Functional Behavior Assessment

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Jamie has been referred for a Functional Behavior Assessment.

It has been observed and documented by Jamies general education teacher that his behavior is of concern. The teacher has indicated that he often gets into arguments with peers, calls other students derogatory names, and is always clowning around in class. During my observation, Jamies arguments with his peers generally occurred on the playground when Jamie wanted to join an activity, and usually resulted in him being allowed to play. Derogatory-name calling often occurred during lunch when Jamie was sitting near his peers and resulted in the peers calling him a derogatory name in return. Clowning around often occurred during the teachers lecture time and resulted in peer laughter. This behavior is adversely affecting Jamies school performance. My goal is to develop behavioral and academic interventions, redesign teaching and learning environments to remove triggers for undesired behavior, and to add prompts for desirable behavior. Two major types of behavioral functions of problem behaviors are (a) to get something the student wants (positive reinforcement), and (b) to avoid or escape something the student doesnt want (negative reinforcement). The following chart is the basic behavior assessment followed by an intervention plan. Antecedent When Jamie does not get his way Behavior He engages in arguments with peers and derogatory namecalling Typically while on the playground or at lunch He engages in a variety of problem behaviors in the classroom (clowning around), which results in Antecedent Allow and encourage Jamie to play with peers during leisure times Consequence Attention from adults and peers. Function Gains attention from adults and peers.

When Jamie is required to perform instructional tasks

Attention from adults and peers.

Gain of attention from adults and peers and/or escape from the non-preferred tasks. Consequence Which will increase adult opportunities to praise appropriate behavior and for peers to respond positively.

Intervention Chang the antecedent

Behavior To increase the probability that Jamie will play appropriately

Teach a new behavior

When adult or peer attention is diverted from Jamie

He will stay on task and raise his hand for appropriate recognition

And adults and peers will provide attention to Jamie.

Behavior intervention plan: Jamie is demonstrating externalizing behaviors. We need to emphasize the importance of following class rules. These rules for appropriate behavior should be established and clear. Be sure to sequence lesson activities to minimize downtime and opportunities for Jamie to clown around. Use praise and positive reinforcement to motivate the desired behavior and anticipate and address problem behaviors before they occur. Be consistent with the interventions. The long-term goal for Jamie is to build positive behavior and academic success.

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