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Documentation is a term used in several different ways. Generally, documentation (to document) refers to the process of providing evidence. Modules of Documentation are Helpful. The most common meanings are: the process of documenting knowledge (or rather knowledge claims) (as done in, for example, scientific journals). the writing of software documentation (or other kinds of product documentation) a synonym for the term document a synonym for the term bibliography a field of study and a profession founded by Paul Otlet (1868-1944) and Henri La Fontaine (1854-1943), which is also termed documentation science. Professionals educated in this field are termed documentalists. This field changed its name to information science in 1968, but some uses of the term documentation still exists and there have been efforts to reintroduce the term documentation as a field of study. Documentation may include written information for any read, projection or technical performing, data media of any format and for any reproduction, other content. Common types of documentation include user guides, white papers, on-line help, quick-reference guides. It is less common to see hard-copy (paper) documentation. Documentation is distributed via websites, software products, and other on-line applications. While associated ISO standards are not easily available publicly, a guide from other sources for this topic may serve the purpose [1], [2],.[3] David Berger has provided several principles of document writing, regarding the terms used, procedure numbering and even lengths of sentences, etc.[4]
[edit] Guidelines

The following is a list of guides dealing with each specific field and type:
documentation in health care [5] thesis writing [6], [7], [8] Further information: Dissertation [9] papers for academic journal publishing (i.e. Journal of Food Science and Analytical Chemistry [10] ) [edit] Procedures and techniques

The procedures of documentation vary from one sector, or one type, to another. In general, these may involve document drafting, formatting, submitting, reviewing, approving, distributing, repositing and tracking, etc., and are convened by associated SOPs in a regulatory industry [11], [12], [13], [14] .

[edit] Producing documentation

Technical writers and corporate communicators are professionals whose field and work is documentation. Ideally, technical writers have a background in both the subject matter and also in writing and managing content (information architecture). Technical writers more commonly collaborate with subject matter experts (SMEs), such as engineers, medical professionals, or other types of clients to define and then create content (documentation) that meets the user's needs. Corporate communications includes other types of written documentation that is required for most companies.

[edit] Specializing documentation Marketing Communications (MarCom) MarCom writers endeavor to convey the company's value proposition through a variety of print, electronic, and social media. This area of corporate writing is often engaged in responding to proposals. Technical Communication (TechCom) Technical writers document a company's project or service. Technical publication include user guides, installation manuals, and troubleshooting/repair/replace procedures. Legal Writing This type of documentation is often prepared by attorneys or paralegals who could be in private practice or retained as corporate council. Compliance documentation This type of documentation codifies Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), for any regulatory compliance needs, as for safety approval, taxation, financing, technical approval, etc. [edit] Indexing Index (database) Index (search engine) TYPES OF DOCUMENTATION

Interspersed throughout you will find the following three basic types of user documentation (typically appearing in this general-to-specific order): Conceptual documentation includes reference and overview information that is used to support user understanding. It documents guidelines that: 1) enhance the completion of a task and 2) are best maintained independently so as not to interrupt the flow of learning. It does not provide how-to instruction, is not sequential, and is often in the form of a table. It often appears as a paragraph or two at the very beginning of a topic, or sometimes at the end of a printed user guide in the form of appendices. Process documentation contains high-level overviews of process steps and flow charts. It is necessary only if the activity 1) is complex, 2) involves risk, or 3) must be performed in a consistent manner. It details sequential actions written as a series of tasks; and may involve multiple departments and/or users. This type of content usually contains overview information and business rules. Task documentation contains specific, detailed instructions with notes and action results that guide you through screen navigation to accomplish tasks. These often appear as numbered (ordered) lists of steps. It is necessary only when the use of the system involves a task that: 1) involves user input action (data entry) by a single performer, 2) is complex, 3) involves risk, 4) must be performed in a consistent manner, 5) is best documented as a separate, stand-alone topic, and/or 6) when the task detail is referenced in multiple procedures or is subject to frequent change.

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