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Entertainment & Keynotes for Todays Generation

Volume 10 Issue 3

Mind, Body & Soul

with Lakesha Woods

May 2011

A Finer Me If physical appearance helps to boost your confidence level, what about your Sex Life? What about your job, can a Good Look get you a promotion?

Healthy Life
Bad Economy, Bad Health Find ways to cope with Anxiety and Depression

Relate to Love
with Will & Odette Hooks

Beauty & Fashion

with Shivana Narace

How Do You keep the Music Playing Why do some relationships have that so called staying power?

A True Story about the Right Dress for a Special

Enjoy Life Food

A Salad that Screams BINGO! Surprise Review on Merts Heart & Soul Restaurant in Charlotte!

Music Box

Raheem Malik

features R&B Singer and Rapper...

Special Edition Price: $10.00 US $12.00 CAN

Special Print Edition / Also available in Kindle & iPad Versions

Thank you for your continued support of Enjoy Life Magazine. The magazine is ever changing . Its been a work in progress plugging away to get positive and entertaining literature into the hands of the masses. But, someone has to do it and this is why I rejoice and give thanks to God daily for blessing me with a mind to share motivation, hope, love and creativity! Whether its music, motivation, business or fashion you'll find it right here inside Enjoy Life Magazine. Enjoy Life supports the efforts of all


entertainers, especially the Unsigned Hype; the unknown artist who's persevering and going after that big break. Enjoy Life features columns that are written by aspiring writers as well as published authors. You can find poems, short stories, events, listings for musicians, spoken word artists, comedians, casting calls, and tons of entertainment news. We cover local and national events. The heart and flavor of Enjoy Life really lies in our special feature columns like Relate to Love with celebrity Life Coach Will Hooks and his wife Odette. Big Screen TV features up coming movies. For tips on hair care, style and trends check theBeauty & Fashion column. Updates on Authors, new book releases, contests and giveaways can be found in the column entitled Literary Box ~ News. The Entertainment column features celebrity news and articles on Actors and Actresses. For motivation, and responses to readers letters check out my column - Mind, Body & Soul. Theres so much more! Poetry, short stories and creative writings can be found in Creatively Written and Poets ~ Pad which features the work of various Writers. Heath and fitness issues can be found in Healthy Life and features on national recording artists can be found inside of Enjoy Life's Music Box column (which often features celebrity artists). Enjoy Life Magazine publishes a new issue on the fifteenth of every month and we send announcements via email to our online subscribers monthly for free. Be sure to visit the web site at Once again, I personally thank each and every one of you. Your support is greatly appreciated and my journey to Enjoy Life is one that you all make worth my wild. Just know that there is something here for you! So Live, Love, Laugh, and Learn ... Enjoy Life,

Lakesha Woods

Inside this Issue

Volume 10 Issue 3

Editor-in-Chief Lakesha Woods


Enjoy Life Magazine Office: 704-547-4384 Publisher River Woods Publishing


Publishing Editor: Gail Green Editor-at-Large: Evangeline Emory Editor-at-Large: Jasmine Inman
How do You Keep the Music Playing by Will & Odette Hooks ... Why do some relationships have that so called staying power? pp 6 -7 A True Story About the Right Dress for a Special by Shivana Narace pp 30 - 31 NEW COLUMN! Hair Dos By Liz Ayers pp 10 -11 Music feature of the month - Raheem Malik pp 24 - 27 Unsigned Hype column features artist Heart of a Pen p 18-19

Creative Director: Carver Black Cover & Magazine Layout: Slogans Communications Contributing Writers: Lakesha Woods Liz Ayers Will Hooks Odette Hooks Shivana Narace Jonathan King Evangeline Emory

A Finer Me by Lakesha Woods ... If physical appearance helps boost your confidence what about your sex life? pp 28-29

Bad Economy Bad Health Find ways to cope with depression and anxiety. p 22

A Salad that Screams BINGO! Surprise review on Merts Heart & Soul Restaurant in Charlotte. p 23

Advertising/Marketing: Slogans Communications Public Relations: Shaunie Blane

Why do some relationships have that so called staying power? While others seem to crash and burn shortly after take off. Can the average Joe or Jane really achieve longevity in a relationship? Or does a person have to come from the planet Krypton or be a Greek goddess to truly experience the joy of life long love? As it relates to love, the question how do you keep the music playing offers an opportunity to reflect. In doing so we are able to rekindle the fire of our past as we explore what makes for a long lasting relationship?

Will: Speaking from a personal perspective and using our marriage as a reference to address the question that is posed. I would simply suggest that having a strong foundation is the key to having a lasting relationship. If it is built on anything less; i.e. sex, greed, opportunism, infatuation, or lust, it will not last. Odette: I agree. Like mixing cement,sand, and water to create a firm and lasting foundation for a structure, a relationship should have no less binding elements to ensure a successful outcome. In our case we had a strong friendship, a commitment with a shared common goal and God. You and I where like Batman and Robin, the Dynamic Duo, Bonnie and Clyde. You didnt see one without the other. Whether we were

out shopping, at the gym, grabbing a bite to eat, or just chillin at home, there were no strings attached to our friendship. We simple enjoyed each others company. Will: Thats so true, and although I know there are those that will disagree with the notion of no strings attached, but thats the truth. The idea that a person can go from not knowing anything about another person into a relationship with intimate tendency on the near horizon is quite frightful to say the least. The important thing to remember about our friendship was the openness we had in communicating with each other. Most men, myself included, will not open up and communicate on issues that are close to their heart with someone they are intimate with as

they would a close friend with whom they can relate. The friendship was the proving ground for us to determine if we wanted to go beyond being friends. When we became more than friends somehow the equation changed. As friends we never had one argument or fight, but when we became an item our differences then rose to the surface. But I credit our foundation as friends as the key component that held us together. Odette: As friends we discovered that we shared common goals in life. I wanted to be successful, I wanted share my life with a person that shared the same values and dreams that I had. Having set goals for my life I was focused and committed to improving my quality of life. I was fortunate to find in you someone who shared my



vision for life. I knew what I wanted and I knew what it would take to get there. And then, you can around and touched my heart, as Johnny Gill would say. Will: Well my, my, my; I couldnt agree more. Based on my past and the struggles that I had moment. You began to tell me why and I really understood. That evening I did exactly what you asked and I thank God for that very evening every time I think of the foundation of our marriage. Will: Of course you know my grandmother raised husband and wife. I went up to the balcony and knelt down and prayed that prayer, Im not certain where you went. But, one thing I am certain of, God is still honoring our prayers to this day. In conclusion well concede that there are

come through as a young man, I knew that I wanted more out of life that what I had left behind. I also desired to build my future with someone that brought more to the table than drama and negativity. What I found in you was someone that had overcome her own trials and tribulations and yet still had a dream, drive, and the determination to pursuit it. Odette: The third component was God. Thats right, I said it, God. I remember the night before we got married; we were at the church for the rehearsal. After the rehearsal you walked up to me and said, I need to talk to you.I could tell you were very serious. My attentiveness was concrete and my eyes were locked on you. The first words out of your mouth after that were, I cant marry you. OMG! I thought very calmly, why and what happened between the end of rehearsal and that

me, and it was her teaching me early on in life to be truly successful at anything, you must make God a part of your life. Even though I had grown up and gotten away from family and God, I still remembered the way I was raised. All be it true, you and I had been living as a married couple for over a year, yet we were not married. I knew in my heart I was disobeying the teaching of my grandmother and God. I was so convicted that night during rehearsal that I had to make it right. I wasnt sure how you would respond, but amazingly you felt the same way. My instructions were clear, find a place in the church to be alone with God, ask for his forgiveness of our sins and the life we had been living with each other, and in the same prayer ask God to now bless the union we were about to enter into as

different strokes for different folks, and that there is no one size fits all, especially when dealing with matters of the heart. Yet for us, starting as friends, sharing a common goal and making God the centerpiece of our marriage, has made the last twenty years worth every moment together, including the good, the bad, and the ugly. Having this foundation has proven to be the secret to the success of our relationship and how we keep the music playing. To submit questions for the Relate to Love column write Will & Odette willodette@

Hair Dos by Liz

LIZ AYERS Hair Care Advice
Have you ever wondered why some people have luscious hair that is shiny and never looks out of place, and why you don't? A healthy hair makeover is surprisingly not too hard to achieve. All you need to do is learn a few healthy hair secrets and try a little home maintenance. Great Hair Starts With a Good Cut A professional haircut will ensure that your hair is free from damaged and split ends and will make your hair look healthy. Seeing a professional will also give you the opportunity to get the right cut for your hair type and texture. Follow up visits which include regular trims will also guarantee that your hair will look and feel its best. Just like trimming plants back, trimming your hair ensures hair receives vital nutrients. Get Cold Boost the shine in your hair by giving it a cold rinse under the shower after washing and conditioning. Go Easy Never vigorously dry your hair using a towel. This action roughens up the cuticle giving hair a dull and tangled appearance once dry. Gently pat your hair with your towel. Don't bring out the brush too soon When blow drying hair, separate tangles with fingers or a wide tooth comb until hair is about 80 percent dry then try brushing. You want to make sure your fingers glide through hair effortlessly before introducing a brush to wet or even damp hair. Avoid Product Overload Don't use too many products. Product overload will weigh your hair down and make it look tired and greasy. Remember this rule: One product to style and one product to finish. Heat Styling Hazard When you use a heat styler such as a hair-dryer, straightener or curling iron, make sure to apply a heat protection product first. Heated stylers can zap your hair of moisture and leave your hair frizzy and hard to manage. Spray No More


Do not use hair sprayits extremely drying. Common ingredients like alcohol and ethanol can be very damaging to your hair because they dry it out, causing it to snap or break very easily. If you must use hair spray, consider using one that contains natural ingredients and conditioners, as they are gentler. Don't Soak it Up Limit the amount of saturation from pool or ocean water by brushing a few drops


Limit the amount of saturation from pool or ocean water by brushing a few drops of Moroccanoil or conditioner through your dry hair with a boar-bristle brush, and then douse your hair with fresh water. Hair can absorb only so much liquid, so if you enter chlorinated or salt water with wet hair, youll prevent some of the water from penetrating. The oil acts as an additional barrier because oil and water dont mix. Do not forget to shampoo your hair thoroughly after swimming to avoid leaving chlorine on it. Sleeping Beauty When you are sleeping your body is working its hardest to repair damage, including any hair damage, so plenty of sleep is a must. To further help your hair achieve its healthy best, try sleeping on a satin pillowcase. This will stop your hair from rubbing as you sleep and will control fly-a-ways. Moisture Madness Try an intensive conditioner once a week to keep your locks moisturized and to keep your hair soft. To get the best from your deep treatment, apply it to your hair then cover with plastic wrap or a plastic shower cap and leave for ten minutes before rinsing out. This will trap heat and allow the treatment to penetrate. For a deeper condition, wrap a warm towel over the plastic wrap. Eat Right Eating a well-balanced diet which is full of healthy proteins and lots of vitamins will keep your hair glowing. Not to mention your skin and your waistline! Eat a healthy diet. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acidsfound in foods such as salmon, spinach, and omega-3-rich eggscan keep your hair strong and looking healthy and shiny! Healthy Hair Is Hydrated Hair Drink plenty of water. Water not only hydrates your skin and body, it also hydrates your hair.

Registration Deadline May 1, 2011

Summer Crosley is a international fashion model living in Los Angeles, California. This stunning 5'9 long-legged beauty has been seen recently on the show Californication and in several international fashion campaigns. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her friends riding bikes, and staying fit. Eating healthy is essential for her and all the farmers markets in California provide just what Summer needs. Look forward to seeing more of Summer's work this coming year! View more pictures of Summer Crosley on the next two pages!

Epic Love

Available Now!

NTice Music Vision and Mission O ur Vision is to become th e top en tertain men t company an d profession al n etwork for socialites an d music commun ities of all demograph ics. O n e of th e best ways we can reach our vision is to build relation sh ips with in dustry profession als with a common goal. We h ave set h igh stan dards a compan y. In d u stry p rofession als an d b u sin esses th at set h igh stan d ard s will b e ch osen to affiliate in our n etwork. O ur Mission states th at we will provide th e BES T in in depen den t music an d un ique music even ts. W ith our website (www.n we sh owcase th e talen ts of in depen den t recordin g artists of all gen res. Th e artists th at wan t to be represen ted by NTice Music are n ot limited by geograph ic location . We wan t to work with th e global market.

Jermain e Mayn eTayn S pen cer foun ded NTice Music, LLC in November 2010. Th e compan y became officially licen sed in Jan 2011. In th at sh ort span of time, NTice Music h as already become a prestigious n ame in music en tertain men t. Area In die artists h ave made us th e go-to compan y to h elp promote th eir music. Th rough even ts such as th e Q C Music S eries, we will con tin ue to build our b ran d an d serve th e most talen ted in die artists. NTice Music offers services th at are design ed to h elp in depen den t recordin g artists an d oth er en tertain ers reach th eir career goals. Th e services th at we offer in clude Man agemen t, Bookin g, Marketin g/PR, an d Even t Plan n in g. We also provide advertisemen t space. Founder/President/CEO Jermaine MayneTayn Spencer


Written by Evangeline Emory


Aint got no job, aint got no money, aint got no gas, aint got no ride, aint got no skills, aint got no money for school. But a head ache, heart ache, sad face, anxiety and depression is something you cant get rid of! Wow, this sounds awful, its just one long complaint. Unfortunately these are pressing issues that are affecting many people in todays present economy. With unemployment rates still being very high in many states, its almost like adding insult to injury when you turn on the news and hear politicians saying that the economy is taking a turn for the better because it only makes the less fortunate wonder when is this change coming to their side of town. With basic survival being a common worry many people who are normally healthy are now experiencing feelings of anxiety and depression. So what can you do to ease your anxieties and to stop being depressed ... take a pill, a vacation, or run away? Medicine might be the answer for some people and if you really need it, get it, but for those who havent reached that level lets explore some alternatives. Below are 5 keynotes to coping with anxiety and depression when its stemming from worries of the economy and money. Im applying these practices to my life and its helping me. 1. Pray, Meditate. When you pray and meditate you allow yourself to tap into your spiritual side and through meditation you are able to release your worries and calm down! 2. Revise your budget. Live within your means not to the max. You must accept that your financial situation has changed, dont live a lie or try to maintain a lifestyle that you can no longer afford. 3. Get back to the basics. Entertain yourself with free activities ... the park, beach or movie nights at home. When you worry less about money youll feel better. 4. Find support in organizations, talking about whats bothering you. Support groups and organizations can offer some relief and it allows you to see that you are not alone. 5. Make time for yourself. Set aside some quiet time just for you.


SURPRISE REVIEW ON MERTS HEART & SOUL ... Written by Lakesha Woods

It was love at first sight! I fell in love with the ambience before I even had a bite to eat. Kelle, aka QC Super Mom, asked me if I wanted to get out for my birthday; she originally wanted to go somewhere else but Im glad she changed her mind and took me to Merts Heart & Soul. This place is going to be one of my new stumping grounds. People where sitting outside chit chatting in the 70 degree weather ... wind blowing, passerbyers walking along the side walk. We tried to hang outside but after maybe about a good 7 minutes we decide to dine inside. No problem, our waitress assured as she welcomed us to take a seat wherever we wanted to. We scanned the menu and Kelle said, Girl, wait to you taste the cornbread. I love cornbread, Im just a bread type of girl anyway, so I was looking forward to it. It was kind of late in the evening for a full course meal so we both decided to have a salad. Kelle called me a copy cat because I decided to have the Buttermilk Chicken Tender salad like her. I beg to differ, Im truly an independent free spirit but hey, I know when to follow a good idea and Im so glad that I followed suite

because they have a salad that screams BINGO! The mixed greens were topped with chicken tenders that were soaked in buttermilk, herb marinade and white cheddar cheese. I added blue cheese and ranch salad dressing and it was oh so delicious. Let me add that this salad was huge, they werent stingie with the lettuce! We also ordered some Home Fries (wedges) and after that on top of corn bread, I was full and very satisfied! The waitresses even sang happy birthday to me! That topped the evening ... Id recommend Merts Heart & Soul and I know Ill be back soon to try more dishes on the menu.


Raheem Malik
Page 26

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By Lakesha Woods

Interviewing Raheem Malik brought back a good feeling about music and the entertainment industry for me. His giddiness reminded me of why I'm a Writer, and why I publish Enjoy Life Magazine its all for the love of entertainment, for the smile that one wears on their face while being interviewed for the first time. Its for the inspiration that one receives from reading a positive story or watching an unknown artist develop into a star and Raheem Malik is shinning bright!


Growing up in Detroit, Raheem says he often found himself without any activities. With not much to do, he began to test the waters and experiment with the sound of music. It was during his senior year in high school that he started producing before he even started singing. Yet, his sounds were good enough for his ears he didn't always want to share his music. He said he was scared and really didn't want people to hear his music in fear that they wouldn't like it. The first time he actually sang was in front of a crowd was at school; he sang the national anthem. He received a standing ovation and it was then that he realized he had a special gift and his level of confidence increased. After high school, he went on to college and took his love for music with him. It was one of his very own friends who discovered his talents: Brian Hutcheson, who was also attending college with Raheem at Albion in Michigan. Its like they both inspired each other to pursue their dreams. Brian started his own record label, Digital Dollar and Raheem was the first artist to be signed. When I asked Raheem if he feels any pressure to succeed being that he was the first artist to be signed to Digital Dollar he said yes, but he also feels very fortunate to have a friend who believes in him so much to the point that he was willing to invest in his music career. I asked Raheem how is it that he manages to keep the appeal of being a rapper and a singer and why not just be one or the other instead of both, he said that he feels that he is to unique to just be a rapper or just a singer. Raheem went on to explain that his audience is diverse enough to appreciate his combination style and that his combination of R&B and Hip Hop is what carries the appeal. In his opinion he feels that he's reaching the Hip Hop and the R&B fans all at the same time. I can vouch for him by saying that he definitely has some appeal. His transition from singing a main verse to dropping a few rap bars is very smooth. His lyrics as an R&B artist match his lyrical rhymes as a rapper. He doesn't' go from being a smooth operator to a gangster rapper. He simply transitions from singing to rhyming. Raheem has fire under his feet and he says he's interested in working with everybody, from the unknown to the well known. I asked Raheem how is life now for him as a professional recording artist. He reiterated that before his career took off life in Detroit was


...with everybody, from the unknown to the well known. I asked Raheem how is life now for him as a professional recording artist. He reiterated that before his career took off life in Detroit was pretty mundane but now he can hardly lay his head on a pillow for a good rest before the next caller rings his phone. Raheem says, "Life as an artist has been crazy! Overall its been a blast".

At the end of our light hearted interview Raheem said, I m a very approachable guy I'm like your next door neighbor, an everyday kinda guy with talent". Raheem Maliks new single is entitled We Out. You can link up with Raheem on Twitter at on Facebook at or visit his official website at

Read articles or Click Play and listen!
Enjoy Life Magazine has partnered with KALEJ Internet Radio to allow our readers to hear the audio versions of our Music Box interviews via the podcast on KALEJ Internet Radios online station. Visit the website to hear the audio version of Lakeshas interview with Raheem Malik and music from other artists that have been featured inside Enjoy Life Magazine. KALEJ also features the interviews of the artists who are featured inside Enjoy Lifes Unsigned Hype and Life of Hip Hop columns. Press Kits and artists submissions for the Music Box

on your personality and even the way others will treat you. I remember being a teenager and walking into a Publix Supermarket to inquire about getting an application. I was already in the store to purchase a few things but I figured while I was there I may as well ask for an application. Well, not only did I have an opportunity to get an application, I also was asked to come in and watch a video about the store. While seated in the video room the manager noticed that I had on flip flops

A Finer Me Written by Lakesha Woods

& Soul
and he said, Next time you come in to apply for a job you shouldnt have on flip flops. I was like WOW! I only wanted an application and I could have taken it home, filled it out and turned it in later. Needless to say, I didnt get the job. Lesson learned first impressions last and appearance does matter. I also learned to never apply for a job while shopping at the location in my beach flip flops! Yes, thats me last summer in a dressing room. I was proudly taking pictures of myself to show off my weight loss progress. I was also taking pictures to get a second look: you know the camera never lies! When shopping I think of the dressing room as the moment of truth, its just you, the clothes and the mirror, you take off the old to try on the new. Whether its a new outfit for a special occasion or new suit for work; when you step into that dressing room you are alone with the mirror, awaiting an answer. If youre like me, then you may seek a second opinion but even if others like the clothing on me, I wont buy it if I dont feel confident wearing it. If I cant strut my stuff without feeling like it might pop, split, rise up or pinch my love handles to the point of suffocation, then forget about it ... it goes back on the rack! Having confidence in your appearance is important. The way you look has a great affect Ive also had many positive experiences, in fact, theres one suit that I call my power suit and its my favorite interview suit as well. When I put that suit on and walk into a room BOOM - youre hired thats what Id hear just about every time! Ok, ok, it really doesnt happen exactly like that, there isnt as much animation, but I tell you no lie, when Im in that suit my confidence level is very high! Many research studies have concluded that a sharp appearance can actually help you get the job and the promotion. So if all it takes is a good look to boost your career, what about your sex life? Fortunately, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and looks arent everything when it comes to love, but weight may be a valid concern especially for women when it comes down to sex!

Duke University researchers studied 91 obese men and 134 obese women. They completed a sexual functioning questionnaire just before enrolling in a weight loss study. The questionnaire covered nine areas: desire, interest, arousal, orgasm, behavior, relationship, satisfaction, masturbation and sexual problems (not necessarily in that order). Dr. Truls Ostbye, a professor in the department of community and family medicine said in a Duke news release, "We found that there was lower sexual satisfaction and lower sexual quality of life among women than men, and overall

for yourself. Dont worry about being like people that you see on television. Im working on a finer me and its proving to be a life long process. I cant speak for anyone else but as far as Im concerned my overall appearance reflects how I feel on the inside. Ive noticed that I eat more sweets when Im sad, I drink more coffee when Im tired and I eat very health when Im focusing on my spirituality. When it comes down to my attire, oh brother, a bad day is sometimes evident because I wont even fix myself up! Other times I may go over board into diva mode to gain an instant high.

& Soul
sexual quality of life was low among both groups". (quote from Taking this study into consideration does it mean that women have a need to look good or be thinner more so than men in order to feel good during sex? Well, to further check this theory Enjoy Life Magazine surveyed one hundred men and women, (50 men and 50 women). The readers were asked if they have more sex when they feel confident about their appearance and if the sex is more enjoyable for them when they feel good about the way they look. Thirty-eight women out of fifty said yes, to having an increase in their sex lives when their personal appearance is at best, they also said yes to enjoying sex more when they are more confident with their appearance and 31 out of 50 men said no, their personal appearance changes nothing regarding their sex life. So it appears that the majority of men have no problem with their appearance and whether its at its best or worst their sex lives dont change. So, it looks like women are more concerned about appearance and when women dont feel good about the way they look, they have less sex! While appearance is important for many different reasons, ultimately the most important thing is to set a standard A bad hair day might be a great hat day. Jogging pants and a t-shirt with socks on and Im under the weather and if I get depressed its a pajama day ... all day! Power moves are made my powerful people and a great attitude cant be expressed through a suit ... a great attitude exudes from the person whos wearing the suit. I think that a nice appearance helps - whether it be to have neat and stylish clothing, a new hair style or cut, weight maintained, weight loss or a change of make-up it all helps to build confidence and gives us extra push or pick-me up but dont forget that it starts from within physically, mentally and spiritually the mind, body and soul has to be balanced and image is only everything when you have nothing else! Until next time ... Live, love, laugh and learn ~ Enjoy Life! Do you have a story or topic that youd like to share with Lakesha inside the Mind, Body & Soul column? Send your emails to:

A True Story about the Right Dress for a Special by Shivana Narace
So recently my best friend called me up and frantically explained it was her birthday and she could not figure out what dress to wear. This is a pivotal and fundamental age before she would say she is no longer in her twenty's so it was therefore imperative that she

celebrated with the right dress and one that would have the power to keep her youth sustained forever in her twenty's despite the impossible reality. I thought of her effervescent, gentle, everc h a n g i n g personality and her knack to dress youthful and sexy while being a separated mother of two children. She overcame so many obstacles and never had the social life she yearned to be a part of. This is a girl that was in dire need of a transformation, and I was determined to help her. So taking into consideration her size that she worked so fervently towards for many years, I decided right away to go onto; a site that offers many various dress styles for every occasion and usually is discounted at very low rates. As I scrolled through many dress styles and

colors, I noticed one that screamed her name. It was fun, flirty and made a "wow here I am" statement; all the qualities her personality embedded and all that was needed for this special occasion. It was a copper and black strapless, short, fitted dress. The next step was to get matching shoes of course, so I immediately went onto; a great shopping site for a variety of current trendy shoes and apparel. Shortly after I found these great Steve Madden stiletto pumps in black suede, they were a perfect match for her since there were no straps adding length to her legs (for shorter women; try wearing heels that don't have straps covering your ankles unless they are the same color with your skin, this adds dimension to your legs and gives the illusion that you are taller). Lastly accessories and make-up was all that was left to get and do. It was somewhat chilly out so panty hose were a must and great way to cinch the 'love-handles,' I got a black sheer shape hugger from Victoria's Secret in a size smaller than her

Panty hose!
chilly out so panty hose were a must and great way to cinch the 'love-handles,' I got a black sheer shape hugger from Victoria's Secret in a size smaller than her actual dress size (try to buy a size smaller than what you would typically wear for an instant shape minimize; e.g. I am a size three in dresses so I would wear a size A in panty hose, and sometimes you can get a great pair at a pharmacy for much less).

Next was jewelry which I only needed a pair of earrings for such a highly sequenced dress. I picked one up from a Bebe store; they had great length, copper colored and was elegant for wearing with this dress. Finally her make-up look was an obvious must for a smoky eye and nude

lips. This would accentuate her exotic features and was cohesive with the look of the dress. In the end it was a major success and she was very contented. Check out the attached pictures for all of the merchandise mentioned, and visit those shopping sites when you are in dire need of a quick fashion fix for a very special occasion. To send Shivana comments or questions about fashion email:



On a muggy day in May I was able to meet with talk show personality Ashlei Elise. We decided to meet at a quiet pizza place across the street from her school, the University of North Carolina Charlotte. Ms. Elise stands about 5'6 and is stunning. Her warm glow makes it easy to understand why the camera loves her. A testament to her dedication, Ms. Elise agreed to meet with me despite having spent the entire morning moving from her dorm to new home. Always the professional, Ms. Elise suggested we get right to the interview. However, I insisted we pause and get a bite to eat. The conversation that followed the meal would be one of the most genuinely inspirational interviews this young journalist has ever covered. Dream Big, Stand Out, Go Far. These words influence, motivate and drive all of Ms. Elise's actions. Her dream began in 2008 when she became frustrated with the lack of variety on television. The only thing on TV was reality shows; nothing that showcased the positive things our generation were accomplishing on a daily basis. Fast-forward a year later and Ms. Elise was diligently planning her own show. From November 2010 to January 2011 Ashlei formulated a plan to recruit team members, develop topics for the show and secure funding. In the early

months of the Ashlei Elise Project the most daunting challenge was finding financial support. This problem was solved by her loving boyfriend Christian Soto, who enlisted his fraternity Psi Sigma Phi to sponsor the Ashlei Elise Show. The outpouring of support that the Elise Project received was staggering; thousands of emails were received within days of the creation of the show's Facebook page. Within 4 months over 10,000 unique views were logged into her site and she was attracting attention from across the country. Since the conception of the Ashlei Elise Project there have been five shows filmed. Despite being fun, there is a lot of work that is involved behind the scenes of each and every show. When I asked Ashlei what her favorite part of producing a talk show was she answered the rush of pre-production, there are so many things that need to be done in the hours leading up to filming-its stressful yet exhilarating. Some notable interviewees of the Ashlei Elise show include Jennifer Brix (talk show host), Anthony Euro (fashion designer to the stars), and Andy Grammer (up and coming musician) In addition to broadcasting interesting and groundbreaking topics the Ashlei Elise Show and its staff are also dedicated to making a difference in their own community. Ms. Elise and the staff of the show have volunteered their time


at Habitat for Humanity, Walk for Robbie, Meals on Wheels and other nonprofits in the Charlotte region. When I asked why she felt so strongly about volunteering at least 5 hours a week to non-profits she answered If you forget where you've come from how can you really know how far you've come? The wisdom imparted on me by Ms. Elise was refreshing and moved me deeply. Finally, before the interview was complete I wanted to be walked through a typically day of filming for the Ashlei Elise Show. When I asked her this she beamed; I could tell there was nothing else she would rather talk about. It starts when I wake up around 9, I check emails from the previous night then I update the list for the next guest for the show. After class I head to the apartment (that doubles as our headquarters) to prepare. Then, the team and I prepare makeup, the script and the wardrobe. Then, before we reach the stage we all try to loosen up and pause for a quick photo shoot shot by PaigeAlisa Photography. Finally, before we know its time to go on. The future looks bright for Ms. Elise and the Ashlei Elise Show, in addition to finishing a book titled Dream Big, Stand Out, Go Far-An Instructional Guide to Follow Your Dreams which recounts the journey of starting her own talk show she has also been invited to intern for the internationally- renowned Tavis Smiley next summer. Also, the show has secured the financial support of the University of North Carolina-Charlotte to continue to produce quality television on the campus station called NinerTV. In conclusion, Ashlei Elise excels because she does what she enjoys, and does not let naysayers get the best of her. Her drive along with the talents of her close-knit team is a testament to the advantages of doing what one is passionate about. She is a true inspiration to people of all ages to pursue their goals You can be sure this rising star will continue to burn brightly in anything she sets her mind to, and you can too. To contact the Ashlei Elise Project you can email: Also, be sure to check out shows' site at

NTice Music Vision and Mission O ur Vision is to become th e top en tertain men t company an d profession al n etwork for socialites an d music commun ities of all demograph ics. O n e of th e best ways we can reach our vision is to build relation sh ips with in dustry profession als with a common goal. We h ave set h igh stan dards a compan y. In d u stry p rofession als an d b u sin esses th at set h igh stan d ard s will b e ch osen to affiliate in our n etwork. O ur Mission states th at we will provide th e BES T in in depen den t music an d un ique music even ts. W ith our website (www.n we sh owcase th e talen ts of in depen den t recordin g artists of all gen res. Th e artists th at wan t to be represen ted by NTice Music are n ot limited by geograph ic location . We wan t to work with th e global market.

Jermain e Mayn eTayn S pen cer foun ded NTice Music, LLC in November 2010. Th e compan y became officially licen sed in Jan 2011. In th at sh ort span of time, NTice Music h as already become a prestigious n ame in music en tertain men t. Area In die artists h ave made us th e go-to compan y to h elp promote th eir music. Th rough even ts such as th e Q C Music S eries, we will con tin ue to build our b ran d an d serve th e most talen ted in die artists. NTice Music offers services th at are design ed to h elp in depen den t recordin g artists an d oth er en tertain ers reach th eir career goals. Th e services th at we offer in clude Man agemen t, Bookin g, Marketin g/PR, an d Even t Plan n in g. We also provide advertisemen t space. Founder/President/CEO Jermaine MayneTayn Spencer

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