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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD " PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313, Israel; ; 91313 " 04413,

Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@ea, c=US Date: 2012.07.12 13:32:19 +03'00'

12-07-11 Responses by Dr Naftali Fried, CPA (Isr), IS audit expert, RE: Request for opinion in re: Alleged fraud April 8, 2012 ComSign Audit Letter by Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr)
Initially, Dr Fried responded that he could and should not respond on the request for opinion. In response, Dr Zernik suggested that Dr Fried consider an alternative statement, if true, in order to maintain public confidence - "Considering only the records, which were linked to Dr Joseph Zernik's requests for opinions, any claim of fraud in the 2012 Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr) Audit Letter of ComSign is without any merit." Dr Fried refused to respond on the second request, either.
1) July 12, 2012: Dr Naftali Fried to Dr Joseph Zernik To: "joseph zernik" <> Cc: <>,  <>, "Doron Kaufman" <> Subject: Re: Request for opinions of Copman, Freed, Peled, Ronen, CPAs (Isr) in re: April 8, 2012 ComSign Audit Letter by Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr) From: <> Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:45:17 +0300 Dear Mr. Joseph Zernik, PhD I have nothing to add to my previous mail. I wish that you'll stop sending me any correspondence. Best regards Naftali Fried Naftali Fried | Partner I
Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasiere 2 Pal Yam Avenue, Brosh Building, Haifa 33095,, Israel Office: +972-4-8654000 | Fax: +972-3-5633432 Mobile: +972-542661666 | Direct: +972-4-8654012 Website: Assistant: sarit fadlon | Phone: 972-4-8654067 Thank you for considering the environmental impact of printing emails.

2) July 12, 2012: Dr Joseph Zernik to Dr Naftali Fried Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:28:34 +0300 To:, From: joseph zernik <> Subject: Request for opinions of Copman, Freed, Peled, Ronen, CPAs (Isr) in re: April 8, 2012 ComSign Audit Letter by Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr) July 12, 2012 Dr Naftali Freed, CPA (Isr) Ernst & Young Israel Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer

Page 2/3 3 Aminadav St., Tel Aviv 67067 Email: ,

July 12, 2012

RE: Request for opinions of Copman, Freed, Peled, Ronen, CPAs (Isr) in re: April 8, 2012 ComSign Audit Letter by Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr) [1] Dear Dr Freed: Thank you for your responses, copied below: - "I have no official standing in any of the bodies that should take care of the maters you mention" - the request was not addressed to you as an official of any body, only as a CPA, who is recognized an expert in the audit of electronic record systems. - I challenge the statement, that you are "not in a position in which I can... give any opinion in that issue. ". I have provided sufficient public records to conclude that: ComSign, LTD, was established as sole Certifying Authority of the State of Israel through conduct, involving Attorneys HaCohen and Ashkenazi, usurping the office of Registrar of Certifying Authorities, while neither of them was lawfully appointed to that office. Moreover, one of the them, HaCohen, was on the record with a Conflict of Interest statement. ComSign, LTD, in its correspondence with Mozilla, the non profit browser maker, acknowledged that its lawful auditing body (had it been lawfully established as Certifying Authority) would have been the office of "Registrar of Certifying Authorities" in the Ministry of Justice of the State of Israel. Moreover, ComSign, LTD claimed that such audit records existed. In response to request for such records with English translation, ComSign, LTD, provided the 2012 Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr) Audit Letter. The letter itself failed to refer to the purported audit papers of the Ministry of Justice. The letter claimed that ComSign, LTD, was "regulated" by the Ministry of Justice, and that Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr) was the lawful auditor of ComSign, LTD.

- I also challenge the alternate statement, that you are "not in a position in which I... should give any opinion in that issue. ". You have been vested with various professional privileges as CPA through the law of the State of Israel. You are also a publicly acknowledged expert on the audit of electronic record systems. Combined, such representations are likely to mislead the People to believe that you have interest, or even are committed to the safeguard of the integrity of the records of the State of Israel, including, but not limited to the electronic records of the Israeli financial markets. Therefore, I hope that you would be ready, willing, able to help in maintain public confidence in the integrity of the State of Israel electronic records: In case such statement indeed reflects your professional opinion, I would be grateful if you could provide an opinion letter, with a statement such as the following: "Considering only the records, which were linked to Dr Joseph Zernik's requests for opinions, any claim of fraud in the 2012 Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr) Audit Letter of ComSign is without any merit." [1] Truly, Joseph Zernik, PhD Human Rights Alert (NGO) LINKS: [1] 12-07-09 Request for opinions of senior Israeli CPAs: Copman, Freed, Peled, Ronen, in re: April 8, 2012 ComSign Audit Letter by Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr)


Page 3/3 3) July 11, 2012: Dr Naftali Fried to Dr Joseph Zernik

July 12, 2012

To: "joseph zernik" <> Cc: <>, <>, <>, <> Subject: Re: Request for opinions of Copman, Freed, Peled, Ronen, CPAs (Isr) in re: April 8, 2012 ComSign Audit Letter by Erez Shefler, CPA (Isr) X-KeepSent: 37C5C5E6:1B534FD4-C2257A38:0033AEE4; type=4; name=$KeepSent X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 8.5.1 September 28, 2009 From: <> Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 12:37:05 +0300 Dear Mr. Zernik Ph.D. Thank you for sending me your request. I have no official standing in any of the bodies that should take care of the maters you mention. I am not in a position in which I can or should give any opinion in that issue. Best regards Naftali Fried

Naftali Fried | Partner I

Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasiere 2 Pal Yam Avenue, Brosh Building, Haifa 33095,, Israel Office: +972-4-8654000 | Fax: +972-3-5633432 Mobile: +972-542661666 | Direct: +972-4-8654012 Website: Assistant: sarit fadlon | Phone: 972-4-8654067 Thank you for considering the environmental impact of printing emails.

Naftali Fried | Partner I

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