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Enterprise Banking Suite


Among retail banks today, there is a tangible need for componentized, SOA solutions. As competition grows fiercer in the wake of recent economic turmoil, banks will look to improve their business processes, customer satisfaction and retention. Ageing, compartmentalized solutions that are unable to speak to one another could have a significant, negative impact on the banks business, as could those which are unable to provide a complete view of customer relationships, or deliver the agility necessary to launch new products in competitive timeframes. A componentized, SOA-based solution enables the bank to balance its business requirements against the timely deployment of new functionality and return on investment. This approach differs from the traditional large scale replacement of core banking systems, which for many banks is simply not an option. The Ambit Enterprise Banking Suite (EBS) offers a radically new approach to banks looking to re-focus their retail business around the customer without submitting to the wholesale replacement of existing core systems in monolithic, costly, high risk projects. From its inception, Ambit EBS has been designed on SOA principles, using J2EE technology. This allows banks to leverage the best of their existing enterprise applications, data and processes while supporting the new, flexible business processes needed to react quickly to changing business conditions and evolving customer needs. By integrating the multiplicity of information and processes relating to customer sales, service and transactions in a seamless user interface, Ambit EBS provides bank staff with a 360 view of each of their customers in a single truth, empowering them with the knowledge they need to offer a mix of products and services tailored to the customers needs. Ambit EBS helps a bank to offer a broad range of customer-focused services, delivered through multiple channels, while the integrated Business Process Management (BPM) facility allows a bank to streamline and manage its business processes thereby improving efficiency and enhancing customer focus. The solution employs a componentized rolling deployment model that enables banks to roll out business functionality to address their business priorities. This can be achieved through multiple smaller projects which can be re-prioritized as required to reflect the business area posing the most pain or offering the greatest opportunity.


Ambit Customer Service Platform (CSP) Ambit CSP assists banks in delivering personalized banking services that help in the acquisition of new customers, as well as with the expansion of profitable, existing relationships. It delivers customer-centric dashboards, integrated campaign and case management capabilities and supports integrated delivery channels, helping banks provide their customers with a choice of channels and self-service options. Ambit Branch Teller Platform (BTP) Ambit BTP helps banks to maximize their branch efficiency, while providing tellers with the tools they need to enhance customer service and support customer sales. It supports standard over-the-counter transactions and cash balancing functionality. Ambit BTP provides a sales-driven environment as well as supporting fast, high volume transaction processing. Easy-to-use screens increase teller efficiency, while the 360 customer view inherited from the Ambit CSP provides access to integrated sales campaign and customer

information, enabling bank staff to deliver enhanced customer service and support targeted sales. Ambit Loan Origination (LO) Loan origination represents an area of banking typified by fragmented, paper-based, largely manual activities. Ambit LO is a process-driven solution which automates the loan origination workflows and decision-making processes, providing complete support for the entire loan processing cycle; from the initial application capture through to credit scoring, approval, customer acceptance, documentation and final loan booking. Ambit Online Banking (OB) Ambit OB provides secure, online banking facilities for the convenience of bank customers who are increasingly reliant on the Internet to perform their day-to-day banking transactions. The provision of this service increases customer satisfaction, while enabling banks to improve operational efficiencies through the reduction of transaction costs typically performed through more costly channels.


SOA standards and a componentized approach mean new business processes can be implemented while leveraging the best of the rest.
Many banks are still using applications across their retail operations that are not integrated, are deployed on different platforms and have been implemented across different databases. Some of these are departmental solutions that have been acquired over the years; others are the result of merger and acquisition activity. The results in either case are the same: data silos and disjointed business processes leading to difficulties in adapting systems to meet changing business requirements and the higher expectations of todays banking customers. For many banks, the complete replacement of their core systems is simply not feasible. Yet, the limitations of their legacy software must not be allowed to dictate the way they carry out their business or constrain the service choice and experience they are able to offer to their customers. Ambit EBS enables banks to leverage their existing applications, processes and information while implementing the new business service components necessary to support customer relationship programs and new banking channels. Ambit EBS has been designed, and is delivered, on a componentized basis using a service-oriented architecture. This means it takes a different approach to other front-end systems: It will integrate with different platforms, applications, databases and operating systems, as well as with departmental or regional solutions from third party suppliers It provides a comprehensive framework for the rapid development and deployment of applications, built from loosely-coupled business services, which may have their origins in existing core systems

Integration & Business Process Management Layer Infinity Process Platform


Retail banking activities constitute the basic source of banking income today. Yet the ability to maximize retail revenues is often hampered by the layers of systems, created over the last several decades. Mindful of the challenges traditionally associated with the replacement of core systems (a standard front-to-back core system replacement will take approximately two years, while many IT projects fail to satisfy the original business case), SunGard has leveraged the SOA design of Ambit EBS to offer a componentized rolling approach to platform replacement. This approach delivers reduced risks, lower entry-level costs and accelerated ROI.

Valuable functionality in existing systems can be retained and leveraged The bank retains flexible deployment options; full core system replacement can still be implemented at a later stage if required Recognizing that most business benefits can be gained by transforming only those systems which support customer interaction, without the risk of an entire front-to-back system replacement, banks may opt to implement Ambit EBS as a front-end solution, to unify the customer services layer, while the existing core banking systems are retained. These core banking solutions may be supplied by SunGard, developed in-house or may be provided by third parties. There could be a single system or multiple back-office applications in place. In this way, Ambit EBS is able to provide the bank with multi-channel functionality to support the existing business and to also support expansion strategies (geographical as well as those which result from merger and acquisition activities), through a common front-end, with shared customer management across entities. The diagram (bottom right) illustrates possible deployment scenarios in which Ambit EBS supports multiple business units or geographies, where each is using different combinations of software solutions to meet diverse business requirements. The strength of the Ambit EBS approach is that it allows specific components to be implemented in short, manageable projects to address the banks most pressing pain points or most promising business opportunities.

The adoption of a componentized approach to deploy Ambit EBS delivers a number of significant benefits: The project can be broken down into smaller, manageable parts. This reduces project risk and the payback period: there should never be more than six-months payback at risk for key software investments Smaller projects make it easier to evaluate business benefits and defined ROI Multiple small business wins make for a more positive project outcome and greater staff acceptance The bank is not locked into massive, rigid project plans which have to unfold in a specific order. Instead the scope and priorities of the project can be adjusted to reflect changing business requirements There is less disruption to the current business and bank staff


An all-encompassing front-office solution The factor that makes Ambit EBS different from other solution offerings in the front-office retail space is that it delivers significant benefits from a relatively small initial footprint as it operates alongside, and integrates with other specialist solutions. The system provides a complete end-to-end framework for the rapid deployment and integration of different retail business services that may be based on Ambit Core Banking, existing core banking software or on code from third party suppliers, in addition to its own components. Additionally Ambit EBS offers a broad range of front-office components to support and improve customer-facing activities across loan origination, customer insight and relationship management (CRM), teller services and Internet banking. A consistent customer experience across multiple channels Ambit EBS operates across multiple retail channels and delivery vehicles: branches, Internet, telephone banking, ATMs, POS and customer call centers. Its ability to integrate across all channels means that customers enjoy a consistent experience across all touch points, in each of their dealings with the bank. Regardless of channel, processes can be shared and managed across channels, customers and staff. Centralized product catalogue The Ambit EBS product catalogue acts as a repository in which the bank can store information about internal and external products. This information can be used to facilitate new sales and cross-selling as well as providing feature details to customers and branch users. The catalogue lists all of the products available, even when the products are not processed within Ambit EBS.

Users of Ambit EBS are able to maintain details of products belonging to their own bank, to competitor banks, and of products originating with agents. Though the information belongs to different organizations, it is collated in a specific format, and then run through a maintenance application. The result is that staff can compare details across the different offerings from within and outside the bank more easily to provide a better, more informed service to their customers. A central customer hub across all systems Ambit EBS provides a central customer hub which can record details of all bank customers, regardless of the location and ownership of their underlying customer records. This provides a unique reference for all customer interactions and data, enabling the creation of a single customer view. The customer hub also allows for the registering of potential new clients thereby supporting the creation and servicing of prospective customers. A single customer view It is more cost-effective for banks to retain customers and increase wallet share than to focus marketing and sales energies on the acquisition of new customers. However, a retention strategy relies heavily on customer knowledge; it is only when armed with this knowledge that bank staff are able to cater for individual customer preferences and offer the combination of products and services most relevant to each.

Since information about customers may be derived from numerous sources across the enterprise, banks may find it difficult to consolidate all of these details into a single view. Ambit EBS provides a true, central customer hub, pulling together customer and account information from disparate systems and making it accessible through a single, common interface. Ambit EBS provides staff throughout the enterprise with a single view of all customer information. Customer information is displayed on the customer dashboard, which provides a 360 view of the customer relationship with the ability to drill down into increasing levels of detail and also incorporating: The entire customer product portfolio Relevant business alerts, such as payments due or key dates A record of customer interactions and actions Campaign details Recommendation alerts for products and services, based on user-configurable rules Bank staff can also initiate processes in response to customer interaction and can maintain customer information from the single customer view. This easy-to-use interface empowers bank staff, giving them access to the information and the tools they need to look after their customers, with the end result of happier customers and more satisfied staff.

Process-driven for business agility Traditional, transaction-based banking systems tend to be hard-coded, making it difficult and costly to alter a system process when the business changes or a new opportunity needs to be accommodated. Ambit EBS is completely process-based. This means that the bank has greater agility in reacting to business developments and can fine-tune its business operations quickly and easily, avoiding the need for expensive customization or enhancements. Importantly, processes spanning multiple systems can be managed from Ambit EBS: documents and information flow across all the necessary tasks until the business process is completed. This seamless orchestration of processes throughout the bank is particularly useful where the processes involve calling on other departments or organizations calling the credit agency in loan origination, for example, and it can have a dramatic impact on efficiency, responsiveness and reliability levels. The control and auditability of the operation is also improved by Ambit EBS process-driven design, as the system provides a register of all of the stages in the different processes as they are executed. While a standard set of processes is provided with Ambit EBS, the bank can design custom process workflows to reflect the unique way it carries out its business. This is achieved through a set of BPM design tools and a dynamic workflow engine.


Lower cost of ownership with modern, scalable technology Ambit EBS SOA design ensures support for multiple front-end delivery systems and channels such as branch, Internet, phone banking and ATMs. Designed to open principles, Ambit EBS components can readily integrate with one or more back-office systems, payment networks or transaction switches using multiple different protocols and message formats. Deployed as a thin client, Ambit EBS can be easily rolled out and maintained, as additional processes are progressively implemented to support incremental business functionality. This facilitates quicker implementations and gradual learning curves for staff. Integrated rules engine to support customer alerts Ambit EBS is supported by a rules-based engine which can support real-time customer alerts as well as account red flags. It can help staff to identify a sales opportunity or alert them to an event which requires follow up such as a new product announcement. Business users can configure rules which serve as input to the rules engine, and real-time rule validation allows the alerts to be flagged to staff in their contacts with customers through Ambit CSPs customer dashboard.

Product Portfolio

Ambit EBS provides a true, central customer hub, pulling together customer and account information from disparate systems and making it accessible through a single, common interface.

Product Applications



Case Management


Deployed as a thin client, Ambit EBS can be easily rolled out and maintained, as additional processes are progressively implemented to support incremental business functionality.
Move to banking industry standards for improved interoperability SunGard is a founding member of the Banking Industry Architecture Network (BIAN). This collaborative association was formed by leading software and financial industry firms and banks, with the aim of helping banks to move to SOA. Working with standards bodies and banks worldwide, BIAN aims to encourage standards and best practice adoption, define enterprise services, and develop and deliver SOA and BPM-based banking platforms. BIANs work will help banks to use software and run core banking processes more flexibly, and achieve better interoperability among their IT systems. SunGards involvement in shaping this work will strongly influence the development of its banking software now and in the future and is a key part of SunGards commitment to take a leading role in encouraging the adoption of standards in the banking industry.


Banking Challenges

Ambit EBS Deliverables

Differentiation in a competitive environment Business agility to react to changing markets

Differentiation via a superior customer banking experience Powerful flexible framework allows the rapid deployment of new products, services and additional channels, enabling the bank to remain ahead of competitors An integrated approach to data and applications across multiple delivery channels provides bank staff with a 360 view of the customers The 360 view of customers enables tailored services and products to be provided and a smooth transition of customer service from sales to origination to fulfilment

Customer retention

Customer demand for a personalized experience and smooth handling of bank interactions

Improve profitability

The seamless integration of customer-related systems supports the ability to cross-sell and up-sell, thus supporting a sales culture Supports customer retention and increased business with existing client base through improved customer service and visibility of information Helps new client uptake through targeted marketing and sales campaigns Provides a common front-end for newly created or acquired retail operations The integration of people, processes and systems across the enterprise improves efficiency, responsiveness and reliability Banking processes are streamlined through BPM Provides an SOA framework enabling the re-use of existing and new business components to accelerate the introduction of new banking products

Increase growth in difficult markets

Increase efficiency and reduce overheads

Bring new products to market in a timely and cost-effective manner

Reduce cost and risk of deploying retail banking software solutions

Reduced payback period and early business-focused wins through the rolling componentized deployment model Ability to leverage full customer servicing capabilities through the implementation of a range of integrated EBS components

For more information, contact us at Americas Boston, MA Calabasas, CA Parsippany, NJ New York, NY Sao Paolo, Brazil Stamford, CT Western Europe Antwerp, Belgium Frankfurt, Germany Geneva, Switzerland London, UK Luxembourg Mechelen, Belgium Milan, Italy Paris, France Surrey, UK Winterthur, Switzerland Zurich, Switzerland Eastern Europe Bratislava, Slovakia Middle East Dubai, United Arab Emirates Asia Bangkok, Thailand Beijing, China Hanoi, Vietnam Hong Kong, China Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Manila, Philippines Seoul, South Korea Shanghai, China Shenzhen, China Singapore Taipei, Taiwan Tokyo, Japan Karachi, Pakistan Australia/New Zealand Melbourne, Australia Perth, Australia Sydney, Australia Christchurch, New Zealand

SunGards solutions for banking are used by more than 800 banks in 70 countries including 41 of the worlds top 50 banks. SunGard provides a comprehensive core banking solution and best-of-breed point solutions for retail, commercial and private banking, straight through enterprise processing, treasury management, finance, risk and compliance, including Apsys, BancWare, STeP and System Access.
2009 SunGard. Trademark Information: SunGard, the SunGard logo and Ambit, Apsys, BancWare, STeP and System Access are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All other trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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