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STATION 1: Raised blood pressure Question 1

Of what tissue is layer X of this structure primarily composed? A B C D E elastic tissue collagen fibres smooth muscle cells fibrocytes voluntary muscle

STATION 1: Raised blood pressure Question 2

SPECIMEN: HEART Flag in the circumflex artery

The artery marked in the specimen is the: A B C D E right coronary artery stem of the left coronary artery anterior descending artery circumflex artery right marginal artery


STATION 1: Raised blood pressure Question 3

In this picture of heart tissue, what is the structure indicated by the arrow? A. Fat cell B. Capillary blood vessel C. Cell nuclei D. Purkinje fibre E. Fibrous heart valve

STATION 2: Shortness of breath Question 4

In this X-ray of the chest, to which part of the heart is the arrow pointing? A B C D E right atrium right ventricle aortic arch left atrium pulmonary trunk


STATION 2: Shortness of breath Question 5

In this X-ray of the chest, to what is the arrow pointing? A B C D E thymus gland brachiocephalic vein aortic arch left pulmonary artery manubrium of the sternum

STATION 2: Shortness of breath Question 6

Air Blood Barrier

This picture of lung tissue was taken in an electron microscope. It shows the thin layer of tissue that separates the air from the blood (air blood barrier arrow). What is the typical thickness of this barrier? A B C D E 0.2 to 1.0 mm 50 to 100 m 0.2 to 1.0 m 50 to 100 nm 0.2 to 1.0 nm


STATION 3: Shortness of breath Question 7

No image for this question

Which one of the following statements about the surface markings of the pleural reflections is incorrect? A B C D E it rises above the clavicle it is at the level of the 12th rib just lateral to the it covers all anterior aspects of the pericardium it is at the level of the 10th rib in the midaxillary the two pleural cavities are separate spine line

STATION 3: Shortness of breath Question 8

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In a patient with long standing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, who has no other medical problems, which one of the following are most likely to be seen on a chest x-ray? A B C D E a grossly enlarged heart bilateral pleural effusions a large gastric air shadow dilated descending aorta loss of curvature of the diaphragm


STATION 3: Shortness of breath Question 9


The structure marked at the hilum of the lung specimen is the: A B C D E bronchus pulmonary artery pulmonary vein bronchial artery bronchial vein

STATION 4: Jaundice Question 10


Which of the following statements concerning the extrabiliary duct system is correct? A. W drains bile from the right lobe of liver B. X has the sphincter of Oddi C. Y lies posterior to the portal vein D. Y crosses anterior to the first part of the duodenum E. Z is located at about 10 cms distal to the pyloric sphincter


STATION 4: Jaundice Question 11

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This picture is of part of the liver. The structure at the centre of the picture, highlighted by an arrow, is a branch of which one of the following? A B C D E hepatic artery hepatic vein hepatic portal vein hepatic duct cystic duct

STATION 4: Jaundice Question 12

No specimen for this question

Which one of the following statements regarding the bile duct is incorrect? A B C D E is formed by the union of common hepatic duct passes in front of the head of the pancreas Ampulla of Vater is formed by its union with the Sphincter of Oddi surrounds the ampulla when blocked may result in pain in the right and the cystic duct pancreatic duct shoulder


STATION 5: Constipation Question 13


In the hemi-section of the pelvis a pin is inserted into part of the gastrointestinal tract. This part of the tract receives its nerve supply from the: A B C D E lumbar plexus sacral plexus hypogastric plexus pudendal nerve perineal nerve

STATION 5: Constipation Question 14


In the model of the pelvic diaphragm, what is the muscle indicated? A B C D E piriformis obturator internus coccygeus iliacus levator ani


STATION 5: Constipation Question 15


In relation to this model of the pelvic diaphragm, what is the motor nerve supply of the muscle indicated? A B C D E pudendal nerve inferior hypogastric plexus splanchnic plexus obturator nerve perineal nerve

STATION 6: Abdominal pain Question 16


PANCREAS Body of pancreas

The part of the pancreas marked on the specimen is the: A B C D E head neck body tail uncinate process


STATION 6: Abdominal pain Question 17

No specimen for this question

Which one of the following statements concerning the pancreas is incorrect? A B C D E the pancreas receives part of its arterial supply from the splenic artery the main pancreatic duct opens into the third part of the duodenum the tail of the pancreas is related to the spleen the common bile duct lies posterior to the head of the pancreas it lies anterior to the aorta

STATION 6: Abdominal pain Question 18

Costal Margin (Anterior projection)




Top of pelvis This is an illustration of the adult abdomen. Which one of the following Pubis statements is correct:


A is the fundus of the gall bladder B is the site of an abdominal aortic aneurysm C is the site of hearing a bruit over the right renal artery D is the pylorus E is the full bladder


STATION 7: Statistics Question 19

10 8


0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13

The figure shows the number of people with skin lesions and the number of lesions each person has. What type of graph is shown in the figure? A. Histogram B. Bar chart C. Dot plot D. Box and whisker plot E. Pie chart

Number of lesions

STATION 7: Statistics Question 20

10 8


0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13

Number of lesions

The figure shows the number of people with skin lesions and the number of lesions each person has. The data in the figure are: A continuous B categorical C discreet D binary E ordinal



STATION 7: Statistics Question 21

10 8


0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13

Number of lesions The figure shows the number of people with skin lesions and the number of lesions each person has.

The data in the figure are: A. Negatively skewed B. Symmetrical C. Normally distributed D. Uniformly distributed E. Positively skewed


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