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Dates 1/3/12 1/4/12 1/6/12 1/9/12 1/10/12 1/11/12 1/13/12 1/16/12 1/17/12 1/18/12 1/23/12 1/24/12 1/25/12 1/27/12

1/30/12 1/31/12 2/1/12 2/6/12 2/7/12 2/8/12 2/13/12 2/14/12 2/15/12 2/16/12 2/21/12 2/22/12 2/27/12 2/28/12 2/29/12

Number of minutes the Board met for the week

Oleson x x

Harris x personal business x x x x x x x x x x x personal business personal business x x x x x x x x x x x x x other county business personal businss but participated by phone at 10:24am x x x x x x

Barron x x x x x x x x x x x x other county business x x x x out x personal business personal business personal business personal business personal business personal business personal business x (arrived at 8:20am) x

Langston x x x x x other county business other county business x x x x x other county business x x x x x x x x x arrived at 10:10am left at 10:36am x x x x x x other county business but participated by phone at 10:36am x x x x other county business other county business left meeting at 10:38am for other county business x x x x x x x other county business x x x x x x x

TOTAL: 145

x x (arrived at 9:06am) x

TOTAL: 327

x x x

TOTAL: 329

x x x x

TOTAL: 639

x x x

TOTAL: 159

x x x

TOTAL: 265

x x x x

TOTAL: 247

personal business x

TOTAL: 114

(arrived at 10:07am) personal business x

TOTAL: 295

3/7/12 3/12/12 3/13/12 3/14/12 3/19/12 3/20/12 3/21/12


x x x

x personal business x x x x x

TOTAL: 246

x x x

TOTAL: 111

3/26/12 3/28/12 4/2/12 4/4/12 4/9/12 4/11/12 4/16/12 4/17/12 4/18/12 4/23/12 4/24/12 4/25/12 4/30/12 5/2/12 5/7/12 5/8/12 TOTAL: 79 TOTAL: 167 TOTAL: 34 TOTAL: 41 TOTAL: 103 TOTAL: 107

x x x personal business x x x x x x x x x x x x

personal business personal business x x x other county business x x x x x other county business x x x x

x other county business x x x x personal business x x x other county business x other county business other county business x (arrived at 9:41am)

5/9/12 5/14/12 5/15/12 5/16/12 5/21/12 5/22/12 5/23/12

TOTAL: 229

x x (arrived at 10:10am)

x x x x x x x

personal business x other county business other county business x x x

other county business but participated by phone at 10:10am x x other county business x x x left meeting at 10:38am for other county business x x other county business x other county business x x x x other county business other county business


x (arrived at 8:43am) x other county business

5/24/12 5/30/12 6/4/12 6/5/12 6/11/12 6/12/12 6/18/12 6/19/12 6/25/12 6/26/12 6/27/12 6/29/12


other county business x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x personal business x x x x x

TOTAL: 144

x personal business

TOTAL: 166

personal business personal business

TOTAL: 180

personal business personal business personal business personal business

TOTAL: 210

personal business

Rogers x x x x x x participated by phone x x x x x participated by phone x x x x x x x x x x participated by phone x x x other county business x

x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x left meeting at 10:22am for other county business other county business other county business other county business x x x x x x x x

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