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A Briefing of the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government and Social Thought

P.O. BOX 71327, Richmond, VA

February, 2011

Dangerous Alliance: Iran and Venezuela

Drug-Smuggling Networks, Terrorism Capabilities, Biological, Chemical and Nuclear Weapons & Missile Placement Tehran plans to base long-range Shabab 3 missiles in Venezuela that are capable of reaching the United States [giving] Chavez permission to use the missiles in case of an emergency for national needs. The Shabab 3 can carry three types of warheads: conventional, biological and chemical. -- Retired Army Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis quoting from Die Welt

In the last several years, a myriad of American and international researchers and security experts including senior Pentagon officials have sounded the alarm about the Mullah-Caudillo Axis, Hugo Chvezs collaboration with Iran and Islamic fundamentalist groups. Their analyses of the Venezuelan Marxist strongmans activities have provided an astonishing amount of evidence corroborating UnoAmerica president Alejandro Pea-Esclusas grave warnings about rising security threats to American cities posed by extremely active and broad collaboration between the Marxist leader of Venezuela, Jihadist Iran and multiple Middle Eastern terror groups Venezuelas vast petroleum reserves and the rising price of oil on the international market have put Chavez in a position to arm itself far beyond credible pretenses of national defense and to attract dangerous Middle Eastern partners against the United States as no previous Latin American communist regime could have imagined. Mr. Pea-Esclusas warnings, presented in European and Latin American capitals, at the World Court, in Washington and even to senior State officials in the U.S. have so far not been adequately covered in American news media distracted by domestic matters.

2 If this madness is not soon stopped, there will be another Missile Crisis, wrote Mr. PeaEsclusa, but this time involving the whole [hemisphere].1 And what at first might have sounded like merely a provocative statement made by a leading figure in pro-democracy and human rights throughout Central and South America has been proven time and again to be an accurate warning founded upon solid factual knowledge of Chvezs alliance with radical Muslims and Marxist and Marxist-leaning Latin American countries, against what the prevailing anti-American media throughout the hemisphere portray as the American Empire.2 Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis declared in a recent article for Human Events that Mr. Pea-Esclusas warning that Chvez would turn to foreign countries like Iran has indeed proven accurate. Quoting from an article from German magazine Die Welt, Maginnis says: Tehran plans to base long-range Shabab 3 missiles in Venezuela that are capable of reaching the United States. The basing agreement gives Chavez permission to use the missiles in case of an emergency for national needs. The Shabab 3 can carry three types of warheads: conventional, biological and chemical.3 However, the prospect of Iranian missiles in Venezuela should have been no surprise. As we have seen, Mr. Pea-Esclusa mentioned it back in 2009, as did the Manhattan District Attorney Roger M. Morgenthau, writing in The Wall Street Journal. Morgenthau sounded the alarm about the 2008 Memorandum of Understanding between Venezuela and Iran pledging full military support and cooperation. He examined an array of evidence of schemes used by Tehran to place devastating offensive weapons in Latin America, in particular in Venezuela. Morgenthau concluded: That means two of the world's most dangerous regimes [i.e. Venezuela and Iran], the selfdescribed axis of unity, will be acting together in our backyard on the development of nuclear and missile technology.4 Former National Security Council official Dr. Norman Bailey, in a paper written on March 30, 2010, published by the Center for Hemispheric Policy at University of Miami, challenged the outdated claim of some U.S. government officials that Chvezs use of Venezuelan oil money to fund an unprecedented military build-up posed no security threat to the United States. Noting the tell-tale Iranian involvement in vast, heavily armed international criminal networks, Dr. Bailey found that: Iranian participation in drug trafficking through Venezuela to Central America, Mexico, the United States, the Caribbean and to Europe through West Africa is extensive [and that]

Alejandro Pea Esclusa, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, and the Next Missile Crisis, Accuracy in Media, March 1, 2009, (accessed January 27, 2011) 2 Alejandro Pea Esclusa, Unholy Alliance to the South, interview by Jamie Glazov, FrontPage Magazine, March 18, 2009, (accessed January 27, 2011). 3 Robert Maginnis, Danger Close At Hand, Human Events, January 6, 2011, http://www.humanevents .com/article.php?id=41010 (accessed January 28, 2011). 4 Roger M. Morgenthau, The Emerging Axis of Iran and Venezuela, The Wall Street Journal, September 8, 2009, (accessed January 27, 2011).

3 Iranian penetration into the Western Hemisphere is indeed a security threat to the United States and the rest of the Hemisphere.5 (emphasis added) In October 2010, former U.S. ambassador to the Organization of American States and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, Roger Noriega, in Foreign Policy Magazine, summarized a 12-month investigation of sensitive documents obtained from sources within the Venezuelan regime thusly: Chvez has been developing the program for two years with the collaboration of Iran, a nuclear rogue state. In addition to revealing the two states' cooperation on nuclear research, these documents suggest that Venezuela is helping Iran obtain uranium and evade international sanctions, all steps that are apparent violations of the U.N. Security Council resolutions meant to forestall Iran's illegal nuclear weapons program.6 On November 8, 2010, the Heritage Foundation held a panel on The Threat of the VenezuelaIran-Russia-Syria Nexus. Among the panelists were Ray Walser, Senior Policy Analyst at the Heritage Foundation, and Ambassador Roger Noriega, who informed the audience that: Russian-Venezuelan militarycooperation continues to expand. Venezuelas burgeoning alliance with Iran poses a destabilizing threat to stability with the willingness to align with the Ayatollahs in Irans nuclear weapons quest. Finally, terrorist-supporting Syria is striving to acquire nuclear technology and modern missile systems from Iran, Russia and North Korea and, in the process, has increased its cooperation with Chavezs Venezuela.7 Last December former U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Jed Babbin wrote a piece about the coming Venezuelan Missile Crisis. He warned: unless President Obama acts decisively to stop the Iranian missiles and the Iranian base from being set up in Venezuela, Ahmadinejad will have succeeded where Khrushchev failed.8 Ray Walser, Senior Policy Analyst at the Heritage Foundation, devoted the whole of the January 2011 issue of Backgrounder, a magazine published by the Heritage Foundation, to show that there is already evidence enough to include Venezuela in the U.S. governments list of nations that actively support terrorism. According to Walser, in a burst of collaboration, Venezuela and Iran have signed as many as 300 technical and commercial agreements since 2004, and now:

Bailey, A. Norman, What are the Persians Doing Over Here?, paper, Center for Hemispheric Policy, University of Miami, March 30, 2010. 6 Roger F. Noriega, Chvezs Secret Nuclear Program, Foreign Policy, October 5, 2010, (accessed January 27, 2011). 7 Roger Noriega, Ray Waiser, PhD, Ariel Cohen, Phd, Infected by VIRUS: The Threat of the Venezuela-Iran-RussiaSyria Nexus, panel held by The Heritage Foundation, November 8, 2010, 8 Jed Babbin, The Coming Venezuelan Missile Crisis, RealClearPolitics, December 22, 2010, (accessed January 28, 2011).

4 the U.S. is rightfully worried about increasing nuclear cooperation between Chvez and Ahmadinejad, and the nature of the cooperation is shrouded in deep secrecy. On September 24, 2009, for example, Venezuelas Minister of Industries and Mines Rodolfo Sanz confirmed that Iran was assisting Venezuelas efforts to map and analyze potential uranium deposits.9 These are but a few samples of information given by American experts on the growing ties between Venezuela and Iran. More can be found by researchers and experts in many other countries, including principled people within Venezuela. The conclusion has become inescapable: in the post-911 world of nuclear proliferation Venezuela cannot be regarded as a militarily impotent southern neighbor that presents no threat to the safety of American citizens in their own homes, schools and workplaces. In fact it is by now clear that never in American history probably not even during the Cuban Missile Crisis -- has there been a threat so potentially lethal from our own hemisphere. The consensus view of informed researchers and expert around the world has changed in the precise direction Alejandro Pea-Esclusa tirelessly moved it. He has succeeded in warning the United States, Latin America and the world of a mortal danger -- potentially on an unimaginable scale -- and for that success this author, businessman, engineer, father, husband and internationally respected former presidential candidate and leader for democracy and human rights was arrested on absurd charges by Chavez, and now sits in a jail awaiting a show trial. Mocking the so far complacent intended victims of his own plotting against the United States and his neighbors, Mr. Chavez has charged Mr. Pea with, of all things terrorist activities.

Contact Info: The Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought Ph: (804) 270-1599 P.O. BOX 71327 Richmond, VA 23255-1327 UnoAmerica

Ray Walser, PhD., States Sponsors of Terrorrism Time to Add Venezuela to the List, Backgrounder, January 2011, (accessed January 28, 2011).

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