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A. OBJECTIVE OF EXPERIMENT 1. Investigates the generation and reception of frequency modulated (FM) waveforms B. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. Emona Telecoms Trainer 101 2. Oscilloscope and Patch leads 3. Dual Channel Oscilloscope C. SUMMARY OF THEORY A disadvantage of the AM, DSBSC and SSB communication systems is that they are susceptible to picking up electrical noise in the transmission medium (the channel). This is because noise changes the amplitude of the transmitted signal and the demodulators of these systems are affected by amplitude variations. As its name implies, frequency modulation (FM) uses a messages amplitude to vary the frequency of a carrier instead of its amplitude. This means that the FM demodulator is designed to look for changes in frequency instead. As such, it is less affected by amplitude variations and so FM is less susceptible to noise. This makes FM a better communications system in this regard. There are several methods of generating FM signals but they all basically involve an oscillator with an electrically adjustable frequency. The oscillator uses an input voltage to affect the frequency of its output. Typically, when the input is 0V, the oscillator outputs a signal at its rest frequency (also commonly called the free-running or centre frequency). If the applied voltage varies above or below 0V, the oscillators output frequency deviates above and below the rest frequency. Moreover, the amount of deviation is affected by the amplitude of the input voltage. That is, the bigger the input voltage, the greater the deviation. Figure 1 below shows a simple message signal (a bipolar squarewave) and an unmodulated carrier. It also shows the result of frequency modulating the carrier with the message.

Figure 1 Message, Unmodulated Carrier and FM Signal

There are a few things to notice about the FM signal. First, its envelopes are flat recall that FM doesnt vary the carriers amplitude. Second, its period (and hence its frequency) changes when the amplitude of the message changes. Third, as the message alternates above and below 0V, the signals frequency goes above and below the carriers frequency. (Note: Its equally possible to design an FM modulator to cause the frequency to change in the opposite direction to the change in the messages polarity.)


D. PROCEDURE Part A. Generating an FM signal using simple message 1. Setup the oscilloscope per instruction as following: The trigger source control is set to CH1 position The mode control is set to CH1 position The input coupling of CH1 is set to DC position 2. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 2 below

1. Set the VCO modules Frequency Adjust control to about the middle of its travel.

1. Locate the VCO module and turn its Gain control to about two thirds of its travel (about the position of the number 2 on a clock face) 2. Set the VCO modules Range control to the LO position.

Set the scopes Timebase control to the 20 s/div position. Adjust the VCO modules Frequency Adjust control so that one cycle of its output is exactly 5 divisions. This sets the VCO modules rest frequency to 10kHz (proof:
1 = 10,000 ) 5 20

Then, set the scopes Timebase control to the 0.1ms/div position.

1. Insert the oscilloscope leads black plug into a ground (GND) socket

Figure 2


The Master Signals module is used to provide a 2kHz squarewave message signal and the VCO module is the FM modulator with a 10kHz carrier.

4. Set the scopes Mode control to the DUAL position. 5. If necessary, tweak the VCO modules Gain control until you obtain an output from the VCO thats similar to the FM signal in Figure 1. 6. Use the scopes Channel 1 Vertical Position control to overlay the message with the FM signal and compare them. 7. Save the Message and FM signal waveforms.


Part B. Generating an FM signal using speech 1. So far, this experiment has generated an FM signal using a squarewave for the message. However, the message in commercial communications systems is much more likely to be speech and music. The next part of the experiment lets you see what an FM signal looks like when modulated by speech. 2. Disconnect the plugs to the Master Signals modules 2kHz DIGITAL output and connect them to the Speech modules output 3. Set the scopes Trigger Source control to the CH2 position. Set the scopes Timebase control to about the 20 s/div position. Talk, sing or hum while watching the scopes display. 4. Quietly hum into the Speech modules microphone while watching the scopes display. 5. Slowly make your hum louder and louder without changing its pitch. 6. Save the Message and FM signal waveforms.

Part C. Recovering the message using a zero-crossing detector There are as many methods of demodulating an FM signal as there are of generating one. Examples include: the slope detector, the Foster-Seeley discriminator, the ratio detector, the phase-locked loop (PLL), the quadrature FM demodulator and the zero-crossing detector. Its possible to implement several of these methods using the Emona Telecoms-Trainer 101 but, for an introduction to the principles of FM demodulation, only the zero-crossing detector is used in this experiment. The zero-crossing detector The zero-crossing detector is a simple yet effective means of recovering the message from FM signals. Its block diagram is shown in Figure 3 below.

Figure 3 Recovering the message using a zero-crossing detector

The received FM signal is first passed through a comparator to heavily clip it, effectively converting it to a squarewave. This allows the signal to be used as a trigger signal for the zero-crossing detector circuit (ZCD). The ZCD generates a pulse with a fixed duration every time the squared-up FM signal crosses zero volts (either on the positive or the negative transition but not both). Given the squared-up FM signal is continuously crossing zero, the ZCD effectively converts the squarewave to a rectangular wave with a fixed mark time. When the FM signals frequency changes (in response to the message), so does the rectangular waves frequency. Importantly though, as the rectangular waves mark is fixed, changing its frequency is achieved by changing the duration of the space and hence the signals mark/space ratio (or duty cycle). This is shown in Figure 4 on the next page using an FM signal that only switches between two frequencies (because it has been generated by a squarewave for the message).


FM signal


Comparator's output 0V

ZCD signal 0V

Figure 4

Recall from the theory of complex waveforms, pulse trains are actually made up of sinewaves and, in the case of Figure 4 above, a DC voltage. The size of the DC voltage is affected by the pulse trains duty cycle. The greater its duty cycle, the greater the DC voltage. That being the case, when the FM signal in Figure 4 above switches between the two frequencies, the DC voltage that makes up the rectangular wave out of the ZCD changes between two values. In others words, the DC component of the rectangular wave is a copy of the squarewave that produced the FM signal in the first place. Recovering this copy is a relatively simple matter of picking out the changing DC voltage using a lowpass filter. Importantly, this demodulation technique works equally well when the message is a sinewave or speech. 1. Connect the setup as shown in Figure 5 in order to setting up the FM modulator
1. Set the scopes Trigger Source control to the CH2 position. 2. Set the scopes Channel 1 and Channel 2 Input Coupling controls to the DC position. 3. Set the scopes Mode control to the DUAL position.

1. Set up the scope per the instructions in Experiment 1 (Part 1) 2. Locate the VCO module and turn its Gain control fully clockwise. 3. Set the VCO modules Frequency Adjust control to about the middle of its travel. 4. Set the VCO modules Range control to the LO position. 5. Set the scopes Timebase control to view two or so cycles of the VCO modules SINE output. 6. Adjust the VCO modules SINE output to 10kHz.

Figure 5


2. Vary the Variable DCV modules DC Voltage control and check that the VCO modules output frequency changes accordingly. 3. Set the Variable DCV modules output to +2V and adjust the VCO modules GAIN control for a 15kHz output. Set the Variable DCV modules output to -2V. Measure the VCO modules new output frequency. Note: If the VCO modules operation is linear, the new output frequency should be about 5kHz. Connect the additional set-up shown in Figure 6 below. Set the scopes Timebase control to the 2 s/div position. Adjust the Twin Pulse Generator modules Width control for an output pulse that is 12 s



6. Return the scopes Timebase control to its previous position or try 50 s/div. Add the set-up shown in Figure 7.

1. Return the scopes Trigger Source control to the CH1 (or INT) position. 2. Locate the Twin Pulse Generator module and turn its Width control fully anti-clockwise. 3. Set the Twin Pulse Generator modules Delay control fully anticlockwise.



1 0 0 kHz SINE 1 0 0 kHz COS 1 0 0 kHz DIGITAL 8kHz DIGITAL 2kHz DIGITAL 2kHz SINE






Figure 6

+5 V












A+ B

Figure 7


7. The comparator on the Utilities module is used to clip the FM signal, effectively turning it into a squarewave. The positive edge-triggered Twin Pulse Generator module is used to implement the zero-crossing detector. To complete the FM demodulator, the Baseband LPF on the Channel Module is used to pick-out the changing DC component of the Twin Pulse Generator modules output. 8. 9. The entire set-up can be represented by the block diagram in Figure 8 below. Vary the Variable DCV modules DC Voltage control left and right. Save the message and demodulated message waveforms. Note: If the FM demodulator is working, the DC voltage out of the Baseband LPF should vary as you do though it will be a small voltage. Tip: If this doesnt happen, check that the scopes Channel 2 Input Coupling control is set to the DC position before you start checking your wiring.

Message To Ch.1

DC V 10kHz rest frequency FM modulator FM demodulator

To Ch.2

Figure 8

10. Rearrange the scope connection as shown in Figure 9. Vary the Variable DCV modules DC Voltage control left and right to model the FM signals continuously changing frequency. As you perform the step above, examine the waveshape of the Comparators output. 11. Save the FM signal and Comparators Output waveforms.

FM signal To Ch.1

Comparator's o/p To Ch.2

DC V 10kHz


Demodulated message

Figure 9


12. Rearrange the scope connection as shown in Figure 10. Vary the Variable DCV modules DC Voltage control left and right to model the FM signals continuously changing frequency. As you perform the step above, compare the outputs from the Comparator and the Twin Pulse Generator module (the ZCD). 13. Save the Comparator and ZCD Output waveforms. 14. Disconnect the plug to the Variable DCV modules VDC output. The message is now provided by the Master Signals modules 2kHz SINE output. 15. Compare the message with the FM demodulators output. Adjust the scopes Timebase control to view two or so cycles of the Master Signals modules 2kHz SINE output. 16. Save the both waveforms.

Comparator's o/p To Ch.1

ZCD's o/p To Ch.2

DC V 10kHz FM modulator


Demodulated message

FM demodulator

Figure 10


RESULTS AND CALCULATION 1. Message and FM Signal Waveforms (Squarewave) 2. Message and FM Signal Waveforms (Speech) 3. FM signal and Comparators Output waveforms 4. Comparator and ZCD Output waveforms 5. 2 KHz SINE message with the FM demodulators output


F. DISCUSSION 1. Why does the frequency of the carrier change? Explain your answer. 2. What is the relationship between the FM signals frequency deviation (that is, the VCO modules output) and the amplitude of the message? 3. What is the relationship between the FM signals frequency deviation and the frequency of the message? 4. What type of waveform does the Comparator output? What does this tell us about the DC omponent of the comparators output? 5. What type of waveform does the ZCD output? As the FM signal changes frequency so does the ZCDs output. What aspect of the signal changes to achieve this? What does this tell us about the DC component of the comparators output? 6. What does the FM modulators output signal tell you about the ZCD signals duty cycle? (2kHz SINE message signal)

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