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Thursday, 12 July 12

Thursday, 12 July 12

Thursday, 12 July 12

an introduction
Thursday, 12 July 12

an introduction

Thursday, 12 July 12

Peter de Cruz, "Techniques of comparative law", in Comparative law in a changing world (London, 2007), pp. 219-249.

Thursday, 12 July 12

quest for methodology methods

major pitfalls & perils
Thursday, 12 July 12

major pitfalls & perils

linguistic & cultural


terminological problems

objects of study
Thursday, 12 July 12

comparability legal pattern bias exclusion &


linguistic & terminological problems

Thursday, 12 July 12

cultural differences between legal systems

Thursday, 12 July 12

arbitrary selection of objects of study

Thursday, 12 July 12

comparability in comparison

Thursday, 12 July 12

viability of theory of a common legal pattern

Thursday, 12 July 12

imposition of ones own legal conceptions

Thursday, 12 July 12

the four law jobs

conict resolution adaptation & social change norm enforcement

social control
Thursday, 12 July 12

omission of extra-legal factors

Thursday, 12 July 12

general character
of comparative law

the quest for methodology


suitability of comparative test of

functionality method requirements

subject matter macro v micro

Thursday, 12 July 12

clarifying the general character of comparative law

Thursday, 12 July 12

the subject matter of the comparison

Thursday, 12 July 12

macro-comparison & micro-comparison

Thursday, 12 July 12

comparative method: requirements

Thursday, 12 July 12

the test of functionality

Thursday, 12 July 12

comparative legal methods

Thursday, 12 July 12

Kambas three-stage approach a blueprint

Kambas three-stage-approach

Thursday, 12 July 12

the identication phase the explanatory phase

the descriptive phase
Thursday, 12 July 12

the descriptive phase

norms concepts institutions socio-economic problems legal problems legal solutions
Thursday, 12 July 12

the identication phase

Thursday, 12 July 12


the explanatory phase

resemblances dissimilarities
Thursday, 12 July 12

no one single method applicable

Thursday, 12 July 12

a blueprint

Thursday, 12 July 12

1. Identify the problem. 2. Identify the foreign jurisdiction & its parent legal family. 3. Decide the primary sources of law & materials. 4. Gather & assemble the material relevant to the jurisdiction being examined.

5. Organise the material. 6. Provisinally map out the possible answers to the problem. 7. Critically analyse the legal principles. 8. Set out conclusions within the comparative framework with caveats & with critical commentary.

Thursday, 12 July 12

Thursday, 12 July 12

Thursday, 12 July 12

comparative law in courts comparative law & legislator comparativism & the verdict case law in non-common law jurisdictions styles of judicial decision overriding general principles
Thursday, 12 July 12

comparative law in courts

Thursday, 12 July 12

a tool of law reform

Thursday, 12 July 12

a tool of interpretation

sovereignty v uniformity of outcome

Thursday, 12 July 12

comparison illuminate our understanding

Thursday, 12 July 12

The discipline of comparative does not aim at a poll of solutions adopted in different countries. It has the different and inestimable value of sharpening our focus on the weight of competing consideration.
Thursday, 12 July 12

functional use of foreign law

a tool of interpretation to look for solutions to promote a change to ll in a gap to discard an unsatisfactory solution
Thursday, 12 July 12

the three phases

Thursday, 12 July 12

discovering: what is found understanding: what is to be used applying: how far

certain practical considerations

language skills national insularity or pride: rule of proof;
common law as a whole

pressures: time & volume of work budget

Thursday, 12 July 12

[A]ll judges cannot be expected to be comparatists, but it is their duty to consult those who are in a position to supply the information needed ...
Thursday, 12 July 12

[It] cannot be right to attempt to construe acquiesced by reference only to its possible meaning at common law or equity.
Thursday, 12 July 12

comparative law & legislator

Thursday, 12 July 12

a tool of law reform

Thursday, 12 July 12

a tool of interpretation

justication of comparativism & the verdict

Thursday, 12 July 12

the authority of case law in non-common law jurisdictions

Thursday, 12 July 12

interpreters v law makers

Thursday, 12 July 12

lower courts v superior courts

Thursday, 12 July 12

styles of judicial decision

Thursday, 12 July 12

French German Swedish American

Thursday, 12 July 12

the relevance of overriding general principles

Thursday, 12 July 12

bona des/good faith good morals and public order custom

Thursday, 12 July 12

Thursday, 12 July 12

Thursday, 12 July 12

Administrative law? The subjects? Power allocation? The procedure? The instutions? The judicial control? Liability?
Thursday, 12 July 12

What is administrative law?

Thursday, 12 July 12

What are the subjects of administrative law?

Thursday, 12 July 12

the allocation of powers

Thursday, 12 July 12

administrative procedure

Thursday, 12 July 12

institutions providing legal redress

Thursday, 12 July 12

the judicial control of power

Thursday, 12 July 12

liability of the administration

Thursday, 12 July 12


Thursday, 12 July 12

Thursday, 12 July 12

Thursday, 12 July 12

Thursday, 12 July 12

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