2012 07 11 PR CC Winner Final

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Looking for inspiration in architecture, its even more than meets the eye

- A Swedish architect prevails in the Win an iPad competition -

Brussels, July 7 , 2012: A Swedish architect has won a competition run by the European Copper in Architecture Campaign on the copperconcept.org website between 1 March and 30 June 2012. 1,523 people participated and registered for the newsletter available in 17 languages on the website, which aims to inspire architects with examples of coppers sustainable contribution to the building construction sector. The independent jury that met on July nd 2 in Budapest drew Lotta Sundell age 40, from ngelholm, Sweden from the new subscribers to the newsletter, as winner of a new iPad.
Im simply happy, a nice surprise the week before summer vacation


Lotta lives in the small city of ngelholm

City Hall in Hgans, Sweden: Lottas latest copper project

I have a rising interest in copper and wanted to sign up for the newsletter. The competition was only a bonus! Lotta told us, happy to discover she had won the prize just before her summer vacation. Lotta is already a frequent visitor to the site, and receives the twice-yearly Copper Architecture Forum magazine in Swedish. Copper, as a building material, is not new to her. The last project involving copper that she worked on is a renovation of the city hall in Hgans, Sweden. Initially designed by Arton Architects and built in the early sixties, the buildings floor plans have been modified over the years and needed a complete rework. At her architectural office, Karin Petterssons Arkitektbyr, Lotta works with six other architects in ngelholm, and was in charge of adding a penthouse to the city hall, containing rooms for meetings and a terrace with a fantastic view.

European Copper Institute

Avenue de Tervueren 168 b 10, 1150 Brussels, Belgium Tel : +32 2 777 70 70, Fax : +32 2 777 70 79, eci@copperalliance.eu, www.eurocopper.org

Lotta visits copperconcept.org often to find inspiration for her projects, and noted her favourite copper project is the Chapel of Saint Lawrence in Finland, which was the winning project of the European Copper in Architecture Awards 2011: The architect Ville Hara and I attended the school of architecture in Paris together, and I am really happy to be able to follow his fantastic work, says Lotta. #END#

About the European Copper in Architecture Campaign: The European Copper in Architecture Campaign was set up by the Copper Alliance associations in Europe with the support of the European copper industry to promote copper and its alloys in architectural applications. Visit us on www.copperconcept.org to find out more.

European Copper Institute

Avenue de Tervueren 168 b 10, 1150 Brussels, Belgium Tel : +32 2 777 70 70, Fax : +32 2 777 70 79, eci@copperalliance.eu, www.eurocopper.org

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