd !Indn SmIfh's on JuIy 2, sonf
fho nIghf nf unno nnd !oIn's, nnd
sonf somo fImo fourIng fho noIgh-
borhood wIfh !oIn rIor fo confInu-
Ing on hor frnvoIs. !oIn !osofh
nffondod n moofIng of fho Hnnkon
Counfy CommIssIon on JuIy 3, gIv-
Ing hor qunrforIy roorf ns omor-
goncy mnnngor for fho counfy.
unno !osofh, !nrry SmIfh, nnd
Jorry !osofh sonf n fow dnys Insf
wook fnkIng n onfoon frI from
IIsmnrck fo MobrIdgo. WhIIo fhoy
woro gono, !oIn uf fho fImo fo
good uso by doIng somo rojocfs
nround fho houso.
Ick nnd Cono Hudson woro nf
Jorry nnd Joy Jonos' homo nonr
MIdInnd fho ovonIng of JuIy 3. On
fho Iourfh of JuIy, Ick nnd Cono
mndo n drIvIng four of fho commu-
nIfy. Thoy sfood fo vIsIf nf our
houso boforo rofurnIng homo. Mon-
dny, Ick nnd Cono woro suor
guosfs nf !oIn nnd unno !osofh's
In honor of unno's bIrfhdny
hny boInfod bIrfhdny fo hIm!
Jon nnd ConnIo Johnson nnd
fnmIIy, nccomnnIod by Ick nnd
Cono Hudson, frnvoIod fo fho Sfur-
gIs nron on Juno 30 fo nffond son
Avory's bnsobnII gnmo. Thoy
sfood nf WhIfowood fo vIsIf Jonn
(Hudson) KoffIor rIor fo fho gnmo.
Mondny fhrough Thursdny of Insf
wook, ConnIo, Wynff, nnd onh
Johnson woro In CoIumbus, ob.,
vIsIfIng ob (Hudson) Iurmn nnd
fnmIIy. !nsf wookond, IrIdny
fhrough Sundny, Johnsons woro In
ondwood fnkIng In n bnsobnII
fournnmonf fhoIr son, Avory, wns
n mombor of ono of fho fonms. JoIn-
Ing fhom woro frIonds nvo nnd
IoIIndn Inuor, MInnosofn, ns woII
ns MIchoIIo nnd !uko JuIInn, !nId
ArIyno Mnrkwod mof !onI Hnnd
Insf Mondny, nnd fho IndIos frnv-
oIod fo fho homo of SnIIy IhIors
nonr MIdInnd fo joIn n gnfhorIng of
formor schooI mnfos. ThoIr frIond,
Thorosn (omoc) Mc!nughIIn, wns
vIsIfIng from MInnosofn, so fho
grou hnd n gronf fImo vIsIfIng nnd
romInIscIng. On JuIy Iourfh, fho
Mnrkwods joInod fho nnnunI coIo-
brnfIon nf MIIosvIIIo, nnd IIIIy
hoIod wIfh nucfIonoor dufIos. If
wns n hof dny, buf forfunnfoIy fho
hnII wns nIr condIfIonod.
Snfurdny, IIIIy nnd ArIyno woro
In SonrfIsh whoro IIIIy wns com-
ofIng In n horsoshoo fournnmonf.
I dIdn'f honr nny rosuIfs from fho
fournnmonf, buf IIIIy Is n vory fnI-
onfod horsoshoo Inyor.
JonnIno CnbrIoI nnd chIIdron
woro In SonrfIsh from Snfurdny fo
Wodnosdny of Insf wook, sondIng
fImo wIfh hor fnmIIy. Hor brofhor
from Toxns wns fhoro vIsIfIng nIso.
CInrk nnd Cnrmon AIIomnn woro
In IIorro JuIy l fo nffond n bIrfh-
dny nrfy nf fho homo of on nnd
!osomnry !ounds. JuIy Iourfh,
Cnrmon wns In fown nffondIng fho
nrndo foIIowod by Iunch. CInrk
ofod fo sfny homo nnd hoI wIfh
hnrvosf. Cnrmon snId hor dnugh-
for-In-Inw, !nurn, hns boon busy
wIfh n nInfIng rojocf, so Cnrmon
hns hnd fho oorfunIfy fo sond
somo qunIIfy fImo wIfh grnnd-
dnughfor AIIvyn whIIo !nurn
IIII nnd IoIIy Iruco hnvo boon
cIoso fo homo roconfIy, fnkIng nd-
vnnfngo of nIr condIfIonIng. Tho
guys hnvo boon doIng somo hnyIng,
buf hny Is In shorf suIy fhIs yonr.
VInco Iruco wns n fIng bonror In
fho If. IIorro nrndo on JuIy
Iourfh. VInco nIso wns on hnnd fo
hoI whon n Icku wrockod nonr
omocs Snfurdny, sfnrfIng n smnII
fIro. IorfunnfoIy, fho drIvor wnsn'f
bndIy Injurod, buf VInco gof fo uf
somo of hIs IIrsf !osondor frnIn-
Ing fo uso. IoIIy snId fhoIr mnIn so-
cInI ncfIvIfy fho nsf couIo of
wooks hns boon nffondIng church,
foIIowod by Iunch nf n IocnI cnfo
gronf Inco fo vIsIf wIfh frIonds.
IIII nnd IoIIy's son, nvId, cnmo fo
fho rnnch Sundny fo sond n fow
dnys hoIIng wIfh rojocfs. IoIIy
hnd n crow of hny movors for Iunch
ShIrIoy HnIIIgnn wonf bonfIng
wIfh hor kIds nnd grnndkIds n
wook ngo Sundny. Sho wns In
!nId CIfy roconfIy fo bo on hnnd
wIfh MnrIo SyIvn whIIo MnrIo's
husbnnd Jorry hnd hI roInco-
monf surgory. If sounds IIko Jorry
Is rocovorIng nIcoIy. Irnnk HnIII-
gnn sonf n wook In Toxns fnkIng
cnro of busInoss fhoro. Ho rofurnod
homo Mondny.
Mnrgo IrIggs snId hor gnrdon Is
growIng sfondIIy, nnd fho mnIn
chnIIongo now wIII bo kooIng fho
coons ouf of fho swoof corn. Hor
son, !ynn, kIIIod n rnffIosnnko
nonr fho gnrdon fho ofhor dny I
suoso If wns comIng for n drInk.
IoIIowIng Is Mnrgo's wonfhor
dnfn for Juno, 20l2. Tho hIgh fom-
ornfuro for fho monfh wns l03 on
fho 26fh. Wo hnd l3 dnys of 90 or
nbovo, nnd 25 dnys of 80 or nbovo.
Tho Iowosf mnxImum fomornfuro
for fho monfh wns 8l on fho 2lsf.
Tho Iow fomornfuro for fho monfh
wns 45 on fho l2fh. Wo hnd fhroo
dnys wIfh n Iow of 50 or boIow, nnd
l? dnys of 60 or boIow Tho nvorngo
hIgh fomornfuro for fho monfh
wns 85, fho nvorngo Iow fomorn-
furo for fho monfh wns 55, nnd fho
monfh's nvorngo fomornfuro wns
IrocIIfnfIon for fho monfh wns
3.5l of rnIn. ormnI Is 3 of rnIn,
IonvIng us .5l nbovo normnI for
fho monfh. IrocIIfnfIon fo dnfo for
20l2 Is 8.06. ormnI Is 9.28, Ionv-
Ing us .22 boIow normnI for fho
yonr. Wo nro nf 8? orconf of nor-
mnI for rocIIfnfIon In 20l2.
(I'm suro Mnrgo's numbors nro
corrocf, buf If suro soomod hoffor
nnd drIor fhnn whnf fho numbors
show! I suoso If Is nrfIy bocnuso
wo sfnrfod of fho sonson wIfh vory
IIffIo subsoII moIsfuro.)
KovIn nnd Mnry ouhnusor
sonf JuIy 4 nf homo. On JuIy 5,
Mnry frnvoIod fo SonrfIsh, nnd
sho nnd dnughfor Snrnh sonf fho
dny furnIfuro shoIng fo furnIsh
Snrnh's nnrfmonf. !nsf wookond,
KovIn nnd Mnry nffondod fho l25
yonr coIobrnfIon nf OrIonf, n smnII
fown nonr whoro Mnry grow u. On
fhoIr wny homo Snfurdny, fhoy
sonf somo fImo vIsIfIng Mnry's
nronfs nf IoIo nnd vIsIfIng !ufh
ouhnusor nf HIghmoro. Sundny,
Mnry nnd KovIn nffondod fho drng
rncos nf IIorro.
!ufh ouhnusor onjoyod n vIsIf
on JuIy 4 from Iob Andorson. Iob
Andorson workod for Iob nnd !ufh
ouhnusor yonrs ngo whon ho wns
n coIIogo sfudonf. Ho now IIvos In
CoIorndo, buf ho wns bnck In fho
sfnfo vIsIfIng fnmIIy nonr !nngford.
Sho nIso onjoyod vIsIfIng wIfh
KovIn nnd Mnry ouhnusor whon
fhoy sfood fhrough Insf Snfur-
!oo nnd Mnry IrIggs hnvo boon
busy wIfh hnrvosf ncfIvIfIos nf
fhoIr Inco. CrnndchIIdron Sofh
Joons nnd CnffIbrIo !IggIo nro
hoIIng wIfh hnrvosf nnd whnfovor
ofhor jobs nood dono. Mnry snId
IIghfnIng Info Insf Wodnosdny
nIghf sfnrfod n smnII fIro In ono of
McenvIIIe News
by Leanne Neuhauser SB?-BS
oontinued on page 14
Thursday, July 12, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 11
Sports & Accomplishments
, 2012 Cheverolet 1500 4 dr, Auto, 4x4
, 2006 Ford F150 Ext. Cab w. 4 drs, Auto
, 2007 Chevrolet Impala LT
, 2003 Dodge 1500 4 dr, Auto, 4x4
, 2003 Ford F250 Reg. Cab, 5 spd, 4x4
, 1997 Ford F250 Ext. Cab, Auto, 4x4
, 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan, Rear DVD
859-2744 or
Lets Paint Run-A-Ways
Acrylic Painting Class
Thursday, July 19th Philip Legion Hall
Ages 7-11: 9 a.m. to Noon
Ages 12-Adult: 1 to 4 p.m.
Cost is $23: All supplies are included.
Please call the Haakon Co. Extension Office at 859-2840
or the Jackson Co. Extension Office at 837-2133
to pre-register or for more information.
Philip baseball season update
The Philip baseball A team played Kadoka, Tuesday, July 3, in Philip. It was a 3-9 loss for Philip. Back row, from left: Trew
DeJong, Libbi Koester, Nathan Kreft, Connor Dekker, Riley Heltzel and Lane Kroetch. Front: Wade Kroetch, Hunter Peterson,
Damian Bartels, Avery Jones and Reece Heltzel. Photos by Del Bartels
The Philip baseball B team played Kadoka, Tuesday, July 3. It was a 7-7 draw because of time limitations. Back row, from
left: coach Brad Heltzel, Parker Snyder, Jet Jones, Kearby Jindra, Reece Heltzel, Keldon Fitzgerald, Casey Schriever and
coach J.R. Snyder. Front: Ethan Burnett, Clark Hindman Hopkins, Sawyer Smith, McCoy Peterson and and Tyson Seager.
Philip Post 173 continued its third year of play this past weekend at the annual Wood Bat tournament hosted by Lead/Dead-
wood Post 31. Philip finished with a 2-2 record and third place in the teener division. Philip Post 173's current record stands
at 5-7 after playing teams from Newcastle, Wyo., Belle Fourche, Rapid City, Sturgis, Pierre and Lead/Deadwood. We con-
tinue to learn and improve each year, said coach Travis DeJong. Our players come from north of Highway 34 to south of
Highway 44. That's close to 110 miles apart, which can present quite a challenge for practices. The guys keep fighting hard
in the games and were having a great time playing baseball. Handling the pitching duties for the team this year have been
Blaine Hicks, Tate DeJong, Avery Johnson, Zach Stone and Bubba Young. Currently the top five hitters are Hicks (.558 av-
erage), Cody Young (.424 average), Tate DeJong (.424 average), Johnson (.412 average) and Young (.400 average). This
Sunday, July 15, the Philip team will host a triangular in Philip with Lead/Deadwood and Winner. The first game will start
at 11:00 a.m., where Philip will take on Lead/Deadwood. The second game is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. with Lead going
against Winner. The last game will be Philip versus Winner at 5:00 p.m. The team invites everyone from the area to come
fill the seats and line the fences for an entertaining day of baseball. Back row, from left: coach Kory Foss, Clint Stout,
Cassidy Schnabel, Zach Stone, Tate DeJong, Avery Johnson, Cody Young and Travis DeJong. Middle row: Bubba Young, Jed
Brown, Riley Heltzel, Blaine Hicks, Herbie O'Daniel and Trey DeJong. Front: Nick Young. Not pictured: Sam Stangle and
Aaron Kills in Water. Courtesy photo
Legion baseball returns to area
The Philip/Pierre Forty and Eight, a specific organization within the American Legion that gets its basis from World War I,
presented its annual donation to the Philip Girls Softball League. This year it was a check for $50, which will go toward the
purchase of new uniforms. Shown, back row, from left: Philip Pearson, coach Arthur McIlravy, Ron Millage, Marvin Denke,
and Don Olivier. Middle row: Mallory Vetter, Kiarra Moses, Kari Kanable, Jeslyn Jindra and Josie Rush. Front: Jessamy
Schwartz, Erica Johnson, Dilyn Terkildsen, Addy Johnson and Anna Belle McIlravy. Not pictured: Jasmine Ferguson and
Jaisa Snyder. Photo by Del Bartels
Forty & Eight donations to children
Entry forms are available for the
16th annual South Dakota Health
Care Association Dakota Master-
Works Art Show. The show is open
to all South Dakota citizens age 60
and older.
Entries will be accepted at the
SDHCA office located at 804 N.
Western Avenue, Sioux Falls, Octo-
ber 1-5, from 9:00 a.m to 3:00 a.m.
The exhibit show will be held Octo-
ber 29-30 at the Good Samaritan
Society in Sioux Falls. Free admis-
sion to the public.
Dakota MasterWorks was cre-
ated to showcase the talent and
creativity of South Dakotans over
the age of 60. The second half of
life is full of creative growth and
fulfillment, and SDHCA Dakota
MasterWorks demonstrates that
reality, said LuAnn Severson coor-
dinator. The competition is open to
every citizen of South Dakota, age
60 and older. The winning entries
will be exhibited at various sites
throughout South Dakota following
the Sioux Falls show.
Categories include watercolor
painting, oil painting, acrylic paint-
ing, drawing/pastels, photography,
sculpture and wood carving. A
first, second and third place award
will be given in each of the cate-
gories. In addition, judges will se-
lect a best of show and a peoples
choice also be awarded.
Seeking senior art for annual art show
Thursday, July 12, 2012 The Pioneer Review Page 12
Sports & Accomplishments
NH BR770A ......................................................$20,500
(3) NH BR780.......................................choice $10,500
(3) NH 660............................................starting $3,500
NH BR7090......................................................$20,500
CIH RBX561......................................................$10,500
CIH RBX562......................................................$14,500
Vermeer 605M.................................................$20,500
Vermeer 605XL...................................................$9,500
Vermeer 605L.....................................................$7,500
JD 535.................................................................$5,500
(2) JD 567.............................................starting $9,500
JD 566 ..............................................................$12,500
JD 556.................................................................$9,500
Call Mark or Kent today!
Advertised prices are cash/no trade prices.
*Subject to approval
with CNH Capital.
601 Pleasant St.
Philip, SD
Mar1s kaat| ks1ts
a|ar1a, Ja| t1s| : .m. |I
ks1ts 1rtaa Mar1s, sa|| 0a|s|a
AduIts: $7.00
Under 10: Free
Lunch: concessions
provided by the
Turner Youth
Teams to be 6a|cutta at
4:30 p.m. (6T}
L|m|ted to (10}
4-Person Teams
1007 Payback
Added Purse
To enter, ca||:
Ke||y Creen
530-522 or 9-3310
or 8haron hu|||nger
Bring your
Lawn Chairs
Boot &
ScrambIe for
the kids!!
Come out and support your IocaI cowboys!
|smt k ta[s ||t kaat k|1t"
|as mat| msrt!!
The second annual Winter
Fever Wall Badlands Chamber of
Commerce Golf Tournament was
Saturday, June 30, on the Wall
Golf Course.
The nine-hole tournament used a
shotgun start. It was a three-per-
son scramble, with one red tee hit-
ter. The event included pin prizes
and door prizes.
Thanks to the many golfers who
came out and all of our wonderful
sponsors and businesses that do-
nated prizes; the tournament was
a lot of fun and very successful! The
proceeds from this tournament are
used for special events and projects
throughout the year, for example
the new banners on Main Street
were purchased in part by last
years tournament funds, and the
new chamber sign from this years
proceeds, stated Lindsey Hilde-
brand, director of the Wall Cham-
ber of Commerce.
The following are the teams and
placings. Unless otherwise indi-
cated, the players are from Wall.
Championship Flight
1st Lynn Denke, Dennis An-
derson and John Oehler, both of
Rapid City.
2nd Lane Hustead, Les
Williams and Jennifer Emery
3rd Wendy Eisenbraun, Taylor
Mohnen and Lance Sundall.
4th Stan Anderson, Dean
Schulz and Merlin Doyle
First Flight
1st Gary Keyser, Pete Dunker
and Dani Herring.
2nd Dawn Hilgenkamp, Jenny
Patterson and Dan Hilgenkamp.
3rd Carolynn Anderson, Haven
Hildebrand and Lindsey Hilde-
4th Andrew Reckling, Tina
Slovek and Craig Weber, all from
5th Karol Patterson, Rod Ren-
ner and Cheryl Renner.
Walls Winter Fever golf tourney
Above, the championship flight third place went to the team
of Wendy Eisenbraun, Taylor Mohnen, both of Wall, and
Lance Sundall, originally of Philip. At right, first flight fourth
place went to Andrew Reckling, Tena Slovek and Craig
Weber, all of Philip. Courtesy photos
The Junior Golf Tournament included: back row, from left: coach Dak Carley, Kel-
don Fitzgerald, Corbin Kramer, Reece Heltzel, Josie Rush and Taylor Seager. Mid-
dle row: Jenna Engbarth, Dilyn Terkildsen, Jaida Haynes, Tyson Seager and Gavin
Dale. Front: Talon Haynes and Layton Terkildsen. Not pictured: assistant coach
Tristen Rush, Keelee Griffin and Kaia Griffin. Courtesy photo
The Junior Golf Tournament
was held Sunday, July 1, at the
Lake Waggoner Golf Course.
The tournament was for the
third through sixth graders who
golfed Tuesdays and Wednesdays
in the kids golf clinic that began
June 5. The tournament followed a
month of clinics for grades kinder-
garten through sixth. The older
kids attended each Tuesday and
Wednesday in June, and the
younger kids attended Wednesdays
only. Participants worked on all
facets of the game, including chip-
ping, putting, driving, irons, rules
and golf etiquette.
Thirty kids attended the clinic,
which was headed up by Dak Car-
ley and assisted by Tristen Rush.
Many others assisted throughout
the month. The clinic is anticipated
to continue every year, so the kids
will develop a love for the game.
The tournament had 14 partici-
pants. They played three holes,
with a meal and awards ceremony
following. Using a shotgun start,
the contestants were in three dif-
ferent groups but played individu-
ally. All are from Philip.
Keldon Fitzgerald 16
Corbin Kramer 20
Layton Terkildsen 26
Tyson Seager 27
Gavin Dale 28
Reece Heltzel - 31
Talon Haynes 31
Taylor Seager 21
Josie Rush 23
Dilyn Terkildsen 23
Jaida Haynes 26
Jenna Engbarth - 27
Kaia Griffin - 29
Keelee Griffin 30.
Junior Golf Tourney concludes clinic
Its an experience theyll never
forget. Nearly 100 campers and
staff gathered in the beautiful
Black Hills of South Dakota, June
3-8, for the annual Farmers Union
State Leadership Camp.
Campers came from every corner
of South Dakota to get Wild About
Cooperation! The theme of this
year's camp focused on the cooper-
ative spirit of working together to
accomplish goals. The campers ex-
perienced a Black Hills tour day,
lessons on first aid and CPR, coop-
erative games, workshops, speak-
ers, and, of course, a lot of fun.
We had an incredible week at
camp, said Farmers Union Educa-
tion Director Bonnie Geyer. The
kids learned how to lead their
peers, work together to accomplish
common goals while having a lot of
fun making lifelong friendships.
Campers set up their own coop-
erative businesses during camp.
The camp store, where they buy
snacks, pop and other items, is set
up as a cooperative with campers
buying shares and doing business
at the store. There is a mutual in-
surance company, co-op newspa-
per, co-op coffee shop and a credit
union. At the start of camp, youth
put real money into the credit
union and use those funds to shop
at the coffee shop and the store.
We set up real life scenarios
that these kids will remember as
they step into the real world,
Geyer said. They have their own
checkbook, have to balance it them-
selves, and even pay fees if they
bounce a check. Were trying to get
them ready for their lives and
teach them what it takes to be a
member of a cooperative and a
member of society.
The kids also participate in bon-
fires, sing songs and play games
throughout the week. The camp is
coordinated by the Education
Council and led by the Junior Ad-
visory Council, a group of six teens
who were chosen during last years
camp to lead the 2012 week. The
new Junior Advisory Council mem-
bers were elected during camp.
Its a chance for these young
people who are chosen to lead and
to learn what it takes to step up
and be a leader, Geyer said. The
other kids really look up to them.
Theyre role models, and they take
their roles very seriously. Its a
chance to learn some valuable lead-
ership skills theyll take with them
throughout their lives.
The week also included many
speakers on a wide range of leader-
ship and development topics. Lisa
Snedeker, training coordinator at
Dakotaland Federal Credit Union,
discussed financial literacy with
the youth. Leadership trainer Mal-
com Chapman spoke to the kids
about being a better leader and
serving your community. National
Guard soldiers taught the kids
about safety and serving your
country. And, the youth also partic-
ipated in CPR training and other
educational experiences.
Farmers Union youth attend state
leadership camp at Storm Mountain
Tyana Gottsleben, left, and Ashton
Reedy were Haakon County represen-
tatives at the annual Farmers Union
State Leadership Camp.
Courtesy photo
Emergency rules allowing the
sale of 85 octane gasoline with
mandatory cautionary labels are in
effect as of Monday, July 9. A pub-
lic hearing is scheduled July 20 on
permanent rules governing the sale
of that product
At the direction of Governor Den-
nis Daugaard, the State Depart-
ment of Public Safety implemented
the emergency rules after a review
of state laws by the Office of
Weights and Measures within DPS
concluded that the sale of 85 octane
gasoline is illegal in South Dakota.
Because of concerns raised by pe-
troleum marketers about possible
fuel shortages, the emergency rules
were written to allow sale of 85 oc-
tane temporarily while the public
has an opportunity to comment on
permanent rules that clarify the
status of 85 octane in the state.
Several Rocky Mountain states
allow the sale of 85 octane fuel, and
it has been a commonly sold prod-
uct in western South Dakota for
many years.
Until permanent rules have been
set, those who sell 85 octane must
post a cautionary label that reads:
Sub-regular octane. Refer to
owners manual before fueling. Ve-
hicle manufacturers groups do not
support the sale of 85 octane gaso-
line. Most engines are designed to
run on a minimum of 87 octane.
A public hearing on permanent
rules will be July 20 at 10:00 a.m.
in the Capital Lake Visitors Cen-
ter in Pierre. Anyone may attend
and offer comments. Written com-
ments are also being accepted
through July 30, and should be
mailed to Office of Weights &
Measures, 118 W. Capitol Ave.,
Pierre, S.D., 57501. Emailed com-
ments should go to DPSWM@state The emergency and pro-
posed permanent rules, and rules
hearings may be found at the De-
partment of Public Safety website
The 85 octane issue is unrelated
to E-85, a reference to a motor fuel
that contains a blend of gasoline
and up to 85 percent ethanol.
Emergency octane fuel rules for S.D.
Make your opinion known write a letter to the editor!
Fax signed copy to 859-2410
or e-mail with your phone number to:
CIassified DeadIine
Tuesdays at Noon
classlfleds 869-2616
1hursday, 1uly 12, 2012 1he Pioneer Review Page 13
0IassItIed AdvertIsIng
CLASSIFIED RATE: $6.50 nininun for firsi 20 words; 10 cr
word iIcrcaficr; includcd in iIc Poncc Hcucu, tIc Pot, TIc
Pcnnngton Co. Couunt, as wcll as on our wclsiic.
CARD OF THANKS: Pocns, Triluics, Eic. . $6.00 nininun for
firsi 20 words; 10 cr word iIcrcaficr. EacI nanc and
iniiial nusi lc counicd scaraicly. Includcd in iIc
Poncc Hcucu and tIc Pot.
BOLD FACE LOCALS: $8.00 nininun for firsi 20 words; 10
cr word iIcrcaficr. EacI nanc and iniiial nusi lc counicd sc-
araicly. Prinicd only in iIc Poncc Hcucu.
NOTE: $2.00 addcd cIargc for loollccing and lilling on all
DISPLAY AD RATE: $8.00 cr colunn incI, includcd in iIc
Poncc Hcucu and tIc Pot. $5.55 cr colunn incI for iIc
Poncc Hcucu only.
PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All rcal csiaic advcriiscd in iIis ncwsacr is suljcci io iIc Fcdcral Fair
Housing Aci of 1968, wIicI nalcs ii illcgal io advcriisc any rcfcrcncc, or discrininaiion on
racc, color, rcligion, sc, or naiional origin, or any inicniion io nalc any sucI rcfcrcncc, liniia-
iion, or discrininaiion."
TIis ncwsacr will noi lnowingly accci any advcriising for rcal csiaic wIicI is a violaiion of
iIc law. Our rcadcrs arc inforncd iIai all dwcllings advcriiscd in iIis ncwsacr arc availallc
on an cqual ooriuniiy lasis.
ing alicaiions for a SWIM-
inncdiaicly. Jol dcscriiion
and alicaiion arc availallc in
iIc Ciiy Financc Officc, locaicd
on 4iI floor of iIc Haalon
Couniy CouriIousc. Posiiion
will rcnain ocn uniil fillcd. Ciiy
of PIili is an Equal Ooriu-
niiy Enloycr. P31-1ic
Pass Lodgc is Iiring for scasonal
Icl iIrougI nid-Ociolcr. Posi-
iions arc availallc inncdiaicly.
Plcasc aly ai iIc lodgc, asl for
SIaron or Dana. Or aly onlinc
ai ccdarasslodgc.con. P31-4ic
HELP WANTED: Prairic Honc-
sicad/Dadlands Trading Posi,
Cacius Flai, I-90, Eii 131 Con-
ciiiivc wagcs, flcillc scIcdul-
ing, fricndly cnvironncni.
Coniaci Hcidi ai 433-5411.
In a snolc frcc noicl. Conuicr
liicraic, rior dcsl lnowlcdgc
Iclful, nosily nigIis and wccl-
cnds. Sio in ai Days Inn in Wall
and scc TIcrcsa or Dcnnis for
an alicaiion ASAP.
HELP WANTED: Mainicnancc
crson for Caicway Ais. Hours
vary. Inquirc ai 1-800-481-
6904. K28-4ic
IigI scIool siudcnis or anyonc
dcsiring full or ari-iinc Iousc-
lccing osiiions. No ccricncc
nccdcd, wc will irain. Aly ai
Dudgci Hosi Sundowncr and
Ancrica's Dcsi Valuc Inn,
Kadola. Call 837-2188 or 837-
2296. K26-ifn
ccricncc rcfcrrcd lui will
irain. Salary lus connission.
Possililiiy of u io $12.00 cr
Iour wagc. Housing is sulicd
in Wall. You will nalc grcai
wagcs, ncci lois of colc and
Iavc fun. Posiiion availallc May
1, 2012. Aly ai ColdDiggcrs
on Mi. FusInorc Foad in Faid
Ciiy or call faciory ai 348-8108
or fa rcsunc io 348-1524.
1-100'200' nay slii, 1-
80'150' and 1-60/100'. Call 1-
800-411-5866, ci. 322 ioday
and savc iIousands!! P31-2i
FOR SALE: CE oriallc disI-
wasIcr, uscd only 7 noniIs.
$100. Call 859-3095 or lcavc
ncssagc. P31-ifn
FOR SALE: Scvcral vcry nicc
uscd rcfrigcraiors. Dcl's, I-90
Eii 63, Do Eldcr. 390-9810.
FOR SALE: Scvcral clcan quccn
naiircss scis, Dcl's, Eii 63,
Do Eldcr. 390-9810. PF 45-4ic
Fcclining LcaiIcr sofa $400, Fc-
frigcraior/Frcczcr $75, Couniry
lool dining iallc $280, Oal TV
siand $75, 2 confy lcniwood
franc cIairs $40/loiI, Cor-
gcous Safari lool glass cnd ia-
llcs $200/loiI, MaicIing lans
$80/loiI, Dcauiiful largc, cus-
ion francd iciurcs. Tigcr, Elc-
Ianis - $50 cacI, 27" TV $35,
5 CD Ionc cnicriainncni sys-
icn wiiI 5 scalcrs $75, Largc
dog Iousc $40. Daicr's 859-
2252. PF45-2ic
FOR SALE: Scvcral nicc uscd
rcfrigcraiors. Dring a fricnd wc
Iavc no loading Icl. Dcl's, Eii
63, Do Eldcr, 390-9810.
FOR SALE: Foc Iorsc Ialicrs
wiiI 10' lcad roc, $15 cacI.
Call 685-3317 or 837-2917.
WANTED: Looling for uscd oil.
Taling any iyc and wcigIi. Call
Milc ai 685-3068. P42-ifn
FOR SALE: FancI siylc Ionc
wiiI slaic rocl and rcdwood sid-
ing, 4 lcdroons, 3 full laiIs,
rocl firclacc and cira largc 2
car garagc, finisIcd lascncni,
3,148 sq. fi ioial. Locaicd ai 806
DoroiIy Si., Wall, SD. Call 279-
2913. PW31-2i
roon, 3 laiIs, udaicd liicIcn,
ncw alianccs, aroinaicly
3500 sq. fi., iwo-car aiiacIcd
garagc, largc corncr loi on cul-
dc-sac. call (605} 515-3235
TLE AVE., PHILIP: 3 lcdroon,
1 3/4 laiI, Ocn concci wiiI-
siainlcss siccl siovc/fridgc. Ncw
roof, ncw windows. Hardwood
floors. Largc fcnccd laclyard
wiiI gardcn, dog cn, covcrcd
concrcic aiio and sioragc sIcd.
Ncw froni dccl. Can cnail ic-
iurcs. Asling $69,900. Call 859-
2470, lcavc a ncssagc if no
answcr. P30-4i
PHILIP: 3 lcdroon, 2 laiI,
2100 sq. fi. Ionc on a largc loi
locaicd on a quici cul-dc-sac.
Has aiiacIcd 2-car garagc, sior-
agc sIcd, largc dccl and an un-
dcrground srinllcr sysicn
wIicI ocraics off a rivaic wcll.
Coniaci Dol Fugaic, PIili, ai
859-2403 (Ionc} or 515-1946
(ccll}. P24-ifn
FOR SALE: 2006 YanaIa
XT225 Enduro noiorcyclc, 660
nilcs, cccllcni condiiion. 859-
3077, lcavc ncssagc. PF46-4ic
FOR RENT: 1 lcdroon aari-
ncni in PIili, $275/noniI
lus dcosii. Call 391-3992.
APARTMENTS: Sacious onc
lcdroon uniis, all uiiliiics in-
cludcd. Young or old. Nccd
rcnial assisiancc or noi, wc can
Iousc you. Jusi call 1-800-481-
6904 or sio in iIc lolly and
icl u an alicaiion. Caicway
Aarincnis, Kadola. WP32-ifn
PLEASE READ your classificd
ad iIc firsi wccl ii runs. If you
scc an crror, wc will gladly rc-
run your ad corrccily. Wc accci
rcsonsililiiy Ior tbe IIrst In-
correct InsertIon onIy. Favcl-
lciic Pullicaiions, Inc. rcqucsis
all classificds and cards of
iIanls lc aid for wIcn or-
dcrcd. A $2.00 lilling cIargc will
lc addcd if ad is noi aid ai iIc
iinc iIc ordcr is laccd.
Fst o u, u gcut Ig tIunI
ou to ou Ids o u tIc uoI
tIc dd to ut tIc 5UtI unnuc-
su und 2U cus n Iusncss
ut togctIc o us. Cuss, tIut
cuIc ou dd o Gcogc uus ust
too coo.
Vc so cnocd u tIc cuds,
gts, cnds und un tIut
oncd us o tIc untustc ood
und/o stucd to cnnscc und
You uc u tIc Icst!
Gcogc SIc Dcnns
Vc uoud Ic to su tIunI ou
to u ou cnds uIo nudc ou
ucuc ut so nucI un. To
tIc Vuuus, tIunIs o Iostng
tIc ut (Jcunc, ou uc tIc
cucnt unnc cxtuodnuc!).
Don Cuc, tIunIs o tIc usc o
ou tuIcs und cIus und o
tIc unn Is. To u ou good
cnds, tIunIs o Icng out
utI cuctIng.
TIc lU cus uc scnt n PI
Iuuc Iccn uondcu. Euconc
n tIs connunt nudc t cc
Ic Ionc. TIs sn`t goodIc, t`s
scc ou utc Iccuusc uc u
Ic IucI otcn to ust!
Jc Lo HccInun
TIunI ou to tIc PVFD und
cuconc uIo Iccd ut out ou
Hostutc HuncI
TIunI ou to cuconc uIo c-
ncnIccd ou 5UtI unnucsu!
Jn LuAnn HuIc
TIc Mcsuc Hu Houd
uoud Ic to tIunI cuconc
uIo Iccd utI und suotcd
ou Ju 4tI HH.
To tIosc uIo Iccd cuc
o tIc HH, to tIosc uIo o-
udcd tIc cucnng`s cntctun-
ncnt, to H MuIucd o Is
uuctonccng sI (ou dd u
GHEAT oI), to tIc Mcsuc und
PI cncn o tIc cuoIs
dsu, to Pusto Gu o Is
ucs, und to cuconc uIo
cunc und cnocd tIc cucnng
utI us uc uccutc ou
tnc und cots.
God`s Hcssng!
TIosc uIo cunc u dstuncc o
ucd cosc I to Ic cccIutc
n unost 9U ItIdu, o scnt
u cud, u tcxt ncssugc, uotc u
ocn o ust guuc u ussng
tIougIt to tIc du, uIut un
Iono to Ic so Icsscd!
Pusto Gu`s uc und cs-
cncc uus uccutcd.
Fun ncnIcs und otIcs
scnt u ot o tnc und cncg
uttng togctIc tIc cucnts o tIc
du. TIc dd un cxcccnt oI.
Hut und Muc Hunsc gcnc-
ous ocncd tIc odgc o tIc
un HH n tIc cucnng
tIunI ou to tIcn!
To cucI und cuconc tIunI
ou so nucI, ou nudc tIc du
so sccu und cd t utI ust-
ng ncnocs.
God`s Hcssngs!
Hccn Socnscn
11iI for iIc SD Classic Wallcyc in
Alasla, SD. Call 605-762-3228,

FOR SALE; 2002 Ford Fangcr
XLT cicndcd cal, 4 door, 4-
wIccl drivc, auio, 4.0L wiiI jusi
68,000 nilcs. Eccllcni sIac.
Call 279-2913, Wall. PW31-2i
Sccializing in conirolling
Canada iIisilc on rangcland.
ATV alicaiion. ALSO. rairic
dogs. Call Dill ai 669-2298.
CRETE: ALL iycs of concrcic
worl. FicI, Collccn and Havcn
Hildclrand. Toll-frcc. 1-877-
867-4185; Officc. 837-2621;
FicI, ccll. 431-2226; Havcn,
ccll. 490-2926; Jcrry, ccll. 488-
0291. K36-ifn
For all your rural waicr Iool-
us, waicrlinc and ianl insialla-
iion and any lind of laclIoc
worl, call Jon Joncs, 843-2888,
Midland. PF20-52i
Pcicrs Ecavaiion, Inc. Ecava-
iion worl of all iycs. Call Drcni
Pcicrs, 837-2945 or 381-5568
(ccll}. K3-ifn
GRAVEL: Scrccncd or rocl. Call
O'Conncll Consiruciion Inc.,
859-2020, PIili. P51-ifn
will do all iycs of ircncIing,
diicIing and dircciional loring
worl. Scc Craig, Diana, Saunicc
or Hcidi Collcr, Kadola, SD, or
call 837-2690. Craig ccll. 390-
8087, Saunicc ccll. 390-8604;
wrcgwic.nci K50-ifn
Cci rcady for sring Iauling! 12-
ly, 235/85/16F. $155
nounicd (liniicd quaniiiics
availallc}. Lcs' Dody SIo, 859-
2744, PIili. P27-ifn
Wanicd in your arca for JoIn
Dccrc conlincs and cquincni.
59 ycars in lusincss. DisInan
Harvcsiing, 940/733-6327 or
940/631-1549. K27-5i
409 6iI Avc, Kadoka. Friday,
July 13, 8-3, Saiurday, July 14,
8-1.30. Lci's nalc a dcal - you
sci iIc ricc. CloiIing, lnicl-
lnacls, ioys, scralooling,
IouscIold and nisc. K31-1i
icacIcr for iIc Midland arca.
Will lc Icld ai iIc Midland
scIool. Si siudcnis io aiicnd
rcscIool. Days and iincs arc
flcillc. Plcasc coniaci Jcnna
Finn ai 843-2220 for norc infor-
naiion. PF46-1ic
Ihc Pionccr Pcvicw
Busincss & ProIcssionol DirccIory
K0NA|| f. MANN, ||8
FamiIy Dentistry
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs. - Friday
8:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 5:00
859-2491 Philip, SD
104 Philip Ave. South of Philip Chiropractic
Qualiiy Air-Eniraincd Concrcic
CaII toII-Iree 1-SSS-S39-2621
RIcbard HIIdebrand
S3?-2621 - Kadoka, SD
Rent Thio Spuce
3 month min.
ncni Auciion. Marvin Loui Esiaic. Saiur-
day, July 21, 9an, Alcrdccn, SD, www.
nandrauciion.con, www.
sdauciions.con, M&F Auciions, Cary
605-769-1181, Lcwis, 605-281-1067,
San 605-769-0088, Honc 605-948-2333.
lusincss, offcr frcc classificds, Icl your
connuniiy. Encouragc fanily fricndly
lusincss and consuncr arincrsIis in
your zi codc. www.ScllDuyZi.con,
infoscllluyzi.con, 1-888-872-8772.
NESSES for salc ly owncrs. Many iycs,
sizcs, locaiions, icrns. $25K io $15M.
OiIcr siaics availallc. www. DizSalc.con
Call 1-800-617-4204.
Train io lcconc a Mcdical Officc Assis-
iani ai SC Training! No ccricncc
nccdcd! Jol laccncni aficr onlinc irain-
ing! HS dilona/CED & PC/Inicrnci
nccdcd! 1-888-926-7884.
Mcd Aidcs. $2,000 Donus Frcc Cas.
AACO Nursing Agcncy. Call 1-800-656-
4414 Ei. 17.
LEMMON AFEA CIariiallc & Econonic
Dcvcloncni Cororaiion is sccling a
ncw Econonic Dcvcloncni Eccuiivc Di-
rccior io ronoic iIc connuniiy and
noriIwcsi SouiI Daloia. DacIclors dc-
grcc rcquircd in rclaicd ficld, rcfcrrcd.
Conciiiivc salary & lcncfiis aclagc
DOE. Scnd rcsunc & worl ccricncc ly
July 20iI io LACED, 100 3rd Si. W., Lcn-
non, SD 57638 or cnail io sIanccn-
Iron ai FaiiI, SDAsl for Tin or Dcl 967-
DUILDINC FOF SALE. Two siory lricl
and concrcic luilding (old jail} io lc
novcd off cisiing loi. Procriy noi in-
cludcd. PurcIascr nusi agrcc io novc
luilding wiiIin 180 days of urcIasc.
Call 605-773-7477.
WHOLESALE! Hugc nanufaciurcrs clcar-
ancc on nanc lrand lidswcar. Visii
www.nagiclidsusa.con or call 1-888-
225-9411 for frcc caialog. Mcniion dis-
couni codc MK94335.
Fiaia Dcfilrillaior Lcad Wirc lciwccn
Junc 2001 and Dcccnlcr 2010? Havc
you Iad iIis lcad rclaccd, cacd or did
you rcccivc sIocls fron iIc lcad? You
nay lc cniiilcd io concnsaiion. Coniaci
Aiiorncy CIarlcs JoInson 1-800-535-
SEAFCH STATE-WIDE aarincni lisi-
ings, soricd ly rcni, locaiion and oiIcr
oiions. www.sdIousingscarcI.con
DAKOTA LOC HOME Duildcrs rcrcscni-
ing Coldcn Eaglc Log Honcs, luilding in
casicrn, ccniral, noriIwcsicrn SouiI &
NoriI Daloia. Scoii Conncll, 605-530-
2672, Craig Conncll, 605-264-5650,
for only $150.00. Pui iIc SouiI Daloia
Siaicwidc Classificds Nciworl io worl for
you ioday! (25 words for $150. EacI ad-
diiional word $5.} Call iIis ncwsacr or
800-658-3697 for dciails.
Drivcrs, TDI, 33/34, $375 no., IcaliI
ins., crcdii, 03 safciy lonus, Call Joc for
dciails, 800.456.1024, jociliirucl.con.
4080, 50100, 62120, 70150, 80200,
Musi liquidaic Sunncr dclivcrics. Lin-
iicd suly. Call Trcvcr 1-888-782-7040.
Complete Auto Body Repairing
Glass nstallation Painting Sandblasting
ToII-Free: 1-800-900-2339
Pee Wee & Toby Hook
859-2337 PhiIip, SD
ALL types!

Tire Tanks
Located in
Kadoka, SD
Home: (605) 837-2945
Cell: (605) 381-5568
Excavation work of
Ior ull yoor

Philip, S
2 Bedrooms Available
2 Bedrooms Available
(washer/dryer hook-ups)
Apartments carpeted throughout,
appliances furnished,
laundry facilities available.
For app||cal|or
& |rlorral|or:
1113 3rerrar 3l.
3lurg|s, 30 5ZZ85
05-31Z-30ZZ or
IhIII SwImmIng IooI bnfhrooms nro nccos-
sIbIo for KIddIo Inrk nfrons fo uso! M-I, ?
n.m. fo ? .m. & wookonds, ll n.m. fo ? .m.
*Hours wIII chnngo mId-Augusf wo`II koo you osfod!
Augusf hours wIII bo ovory socond Wodnosdny nnd ovory fhIrd Snf-
urdny from 9:00 fo ll:00 n.m. Counfry Cubonrd Is Iocnfod In WnII.
To Luve youv NON-PROIIT meetIng !Isted Leve, p!euse sub-
mIt tLem by cu!!Ing: B59-2516, ov e-muI!Ing to: uds"pIoneev-
vevIew. com. We wI!! vun youv event notIce tLe two Issues
pvIov to youv event ut no cLuvge.
1hursday, 1uly 12, 2012 1he Pioneer Review
I|t |ta||sast k lsaat
ta 0a|| Msa1a ||ra a|ar1a
Lunch 8pec|a|s:
11:00 to 1:30
6a|| for
Regu|ar Henu
Ava||ab|e N|ght|y!
* * *
Fr|day uffet
5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
8a|ad ar
Ava||ab|e at
Tuesday, July 10:
Petite Ribeye
Wednesday, July 11:
Basket BBQ Pork Ribs
Thursday, July 12:
Friday, July 13:
Ground Sirloin,
Chicken, Shrimp
Saturday, July 14:
Steak & Shrimp
Monday, July 16:
1/2 Pound
(605} 685.5826
Midland (605} 567.3385
JEFF LONG, FIeIdmanJAuctIoneer
Fcd Owl (605} 985.5486
Ccll. (605} 515.0186
Fcva (605} 866.4670
Milcsvillc (605} 544.3316
Yard Foreman
(605} 441.1984
Siurgis (605} 347.0151
Wasia (605} 685.4862
(60S) SS9:2S??
lkllll ll\lI|K 1||IlK
lkllll, |Ik 01KI1
Upoom1ng Co111e So1es:
CHILDERS - 85 DLK & DWF SPAY HFFS...700-750=
2DJ2 Horse So1es:
AUCUST 6. CO TO www.Iililivcsiocl.con FOF CONSICNMENT
VIEW SALES LIVE ON THE INTERNET! Go to: UpcomIng saIes & consIgnments can be
vIewed on tbe Internet at, or on tbe DTN: CIIck on SALE BARNS NORTH CENTRAL
PLA is now quaIified to handIe third
party verified NHTC cattIe
(Non-HormonaI Treated CattIe).
Reep suppor11ng R-CALF USA! R-CALF USA 1s
our vo1oe 1n governmen1 1o represen1 U.S.
oo111e produoers 1n 1rode morKe11ng 1ssues.
]o1n 1odog & e1p moKe o d1]]erenoe!
PhiIip Livestock Auction, in conjunction with
Superior Livestock Auction, wiII be offering
video saIe as an additionaI service to our consignors,
with questions about the video pIease caII,
Jerry Roseth at 605:685:5820.
TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012
A11 1e oo111e ore 1ouer u11 1e eoep11on
o] 1e verg bes1 oous.
46...................DLK & DWF OPEN HFFS 817= ......$129.50
19 .............................DLK OPEN HFFS 778= ......$132.00
36....................DLK & DWF SPAY HFFS 794= ......$130.25
56 ........FED & DLK SPAY & OPEN HFFS 666= ......$138.25
16............................FED & DLK STFS 678= ......$143.25
62 ...........................DLK & DWF HFFS 684= ......$137.25
3..............................DLK & DWF STFS 748= ......$136.50
8............DLK, FED & CHAF OPEN HFFS 661 ........$134.25
16 ......................................DLK STFS 637= ......$148.50
12 ......................................DLK STFS 512= ......$159.50
24....................DLK & DWF SPAY HFFS 606= ......$140.00
7..............................DLK & DWF STFS 664= ......$135.50
9.....................DLK & DWF OPEN HFFS 612= ......$134.75
6 ........................................DLK STFS 639= ......$135.50
6 ........................................DLK STFS 478= ......$164.00
27....DLK SLD MTH TO DFKN MTH PAIFS 1658= ...$1,690.00
7.............DLK 3-4 YF OLD DFED COWS 1104= ...$1,325.00
2..................................X DFED COWS 1135= ......$86.75
1.........................................DLK COW 1475= ......$83.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1835= ......$85.50
1 ........................................FED COW 1640= ......$85.00
2.......................................FED COWS 1375= ......$84.00
2.......................................FED COWS 1388= ......$81.75
1 ........................................FED COW 1390= ......$81.00
1........................................DLK DULL 1880= ....$103.50
1........................................DLK DULL 1720= ......$96.00
1........................................DLK DULL 2095= ....$103.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1700= ......$84.50
1.........................................DLK COW 1550= ......$83.50
4.......................................DLK COWS 1209= ......$83.50
1.........................................DLK COW 1530= ......$83.00
2.......................................DLK COWS 1483= ......$82.00
1........................................FED DULL 2275= ......$99.00
1........................................FED DULL 2085= ......$99.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1295= ......$82.50
1.........................................DLK COW 1235= ......$82.50
1.........................................DLK COW 1525= ......$77.50
1........................................FWF COW 1350= ......$82.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1345= ......$80.00
7.......................................DLK COWS 1318= ......$81.75
1 ........................................FED COW 1310= ......$81.50
1......................................CHAF DULL 2055= ......$93.00
1........................................DLK DULL 1920= ......$98.50
1........................................FED DULL 2070= ......$98.00
1........................................DLK DULL 1735= ......$98.00
1........................................DLK DULL 1830= ......$94.50
1.........................................DLK COW 1165= ......$81.50
3.......................................DLK COWS 1380= ......$79.00
7.......................................FED COWS 1297= ......$81.25
1 ......................................CHAF COW 1345= ......$81.00
3 ............................DLK & DWF COWS 1245= ......$81.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1130= ......$81.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1380= ......$79.00
1........................................DLK DULL 2090= ......$93.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1290= ......$80.50
1 ......................................CHAF COW 1315= ......$79.00
9.......................................DLK COWS 1543= ......$80.25
18 ..........................DLK & DWF COWS 1330= ......$80.00
6.......................................DLK COWS 1204= ......$78.00
1 ........................................FED COW 1380= ......$80.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1800= ......$75.00
1......................................CHAF DULL 2185= ......$95.50
1......................................CHAF DULL 1990= ......$96.50
1........................................DLK DULL 1790= ......$96.00
1........................................DLK DULL 2190= ......$95.50
1........................................DLK DULL 1915= ......$95.50
1.........................................DLK COW 1605= ......$79.50
2.......................................DLK COWS 1325= ......$79.50
1........................................DWF COW 1475= ......$79.00
1 ..................................DLK COWETTE 945= ........$96.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1400= ......$79.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1275= ......$79.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1435= ......$78.50
3.......................................DLK COWS 1368= ......$78.50
1 ......................................CHAF COW 1265= ......$78.00
1........................................DWF COW 1240= ......$78.50
1........................................DLK DULL 1925= ......$95.00
1......................................CHAF DULL 2085= ......$94.50
1......................................CHAF DULL 2045= ......$93.00
1......................................HEFF DULL 2110= ......$93.50
2.....................................HEFF DULLS 1910= ......$93.25
1........................................DLK DULL 2480= ......$93.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1350= ......$78.00
1.......................................HEFF COW 1365= ......$77.50
2.....................................HEFF COWS 1308= ......$75.00
1.......................................HEFF COW 1410= ......$74.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1175= ......$77.00
3 ............................DLK & DWF COWS 1678= ......$75.50
1........................................DWF COW 1400= ......$75.00
5 ............................DLK & DWF COWS 1388= ......$73.00
1.........................................DLK COW 1450= ......$72.50
fho nsfuros, buf forfunnfoIy fho
rnIn uf If ouf. Mnry, hor sIsfor,
Suo, nnd grnnddnughfor KInsoy
!IggIo woro In SIoux InIIs on fho
28fh fo fnko Mnry's sIsfor, SnIIy, fo
fho nIrorf so sho couId rofurn fo
hor homo In Toxns.
AcfIvIfIos horo nf ouhnusor
rnnch hnvo furnod Info moro of n
snIvngo oornfIon fhnn n hnrvosf
oornfIon. Wo dId hnvo somo hnIIod
whonf fo hnrvosf, buf If Iooks IIko
fho corn nnd mIIo mny nof mnko If
fo hnrvosf duo fo fho hof, dry con-
dIfIons. SInco wo nron'f so busy
wIfh hnrvosf, fho guys hnvo boon
robuIIdIng nnd ronIrIng somo
foncos nnd corrnIs If sooms fhoro
Is nIwnys Ionfy fo koo ovoryono
busy. !nsf IrIdny, !nndy nnd I
frnvoIod fo SnIom fo vIsIf our
dnughfor, Jon, nnd hor husbnnd,
!oss Tschoffor. IrIdny ovonIng, wo
frnvoIod fo !ock VnIIoy, Iown, fo nf-
fond n frncfor uII. If wns gronf on-
forfnInmonf, nnd If wns nIso vory
hof, humId nnd Ioud! Snfurdny, our
nohows, yInn ouhnusor nnd
CoIfon IckoIson, cnmo fo SnIom,
nnd fhoy nccomnnIod !nndy nnd
JonnIfor fo Iown for nnofhor
ovonIng of frncfor uII. Our dnugh-
for, !orI, hnd fIown Info SIoux InIIs
onrIIor In fho dny, so sho nnd I
sonf fho ovonIng nf Jon nnd !oss's
homo, vIsIfIng nnd roInxIng. Wo ro-
furnod homo Sundny nffor fourIng
somo of fho fnrm fIoIds In fho nron.
Tho cros In fhnf nrf of fho sfnfo
Iook roffy good by Wosf !Ivor
sfnndnrds, buf fho fnrmors In fhnf
nron nro nIso concornod nbouf fho
Inck of moIsfuro. AccordIng fo fho
nows, n good shnro of fho nnfIon's
cros nro In oor condIfIon hoo
wo gof moro moIsfuro soon!
Ivon wIfh fho hof, dry condI-
fIons, fhoro Is Ionfy fo bo grnfofuI
for. Ono fhIng I'vo boon grnfofuI for
roconfIy Is bug rooIIonf fho fIIos
hnvo boon vory hungry In fhIs nrf
of fho worId. And nffor sooIng nII
fho fIros nnd dovnsfnfIon on fho
nows, I nm grnfofuI for fho fIro-
fIghfors mon nnd womon who
work In horrondous condIfIons,
uffIng fhoIr IIvos on fho IIno,
workIng fo brIng fhoso fIros undor
confroI. Wo owo fhom n hugo dobf.
I hoo you'II go ouf nnd mnko
fhIs n gronf wook. ConfInuo fo rny
for rnIn, nnd Ionso bo cnrofuI. ThIs
honf Is no InughIng mnffor!
0cntInued trcm page 10
IIros nro goffIng confnInod In fho
IInck HIIIs nrons, buf wo hnvo fo
fhInk of nII fho foIks sufforIng from
Iossos In fhIs ImmodInfo nron nnd
ncross fho nnfIon. Tho honf Is IIko wo
usod fo hnvo In fho l950s whon
IhIII nIwnys wns fho hof sof In fho
Coorgo, Snndoo, JossIcn nnd
nnIoI, KInsoy, nfnIIo, Kohon nnd
KoIsoy CIffIngs nII nffondod fho wod-
dIng of Sfovon Sfownrf nnd Iofh
nvIs Snfurdny ovonIng, Juno 30.
nfnIIo wns fho hofogrnhor.
Snndoo hoIod wIfh fho rocofIon
on nnd VI Moody soffIod Info
fhoIr !nId VnIIoy homo for n four-
dny ro-Iourfh of JuIy Iong wookond
fo gof cnughf u on n fow fhIngs u
fhnf wny. Thoy hnd quIfo n fow n-
oInfmonfs nnd ronIrs fhnf couIdn'f
gof wrnod u unfII Info Tuosdny
ovonIng whon fhoy rofurnod bnck fo
fho rnnch.
Crog !fforbnck nnd JIm IrImm
Ioff Sundny nffornoon for fhoIr homos
In Iown. KoIsoy CIffIngs broughf
KobIo, Jnson nnd T.J. nvIs ouf fo
fho Coorgo CIffIngs homo Sundny
ovonIng for suor.
Mondny nffornoon, grnndson IrIc
Songor nnd ChncIoI KoscIoIskI
sfood nf our Inco on fhoIr wny
homo from n SIoux InIIs frI. Chn-
cIoI's dnd, Andy, from fho SonffIo,
Wnsh., nron fook chnrgo of AvInnn
nnd III for n couIo of dnys. Iroffy
brnvo souI. Ho hnd jusf nrrIvod on fho
29fh for n couIo of wooks vIsIf.
Snndoo CIffIngs nnd grnndson
KInsoy, nfnIIo nnd Kohon CIffIngs
woro In !nId CIfy Mondny for n don-
fnI noInfmonf for Snndoo. Thoy
fhon fourod Mounf !ushmoro nnd
nnofhor nffrncfIon.
Tony Hnrfy mndo n frI fo !nId
CIfy on busInoss Mondny. Ho onjoyod
dInnor wIfh MnrIoffn Ioo. On fho
wny homo, ho sfood In WnII nnd
vIsIfod wIfh hIs nohow, Cnsoy nnd
CIndy Wonvor. In Kndokn ho sfood
by !uss HnffoI's nnd doIIvorod somo
fhIngs ho'd Ickod u for hIm.
Tuosdny ovonIng, JuIy 3, !nIh
nnd Cnfhy IIodIor wonf fo SonrfIsh
nnd hnd suor ouf wIfh on, Tossn
nnd Hnnnnh KIumb whoro !ynoffo
nnd CnIfIIn woro workIng. Thon If
wns off fo IoIIo Iourcho fo wnfch fho
fIroworks whoro fhoy mof fho IrIc
Hnnson fnmIIy. Tho fIroworks, uf on
by fho rodoo, nf fho rodoo grounds
woro vory good.
Tuosdny, !oo Vnughnn sfood by
our Inco nnd wo comIofod somo
CIvII AIr InfroI roorfs. Znck Songor,
!ydor nnd CorI Inrbor woro In IhIII
fo wnfch fho fIroworks nnd sonf fho
nIghf nf fho homo of Cnsoy Songor.
Wodnosdny, JuIy 4, !nIh nnd
Cnfhy IIodIor wonf fo IoIIo Iourcho
fo wnfch fho nrndo boIng joInod by
fho IrIc Hnnson fnmIIy nnd on,
Tossn nnd Hnnnnh KIumb nnd sfo-
grnndsons !ovI KIumb nnd Aydon
KIumb, CIIIoffo, Wyo., who woro vIs-
IfIng on nnd fnmIIy. Thnf ovonIng,
fho KIumb fnmIIy joInod !nIh nnd
Cnfhy for n cookouf. on hookod u
Cnfhy's rInfor fo fho comufor.
Affor nn Ico cronm fronf, fho KIumb
fnmIIy rofurnod homo fo SonrfIsh.
on nnd VI Moody onjoyod fho foI-
ovIsod Iourfh of JuIy oxfrnvngnnf
dIsInys nnd concorfs whIIo roInxIng
nf homo fhnf ovonIng whIch In-
cIudod nII fhroo ovonfs, WnshIngfon,
.C., Mncy's ow York Hnrbor, nnd
fho Insf ono boIng Mf. !ushmoro
(2008) fIroworks from fho bonufIfuI
IInck HIIIs of Soufh nkofn. Thnf
wns n bonufIfuI wny fo wrn u fho
Iourfh of JuIy for fhIs yonr. Thoro
woro mnny fIroworks cnncoIInfIons
nround fho sfnfo bocnuso of fho ox-
fromo dry condIfIons, so mnybo fho
snow bnnk In Jnnunry wIII bo consId-
orod by mnny yof! Snfofy nIwnys
comos fIrsf.
Wodnosdny wns n fnIrIy cooI dny, of
94, comnrod fo fho ovor l00 fho
fIrsf of fho wook. I dId n IIffIo dIggIng
fo Innf n comonf sInb fo sof our
orfnbIo gonornfor on, onIy I gof n IIf-
fIo cnrrIod nwny. So whon grnndson
Znck Songor, !ydor nnd CorI, cnmo
by for n vIsIf, Znck hoIod mo IIff ono
ond u nnd gof somo dIrf undor If nnd
IovoIod If off, bosIdos goffIng fo Iny
wIfh !ydor. Cnrds In IhIII onfor-
fnInod IIII nnd !.T. Works In fho nf-
fornoon. roffy quIof for fho Iourfh
of JuIy coIobrnfIon.
Wodnosdny, Tony Hnrfy sfnyod
nround homo fho boffor nrf of fho
dny. CIndy Wonvor, WnII, cnmo by fo
Ick u somo chIckon of Ios. Ofhor-
wIso, If wns n quIof dny wIfh fho oc-
cnsIonnI fIrocrnckor goIng off nround
fho noIghborhood.
Thursdny mornIng, nn onrIy cnII
from Torry Iuchorf gof IIII nnd !.T.
Works In fho whonf hnrvosf modo.
Thoy woro cuffIng nIong fho HIIInnd
rond. Ioforo fho honf of fho dny sof-
fIod In, Judy oWIff nnd I ushod
fho Inno ouf nnd wonf for n fIy. Wo
counfod fho bnIos nf fho IIffIo fnrm
nnd Iookod nf whonf nnd ofhor fIoIds
from fho nIr, fIow nround whoro fho
guys woro, fhon If wns fImo wo gof
bnck fo fho nIrorf, ns fho sky wns
goffIng n bIf bumy nnd fho wInd
wns comIng u. So I gof In n IIffIo
crosswInd InndIng rncfIco.
Snndoo CIffIngs hnd n cnII from
ChrIs ookor of orfh CnroIInn
Thursdny nffornoon. Ho hnd vIowod
n wobsIfo nnd found fho Icfuro of fho
murnI nf CIffIngs` nskIng If nnyono
know who fho nrfIsfs woro. ChrIs hnd
boon In fho IhIII nron In 2005 nnd
hnd ronfod n cnmor from IIoyd
Iwnn. Ho hnd workod nf somo of fho
mIssIIo sIfos buf nof fhIs nrfIcuInr
ono. Ho Is goIng fo go bnck fo coIIogo
fo sfudy fho mIssIIos nnd fho CoId
Wnr. If wns so InforosfIng fo fnIk fo
Whon on nnd VI Moody rofurnod fo
fho rnnch, fhoy hnd nnfIcInfod quIfo
n bIf moro rnIn, buf onIy .06 foII ovor
fho fhroo-dny rnIn ovonf. Iuf somo
nrons nonr IhIII woro hny fo ro-
coIvo nonrIy nn Inch. So If wns fImo
fo hIf fho hny fIoIds ngnIn nf Moody's
fo gof whnf mIghf mnko n fow moro
bnIos nnd nIso fo chock In wIfh fho In-
surnnco ndjusfor. Thoy hnvo n socond
cro comIng nIong nIcoIy buf fho
fIoIds couId ronIIy uso Iofs of rnIn nnd
soon wouId bo boffor! Thoy fInIshod
movIng fho ofhor grou of cnffIo fo
now nsfuros Thursdny nnd rnn nn
orrnnd nf Kndokn nnd combInod
Iunch wIfh fho orrnnd. Thoy ordorod
fuoI doIIvory for fho rnnch nnd nII or-
rnnds comIofod unfII fho noxf ! nnd
IrIdny, !nIh nnd Cnfhy IIodIor
wonf fo !nId fo koo noInfmonfs.
IrIdny wns n vory cooI dny In fho
IInck HIIIs, onIy In fho ?0s nnd If
confInuod on for n Ionsnnf wookond
nffor fho oxfromo hof dnys fho fIrsf of
fho wook.
IrIdny mornIng, wo woro u onrIy,
no rnIn horo In Kndokn, buf fho foI-
Iows gof nII fho wny fo fho fIoId nnd
dIscovorod fhnf If hnd rnInod roffy
dnrnod good, ovor 50/l00s, no work
fhnf dny.
IrIdny, Tony Hnrfy hnd bronkfnsf
ouf, fhon sfood by nnd hoIod nIo
O'ConnoII wIfh n mowor robIom,
somofhIng nbouf n cono In fho Iovor
mochnnIsm. Iuf nnywny, nIo Is now
nn oxorf on fIxIng ono of fhoso, fho
fIrsf ono Is nIwnys fho Ionrnor ono.
!ucky ho doosn'f chnrgo fho fImo If
fnkos fo Ionrn! Tony fook n drIvo wosf
of fown nnd vIsIfod AnnIo Sfouf nnd
fook hor n couIo of of Ios nnd n
smokod chIckon. AnnIo wns homo ro-
covorIng from n four-whooI nccIdonf
fhnf sonf hor fo fho hosIfnI n couIo
of wooks ngo. Sho wns roffy brokon
u. You hnvo fo gIvo gronf rosocf fo
fhoso four-whooIors, Iofs of fImos oo-
Io fry fo gof fhom fo go whoro no soIf
rosocfIng horso wouId nffomf nnd
fhoro Is froubIo. Or fhoy nro jusf
goIng foo fnsf for fho forrIfory. Any-
wny, sho Is Iucky fo bo honIIng u so
nIcoIy. Tony wnndorod on down fo
fho Horbor rnnch nnd gof In n vIsIf
wIfh hIs nIoco, Jonnn, nnd ofhor fnm-
IIy mombors. On fho wny ouf of fho
IndInnds, ho mof John IIsonbrnun
nnd fhoy howdIod n IIffIo, vIsIfIng
nbouf how fho cros nnd hnyIng nro
goIng. Hny Is shorf.
Snfurdny nffornoon, !nIh nnd
Cnfhy IIodIor woro surrIsod wIfh
fho nrrIvnI of !Ichnrd nnd Innn
Sfownrf from IhIII wIfh n bIrfhdny
gIff In hnnd for Cnfhy. Thoy vIsIfod
for nwhIIo, fhon wonf on fo n bIrfhdny
nrfy for Ioyd Wnrrn nf n cnm-
ground. !nIh nnd Cnfhy hnd mndo
Inns fo moof IrIc nnd Shorry Hnn-
son nnd kIds downfown SfurgIs for
suor. AIso joInIng fhom wns n
frIond from work, Sonjn. Affor su-
or, Sonjn nnd Cnfhy joInod somo
frIonds from work fo sny goodbyo fo
fwo of fhoIr co-workors who nro Ionv-
Ing. Cnfhy wns surrIsod wIfh cnko
nf work, nnd Iofs of cnrds nnd gIffs,
mnkIng hor bIrfhdny ono socInI dny.
Tho Sfownrfs sonf fho nIghf nf
IIodIors, rofurnIng fo IhIII Sundny.
Hny bIrfhdny, Cnfhy, nnd mnny
Snfurdny, Tony Hnrfy hnd bronk-
fnsf ouf nnd vIsIfod nf our Inco In
fho nffornoon. HIs nIoco, Knfhy
Irown, sfood by hIs houso for n
vIsIf nnd fo foII hIm how fho bnsobnII
fournnmonf fhnf hor son, Jod, wns In
nf ondwood wonf.
Snfurdny, IIII nnd I wonf fo !nId
CIfy fo hoI wIfh fho coIobrnfIon of
gronf-grnndson III's fIrsf bIrfhdny.
Ho rocoIvod n Iof of cIofhos, fhnf so-
cInI durnbIo Tonkn fruck fhnf sfnnds
u for yonrs, nnd n wnIkIng foy fruck.
III forgof fhnf ho onjoys crnwIIng bof-
for fhnn wnIkIng, whon fhnf foy n-
onrod. Ho gIndIy shnrod wIfh hIs
cousIn, !ydor, fhough. If wns n fun
fImo wIfh bnIIoons, food, cnko, Ico
cronm nnd kIds. !.T. Works nnd Judy
oWIff ofod fo go fo fho IndInnds
for suor rnfhor fhnn fo !nId.
Sfovon nnd Iofh Sfownrf nnd kIds
broughf KoIsoy CIffIngs ouf fo fho
Coorgo CIffIngs homo Sundny nffor-
noon fo sond n fow dnys.
BetwIxt PIaces News
by Marsha Sumpter S?-B04S

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