Ethos and Expectations

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Eth s & Expectati s

We believe that what underpins a successful school is the relationships in that school the relationships between staff and students, between students and each other and between staff and parents. Its such a friendly school; we always feel welcome when we go to Wilnecote Local PCSO

This school is so nice; everyone is so friendly towards each other. Y7 student

At Wilnecote High School our ethos supports this idea and is based on mutual respect, positive relationships, a positive learning environment and a tolerance of individuality. This ethos is summed up in the Wilnecote Way.

The Wilnecote Way

The Wilnecote Way A Community Based on Respect (printed on the inside middle section of our prospectus cover and also displayed around the school) is our code of conduct. It was devised and agreed by the whole school community and identifies what all members of our learning community can expect from each other. It focuses on the concept of respect and outlines some of the ways in which we show respect to learning, to ourselves, to each other and to the school and its community. The Wilnecote Way is also the basis of our rewards system. Students have a clear understanding of how to behave appropriately, are respectful towards each other and work co-operatively. Students understand this is the Wilnecote Way. Their mature and sensible behaviour not only reflects their ability to remain safe in school but has a positive impact on their learning. Ofsted 2011

Children are best motivated and happiest when they are provided with learning and extracurricular opportunities that are fun and challenging. We encourage students to maximise their talents and potential through the celebration of success and a reward system based on the Wilnecote Way. The school runs a very popular house point system whereby students gain credit for adhering to the Wilnecote Way, producing good pieces of work, attending clubs, representing the school and generally being a good citizen. Individual students and tutor groups with the most house points are rewarded on a termly basis ensuring levels of competition between houses remains high. Leadership opportunities are available within each house so that students can take on responsibilities. We will continue to seek to exploit every opportunity to enhance our positive school culture.

Students best efforts and achievements are celebrated at our Annual Awards Evening which is a major event in the school calendar. However it is important that we get the balance right. We expect high standards of courtesy, behaviour and work effort and, when students fall short of these expectations, a range of sanctions will be used. These sanctions are outlined in the What happens if I choose not to follow the Wilnecote Way document.

Working in Partnership with Parents

It is vital that parents, staff and students work together if each child is to fulfil its potential and we are to be successful as a school. The school values the support of parents in encouraging high standards of homework, organisation, effort and participation. Parents are also encouraged to communicate with the school, either via the student planner, a telephone call or in writing about any issue they want to raise. We may also need support when necessary over attendance, uniform and behaviour, including reinforcement of the schools sanctions.

To succeed in school it is essential that students attend as fully as possible and good attendance is the norm at Wilnecote High School. Our attendance is always above national and Staffordshire averages, and usually the best in the town. We have very few problems with absenteeism and this is indicative of the fact that almost all students enjoy coming to school. While absence through genuine illness is understandable, it would be appreciated if routine appointments were kept outside the school day. The school operates a First Day Contact system. We ask that parents inform us by phone before 9.00 am on the first day of any period of absence for their son/daughter. Parents should confirm the reason for absence via a note in the student planner upon the day of return. If a child is unexpectedly absent we will endeavour to contact parents using a mobile text messaging service and/or contact by phone to the emergency contacts provided. This system helps to keep attendance high and also provides reassurance to parents.

Good learning is enabled through students good behaviour and positive attitudes to learning throughout the school. Students want to come to school and attendance rates are consistently above average. Ofsted 2011

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