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Name _________________________ Period _____

Visual Merchandising Window Display Project


The goal of window displays is to set a mood that will turn the shoppers head! Stores constantly change their window and interior displays to reflect different themes throughout the year. Each display incorporates the five principles of design to effectively promote the stores merchandise. You will be assigned a design team to create a fashion window display. As a team, you are to select a theme and incorporate the five elements of a visual merchandising display: balance, proportion, emphasis, rhythm, and harmony. Your project begins with the planning stage. All members must meet to discuss a unique presentation of a particular theme, materials needed to create your display, and the specific criteria for achieving the five design principles. prior to creating your display. Materials provided: torso mannequins Scissors, staplers, tape, etc. Web sites of interest: The attached planning sheet must be completed and accompanied by a sketch for teacher approval

All displays should be creative and have excellent visual appeal!

(See attached rubric for grading information)

Planning Sheet
Visual Merchandising Window Display Project

Design Team Members: ________________________________________________ Dates of Display (what time of year): _______________________________________

Store: _____________________________________________________________ Title: _______________________________________________________________

Mannequins (How many in display): ________________________________________ Background (describe): ________________________________________________ Accessories/Props: ___________________________________________________ Lighting (if it applys): __________________________________________________ Color: _____________________________________________________________

Principles of Design:
Type of Display: Setting: one item line of goods related merchandise abstract Yes or No assortment



Proportion: (are all elements proportionate to the design layout?) Balance formal informal

Harmony/Unity: (do all elements blend to form a unified picture?)




Sketch your display on the back of this sheet. Label the products, colors, and props.

Visual Merchandising Display Evaluation Rubric

Standard: To demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other settings. Goal/Benchmark: Create an effective window display with a central theme incorporating the five principles of design.


Design Apprentice
In the process of developing my own unique style!
Theme is successfully conveyed in a traditional sense; sets mood for display Asymmetrical or symmetrical balance is used to create a traditional display; weight is equal on each half of design One focal point; could be more powerful; image is retained by most viewers Most design elements are proportionate; 1-2 elements are too large or too small Traditional demonstration of rhythm; 2 types of rhythm easily identified Most elements properly blend to form a unified picture overall Catches most peoples attention; traditional; creative lighting and title

Design Student
Still learning!

Testing the Design Waters
Not sure if window design is for me!

Unique v. Traditional Mood

Designer Showcase
7th Avenuehere I come!

___ x 2 =

Theme is powerfully and uniquely conveyed; sets mood for display Asymmetrical balance is used to create a powerful, unique display; weight is equal on each half of design One powerful focal point; eye is drawn immediately to type of emphasis portrayed; image is retained by viewers All design elements are proportionate to the entire design layout Powerful, unique demonstration of rhythm; 2-3 types of rhythm easily identified All of the elements properly blend to form a unified picture overall This display turns heads! Very powerful and unique! Creative lighting and title!

Traditional theme is satisfactorily conveyed; mood is vague Asymmetrical or symmetrical balance is attempted; weight is almost equal on each half of design Two or more focal points; causes confusion and viewer has to search for emphasis; viewers have difficulty retaining image Some elements are proportionate; 3-4 elements are too large or too small Traditional demonstration of rhythm; 1 type of rhythm easily identified Sections of window blend to form a unified picture, but overall picture does blend Catches the attention of some; traditional; lighting and title could use some creativity

No theme; no mood

Symmetrical v. Asymmetrical

No balance; weight is not equal on each half of design

___ x 4 =

Size, Repetition, Contrast, or Unique Placement

___ x 4 =
No focal point; no emphasis Proportion is not achieved; 5 or more elements are too large or too small

___ x 4 =

Proportion Rhythm/Line
Repetition, Continuous Line, Progression, Radiation, or Alternation

___ x 4 =
No rhythm

Harmony/Unity Visual Appeal & Effectiveness

Elements do not blend; no harmony Display needs more attention; lighting/title missing or not creative

___ x 4 =

___ x 3 =

Total (100 pts. possible)


Grading Scale:

97-100 77-79

A+ C+

93-96 73-76


90-92 70-72


87-89 67-69

B+ D+

83-86 65-66


80-82 BBelow 65 F

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