My Research Proposal On TIB

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The Research proposal Title: Study of Bangladesh mobile telecommunication industry Background: Telecom sector of Bangladesh is one of the

fastest growing industries in the Asia. This sector has seen mobile penetration growth that has exceed all expectations. High potentiality of this market draw attention of investors from local and international. Telecommunication sector helps our economy in term of aggregate investment, FDI, productivity levels and strengthen capital market. But like the nature of the technology, the telecom industry is also changing rapidly because it is so much new technology and subscriber based. So it is very important to have death knowledge of this industry trends, potentials and challenges. In this research I will try to analyze the industry in terms of: 1) Customer 2) Competitors 3) Industry perspective 4) Environmental analysis 5) Market perspective 6) Market expansion drivers 7) Technological perspective I believe above analysis would contribute further growth and expansion of the industry Audience: Telecom companies of Bangladesh, Researcher, Government, Reporters, People who are interested in Telecom industry of Bangladesh. Objectives: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) To identify the challenges of the Telecom Industry To identify the potentials and opportunities To show the present trend To analyze customers and competitors To analyze industry perspective To analyze environmental perspective To analyze present market To draw conclusion and recommendation about the true nature of the Telecommunication Industry of Bangladesh.

Methodology: Conduct the literature search connected to this topic to support and direct research. This search conducting on the journal base, previous research on similar subject, library data base, business journal, web sides, text books etc. I plan to search the various open data base like Business Inside, Global Information Inc. and search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo etc. The key words mainly used will be Bangladesh Telecom Industry, Telecom future, Trends in Telecom, Bangladesh Telecom Market etc. I studding a wide range of articles, journals and research work on the subject related to International Marketing, Investing in a new market, Growing market nature. The paper Bangladesh Telecom Brief 2004 , Research work of Rana Alamgir and Nitin Anand namely Study of Telecom Market of Bangladesh to formulate strategies for a International Telecom Company seeking enter in to Bangladesh Market help me a lot to point out inside of opportunities and potentials of Telecom Market of Bangladesh. Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework has been created with Michael E. Porters(1998) Five Forces of Competition, Albert Humphreys(1970) SWOT Analysis, Jerry Shums PEST Analysis which help me to bring out the inside of the true nature of the Telecom Industry behavior of the Bangladesh. Analysis: The analysis is based on the result of a consolidated evaluation of relevant theory and empirical information collected accordingly. All the collected information has been observed through the gloss of theoretical framework and has been used for answering the problem statement. Resources: I have good access to computer hardware, software, Internet facilities and Books of renowned authors.

Reference: 1) Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited, 2) Fisher C. 2007, Research and writing a Dissertation: A guide Book for business students, Prentice hall, London (UK) 3) Mark Sounders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thoronhill 2009, Research Methods for Business Students, 5th edition, Prentice Hall, UK 4) Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission 5)

6) Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy, The free Press, New York 7) Rana Alamgir and Nitin Anand. 2008, Telecom Market of Bangladesh 8)

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