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Holiday Homework Economics

Prepare a project on consumer awareness among households. (Based on any consumer product)
Part I : Information about Consumer Rights of consumer Duties of consumer

Part II: Steps to be followed:1. Designing a questionnaire of minimum 20 questions. 2. Take sample of 25 households to conduct the survey.( questionnaire is to be filled by these households) 3. Collection of data: collect information through direct personal oral investigation. 4. Classification of data: Raw data need to be classified by making frequency distribution with the help of tally bar. 5. Presentation of data: classified data are need to be presented either through tables, diagrams or graphs. 6. Analysis and interpretation of data. Q) Prepare a presentation (in a group of four) for 10 minutes by choosing any one topic from the
following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Comparison of Indian economy with the economy of Pakistan regarding primary sector. Comparison of Indian economy with the economy of Pakistan regarding secondary sector. Comparison of Indian economy with the economy of Pakistan regarding service sector. Comparison of Indian economy with the economy of china regarding primary sector. Comparison of Indian economy with the economy of China regarding secondary sector. Comparison of Indian economy with the economy of China regarding service sector.

Business studies
Project 1
Check with your parents the objectives they are pursuing while undertaking their own business or the business they are working in or the service sector which they are contributing to. Also discuss the different types of risks faced by them in their business and how they overcome it.

Holiday Homework

Name of the Business

Activities they are engaged in

Objectives organizational ,social and individual which they are pursuing


Measures undertaken to remove risks.

Project 2 Collect advertisements from newspapers and magazines and divide them on the basis of industry and commerce. Divide the industry on the basis of Primary, Secondary and tertiary. Commerce can be divided as Trade and Auxiliaries to trade. Trade should further be divided into internal trade and external trade. Also collect advertisements related to genetic, extractive, manufacturing, construction, wholesale trade ,retail trade, transport, warehousing, banking, insurance etc. Project 3 Find out from the local business unit number of social objectives they have and what steps are taken by these businessmen to meet their social responsibility. Project 4 Find out what ethics are followed by a local business man and how external factors influence their ethics Project 5 Do a project on Social Responsibility of Business. Do a case study of any Business unit with regard to the social responsibility that it is rendering.

Maths (PBL)
What is mathematical modeling ? Take any two practical problems of your own choice and solve them by giving emphasis on various aspects like assumptions,formulation,solution,interpretation and validation. You will be marked on the basis of difficulity level of the problems taken and way of presenting them in the class.

Holiday Homework Accountancy

Dear Students, The following questions are a part of the project based learning (PBL) and have to be done in a thin spiral bound copy which you will use for your second semester PBL also. The work has to be hand written and done neatly with important points highlighted. An internal assessment test will be conducted based on this project. (There are two questions in all) 1. Get a bank account opened in your name and if the same is not possible, then use either of your parents existing account to do the following: Find the process of opening a bank account and paste the necessary documents required for doing so. Enter into transactions like depositing and withdrawal of cash (at least 10 transactions.) Paste the counter foils of deposit slips and other documents in your project copy. Make a record of these transactions in your project copy in the following format: Bank Account (from------- Date to --------- Date) Deposit (with date) Amount Withdrawal(with date) Amount

Under the deposit column, write the date and cash or cheque whatever you are depositing. Similarly, under the withdrawal column, write cash and amount withdrawn against it in the amount column. After all transactions have been entered, find the bank account balance and write at the end of the bank account.

Spread the transactions over period of one month. At the end of the month collect a bank statement and compare it with the bank account you have made.

Holiday Homework
Write all those transactions (date wise) that appear in your bank account and not in bank statement and vice-versa in the following format: Transactions (with date and amount) that appear in bank account but not in bank statement 1. 2. 3. Transactions (with date and amount) that appear in bank statement but not in bank account) 1. 2. 3.

2. Answer the following: What is the difference between debit card and credit card? What is bank overdraft and on what kind of account is it allowed? What is the minimum balance to be kept in a savings account? (write this for at least four banks - two public sector and two private sector banks.) Apart from accepting deposits, what are the other services provided by banks? Also write the charges charged for these services. Which is the central bank of India and who is its governor? Which banks are providing exchange of currency facility?

Note: You can also paste newspaper articles based on banking policies, rate of interest, and other banking related articles. Marking for the project would be as follows: Project report (including content, information and presentation)-------- 10 Marks Internal Assessment Test ----------------------------------------------------- 10 Marks ( to be held in last/first week of July/September)

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