SVPWM Scheme For Two-Level and Three Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive

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National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

SVPWM Scheme for Two-Level and Three Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive
Manish G. Prajapati1,Himanshu N Chaudhari2,Bhavesh R Patel3 and Dr. Hina Chandwani3
E-Mail Id: -,, and 3 Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, The M.S.U baroda, Gujarat, India 1 and 2 Student, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, The M.S.U. Baroda, Gujarat, India 3 Lecturer, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, G.E.C, Palanpur, Gujarat, India
Abstract This paper describe comparison of SVPWM scheme for two level and three inverters. This paper introduces the working principle of SVPWM for Two-Level and Three level inverter. Simulation results are obtained using PSIM Software with a 45-kW (60 HP) motor drive and analysis of THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) and FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) in Line Voltage and Line Current for both Inverter. From results it is concluded that three level inverter can use more dc link voltage than Two level inverter. In Three level inverter scheme THD in line voltage & line current is also less than Two level inverter. Index TermsTwo level inverter, Three level inverter, space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM).

level. Three-level voltage-fed PWM inverters are recently showing popularity for multi-megawatt industrial drive applications [3]. SVPWM modulation techniques are famous for inverter fed induction motor drives. Both the inverter simulated using PSIM software and compares both. From results, three level inverter scheme has more advantage than two level inverter scheme. I. INVERTER SCHEME FOR AN INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVE The circuit model of a typical three-phase voltage source PWM inverter is shown in Fig. 1 There are the six power switches(IGBT) that shape the output, which are controlled by the switching variables a, a, b, b, c and c[4].When an upper IGBT is switched on, i.e., when a, b or c is 1,the corresponding lower IGBT is switched off, i.e .,the corresponding a, b or c is 0.Therefore, the on and off states of the upper IGBT S1, S3 and S5 can be used to determine the output voltage[5].

HE TWO-Level inverter topology has attracted attention in low power low voltage drive applications where as THREE-Level inverter topology has attracted attention in high power High performances voltage drive applications. Single-phase VSI cover low-range power applications and three-phase VSI cover the medium- to high-power applications [1]. The Main purpose of these two level and three level inverter topologies is to provide a three phase voltage source, where the amplitude, phase, and frequency of the voltages should always be controllable. Although most of the applications require sinusoidal voltage waveforms (e.g., ASDs, UPSs, FACTS, VAR compensators), arbitrary voltages are also required in some emerging applications (e.g., active filters, voltage compensators) [2] with increase of semi conductor technology voltage source inverter have been extending its application area widely. The two level inverter is composed of only one switching cell per phase but the three level inverter has two switching cell per phase. Three level diode clamped (Neutral point ) inverter is most favorable among the various multi level configuration[4].The three level diode clamped inverter employs clamping diode and series DC capacitor to produce AC voltage waveform with three



Fig. 1. Three-phase voltage source PWM Inverter

II. SVPWM METHOD FOR TWO -LEVEL INVERTER Space Vector PWM (SVPWM) refers to a special switching sequence of the upper three power IGBT of a three-phase inverter [6]. It has been shown to generate less harmonic distortion in the output voltages and or currents

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

applied to the phases of an AC motor and to provide more efficient use of supply voltage compared with sinusoidal modulation technique [4]. Fig.2 shows the basic Switching Vector of SVPWM Technique. In this schemes there are eight valid switching state out of six active switching space vector are evenly distributed 60 interval with 2Vdc/3 length and form a hexagon. Also two zero space vector are locate at the center of hexagon in the complex plane as shown in fig 2.For a given Magnitude (length) and position, Vref can be synthesized by three nearby stationary vectors, based on

From Fig. 4, the switching time duration in any Sector can be calculated as follows:


1 Fs

(5) (6) (7) (8)

T1 (Ts Ma) sin ( pi 3) Theta T2 (Ts Ma) sin (Theta) )

T0 Ts - T1 - T2
Where, TS = Sampling Time Ma = Modulation Index Fs = Sampling Frequency

Fig. 3. Vector diagram when reference vector in sector-1 (where = 60) Fig. 2. Basic switching vectors and sectors

C. Step 3: Determine the switching time of each IGBT (S1 to S6) Fig.5 shows space vector PWM switching patterns at each sector. Based on this the switching time at each sector is summarized in Table-I, and it will be built in PSIM model to simulate SVPWM.

which the switching states of the inverter can be selected and gate signals for the active switches can be generated [8]. When Vref passes through sectors one by one, different sets of switches will be turned on or off. As a result, when Vref rotates one revolution in space, the inverter output voltage varies one cycle over time. The inverter output frequency corresponds to the rotating speed of Vref, while its output voltage can be adjusted by the Magnitude of Vref. The Vref (called the reference vector) vector rotates counter clockwise with the angle varying between 0 and 360 degrees. III. STEPS FOR SIMULATING THE SVPWM FOR TWO LEVEL INVERTER

A. Step 1. Determine Vref, and angle (Theta)

Freq Speed ref Pole 120
Vbase Fbase

SVPWM Switching Pattern at Sector 1 and 2


Vref Freq

(3) (4)
SVPWM Switching Pattern at Sector 3 and 4

Ma 3

Vref Vdc

Theta 2 Frequency time

B. Step 2. Determine time duration T1, T2,T0

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

SVPWM Switching Pattern at Sector 5 and 6 Fig.4. Space Vector PWM switching patterns at each sector TABLE-I SWITCHING TIME CALCULATION AT EACH SECTOR SECTOR UPPER SWITCHES (S1,S3,S5) S1 = T1+T2+T0/2 S3=T2+T0/2 S5=T0/2 S1 = T1+T0/2 S3=T1+T2+T0/2 S5=T0/2 S1 = T0/2 S3=T1+T2+T0/2 S5=T2+T0/2 S1 = T0/2 S3=T1+T0/2 S5=T1+T2+T0/2 S1 = T2+T0/2 S3=T0/2 S5=T1+T2+T0/2 S1 = T1+T2+T0/2 S3=T0/2 S5=T1+T0/2 UPPER SWITCHES (S4,S6,S2) S4 = T0/2 S6=T1+T0/2 S2=T1+T2+T0/2 S4 = T2+T0/2 S6=T0/2 S2=T1+T2+T0/2 S4 = T1+T2+T0/2 S6=T0/2 S2=T1+T0/2 S4 = T1+T2+T0/2 S6=T2+T0/2 S2=T0/2 S4 = T1+T0/2 S6=T1+T2+T0/2 S2=T0/2 S4 = T0/2 S6=T1+T2+T0/2 S2=T2+T0/2

Fig. 5Three-level Diode clamped inverter topology for induction motor drive

A three-level inverter is characterized by 33= 27switching states as indicated in Fig.2 where the space vector diagram for the three-level inverter which is divided into the six sectors (I, II, III, IV, V, and VI) is also shown. There are 24 active states, and three zero states that lie at the center of the hexagon. Each sector has four regions (1,2,3,4) [three]. The switching states of the inverter are summarized in Table I. Switching state P denotes that the upper two switches in leg A are on and the inverter terminal voltage vAn, which is the voltage at terminal A with respect to the neutral point n, is +Vdc/2, whereas N indicates that the lower two switches conduct, leading to vAn = Vdc/2. Switching state O signifies that the inner two switches S2 and S3 are on and vAn is clamped to zero through the clamping diodes. Depending on the direction of load current [bin wo]. It can be observed from Table 1 that switches S1 and S3 operate in a complementary manner. With one switched on, the other must be off. Similarly, S2 and S4 are a complementary pair as well.

IV. SVPWM METHOD FOR THREE LEVEL INVERTER FIG.5 shows a schematic drawing of a multilevel inverter using Diode clamped inverters. The diode-clamped multilevel inverter employs clamping diodes and cascaded dc capacitors to produce ac voltage waveforms with multiple levels. The inverter leg A is composed of four active switches S1 to S4 with four anti parallel diodes D1 to D4. On the dc side of the inverter, the dc bus capacitor is split into two, providing a neutral point n. The diodes connected to the neutral point, Dn1 and Dn2, are the clamping diodes. When switches S2 and S3 are turned on, the inverter output terminal A is connected to the neutral point through one of the clamping diodes. The voltage across each of the dc capacitors is Vdc/2, which is normally equal to half of the total dc voltage Vdc.

Fig 6 Space vector of three Level inverter

The principle of SVPWM method is that the command voltage vector is approximately calculated by using three adjacent vectors. The duration of each voltage vectors obtained by vector calculations; T1V1+T2V2+T3 =TSV* T1 + T2 + T3 = TS (10)

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

where V1, V2, and V3 are vectors that define the triangle region in which V* is located. T1, T2 and T3 are the corresponding vector durations and Ts is the sampling time. In a three-level inverter similar to a two-level inverter, each space vector diagram is divided into 6 sectors. For simplicity here only the switching patterns for Sector A will be defined so that calculation technique for the other sectors will be similar. Sector A is divided into 4 regions as shown in Fig.3 where all the possible switching states for each region are given as well. SVPWM for three-level inverters can be implemented by using the steps of sector determination, determination of the region in the sector, calculating the switching times, Ta, Tb, Tc and finding the switching states. V. STEPS FOR SIMULATING THE SPACE VECTOR PWM FOR THREE LEVEL INVERTER A. Determining the sector n (Theta) is calculated Using the Equation no 4 and then the sector, in which the command vector Vref is located, is determined as; If n is between 0 <= n < 60, then Vref in Sector 1, If n is between 60 <= n < 120, then Vref in Sector 2, If n is between 120 <= n < 180, then Vref in Sector 3, If n is between 180 <= n < 240, then Vref Sector 4, If n is between 240 <= n < 300, then Vref Sector 5, If n is between 300 <= n < 360, then Vref Sector 6,

Fig 7 Projections of the normalized vector reference vector in the region-1

In general, these values are the direct duty cycles of the vectors, as in the following, Table-2 summarizes to ascertain the region where the reference vector lies and the duty cycles of the nearest three vectors in the first sector. Same duty cycles can be used for others sectors of stationary vectors.


Determining the Region & Simplified Calculation of Duty Cycles

The theoretical maximum length of the normalized reference vector is the two-unity value. However, in steadystate conditions, its length is limited to 3 due to the fact that longer lengths of this vector will be outside of the vectordiagram hexagon, and thus cannot be generated by modulation. Over modulation is produced if the normalized reference vector assumes lengths longer than 3 for some positions of this vector, but it can never be outside of the hexagon. In fig , the reference vector is decomposed into the axes located at zero and sixty degrees, obtaining projections m1 and m2 , respectively.


Finding the switching states

By considering the switching transition of only one device at any time, the switching orders given below are obtained for each region located in Sector 1 if all switching states in each region are used. Therefore, switching signals for Sector 1are, Region 1: - ---, 0--, 00-, 000, +00, ++0, +++ Region 2: - 0--, 00-, +0-, +00, ++0 Region 3: - 0--, +--, +0-, +00 Region 4: - 00-, +0-, ++-, ++0

VI. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A) Simulation Results of Two level Inverter

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

Fig shows The simulation circuit Diagram of two level inverter. This Two level inverter is simulated on a 45 kW (60 Hp) 4-Pole,415 volts three-phase induction motor at no load with open loop V/f control. The scheme is simulated using DLL (Dynamic Link Library) block of PSIM simulation software package. Output frequency can be varied according to the reference speed input in DLL (Dynamic Link Library) block. C-programming has been developed for SVPWM scheme using DLL block. Base frequency and Base voltage input in DLL block is used to maintain V/f ratio constant. The 2-level SVPWM scheme is used for the PWM signal generation, based on the sampled amplitudes of reference phase voltages. The line voltage, line current, FFT & THD of Line Voltage and Line Current waveforms for inverter operation are presented in Fig. 10.

(c) Line current waveform (a)(X- axis: 1 div = 10 ms, Y- axis: 1 div= 20 A)

(d) Enlarged Line current FFT (X- axis: 1 div = 10 kHz, Y- axis: 1 div= 0.5 A) Fig. 10. Simulation results for SVPWM

Simulation Results of Three level Inverter The Three level inverter is also simulated on a 45 kW (60 Hp) 4-Pole, 415 volts three-phase induction motor at no load with open loop V/f control. Fig shows the simulation circuit diagram of three level inverter. The scheme is simulated using DLL (Dynamic Link Library) block of PSIM simulation software package. Also In this inverter scheme Output frequency can be varied according to the reference speed input in DLL (Dynamic Link Library) block. The SVPWM scheme is used for the PWM signal generation, based on the sampled amplitudes of reference phase voltages. The line voltage, line current, FFT & THD of Line Voltage and Line Current waveforms for inverter operation are presented for three level inverter in Fig. 10.

Fig.9. Simulation circuit for two level inverter using SVPWM

(a) Line Voltage waveform (X- axis: 1 div = 10 ms, Y- axis: 1 div= 250 V)

(b) Enlarged Line Voltage FFT (X- axis: 1 div = 10 kHz, Y- axis: 1 div= 50 V) Fig.10. Simulation circuit for Three level inverter using SVPWM

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology

Magnetizing inductance (Lm): 0.0228 H Rotor inertia (J) : 0.42kgm2

(a) Line Voltage waveform (X- axis: 1 div = 10 ms, Y- axis: 1 div= 250 V) [1]

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[2] Enlarged Line Voltage FFT (X- axis: 1 div = 10 kHz, Y- axis: 1 div= 50 V) [3] [4]

Line current waveform (X- axis: 1 div = 10 ms, Y- axis: 1 div= 20 A)

[5] [6]

[7] [8] (d) Enlarged Line current FFT (X- axis: 1 div = 10 kHz, Y- axis: 1 div= 0.5 A) [9]

I. CONCLUSION This paper has presented an overview of SVPWM theory and simulation for Two-Level inverter and Three level inverter. It has been seen that SVPWM generate less Harmonic distortion in the output voltages and currents applied to the phases of an induction motor. switching pattern available from the direct switching between positive and negative half buses is violated all times and minimum switching is assured. The proposed method is based on standard two level inverter and then uses a mapping process to achieve the SVM for multilevel. Simulation results have been provided to prove the viability of the scheme.

[10] M. Lakshmi Swarupa, G. Tulasi Ram Das and P.V. Raj Gopal Simulation and Analysis of SVPWM Based 2-Level and 3-Level Inverters for Direct Torque of Induction Motor International Journal of Electronic Engineering Research ISSN 0975 - 6450 Vol- 1 No.3 (2009) pp. 169184

APPENDIX Ratings of the three-phase 45 kW (60 H.P.), 4-pole, 415 V, 50 Hz squirrel cage induction motor are: Power Output: 45kW (60 H.P.) Stator resistance (Rs): 0.07 Rotor resistance (Rr): 0.025 Stator leakage inductance (Lls) : 0.0008 H Rotor leakage inductance (Llr): 0.0008 H

13-14 May 2011

B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat,India

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