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Admission Arrangements

Ad i s s i s ther I f r ati

The natural catchment for the school is the communities of Dosthill, Hockley and Wilnecote. The majority of young people from these communities come to our school but students from across the town also come here. The criteria used by the Local Authority to allocate places at the school are very specific. Details can be found in the Staffordshire County Council booklet Information for Parents Secondary Schools or on our website. The school has an Admission Number (set by Staffordshire County Council) and this limits the students we can accept into Year 7. For September 2012 this will be 192 students and applications usually exceed that number. Wherever possible we will accommodate parental choice and in September 2011 we were able to take all Year 7 catchment students plus a number of other non-catchment students. Parents/Carers who wish to express a preference for our school must do so on the forms st sent out by Staffordshire County Council. These must be returned by 31 October. st Admission decisions are then made, by the County Council and parents informed by 1 March 2012. Parents whose applications are unsuccessful may appeal. For those students offered places we will then begin our transition process (see section on Caring for Students). This process is well regarded and highly successful the feedback we receive from students is overwhelmingly positive.

The School Day

8.30am 9.35am 10.35 am 11.00am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.20pm 2.05pm 3.05pm 3.15pm Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Tutor Time BREAK Lesson 3 Lesson 4 LUNCH Lesson 5 Registration End of School Day

School Uniform
A school uniform gives students a sense of belonging. Our school uniform is simple and students are expected to conform to it. We appreciate parents co-operation in making sure that students are dressed appropriately. Our uniform is:School polo shirt School sweatshirt or school cardigan Plain full length straight leg trousers or plain black knee length skirt (not cropped, cargo, skinny jeans or jeans style, etc) Plain black leather/ leather style shoes Any outdoor coats should be in keeping with the school uniform, ie navy blue or black

A detailed uniform list will be available in June. Most uniform is available through normal clothing suppliers with sweatshirts, polo shirts and cardigans only via Buxton & Bonnett. Please be aware that some shops (including Buxton & Bonnett) may label some clothing as school uniform but unless it complies with our uniform requirements, particularly plain black full length straight trousers or black knee length skirts, then it will NOT be acceptable for school. Any clothing purchased through our main supplier, Buxton & Bonnett, results in a small income to the school, which is then available for educational purposes. There is a small fund to help with hardship cases.

Free School Meals

Parents claiming some benefits can also claim free school meals for any of their
children who are registered at a Staffordshire School and who would normally be at school at lunchtime. School meals are a good way to make sure that your child eats well at lunchtime. By claiming free school meals you save yourself time and money. Even if you dont want your children to have the meals, claiming them helps their school. The more eligible parents who claim meals, the more funding the school receives. You can claim free school meals for your children if you receive any of the following: Income Support Income Based Job Seekers Allowance Child Tax Credit but not Working Tax Credit and the household income is not more than 16,190. The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit (from 30 April 2005) Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

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